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this was a story i wrote a while ago. it never made it to anything and i figured i would post it here and see if any liked it. a bad editor and bad publisher kind of killed it. it took years to straighten it out somewhat. i hope you like it and maybe have some feed back because im not sure right now if i will continue writing or not. anyway This is a story about Allen, who one day meets a ghost, and his life is changed forever. He learns things in life are not black and white. A lot of grey areas he never thought about. His whole life changes, and he gets a chance to start again. With that, his life became totally different with a perspective from an adult's point of view. As a kid with an adult's brain and experiences, he has a leg up, and things turn out very differently.
Allen was a simple man. He grew up poor, and due to that fact, he knew how it felt to do without. He had never gone hungry, but if something broke, you either fixed it, or you went without. There was never extra money to replace anything. So if a coffee maker broke, you didn't have coffee. if a tv broke, didn't watch tv, because there was only one. Clothes growing up came once a year from a mail-order catalog, so it could be spread out over the year to pay for them. With this in mind, he learned to fix just about anything. washers, dryers, TVs, coffee makers, roofs, fences, cars, trucks, you name it. It was out of necessity. This also brought along a very generous and kind heart, knowing from a young age how hard life is. He would help anyone once, but if you became overly dependent on him or started using him, that was it. He knew what true friends were and the ones who only were out to use you. Once you fell into the user category, which took a lot to get into, it was hard to get back out. With his handyman skills, he became a mechanic, that's where our story begins.
Chapter One.
It was a lousy day. Everything just seemed to be a problem. Some days, you get a load of good easy work. Other times, you get nothing but trash to work on. Today was all trash. No vehicles I would even recommend fixing. I didn’t feel like dealing with any towns or people. With work almost done for the day, I just wanted to drive and throw all my thoughts into the rearview mirror. Being a midsummer day, I knew it wouldn’t get dark until about nine o’clock. I came out of my thoughts three minutes after five and headed to my truck. The workday was finally over. I probably wouldn’t get much pleasure out of a simple drive if it wasn’t for what I was driving today. I knew it was going to be a busy day. So, I chose to drive my 64 GMC 4X4 just in case.
For me, there’s nothing that beats the feel and sound of a 4 barrel carb on a v8 engine with glass-pack mufflers. It is all about the feel and sound. When you fire up a throaty v8 for me, it takes my breath away. New cars and trucks just don’t sound or feel the same. The newer cars just sound like a four-cylinder lawn mower that’s fuel-injected. The older ones just sound or feel right. Nothing has the same feel as a vehicle with all manual linkage. You can feel every movement of the engine. The engine and transmission felt through the clutch pedal. the movement that you feel through the gas pedal. As you touch the throttle, you feel the lift of the engine. You feel more connected to the vehicle. on the outside, this one is five colors, from original teal to white parts to primer. I don’t care how others feel or what they say. besides, someday I'll fix it up.
With that, my trip starts. A full tank of gas, oil is full, and coolant is topped off. I’m ready to go. I decided against highway 58 and decided to take highway 101 to Jolon Rd to Fort Hunter Liggett. I figured I would take the old road right before it to the coast. It would give me plenty of time to just mellow out. It’s thirty minutes from Paso Robles to Jolon rd. Then another 25 minutes to Fort Hunter Liggett. then a couple of hours' worth of driving to the coast. I know that this particular road is deserted, especially this time of day or night. I was off, tooling down the freeway to Jolon rd. I knew once on Jolon rd. Mountains surround you, so the radio reception cuts out.
Time to throw in a cd. A bit of country and a little hillbilly rock felt right. The landscape and lack of traffic were doing the trick. My stress and thoughts have mellowed quite a bit, but I still have a few stressful thoughts, so I decided to continue. just passed Peyto Plaza, the only store/garage on that road. Suddenly I had a change of heart. I decided that I had been down that road so often that I would rather see different scenery. I decided to cut over towards the Bryson Hesperia area instead. It had been a little while since I had gone out that way and decided even though I would see some houses and ranches spread out over large sections, it would be worth it.
With that in mind, I took the turn-off exit to take me there from Jolon road. From there, it was a right turn onto Bryson Hesperia. I slowly cruised down the dirt road that makes up that particular area, and I made it out to Hesperia. The houses were getting further and further apart. I kept going back into a more rural area. I would tell you the street names, but streets are not labeled in these parts, and it had been a long time since I had been through there. At this point, I’m out of cell phone range, and I know it’s about an hour to an hour and a half away from being dark. Regardless I kept going. At this point, I’m in no man's land, and it’s about every ten minutes that I would see a house or a driveway. Granted, I’m only going about fifteen miles per hour at this point, but it’s peaceful. All of a sudden, I start getting a little surge in my poor old truck.
Next came the smell. The smell, no one ever wants to smell while driving, raw gas. Instantly I pulled over and shut the truck off. At this point, it's the search around the truck knowing the smells and surge, are probably linked. If my truck was stock, it would be a quick check because the original fuel tank was behind the seat. But no, I had to move it back to the very back of the truck under the bed. At least when I built this truck, I only left a few places with rubber lines, and it would be improbable to have a hole in a steel pipe. Of course, I start under the hood, and it was the very last piece of rubber before the fuel tank that failed.
One piece of rubber has successfully left me on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere. At this point, I had little choice left but to find a house and knock on the door. then hope I don’t get a gun in my face. People around these types of rural backroads usually keep to themselves, so it’s possible I wouldn’t get any help or a phone call. That I might be walking to civilization on my own. Don’t get me wrong, they're friendly people if you know them, but if you don’t then, they're not always friendly to strangers.
I figured it would take a day's walk to get to a more neighborly area. So much for stress relief. I probably will be camping in my truck for the night. Well, before that happens, I spotted one driveway insight of my truck. I have always been a bit of a chance taker, so what the hay, the worst that could happen is I die. Besides, I’m not in the mood for a long walk. As I made my way up the driveway entrance, I could see the numbers on the fence post, 61. It tells you how rural we are, talking about when an address is single digits. I thought to myself. you only live once as I start walking down the driveway.
I’m hoping that it's not a mile-long drive to the house, but at this point, all I see are scattered trees as I walk past a big grove of trees. Then I spot the house. It’s a decent size house, but old. It looks like the last paint job was in the ’80s. The barn behind it looks worse. My first thought is the perfect place to film a horror movie. The house itself looks like a 1940’s or 50’s classic farmhouse with a dilapidated porch. I am sure the color used to be white, but it only has pieces of the paint job left. I figured that it will probably be an elderly couple from the slightly overgrown yard and the lack of tree maintenance. At least if they did try to shoot me, they would probably miss. I figured what the hay I’m already here. You know what they say. in for a penny in for a pound.
Darkness is closing in fast, so I only have two choices, knock on the door or sleep in my truck. I do not relish the thought of sleeping in the truck, so I decided to knock. (knock, knock) No answer. Of course, just my luck. I knocked again, and the door opened. I was standing there expecting a gun or something, and no one greeted me. I peeked inside the door, which led directly to what looks like the living room. The t.v. is on to static. I see a vcr sitting on top, which, of course, the clock is flashing.
I looked at the couch and saw what looks like an old lady (from her hair color). She appears to be wearing a long nightgown. Next to her on the floor was a pair of Velcro shoes. This wouldn’t have been odd, except the shoes setting there I recognized. They were old Kmart shoes. White/grey leather with three stripes that were light blue. I remember them because my childhood friend Kat had a pair like them when I was in middle school. I think they were called Aerobixx. At this point, an intelligent person would have probably closed the door, went back, and slept in the truck. I was not looking forward to the walk back the next day or the night spent in the truck. So me being the person I am, I start knocking on the door again. I figured I would wake her up. Knowing where I am, I figured walking in and shaking her awake would probably get me shot for sure. Hello mam, mam. Hello, can you give me some help? Mam. I’m still knocking, not a stir from her.
At this point, I probably should have gone back to the truck. I never said I used my head. Hello, I yelled, still no response. The last choice, go in and startle her awake or resign myself to the night in the truck. I’m thinking, God, her hearing aids must be out. I walked closer and got in front of her. At this point, I realized no matter how loud I yelled, I was never going to wake her. I was staring, noticing the only thing left, is hair and bones. I got one of those full-body chills. She has been dead for a long time. Now I’m not all that religious, so at this point, I was a little lost as to what comes next. After the shock of what I had found wore off, I looked at my phone, and still no bars. I’m standing there wondering how I was even going to call out... Hmm. If power was on, maybe the phone was too, but where is the phone. After a minute of quick looking, and I spot one. It’s an old rotary phone. Before thinking, I picked it up and circled 911.
I couldn’t say I dialed it, because it was rotary. An operator picked up 911. What's your emergency. The lady sounded nice. Hello, my name is Allen Curry. I don’t know how close to an emergency this is, but I need help. The lady responds that it is against the law to use this service without being an emergency. I know I stated and began to explain (mam, I called for a couple of reasons. One, I need the coroner and an investigator sent out). She interrupted and said, are you sure you don’t need an ambulance. No, I need a coroner. I would say it’s at least a couple years past the point of an ambulance. I proceeded to tell her the whole story about breaking down and coming into this house. Ok, I'll get them on their way. I barely caught her before she hung up to ask if maybe they could bring me a piece of 3/8 fuel line before they head out.
I might have been asking a little much, but she said she would pass it along and hung up. Out of courtesy for the dead, I went out on the porch and had a cigarette. Something was nagging at me as I sat there, just one of those feelings. Brushing it off, I headed to my truck. I knew I had some snacks and something to drink there. I figured raiding the fridge of food that God only knows how old it was, might be a bad idea and disrespectful. Something was still nagging at me. I’ve been in places that were abandoned for even a month, and critters had taken over. The lack of animals was one thing. Secondly, the power and phone were both still on. I got a weird feeling the more I thought about it. By this time, I was almost to my truck. My brain was going wild, and the feelings were more like chills as I was beginning to think. I would wait in the dark in my truck. It’s a good idea, I told myself. Something is off here.
I reasoned with myself, This way, I can flag down the corner when they got here. I unlocked my truck and climbed in. That's when I saw it there sitting on my seat. Did I pick up anything out of the house when I walked out. I was sure of it. Had I even been back out to my truck. Even if I wanted to, I know I didn’t. I closed my eyes and reopened my eyes looking at the same spot on the seat, and nothing was there. I breathed a sigh of relief. I reached across and grabbed a cola and a couple of peanut butter cups. I sat there and ate and drank in silence, wondering if I had lost my mind. I quickly downed the soda and had another snack.
I almost laughed at the thought that I saw things. After all, the only light to see by was my cab light and the moon. Man, I said out loud. I must be getting tired. I started laughing a little. I grabbed another peanut butter cup and dropped it on the driver's floorboard. I bent down to get it when I touched them. If I was outside the truck looking in, I would bet I went white as a ghost. I almost bolted from the truck. I didn’t see them. I reached down and touched them. A shiver went up to my spine. I sat there for a minute, gathering up my courage. I reached down and grabbed what was on the floorboard and brought them up to the seat to see. Sure enough, my thoughts were confirmed.
It was the shoes from the house. I think my heart stopped for a moment. I sat them on the seat and closed my eyes. I’m losing it, I told myself. It will be hours before help gets here, and they're going to take me off to the loony bin. Breathing hard, I reopened my eyes and checked the seat nothing. The seat was empty besides my soda and peanut butter cups. I officially lost my mind, I said out loud. Not sure if I even wanted to check. I reached into my glove box and grabbed my emergency flash light. I kicked my shoes off my feet and brought my feet onto the truck seat. Now I was freaking out and half tempted to close my eyes until corner got there. Puffing hard, I grabbed another cigarette and smoked it to the butt in recorded time. This can’t be! Maybe there was some chemical I got into at the house, perhaps a gas leak.
Anything that would make up for these hallucinations. There has to be an answer. I was running through everything I can think of. Ok, the exposer only lasts so long, then back to normal. Hallucinations are just that. They're not physical, and if I received it through my hands, that would even explain why I could feel them before. That's it! Before I could change my mind, I shined the light on the floor, and there they were. Ok, so I’m hallucinating, not authentic or dangerous, so I guess if that's the worst that happens, I can cope. I sat there staring at them. On the tong of the shoes, it said Aerobixx by Traxx.
I looked inside, and it had size eight and Aerobixx written all over the pad inside the shoes. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m a size, nine in men’s. These are way too small. I started laughing, knowing they wouldn’t even fit me. Ok, there's one way to prove it’s just a hallucination. I reached down, grabbed my shoes, and set them on the seat. I proceeded to reach down and undo the Velcro straps on the aerobixs. I heard and felt Velcro. Now or never, I told myself and stuck my foot almost in. It didn’t fit, but I felt the shoes with my toes. I started laughing out loud. Yep, insane. in for a penny in for a pound. I stuck my left foot in the start of the second shoe now. All of a sudden, plop, both feet slid in with ease. Yep, insane. I just started laughing.
Then almost crying. Screw it if I’m insane might as well go all the way. I fastened the Velcro. I looked out the front window in a dead stare, and an older woman was standing directly in front of my truck. I was stunned. Breathless. I could barely move when she started to speak. I was thinking, screw it, fuel leak or not, I'm just about out of here. If I could have moved enough to reach my pocket for my keys, I probably would have left. My name is Kathleen, and in case wondering, this is no hallucination or a dream. A cold came over me that I have never felt before. She continued, “I will not hurt you. in fact, you might be exactly what I’ve been waiting for.”
Finally, I found my voice. The first words out of my mouth. Are you a ghost? I received a nod. I must have looked flushed because she started to speak again. I may be a ghost, but you have nothing to fear. I am not here to hurt you. I cannot follow you or even talk to you more than a mile away from where I passed. Also, you will only see me and hear me while wearing something of mine. I brought you those shoes, figuring they were the easiest to get you to try on. All of a sudden, Kathleen almost yelled, saying we have company coming. Take the shoes off. we’ll talk again later. I don’t want anyone thinking you are insane. I thought too late!!! I am insane. then again, who am I to argue with a ghost. I slipped the shoes off and put my own back on. To my surprise, my shoes were way too loose to stay on my feet for about a minute until my feet, I guess, turned back to their original size?
Kathleen, I mean, the ghost was gone. About this time, I spotted headlights from several vehicles approach. I lit another cigarette and step out of my truck. The first of four vehicles pulled up beside me and rolled down the passenger side window. Are you Allen, the man behind the wheel asked? Yes, I am. Thanks for coming out. I understand you need this, as he held up a piece on a 3/8 fuel hose. I must have wanted it pretty bad because I grabbed it as fast as I could without thinking. As I regained my sense of composer, I thanked him. Ok, I will lead you to why you are here. I walked. they drove down the driveway to the old house. I explained to the gentleman who I found out was named Dennis what I knew as I led him in. I stopped dead in my tracks when I looked inside and seen Kathleen’s shoes were sitting right beside her, where they had been when I first came in.
Dennis was not expecting my sudden stop and almost walked right into me. Allen are you alright he asked. Yah. I thought I saw something, I replied recatching my composure. I moved to the side while Dennis and a lot of men entered the room. If you don't mind, I would like to go back out and fix my truck while your doing your thing. Okay. I think we have it from here anyway, Dennis replied. don’t go too far because we have questions for you. Ok, I replied, trying not to run for my truck. Once at my truck, I think it was record time changing the fuel line. I hopped in to fire it up. I looked down to see those damn shoes. Ignoring them, I turned the key and pumped the gas, and cranked her over. After a few moments, my old truck roared to life. A relief came over me, knowing I could bolt at any moment. Unfortunately, a voice in my head was nagging away. If the shoes are here, and they still are there. How???
I sat there for probably minutes feeling like hours, till my adventure side got the best of me. after all, what could happen now. there is a whole team of guys down there. I drove up the driveway to the house. A chill ran down my back as I stepped up to the front door. They were bagging her up, and I instantly looked down, and yep, shoes were still there. It’s Official I thought. I am defiantly 100 percent insane!!!! As I stood there, I’m sure I looked out of my mind, eyes fixed to the one spot, the coroner Dennis walked up. He told me that she died of a rattlesnake bite. I shivered as if someone had just walked across my grave as I asked, How long ago, Dennis. Well, I have a close date, down to a day or so from the day she died. How can you know that already I asked puzzled. Well, he said. she left a note along with her will. Dennis then said, you didn’t get too close to her, did you? Without thinking, I shook my head no. We just need to make sure there's nothing that caused cross contaminating of the area, so tell me anything you touched or came in contact with, so we can rule you out. Rule me out of what. i just got here. Well, this didn’t happen today. Yes, Dennis replied, but we have to make sure this was just an accident from long ago, and you weren’t here back then.
I understand, I replied. Then I gave him everywhere I went and what I might have touched. Dennis then asked for my contact info. I gladly handed my id over, told him it's all current, gave him my contact numbers. he told me he would be in touch. I did not think anything about it as I walked out to my truck, fired it up, and headed home. That night my dreams were, you could say, not normal. I woke up thinking maybe it was all a dream wondering what happened. The next few days, I didn’t look or touch my old truck. I kind of avoided my 64 GMC. When I drove to work on Monday, I drove my 73 Pontiac firebird Formula 1. All week went by, going to work then going home. Things started to return to normal. My dreams were still strange, but I figured or convinced myself by this time it was all a dream nothing to worry about. I felt my sanity was back.
That is until Friday rolled around. The morning was regular. I went to work at 8:00 am. At around noon, I received a phone call. I answered, and it was Dennis the corner. He asked if I could meet him at his office after I got off work. Why does he need me there. Now I was a little stunned. So much for it being a dream, and what would he possibly want with me. My thoughts went back to… he's not only a corner but a Sherriff detective too. I kept telling myself… I did nothing wrong but found this poor dead lady in her house. The door was open. you didn’t break-in. you did nothing wrong. The rest of the day was a slow blur. My mind was all over the place. Work ended, and I was smoking like a chimney by that time. I sat in my car, trying to think of why he needed to talk to me. I only found her. I had nothing to do with it. Finally, I decided the only way I would know is to meet him. I pulled up to his office close to 6:30. I sat there in a daze. I told myself, I’m not getting any younger, and I headed for his office door. Once inside, I was directed to the very back door of the building. Now, as expected, this place on the inside looked like the inside of an old hospital. As I reached his office door, I wondered if I should continue or turn and run.
I decided that I would just get it over with. Hi Dennis, what can I do for you? Sit down, Mr. Curry. As I sat now wondering why I was here. Dennis began his tale. Mr. Curry, the reason I asked you here is not that you are in trouble. we know Kathleen Hall died of a snake bite. We figured dating it was in the early ’90s. We know it was sometime after 1994 because we have records of her being in a bank and going on a trip then. She had every bill on auto payment from her checking account, and that's why everything was still on. She dated her note that was found with her on July 24th, 1994. The thought that she had been dead that long sent a shiver down my spine and a little sorrow for the fact that nobody had found her in all these years.
Dennis continued. the reason I called you here is the note she left and the will she had. We found both sealed in a bottle she was holding at the time of her death. I shivered at this point. Mr. Curry, the note is something you need to read, and the will and death certificate. This confused me. these should go to the family, Right?? No, Dennis said. the will and the note explain it. Don’t worry, she was cremated, and everything has been taking care of. Have a good day, and I hope everything turns out good for you and enjoy the gift she left.
I walked to my car with all the documents in my hand. Still in shock, wondering what's going on. I’m looking for a hidden camera. Thinking someone has to be pranking me. I sat there for… I don’t know how long before I decided now was as good of a time as any to read the note. I figured with what Dennis had said, I should read it first. With a bit of hesitation, I started to read.
July 24th, 1994
To whoever may find this letter,
A few things you need to know. First, my name is Kathleen Hall. I was bitten a few hours ago by a rattlesnake. I could have called for an ambulance, but tired of trying. I am writing this note knowing the person reading this will probably be whoever found me. I gave up trying because I have nothing left to live for, and hopefully, by my passing, I get to see my family again. My husband died over 25 years ago. One daughter died 12 years ago in a car accident, and one granddaughter died, my last reason for living two years ago. Cancer got my little angel granddaughter who was so young. So I have no family left. So I have left all the important stuff in my will. I could care less whether I am buried or cremated. Either I Go to heaven and I get my family back, or nothing, and my pain will be gone. Either way, I consider it better than the pain I’m living with.
Wow, I thought. That is the most depressing note I have ever read. Oh, wait, a little more on the backside too.
Only one favor that I ask is that the person who finds my body reads my will the first time at my house. I got a chill down my back at the thought. Oh wait, I thought. It is probably still roped off for the investigation. I dialed Dennis on my phone even though still outside his office. I thought… I think I can’t ask about this in person. Hi Dennis, I said. This is Allen. I just read the note, and it says to read the will at her house. Still off-limits, right??? Nope, Dennis replied. Due to that fact, and you haven’t read the will yet. I will tell you. your welcome to go out there as often as you want. Ok, thanks, I think. I hung up. Great, free to prance around spooks Ville at any time. Ugh, enough for today. It’s Friday, and I need some cheering up. I called my friend Kat. She informed me that she's out of town and won't be back for a few days. Great I thought.
Because I am allowed back to spooks Ville and Kat’s out of town, I figured two strikes down in the final ending. So I decided to call up another friend. As I rang her number, I think maybe I should just go home and drown in my tears, Better than a strikeout. About that time, the phone connects. Hello. Hey, Breezy, you up to anything tonight. No, she replied. come on over. Are you ever going to use my name? She asked. Wendy, Breezy all the same to me. both are full of wind, so same difference, I replied. Very funny, I’ll deal with you when you get here. See you then, and she hung up.
Wendy is one of those who is like a sister as much as a friend. She’s a little younger than me, drinks too much, and is well gay or bi. Currently married to another woman named Dawn. At first, Dawn was highly jealous of me, but now she considers me a brother. To understand why I would have fun with these two, you must understand where I met them. See, I met Wendy at a bar several times. After several different drinking sessions, she was drunk one night, and I took her to her house. I guess she was surprised to see that she was in her own bed and still dressed in the morning. The next chance meeting, I was questioned. I told her I would never take advantage of anyone drunk.
I guess it made points because we have been good friends since. I found out a couple of meetings later, that she was into women. A lot of her, well… we will call them friends, were upset about a man being around. Now I started disappearing, not wanting to cause issues. The same thing happened with Dawn. That was until at a party, we all got drunk and passed out on Wendy’s couch. I woke up first and started breakfast. I threw a blanket over the lovebirds. I was almost done with cooking when Dawn woke up. She told me that she was happy nothing happened last night. I told her like I told Wendy. I would never do that. I explained how to me when someone is that out of it, that it wasn’t right, and I could get plenty the proper way. I didn’t need to stoop to low tactics to get some. From that point on, it was like having two younger sisters.
So when it comes to drinking and having fun or needing to work something out, nowhere safer. I know I can tell them anything. I arrived at their apartment, and as I got drunker, I let everything spill, heart, and soul. They were shocked, to say the least, but had a solution. They would go with me if I wanted. I thought long and hard and decided that I wanted them to have nothing to do with it if it was dangerous. So instead, I gave them the exact location and told them if I didn’t contact them by Monday, to grab who they could and come to find me. By this time, I was drunk and spent the night on my sister’s couch.
In the morning, when I finally rose from the dead with a slight hangover, I left. I went to the local store and bought food, water, snacks, and sodas, etc. Enough to last for a half a week, figuring if I would be there a day, I would buy extra just in case. I drove to my house. I loaded everything in my 64 Gmc and headed to the gas station, filled up my tank, and an extra five-gallon gas can be on the safe side. Now not being religious I did nothing, but if I was, I would have said a prayer before leaving. Instead, I decided what the hay, the shoes are still in the truck, and I wondered if they would fit. Especially now. After all, I'm still in Paso Robles and so far away from the house in the country. I pulled out from the gas pump and parked my truck in the parking lot. I took a deep breath. I took off my size nine shoes and tossed them into the bed of the truck. No way now that I could make a mistake. I rechecked the size. If they fit now, then I was dreaming. I stuck both feet in the Aerobixx shoes, and again my feet were half in. I thought yes!!! I am free and clear, no magic, no ghost, just my imagination the other night.
All of a sudden, both feet slipped right in. I was so shocked. I almost needed a change of clothes. I fastened the Velcro straps and waited to see the old lady, but nothing happened. I waited probably five minutes before I calmed down and decided that all I could do is drive out to the house and read the will. My mind wondered the whole trip out to the old lady’s house. The biggest question was one: what's in the will. #2 will I see the lady again. #3 will I die. #4 will I talk to her about her death if she does appear. #5 does this mean life after death. #6 if she's there, then there is no heaven or hell, just stuck on earth. #7, or am I just insane. so many unanswered questions running through my mind. The next thing I knew, I’m pulling into Kathleen’s driveway. I parked right in front of the house, grabbed my supplies, and set them on the kitchen counter.
At this point, I started to think I was worried about nothing. Next was a task I wasn’t looking forward to, the fridge. I opened the door half, thinking the smell would knock me over, Only to find it cold, Still running and empty. I guess if I knew I was dying, I would try to be kind and empty and clean the place too. I put up the groceries and went out and grabbed the paperwork. I sat on the porch and closed my eyes and waited five minutes. Then I opened my eyes, still nothing strange. I pulled out the will and started to read.
The last will of Kathleen Hall.
I Kathleen Hall leave my house, property, and all my worldly possessions, Including any money, saving or any other accounts I still may have to one person. This person I believe to be of good character and sound mind and body. I leave everything to the person who finds my body. In other words, I leave all my possessions to the person holding my will. Man or woman doesn’t matter.
I, in sound mind and body, officially declare this to be a legally binding contract.
Kathleen Hall
Chapter Two
My mouth dropped open. She left it all to me. There was more legal b.s. But that was the first page and held importance. My mind was racing with the thought of what all was here. Also, what just had happened. I had a cigarette and reread it about three times. After that decision, I might as well take a look around. I wasn’t quite ready to explore the house, so I decided to walk around the property and see if there was a barn, shed, or garage. Behind the house, I found a garage and a big barn. I thought… Garage first as I opened the doors. It had side-by-side doors like the barn. I spotted the vehicles under ratty old car covers. I pulled off the old ratty covers to find a 55 Chevy Belair wagon and a 69 Chevelle SS super sport. Now my day is brightened. next would be to the barn. I opened the doors to expose several tractors, everything from a 8 end tractor to a C200 Massey Ferguson bucket crawler. Next to the tractors was a 1949 Chevy truck in really rough shape.
Now I was feeling good. Nothing can go wrong now, right. I was almost giddy, bouncing around like a kid on Christmas day. I headed back to the house with renewed confidence. I grabbed a soda out of the refrigerator, took a drink, and decided it was a good time as any to explore the house. First, I went down the hall to the first door and opened it. Ok, the first door was the bathroom. It includes a sink, claw foot tub, and a toilet. Ok, it might come in handy later I thought. next just across to the left, another door. I opened it and found a good size bedroom full of boxes. I opened the boxes and found baby girl's clothes and shoes. Looking like age group, one threw probably seven years old. I’m getting old, so that it could be newborn to 14. I probably wouldn’t know the difference. Most were dresses, Mary Jane's black t strap shoes, and little white Keds-like shoes. Charming little girl’s clothes, but nothing more.
