TBFS & AACD -- What's Your Big Idea

A word from our sponsor:

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For many years The Breast Form Store and more recently, All About Crossdressers have sponsored BC.

What they pay in fees augments and supplements the donations. Their sponsorship has been essential.

Joanne, Emma, and I have been talking about holding some sort of writing event to thank TBFS and AACD. We would like to raise awareness and ultimately drive more customers to them.

Do you have any ideas about what kind of event we should sponsor?

We would wait until after Christmas so that we aren't infringing on the current writing contests.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

In the meantime, please go to the sponsors' websites.

That's the best way to thank them!




Patricia Marie Allen's picture

How about a contest where the Trans character has to make a purchase from one or both of these internet stores. Points given for spending a little time dithering over which piece of their inventory to buy, mentioning the product by name.

BTW I purchased breast forms from The Breast Form Store and have be very pleased with them.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

That's a Great Idea

Thank you. That sounds like a perfect approach. Maybe something slightly broader.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)