I am well underway with the next Chapter of Accidental Magic.
It is entitled Chapter 21: Dancing puppets.
But here is where I am going to do something that I have never done in the story. I am going to spend the entire chapter letting all my readers in on exactly every machination that is going on behind the scene, while in character.
I know, but I have been thinking long and hard about this and I think it will be the perfect twist.
I close about a dozen doors and open a couple of new ones.
And I can't say a thing other than this on that topic, or else I spoil it all.
I can tell you that now that my path is set, I have my outline done and I will feverishly work on this over my lunch breaks and off time the next few days.
Might be fun
I have realy enjoyed your story. That might be a very interesting twist. I look forward to it.
It's YOUR story
I anxiously await the next chapter, and am happy to go where you lead with it!! It's been great thus far so you have my full confidence..whatever that's worth..LOL
Youa are a devious one, bravo, Allystra
Pulling the classic magician's trick on us of explaining the trick to misdirect us while the real trick is carried off, very sneaky. -- snicker--
I got the impression from the most recent chapter(s) that grandma’s magic is/was so advanced she could leave notes that can answer back, IE they are almost extensions of her consciousness or at least anticipated likely questions from her grandchild and could alter the response as needed.
I still suspect the symbiot, unless ill or magically attacked by the bad guys has left our heroine because she must be left unprotected for a while or a far worse fate than her loosing her innocence – and thus having her daughter Lexi via rape? -- IE she could be killed or her mind enslaved like the last vortex. Poor girl. As Lexi points out, in the future her mom is a healthy, beautiful woman, safe from those who would enslave her for her vortex powers but the spark of happiness is gone, she has suffered too much. I am curious to learn why so many know of her likely and possible alternate fates but not her. Did she agree to this in the future and she via grandma’s help in the past set all this complex subterfuge in motion?
But then the future is in flux so maybe she can have a happier outcome. It’s clear the shop girl/childhood friend loves her as do one or more of the local coven; whether it is love like a sister or sexual/life mate’s kind of love we don’t know yet. Whatever the case she deserves some measure of happiness after all the trama of the last few years – the being unable to stand being touched, the constant pain – and the craziness since her transformation.
I am awaiting your muse’s product eagerly. This is a top notch yarn. So glad you brought your tale here from FM.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Famous words
My sincerest abject apologies, but I found this to be irresistible:
“Let me say this about that:” —Richard Nixon