There had to be 20 plus boxes of it. I checked the closet to find nothing. Ok, the next door is on the right, so I open it. There sitting on the bed, was Kathleen. I slammed the door closed even without thinking about it. A few moments later, I thought that I was rude and reopened the door to see her still sitting on the bed laughing. I’m sorry for being so rude. Her response was of course. What, still not used to a ghost! Not really. That just caused her a little laugh as she said. well either way, I am glad to have the company. It took me a moment to compose myself to give a response. It’s Kathleen, right. It is good to see you, but I thought there was a stipulation for me to see you. Yes, there is Kathleen stated. yes, it does require a stipulation and she glanced at my feet. I had completely forgotten I was wearing them.
Sorry, I told her. actually, I kind of was looking forward to talking to you. Good, she responded, because I have a few things to talk to you about too. Ok, Kathleen, if it's alright with you, I’d like to go first. Her response was, I would prefer that anyway. Ok, first I want to say sorry it took so long for someone to find you. I’m very sorry you must have been bored to death... Oops... Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. She just laughed it off and said, it’s okay. it gave me a lot of time to think...Well, next question. Why leave it all to me? She said that I figured that you would need it, if things go my way with a smile. Don’t worry either. I think you are a nice guy and will give you a few options once your questions are done.
Ok, I replied. now more confused than ever. My mind was reeling. Next question, why me? I mean, what did I do so Special, and how did this place stay clear of critters. Easy she stated. You were nice and polite and came here with no bad intentions. As far as the critters. ghosts scare all animals away, right down to spiders. So no critters within 1 mile of here. Ok, I said with my mind about to burst. I was starting to lose my wits. Okay, Kathleen. I’m going out and have a smoke and clear my head. then I’ll be ready for your questions. She replied, you now own this place. You can smoke inside if you want. I lit a cigarette and started pacing, trying to clear my head. As my head cleared a little, I said. I take it this was your room. yes, please take a look around. Remember, any of my clothes connect me to you, so feel free to try or wear as much of my stuff as you would like. Also, just so you know, the more you put on and head to other places. the further I can go.
Earlier, I could go about 2 miles when you put on my shoes. Alright, I went over and looked through the dresser drawers and upon the vanity. I found jewelry and typical 60+-year-olds clothes. I got to the closet and opened the doors to find about 25 boxes of shoes, just like I had on. Then about ten pairs of Keds. the white leather original style. Then more coats than I have seen in a store. Wow, that was about all I could say. Kathleen spoke again and said. before you ask, I won't be here for very long once you agree to what I ask or if you agree to the deal I’m offering.
If you disagree, even if you never put anything on and wonder and watch, I’ll be much happier with a family living here. This brought me more questions, but I decided to wait. Next, Kathleen asked if I had explored the whole house or not. I was honest and said nope. One door left. Ok, she said. You can either explore that room first or listen to what I’m going to offer you. I thought and said. ok, I let's hear it. I can explore at any time and feel lousy rummaging through your life. She just laughed and said It’s no longer mine. I want you to fix this home how you want. Update the place, change the furniture and fix it up. Make this house your home.
That sent a bit of relief over me. Next was a quick question from her. How long have you been in these shoes? I thought probably 3 to 4 hours, I told her. With urgency in her voice. She said take them off right now, for at least an hour. We'll talk later, and she was gone. She seemed pretty spooked, so I figured I better comply. I took the shoes off and walked to my truck, grabbed my shoes. Of course, my shoes were way too big. I waited 10 minutes and still lose. I was again breathing hard. By now, before my feet were back to normal. My head was again reeling. I decided I would just shuffle my feet in my shoes and make my way into the house.
It took 30 minutes before I grew back into my shoes. In the meantime, I had lunch and did a little survey of the kitchen and the living room. I realized this house was going to need a fair amount of work. I started making a list of everything from the roofing shingles to the drywall, to electrical wiring, windows, right down to the carpet and kitchen fixtures and equipment. Everything was way outdated. Some pre 70’s, others early 90’s.
The next thing I knew, I was tripping over a pair of Velcro shoes. Ok, I said sarcastically. I take it the hour is up. Without hesitation, I changed my footwear, and Kathleen appeared in front of me. Sorry about that but stay in those shoes or any of my stuff for more than 5 hours. If you do, you won’t return to normal. I instantly broke out my phone and set a 4-hour time limit. After that, I was attentive. Kathleen said, come with me to the last room, please. I responded with I thought you had some deal for me. I do, but I want to show you something first. I headed for the final room and opened the door.
Ok, this was my granddaughter's room. I looked around, being very careful, knowing from her letter. she cared deeply about her. Drawers were full of pants and skirts, others full of bras and panties. The closet had pants hung and shoes below. High tops Aerobics with a single strap (all white) and low top aerobics just like what I on, except on closer inspection showed size 6. Other than that, a pair of white fabric Keds and white leather Keds. Along the sidewall below the pants were small cubbies with socks. Everything from lace to socks with frills, to tube socks, to every different color of socks. On top of the dresser was a piece of jewelry. A pendant necklace and a lot of makeup. I noticed there was a second closet to the right. I opened it.
There were leg warmers, tights, pastel colors shirts, skirts, and dresses. below were pastel-colored shoes and socks. This was my granddaughter Cynthia’s room. As you can tell, she had everyday clothes, and she was also big into fairy Kei. I didn’t know what Fairy Kei was, but I said ok and figured I would look it up later. Well, either way, no matter what, you get my money, property, house, and savings accounts. The bottom drawer of her dresser has banking account numbers, the deed to the house, and account numbers to savings accounts. Before you retrieve them, I have a favor.
I want you to dress from head to toe in her clothes and tell me if you can see her as you do me. I want to know she has moved on before I do. Now the picture was clear. She wants to know if her granddaughter is here. Ok, I said. Thinking to myself, how can I deny her wish. I looked, and all the clothes were going to be small on me. Like she must have been a middle school kid or a dwarf. I was sure nothing was going to fit, but I grabbed a shirt, stuck my arms inside the center, and to my surprise, it slid right over my head. I now had little girly hands and arms, and I was sure my head must be small too.
Next, I kicked off my shoes and socks, then pants, grabbed a pair of socks first, put on the socks. next came jeans. They look three-plus sizes too small, but my feet shrunk with the socks, and my legs started shrinking with the pants. They fit but still a little tight. Kathleen said. there skinny jeans, and that's how they fit. I noticed my hair now seemed a lot longer. Next, I figured I might as well stick with the Velcro. I grabbed the size six, and sure enough, my feet shrunk the rest of the way to size 6. They fit perfectly. I put a few hair ties in, and my hair now went to the middle of my back. I turned around and looked, and Kathleen was standing there with her hand over her mouth. I looked in the mirror, and I looked different. My hand went over my mouth because I recognized the person looking back.
With a quiver in my voice, I told her. your granddaughter, her name was Cynthia Vanhoon, wasn’t it. Kathleen shook her head yes. I stripped as fast as I could and dressed back in my clothes. I ran outside and sat in my truck, smoking like a train, never opening my eyes. No! no! it couldn’t be. is this real. NO!!!!! I shook all over. It took 30 minutes for me to pull myself together. No! I have to know, but this hits too close to home. I walked back in and found a pair of shoes sitting there. I put them on, and Kathleen appeared again. I got worried about you, Kathleen said. The expression on her face said as much too. like a worried mother.
Well, that was way too much of a blast from the past for me. Now she had a puzzled look. Ok, let me talk a little before you say anything. First other than looking in the mirror and seeing me as Cynthia, I didn’t see her. So I take it she moved on. Second, that overtook me. Not because I turned into a girl, but I recognized a girl from middle school. So many years ago. More than that, a girl, not just any girl, but one who I had such a major crush on, I couldn’t see straight.
I have had many loves of my life since then, but she's the one who just disappeared, and I never had the chance to find out what happened to her or where she went. Now I understand why, but it doesn’t change the way I felt, and well… to be honest, I was overtaken with, well I didn’t know, it was just more than I could handle. I looked into Kathleen's eyes, and I saw sorrow and almost guilt, and she began to speak. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I was looking for answers, and I was overjoyed seeing the image of my granddaughter. I never thought or considered your feelings. or the fact you may have known her. I cut her off, saying there’s no way you could have known. It’s as much my fault as it yours.
Besides, now that I know, I can rest easier and handle it. The initial shock is over. I noticed when I was Cynthia I could still see you. I thought only your clothes. No, it looks like it’s also close relatives that passed clothes too. Ok, I replied. A smile came over Kathleen’s face. I understand the shock you went through, but I’ll make it up to you. No!!! Wait here in the living room. Don’t turn around, and I’ll be right back. No peeking. She laughed when I said that statement. I know she was more hurt than me. Afterall. she wondered this place for over 20 years, hoping for this day, only to be crushed.
I almost ran to the back and got dressed. When I came out and found Kathleen, she almost went to tears and tried to hug me. I felt it a little, but ghost hugs are natural light in comparison. She still was looking like she was crying, so I spoke only to find yes, I had a different voice. I continued anyway. Ok Kathleen, you and I both know I'm not your granddaughter, and I see no sign of her, but I see the joy through the tears of seeing her image again. You have treated me nice, and I wish I could do more for you but… Kathleen cut me off, saying you have been a good sport about this. more than I could having ever wished for. Look at you. You didn’t think about yourself at all. You look, sound, and are dressed just like Cynthia. All you are worried about is my feelings. By this time, I’m in full blush mode as she continued. I’m going to give you another gift, but I think we should wait for a little before I do. Thank you.
I only hope that now and then, maybe you will indulge me and get dressed up... Ok, not a problem, I told Kathleen. You have done so much for me. How could I not? Now I’m getting hungry, so I’m going to make dinner. As I was cooking, I noticed Kathleen watching over me with a motherly look. It didn’t hit me until, my cell alarm went off. I ran to the room and changed clothes. When I came out, I suspected for her mood to change. She still looked at me with a loving look. It hit me like a ton of bricks. As I’m sure, I yelled, wait!!! How can I see you? She laughed and said that i have worn her family's clothes so much. it would probably take all night to wear off. Wear off, I questioned?
Yes, my essence, it surrounds you. It won't hurt and can’t change you, but if you dress half as much as you did today. tomorrow it might take it a week for it to wear off. She laughed and said, so for right now, you are stuck with me. I picking gave her a raspberry, and she laughed. At this point, I had to ask, so I did. Now, what if I had worn those clothes for over 5 hours? Would I have cancer and die? Would I ever return to myself? Or would I be? Kathleen cut me off. No you will not have cancer, but you will… well over 5 hours, and you will look like Cynthia from that point on, all the way growing up into adulthood. You will essentially be starting from 13 and will grow from that point on.
This blew me away. Kathleen said yah. essentially a second life, but we will have plenty of time to talk about that later. Why don’t you tell me about your life a little? As I finished eating, I looked for a place to set and chose the easy chair for obvious reasons. (no way I was setting on that couch.) I spent about an hour telling her about my childhood and my life since then. When I got to my friends, I was a little nervous telling her about Wendy and Dawn, but she actually perked up. That threw me off guard, till Kathleen started speaking again. Ok, Allen, if it’s alright with you. I would actually like it if one day you brought them by so I can meet them.
That threw me for a loop. after all, not too many people are open to gay couples. You're not planning on doing anything to them, are you I stated. They are like sisters to me and some of my closest friends. No, no!! I would never, she said. It’s just that well… ok, I’ll say it. Cynthia was gay. she liked girls. So I have a fondness, and I want to make sure they're ok. Let’s just say it’s for me, like seeing an image of Cynthia. All grown up. What her future could have been like.
I get it. At that point, I got a compliment I never expected. You are the person that found me. It’s beyond anything I could have hope for. Which of course, I blushed so deep I’m sure I was as red as the devil. I went out to my truck since it was already getting late and grabbed my blankets. When I walked inside, I was hit with the question of what are those for? Well, unlike ghosts, I do get tired, I responded. After all, if I sleep under the blankets already here, won't I end up either being an old lady or a young girl?
She started laughing and said, no, that only works for clothes. Something personal that goes on your body. I only get so many options on how I can affect your world. How many things I can affect, but good try. it shows your thinking. After that, she stood there shaking her head with a large grin. I also would not want to insult you by sleeping in one of your beds, or blankets without asking first.
Alright, Allen, how about you sleep in Cynthia’s bed. I promise you will be safe. Reluctantly I excepted. I brought in my duffle bag and blankets and set them in Cynthia’s room. With all the excitement, I was Feeling tired. I no more than laid down, and I was off to slumberland. My dreams were peaceful, surprisingly. I woke about 5 am and headed to the bathroom, then the kitchen. I grabbed some water and breakfast. I was still lost in thoughts of the day before. I sat there for about 30 minutes after eating breakfast, realizing how lonely I would be sitting out here, day after day, by myself. I couldn’t even imagine the loneliness. I headed to Kathleen’s room, set the alarm on my phone, and slipped on a pair of shoes.
Instantly she appeared. How did you sleep Allen? I slept well. Good, she replied. So what are your plans for today, Allen? Well, I need to make a list of what is needed to get this place into shape, get a dumpster for the construction or maybe a flatbed roll-off. check my account to see how much money I have to work with. Kathleen started to laugh. Money won’t be a problem, Allen. I gave her a funny look and said, I’m not rich, and I will put what I can out to fix this place up. starting with the roof, but I don’t have considerable savings. So, I’m figuring I may have to get a loan just to get the basics done, not even counting the furniture. No offense, but I think it almost all needs to go. All the appliances need to be updated to make life easier. None took she said, almost laughing again.
I didn’t expect you to keep this 40-year-old furniture. I expected it to go. I was a little worried I would have offended you, where you had them for so long. No offense taken, but as far as money to fix this old place up, you need to check and see what I left for you. In fact, part of the deal I have for you. you have full access to all my old accounts. they are now yours. In fact, with my will, they are all set up to be direct transferred to you.
The only thing I ask is eventually you let me see my darling granddaughter more often. I thought for a moment and said, not a problem. I can do that. in fact, it would be my pleasure. Without a thought, I went and got dressed. After all, it doesn't matter right now. Especially with what I’m doing right now. It doesn’t matter if I’m 40 and male or 13 and female. For the next 3 1/2 hours, I walked around making a long list of everything I needed for the house. When my phone went off, I changed back into my own stuff only to find Kathleen was laughing at the sight. Yah, 13-year-old looking girl in 40-year-old male clothes. That's what I think she's laughing about due to the clothes were falling off me. my hands still look tiny.
She was laughing. I wasn’t as happy. She proceeded to tell me each time, especially when close together when I'm fully dressed. transforming back would last a little longer. By the end of 15 minutes of conversation, I was back to normal, looking like myself again.
the to-do list:
1) Roll-off dumpster
2) check funds in my account
3) switch over banking accounts/savings accounts to me
4) get house switched over into my name
5) get phone and electricity switched over
6) get propane service out here
7) get all needed supplies coming
8) contact Wendy and Dawn to see if they can help
9) carefully introduce them to Kathleen
10) Hire people for whatever I can’t do
With that, I got a phone number out of my phone and called my boss on the old rotary phone. Hello Byron, this is Allen. I have a family emergency, and I have to… well, I have a lot to handle. I haven’t used my two week’s worth of vacation yet. Would it be possible to use them now? Of course, he said. i hope everything turns out ok and I wish you all the best of luck. See you in 2 weeks. He hung up.
Next, I called Wendy due to I didn’t want her or Dawn to be freaking out. I dialed, not really. More of circled, it went straight to voicemail. So I tried Dawn. Same, straight to voicemail. Great I thought. I can’t even send a text. Then it hit me. Hey Kathleen!!! We better expect company. I got several lunches started, realizing they must be on their way. I barely got lunch on the table, and I could hear a truck coming up the main road. I went out to the porch. Sure enough, here they came in Wendy’s 98 Dodge 2500 4x4. As they pulled up, I could see the smile on their faces. Come in, I said. Lunch is ready. they gave me a strange look, and Wendy asked. how did you know we were coming. You psychic now or something? Yes, I’m able to see the future, oooh. Next, I see you coming in and having lunch. Dawn started laughing and said. Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. I started laughing.
Alright, I said to ease your thoughts. I called. it went straight to voicemail on both of your phones. That equals you to knuckleheads who were on your way there to check on your dear, nice, sweet, always thoughtful brother. That got them laughing. So welcome to my castle. They both looked at me funny until I showed them the will. They read through it and said, well, you got quite a bit of work to do. Yah, I know. Well, we should celebrate, Wendy said. Nope, I replied. I don’t have any alcohol. I wanted to make sure I had all my faculty’s and wasn’t imaging anything. I got a pouty lip and a bummer from both Wendy and Dawn. During this time, Kathleen just stood there and watched.
It was Dawn that spoke. So what about the ghost? She’s here. Her name is Kathleen. They both looked around, looking right past her. Both in unison said. I don’t see any ghost. Ok, ghostbusters. Dawn said I’ll give you a number to a psychologist. I started laughing, which they didn’t seem to think wasn’t very funny. Ok, you two come with me. I led them to Kathleen’s room and pulled two pairs of shoes out of the closet. Put them on I ordered. They looked at me funny. Just trust me! What's going on with you Allen Wendy asked? Please just trust me. Finally, after looking at each other, then me with a concerned look, they started to comply. Once they both had the shoes on and fastened, Kathleen popped in, and they both went white. It was all I could do to keep them from running away. Just sit!!! I yelled. Ok, listen! She’s friendly and has been here alone for a very long time.
She won’t hurt you. They Both still looked really nervous. Ok Wendy and Dawn. you remember what I told you. I have learned a lot more. Kathleen, would you mind if I talked to them alone for a few minutes. No problem, Kathleen said and walked off. Both still looked in shocked as I told them the whole story. Once I was finished. both of them darted past me, looking all over and yelling for Kathleen. Once she appeared they almost fell over each other, trying to tell her sorry for their treatment of her, and how sorry they were for her long loneliness. I seen both of them were in tears over the thoughts of her life.
Kathleen just said, don’t worry about it. I’m glad to have the company. After making sure the appropriate time breaks had been taken out of the shoes. We all sat around talking until dinner time. After eating, I could see my two troublemakers had something on their minds. Ok, you two spit it out! I can see the wheels turning, and I know you two want something. Well, Dawn said to Wendy. you have known him longer. Fine, Wendy said. She came close to me. I could see both were giving me the puppy dog eyes. Allen, would you, I mean, can we see? Well we want to see you as our younger sister. I did a head slap and looked at Kathleen, who was obviously trying not to laugh.
Your no help, I told Kathleen. I looked back at both. Giving that, please!! Puppy dog looks, then of course came the unison, please. Now Kathleen had to snicker and said, you know you're not going to win. Fine I said. I’m outvoted by a room full of women. I might as well join in. Of course, that got the whole bunch laughing as I headed to the backroom.
Now more nervous than I think I’ve ever been, I decided now or never and got dressed. I could hear them all laughing and joking around in the kitchen, but when I came out. The house was silent. What do you think I asked? Wow, Wendy said. You could be my daughter. No ideas, I told her. I looked at Kathleen, and I could tell she had something going through her head. Ok, Kathleen, spill it! It took a few moments before she said, well, since you have friends here. I’m not sure if it will work, but I have something I want you to try. What the hey I said. In for a penny in for a pound. I know if I say no, I’ll just get outvoted. So let's get it over with. Kathleen started in. hey Wendy and Dawn. can you go into the first room on the left and grab the box labeled one-year-old and the walker? No! no!! No!!! You aren’t thinking of me trying. Noooo, I stammered.
Wendy and Dawn started busting up at this point. I asked why not one of them do it. Kathleen said. here, kick off your shoes and have either one try them on and I did. Their feet didn’t shrink. She explained that transformation takes a lot, and unless I wanted to lock into being a girl, it couldn’t be transferred. Great! I huffed and went back and changed back to myself. When I got to the living room, I could see they had been busy. There’s a crib out, a walker, baby bottles and pamper brand diapers on the counter, Several outfits, and two pairs of shoes. Dawn said this is the one as she held up a baby pink dress with white ruffles at all of the edges. Wendy held up tiny pink socks with white ruffles. Then a tiny pair of white leather Keds.
Of course, this caused several head slaps on my part, along with a statement. What did I get myself into now! That, of course, caused a laugh, and in return, I got a come-on to be a good sport. I responded. it would do me no good to run because I would just be caught. Then it would be worse. Oh, wait, I can’t do it yet. A smile came on my face. We’ll have to wait 45 minutes before my time resets. I was snickering, knowing I won myself at least an hour of freedom. Wendy said, no problem, it will give us more time to rummage through and see what we can find. I slapped my head again, thinking if I keep this up, I’m going to have a big red spot on my head. Then it came to me. Hey Wendy, don’t you and Dawn have to work tomorrow? I was sure I had finally won.
Nope, we took a month off to make sure you would be ok. You had us really worried. So nope, we are free. She said that with a little too much of a smile on her face. I almost palmed myself again but stopped. Just remember, no more than 4 hours, right!!!! Yes! We got it was said in unison. Well, another half an hour of them pulling booties, toys, and about anything else you can think of out of boxes, rummaging through clothes, they finally came up for air and said, ok, time is up! I knew there was no sense in arguing, so I just walked over. I walked through the heap of boxes that used to be my living room. Once there, I was ordered to strip, which I did. Like I said their more like my sister’s. They have seen me, and I've seen them. It is like any family, no turn-on. Once down naked and I looked and wondered where to start. All the clothes looked so small and impossible to put on. Of course, Wendy must have been thinking because she handed me the dress and said, start with this.
I laughed how. one on each arm. Wendy held the top over me, which only worked because I sat on the floor. I stuck both my hands up, and she slid it over both my hands. As she kept sliding the dress down, I noticed my hands still were not poking through the outfit yet. A little creepy if you ask me. Wendy kept sliding the dress down until it reached my head. As my head started to through, I looked up. my hands were tiny and just starting through the armholes. A moment later and my head was threw. I started to look down at my body, about the time Wendy put me on my back. I felt a diaper going around my waist. I reached down and moved the dress to see what was going on, but I found I had a hard time trying to grab the dress with these little hands.
Wendy held up my feet, and I saw the matching socks and little kids' shoes going on my feet. Once I was sat in the upright position. I tried to reach my feet to no avail. I got the same results with trying to bring my feet together with this diaper on. impossible to get my legs together to kick my shoes off. So instead, I figured, I would just tell Wendy enough is enough. As I tried to talk, I could barely make gurgles. Now I was beginning to panic. I didn’t know why but tears started flowing. Dawn picked me up to her. Wendy and I seen a very loving look in her eyes. I looked at Wendy. she looked the same way. Now I felt helpless and in really big trouble. I looked around as I was delivered into the walker. Wendy and dawn started putting boxes away. It took forever for me to get anywhere in the walker.
By the time I got going forward enough and got turned around, the boxes were all put up and everyone, besides me was in the kitchen. They appeared to be talking and watching me. Now not being able to see above 2 feet was hindering what I could see. Question was, what all their talking about and what are they doing. The next thing I know, Wendy is liberating me from my little rolling trap. I figured, ok, the gigs up, time to return to normal. It couldn’t come too soon, but no. instead, she cradled me as a mother would. Of course, next came over Dawn. handing Wendy a bottle. Next thing I know, the bottle is in my mouth.
I tried to squirm it out. The more I squirm, the more warm milk came out. Before I realized it. I'm in dreamland. I awoke startled. I was looking up at the roof. Realizing, I fell asleep. I’m apprehensive about looking down at myself. Afraid that I might still be a child. Finally, I decided I have to look sometime. I find I’m back to normal. I plop backward and throw my hands over my head with a sigh of relief. I search the room for my cell. when I finally found it, it read 4:40 am. I made my way out to the living room to find two little troublemakers bundled up together. Kathleen was suddenly right in front of me. Good morning I said.
Next was an obvious question. How long did it take for them to turn me back? 4 hours 30 minutes Kathleen said. which also led to an argument because Dawn didn’t think you would hate them for keeping you like that. Wendy said you would. If they both were sure you wouldn’t be mad. then neither would have turned you back. I had a feeling after It was too late that that would have been the case.
Well, Kathleen said. if you decided you want a second chance at life, those two would be the perfect parents for you. I know they would. I just have too much to do around here even to think that way. I understand, she said, but how about I give you one more thing. Granted it will be agreed that you decide to live a second life. that I would really have to think about and debate. What is it anyway that you are offering? Well, until you are closer to being ready, I’m not ready to say. What a teaser, I replied. She just laughed.
By this time, my two pains were just waking up. Good morning mischievous ones. I’m getting ready to start breakfast. I no more than said that. they both popped up and almost pushed me out the way. I was given a, go sit down. We’ll do breakfast. I must look kind of dumbfounded because out of the five years for one and ten years of knowing the other. that has never happened before. Now usually, I have some cereal or maybe a couple of eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast, but no. They went all out. Eggs and toast. A little bit of bacon, a glass of milk, and a couple of cookies as a dessert. A little weird I thought, but I let it go.
That was until I started to get up with my plate, and Wendy grabbed the plate and took it to the sink to be washed. Dawn said, Go wash up and get dressed. Out of pure reaction I said. yes, mom in a sarcastic voice. They both turned around with a loving grin, and I high-tailed it out of the room as fast as I could. Now I was a little worried and defiantly a little nervous. I washed up and headed to the room to put on my jeans and t-shirt, realizing I would have to do laundry today.
Once in the room, I found my duffle bag completely empty. I started looking around only to find all the clothes I brought, washed, and hung in the closet. While I slept, the two demons had been busy. This was about the time Kathleen appeared in my well… Cynthia's room. she was giggling. what’s so funny! I stammered to say. Oh, nothing was her only response. The look on her face said differently. I take it while I slept yesterday the two were busy. Oh, yes, they were. After getting dressed, I decided I needed to nip this in the butt.
I was starting to get a little weirded out, and I’m thinking instead of the sisters, it feels like I have two mothers. I grabbed the paperwork for the bank accounts and the deed along with the will and death certificate and walked out to the living room. I almost made it out the door when Wendy blocked my path. Hold still a minute she said. she licked her finger and used it to wipe something off my face. Of course she said, you missed a spot.
I was getting irritated. Plans for today, I announced. I have to take care of some business in town and get some stuff ordered. We can drive you, Wendy stated. NO! I got this. You know I’m back to myself. I’m not a kid now, and I’m not a female at this moment. I got the disappointing look and a solum we know, but we actually wanted to talk to you. I figured we need to have a conversation, but why don’t we… actually? Let's talk tonight. I’m, well… I have a lot to do today, so let’s talk about it tonight. Ok, they replied.
So what are you two up to today. considering you don’t even have a change of clothes here? Actually, Wendy said. we are going into town to buy groceries and pick up clothes. I grabbed my wallet and gave her $500 dollars cash and said thanks for coming and get what groceries you need in town. With that, I quickly exited and started my truck, and drove off. I headed to the bank first. Kathleen had her bank and savings accounts at Bank of America. After about 30 minutes, I had both accounts empty and sent to my account. The bank account had 120 thousand in it, and the savings account had 522 thousand dollars in it. Talk about a shock.
