Poking at the Light project in Scrivener for Hope's Light this morning, I realized that with Friday's chapter the first half of the book has now been posted. Being in seven 'Parts' in terms of its structure, this means we're halfway through Part Four...and rapidly heading towards the tipping point where things steamroll towards the finale!
As such, I want to first thank all those who have commented - especially lately with all the awesome and deeper expressed thoughts about story and characters! So thank you, with super-special thanks to D. Eden, Bibliophage, AKiwi, and Emma Anne Tate for noodling on every chapter as this one unfolds. Getting those glimpses into how engaged you all are with the story makes it all worthwhile. And, of course, a huge thank you again to Kimmie not only for comments but for the diligent proofreading (multiple passes even!!) which has made the posted work much cleaner for everyone to enjoy.
Given that posting chapter by chapter is different from the previous books, I'd love to hear feedback from folks on whether the two chapters per week versus one longer posted part/act every two to three weeks is preferred - or whether readers of this tale would rather have that larger 'bite' to indulge in all at once. This book will continue chapter by chapter, but I'm curious as to how best publish the next (and final!) one.
Speaking of which, I really better get going on writing it! Ideas are definitely being scribbled down and the scaffold is starting to take shape - with hopes that the Christmas to New Years work break will allow a good kickoff on spilling prose across the empty canvas.
- Erisian <3
I'm enjoying the twice-weekly
I'm enjoying the twice-weekly posting, it gives something to regularly look forward to without there being too much of a gap between posts where I forget details of the previous chapter, and it allows for more engagement in comments (which I am trying hard to post).
You've done a masterful job of keeping us interested & hanging on for more, there's clearly a committed core of readers judging from the comments.
Thank you!
Glad to hear the posting schedule is enjoyable - and I most certainly am greatly appreciative of your wonderful comments! These past few chapters especially have garnered some great thoughts and observations from everyone!!
I will even admit that posting chapter by chapter certainly does give vast more opportunities for cliffhangers to keep folks 'hanging on for more'!! ;)
As you know . . .
. . . I think your current posting schedule is ideal, but that’s really because of the way I read. I’m currently following seven or eight serials, and there are authors I make sure to read whenever they post a solo. My preference is to read a story (or chapter posting) in one sitting, then kudo and comment right away. If I break up my reading sessions, I tend to forget things that had jumped out at me to comment about in the earlier parts of the posting.
I think you’ve done a good job breaking Hope’s Light into postings that are meaty but still easily digestible in one sitting. Each post seems to flesh out an important plot point, and your segment breaks seem to come at sensible points. Cliffhangers, often as not, but it wouldn’t be an Erisian story without that!
— Emma
Earlier discussions with you while sitting on that fence certainly helped tilt me over to doing it this way, so thank you!
The earlier books were written the same way with regards to placing chapter breaks within the part/act, or at least I tried to. Perhaps not as noticeable though when not having to wait a few days to be able to turn that page while stuck staring at the vast canyons below one's toes!
Speaking of feet, this method has however dramatically increased the required amount of sitting on fingers when replying to comments - not that the kitties getting scritches from my toes mind! Adopting your 'guidance' on waiting a day before replying does help - as it forces time to calm down from the squees of 'YES!!' or 'Just wait, there's so much more! OMG!!' that may otherwise have slipped onto the screen. :)
Thanks Emma!!
im probably the only one
i prefer the longer postings so much so i wait till you posted 4 times before i read .as i have said before your writing is great and still blows me away this entire saga is one of the best on here .