I have a miserable case of covid,

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and I'm running a fever of 103F right now. Just took some tylenol. I have more than a few of the markers for being at higher risk from covid, so keep me in your thoughts, please. I'll let you all know how things go over the next few days.


Please get well soon

There have been several strains of Covid. I stopped with the third vaccine. Hoping to luck it out.


Why not?

It may not always be a perfect match as Covid is notoriously agile in modifying its antigen profile it looks like but any support I get I will take. Consequently I think the two times I've gotten it I've gotten comparatively mild cases.

Though I am in the very small minority these days, I still mask in crowded situations and for those of us who are most vulnerable I really think they should continue to do so. Any asshole comments from other people be damned.

Edit: Another interesting article about long covid rates among the vaccinated: https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/07/long-covid-rates-hav...

Take everyone's advice with a grain of salt

BarbieLee's picture

Holly, I love all of you on this channel and wish you a speedy recovery girl. Now, hon, I am not a doctor, nor a medical educated person. You know gender dysphoria is a polite way of saying the person is insane, right? Remember when mom treated a bad cold with a hot toddy? (whiskey in hot lemonade) Or a bad cough with a teaspoon of Vicks Vapor Rub? A broncol cough required a teaspoon of coal oil. An ear ache was cured with a twenty watt light bulb wrapped in a towel placed against the ear. A Brown Recluse bite was treated with DMSO applied several times a day until one forgot it ever happened.
I have more but let's concentrate on covid and how to shorten the symptoms. Need some minerals in one's body to facilitate a cure so add Zinc and Magnesium to one's daily intake. Not a quick cure but certainly will shorten the down time as it takes time to saturate every cell in one's body.
Hugs Holly, I'm going to quit or else you won't only think I'm insane but will have no doubt.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Hi Holly,
I am just getting over a case myself; I came down with it two weeks ago. My best advice to you is to get on Paxlovid if you are within the first five days of symptoms. It cuts the chance of death by 75% and the chance of hospitalization by 50%. I've taken it twice now and each time it greatly reduced the severity of my symptoms. Get better soon!!

Get well soon

erin's picture

Take care and be well, we need you.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Masking is beneficial

I wish you all a speedy recovery from Covid. And I also wish everybody to be spared from serious infections.

I also have the benefit of not suffering severe effects from Covid infections. But I have also become a firm believer of masking, especially after my last infection on last year's international trip.

During cold weather masking actually helps me to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes in my nose, mouth and throat. Because the “shock heating” of the air in the nose really drys the air entering the lungs. And dry air (below 50% relative humidity) is extremely irritating to my nose and throat with swelling and dry cough. Since I started masking in mid-2020 I have been free virtually free from “winter flu/cold” that was a common affliction for me every winter. Even in the summer I am masking every time I leave my apartment to protect myself, because I live not only alone but also lonely.

As Kimmie said, I am masking for my own protection and any weird comments be damned. I am definitely an exception out in public, but I appreciate the benefits it has for my own health and safety.

Future Ailment

In the news I've been seeing, some researchers think that this disease makes genetic changes and that this will speed up the evolution of Homo Sapiens (Us humans.). If so, I can wish that we might grow working wings, or gills, or mind read ... :) Sigh....