I had the deed to get changed next. By the time it was all done, it had cost me just over 30 thousand dollars due to taxes for the inheritance. Next, I went to the tax office and paid to find out what else I owed uncle Sam on the inheritance and paid that up. Next stop Lowes and Home Depot. It was a hundred thousand dollars just in all the basics. Paint, drywall, wood, shingles, etc. All to be delivered. Next, I went to the trash company. I ordered their biggest roll-off bin. I think it was 40 yards. Now I had a decision to make. I decided to call a local construction company I knew from work. I figured it was time to hire some help. I only did this, realizing it would take me probably 3+ years to do all the work myself. I also bought a 40ft C train for all the items I decided to keep.
I sat there thinking in my truck if there’s anything I was missing, and of course, I thought of Kathleen. She said if I wore the shoes further away, she could travel further during that day. I also thought of how she had been stuck in that little 2-mile distance for over 20 years. I decided it wouldn’t hurt me to wear those shoes so she can get some freedom. I kicked off my shoes and slid my feet into the Velcro shoes and strapped them on. I was feeling good thinking of the extra freedom she was getting. I looked over to the passenger side of my truck and almost fell out the driver’s door. How? I thought you could only go a couple of miles away from the house. Kathleen laughed. Well, this is the furthest away from home I have been in, probably close to 25 years.
Yah but how. not that I mind. I just… She laughed It’s ok Allen I’ll explain. You see your two little angels there, Wendy and Dawn. They came to town today still wearing the shoes. So with them, I’ve been able to travel about 15 miles away, and yes I enjoyed it. When you also put on a pair of shoes, I could make it all the way to town. I haven’t tested how far, but I can go at least 75 miles. I figured, since I was here, I would pay you a visit. Just next time, Kathleen. try not to sneak up on me and scare the life out of me. Since you are here, I plan on and buy a 40-foot container. I’m going to pack up your and Cynthia’s room into it while I have the house fixed up. I hope it doesn’t inconvenience you too much. It’s okay, Allen. How long do you think it will take? I’m hoping to get it all done within a couple of months, Kathleen. Materials should be dropped in the barn today by 5:00.
So the c train should be there tomorrow. So with the help of my two devils, we should have it packed up within a couple of days. By Wednesday, we should have construction underway. The company that I hired. Simms construction should be here Thursday morning, also Smith's roofing company. With any luck, we will be finished within a month or two. Great, that means I’ll only be inconvenienced for a month or two. I can do that no problem. One thing though. Allen, there’s no since keeping anything but my clothes out of my room. After all. I have no Attachment to the rest, and I don’t need a bedroom.
I would be happy though, if you would be willing to keep everything from Cynthia’s room. How could I deny you that Kathleen. of course, I will. I have one more stop, and then I'm heading back home. Actually, that would be two stops. Gas station and back to Lowes to get boxes and bins. After getting fuel, I went to Lowes and picked up all their boxes and storage bins they had in stock. I also bought a little trailer to haul them in. Kathleen was right beside me this whole time. It was a quiet ride back. by the time I got back, Wendy and Dawn were already back and had dinner waiting. Hey, I brought… Get in here dinner is waiting for you. We were beginning to worry, dawn said. Clean up, and let's get you fed. I walked to the bathroom as my phone alert went off, so I kicked the shoes off. I made my way to the kitchen expecting a small dinner. but no, it’s a whole feast! My mouth almost dropped open, potatoes, gravy, corn on the cob, a full ham, biscuits, peas, macaroni salad, regular salad, pies (cherry, apple, and pumpkin), Liver and onions, and fresh bananas.
Wow. How many are coming to dinner? Just us was the response. You shouldn’t have gone through all the trouble. Wendy spoke then. no, you need to start eating better, and you need to start taking care of yourself better. I don’t want to hear any butts, and I expect you to eat at least half the vegetables and salad we give you. I grabbed a plate only to have it taken away. No, we will fix you a plate. By now, it’s getting obvious that they're mothering me. We had dinner, and I was hoping they wouldn’t remember that I told them after dinner I would listen to what they wanted to talk to me about. No such luck! Dinner being over. I went to the front porch to have a cigarette only to have Dawn take it from me and tell me how bad they are for me. The full speech. As I walked in, I could see Wendy and Dawn were in a position to cut off all exits as they asked, are you ready to talk?
I knew then I wasn’t getting out of it. I just said. yah, what’s up? For a minute, It was totally silent. I could see both squirm trying to figure out what to say. Finally, I said. come on, we’re family. you can say anything. I don’t bite, you know. Well at least not much. That got a couple of laughs. This lightened the mood and finally they started to talk. well at least to each other, then turned to me. I was ready to toss a coin to bet which one would start talking.
First was Dawn. Allen, I want to tell you we liked yesterday. In fact, well… Uhm, how to put this. well… I want to tell you something. Then Wendy took over. well, what we didn’t tell you is… I guess I’ll just spit it out. Here goes. We meaning Dawn and me. we tried to adopt a child, and we didn’t qualify. The next thing we were going to do to get a child was… because we want a child. we were going to ask well.... Then Dawn blurted it out. We were going to ask for you to donate sperm. so we could have a child. At this point, they both turned red. I could tell they were worried if they overstepped, so I broke in. no problem, I would do that for you two anytime. I trust no one more than you two, so yes. You just had to ask.
They both got a big smile. Well, Wendy said. to be honest, after last night. we kind of would like you to consider becoming or being… I cut her off with. ok, I get where you’re going. but I have at least a years worth of work to get this whole property in shape and vehicles going. There’s a lot to do. I like that you would want me that way. but how did you plan on supporting yourselves, and what about my stuff. Dawn then said. we have jobs. we can do it, we will make it work. we could just store your stuff. Well you would have a good year to wait at least before I'd be even close to being ready or willing to entertain that idea. but I’ll think about it.
That drew the biggest smiles on their faces I could ever imagine. That led to me being hug tackled. Once completely pinned down, then it was. ok, but we have a request then. We want to put you to bed, and you spend a couple of hours a day as our child. No! no! I don’t think so was my answer. after being tickled almost to death, I finally agreed to at least be a child a couple of times a week. I hadn't noticed until this point, Kathleen laughing in the corner. So of course, I asked what? Only to get the response of. oh nothing, I'm just thinking how cute things are becoming in this house. This caused me to fold my arms and say, hey. I'm not cute.
That got the response, “You will be.” With that, all three started busting up laughing. All this talk now had me deep in thought. I had to ask a few questions. even though I wasn't expecting them to have an answer. Ok, where would we be living? In unison, Here, of course. OK, what about names. Dawn answered first. Wendy and I already discussed this. your name would be Misty Parson. Oh, I would take your last name? Well, Dawn took my last name, and yes. you would too, Wendy stated. Couldn't both of you just take mine I teased. We could, but you don't have to worry. We might redress you and take the choice out of your hands while you sleep. now would you. I shivered at the thought. They just laughed.
I figured since the night was still young, I would move the old couch outside. Little did I know my two tormenters were right behind me with the old tv. When I noticed, I commented. why the TV? At least we could play a movie or something on it. We have that handled said, Dawn. As I entered the house, I was thinking. how do they have this handled? That was until I turned around and seen them bring in a 55-inch flat-screen which I recognized from their apartment. Well, I take it, you two have decided to move in here, I guess. Do you know that I have a construction crew coming to tear apart and rebuild this place, right? Yes, Dawn said sarcastically. That's why we left everything else from the apartment in the truck. I faced palmed my head. I can see they have no intention of me being on my own.
Kathleen had a big smirk on her face. I commented, no comment from the peanut gallery. She threw her arms in the air and said. who me and then started chuckling. Now it was Wendy's turn. Hey Allen. why don't you go take a bath and get dressed in Cynthia's clothes? That way, we can have all have a girl's night watching movies. Kathleen's face lit up with a big smile. Wait. How did you know her name? I never said! Simple Dawn replied. we had several long chats with Kathleen, and we are good friends now. so take your bath.
I feel I'm always going to get the short end here, and it's like having three parents. Wendy commented. but all three of us love you, and we all want what's best for ... before she could finish, I said. you but best for whom. Dawn and Wendy came up and hugged on each side of me, and Kathleen appeared in front of me. Wendy said, silly. we want what's best for you, but it doesn't hurt if we get a little something also. We're keeping your best interests at heart. Even if we want something. we won't do it without asking and looking out for you first.
Yah, I know. it just seems like I have no say sometimes. Never think that way, Dawn stated. We care about you. even if you choose to stay with us, we will still care for you just the same. You will always be family, but well… we may not have a kid of our own yet, but we will still have you. so I guess right now, we have a grown kid. Another face palm and they all were laughing as I sarcastically said. yes, mom. I figured what hey, couldn't hurt. I took a bath and got dressed as Cynthia and went to the living room. The TV and the DVD player were already set up. It was about this time my gut started to hurt.
Oh, I said. I'm bloated. Something must not have agreed with me. About fifteen minutes later, Dawn and Wendy went and used the bathroom, I went to get up off the floor and grab some snacks. that’s when I noticed something was wrong. I ran to the bathroom. About a minute later, I heard Wendy ask at the door if I was alright. Yah, but I have a question for you two. Of course, Kathleen just floated through the door, and if she hadn't been already dead, I think she would have died from laughter. Dawn said, what do you need.
Now, I knew them both were at the door. Ok you two. let me ask you a simple question. Which one or are you both at the time of the month! I take it they both got the hint, because I could hear them rolling on the floor outside laughing. Wendy got composed first. She was still half-laughing and said both. Yah, I figured as much. Why do all women have to get in sync with their time? That just caused more laughing and finally, Dawn said. there are pads under the counter, and I'll get you fresh clothes. A moment later, a knock at the door. I partially opened the door. Of course, she grabbed out of the other closet. So now redressed, I'm in all pastel colors. Definitely Fairy Kei and wearing a pad. As I came out, I said. you could have grabbed my clothes and solved this problem. Wendy chuckled and said. no, you're not getting out that easy.
We all sat on the floor and watched Robots the movie. When it was over, we all went to bed. I went to Cynthia's room, and my surprise, the other two took up residence in Kathleen's room.
Chapter Three
I got up like usual at five am, only to see Kathleen sitting in the corner and appeared to be crying. I wanted to hug her, but instead, I carefully spoke. Kathleen, what's wrong? I'm sorry for whatever is wrong and I'm sure we can try and find a way to fix it. She stood up and wiped her tears. Nothing is wrong. I just never thought I would see anything like this again.
These tears are not of sadness; I'm happy. I just wished that Cynthia could have seen this. She would love it. I'm sorry. I know you miss her. No, don't be sorry, she said. You are so much like her, and well… you just exceeded my expectations. This all is better than I could… than I ever could have imagined. There's only one thing missing, but last night was close. Missing, I said, a little confused. Yah, last night brought back a lot of memories. You see, Cynthia, and I used to set up every night and watch Anime.
Do you know what that is? I started laughing and told her to follow me. I lead her out to the tv. As I was passing the kitchen, I saw two cooks about to speak and I held up a finger and knew not to say a word. I grabbed the D.V.D. case and opened it. I started thumbing through. Her eyes lit up when I reached a DVD with handwritten Sailor Moon written on it. IS that? She pointed. I shook my head yes. Ok, I should tell you a bit of my tv preferences. You see, I'm kind of an Anime junky. I'm not always around to see them, so those two. I pointed to the kitchen, and they pretended to be innocent. Those two record them for me, and I begin watching the episodes when I have a chance. I didn't watch any last night because I have a habit of a 24-hour beng watching once I start. I said that in a low tone with my head down, kind of embarrassed. See, I told you, he's just a big kid Wendy said while starting to chuckle and sneak a bite of food while cooking.
So you watch these Kathleen asked. Yes, and I showed her about 20 DVDs. Everything from Sailor Moon, to Naruto, to One Price. Kathleen had a smile as she kind of did that innocent, please look. Spit it out. We're all family here, just ask. Anything you ask cannot be any more awkward then I've already been asked. Do you think you can put on Sailor Moon for me to watch? I haven't seen it since Cynthia passed. It would be my pleasure. I put in the DVD and went and had breakfast. It was another world-class breakfast. Once finished, I told the cooks to keep it up, and I'm going to be fat as a butterball. Of course, they laughed and said fat chance.
After breakfast, I went out and grabbed the boxes and bins out of the truck. We spent the entire day almost packing all the stuff up to keep in the house, except, of course, 3 three sets of Cynthia's clothes and three complete baby outfits. My luck was right on. Just as we were finishing up, the c train arrived. Half an hour later, the roll-off and some supplies arrived. We spent dinner getting the house packed into the c train along with all of Wendy and Dawn's belongings. At dinner, Kathleen was still watching Sailor Moon and had almost caught up to where I was. That's when Wendy whispered to me. It would be nice of you. consider it a favor to me if you like. It would be friendly if you would get dressed up and watched the DVD with Kathleen. How could I say no? I got out of my cell, knowing I get to wrapped up in watching. I changed and joined Kathleen. I had a ghost arm and shoulder on me till my alarm went off, and I went back in and changed. When I came back out, Kathleen asked me to turn it off, which I did.
Was that wrong I asked. Figuring, I overstepped it. No Kathleen said. I just wanted to wait and do this again. It was like old times. Thank you, I'm happier now, than I have been in Twenty years. You three are now my family, and for as long as you live, this will always be your home. Thank you for sharing it with me. I told her No. she said this place is yours. I'm just the Caretaker here. I was at a loss for words. She then said. I've kept you up to late anyways. I'll see you in the morning. With that, she poofed out. I went to bed. In the morning, I woke up at the same time. I had breakfast. I spotted Kathleen just smile at me, with that motherly look every time I looked in her direction. I went outside just as the roofing crew arrived.
They spent little time with conversation and got to work on the roof of the house. Fifteen minutes later, Wendy, Dawn, and I had the few last items outside as the construction crew arrived. I asked them to demo the walls and replace the electrical first thing. I told them I wanted the bedrooms finished first. Before noon the walls were bare inside, and the roll-off was almost full. So I called and ordered another roll off. At this point, the girls weren't much help. They decided to go to town to go shopping as I helped pull all the old electrical out. By quitting time, electrical had just been installed in the bare wall but not connected. I ran an extension cord into the living room for a light that night.
The next day was more of the same. Work started about six am, and by the end of the day, drywall and insulation were up in all the bedrooms. The bathroom was still empty except for the electrical. We were still having to use the porta-potty and wash with the garden hose. I got a few strange looks with the fact of I wore one pair of shoes for the first four hours and another pair the rest of the day, but I didn't care. Again, we camped in the living room. The next morning was the whirlwind day. Pipes were being laid for all the plumbing. It was about time that the roof was ready to start going back on. Before they started, I had the construction company put in the piping for the fireplace, and I called the construction companies office and threw a wrench in the whole thing.
I added a bathroom to Kathleen's bedroom. In the meantime, the roofer started adding shingles to the unchanged side of the house. The construction crew tore Kathleen's bedroom back apart for the addition. By the end of the day, everything was hooked up in Cynthia's room and Kathleen's, or should I say Wendy and Dawn's room, was a disaster. The living room was still bare. Now the next day being Saturday, usually no construction. I convinced the concrete crew to come out Saturday and frame up for the addition. They couldn't finish it though until Monday when the construction crew installed the sewer drains in place. Saturday night, we hauled the tv back in. After checking to make sure that the time of the month was over. I agreed to get dressed up. They wanted a one-year-old dress-up, but I convinced them with so little warmth and so minor plumbing, it wouldn't be a good idea.
We had an Anime night. Kathleen was beside herself, and Wendy and Dawn seem to enjoy it. Sunday, we did a little clean-up inside, and Dawn and Wendy went to town. I stayed behind and worked on removing all the old windows. Knowing it was going to be a warm night, we could just bundle up. They came back with fast food for dinner. We again slept in the living room. Monday morning, we just got the tv back in the c train as the crews started showing up. I called in for more time off work which I got quickly. some cold or virus was going around. People were freaking out over nothing, so business had slowed down. My boss was glad to have me out, with one less person he wouldn't have to lay off. for us, it was not a problem. We didn't even know about it until this point, and to be honest, we didn't care.
The first thing, the construction crew started and finished the underground plumbing and sewage for the addition. At noon I had the concrete crew and trucks out to pour the foundation for the bathroom. About that time the phone rang, and it was the foreman with a question for me. The house has a huge attic, so did we want the staircase up to it off the living room? Of course, I couldn't say no. I asked if we could go to an open vaulted living room ceiling. No problem, the Forman said. Now we would have a large living room, with stairs to the attic and a banister at the top dividing the attic and living room.
The whole week went by with heavy construction going on. By the following Saturday, Cynthia's bedroom was ready for paint. Along with the main bathroom. Wendy, Dawn, and I spent all day Saturday painting. I didn't know ahead of time because Dawn and Wendy had gone and bought some baby pink paint that they insisted be used in Cynthia's bedroom. I didn't care. I figured I would just move into the spare room. Sunday, I had to figure out how much money I would have left after the end of construction. I already paid them, but there are always unexpected overages. Once totaled up. I found I still had almost 300 thousand left. Figuring overages, I couldn't see it being over 100 thousand. That still left 200 thousand left. I realized I was due to be at work Monday. The cold/virus thing was still going, so I knew they were still slow. I made a judgment call.
I dialed up. Hello Byron. Yah, I'm getting things handled. How are things going for you? Monday is what I wanted to talk to you about. I got a large inheritance, and I also inherited a house that needs a lot of work. I know you're trying to keep the rest of the guys busy right now. I think I'm going to hand my notice in. I have so much to do, which will keep one more off the chopping block who probably needs the money. If you need me, I'll come in and work the last two weeks. If not, I'll just come in and get my final check and grab my toolboxes. Ok, a yes, if I go or decide to go back to work, I'll call you first. Thanks for being so understanding. Yes, I'll be in Monday to get my check, and I'll give you my new address to send my w2's to. Thanks again, and I hung up.
Now that I'm jobless, it gives me time to concentrate on everything going on here. We did a dress up movie night again. Monday morning, after putting the tv up. Wendy and Dawn headed to town to get more quick meals and I headed to town. I Stopped by my old job, picked up my final check, tools, and said my goodbyes. I got what I could into my truck. Next, I went by the bank and pulled out five thousand dollars cash. I went by my old room I rented and told my landlord that I wouldn't be back. I grabbed up my belongings and called Dawn. I had Wendy drop Dawn off, and she drove my Pontiac to the house. Before that, I gave Dawn two thousand and two thousand to Wendy and told them it was money for whatever they needed. I could see the relief in their eyes with cash in hand.
They started to reluctantly hand it back. with one look, they knew it wasn't going to happen. I could see when their eyes met that they needed the money. They wouldn't have asked for it. We all drove home. Seems different calling it home. That night we had a couple of jobs to do. Paint the spare bedroom, and the attic was ready. The attic I had made into a storage room and guest loft/bedroom. Easy painting, all-white. The spare room I thought would be too. Boy, or should I say girl, I was wrong. Of course, Cynthia's room was baby pink, so this one was baby blue.
Now I couldn't hide from color choices in either. With the day over, we all turned in for the night. Tuesday by noon it showed that they had at least a little progress. showing as the carpet was being laid in Cynthia's room and the spare bedroom. While that was being done and that side of the roof was finished. I was busy with DirecTV by phone for having satellite installed. Then back on the phone right after with satellite internet companies. I found a company and had a giant cell phone repeater installed too.
After finishing up with those setup details, I figured the girls would be ecstatic to know by tomorrow night every room would have internet and tv. I looked around and eventually hunted down the two troublemakers. Of all the places, the spare room. As I entered. boy, what a shock. They had gone to work with those stick-on-wall art. The room now had balloons, teddy bears, blocks, etc. We will just say, not fit for a human over the age of five. That pretty much covers it. The piece to top it all off. it also now had a pink stripe around the bottom edge of the room and a pink ceiling. I can't hide and move in there, I thought. I always have the attic. That was my last thought.
That night we all slept in Cynthia's room on the floor since it was finished, and the paint was dry. since the spare got an upgrade, it wasn't dry yet. The following day bright and early, I headed for town. I was back by noon, and the DirecTV guys were already there setting it up as the girls came out to greet me. They were shocked to see the contents in the back of my truck and went giddy. I bought new flat screen TVs for every room. Bedrooms getting 42 inch wide screens. a 72 inch widescreen for the living room, and a 27 inch for the kitchen (so there was entertainment while cooking). Of course, we could only set up some of them due to only half the house was finished. I figured having 800 channels might take some of the focus off me.
That night we spent painting the living room. It was a little more complicated than I thought it would be, because I was outvoted and trying to paint as a 13-year-old girl. It's a lot different than doing it as a 40-year-old male. In 4 hours, it was done and ready for carpet. I changed back, then we painted the hall and went to bed. The next day carpet was laid in both rooms along with it in the attic and on the stairs. by midday we had TVs set up, and I could see Kathleen looked a little nervous. It might also have been a depressed look. Feeling guilty about spending her money and giving me the house. I decided to give her a little surprise. I snuck to Cynthia's bedroom, being careful not to be seen by any construction workers. I changed and came out into the living room area.
I seen Kathleen perk right up, but I hadn't thought it completely threw as a construction worker asked me what I was doing there? That was about the time Wendy walked in and told him. she's my niece Cynthia, and you work for us. You have a problem with that. Kathleen laughed. The worker darted off like a scared cat, which made me chuckle. Wendy and Dawn, on the other hand, went into full mom mode, and I was stuck watching tv while being ogled by every construction worker passing a window. I tried three times to sneak back to the bedroom to change, only to be caught before reaching the bathroom by either Wendy or Dawn. Instantly led back to the living room. I could tell they were getting a kick out of corralling me into the living room.
At least at 5:00 pm, the furniture arrived right as the construction crew called it quits for the day. It was only the couch, the chair, recliners, and such for the living room and the dining room, but to have any furniture again was a blessing. They were halfway through with setting up when I was finally able to sneak back and change. Good thing too, because my time was running into less than 15 minutes from being a total 5 hours. A lot closer than I like to push it. I got the pouty face when I reappear in the living room. by this time, all the furniture guys were gone. Dawn spoke up. awe I thought we were going to just get to keep Cynthia, and she crossed her arms over her chest and started laughing. Very funny.
That was close. At this point, it was time for dinner. So we all sat down and had dinner. Right after dinner, I announce that I had stuff in town tomorrow. With that, we ended our night and went to bed. Wendy chose the recliner. Dawn took the couch, and I took the floor. The next morning, I was away before either was awake. The first stop was my old job, where I loaded up all my tools that I had left behind in the small trailer that I had bought. (I couldn't fit them all in the truck before). The second stop was a local doctor. I knew her well. Ms. Bella. I had known and became friends with her over eight years ago. I had her give me a complete physical. While waiting for the results, I checked my phone to find several messages telling me how dead I was for leaving without breakfast. how they had shopping to do, and how if I ran into them. I'd be going home in a car seat because they were bringing an outfit.
That made me a little nervous, but it gave me an idea too. Ms. Bella walked in about halfway through me listening to my messages and stated. she didn't think they made car seats that big, but I was more than physically fit to play those kinky games if I wanted to. That statement made me more than a bit of embarrassed. It gave me a slight idea and some questions. OK, Bella. let me ask you a hypothetical question. If you wanted to, or if someone gave birth in your office. could you issue a birth certificate, or could that only be done at the hospital? No, I can. why your way too old for me to issue you one, she said with a laugh? Well, I know you well enough to trust you. What would you say if I told you I could become a one-year-old here in your office today.
She laughed. well if you could, then yes, I could issue you one. If you could do that, I want to see it. Well, I'm not sure. I'm well… I'm not sure I want to and ready to. This is hypothetical right now. Ok, Bella said. then if you do it. can you change back? Yes. So what's the harm then? I have to have my two ding dongs here to help, and they have a habit of trying to keep me that way. They always wanted a child of their own. With that, Bella started laughing hard. I'll make sure they release you, but I have to see what you are talking about now. Call them up and get them here.
Fine, but if I do. they have a name picked out to put on the birth certificate, you promised. As I was talking, I had texted Wendy and Dawn to tell them where I was. I didn't think they were quite that close. Before I got the following sentence out of my mouth, I could hear a commotion in the waiting room as they demanded to be let in. Bella said, wow short leash there. They are protective. Overly I replied. Ok, Bella. before they crash through the door, promise me you will make them put me back to normal before we leave. Otherwise, I'm running. Ok, I promise, she said giggling. Make sure I'm healthy. About that time, they forced their way in. Followed by three nurses. It's ok Bella said. They didn't even give me a chance to say anything. What's wrong? Why are you here? Are you going to be alright? I could see them panicking.
Stop panicking. I'm here getting a physical making sure I'm well. That my body is in good shape and that everything is normal. They both settled down, and I could see Wendy was about to ask, so I cut her off. I texted you to come here because I blabbed a little to my doctor Bella and I knew you threatened you had something with you. so I figured since I'm here. I might as well get the child checked out. Wendy and Dawn got giddy, and before I could say a word the outfit was in their hands. Bella started laughing and said that would never fit. If it does, our agreement stands right.
Yah, she said still laughing. What are you going to do? Use it for a puppet? While I was stripping down, Wendy and Dawn were waiting, not patiently either. I stopped before pulling my shirt off and said. I want your word you two. as soon as Bella is done with the exam. you will return me to normal! I want your word! Fine, not happy, but okay. Ok doc, here's the rules. you can't remove the outfit completely, or I'll be back to myself. The reason I need all of your words is that, I won't be able to take them off myself. As everyone seemed to agree, I pulled off my shirt.
Before I could say a word they had my arms started into the pink dress. I looked at Bella, and her mouth was wide open. you need to close your mouth before you catch a fly. Now they finished putting it on me. When it was completely over, and I could tell. yep, I'm a child. Bella checked me up and down, and I didn't expect it, but she took hand and footprints. After the prints were done, I'm here in Wendy's arms expecting to be turned back, and Dawn put socks and shoes on me. By now, I was doing what I could, which was the only squirming. Now I'm a little worried because Bella should be stepping in. Instead, she's busy getting Dawn and Wendy's information then a picture of all three of us. Now I'm worried and getting annoyed. Five minutes later, it felt like, here comes Bella back over and takes a significant sample of blood. The needle looked as big as my arm. Next, a nurse came in and held me, and the three left the room. Now I'm fed up and doing my best to get out.
These little hands just are not that useful. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Bella tells them. It's time to change him/her back because she needs to talk to me. Yes!! I thought finally. Both Wendy and Dawn gave a do we have to look and finally complied. Slowly I might add. One shoelace at a time, then slowly one sock, then finally the dress. Once I regained my size, I said. well it was about time, which got me two raspberries. Which I returned. Thank you, Bella, I said as Wendy and Dawn started to walk out. Bella said, hold on, you two. At that point, she started rustling threw a file and handed them some papers and a picture.
What's that I stated as they were looking at them. A huge grin came over their faces as one held up a birth certificate that said Wendy and dawn parson parents of Misty Parson. The other held up the filing with the government docs of hand and footprints and a copy of the picture of the three of us. I asked Bella. why did you give that to them? You know how hard I'm going to have to try not to get caught by them now. You two hand them over. They darted out of the room and office so fast. Unfortunately, I was still naked, so I couldn't pursue.
