I've been out to my wife, kids and grandkids for a few years now, but my wife's extended family didn't know about my real self - until today. We went to my mother-in-law's for Thanksgiving, as she will probably not be around any more next year. It will be a blessing; she has dementia and is getting very near 100 years old. After talking with my niece, who lives with her and has known about me for a couple of years now, we felt that it would be OK to be me. With my wife's blessing, I went there as myself. Not a single odd look, second glance or ugly word from the 40 or so people who were there at various times over the day. It was as if nothing had changed, other than how I was dressed. I even had some telling me I looked beautiful. I was dressed in a nice outfit. I practically floated home; I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world tonight. I almost didn't say anything here, but a friend pointed out that sometimes we can live vicariously on other people's good fortune. I remember doing so myself back before I was able to be me. I owe the people here so very much for the support I've had, and the friends I've made. I could not have done this without all of you, and the stories you have posted. I love you all.
Thank you, Holly!
Your story is not mine, but nonetheless it makes my heart sing to hear it. To know that there is such goodness in the world, amidst all the negativity we are bombarded with. Bless you!!!
— Emma
That’s wonderful, Holly!
It’s so nice simply to be accepted as yourself.
I’m spending a week with my sister in Oklahoma. She has had a couple strokes and her mind isn’t what it used to be.
But it’s really good to go out and just be accepted as two women.
Gillian Cairns
It can be such a good affirmation when somebody tells you that you are beautiful.
When I visited my cousin last year, his 6-year old looked be up and down. Then pronounced: “Jessica, you are beautiful!”
Enjoy the affirmation that you received. You are truly fortunate and blessed.
It's a good day
It's a good day when someone offers you a reason to be happy. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Sometimes real life can be as good as our stories.
{{{{{ HUG }}}}}
Sometimes, the happy things happen in real life, just as it can in some of our stories.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
Shared Joy ...
“Pain shared is pain lessened;
joy shared is joy increased.
Thus do we refute entropy.”
— Spider Robinson (Science fiction author)
'Curling my toes' happy that all went so well for you and everybody.
I'm glad it went well.
So when are you coming on Wendy's zoom meetings?
That's a good question
I'll try after the first of the year.