Sapphires Place is GONE

A word from our sponsor:

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It has been taken over by Sapphires Technologies still listed as
They have removed all of the stories from the WayBack Machine

So many stories scrubbed and lost forever. If we had only known, I could have downloaded her whole history to a solid state HD and saved it. But then copyright and legals get in the way of copying anyone's web without permission from the owners. The last thing I want is to get into a multi million dollar lawsuit for copying anyone's site without an okay.

Pretty well a wet blanket on top of a decent day.
hugs people
Life is a gift. Don't waste it.


Sapphire's place served a great purpose

crash's picture

I was around when we saw the demise of Fictionmania and then the resurgence of it some time later. IIRC Sapphire's place was a response to the demise. We all have lives and we all have loves. It's sad to see a project of passion pass into bit rot and entropy.

We are all star dust.

Your friend


erin's picture

Far as I remember, Sapphire's Place was at, no s in the middle. The site is not answering because Sapphire was unable to pay the hosting fees. We have provided Sapphire with a lilypad to move her stories to. We're sort of busy right now with server problems but we'll get back to Sapphire soon and try to help her out.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

SapphirePlace is still there.

BarbieLee's picture

I feel pretty stupid at this point. I'd be great writing for the Onion. SapphiresPlace is Sapphire Technologies
SapphirePlace is still there on the Wayback Machine so it's still retrievable.
Erin, are you and Piper going to capture it? If Sapphire isn't removing it then the WayBack Machine is okay but all it takes is someone to get hold of her Domain Name and use it for launching their own advertising. That happened to one of our domains. I noticed they were complaining on a market site about the lack of hits after they took it over. Guys, publishing doesn't exactly dovetail with web traffic.
Ask Sapphire if she has everything stored off site. The only place to make sure nothing is lost is on laser storage? And no I don't know what I'm talking about. But ask anyway.
People sorry for the panic. I was truly upset and wanted to share my misery. I'm going to go play in the garden.
hugs people, my sincere apologies which doesn't count for much as words once said can never be retrieved.
Life is a gift. Treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

way back machine

I've tried clicking the link and it is timing out. windows, says it's taking too long to respond.

erin's picture

Archive has been hit with a cyber attack so large it got reported in general newsites.

At the same time, Archive and the Wayback machine part of it are under legal attack. It's complicated.

They've survived things before. We can hope.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.