Ok, Bella said. how did you do that, and can you teach me? I laughed and said. actually, I didn't. It's a gift or a curse given to me by a woman who already passed. I don't know how to transfer it. I only know I can. I'm just not sure I want to grow up again. Besides that, as a girl. She laughed and told me. you should and you better. If you don't. they will end up doing it for you. I huffed and crossed my arms. she just said. You know they love you and would never hurt you. they will take outstanding care of you. Also, if they trick you, it actually wouldn't be a bad thing. I think in the end you will love it. Gee, thanks. No, I'm serious. You get a chance no one else ever will. you don't realize how much you and they need this. Just be understanding ok and they will give you the world.
With that, I knew no sense arguing. I said my goodbyes and left. I went by my bank knowing I could change if I don't keep my guard up. I added a second name to my account and added Wendy and dawn as executors for Misty. After that, I had Misty Parson added to the deed of the house. Then I went by the Sleep Center and picked up three complete bedroom sets, including beds, headboards, nightstands, and dressers. They agreed in half an hour to follow me out and set up two of them. One in the attic room and one in Cynthia's room. Since I had half an hour to burn. I went back by the bank and pulled 8 thousand out to split between us. By the time I got back, their van was loaded, and they followed me out and set up the bedroom sets.
Usually, I wouldn't buy anything girly but considering the color in Cynthia's room, and I figured it was only fitting. Dawn and Wendy were in awe at my choice, and I could tell even Kathleen was overjoyed with my choice. We had dinner, and I knew by now they had those documents locked away. I was right. they had the new documents locked away in a giant safe that obviously they just bought and had delivered upstairs into the storage room. Needless to say. I know I wasn't going to get close to those documents, except if I was the baby listed. That night was uneventful, except all three insisted I sleep in Cynthia's room. First night in a pink room. Me and my big ideas.
All the furniture has hearts carved into it because I thought it would go with the theme. It does, but well… it's not exactly me. pink walls, pink anime bedspread. pink and blue curtains, you name it. So I decided, might as well check the closet, knowing soon I would be bringing stuff back in. I started with the small closet. Instead of what I was thinking. I found all my current clothes and shoes put up in their proper place. Ok, I thought. I guess I am ending up with a pink room. I bet they're laughing their asses off right now. Now I guess I should check the long walk in closet.
I opened the door of the newly expanded closet to run right into a sign. Of course, I read it. Tomorrow we have decided already (meaning the women of this house) that you should be dressed in something from this closet all day, except for your hour breaks. This is payback for scaring us today. Dressing for or as a baby for 1 hour today doesn't make up for it!! Thanks, though, for the legal paperwork. If you don't dress up, you better hope you are a light sleeper. P.S we know you’re not!!!!
Well, that's disturbing, I thought. After reading the note, I checked the closet. Fairy Kie on one side and regular street clothes on the other. Proper footwears below. With that, I covered up and went to sleep with the night at an end. Just before nodding off, I seen Kathleen appear, and she said, don't worry, just came in to check on you. Have sweet dreams, and I'll see you tomorrow. With that, I was out like a light. The morning started with me changing into Cynthia’s clothes and starting my day. Now the things I had planned to do were thrown right out the window due to my trimmer and much weaker body. I had made the best of it by starting the painting outside the house, or so I thought. What I had not counted on was the high grass or the overgrown plants being so close to the house. One tree was even rubbing against the house. I knew these would need to be addressed first. I went through the barn to find an old mower from, I would say 70's maybe the 80's. I'd say that was the last time it was probably started too.
I grabbed my small portable toolbox, removed and cleaned the spark plug, took off the carburetor. cleaned it out and put it back together. Now I just needed gas. There's the problem. Then I remembered I had brought 5 gallons the second time I came here. Once it was fueled up, it started on the 3rd pull. I proceeded to cut the grass, weeds, or whatever you want to call it. Then it took half an hour to find the clippers, to cut back the plants and bushes. By this time, it was time to change. I had lunch, then grabbed my chain saw out of the back of my truck and trimmed the trees back.
I no more got that finished and had two pains waiting for me. Once I was down, they insisted I get changed. I stomped in like a scolded kid and gave a raspberry before going into to change. Once changed (such a waste of time). I went back out, and all three of us started painting. We got the front and one side painted by the time my alarm went off. Back in to change. Before I made it to the room, Wendy said to go and take a bath, then come back out, and dinner should be ready. My bath took about 50 minutes. It took so long because I had to wash twice. Half of my bath I was still Cynthia due to how long I had spent in the clothes today. The second half I had spent washing my hair and making sure I was all clean. By the time I was starting to shave, Dawn had come to the door and asked if I had fallen in. I explained what happened and that I would be out within 5 minutes.
As I just finish shaving, there came a knock at the door again. I partially opened it, and this time it was Wendy with, a set of clothes of Cynthia's. I started to comment only to be shut down by, we said all day. So I had dinner as Cynthia, and they all three actually decided it was movie night. After the movie cars, I went to bed. I woke Monday morning at about 5:30 to the sound of construction trucks pulling up. I went to my closet to find it empty. I searched the room for any of my clothes only to find none. I heard the foreman's voice in the hall and knew I had only one choice, and I had been set up last night! I should have checked before bed last night. I was feeling had. I knew what I had to do. I thought about exiting naked but ended up exiting the room as Cynthia. When I rounded the corner to the kitchen, I seen Dawn and Wendy giggling. Very funny. You set me up. Wendy stated that it is not my fault if you didn't check last night to find your clothes locked in the storage room. It's also is not my fault you woke up late. Now they both were laughing as Kathleen came over and said, don't worry about it. you look good.
I'm fine I stated. I just like having a choice. To this, Wendy replied. by lunch, your clothes will be back sweetie. After breakfast, Dawn said. I suggest you change as she handed me a pair of my clothes. I must have given a funny look because she said, me and Wendy have an errand to run and I don't think you want to be here like that by yourself with all those male construction workers around, do you? I darted off at that thought and changed. They already had been looking or peeking through the windows every time I turned around. That gave me the willies. I changed very quickly as I made my way to the living room. The girls were just heading out the door. Wait. Here, I handed them $4,000 cash.
What's this for Wendy asked? Well it's basically… you two took off a month because of me. I know you don't make that much, but I figured the extra meals and time is worth something. so consider the rest a bonus. I got the… WE ARE FAMILY, and you don't get paid for that!! It's a free dummy. Ok, Then it's a gift. You can't return it. That caused a little bit of an argument that I finally won. As they walked out, I yelled. yes, I finally won one. They just snickered and shook their heads. While they were gone I proceeded to offload the trailer into the garage. I no more than got my toolboxes off the trailer when Kathleen asked. how do you have so many tools?
I told her they were from my job and if I go back. I'll have to move them back. What did you do, Kathleen asked. I fixed cars, boats, tractors, farm equipment, small gas engines, anything with an engine. A smile came over her face. So you can get all the stuff here running. Yep, and it's also why what the girls are asking is so hard. She looked at me funny, so I explained. You see the auto and equipment industry is one of the few that very few females work in.
Due to the bending over and most customers don't think a woman could do the job. I see, Kathleen said. Yah, I can do it but it would be a fight the whole way. Ok, what else do you like to do Kathleen asked. Well, I draw, paint, and I am pretty handy when it comes to construction. I just knew it would take me a year where they are almost done. Well, if you do decide to choose, either way, as a child or a teen. you will be taken care of, so don't worry about that. Kathleen, I'm 3/4 threw the money you left me just making this house back into a home. Listen, she said. I wasn't going to say anything, but I decided I'll give it no matter what. so I'm going to tell you. That account and money weren't all I had. You never have to work again if you don't want to. Within a month, after construction. I'll show you where to dig to find my safe. It has cash and another account number. No, that's not fair. Me spending what you worked so hard for. Kathleen laughed. In 93, I won the lottery. I didn't earn it, just never spent it. I was dumbfounded. It's yours now because you, Wendy and Dawn are my family.
Ok then. Give it to them. I am she stated. I have seen you share again and again. Head slap, ugh, why can't I ever win an argument with a woman. Oh she said, you realized. You won but lost this morning. Yes, I won, but they wanted me to because they want or needed the money. Smart girl Kathleen said. then she started laughing. I went back to the house and started painting the backside. I just finished when Dawn and Wendy returned. They had the biggest smile across their faces, and I wondered what I was in for. I entered the house. all my instincts told me to run. They ran straight up to the attic. I walked in slowly and made my way up to the attic.
I arrived just in time to see the safe door being closed. Figures. smiles and a safe visit can't be good. Oh, it's good, Wendy stated. Dawn and I just got back from the Social Security office, and Misty now has a Social Security number. I facepalmed yet again. Your all set if we can convince you. Very funny. Oh, by the way. the construction workers were asking where Cynthia was. Let them wonder, I said with a huff. She can't all of sudden disappear Dawn said. People ask questions. I suggest she makes an appearance.
I got the hint and headed to Cynthia's room. I had never thought about that. They hadn't seen her leave or seen her since this morning. In a huff under my breath, I said, what have I gotten myself into. I changed and made my appearance. The master bedroom was finished, ready for paint except for the bathroom. After the workers left for the day, we proceeded to paint until dinner time. After dinner, we decided to watch tv in the living room. This wouldn't be anything special, other than I'm still dressed, and I am still Cynthia. After a couple of pictures, It's been close to four hours, so I am getting ready to call it a night. That was about the time the front door busted open. There was a man in a mask with a gun. Everyone sit on the couch, he ordered. Dawn and Wendy moved directly in front of me as I started to move. I tried to move forward only to be pushed back by them. I recognize your voice Dawn said. You’re on the construction crew! leave now and never return, or I'll call the cops. Neither of you will live if you don't obey and listen to me. Now move!
Cynthia, you are coming with me he demanded. About this time, between Wendy and Dawn's outstretched arms, I haven’t seen Kathleen. She started moving in front of him. Face to face. Suddenly, unlike how she is typically, I can see her as if she's not a ghost, and from his facial expression. I would say he can see her too. In more anger than I would have believed possible from her, she spoke. HOW DARE YOU EVEN TRY AND HARM MY FAMILY!!!! WHEN I’M DONE WITH YOU, YOU'RE GOING TO WISH YOU WERE DEAD LIKE ME! YOU DIRTY PERVERTED PIECE OF SHIT! I'm sure my mouth was wide open when she yelled, NOBODY HURTS MY FAMILY. He had backed up but, She bolted at him, and he was thrown out the door. I could hear him screaming bloody murder outside. Next thing I know, I could hear a vehicle start and peel out in the distance.
I'm sure my mouth was still open when she appeared back in the house and checked all three of us up and down to make sure we were ok. After that, the only thing she said was, nobody messes with my family and she disappeared. I could barely sleep that night, and Wendy and Dawn must have checked up on me, even though I was back to my usual self, at least 20 times. The next day at 5:30 am, the foreman called the house and said the crew wouldn't be here because last night one of the crew members had an accident. According to him. The guy was driving home when his box knife evidently slid off the dash going around the turn and cut him. He bled to death before making it to town. Evidently, foul play was ruled out due to his truck doors were still locked, and the truck was still running when the Highway Patrol found him. They had to break the window out. The fact only his fingerprints were found in the truck and on the boxcutter helped to decide that it was an accident.
I relayed the fact of the construction crew was taking the day off to Wendy and Dawn. Of course, they had to squeeze the whole story out of me. Wendy just said. it serves him right while Dawn said He's lucky. he got off easy. I spotted Kathleen in the corner, and she looked tired. I walked over and said Thank you for saving the day. She replied. It took a lot out of me, but I made sure he won't even show up here in his afterlife. That sent chills up my spine. Kathleen also told me. I don’t care if your male or female. none will dare hurt my family. Is there anything I can do to help, I asked? No, it just takes time to recover, Kathleen answered. I felt sad, knowing there's nothing I could do to help.
The next day construction resumed. I didn't make it out of bed before Wendy came in. I don't think, due to recent events, Cynthia should be here during construction. I sighed with relief. No problem I said as she threw some clothes on the bed. As she left, I got dressed. Once breakfast was over, I went outside to assess what I thought was left. Well, minus a couple of boards on the outside of the house, it appeared to be done. I was about to go back in when one of the construction workers commented. He's one of the luckiest guys in the world. Sharing a house with three babes. I would be hitting that all the time. My blood boiled as I started speaking. Hey, you pervert. number 1, the two my age are married to each other and are my sisters. the youngest Cynthia is my niece and only 13. Your all a bunch of perverts. I heard him whisper. I would still do them. That’s when I laid him out. What I didn’t see was Wendy, Dawn, and Kathleen were about to pounce him if I hadn't already knocked him out.
They would have probably pounced and killed him if I hadn't. The last thing I didn't know was the foreman was nearby and heard everything. He came over and dumped water on the guy, I just knocked out. He jolted to life. Boss I wasn't sleeping. it was...The foreman said to save it. I heard everything. Your fired, get out of here, and never apply for one of my job sites again. Oh, and by the way. the police will be hearing about your comment over a 13-year-old girl, so expect a call. He left in a huff. As for the rest of you guys. get out of here, the foreman announced. If you’re as perverted as your co-worker there, you can leave now. I'll have your paychecks waiting in the office. if not, get back to work. With that, he walked off to inspect some other stuff, I guess. I decided that I needed a few minutes away to calm down. So, I went to the c train and measured between it and the garage. I figured I could put a roof between the two and have a building area to rebuild the two old cars in the garage and the old truck in the barn. With having a rough idea in my head. I walked back to the house.
I called the concrete company and told them I wanted one more slab. They said they would frame it tomorrow. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. The only thing I could tell for sure was Kathleen was still pretty mad. I have no doubt that if I hadn't laid the guy out. she would have hunted him down and he would have been dead. At dinner, construction noise was still going on, and the foreman came in. Sorry about the noise, but we are so close that if we stay late, we could be finished tomorrow. If it bothers you, we'll call it a night? I looked at Wendy and Dawn, who both shook their heads. no, it's satisfactory. stay as long you as you need. That night we painted the second bathroom. The inside of the house was now all done except the final carpet. The following day by 8:00 am, the carpet was being laid, and the new appliances arrived for the kitchen. I was so busy inside that I forgot to go out and give the concrete guys the info to prep for the slab. It didn't hit me till around 5:00 when the foreman came into the house. He announced that the construction was done, and they were 30k high.
I wrote a check to pay the difference and went outside to inspect. That's when it caught my eye. The slab and roof were now in between the c-train and the garage. As I got closer, there was also a back wall installed. That's on us for the rude behavior you had to endure. I thanked him. It was exactly what I wanted. He obviously was watching me yesterday measuring. The house looks great. Finally, the main construction was done. That night we were busy moving everything saved back in from the c-train. By 10:00 at night, we were pooped and only had clothing left. We called it a night. In the morning, since my side of the garage was done for me. I figured I would check out the farm equipment and see what it would take to get the yard back looking right. As I was entering the dining room area, Dawn was cooking, and Wendy was sitting at the table. So how do you two like your new room? Dawn said the jet bathtub is going to cause problems. Why I replied? Because it took forever for me to get Wendy out of it.
I couldn't help it. I had to start laughing. I figured I would head straight out and get to work. I was quickly stopped and sent to the table and told that I have to have breakfast. Wendy flat out stated. you really didn't think we would let you skip breakfast, did you? Well, I'm not very... Sit and eat now. I knew better than to argue at this point. I sat down and had full breakfast whether I wanted it or not. Then the conversation started. So the house construction is over, Dawn stated. Wendy broke in with. all that is left is some painting that we can handle. Then back to Dawn. since that was your major hang-up, I guess your work is pretty much completed. Wendy flat out stated. so when will you be ready and become our child full time. Hmmm.
I wasn't expecting to be ambushed first thing in the morning. I had to kick my brain into gear before answering. When I finally got into the right frame of mind, I answered. Well, your documents are for a newborn, and I'll be a year old. Besides, I still have to get all the vehicles ready. including your truck. due to I won't be able to fix it or help as a one-year-old. None of the tractors even run yet. I thought I gave an excellent explanation for such a quick response. Fine Wendy stated. You should know I talked with Kathleen. I looked over to see her shaking her head yes. Wendy continued. she informed me that if you become Cynthia's age permanently we can still have you change into our baby later. I thought, oh no. I paused before saying anything. So, you think, I need to get used to being one of the girls.
I'm sure I was sweating by now. Get your things in order because no promises after two weeks that you won't be Cynthia permanently, until you agree to be Misty. I was so taken back I couldn't even speak. I finally managed but, but… at that point, Dawn cut in. Don't give me that. We both can see you don't mind it very much. Yah, but it's supposed to be my choice! I gave my full pout. Dawn cut in. yes, it is, and we all know you already decided to do it. You just are stalling like constantly. You always seem to need a little push. Well, we were just giving it to you. I knew they had me and were correct, but I still thought I had longer. I headed out to the barn to see what I needed to get the Massey fusion going.
I knew they both know how to use it and the D6. which could be used to clear the property. I drowned myself in fluids getting the fluids changed and getting both up to snuff to start. I didn't even notice. You get used to it. That is until Dawn came over and said lunchtime. Get your butt into the house. Get cleaned up and changed. After lunch, I decided it was time for a word on it all. I had all 3 of their attention when I started. I think this would be better than what you had planned. I dress and become Cynthia every other day for maybe a couple of months to get used to it. Also, to get used to the women's problems that come with it, and this will give me time to adjust and take care of any final details that need to happen or be taken care of.
After all. a month ago, I would laugh at anyone or all of you if you had told me, I would even consider this. I have to run to town and buy at least 10 gallons of diesel. This will give you three sometime and me some time to think of what's best. I'm just asking for your opinions. With that, while they were still dumbfounded, I headed for town. If my plan works. it will at least buy me some time. If I told them this was how it was going to be. I know, I would wake up with the choice already made for me. But, where it is just a suggestion and If I work this right. this could buy me up to three or more months. When I got to town, I bought a 55 gallon drum of diesel and a pump to pump it out. They didn't know it, but my bank account, house, even cars, and trucks now had two names on them. I was prepared, but not ready. When I got home, I was confronted, and it was decided that every other day I would be Cynthia starting next week.
I laughed inside, knowing once only once I have won. Small win, but a win is a win. score!!!! The rest of the night was uneventful, and I had a good night's sleep. After breakfast, I fueled up the Massey and made sure it was fully functional and it ran flawlessly. Next was the D6. Kathleen came around and told me good luck. Nobody has gotten it started since her late husband. He had told her it's as stubborn as a mule. I laughed and told her it was because the timing was set wrong for the fuel injection pump. We'll see, she said. Many have tried and failed. I turned the key, and within 30 seconds, it sputtered to life. A minor adjustment, and it was running like a top.
Kathleen just stood there shaking her head in disbelief as I drove it out of the barn and started clearing the property of sage bush and saplings. By the end of the day, you could see this place was a true gem in the rough. A little more work and the property could be farmed or used for animals. That night as we all were watching One Piece. yes, I do like Anime anyway. Kathleen spoke up and said I could see why you hate giving up Automotive. you are truly gifted with a wrench. That caused me to blush as I said thank you. After that, we headed to bed.
In the morning, we just had breakfast when Wendy's cell went off. I had completely forgot they worked once we had internet and the cell extender. I paid little attention until she said. well, I would tell you once we were settled in, and she is still sickly so no, now would not be a good time. No, you will. Not right now, dad. No, you were. NO, this is not a good idea. I'll go over the details another time. Do you know, yes, but that's beside the point? Yes, he is, but it's not like that. No, I haven't changed my ways, and yes, I'm still married. I thought this would be a good time for me to sneak out of the house only to be firmly gripped onto by Wendy, who was yet still on the phone. She gave me a look of no, you don't. So I turned around, went to the fridge, grabbed a soda, sat down, and drank it. No, you can't. We're not ready. I could tell she was having a heated argument going on, as Dawn and I both shrugged our shoulders at the fact of we were both in the dark.
A moment later, Wendy hung up the phone. She came to me. I need a huge favor! Hmmm, how big and how much. I don't have to hire a hit squad do I? Kathleen started laughing at that as Wendy looked like she was pondering over the idea. It can't be that bad, Wendy. Even worse, she stated. My dad is doing his regular checks, and he said he was updating his will. when during these so-called checks, he pulled up something. It has Dawn, Misty, and I on it, she stated with a twitch. He said it Popped up. Dawn proceeded to spit milk all over Wendy and me before she started laughing.
Wendy didn't think it was funny, and I met her dad a couple of times and knew this was no laughing matter. Wendy looked towards me as she continued. so he found out, meaning Dawn and I have a child. Of course, he's already halfway here. He said when he found out we moved, he searched for you and figured we had to be staying at your place. Oh shit Dawn said, covering her mouth. Now Dawn saw the situation in the whole light. As Wendy said. please be our baby for a couple of hours? If not, I'm so dead! I could see the fear and tears starting. I know she is right. I hadn't even thought about it. Ok I'll do it. If I don't, he'll just wait outside till you produce a baby. Dawn looked like she was thinking it over, then being a wise-ass she said. ok so who does he think is the father? Wendy quickly said sperm doner, and again, the kitchen was covered in milk. Kathleen was busting a gut now.
Wendy finished, well he suggested it, and I ran with it. He asked if I was artificially inseminated or natural. I started to say artificial, and he cut me off and asked how I got Allen to agree to give his sperm. Now Dawn and Kathleen were both rolling on the floor. My mouth was wide open in shock. Next he asked me if I was still married or if I had considered changing. I cut him off cold with… we get the picture.
Meanwhile, the two rollie Pollys lying on the floor were not getting the whole picture. I knew that after the baby, he would hunt me down and try and get information. See if his daughter would swing the other way. I said without thinking we are so screwed, and Dawn said. yah, that's what he thinks, you screwed. Step brother and sister. She started laughing again. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. On that, Wendy was still out of it. So I asked. how was it? How was it Wendy asked. I said it couldn't have been that bad if you got pregnant from it, and she threw a soda can at me.
Dawn was laughing so hard she wet her pants. That got Wendy to laugh. After we stopped the giggle-fest, we figured we had 10 minutes. They grabbed clothes, and I told them, you have to get him to walk the property looking for me within 4 hours without his grandkid. He needs to be distracted, so I can turn up. ok. Plan in place. all that was left was for me to change. I was just getting socks and shoes on when his truck pulled up in the driveway. Wendy was holding me giving me a bottle when he walked in. My eyes darted to see him, then I looked back because, of course, I was nervous. I was in a full dress with shoes, socks, and a diaper long with a bonnet to hide the little hair I had, to make me look even younger.
He walked up to Wendy and couldn't help but look with love at me. He darted his eyes back at Wendy, but I had his undivided attention. He started to speak, then stopped, then started again with a different question. Can I… may I hold her. Hi Misty, he said, wiggling his fingers at me, which I was tempted to bite, just because. I'm your papa he said and started rocking me back and forth. once that happened I had a new idea. I farted instead of burping, which also caused me to pee, between the soda and milk at breakfast and the bottle. The flood just came. I tried to hold back to little avail. Wendy noticed and checked. I have to change her. she's wet.
No grandpa will do it as he laid me on the cold table. I felt it coming and held as long as I could. He got the diaper off, and yep, I peed again, right on him. Wendy, I thought I was going to crack up laughing and barely held it in. Dawn had to leave the room. He took it well and just diapered me back up. wiped himself off and picked me back up. Wendy and papa Mike talked forever. Once I finally was able to focus on the clock, I could see time was running down. So I faked falling asleep. Wendy handed me off to Dawn, who took me into the room and quickly undressed me. I changed clothes, and as soon as I was full-sized again, I bailed out the window. I headed to the backfield and started to fix the fence. Kathleen let me know when he was on his way. I was busy rebuilding a corner post when he arrived. I didn't say a word or turn around. Hey Allen, he started. So, I have to know. are you the baby's father?
Well, I kind of am, but both parents are in the house. I know that. I just wanted, I cut him off. I turned around. You want to know if I knocked up your daughter? The answer is no. Is it my genes, yes. Am I taking The father roll. no and before you say anything. I think I need to tell you something and explain a bit? With that, I set the tools down, and we sat on the tracks of the D6. I started. I need you to listen and not interrupt. So please, just let me say everything I have to. Alright, he responded. Here's the thing. Being my friends, Wendy and Dawn asked if I would be a sperm donor, and I had agreed. I held up a finger as he started to speak. I continued. It wasn't critical before, but now I have an issue happening that has nothing to do with my genes, but I won't be around much longer. So, I set it all up. I knew they were strapped, but I have this house and property I just fixed up, and it's in mine and Misty's name. Also, my bank accounts have two names.
Also, there's well… another amount, well a decent amount they will get when I'm gone, so don't tell them, but they will be set money wise. They are Misty's executors, so it will all be at their disposal. Before you ask, no. Misty doesn't or won't know about me as a dad, just maybe an uncle. So you don't have to worry. I set everything up, and it's the best thing I could do for my two favorite sisters. Surprisingly he was dead quiet. if you have any questions just ask now. I was expecting the third degree. Instead, he hugged me and said thank you. I think I was in shock. I was getting very uneasy, so I told him I have arranged just about everything, but if I missed anything and they need help, will you please be supportive of both Wendy and Dawn and help the family of three in any way you can? I think they should be fine, but there's always seem to be minor hitches somewhere.
Trust me, he said, putting his arm on my shoulder. They will be fine, and I'll be there for anything they may need. I plan on Misty being a big part of my life. I stopped him. Please just be mindful that this is their only child, and they are way protective and try to give them their space and not smother them. Until I'm gone. they might be a little standoffish about anyone sharing Misty's attention. They need to work out their feelings and get their lives together. After a half to maybe a year, I expect they will have settled down and be more than happy to have papa in Misty's life all the time. Just let them enjoy their mothering until they have it figured out. That doesn't mean don't visit. just call first and try not to stay longer than 4 hours so they have their time. He hugged me again and said. this is why they care so much about you. You always look out for them. You never overstep and put their feelings first.
By the way. where is your room? Upstairs I said quickly. I have a favor? Can I borrow a shirt? Misty kind of peed on me? I had to laugh at that, a quick eye look, and Kathleen was gone. I told him, of course, knowing Kathleen was in route to tell Dawn and Wendy, about the clothes for Wendy's dad. At least I hope she was. I was thinking on my feet and said when you came to find me, was Misty headed for her nap? Yes, he replied. Ok, why don't you take a bath in Wendy and Dawn's room, and I'll have them set out some clothes of mine for you. by that time, Misty should be awake and you can tell her goodbye before you head home. His eyes lit up, and he started a speed walk towards the house. When we reached the house, I could see Wendy and Dawn were winded, and I asked them to grab some pants and a shirt of mine for Mike. They walked up the stairs, and I led Mike to their room and the bathroom. I told him when he was he was done, clothes would be on the bed.
