So, here I am on Chemo Treatment Day 2.
I got a new drug added to the cocktail, this one supposedly targets specific cancer cells, colon cancer being one of them, and draws the drugs to them to kill them. As it was explained to me, rather like a Ranger ground team Lasing a target to guide in a smart bomb. I still have to take the pump home for two days with it wired into my port, which makes for very awkward maneuvering around home. But, it beats dying so I'm not complaining.
So far, none of the extreme lethargy or nausea and I hope that continues. In fact, I came home today basically ravenous. Though the cold sensitivity I have to be very careful of as it's quite unpleasant. Discussed that with my Doc and he has me tracking it to see if it gets worse, he may adjust my dosage down of that specific drug. Speaking of drugs, these are stupid expensive. I got a new estimate for today's visit and drugs that was over $7K. While the doc is adamant that isn't his problem and my treatments will continue, I can't help feeling inadequate. These people have earned their pay and they have bills just like I do. I do have my paperwork in for Disability, even if I'm approved this week, the first payment won't come until October some time at the earliest.
If you've enjoyed my writing over the years, and you have some extra coin burning a hole in your pocket, a $5 donation to my Go Fund Me will get you a copy of my novel Beyond This Illusion which isn't available anywhere else. If all you have are prayers and well wishes, they're welcome too. I can use all the positive energy I can get.
On the plus side, I've gotten some creative spark and that's helping my mental state. More on that soon. If you want to donate, click the link below. You'll get a thank you message from me with an email address to send me YOUR email so I can get you your copy of Beyond This Illusion. I'm in the fight and with ya'lls help, we'll beat this.
God bless you all.
Good luck,
I can't pray for you, as I don't believe in gods, even ones as egregious as the Abrahamic ones, but I will send you positive thoughts and suggest you eat lots of broccoli, one person a few years ago had broccoli enemas and rid themselves of colon cancer. Broccoli apparently, contains an anti-cancer substance, as well as being good for you generally, for iron and vit C.
I am a chronic broccoli consumer and unless I am on vacation somewhere, consume 8 ounces of the stuff every night.
Costco for the win as I can get the frozen organic stuff for a good price.
To keep it from getting boring it pays to periodically add some toppings to it.
Double bonus, it provides a very sound basis for keeping one regular.
This can be a mixed blessing as most times I wind up on the toilet twice a day, which can get kinda time consuming.
Keeping a clear bowel and not consuming a bad diet helps a heap when it comes to not getting colon cancer.
Oh and not smoking of course.