Let us all take a moment to wish our Hostess a very happy 29th birthday! A donation to BCTS would make a marvelous gift don't you all think. After I finish this blog I will donate my usual $25.00 .
Erin thank you for this site is one of the few things keeping me sane.
happy birthday, Erin
I hope you have an awesome day, huggles!
You and this site have benefitted many.
Gwen Brown
Growing up as part of two large extended families, there were so many birthdays in early August, late July, and around Christmas that we generally had a party and picnic on the first Saturday in August to celebrate all those birthdays, including mine. It's the only holiday in August!
Hugs to everyone,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
To YOU, dear One!
Love, Andrea Lena
Happy Birthday!!! Party time! -hands out the silly party hats- :)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday this day and many more! Hope you have an excellent dinner and after dinner present!
From the BCTS gang!
Happy Birthday, Erin!
May your day be a good one and may you have many still ahead.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Hope you had a traditional birthday cake and mimosas celebration. (Or bellinis since you're such a peach!)
A ta santé, chère sœur!
Birthday hugs,
I Wished You One
On FB, but I can't do it too many times. Thank you for this site and all the tireless work you put into it (not forgetting the elves!). You have probably saved dozens of lives and even more sanities!
Have a wonderful day and lots more to come,
Many Happy Returns
I wish you a lovely day.