I told Wendy and Dawn what my plan was, and they got the picture, knowing it would give set up time. When Mike got out and dressed, he headed out to the living room. He was given me into his hands with Wendy saying, if she pees, I'll change the diaper this time, and both Wendy and Dawn laughed. I gurgled, which caused papa Mike to laugh. True to his word, within an hour, he excused himself and just told Wendy to call him now and then. He really would like to be present whenever she wanted or needed him. Call any time day or night he said and drove off. Once changed back, I got hugs all around for my quick thinking. With the day winding down, we had a nice dinner and a little tv and off to bed. Wendy's phone received a text. Good night my darling daughter. tell Dawn goodnight for me and tell my sweet granddaughter goodnight and give her a kiss for me. Of course, Wendy ran up and kissed me then showed me the text. Dawn was laughing. The following week just seemed to fly by until Sunday rolled around. Oh, Allen, or should I say, Misty. Yah yah, I said at the breakfast table. I know I have to start dressing as Cynthia tomorrow.
No, Dawn said. Wendy's dad is driving her nuts, so we kind of need another appearance from Misty. I hung my head and said alright. So Sunday four hours at a time, I spent with grandpa, then fake sleep time. I didn't even leave the room once changed, just waited the hour playing games on my cell phone till the hour was up, then changed back. It was 5 pm when he left with a big smile on his face. Ok, Wendy said. how about a revision. I scratched my chin. what are you thinking? How about instead, since your supposed to be Cynthia Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. how about on Sundays being Misty. Ok, on one condition. Every other week I get at least two days off my choice. Deal Dawn said before Wendy even could open her mouth.
Chapter Four
During my Allen days, I worked fixing up the property and doing the heavy lifting on the project cars. Then on Cynthia's days. house cleaning and light work on the Chevelle and the 55 Chevy Wagon. Neither of the girls ever came out to even see the two cars. Only Kathleen knew the progress or that they even existed. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. I was just finishing the 55 Chevy, and the Chevelle was done and on blocks. I hadn't bothered with the work on the old truck because I knew my time was running short. Also, the truck was in such bad shape that I wasn't sure I even wanted to mess with it. The next day I went to the D.M.V in Paso robles and got all the paperwork in order, for both putting the Chevelle on non-op and licensing the 55 Chevy.
I then pulled some cash out of the bank, and Kathleen had finally told me where the other money and account info was. I had dug it up and switched the names on the savings account from Kathleen to Misty Parsons. It turned out that that account had over 5 million dollars in it, and it occurred 1500 dollars a month income, which was set up to go back into it, to occur more. The second account had 15 million in it, which I put into Wendy and Dawn Parson as the new owners. That left almost 100 thousand. I knew I would have to explain when I got home. I was almost there when my phone was blown up by Wendy and Dawn. When I say almost. I mean I was close enough my Wi-Fi was connected. As I pulled into the driveway, the two panicked girls came running out to my truck, nearly dragging me inside. What did you do? Nothing I said. My dad is on his way. I told him this late that his granddaughter was sleeping, but he said he was coming anyway to talk to you. Spit it out. what did you do?
I changed names on the banking accounts, that's all. I swear. What names? Wendy asked or demanded what is more like it. Well, one savings account I put into Misty's name and another savings account into both your names. They looked puzzled. He wouldn't come out just over that! Spill it, what did you do? How would he know about the account, I asked. You know he insists on making sure nobody has access to rip us off. He has one of those life programs that monitors activity. Oh no I stated out loud. What they yelled!!! Crap. I forgot, sorry. it's to do with the accounts. They looked at me as I tried the innocent look as much as I could.
Well, I wasn't going to say anything yet, but the account for Misty has over 5…. what 5,000 Dawn cut in. No over 5 million in it. Their hands covered their mouths. Yah sorry, but your savings account, well… it has 15 million-plus in it. Wendy sat down and said. oh, I'm so dead. Her head was resting in her hands. He's going to want an explanation. I have this. About that time, Mike pulled up. I walked out and sat on the porch as he walked up. What brings you out here tonight, Mike? Misty's asleep already. No, I wanted to talk to you. Ok, Wendy. you want to grab a couple of sodas for us, please. She was back in half a second. why don't we head over to the garage to talk.
After all, don't want to get loud and wake Misty. We walked to the garage as he started to speak. You said you had left some money and you had everything set up. Yes, and I do. I wasn't lying. No, you weren't, Mike said. but how did you come up with so much money? I had a relative recently die, and they left me an inheritance. It included this house. I didn't receive it till recently when it no longer could be of any use to me. I gave it to my family, except what I needed to live on till.... I get it he said. Then he said thank you. I could see the tears rolling down his cheeks, which took me by surprise. I just wanted to make sure they were taken care of, and they didn't even know about it till less than an hour ago.
No more explanation needed Mike stated. I just wanted to make sure it was nothing illegal. I couldn't see how they suddenly had so much in such a short amount of time. But it all makes sense now. I wouldn't leave them with an unfair burden. Mike, this is all in the up and up. If they leave the money alone and just use the interest. It will build, and they can live with no worries forever. The interest is 1500 a month. His smile, I swear, was now 2 miles wide, and he grabbed me in a hug. I thought it was so tight, and he might kill me. That's when I saw Dawn and Wendy standing within view holding hands. Their other hands over their mouths in utter shock and then darting back towards the house.
Thinking that should be satisfactory. I told Mike. I have one more surprise the girls haven't seen yet. I popped open the first garage door to expose the front of the 55 Chevy. As I hit the lights, he was in awe. I just finished this for those two. I haven't told them about it yet. You want to take a drive? I looked over at him. It needs a test drive anyways. With the updated suspension, brakes, and new fuel-injected engine, it needs to be checked to make sure it's safe and reliable. Here I said, it's licensed and insured. Why don't you do the honors! After all, they have to know it's here and theirs at some time. Why don't you just take it home and drive it around, bring it back and hand the keys to them on Sunday? That way, it has a good test drive before they get it. He looked inside the fully restored and updated 55 Chevy wagon. He seen the car seat secured in the rear and agreed. He said, tell all three of my girls' bye for me. He hopped in and let it roar to life. Wendy and Dawn ran out to see him driving off as I walked up.
Where's my dad Wendy asked. He's Driving one of my cars home. He'll bring it back Sunday. He said to tell his three girls bye and goodnight. With that I went into the house, knowing it wasn't over. First question was, when did I get that car? To which I responded. Kathleen gave it to me before you ever came out here, which she nodded yes. Ok, Dawn stated. what about the money? Kathleen gave that to me too, and I figured you two should have it if you took care of me.
They didn't seem happy. How dare you give us… I cut in. no it's yours!!! No arguments. It's said and done, so I sent them a raspberry and ran into the bathroom. After taking a bath, I darted to my bedroom and went to sleep. I awoke in the morning, already dressed how I didn't know, but the alarm on my phone was already set and told me. I had already been in about an hour. I started to think I should hurry and take everything off when Kathleen came to see me and said your safe the alarm is correct. With that, I went out to the breakfast table and started on my day. I could tell by the mood, and I had better be good. Finally, Dawn said something. You Turkey, you cannot give us all that money! Why? Kathleen gave it to me to do with what I want. I wanted to, so I shared it with my family. I gave a raspberry.
I could see I defeated them, but they were not happy about it. I'm glad that I didn't tell them about Misty's account. That it requires their approval before I could pull a single dollar out. That is Until Misty is eighteen. I would be dead then. The day was exciting, but everything was about back to normal by the end of the day. The next day I woke up undressed like usual. Nothing funky, and I headed out to the table after getting dressed like me. Wendy announced she had to go to town today and asked if anyone needed anything. Maybe bring back 5 gallons of gas. By the way, what do you have to do anyways? Since yesterday, I have to pick up mine and Dawn's stuff from work and quit.
I laughed and said. I figured that would be coming sooner or later. With that, she playfully threw bacon at me. Which in turn, I picked it up and ate. She just shook her head at that. Five-second rule, I stated. Breakfast was still a significant amount. After eating, within five minutes, she headed off to town. Meanwhile Dawn decided to head out to the garage with me. I decided last night that I would take the Chevelle down and have it as a backup. If Dawn had to go somewhere while Wendy was out, she always could just take my Pontiac. The Pontiac was fast, but I built the Chevelle for nothing but speed. It now sported a bored-out, stroked 396 big block, with a high lift cam, roller rockers, and lifters, with a set of 8 deuces on top of it. Manual Muncie 4 speed followed by Posi rear end. When I opened the garage door, I swear Dawn was drooling. In turn, I said. no, this is not a toy. It will run circles around the Pontiac. She gave that, oh please look, which I laughed at.
It was about that time her phone rang. I'll be right there, I heard her say as she was at a dead run. What's wrong I yelled. She shook her head back and forth, like not now, and she sped off in my Pontiac. I just got the Chevelle back on its wheels and gazed up when I saw the Pontiac pulling up. I headed to the house to find Wendy looked like she went 12 rounds with a boxer. What happened I asked. Nothing, she said. just a minor dispute. Ok, where’s your truck. I sold it, she said in almost a whisper. I went into the house with my blood boiling. I called Mike, Wendy's dad. Mike, this is Allen. Can you do me a favor? Find out who's name Wendy's truck is transferred to. Give me a minute, Mike said. What's going on, Allen? I don't know Mike, but I intend to find out. OK got it, he said. What the...Mike, what is it? This can't be right, he said. Who is it registered to, I asked? It's in Ben's name, and she would never…
That's what I thought. here I'm giving my phone to your daughter. See if you can find out what happened! I exited the door and tossed my still-on cell to Wendy and told her it was her dad, and I ran to the garage. I had the Chevelle fired up and was sideways in our drive burning rubber before they knew what had hit them. I was more than pissed. I knew exactly where to go. I screeched from one road to the next. When I got off Jolon rd. to get on the freeway, I was drifting up the freeway on-ramp at over 80mph. At that point, I didn't care about anything but what I was going to do to Ben. I wasn't mad! I wasn't pissed! I was beyond that and fuming.
The speedo in the Chevelle only went up to 120mph, and It was wrapped back up and around and closing on 100mph again. that’s when Kathleen popped in. Going a little fast, aren't we she said. I didn't respond as I was going around a car by cutting through the median. It was so slow compared to me, and it was as if traffic had stopped. She continued. Do you know by the time you get there he will be in jail? So you can tone it down and head to the prison instead. I hammered the throttle. no way was he getting away that easy. The speedo was back up around 120. Now actual speed would be about 240mph. Kathleen then said. after you left, Wendy told her dad and me everything. Her dad is having him arrested, and I can take care of the rest. With that, I floored it completely while passing a cop who didn't stand a chance. I told Kathleen, no!! This one is mine!
He's not getting away! I'm going to get my pound of flesh!! He should have never come after any of my family!!! Kathleen said if you don't slow down, you're going to be sharing a jail cell. That cop didn't… no, he didn't get close enough to see anything but a black blur, and I don't care. I was pulling up on Atascadero before I started to slow and took the turn to Traffic way sideways. When I reached the apartment complex, I could see Wendy's truck which, just fed my rage. He always wanted her truck. By this time, the only thing I cared about was what he had done to Wendy. He was headed for the truck when I got out. I caught him three feet from the truck with a right and a left.
I continued as Kathleen was yelling at me to please stop. Minutes later, the police pulled me off of him. I figured I was going to jail. I told the officers when you hull me in. I'll make sure it’s worth your while if you give me the same cell as that piece of shit. They laughed and said under the circumstances, they would let me go if I swore to stay clear of the jail. I started to comment, and Mike came up behind me without me knowing and said I will make sure he does and that he goes home. I began to say something but stopped, trying to compose myself.
Mike handed me his phone and said, you need to call home. Wendy and Dawn are frantic. They were sure you were going to kill him before me, or the cops arrived. About that time, his cell was ringing. It was Wendy. Hello Wendy, I answered. Did you kill him? Are you ok? Do you need me to bail you out? Are you alright? No, Wendy, he was saved by the cops. yes, I'm fine. no, I don't need bail money. I just have to calm down. Ok, she said, let me talk to my dad. I handed the phone over. I could hear Mike saying I will, he's fine, yes I will, ok I won't, I'm not sure I can, I'll find a way. Oh really. ok, I'll make sure. Yah, I got to go. He hung up.
Ok, Allen, there's no way I will ever live to hear the end of it if I let you drive home. She threatened everything under the sun if I did. She told me to wrestle you for the keys if I have to. His phone rang again. Yes, ok, I have a plan. He'll be fine, and yes, he'll be just fine heading out on his own. No, it will be a lot slower. I have to go. I'll call you after. He handed me a cigarette. here, first, they said for you to have one to calm down. At this point, a cop walked up and told Mike that he had the paperwork and gave Mike the keys to Wendy's truck. Mike thanked him, and the cop left. All right Allen. I have the perfect way for you to go home. He handed me the keys to Wendy's truck. I started to say, what about… he cut in and said, I called and in 5 minutes, a car trailer will be here, and you can tow it home behind Wendy's truck.
I gave in, knowing if not, we would be standing here all night. I finished the cigarette, hooked up the trailer when it arrived, and put the Chevelle on it. Mike was still there sitting in my 55 Chevy. I pulled out, and it was apparent he had orders to follow me home. Kathleen then appeared again. Oh, I take it your here to watch over me too. Yep, she said. I guess I'm in trouble. Kathleen cut in. you know it's different when people care about you. This was well… it scarred them to death. When I left just now, Wendy and Dawn were outside pacing, and they will probably still be there by the time you get home. Now that I calmed down, I felt terrible for knowing I just increased the tension, but I knew I would feel good a few days after knowing what I did to Ben.
I finally pulled up at home with Mike right behind me. I was almost dragged out of the truck before getting it to shut off. Wendy scolded me. Don't you ever do that again? No truck is worth it. hold on Wendy. I could give a flying rat's ass about the truck. I can always buy you a new one. I wanted my pound of flesh for what he did to you, what he did to my family. I swear at that point if someone could be hugged to death, I would be dead. It did not end till Mike said. you need to let him breathe. you're smothering him. At that point they let go, and Wendy ran to her dad and gave him the biggest loving hug and thank you I had ever seen her give her dad. I had to jump in. Hey, you can't smother him to death either.
At that point, everyone was laughing. Then Mike asked where is my granddaughter and I think they went white. No worries, I told Mike. She's down the road with trusted friends of mine. You see. I knew something was wrong when Dawn grabbed my Pontiac and headed out. I didn't know what was going on, but my good friend Patsy lives 10 miles from here. So I called her, and she has babysat a couple of times for us. So knowing she has raised her kids, I didn't hesitate when I knew I might be needed. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Wendy and Dawn. I could see the look when you realized. She should be calling soon. we should be heading over and thank Patsy and pick up your daughter. Mike looked relieved and thanked me for my quick thinking.
I could tell Dawn and Wendy too wanted to thank me for my quick lying, and Kathleen was laughing over my quick little fib. Ok, I had better go pick Misty up. Oh, Mike. how did you like driving Dawn and Wendy's new car? I loved It. I could not find one fault. It drove like a dream. Wendy and Dawn looked puzzled as Mike tossed the keys. Oh, before you have a heart attack. this was Kathleen’s and I rebuilt it from the ground up for you two. It is yours. I went to the 55 and sat in the driver's seat. As Mike pulled away, I fired it up and moved it. I figured Mike would think I was going to pick up Misty.
Money and a car Wendy said with her arms crossed. Yes, but I made the Chevelle for me. so see, I split it 50/50. We are not through with you mister Dawn said she took the keys from me and looked over the 55 Chevy Wagon. Nice car. it even comes with a car seat. Wendy ran over once she heard that. Yes, for future use. Your future is bleak if you ever pull another stunt like that Wendy announced. I am half-tempted to dress you right now, knowing I'll have 16 years before I have to worry again. With that, I slowly backed away while they weren't looking. Kathleen said, are you stupid? Don't sneak, run! It was about that time they turned to see me sneaking off. I heard in unison. Hold it right there. we're not done with you yet! By this time, I was at a dead run for the bathroom, knowing it was the only room that didn't have a dummy door lock.
The rest you can open with a fingernail. I know they would have to find a key to open it up. I heard the pounding of the door. No, I'm taking a bath. I quickly turned on the water. That's not going to work now. Open up! Not by the hair of my chinny chin, I said. which, of course, got them laughing. This isn't funny. now open up. I heard Wendy state. Then to my dread, I heard Dawn. I found the key! I knew the gig was up, but they entered so fast I went headfirst into the bathtub, now partially full of water. Oh my god, we're sorry. I said what, I figured since I was taking a bath, I would do laundry simultaneously. Of course, giggling started again. Instead of being helped out, I was splashed and pushed down. You need to clean up your act. under I went. After I dried off and got changed, we had dinner. I got a big scolding. after that we went to sleep. When I woke, I checked to make sure nothing changed. I went to the breakfast table very carefully to make sure I was safe.
I figured I was dressed and becoming Cynthia, but I still wasn't sure if I would get chewed out. Hi, how are we this morning, Dawn asked? Good, how about you? OK, and breakfast is almost ready. After breakfast, Wendy and Dawn moved the Chevelle back into the garage and had the 55 parked on the new slab. I looked on the other side of the garage to find my 64 GMC. Why is it in the garage, I asked? Well, you don't need it right now, so it's safe. Ok, I guess I said after unhooking the trailer. Wendy's truck was pulled in front of the garage. I was getting the picture now, and the Pontiac Dawn had been using was also parked on the slab. Not much I could say. I figured I would go and cut the grass, trim the bushes. That lasted till just before lunch. We had a quiet lunch, and I knew I was still in trouble. After lunch, I went out and finished a little yard work. Once done, I headed back and watched the boob tube.
How can you have 800 channels and still have nothing good to watch. Dawn joined me on one side and Wendy on the other. I have to say it's hard when you can tell two people care so much. We vegged, with both their leaning heads on me until my timer went off. I went to get up, and they both latched on to me. You know it's your choice, but we want you to start thinking about missing your changing time. You have been free to go back and forth for a while now, but soon you need to decide what you're going to do. We will love you no matter your decision. They let go, and I got up somewhat stunned and went to change. I knew I had an hour still, but I realized I had waited a while. I still never decided what I would do.
I changed my clothes, thinking about what to do. It wasn't fair for them or me to keep dragging things out, but what to do. I like being me, but I did have fun being Cynthia, and I knew I was not ready to be full-time, Misty. I sat there scratching my head, trying to figure out what to do. Before I knew it, was a call from Dawn down the hall, dinner time. I sat down, still lost in my thoughts, till Wendy said. earth to Allen, a penny for your thoughts. If I told you, I would end up with all change, and I would be 50 pounds heavier. You are that lost in thoughts. Yah, I know I have to either give it up and be me, be Cynthia full time except for Sundays, or complete Misty. I'm just lost on what to do. Well, we are biased, Dawn said. You know we want our daughter full-time, but we have to admit either way we'll miss, Allen. Yah, but I need to make a choice and how we will explain things.
Ok, I have an idea. Let’s well… I need to be Allen tomorrow and go to town. They looked confused but said ok. Well... Well, what Wendy replied. You blocked my truck, and I seriously thought you wouldn't be happy in me taking my Pontiac. Yah no, Dawn said. You're not going near it right now. Geez, one little time racing, and it's the end of the world. Wendy broke in and said. do you realize what Kathleen did for you. Yah she tried talking me down. I looked at Kathleen. She gave an innocent look. Wendy continued. you were so mad you probably didn't notice. Did you even see the cop you passed? Yah but how did you? I looked at Kathleen. Never mind, but yes, I passed him like he was sitting still. Did you see the chopper? I thought no I… Yah Wendy continued. She popped in and spooked the chopper pilot enough they lost track of you so you could get away. I looked at Kathleen, and she said I couldn't let them take my sweet Allen and Cynthia to jail.
She looked guilty. I'm so sorry. I didn't think about it. I thought, unless it was an Apache helicopter, it wouldn't have kept up either, but at this point, saying anything would get me in more trouble. Well, it's in the past Wendy stated, but you are grounded from hot rods for a while. So I guess you can take my truck or the 55. Dawn broke in and said. I'll tell you what. we will take the 55 wagon and I'll be your chauffeur to ensure you stay out of trouble. But, but I want to drive one last time before I kill myself. They all headed towards me with a no, and you're not look. Wait, not literally. I mean declared dead. I could see their relief and their confusion. Don't worry about it. I'll accept the ride, and you'll see what I mean tomorrow. I could tell they were not happy or sure of what I was doing. I knew I would be watched like a dog due to my slip in words. With that, it was bedtime, and I knew I had a busy day tomorrow. I packed a bag in the morning. i could tell the two wanted to know what was in it, but I didn't say. I also made a phone call and got approved for an impromptu appointment.
I ended up with two chaperones instead of just one. Halfway there, I was asked where to first. Well, I need to see my doctor. Dawn and Wendy looked at each other, worried. Knock it off you two. It's nothing terrible. They eased in their looks a little but still looked concerned. When I didn't go through the front door, instead a door was propped open for me in the rear. As I started threw I was grabbed. Allen what's going on? I'm going to see my doctor. You remember you met her. People don't see their doctor through the rear door. They go through the front, so now spill it. It will become apparent soon. Don't worry! No, that's what we are afraid of. It's not like that. I'll be back out here within half an hour, just trust me. Hesitantly my arm was released. I entered and went to the room I was told to wait in when I had called on the phone.
My doc came in. How have you been Allen, and what to do I owe you this visit. A well-paid favor if you can. Hmm, she said. Ok, I'll lay it out for you, and that way, you can decide yes or no. Ok, Bella said. Well, you know about Misty, which the girls love to death, but grandpa found out, and well, plain and simple. he thinks I'm the sperm donor. Bella almost chuckled at that. Yah, well. he's trying to keep me in the picture, so I told him I couldn't because I wouldn't be here much longer. Bella said, never like around the baby, as she chuckled. Yah, and I also gave my two devil's money, and well… he thinks I should stay put. Bella broke in. so he wants you to be your father essentially. I could see she was about to lose it.
Now I didn't tell you, or I think I didn't. but I can also be a 13-year-old girl. This I got to see, she said. Ok, will you do me a favor because I'll walk out of here as Cynthia. She gave me a strange look, and I told that is the 13-year-old. She got it then. Anyway, I need to make Allen disappear, but not from cancer. Ok, here's what I need. I'll be blunt. I have researched and found the perfect death to where grandpa won't worry about it being hereditary. I need a death certificate that states Allen died of heart failure due to an ongoing battle with an internal infection that was caught too late to be treated. By the time I was checked. the infection was too drastic to operate on and had spread too far. All you could do was a slow progression. In other words, I waited too long. Death took three months for it to shut my heart down slowly. Bella was flabbergasted that I did so much research into finding the perfect end to eliminate the problem.
Ok, I'll do it, Allen. but you know you won't be able ever to be Allen again. I answered her the same as being Misty. In 4 hours, I would never be able even to try to change back. I would either be Cynthia or Misty, but for now, it could be Cynthia. Ok, Bella said. get changed, and I'll have the paperwork ready by the time you are dressed. Bella was shocked when she came in and stepped back out the door to make sure she had the correct room. Yes, Bella, it's still me. Just 13-year-old girl me. You are full of surprises Al, I mean Cynthia, she said with a wink. So, this or Misty is all you will be. After 4 hours of this. Yah, I won't have any other choice. Well, Cynthia. Allen left you a good reference for me to be your doctor. So, I am now adding you to my patient list. I started laughing along with Bella. She handed me a doctor's report and death certificate filed with the state of California. I died an hour ago. As I read, she snapped a picture. for my records, she stated. I just shook my head. Ok, Bella, how much do I.....NO, NO, Bella said. it's on me, you just keep surprising me and reaffirming why I became a doctor.
No Bella! This is your job, and you deserve to get paid. I don't know if you knew it. but Allen was loaded, and I am too. She started saying each cost. Ok, 150 dollars is what it would cost. I gave her $1,000 and told her it was for her, and I didn't care how she marked it or used it. It's not like I'm going to claim it or anything. Bella snickered at that, and I'm sure she was thinking how that would work on taxes on my end. I exited with Bella out the rear of the building to Dawn and Wendy pacing and waiting. They looked shocked when Cynthia walked out but also relieved. Ok, Cynthia, Wendy said. You know you're not very good at keeping secrets. I stated, then tell me why I chose to come here and change here then? Bella was waiting at the door, and I'm sure to hear the answer. Dawn and Wendy were looking at each other, trying to figure it out.
I could tell they were turning up a blank, so I handed Wendy the folder. She took the docs report, and Dawn grabbed the death certificate. Dawn turned to look at me with a look of oh shit. Wendy traded papers, and Dawn read the docs report. I could see the wheels turning. So, I decided that I would burst their bubble. Ok, I said. they both snapped to attention. That Wendy is for your dad. Now he knows why Allen said he couldn't be there. I saw it click.
So Dawn started. yes, I replied, you only live with Cynthia and Misty. one down. I was almost bowled over as they hugged and squeezed me. That's when I still seen Bella. Still in the door with a big smile and what appeared to be a tear. I'm not the one to thank I said. Bella did the paperwork. I seen Bella's eyes get big as the two charged towards her. She darted through the door and closed it. I laughed and said to myself, smart girl. I didn't know Kathleen was there until I heard the laughter. I turned to see she was right behind me, watching the whole thing. The rest of the trip to town. I just had planned was to go by the ready teller and pull out a few hundred dollars.
Dawn and Wendy said not needed. We will buy you almost anything you want. So where to. I looked a little nervous towards them. Then, of course, they decided on a massive shopping trip, everything from hair clips to nail polish to bath beads right down the list. salon, hair stylist, manicure, pedicure, etc. I stopped way short as they wanted to buy me high heels. I got about 12 new pair of shoes from white platforms, city sneaks, vans white, black, pink and blue, to a good pair of running shoes.
It still wasn't what I was going to shop for, but there's always the internet. I'm not sure I can ask these two for what I was planning. I had planned on several minutes of changing to Allen to buy what I wanted. Anyway, we stopped at a pizza place for lunch. That's when Dawn broke my concentration. So Cynthia, have you tried out all your new equipment yet? Kathleen burst out laughing as I was trying to figure out what she meant once I got it. I turned, I'm betting, 50 shades of red at least. I leaned in and said no, that was part of what I was going to shop for before I was before I had a driver. Now all three were laughing and drawing attention. I sank in my seat and felt 1 inch tall. Don't worry Dawn said.
Wendy and I are experts on what you will need on this subject, and since your underage, we'll do the shopping in that department. I could have crawled under the table and hid at this point. Lunch was over, so we continued our shopping trip. Dresses, skirts, pants, shirts, you name it. The car was filling up. Next was Walmart. They started filling the cart with more feminine stuff than I’d ever see. Then panties, bras, socks, hair bands, brushes, and the cart just kept getting fuller. At this point, I said to both. hey, and you two continue shopping. I want to go check out to see if there are any new movies. With that, I split for the back of the store. I needed a break. If they keep this up, I'm going to need a bigger house to be built. I snickered to myself at that thought. I spotted Wendy first pushing a cart out of the gaming section, with many electronics, followed by Dawn pushing a cart. Great I thought they are up to two shopping carts.
