... and my blood pressure, ekg, and arteries were doing great. I have been dropped from 92% clogged down to 90%. That still isn't good but shows that my heart medicines are barely keeping me going. I suppose that is good. The bad news is that the drugs that I am on cannot nibble away at the hardened plaque inside my arteries. That's a bummer.
For awhile he even told me I would probably still die if the heart meds he prescribed me failed to halt the damage. I believed it. Avoid taking hormones now for the rest of my life here (Estrogen moves fat around. Can't have that!), avoid cholesterol such as shrimp, lobster, etc. And do mild exercise.
Maybe I will be around for a little while more, God willing. I still recommend that if you are feeling cold most of the time when others are not, get your heart and arteries checked out.
My music representing me Arch Angel , HD Accel World ED 2 Unite Instrumental, and Dreaming of You .
I'm glad it was positive news.
There are several foodstuffs which claim to reduce arterial plaque, it may well be worth you making some dietary changes. Good luck.
You're not gonna like this ...
Best thing you can do is to get off of =all= animal products.
=Every= animal cell has cholesterol. Eggs are cholesterol bombs. [1]
And all dairy is a cluster-F$$K of health problems. [2]
But wait! All dairy has estrogen (biology; evil milk-slavers need not add anything) and a load of pregnant-cow hormones.
=== === === ===
Please, please, please, get yourself over to https://veganuary.com/, and start =today=. Oh, and it's FREE.
Dr. Neil Barnard's [3] Grandmother had clogged arteries. Repeatedly. She "ran out of" plumbing (veins and arteries) that could be used to replace the clogged heart arteries.
She was sent home to die.
Right book, right time. And we have even better information today. Which is why I'm sending you Veganuary.
Dr. Barnard's Grandmother got off of animal products.
It then took her =thirty five years= to die ...
[1] Multiple sources.
[2] https://www.pcrm.org and https://www.pcrm.org/good-nutrition/nutrition-information/he...
[3] Public talks by Dr. Barnard. I've in-person been to more than one. Thru a bit of weirdness at a festival, I ended up carrying one of his laptops for a coupla hours before I could get it back to him. (Or was it Greger's? Forgot.)
More health info at Dr. Michael Greger's https://nutritionfacts.org/. 2,000 topic-searchable health videos. Remember your lending library (Naaaa. Just buy it.) before buying "How Not To Die".
First part covers the top 15 leading causes of death, per USA Center for Disease Control.
Second part covers how to reduce said risks.
Then 130 -pages- of notes and references.
Me? I've been off of animal cr-p for 16 years, 17 come March. I'm 70 y.o. and have never needed that "little blue pill" to 'hoist my flag' (from a comment in https://www.forksoverknives.com/ documentary).
The weird name comes from the notion that is better to put proper food on our Forks, than it is to have surgeons go in with their Knives to fix needless damage.)
PS: Gotta tell ya, open-heart surgery (non-diet-related) Does Not Feel good. So give yourself every chance to avoid same.
PPS Am I a "nut-job"? Maybe.
But I think I have good information and good doctors and good Science backing me up.
Religious much?
If eggs are supposed to be so harmful to our health, why is it that most people who surpass the age of 100 years insist that the secret to their longevity is eating at leas two eggs each and every day for many decades on end?
The “eggs are bad for your health” myth seems to be just as persistent as the myth that “mathematically bumblebees can not fly”. The latter assertion was due to a misplaced decimal separator, discovered on verification of the relevant math. But the initial erroneous report is far better click-bait and makes for better headlines.
In my [humble] opinion the biggest dietary problem with USA'ers (not Americans in general, just those who live in the USA) is the extremely high consumption of deep fried fast food, highly processed industrial food (like take out or microwave meals), the extreme amounts of sugar and glucose added to food as preservatives and flavor enhancers, all those sugary drinks in plastic bottles, and all that oil used to season and tenderize food.
I have also looked at the listed ingredients on food products marketed as vegan. It is a veritable witches brew of chemicals that just can not be good for our health! I find it absolutely hypocritical when people say they are vegan, but insist on regularly having [vegan] bacon for breakfast, [vegan] ham or sausage for lunch and [vegan] hamburgers for dinner. And all these vegan products have to taste like meat and also have the tactile sensation of meat in the mouth.
If you want to insist on being vegan because it is supposed to be healthier than a vegetarian or even an omnivorous diet, then the least you can do in my opinion is to prepare your meals from scratch with unprocessed natural raw ingredients.
Based on my experience a vegetarian diet is a religious cult, and the vegan diet is a more extremist version of that same religious cult. This opinion is mainly based on the fact many vegetarians and vegans try to ram their philosophy down everybody else's throat.
Dietary restrictions create a lot of extra work with food preparations, especially at social events like family gatherings or reunions. When these dietary restrictions are due to legitimate health reasons they are tolerable for the “kitchen staff”. But they become intolerable when they are purely due to philosophical reasons.
The very best diet is still what we call in German “friss die Hälfte”, which literally translates to “eat just half of it”. In other words, moderation is the key to everything. You can eat most everything, but in moderation. Try to eat more natural foods, but do not get me started on that whole Bio grift! Instead of frying or sautéing your vegetable, how about steaming or boiling in water?
Steamed is good!
I like steaming my veggies!
I hope you can hang around a bit longer
Sunflower seeds
I've heard that sunflower seeds have something in them might be
able to unblock (to a degree) the cholesterol in your body.
Hope this helps somewhat.