I was shaking my head. you two were going to leave any of the stores behind. Dawn snickered. we're leaving behind what doesn't fit. They laughed. I face palmed myself. We checked out and went out to load the car. Lucky it's a wagon. Very funny, Wendy stated. Ok only a stop or two left. I sighed a relief. That is till we went to the next stop. This was a little more embarrassing. Wendy and Dawn went inside and spent about 30 minutes inside. They came out with four large black bags. Of course, just the thought of what could be in them was making me blush. The bags from that store, they put in the front seat with them. After that, we headed home. I was told, why don't you take a bath. We will fix dinner and bring in the bags.
Ok, I said and started walking off when Wendy said, hold on. She quickly went through one bag in the back and pulled out a night gown. Here she said. something to get into for dinner. I took the light blue night gown and was walking in when I stopped in my tracks. It happens to be Dawn right behind me and almost fell when I stopped. It was that moment it hit me, and I thought. how long have I been dressed? Dawn came up beside me with a smile and said. it looks like you just realized how long you had been dressed, and she was laughing as she walked in. Did they buy all this stuff as a distraction to lose track and couldn't back out? Had I just been had? About that time, Wendy walked up beside me and said, you look like you just realized we entirely distracted you and you spent all day as a girl! Now you can get that thought out of your head. You know we would never distract you, so you couldn't back out. You know we are innocent, and she started laughing as she went inside.
I thought your as innocent as a heart attack. Realizing I had been had, but it was my idea, and there's no turning back, so what the hey. Just go with it, I thought. As I headed towards the bathroom, I leaned against the door, wondering where they thought they would put all this stuff. I started to chuckle at that thought. It was about that time I saw Wendy standing on bags of clothes trying to take things out of my second closet, which was a lot more fun when she slipped and was buried in a mound of clothes. Now I had to laugh. About that time, Dawn walked in, and Wendy was just started to get unburied. Dawn began to laugh at the site and walked over to Wendy. I thought she would help her up, but instead she dumped the clothes out of the bag she was carrying onto Wendy.
I just about died. After we caught our breaths, Dawn and I helped Wendy up. I told Wendy. if she wanted to try on my clothes, ask. With that, Dawn laughed so hard she lost her grip, and Wendy was again half covered. I took a picture with my cell and said there is our Christmas card. After we got Wendy up, I went in and took a long bath, and reflected on my new life. Pro's and cons. When I finally exited, I made my way to dinner. Now until this point, it hadn't hit me, but even in the bath, Kathleen hadn't left my side. Not once since the doctor's office. I knew why, but she hadn't said a word, but she hadn't been more than 3 feet away from me at any given time. I thought heaven forbid. If anybody ever pushed me looking like this, she would rip their head off. With dinner finished and the long day, I said my goodnights and went to bed early to reflect on things.
Of course, Kathleen was right there. I was lying in bed thinking when there was a knock on the door. Cynthia, are you awake? It's me, Dawn. Yah, come in. She entered and said. we forgot to give you these, and she sat down the black bags. I put my hands over my face as I said, alright. I'm not quite ready for well… to try that yet. Kathleen laughed and said, if you worried about how to use them, I could help show you. With that, Dawn started laughing. When I'm ready Kathleen. I don't think I'm going to want help or an audience. The thought is enough to kill me of embarrassment. Next came the motherly talk about how it's natural. I was trying to bury myself in my blankets, trying to hide from all this talk. Well, Dawn said. Wendy and I could demonstrate. I was trying to climb further under, but I couldn't.
That's ok, sis. I don't think I want any more of an image than what has already gone through my head. Can we please change the subject? Wendy walked in. what’s the matter? Oh my god, you guys are going to embarrass me to death. There has to be something else you want to talk about. Why is Cynthia buried under her covers? Dawn said. well, I told her we could demonstrate how to use the new stuff if she doesn't know how. I could hear Wendy laughing. I think when I'm ready. I can more than figure it out, thank you. Still not wanting that image. now change the subject, and why are you all deciding to have this conversation in my room? Dawn broke in. Well, we don't want you to be lonely! they both broke into laughter. Oh, Wendy. you still have to work to do. She thought a moment. No, I don't think so. Yes, yes, you do. You have to text or call your dad to inform him. Or else he's going to be mad at you.
What do I have to call him for? Oh shit!!! I have to tell him about Allen! Oh crap, how am I? He's going to want to come out. I'll never pull this off. I'm dead! Here, Wendy. I climbed out from under the blanket. hand me your phone. Geez, I have to do everything. I killed myself, set everything up for you, and now I have to write a proper text to inform your dad. Wendy looked like she was going to choke. I'm only kidding. Here give me your phone.
I opened the text messenger and started a text to Mike. Dad, I don't know how to say this, but it happened today. I was ready but not prepared. Allen seemed so full of life. I don't know. He passed away today. I need time to think and let it sink in. he's gone. I'll talk to you tomorrow once I calm down more. I just can't right now.
There I handed the phone back for proofreading. Dawn then said. Cynthia, and you should be a politician. Why would I work for the government I stated! Because you fib with the best of them and fake your death to get out. That got Dawn a pillow right upside the head. Dawn and I had a make-shift pillow fight while Wendy sent the text. Wendy turned to me and said. you know he might get wild hair and might be on his way. If he does, you know you'll… yes I cut her off. I know I'll spend time as Misty. You do not have to… at that time, her phone went off, and we all went silent. She sat there holding it, not wanting to open the text. Okay Wendy. if you're going to be a totem pole. I'll read it, as I quickly grabbed her phone. I opened the message.
I'm so sorry babe, and I don't know what to say. At least you were there for each other right to the end. I think he would want you to be happy and not dwell on it. I will, no I am taking tomorrow off whether anybody likes it or not, and I'll be there. Anything you or dawn or Misty need. you just let me know. Don't worry, it will get better in time. Call me day or night. I'll be there, or if you just want to talk. Call me.
Okay, I said. tomorrow would be a long day and you two have to figure out how you are going to look sadder than you usually are. Why you, a pillow came flying. Well, I would say let's stay up late so your eyes are bloodshot and you look disheveled. but that's normal for you two anyways. With that, both Wendy and Dawn leaped after me onto the bed, and it didn't hold. We all ended up on our butts on the floor with pieces of bed frame everywhere. Well, one bed down. Wendy and Dawn looked like the world came to an end. That's the look I said, and we should have done this tomorrow morning. I'm so sorry Wendy spoke first. I grabbed each by the shoulder.
Hey, it's not bad. Besides, we have Cynthia's. I mean my original bed frame still, and it will match perfectly. They both perked up at that thought. Now since we are shy one bed and you two need to look like you slept poorly in your clothes, and I need a distraction from knowing I may spend all but a couple of hours for the next few days as Misty. I think we should have a movie marathon night and all crash in the living room. That thought must have hit the spot because Dawn raced to the kitchen for popcorn and Wendy just about dragged me into the living room. While they were setting things up, I set my alarm for 7 am knowing Mike would be here by 8am. We watched movies till almost 2 in the morning.
At that point, the two were almost out. Not even Who Framed Rodger Rabbit was holding their eyes open. Ok, I said loud enough to startle them to life. I have one more surprise setup. I grabbed gram crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows. Wendy said, smores, this late at night? Dawn said it's not right without melting marshmallows over a fire. I laughed and said, your wish is my command. I grabbed a match and a piece of paper and lit a fire in the fireplace. I didn't think we had any wood, Wendy stated. Well, I cut down an old dead oak tree on the property, so surprise. I stood back as Wendy and Dawn looked like two kids fighting over marshmallows to roast. Kathleen said to me. Yah that perked them up. They’re going to look like they are dead in the morning. Yah my plan is working right. Kathleen looked at me funny. Look, when someone dies, you either have a lot of tears, or you have the walking dead, so... Ah, I get it, Kathleen stated.
So it's your turn to play them. Yep, tomorrow might be fun. I hope I get a chance to pee on them all. Kathleen was trying not to chuckle. You’re so devious sometimes, Kathleen stated. Thank you, I said with a giggle. I just hope they don't forget to change me back every four hours. I think I can remind them, Kathleen stated. So are you going to become their baby for a good one of these days? I could tell she wanted an actual answer. Yah, I think I will. I know it will be challenging, especially the first couple of years for me, but they deserve to have a child. Also, I had to grow up fast during my childhood. I started working before I was this age, so I figure it will give me time to be just a kid.
I think it will be a good experience for all of us. Not me, Kathleen said. Why I asked? Your family is perfect, and I have been so happy to have been part of it, but I'm so glad now, so soon I'll be leaving, but there's a letter for you in the safe upstairs. It says not to open until Cynthia is 17 or Misty is 15. You can stay here forever, I don't mind, and I know they won't either. I know that she said, but every day I'm happier, and every day it gets more challenging for me to stay. When I'm so glad. I have to force with all my might to hang here. I'm being drawn more and more to leave and get on with my afterlife. Don't worry, though. you have at least another month or so. By this time. almost three, the smores were gone, and the fire had nearly died out.
Wendy and Dawn were crashed out. Kathleen had disappeared or ran off for now. So I crashed out. My cell woke me at seven, and I woke the living dead. No, it's too early, Wendy said. Your dad will probably be here within an hour. Oh, shit, that's right, Wendy said as she shook Dawn partially to life. They looked terrible and half dead but was it enough. So I decided it was a good time to discuss with them what Kathleen had told me. It worked. They looked sad and almost crying. Kathleen, I called, and she showed up. Please tell those two what you told me. No, Dawn said we're family. you can't. It's not a bad thing, Kathleen answered. I will finally rest in peace, thanks to all of you. That brought on the waterworks. I grabbed Wendy, who seems to have it a little more together.
You have to change me right now. remember grandpa is on his way. She half hazard dressed me and carried me in her arms to the living room. Five minutes later, I heard Mike pull up. He came in and hugged Dawn and told her he was sorry and then slowly grabbed me from Wendy and hugged her and told her it would be fine. He took me to the kitchen and fixed coffee which he took to Wendy and Dawn. Then he sat me on the counter and proceeded to straighten up my clothes. Mike was in total grandpa mode as we went to Misty's room and found shoes and socks for me. In true fashion. He sat down and comforted Wendy and Dawn, then carefully asked if I had a bottle yet. It was almost 4 hours when Kathleen popped in and ushered Wendy and Dawn to get me back and change me back.
That was almost a battle itself because Mike didn't want to put me down. The day drug on, and at about 5 pm, Wendy and Dawn were politely trying to send him home. It wasn't possible. he had no intention of leaving. Luckily Kathleen kept up and would wake one of the two every 4 hours to set me free for an hour. Mike checked on me I think 12 times threw out the night. It wasn't delightful, but I knew it was just because he cared. The following day I was awoken by a rustling in the house, then I heard Dawn at the door saying I'm going to see if Misty is wet or awake. I closed my eyes as the door opened and reopened them once the door was closed. Do you think this is going to last all day? A head shake told me yes.
After an hour, Wendy came in and redressed me in another outfit for the day to start. All day, grandpa Mike played and held me, still reluctant to give me up for my so-called naps. I fell asleep in his arms and almost blew everything with being out of the regular schedule. To my relief, about 4:30, he finally went home as I got undressed and returned to Cynthia. I was more than worn out. Mike was satisfied with the doctor's report and I now knew I had limited time. To him, all pieces fit. To my relief things got back to the new normal with every Sunday, me being Misty and having little more freedom being Cynthia. A month passed with no further issue arising, and I was getting more control figuring things out when I was Misty.
Chapter Five
I was learning to control the muscles. It was then that it felt like it was going to fall apart. One day Kathleen popped in and said I have limited time left. A couple of days at the most. It was a cry fest as Kathleen said she would never forget her family here, but it was time she had to move on. With that, she was gone. We were all heartbroken about losing Kathleen, but we knew we had no right to be greedy either. Things were more boring without Kathleen. I don't think Wendy and Dawn even notice that more often than not they wore aerobixx shoes Kathleen had left. I didn't know if it was habit or just hoping. Things had settled into a regular or semi everyday family life. I didn't see how everything was just so natural for us 3 like it had always been.
One day the 3 of us were shopping in town when things took a turn. Wendy and I were getting some female products and Dawn was getting toilet paper. It was unusual that we had finished, and Dawn hadn't shown back up to our isles with the cart. So we headed for the isles in Walmart she should be in. Only to find Dawn talking to Mike. I could see Wendy's panic look as Mike turned around and spotted her. As he walked up he asked the obvious question. Where's my granddaughter? I could see her stammer being caught like a deer in the headlights. Dawn walked up with the cart, trying to figure how to help. Hi, I said you must be Mike. Hello he said. I don't think we've ever met before. No, I'm a neighbor of theirs. My mom is watching Misty right now, because I think she caught a cold. so, I asked Wendy if I could come to town with her instead of being stuck out there with nothing to do.
Mike perked up. Yah, I go and hang with Wendy and Dawn and watch tv and play with Misty when I'm bored of doing nothing. He kind of laughed. He turned to Wendy. It's nothing serious, right? No, it's just a minor cold and her doctor said she is okay. It will take just a couple of days for her to get better. I could see the relief in his eyes. So, do you want me to come and help or babysit? No, I don't want you getting sick too, dad. Ok, he said, you know if you need anything, just call. He grabbed a card out of his pocket and handed it to me. If you see anything or if anything happens that they need help, and you are there. Call me day or night. Yes, sir, I replied. As we walked towards the registers, I turned around and said. it was good to meet you. I thought Wendy was going to die. As we walked to the car, Dawn said. that was close. Wendy said, way too close. me I laughed and caught, the are you crazy look.
I just said. I'm fast on my feet, along with behind the wheel. With that, they both just shook their heads. Thinking the worst was over, we reached the wagon only to find someone breaking into it. Hey, what do you think you’re doing I yelled out. It startled him enough for him to look up and make a beeline for us. I threw my bag at him as Dawn and Wendy grabbed my arms, dropped their bags, and started running. dragging me behind them. I was drug past 2 vehicles when I see Mike fly past us, running back towards our car or say towards the car thief chasing after us. When he ran past, Wendy and Dawn let go of dragging me and flipped around just in time, I'm sure to get a glance of Mike hit the guy. When I got off my ass and got up. Wendy and Dawn were trying to pull a fuming Mike off the purp, who used to resemble a car thief. I don't think the guy knew what hit him.
Mike calmed down by the time the cops arrived, and he was busy checking to see if we were alright. After giving his statement to the police, he came over to us and helped pick up the stuff we had bought. The only thing that broke was one jar of baby food. Mike asked if we had enough baby food seeing the jar broken. Yes, Wendy replied, it's only one jar, and right now, I'm not running back in to grab another. We said our goodbyes and drove off. As we did, I saw Mike head up into Walmart, and I was sure he would be showing up Sunday with more baby food. When we got home, we fixed dinner and had a relaxing night. Of course, next Sunday Mike was here by 8:00. I was right. he must have bought over 100 dollar’s worth of baby food that he brought with him. also, diapers, baby powder, designer bottles, formula, milk, and fresh bananas. I giggled even as a baby. I could see an astonished expression on Wendy’s and Dawn's faces. Dad, Wendy said. what did you do? It looks like you bought the store out.
Well, I wanted to make sure my granddaughter was taken care of. she's fine dad. how much do we owe you? Mike responded in a huff. You're not paying for this stuff for my granddaughter. They knew not to press things and let it go. Of course, he spent all day with me. Things were fine for the next couple of weeks, and I was getting a lot done around the place, even with my more diminutive stature and size. I have to say. I was beginning to enjoy myself. I do have to say, I want myself at night just as much as when I had my other appendages. Things were good, but I know we were getting close to the one-year point, and I had been thinking if there was anything left I wanted to do before I had a 13-year wait to do it again.
Then one Tuesday morning I woke as usual. I got up and dressed. I had breakfast with the family. They went to get dressed for the day when I heard a diesel truck pull up. I didn't think anything much about it. I thought it was someone lost. There was a knock on the door, and I knew we were in trouble. I caught my thoughts. Can I help you I asked! Is this Wendy’s home? Yes Give me a minute. I went to close the door and she walked in. I turned around just in time to see Wendy walkout. I'm sure my expression and Wendy's seeing her mom Mary standing in the doorway was enough to say it all. I knew Wendy texted or talked almost every night with her mom. But I had no idea what she had told her.
A hole in the plan I completely forgot about. I caught myself and said Wendy, you have a visitor. I turned around and said. I'm sorry I'm... Mary cut me off and said Cynthia, nice to meet you. How did you know my name? I asked Mary, trying to gauge how much she knew. Well, I ran into Mike. he told me the whole incident in town. Well, it was nice meeting you, Wendy's mom. With that, Wendy giggled. knowing I knew her better than I knew her dad. I should go home now, but it was nice to meet you. You don't have to leave Mary said blocking the door, and my name is Mary. I need to get home though Mary. Nonsense, she said. Now for you young lady. she pointed at Wendy.
Meanwhile, I was sure she's here to see Misty, first visit and all. So I was trying to find a way to exit to change. I knew if I stuck around too long, she would figure something out. After all, I met Mike a couple of times, but Mary. I knew her and have been around her dozens of times, and I knew it would be 100 times harder to fool her. Besides, I had no clue how much she knew already. Ok, Wendy Mary stated. spill it. I just found out from your dad that Allen passed. I didn't even know he was sick, and I have a granddaughter. Besides that, you have Cynthia here, who seems like a nice young lady helping you with my granddaughter, and I hadn't met either until now.
Now I knew I was in trouble. not only was she here to meet her granddaughter, but me too. Sorry mom, Wendy said. It all happened so quickly. I guess I was in such a whirlwind on everything that I was adjusting to my new life. Dad only found out about Misty by accident. I was waiting till I had everything under control before I popped it on you. I swear it was going to be soon. We just wanted to prove we could be on our own first and do things for ourselves before involving you or dad. Well too late, Mary stated. So is my granddaughter up. I'll check, I said and was caught by Mary before I could hardly move. Mary spoke out again. Not so fast young lady. Wendy, Dawn, you both come over here. I know something is going on here! So much for a good plan, I thought. Ok, you three spill it. No wait, you three stay here. I want to see something. She headed for the hall. We were right behind.
Wendy and Dawn's bedroom was open, so she went in there first. Dawn and I were trying to hurry into Misty's bedroom only to be told, hold it. So we are standing outside of Misty's room as she headed into Cynthia's room. Well, she said. It looks like Cynthia, you stay here quite often. I can explain I said, as she went by us to the left room. She's was back in a flash. You 3 are you going to spill, or do I have to figure it out for myself. I could see Wendy and Dawn were lost for words! So I started. Ok, I'll explain, Mary. let's go into the living room because it will be a long story. You remind me of someone, and she said as we headed to sit down. Mary out of the blue asked, are you Allen's daughter? I thought for a moment if I could spin it and decided I couldn't, so I came clean. I told her the whole story start to finish. I don't believe in that stuff Mary said, and it's much easier to tell the truth.
By this time, it was past noon. Ok, time for proof, I guess. I told Wendy. please grab some clothes. Wendy, glad to leave the room, darted off. She of course was in too much of a hurry, tripped on the throw rug and almost faced planted into or threw the door. Once I had seen she was ok, we all laughed. She returned within a couple of minutes with the clothes. promise you won't pass out on me. Mary then said. if you weren't a young female and had a different voice. I would think you were Allen. Well, I'm still me, no matter how I look. Dawn stated. Isn’t that the truth. I punched her arm. Hey, she just laughed. As they dressed me, I thought at one point Mary was going to pass out. Once I was dressed, she said. well Allen, or should I say Misty. you are cute. So how does it feel? I gave a stubborn look, and she laughed. Oh, I forgot your too young to talk. Quite time, Wendy announced, and they started to laugh.
I pointed to my clothes, and Dawn said, oh do we have to. Mary said, no you're not getting away that easy as she picked me up. I want time with my cute little granddaughter. I knew I was really in trouble now. I figured she would have wanted me turned back so she could chew me out properly, but instead, she wanted to enjoy time with me. who she knew technically isn't a blood relative. Hours later, I was finally allowed to turn back. When I came back into the living room, I started to apologize for the deception, and Mary cut me off. Allen, she said. I want to tell you to thank you. I was dumbfounded. You gave my daughter the one thing she always wanted. I do have a few questions though. Ok, shoot. When are you going to be my little granddaughter all the time? Still figuring it out, but within four months. Ok, so what day is Mike to spend time with you? I didn't mean after you found out, I thought… hush she said. Misty is my granddaughter, and I want my day too.
Ok, how about Thursday? I'll take it she announced. Wendy and Dawn started laughing. I just wanted to... Hush. Next, once your Misty, I'll be here a lot more, but I want you to know when you're Cynthia. you can call me. You and Allen are my family. Ok, thank you. Oh, one last thing, she stated. I might be open, but I'm glad you didn't tell Mike about this, and I'll disown you if you ever do. You keep it the same for him, and it was a good plan. if you ever try to back out, I will come to strip you and dress you myself. Wendy and Dawn were flat out laughing now, and I was in shock. Now for you two pointing at Wendy and Dawn. They quit laughing and got quiet.
Now, as for you two. I can understand why Allen did things the way he did. He gave you the most thoughtful present possible, and I hope you know it, but also remember she will still be a child and needs always to be treated as such. Also, she is relying on you, so you two need to keep your act together. Whether it's Cynthia or Misty, either way. you two are her parents. Yes, mom Wendy stated. Yes, mom, Dawn chimed in. You also need to remember I am your mom, and if you have questions. you can talk to me without judgment about anything. Now I think it's time for dinner. With that, Wendy and Dawn headed to the kitchen. Hold it, Mary stated. All 3 of you get cleaned up, and I'll fix dinner tonight.
Yes, mom Wendy said. then Dawn and I said yes, grandma. She turned around with a big smile, and I said sorry, old grandma. I started to run. Wendy fell laughing, and Dawn was leaning on the wall laughing. I bolted past Wendy, and I could hear Mary, very funny smartass. I dodged Mary as she was trying to grab hold of me. You little shit I heard threw the bathroom door. You can huff, and you can puff, but you can't come in. not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. I could hear the devil's of mine laughing even harder, but just then, the door was opened, and I was tickled to death. I couldn't help it, I said, threw my laughing, almost crying. I could see Mary was laughing too. Mary rubbed the top of my head and said, yep, definitely Allen. She started to exit the bathroom, then turned around and said. you know you're a part of the family now, so you can't get away from me.
It should be exciting watching you grow up, and I'm going to be there. After dinner, it was late, and Mary ended up spending the night. I woke in the morning to find Mary standing over the top of me, watching me sleep. What's up? I just wanted to see you, but I want to talk. Ok, I said, wiping the sleep from my eyes. I could tell by the look on her face it was something serious. She started to speak. First, thank you so much. I know you could have walked away and not gone along. I see the child part is all her. I knew you were going to be a sperm donor at one point. I knew that you knew that they were denied being able to adopt.
You have always been there for my daughter, and I wanted you to know. I'm so happy to have you as my granddaughter. You have fulfilled my greatest wish. A tear came down her cheek. You made my daughter complete. Thank you, she said as she started crying. I sat up and wrapped her in my arms. I want you to know it's not just for them, but it's for me too. I'm not a saint. I had to grow up quickly and had to be the man. This is my second chance. So Wendy doesn't owe me anything, neither do you. Thank you, she said again. No, it's me who should be thanking you for being understanding. She moved back and wiped her tears away and said, why? That's what family is for. Exactly I said. A big smile came over her face, and she said. you always have known just what to say.
With that over, I got dressed, and we went out and had breakfast. After breakfast, I showed Mary around the property. By noon she headed home. although I got the feeling she would have moved in if we had even hinted. So now there were two days of me being Misty that I had to get used to. A week or two went by, and things were starting to settle down. I was watching tv one day and I spotted an ad. I then knew the last thing I wanted to do before becoming Misty full time. I found Wendy and Dawn, and I asked a question. Ok, don't think anything till I tell you what I want. It's the last thing I want to do before becoming Misty. I probably could have said anything, and they would have agreed to it, but I asked my question. I want you two to think hard if you have had any girlfriends or friends over 16. Someone who might look even remotely like me. Of course, they were stunned by the question. A few moments later, Dawn spoke up. well, I can think of one. Ok who?
Wendy dated a girl named Amanda. We all used to be friends and hung out. Ok, Wendy. Do you know how to maybe… get in touch with her? Yah, Wendy replied. You know I'm still friends with most of my exes. Well, I have sort of a proposition for her. Since you know her, I'll run it by you, and you tell me if she might go for it. Confused, Wendy agreed. Ok, what I would like is… first how old is she Wendy. 19 or 20 I think, but she looks like she's 17. Perfect. Oh, does she have a driver's license? Wendy gave me that, oh no, don't look. It's not what you think, Wendy. please, get your head in the game. Yes, she does, Wendy blurted out with apparent anger in her voice. Ok, then. I will explain what I want because you're going to chew me out if I don't explain first. By the way. I'm only giving you the asking part of my proposal.
Now Wendy and Dawn were in front of me with their arms crossed. Like it better not be what we think it is. Ok, so I was watching tv and I have seen an ad. This coming week they are going to have a salt flat race. I want to trailer with you driving there. My 69 Chevelle to the salt flats, and run it once. It's an official race, so there will be fire trucks and ambulances and no cops. It's one last chance for me to stretch my legs, so to speak legally. Well, with a borrowed license, partially legal. But, this is something I need you two to approve and I need to borrow a driver's license. After all. I have to have one to enter. They unfolded their arms and looked at each other. I could tell it was a debate. I can do it now or be a mope around and miserable person to live with until I become Misty. Then as misty, well......
You know, when Misty is upset. she tends to cry more day and night. I've been excellent too. I have been almost a model child except for a little peeing on grandpa. With that, they started laughing. Ok, but!!!! Only if we can get everything worked out, and if you agree, no pushing it. Alright, I guess. Wendy grabbed her phone and called Amanda. Hey, I got a big favor to ask (it was on speakerphone). Wendy, what is it? Well, you're into cars, so you probably already know about the upcoming salt flat races. Yah, I'm going to watch it on tv. In short, we have a young girl who we take care of. She’s a car junkie like you. She's got a 69 Chevelle set up to run. We have agreed to take her, but she doesn't have a driver's license. Can we purchase yours for her to use for two days? I swear she won't be driving except in the races.
Well, Amanda said. if she's going to use my license. I think I'll charge you a trip. A trip Wendy said. Yes, I'm going with you. deal, I said, jumping in the background. Who was that Amanda asked? Our overjoyed driver, Wendy turned off the speaker on her phone and talked for another half an hour. Dawn then said oh, you know you have another problem. What I asked? What about Misty. Oh, I have a plan I said with a smile. With that, I dialed my phone and put it on speaker. Hey grandma. Wendy almost dropped her phone when she heard me say it. Hello sweety, Mary said. What can I do for you today? Today isn't the problem, grandma. I'm going to need an alibi for Misty in a week. Do you think you could maybe be somewhere for a day, say next Tuesday and possibly Wednesday. then say that they let you have a grandma visit with Misty.
Please. Hmmm, Mary said. that depends on how bad my darling granddaughter plans on being? Dawn and Wendy were laughing at that in the background. I stated. why is it everyone assumes when I ask for a favor, it's something terrible. Dawn broke in. habit!! Now, Mary, Wendy, and Dawn were laughing. Okay, I said. it's nothing terrible, and I explained how I wanted one last time to stretch my leg behind the wheel before the next 16 years. Mary then asked you got your parents to agree. Yes, mom, Wendy spoke up. Oh, how come Mary asked. Well Wendy said. it has come to our attention that if she didn't get to do this, we might have less than perfect Cynthia on our hands and a very crying Misty. Oh, so then it was blackmail, Mary stated. No! It was just me informing of possible outcomes. Good for you, Mary said. That got a Hey!!!!!!! From Wendy and Dawn.
Mary announced that, if that's the worst thing Cynthia asked is for a legal sporting event. you must be good parents. you were a lot worst. Now Dawn and I were laughing at the full arm-crossed Wendy as she said, momma really!! What Mary said. you have to be a good parent and I can tell. it is my pleasure to give my darling grandchild an alibi. Thanks, grandma. I have to go. Still have a few details left. Ok honey, have a good night. Night grandma love yah. love you too bye. Ok, now I have a car to get ready. I went out to see what I had to do. I knew it would be entered into the unlimited class, which meant, no side windows, no rear window, door locks, a drive line loop, scatter shield, and full roll cage.
I already had a full roll cage in it, scatter shield, along with the drive line loop. It was late so I went to bed. In the morning, I pulled the door panels and removed the side windows. I already had proper door lock bars in the doors, but the panels had to be left off for clearance. I got on the internet and went to Summit Racing and ordered new seat belts. I knew they had to be 5 point harnesses and had to pass inspection. They have to be almost brand new. I proceeded to very carefully remove the rear window because I knew it had to go. I already had the fuel cell secured in the trunk with a shield, as required.
I think I had everything, so I went to the official website and downloaded the rule book. I already had a battery kill switch, so all I had left was the seat belts and locking the doors. It was again getting late, so another day down. I cleaned up, had dinner, and went to bed. After breakfast the next day. I was back at it. Drained the fuel, changed the oil and coolant. Then i stuck just enough 92 octanes in it to get it on the trailer. About midday, the new seat belts came in. I spent the rest of the day installing and making sure they were up to snuff. The next day I spent as Misty with grandma. At my 4 hour break, she asked questions about the race and I showed her my car. Then spent the afternoon as Misty. Of course, still stuck as Misty. I got the grandma warning, saying be careful. don’t overdue it, have fun, but be safe.
I guess she thought she should give it, since I was Misty so that I couldn't talk back. She kissed my head before she left and said, good luck, and you better be careful. If not, you will have a grandma to answer to. I wanted to comment so bad, but try as I might, I couldn't get Misty to talk. An hour later, I was back to Cynthia. The next morning, I had the door lock/blocks in place. I took a complete inspection of the car top to bottom before calling it a night. Saturday, I closed off the shop to keep everyone out and set up sort of, well a bit of a surprise. I worked all day on it. There was some curiosity on what I was doing, but neither pried to find out. That night at dinner, I told Wendy and Dawn that since I wouldn't talk to Mike tomorrow, they would have to explain. I wanted them to tell Mike that they were taking Cynthia to the salt flat races Tuesday and Wednesday and that grandma was making a 2 day trip with Misty. they didn't think it would be good to expose misty to all the loose sand, salt, heat, and noise.
They agreed to do it, and we called it a night. My mind was still racing. Sunday, I spent all morning as Misty with Mike, not wanting to give up even for a moment. Wendy and Dawn explained to Mike about the flat salt races, Mary taking care of me for the two days. Mike cut in as it was time for my nap, and Wendy took me to change me. Mike said, you know I would have taken Misty for those two days. I could tell he felt left out, and Wendy played right, by saying let me put Misty down for her nap. I'll be right back. She changed me and asked, what now? Just tell him he has had more time with me, and you're making it up to your mom and that next time is his turn. Wendy lit up at that and rushed back out to talk to her dad. In an hour, Dawn came in to let me know that he accepted the explanation, and all was good.
Before I could comment, I was Misty again. I thought to myself, they're getting a little too good at this. Grandpa told me to enjoy myself with my time out with grandma. He played and held me all afternoon. Dawn and Wendy almost had to pry me out of his arms. By the time I got undressed, I swear there were only minutes to spare. I was defiantly sweating it. Grandpa is getting a little clingy I told Wendy. Yah, the only way to lower that is to increase the time with him. Soon enough, he'll get his fill, and I told Wendy. Her eyes lit up with that statement. The night finished with all kinds of thoughts racing through my mind. I woke in the morning, still heavy in thought. Today was going to be a busy day. We had breakfast, and I left Wendy and Dawn to fixing some meals to take with us.
Meanwhile, I went out and threw a car cover over the 69. I drove it out with it covered up. only the driver's side window was left uncovered. Next, i loaded it onto the trailer. I was chaining it down when Amanda arrived. I continued and tied down the car cover, so it was ready to go. When i entered the house, there were introductions made. Of course, Amanda and I hit it off talking shop. Wendy then called lunch and we all sat down to a good lunch. Afterward we loaded everything into the pickup. At least Wendy's truck was extended cab, so we all fit. By 2pm we were on our way to the airport. We had to stop by the airport, to pick up racing fuel. The last time I drove the Chevelle, it pinged at the top end. That was happening even though I was running 92 octane, and 2 bottles of octane boost. This time we are doing it right and filling the tank with full racing fuel. While there, we also bought an extra 55-gallon drum of fuel to be on the safe side. Now we were officially off to the races.
After a long drive, we finally arrived in Utah. It still took a while to get close to where we were going. We went to check into a motel, only to find them booked. I tried the Holiday Inn, booked. Finally, with only a ritzy hotel left, we checked in to see if they had any rooms. they only had two adjoining rooms left. Other than the penthouse, which was a whole floor and 3 rooms. I asked the receptionist how much for the penthouse. She looked us over and said a lot. I took that as an insult. How much I demanded. Finally, she said look, it’s $ 3500 a night and 1000 dollar non-refundable deposit on top of that.
We only rent it to the richest of people. I pulled $ 5,000 out of my pocket and said, not exactly poor. Now, I went into full Diva mode due to her rude behavior. Now that we have rented your probably under-equipped penthouse. why hasn't your porter gotten here for our bags? Where is my key and why haven't we been escorted to our suite. Needless to say, I had 3 zombies following after me after my outburst. Next, if you ever want any more of our millions, I suggest we start seeing better service.
I grabbed the key, told everyone to drop their luggage. Well, I'm tired and very tired of waiting. just have our bags brought up. Yes, yes mam sorry, the receptionist said. Oh miss, would you like a menu sent up with your bags? Of course I do. I take it the rooms probably dusty due to your service. I imagine it doesn't get rented much. I walked without turning around to the elevator. Once I put the key card in the elevator and the door closed. I got the what the......was that. Well, she treated us like pond scum!! So, I gave her the diva treatment. Wendy and Dawn started cracking up. Amanda was still. She looked in shock and finally started to speak. What was all that about millions?
Oh, that part is true. Her mouth hung open. I turned to her and said, Wendy and Dawn last I knew still had a little over 15 million and me I'm closer to 8 million. She looked at Wendy. Wendy said long story, but she is not lying. That's why we don't work anymore. Amanda just stood there dumbstruck. I could see her loss for words. I said yah, I could have sent that rude receptionist into a full panic. I could have just bought this place and made her be our servant. I could see that flash through Amanda's thoughts as she started to chuckle.
Amanda seemed nervous to be around us now, so I had to break the ice. Listen Amanda. we're still the same people, who were all joking in the truck. We're not about the money. it doesn't matter. It’s still the same Wendy and Dawn that you have always known, and I'm still the same girl you met this morning. That seemed to calm her down. By dinner she was smiling and laughing with the rest of us. The following day we left the hotel after breakfast to a full host of assistants for everything, including the door. We spent most of the day with paperwork at the salt flat and looking at where Wendy, Dawn, and Amanda would be for the finish. It was then I realized, oh shit!!! Wendy was the first to ask what's wrong? I whispered in her ear. I didn't think about it, but my fire suit is for Allen not Cynthia. Oh, Wendy said. What's wrong? Amanda and Dawn asked. Oh, Cynthia forgot her fire suit. Amanda said, no problem. Big problem. not many 5 feet nothing racers here. It's not like we can go to the local clothing store and get one. I happen to know where to go, Amanda said.
Lead the way, I announced. We drove over to the main area. Once there, she led the way through the crowds of various booths. Eventually, we got to a small booth towards the back. Above the stand had a banner that said Fast Line. Amanda walked right up to the booth. The lady at the counter appeared to recognize her. Hey Amanda, what are you doing here? You said you were watching on tv. Amanda laughed. Well, I got a deal to come here. I couldn't turn it down. Ok, she said. Amanda stood there, and she explained how she was here, how I was borrowing her id, and how I left my fire suit at home. The lady snickered and looked at me. Come here Dear, she said waving me over. So do I call you Amanda or, I cut in. Cynthia will be acceptable.
Okay, Cynthia, well your lucky because as I told Amanda, our driver wrecked, and we don’t have anyone to represent us in this event. Good news for you. As it happens. I have a suit that should fit you right. It is covered with our logos. if you don't mind, your welcome to borrow it. My eyes lit up as I almost climbed over the booth to thank her. She just laughed and handed me the suit. Amanda said, are you sure this is ok? Yah, whether she finishes high or not, some exposure is better than no exposure. So enjoy. I was almost giddy. The race or drag is back on I thought. We all went out together for dinner, including the booth lady who now I know as Amy. We had a wonderful dinner, then went our separate ways. She was heading back to her trailer and us to our hotel. I stopped mid-walk and turned. Hey Amy, I yelled. Where are you staying tonight? She replied, in a trailer with 3 co-workers. Why don't you come visit on our couch tonight? it's better than a trailer. I couldn't impose, she said.
It was Wendy who said. you’re not imposing. Follow us. See, it's a thank you i said, let’s go. Amy shook her head in response. When she has seen the hotel we were staying in, her mouth dropped. I told Amanda. just be ready to pick her up off the floor when she sees the room. Amanda just giggled. When we got off at the penthouse and she seen it, Amanda had to almost drag her out of the elevator. I heard Amy whisper to Amanda. I didn't know you hung out with rich people. Amanda snickered. I've known them for a long time, but money was recent, and they're still down to earth. That seem to set Amy at ease. We had pretty much a playful girls' night. Amy loosened up and even cracked a joke about the sofa being more prominent than her bed in the trailer, and more comfortable.
In the morning, everyone got dressed and ready to leave. Amy looked a little disheveled in her clothes from the night before. I went to Dawn and asked if she would loan her some clothes. Dawn didn't even think or ask Amy as she drugs her into a room. Amy came back out looking refreshed and a lot better. She took her clothes from the night before, and we all grabbed our bags and left. Once at the flats, I removed the car cover, exposing the newly painted flames that I had added before we left. It made Wendy and Dawn nervous. Once Amy walked by and seen my car and me in her company's fire suit she had to get a picture.
Meanwhile, after the photo. the safety and officials checked my car. It was a top to bottom inspection. I was the only car with a windshield, which they were sure wasn't up to specs. I showed them the two required center safety bars and told them about it being a duel layer windshield that wasn't even needed. Hell, it's even bulletproof. They got out the biggest mic I have ever seen and measured it from the inside around the frame to get the measurement. They were amazed when they found out it was almost a half-inch thick. Finally, I was given the green light. Of course, they put me into the unlimited class as I expected.
I put on my helmet and climbed into my car. I'm set as 30th to leave. Now, because this is all about speed and who's faster, not about being side by side, they release the cars one minute and 30 seconds apart. So there's very little chance of one car catching or getting in a dust storm of the car before. Wendy, Dawn, and Amanda said good luck and headed the long drive to the pit at the other end of the flats. The race would start in half an hour. That way there was time for all the pit cars(trucks) to get into position at the other end. I sat in my car turned on my radio and tested to make sure that Wendy, Dawn and Amanda could hear me.
It's a two-way radio between the car and the pit. The only others on the channel would be announcements by the race officials. I closed my eyes for a moment to focus. Only drivers and officials were on this side now. Hey, good looking, it's a shame I'm not behind you since I would ram it up you good. Oh, is that so. I would have to find my tweezers in my purse to make sure that it's not a hair and direct you in. That shut him up as others laughed. Then to my right, what are you doing after this? After I win, I'll need a fine-looking something to wrap my arms around. Well a dog would be a step up for you and Your regular class of women. So if you win, I'll find a dog for you, so you will have something that can stand you.
Now the two around me, the one in front and the one going after me, sat there with their mouths shut. Peace at last. About that time, the race officials came on a 1 minute to start. With that, I could hear all the engines starting. I called out over my mic. you ready down there, it's starting. Yah, we're ready. Ok where are you. In the end. Where at the end genius. Oh, Wendy said. they lined us up just like you. We're in the 30th spot out of 50. Ten-four I said. moments later, the announcement of the start. I fired up the 69, and it rumbled to life. It seemed like an eternity as car after car left 1 minute 30 seconds apart. The first cars were already pulling into the pits when they reached the 25th car and got close now. It's only about a 25-minute flat run, but I was worked up and itching to go by the time number 29 was released. I sat there watching the official as he watched his stopwatch. Seconds ticked by. finally, he dropped his arm, indicating time to go.
I took off like a shot. I had just got into 4th gear when I had a visitor. Kathleen, I thought you couldn't come back! I'm glad to see you, but how? Well, she said. I still watch over you, and I might appear in times of stupidity. I gave her a raspberry. She laughed. I just came to say I'm proud of you and to let you know I will always still be here for you. Thank you and I miss you. I know, I have to go now sweetie, but win if you can, bye. Like nothing, she was gone. I was pushing at least 200 at this time, but I wasn't sure.
Hey, I said into my mic. I had a visitor, and she's still watching. That's great, Wendy said. I heard screaming over the mic. What's wrong I yelled into the mic? An announcement came over, warning a car has lost its brakes and slammed into the pits. When finished, park outside. Avoid the pits. I hit the mic. Wendy, Dawn come in, please. No response. I hammered the throttle. Kathleen, I called out with tears in my eyes. Please make sure they’re ok. Please!!!!!!!! I hit the mic again. Come back, please. I wasn't even aware of time at this point.
I didn't care about the car. It was redlined, and I was begging for it just to hold out. Please a little longer. I flew past #29 like it was setting still. Another announcement come over. Accident in pits has severe injuries and death. Fire has broken out. stay clear. The accident was between 25 and 32. My heart sunk. No, I cried. Come in, please, come in. Be alright. Kathleen help. My heart was pounding through my chest. I started thinking it's all my fault!!!! I dragged them out here. I still hadn't let off the throttle. Another announcement came over. We are stopping the race for anyone not on the course. Please slow before the finish. I didn't care about the race at all now, and I was just praying they were alright. I flew by another car. I could see the finish line coming up, and I was just getting a look at the carnage. It looked like a natural disaster area with clouds of smoke billowing into the air. My mind was racing as I crossed the line, slammed the brakes, and slid for about 300 feet.
As I was sliding, watching the pits and spotted Wendy's truck in flames. No, I cried as I shifted into 3rd and hit the throttle, passing the line of cars and people. I moved to 4th while sliding to clear everyone and came in around the backside. I could see the truck on fire, and the trailer was crumpled. I slid to a stop and bailed out the window. I ran to the truck. Fire was coming out the windows, but no sign of any of them. Wendy, Dawn and Amanda, were nowhere to be seen. I ran through the wreckage in the area, looking for any signs of them, in a complete panic. I was ignoring the fire crew and the officials. I just kept going and looking with no success. I ran back to my car, and the tears were flowing over. What have I done!!! At that point, I climbed back into the car. I can't go on like this. the guilt and pain started to overwhelm me. My mind was going a mile a minute and I thought if their gone, I'm to blame. can I go on or do I even want to.
I reached for the key to start the car, and Kathleen was back. Kathleen, it's all my fault. I drug them here for my stupid wants!!!! I can't do it! I should never have come here! I fired up the Chevelle, stuffed it in reverse and hit the gas. They would have been better off without me! I slid it around a full 180 degrees, slammed first gear, and hit the throttle. Calm down, Cynthia. I can't!! It's all my fault. Speeding up I smashed 2nd gear. Listen, Cynthia. I came to the pits when I seen the car out of control. I told them to run, and they are ok! No!!! Your just trying to make me feel better. I slammed into 3rd, heading for the edge of the flats. Listen, I wouldn't lie, I'll take you to them. Fine! I cried out. Turn around, Kathleen said. I did. Ok, head for the area with the rest of the cars in the race. they will be there. They better be!! or, or, it's over, I said whimpering. I glanced over to see Kathleen all but crying. She was concentrating on me.
As I pulled up, I didn't see them at first, and when I did, I shut the car off and bailed out the window almost onto my head. I found my feet quickly. Ditched my helmet at an entire run. Tears are streaming down my face, I bowled them right over on the ground. I'm so sorry! I cried out. I never meant to put you in danger. Ok! It's Ok, Wendy said. We're drowning down here. I'm just… i will never put you in danger again. I shouldn't have come here, and it almost cost you your lives. Dawn said no! it's good you came. We're fine. No, I cried I.. Stop Wendy said.
we are fine and never were in danger. Our guardian was yelling her head off to run and to where. we drug Amanda along. Yah Amanda said. I don't know how they knew, but we ran and got behind a semi before the car ever touched the pits. We were completely out of danger. I got down to a sniffle. Well… I just thought. I got hugs all around after we stood up. I understand you did good Dawn stated holding my face up with her hand. I don't know. I just had to get here and see if you were ok.
Yah well Wendy said. I thought I told you to take it easy. I did. until I couldn't get a hold of you. I was getting the sniffles under control. Wendy wiped my face and my nose as I started to calm down. In the meantime, Amanda walked back and grabbed my helmet. The officials came over about that time. Well Miss. Amanda. you are not a first-timer. I know we checked that car up and down, but you took the record. So, I won? Cool! You don't understand, Amanda. you took the record for your class. with top speed of 310 mile per hour. Congrats. About that time Amy made her way over. I'm sorry Amy, I will return the suit when I get back to town and buy new clothes. No way She said. That suit is yours. what I stated. You won. more than that, those tv cameras over there. she pointed to the right. They have you plastered everywhere. You not only won, but you took the record. Your picture and our logo will be up in the hall of fame.
Best advertisement ever!! That suit is yours, even if you never race again. You will have a constant reminder and thank you for the best day of my life. I was speechless. Amanda, Wendy and Dawn, and I stood there for a while. There were a lot of photos taken. Well, it's time to go, I guess. That's when it hit Wendy. She started laughing. well, who are we going to call for a lift? Dawn didn't think it was so funny. We walked to where the officials were and got the local wrecking yard to come and pick up the truck and trailer. Well, I guess we will have to take the Chevelle back. It's going to be cramped and loud, I said, chuckling. Wendy was holding her head at the thought. I could hear her phone going off in her pocket. Wendy, Wendy what! she replied. Are you going to answer that? She pulled out her phone. Oh shit! I'm dead!! What.
It's my dad! It's your phone, so your problem. I laughed. She gave me a look. You’re so dead. Wendy answered the phone, and I could hear Mike. she didn't even have it on speaker. Are you alright? Wendy held the phone away from her ear. Yes, dad. we're fine. We weren't in the pits at the time, but my truck, its gone. Yes, he yelled. I seen the flames. it's on tv. Wendy got that oh shit look on her face. Sorry, dad. I didn't know. The conversation continued for several more minutes. Ok, dad. we only have the car that we ran on the track here, so I guess we'll drive it to the nearest car lot and buy a truck and trailer to tow it home. Don't bother, he said. I'm 5 minutes away, and I have a trailer. I'm driving you all home. He hung up. We are so dead, Wendy stated. Hey, I spoke up. I still have half a tank. we can make a run for it. Dawn started laughing. Wendy looked like she was thinking it over. Ok, well, let us get the car to the road, so your dad doesn't have to go far. About that time, I could see his truck pull up with a trailer. Too late to run, I said.
Wendy just bowed her head. I was expecting a big lecture, but he got out of the truck and grabbed Wendy and Dawn in a hug. I was so worried, Mike said. I left a message for your mom. Thanks, Wendy said. Hey Mr. Mike, how did you get here so fast? It's a day and a half drive, at least. Mike lowered his head. Wendy gasped. you were nearby, weren't you. Yes, he admitted. I followed behind, just in case there were any problems. Good thing for us, I stated and winked at Mike. Thanks for the rescue Mike, it would have been a long drive otherwise. Mike laughed. well, I told Wendy. if you need me, all you have to do is ask. I think Wendy turned three shades of red. We loaded the car and headed home.
Amanda and I were in the back, and Wendy, Dawn, was upfront with Mike. Thank you, I told Amanda as I handed her back her license. No problem, I'm glad you had fun. Besides, I got to stay in a top-notch hotel and treat a friend of mine. Besides that, we were able to help her with her job. Well, still. Thanks. With that, I leaned against the window and drifted off. I knew i was being shaken awake at home. wake up sleepyhead, Dawn said. It was way early in the morning, so we all just crashed into the living room. About 9:00 am, whatever morning it was, everyone started stirring to life. I had slept in the truck, so I was already up and making coffee and breakfast. After breakfast, everyone went home. Wendy called her mom and went over everything. Now I had that out of my system, and I decided to play on my cell for a bit to clear my head. That's when I noticed it.
hilarious guys, I said. Who was the one who put a child block program on my phone? Dawn laughed and pointed to Wendy, and she pointed back at dawn. Ok, which is it? It stayed locked on until the following weekend was over. I was too lost in thought to care too much. Something was eating at me. I went out to the Chevelle and pulled down the tattle tale tach. I turned on the ignition and looked at the tattle tale. it said 12000 rpm. Now I was even more confused. It's impossible!! A dead rap on this engine is only almost 1100 if I do a flat stomp. Wendy and Dawn came over to see where I was and what I was messing with. Pretty impressive car and driving, Dawn said. Yah Wendy said, you did well. I don't care about that, I stated. Something doesn't make sense. They both looked puzzled. Ok, I have test revved this car hundreds of times before I raced it. Also, I had that fast run into town, which you still don't allow me to drive because of.
That tach read 12,000 rpm. So Wendy said. No! you don't understand. It can't go that high sitting here with no load on it. I've had it to 11,000, but no higher. It should have been less than that while driving, even if I was full throttle. I could tell they weren't getting it. I reached in and fired it. I set my hand on the fender and listened. It was a little rougher than it should have been. I popped the hood and removed the air cleaners. I looked down the carbs and found the front two dumping fuel. Okay, at least that explains it, but the question now is, did they just have float issues, or just now did they start leaking fuel. And why/how come was it both front carbs. It was good for me, as it just fed the rest, but was it luck or something else. I couldn't help but think of Kathleen. Did she do it? would she know how or was it just some weird accidental thing. At least I knew why. But how? I spent the afternoon fixing and making sure the car was in good shape.
Now only one problem existed. So next Thursday, when Mary arrived and I was at my 4-hour break, I hatched my plan. I went to my room and grabbed 80,000 dollars which pretty much wiped out the cash I had, and Mary agreed to do what I asked. The rest of the week went by uneventful. Monday, I got a call from grandma. It's ready, she said. Ok, how about a spontaneous visit? She laughed at the thought and said you got it! See you tomorrow. So Tuesday, I was up early, had breakfast ready and coffee before Wendy and Dawn cleared their room. Well, someone is full of energy today. You couldn't sleep. Yah I'm calling bull Wendy replied. what I stated. I have been here with you two all week. What could I possibly have planned. I don't know what Wendy said, but I'm sure we will find out. About that time, a horn honked. Oh, that will be for you Wendy. I knew it She stated. Even out here, you still manage to pull something off.
Who me? I said innocent. Wendy opened the door then stood there. Surprise, I said. You didn't, she stated! Oh, but I did. SURPRISE! Dawn rushed up, looked came back and hugged me, and whispered thank you. No problem! I whispered back and we walked up behind the still stunned Wendy. Her mom Mary walked up and said here, as she handed her the keys. Your daughter had me pick up your new truck, but later I'll need a lift home. Mary made her way past the still frozen Wendy and came to me. how is my favorite granddaughter today? Good now grandma, but do you think your daughter will ever move again? Dawn started laughing, which snapped Wendy out of it. With that, she turned around and said you little… I cut her off. go check out your truck. You can yell at me later. Mary started laughing, and Wendy turned back around to check out her truck.
I got her a brand new white GMC extended cab Duramax Diesel, but I had grandma take it by a body shop and added some pink. I mean bright hot pink body line stripes and two pink racing stripes put across the roof and hood. Kind of my, ha ha. It did look good. Girly, but good. With that grandma said, you're probably safer as Misty. Come on, I'll help. I started laughing, knowing Wendy will be that much more irritated not to vent at Cynthia about buying the truck. When Wendy made it into the house, she stated. I love the truck, but I'm going to kill Cynthia. Dawn started laughing. good luck. Wendy looked around to see me in grandma's arms. Wendy crossed her arms and said that's so unfair. Mary just chuckled, looked at me and said. Well, she loves you. You do know she'll eventually catch you, and you will have to deal with her then. I may not have much control as Misty, but I shook my head no, and Mary burst into a laughter.
Wendy looked at her mom and said, ok give her up I need to talk with that young missy. Nope, Mary replied, it's my time. You'll have to wait. She turned back to me and whispered. ok I bought you some time. The day went on, I spent my 1-hour break with grandma, and by night, when I turned back, I was waiting for what was coming. Instead, I just got a hug and thank you. Now everything was back to normal. I started writing a message on my cell phone. It took half a dozen times of rewriting and two days of back and fourth to figure out how I wanted it. It was the following Monday by the time I was ready to send it and I set it up for a delayed message.
My plan was in action, no turning back. It was set to be delivered at 8:30 am Tuesday to both Wendy and Dawn. So I dressed in classic Cynthia clothing from a short sleeve shirt to black pants that I tucked and cupped the bottom to white scrunch socks to the traditional blue and white striped Aerobixx shoe Velcro straps. After dressing, I laid back on my bed and thought about all that has happened. What an adventure it had been. What awaits in the future. My mind was lost in thought as I heard a knock on the door. Dawn walked in, breakfast time. Then she said, wow, your somewhat nostalgic today. Yah, I was lying here remembering the first day I found this place and the first time you and Wendy showed up here. It's been an adventure.
Yah it's been a fun time, but don't worry, kiddo. there's more to come. I know, but I just felt like looking back for once. Dawn came over and hugged me and said, it's good to look back but try to think of all the good times. I don't need to watch you, Do I? No, No. It's nothing like that. I was just reflecting. It helps me figure out where to go next. Well, Dawn said in a teasing voice. I think next will be walking and potty training. I hit her with a pillow as she tried to flee. If they only knew what was in my text, she wouldn't have cracked that joke.
Both Wendy and Dawn watched me like a hawk all day. I reassured them half a dozen times not to worry, but just like any parent, they were right over the top of me fearing. At dinner, they finally seemed a little more relaxed. So Cynthia, what are the plans for tomorrow? Hmmm, I think it will be one of those kick back and relax. Take your mind off it days. I may even let you have a Misty day. Oh, that got them bouncing off the walls.
After all, grandma and grandpa took almost all of Misty's time. With that said, I went to bed. I don't think they even noticed, with all their planning. I set my alarm for 3:00 am. I had a plan. With that, I dozed off. If I knew it would have been such a restless night, I wouldn't have bothered with the alarm. I was wide awake at 2:45. I shut off the alarm. I got in my nightgown and snuck into the kitchen and had a soda. Then making sure the two were out like a light, I snuck into Misty's room. I had pre-laid out clothes, but I wasn't sure if my plan would work. So I started with the tights. as I pulled them up my legs got dinky. Once up, I pulled them back off my dinky little behind, and with it now small, I diapered myself then pulled the tights back up. Next I did the socks with frills and black t strap shoes. A little awkward having a 13-year-old upper body and a year olds legs and feet.
After finishing with the shoes, I sat there for a minute, knowing this was how it had to be. If I had let either of them do it. trick me into it. let grandma do it. they would always be wondering if I had changed my mind or if it was forced. I was hoping the 8:30 text and the fact that I did this myself would put them at ease. That's why I am doing this while they're still asleep. By the time they get my text, it will be too late. I had to take a quick look to see if I had forgotten anything with all my contemplation I did. As I was racing through my checklist, I hit two essential things. #1 light is still on. dead give away. #2 shit I didn't start in the crib. I started on the floor. Shit, shit, shit!!! I sat there reasoning out my problems. The first was easy to reach over and turned out the light. The night light is bright enough to finish up. So I turned the light out. Second not so easy. How to get into the crib?
I need it so I don't get stepped on in the morning. I stacked boxes of diapers next to the crib. With the help of diapers, creating a sort of stairway and still being average 13 years old at the top end. I managed to climb into the crib. After I was in, I realized my mistake. The dress was still on the floor! Ugh!!! I barely stopped from doing a head slap which might have woken someone up. I reached my arm threw the bars, grabbed the dress, and threw it over the top into the crib. I thought the problem was solved. I went to pull my arm back in to find my arm was stuck. I started to giggle, and then I began to move, then twisted, then I started thinking how to get out. I had to hold back a laugh at realizing how funny I look and to see the look on their faces if I was still stuck when they woke up. Finally, after 5 minutes of struggling, I got my arm unstuck.
I sat there for a moment contemplating before I stuck my hands in over my head and let the dress slide down into place. Now it's done, I can barely see the clock at 3:00 am. I know there's no turning back unless they woke up early. I tugged at my outfit to see if I could remove it and found out, nope. I am truly stuck. With nothing better to do, I nodded off. I was back awake by 7:30. Ugh, so now I have to sit here and be quiet for at least another half an hour to an hour. That's when I heard wrestling around inside the house. I thought, oh, they must have woken up early from excitement. They will be busy fixing breakfast and stuff, so as long as I'm quiet, I'm safe. It was about that time the door opened, and the light was turned on. I thought busted!!!! if I make a noise, I could change my mind. Hmmm..
I stuck my arms out, figuring the gig was up, only to find Dawn had gone and grabbed some clothes from the closet and exited. closing the door without noticing me. Then Wendy came in and went to the wardrobe I saw tights and black Mary Janes and pink socks in her hands, and she walked out. I almost giggled. Next, they were both in again at the closet debating, and I did giggle, but it wasn't evidently loud enough over there debating. They finished and walked out. I could hear them planning the day. It was now 8:00 and I figured they would go to wake Cynthia, and they would be back. Instead, I listened to the front door open, and I could hear them out at the truck. Many things were going through my head now, and I wondered if I made the right decision. I heard the truck start. Now I was in a little bit of a panic. are they leaving for something. Until I heard Wendy say almost set. now we just have to convince Cynthia to get into it. I looked at the clock 8:20. Ok, well, too late. Now they will check, and the jig is up. If not, in 10 minutes, they will read my message and come in.
I heard Dawn say we should wait for her to get up and have breakfast. Then she'll be in a good mood to go along. Great, I thought another 10 minutes, and my diaper is wet. When 8:30 rolled around, I heard them still in the kitchen talking. Great I thought, where are their phones. It was about then I heard, oh she must be awake I just got a text. Me too, Wendy said. Finally, I thought. We'll read it after starting the toast and eggs to go with breakfast. At this point, I would have facepalmed myself if I had the ability. I tried crying, but obviously, I didn't stand a chance with the noise in the kitchen and their talking. I also had forgotten to turn on the baby monitors, so I wasn't loud enough. Now it was going on 9:00. Then I heard an oh shit Wendy yelled to Dawn. read your text. Then I heard them screaming, and it sounded like a freight train coming from the kitchen.
I did the only thing I could and crossed my arms a little and put on my agitated look. I swear they almost took the door off the hinges, barreling through the doors. When they seen me, there was an aww. Well, Wendy said. it looks like it's time for a diaper, and she looked at Dawn. I think we need to undress her too and make sure this isn't temporary. I could tell by the look on her face there was more to it. Wendy picked me up and carried me to the living room. If I had anything left in me, I would have drowned her. She stripped me and they both just sat there staring at me for half an hour. Wendy piped up, I got to call mom. Great, I'm still laying here naked. After what seemed like an eternity Dawn said yep, permanent. She smiled with a loving, and maybe a little devious smile. I was saying to myself, what have i got myself into.
Then she held up an outfit, I knew why. I squirmed to no avail. First was a diaper with baby powder, then tights with little hearts running up and down them, then pink socks with frills, next to the black Mary Janes. Next came little pair of bloomers. If that wasn't bad enough. yah, they were pink with three layers of frills. Dawn started giggling when she saw my expression. She stopped as Wendy said no. I want to finish dressing Misty! Wendy held up the dress. I tried to squirm and run, but I couldn't even flip over. It was, of course, a bright pink dress with lace at the edges and four layers of frills at the bottom. If I could turn back, I would kill them. Of course, they sat me up on my butt on the floor and took several pictures, and yep, they messaged them to Mary and Mike, which became their screen savers. UGH. Wendy grabbed a diaper bag they pre-prepared and out the door we went. The GMC was still running out front.
They fastened me in and headed for town. Little did I know, they had a stroller in the back. I have to say they were prepared. We went shopping and to the park, and they even took me by grandma's house and then to grandpa's house. It was a full day of embarrassment because of what they had chosen out for me. Once home, they changed me into a onesie. I did have to cry to get altered or food down pat. That night they didn't put me in the crib as I suspected. No, they were to jazzed I guess, because I couldn't ask. They had me sleeping right between them. It was a week before I slept in a crib again.
Of course, grandma and grandpa started coming around more and more often. Every couple of weeks, either grandma or grandpa would watch me as they went to go do something. My life now, I guess. One day I could tell something special was going on, and I was still stuck in my play-pin where I couldn't see. I tried getting their attention, and I guess I had it because grandma and grandpa were both there. They all checked on me, but all refused to pick me up and take me out to see what was going on. Even with my arms raised and the pick-me-up pout going on. Finally, Wendy and Dawn came back into my room and said, almost ready as I had my hand stretched out, trying to get picked up. I could see by them looking at each other and their hands half stretched. It was killing them. I tried speaking over and over again and that was getting to them until the magic happened. I got a word out finally! Momma.
They both screamed, darted for me and almost knocked each other out when their heads met. They were so happy, they just laughed it off, and I got my way. The two of them nearly drowning me in kisses and hugging me to death. Grandma and Grandpa came in to see what the excitement was about. So Wendy was explaining. I went the easy way and just repeated it, They all melted of course, there was the, say grams, no say, papa. Back and forth. I knew i could make a few words since i got out, mama. so the second word was no. that got some laughs. Within 20 minutes, I figured out grammar am and pop. That was close enough they were overjoyed. I learned it had been 1 year. That was the secret. It's officially my birthday.
Needless to say, the cake tasted good, and I'm sure with these little stumps and no utensils, it was everywhere. I didn't care. I was happy to have something sweet again. It must have been funny because I swear there were a hundred pics, but the good side of making a mess, it went all over the dress. I was changed into a onesie. It was a good day, and after all the excitement, I crashed at some point because I woke in my crib.
Time went by slow, but over the next year, I had figured out how to walk with the bulge of a diaper between my legs, and I had picked up the ability of several more words. I worked on it a lot. You would be surprised at how hard it is. It was a little messy on my second birthday, and at least I was off that nasty baby food. Things were coming together better as I was now able to form a lot more words. This was the point, one day, the 3 of us were in town, and they asked if I liked a dress they had. I scrunched up my nose and shook my head no. None of us knew we had someone else's attention. That was until man and woman walked over. Your daughter is so cute. How old? She's 2, Dawn replied. Well, can she do that on cue? Wendy then said if she doesn't like something, yes. Dawn laughed. Dawn added, she has a personality all her own. I snickered, and that got their attention again.
She does, the woman said. Oh sorry, the man said. I'm Jeff, and this is Susan. Nice to meet you. Wendy said, we have to get going. I thought damn right! You creep, keep moving. Wait, Susan said. we are, we work for a studio in Hollywood. She handed her card to Dawn and Wendy. We want your daughter to be in a commercial. Her facial expressions are all perfect, and we pay well. We already have enough money Wendy stated and went to hand the card back. Way to go mom, I thought. Put those creeps in their place. Well if the money doesn't entice you, it’s a big opportunity for your daughter's future. It's a big step through the door. Your daughter could be famous if she chooses when she grows up.
I felt like saying, mom's you are suckers!!! I could tell they fell hook line, and I raised my butt cheek off the stroller and let the stinker go. It made me giggle, which got the whole bunch laughing. Not that it was any help on my end. I knew these two had my mom’s hooked seeing my future. It would have to be an atomic bomb to change their thoughts now. They knew Allen is not photogenic, and I thought but is Misty? I did like screwing around, so who knows. I could see it wasn't my choice anyway, as they told my parents when and where to go. I can see the immediate future whether I wanted it or not. So a couple of days later, they had the 55 Chevy packed and we were on our way to Hollywood. Of course, I had no idea what their plans were because I wasn't in the discussion. We stayed in a fancy motel that night courtesy of the Hollywood producers.
The next two days I was groomed and posed and made to do all kinds of faces. The one commercial turned into filming for 4 different products due to the ability to cry and make faces on cue. I figured, might as well get it over since I had to do it. Wendy and Dawn insisted they did all the dressing and setting me places due to, they didn't trust these people to be gentle and no one was going to hurt their baby. They were very insistent. Go, Moms. It was finally over and we went home. It turned out to be every couple of months, another gig was booked. Wendy and Dawn put the money into my bank account. What I didn't know was each commercial shoot was 10 to 15,000 dollars. My 3rd birthday rolled around, and I could walk well and could talk. I just had a slight slur to my words. Things were looking up with my ability to talk. I could request a little less frills and still get a lot of frills, but it was half what I was stuck in before.
Grandma and Grandpa were on the fence about the commercials but didn't interfere. I have to say, and I have a very loving family. Grandma loved it now that I could talk and tried to steal me every free minute she could. Grandpa was happy. He still worked, but he spent every weekend with me. He and grandma both had spare clothes in the loft room and purposely stayed late so they could spend the night as a happy family. We did a lot of picnics and spent a lot of time in parks. Time was… it seemed to be speeding up. Maybe, it's just me getting older. After all, I have a voice, a loving family, and everything I could want.
It was Tuesday, and mom Wendy said we were going to the park today. Dawn had some stuff to take care of. We set off on our adventure. At the park, it was the usual playing on slides and swings and running around. The typical kids and parent stuff. That's when it happened. Momma Wendy was playing with me, and she was worn down. Come on, momma. I'm tired, Wendy said. No, momma your old and getting slow. Mamma is getting old. Why you she said, playfully chasing me. That was my plan, after all.
She caught me, and there was a why-you tickle fest. Neither of us realized we were being watched. I started pushing my ball pop thing making noise to a annoy her. Had to be a typical kid, right. We played, or I had played for about another 15 minutes when we heard all kinds of noise and Wendy ran over. About that time, we were surrounded by cops. A lady showed her badge and grabbed me. I let out momma, help! Hush, the lady said. I watched the cops haul Wendy off. she was crying and I was upset and mad. How dare they, I thought. A cop came up to the lady. Book her for child abuse. I thought, did I hear right? The lady said she's going away for a long time. Now the tears were drying, and the anger was coming on. I'm thinking, what the .... is this woman talking about. Now she started dragging me. I was kicking and screaming my head off as she took me away.
With my small stature, I couldn't make much headway. She threw my toy into the back seat of her car. I wasn't going to make it easy, and I didn't let up. She tried to buckle me in for 5 minutes before she got it. She closed the door. By that time, I was out of the seat belt and locked the car doors the instant she shut the door. I looked and tisk, tisk. I thought that dummy, she left the keys. I picked up the toy off the floor. I could hear her yelling for me to unlock the door. I thought to myself, on def ears lady with a smile. i thought, hmmm if she knew me better she would know how big of a mistake she just made. I threw my toy into the front and climbed over the seat.
Perfect, I thought. she even left her cell phone in the car. I was smiling at this point as I plopped over to the front seat. Let me in she said, pulling at the door handle and I proceeded to bare ass her. It took both hands to turn the ignition. She was yelling no!!!!!. I propped the brake pedal with my toy, using my stomach and weight to push it down and put the car in reverse. I leaned off the popper toy and looked back as the car started going backward. As soon as I had enough clearance, I dropped it into drive. Now I was going forward. I left the park at an idle and got to Spring street. She was yelling and running beside the car. i thought i didn't know witches could run. Did you forget your broom. i slowly gained speed heading up to Vine Street.
Of course, I wasn't stopping and luckily no cars were coming. I went down the first street and got on the on-ramp at idle. I moved the popper over to the gas pedal and pushed. Once the speed got above 45mph, I kicked in cruise control. I used it to speed up and slow down. I drove to San Luis. I took California exit, kicked the cruise off, and went back to idle. I cut through a gas station to avoid the stop sign. Now I was on highway 1. I knew I was close. I again leaned down to get to 45 and set the cruise. Once I reached the exit for the jail I kicked off the cruise and moved my poper back to the brake. I timed it and crossed over to the jail parking lot. Once in the parking lot, I slowed. got it close to a stop and threw it into a park.
I heard a click, click, click, then it skidded and stopped as it caught the parking paw in the trans. I got out, grabbing the phone as I exited. I walked to the door. I hadn't counted on the counters being so high. Finally, the guy at the counter looked down. Can I help you, sweety? You have my mommy, and I'm here to get her. I can't get her for you, sweety. Is there an adult with you? I'll call my papa. He will be right here. I grabbed the stolen phone and dialed Papa's number. Papa, I said. Misty, is that you he replied? Yah papa. they took momma. I'm at the police jail and they won't give her to me. Stay put he said. I'll be right there. I could hear tires screeching over the phone. Stay on the phone, Honey. I'll be right there. Honey can you tell them I'm on my way? Yah papa. My papa says he's coming to get momma and me. Papa doesn't sound happy.
It's ok Misty. I'll be right there. I swear he was there under 10 minutes. I heard the tires screeching to a stop in the parking lot and seen Papa running through the door. He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. Where is my daughter, and why is she here. Also, why is my granddaughter here alone? He gave the officer Wendy's information. Then the officer said she's being held on child abuse charges, and her bail is 5,000 dollars. She was just booked. I'll pay right now. He handed his card over, and in 30 minutes, Wendy was coming through the door.
Misty, she cried out and ran over. Dad how? I haven't even been given my phone call yet. He said, Misty called. We got into papa's truck and headed home. I laughed to myself as we exited the parking lot, and I have seen the C.P.S car sitting there in the road with the door open. Wendy noticed it too. She half looked back at me. Grandpa took us all the way out to the house and spent the night. The following day he called his lawyer and had Wendy, Dawn, and I all come and stay with him till the trial. On the day of the court, we all went along with grandpa to the courtroom. He looked determined, and I had a feeling my little driving stunt would come up, but I didn't care.
I was hoping I would make the C.P.S. lady look like a fool. Wendy’s was second to last, so at least the courtroom had emptied out. The cps lady had the cops there. I guess for after the court hearing. The judge spoke up. Case # 159643. The state of California vs. Wendy Parsons. Do we have a plea? Not guilty, your honor. Ok, a court date is set. That's when I skipped past Dawn's arm and headed to the judge. Hello sweety, what can I do for you he said? Well, you're trying to put my mommy in jail. Honey, isn't that your mommy pointing to Dawn. Yep, I said. I have 2.
Ok, honey, your momma is here to find out if she did something wrong. She didn't I stated in my most authentic voice. I'll tell you what happened. The state lawyer started to interrupt. your honor, this is… hush, the judge said. I want to hear what this young lady has to say. I blushed. I was rocking my feet back and forth, trying to look as cute as possible. It's my fault. We were playing, and I called momma old, and she ran after me. I was playing, and so was she. she caught me and tickled me. I said it so she would chase me. The judge looked at the report. After hearing what you had to say and seeing the report, I think the social worker miss understood.
Your honor, the social lady spoke up. She is guilty. that child is lying. Am not!! I said and let the waterworks flow. It's alright, honey. Bailiff, if she speaks out again, arrest her for contempt of court. I think I'll be reviewing all her arrests after this. Now, as for you. Wendy, do you have any comments. She ran up to me crying. Your honor, I would never hurt my child. I would die first. Mom, I'm drowning here. Wendy giggled. Well, I'm not sending this to trial the judge stated. I am at this moment dropping the case unless the state has more evidence. No your honor, the lawyer for the state answered.
Ok cutie the judge said. You and your moms can go home. Honey, I don't want to see you back in this courtroom for a long time. I twisted my foot and tried to look innocent again. Well, maybe when I'm sixteen. Why, then the judge asked. Speeding ticket, I blurted out. Almost the entire courtroom laughed along with the judge. He composed himself. now you be good. I don't want you back in here for that. I twisted my foot and looked innocent again as I looked at the anger in the social worker's eyes. It told me this wasn't over, so I pulled my trump card. Well, I did do one bad thing. I'm sure you didn't sweety.
No, I did. you see that mean lady took my mommy, so I stole her car. I think I got the raw end of the deal though. Honey, how did you steal her car. She left the keys in it, and I wanted my mommy, so I came to get her. She did what the judge stated. You!! Up to my bench now. He was pointing at the social worker. You had her in the car with the keys in it, without you! She locked me out your honor. He then asked where the car was found? One of the officers came forward. Your honor, I took that report. It was found at the jail parking lot. Where did you lose your car at? He read the report. So from Paso to San Luis. Where's the report on the stolen car. I didn't file one your honor, the social worker said. Sweety, did anyone helps you drive? No, I know my way. I'm not dumb. I crossed my arms. I was hoping you could get me a map, the judge ordered now fuming. Ok, honey draw where you went. I showed my route.
Well, you are a very bright young girl. Am I in trouble? No honey, someone is, but not you. Go home with your family and promise me not to do that again. I promise. With that, Dawn came over and grabbed me. Wendy was right beside me as we left. We all got into grandpa's truck and left. Grandpa looked in the rearview mirror at me and said, your pretty smart young lady. i think you took after me. With a big grin, he turned back to driving. Wendy sat on one side of Dawn and me on the other. It was a pretty quiet trip home. It was pretty quiet, and I knew it was the calm before the storm. I knew once grandpa left, I was in trouble. I thought about asking grandpa to spend the night but figured that would add fuel to the fire.
Finally, at around 7, grandpa said his goodbyes and left. I tried to make myself small and invisible, but a 3-year-old can't get too far. We need to talk little missy, Dawn stated. I bowed my head and was led to the living room. Wendy was already sitting. 3-year-olds can't drive. Wendy started in. You know better. i can and did I stated with a huff. You can’t even reach the pedals dawn stated. You can when you use your popper as an extension. I could see the head shakes. I just knew that night as I was leaving the jail. seeing a car in the road with the door open, you had something to do with it. I tried to think otherwise and convinced myself it wasn't you, especially where you hadn't said anything. I started the waterworks. I'm sorry, momma. I just got angry and scared, and I couldn't help it between the waterworks and the stumbling, stuttering voice. I knew it would earn a little lienancy.
I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I ran up to both, sitting on the couch with my arms open. They grabbed me up and hugged me. we're sorry, it's just so dangerous and some things you do worry us so much. Just don't do it again. I had to tell myself not to grin. Let us get you cleaned up, and we'll have dinner. I hurried on off to the bathroom. I couldn't reach the sink, so I had to wait for help. After getting cleaned and a quick diaper check which accidents are getting pretty rare now. I was free to play till dinner. I was playing close by, so I could overhear. They were talking, and I could tell they were thankful that it was over. Then Dawn said. Misty's innocent little look and attitude melted that judge. Yah, Wendy stated. if it wasn't for her excellent acting ability it wouldn't of… Wait !!!! Wendy said. What Dawn answered? It was silent for a moment before Wendy started to laugh. We've been played.
What? Dawn said. That little stinker Wendy stated, we were just on a role to scold her about her recklessness, and she played us. Dawn thought about it and started laughing. I came around the corner. what did I do? You little twirp, you played us. Who me I stated. I would never. Now they both were laughing. Sometimes we forget who you were Wendy said threw her laughing. I am me!! That just got them laughing more. Well dinner's ready, Dawn stated. Wendy put me up in my seat and kisses my head and twirls my hair.
Only you, she said. Then we all had dinner. It was the following day that there was a knock on the door during breakfast. Dawn got up and answered the door. It was the Sherriff who had a warrant for Wendy's arrest. Also, an order to turn me over to cps. Dawn wouldn't let him in, and Wendy called her dad crying. He told us not to let them in without a search warrant. he was on his way. Grandpa was outside arguing with the sheriff within 45 minutes. He came in with the sheriff's documents to look them over and was on speakerphone with a lawyer at the same time. The lawyer made a few calls while Grandpa was on hold.
Grandpa asked for the paperwork from yesterday. He looked at both, and his lawyer came back on. All of a sudden, Grandpa said it's a different judge. Get me on the phone with the judge from yesterday. They had four sheriff’s outside now. When, Grandpa finally talked to the judge from yesterday, The judge said to stay put. The judge called back in 5 minutes. Go outside. The Sherriff should be receiving a call, and don't worry, and it's taken care of. Grandpa walked us all out, holding me in his arms. That same cps lady was there. I told papa that’s the nasty lady. He got outraged. The Sherriff had their guns out. get on the ground your under arrest. Grandpa said you should be getting a call any moment.
That doesn't matter. The Sherriff said, get down, which both mammas did along with papa. The cps lady came running up. you are coming with me. No, I'm not. I ran over and hugged onto the officer's leg. Don't make me go with that mean lady. I want to stay with my mommas. The officer put up his gun and picked me up. I let the waterworks go. She's mean! The judge said I could stay with my mammas. We will get this figured out, sweety, but you have to go with her for now. No! she tried to hurt me before. I won't go. I laid it on thick. She's mean. Ok, he said, how about staying with me right now while we get this figured out. Ok, I replied.
I could tell I broke his heart, and he wasn't going to hand me to her. I seen Wendy and Dawn look at me from the ground. I gave them a quick smirk and they looked at each other. The cps Meany said she still has to go with me! You have the order. No, the officer said. I can't, in good faith hand her over to someone who she doesn't feel safe with. About that time another officer walked up. We just got a call from headquarters. release them all. As they let my family up the officer, set me down and I ran, well waddled to my family. The officer went to his car to get an update. He came back, sorry folks. it seems this warrant was gotten illegally. I'm glad you didn't let me hand you over the officer stated as he twirling my hair.
He refused to leave until the cps lady did and escorted her away. Hmm I thought. she may be a problem. grandpa decided he was spending the night and after talking with grandma, she decided to spend the night as well. Neither trusted that cps lady. Grandma stayed in Cynthia's room, and papa took the loft, although I think he spent the night on the couch. I spent all night thinking about the problem. I'm so small. 2 foot nothing, and so weak I couldn't rely on strength. In the morning, both mommas came in. we need to talk. You played that cop. That's what you signaled right? With an innocent look. Yah, it was all I could think of. They both chuckled.
Wendy said. when you get older, you're going to be the death of me. Now that it's over with, what shall we do today? It seems it's going to be a whole family day. Beach. It will get us all away for the day. Why do we need a way, Dawn asked? I know she'll be back. I can see it. Their faces dropped. If we don't, papa will go to jail for killing her. Ok, Misty sounds like a good plan Wendy replied. You think she will try again? While the family was packing for the day out I snuck into the garage. I filled a baby bottle with gas. Then crept back in with the family. I left the bottle just outside in case I needed it in the future.
I was thinking of anything that might help while my parents and grandparents were busy. I hid as much as I could of Stuff I thought would be useful. I even hid a Phillips screwdriver in the back of grandpa's spare tire. I figured better safe than sorry. If I put all my weight into it, I might at least make her lose her attention. Right after that, we were off for the day. We took the 55 Chevy wagon because of the room and papa insisted on driving. We spent the entire day at Morro Bay and I was worn out. I slept most of the way home. Once we hit the dirt roads, the bumps woke me up. Twenty minutes later we were home. As we all got out, I could tell someone had been here. I'm low to the ground so tire tracks and footprints are very noticeable to me.
I yanked on momma Dawn's arm. Someone was here. she stopped in her tracks. How do you know? Tire tracks and footprints. She looked around and yelled. everyone STOP. You could see the confusion in the sudden outburst, as papa came over. What's wrong, Dawn? Someone was here, Dawn said. Look, there are tire tracks and footprints and those are not ours. He patted Dawn on the back and said good eye. Everyone stay put! Wendy, give me your key let me check it out first. She was reluctant, but when he grabbed a tire iron, and she gave in. He put the key in the door to find it unlocked. Didn't we lock up before we left he yelled?
Yes, Dawn stated. I locked it, checked it, and then we left. Ok, call the Sherriff! Papa was still standing at the door when the Sherriff pulled up. It was the same one as before. What can I do for you today He said. We left for today, now there are fresh tire tracks, footprints and we locked up before we left and the door is unlocked. Have you been inside, The officer asked. No papa replied. I was just going to go in. Stand back he said, drawing his gun. Papa moved off the porch. The officer peeked through the window and carefully started to open the door, only to stop suddenly. He carefully reclosed it. Get in the car now. drive to the sheriff's station and wait there.
Why papa said. The officer was on his radio and didn't respond. The moment papa heard him say, yes, send the bomb squad. he yelled, get in the car now! Forget everything you have set out. Get in now!! No arguing! Once in, papa tore out of the driveway as if the car was on fire. he didn't even slow down for stop signs. Both mommas were crying, grandma looked scared. It was 3 hours before anyone came to give us any news. A bomb was found wired to the door. No fingerprints, but a good set of footprints. for the first time in a long time, I wish I could be Allen again to solve this problem. As I was getting mad and worked up, Papa came over. All of you are coming home with me. but our house, our lives. How can this be Wendy broke down. if it wasn't for me, I grabbed and hugged her. Momma, it's not your fault. I whispered to her. We need to stop by home. I have an idea. I knew if we stayed at Papa's, this would never end.
I also knew sooner or later that lady would show up. I have to try to see if i can fix this. Wendy stated. i need to pick some stuff up from home. Ok sweety, we will go by to get clothes. Ok momma, that will work i thought. Wendy spent a half an hour convincing papa to stop by for us to get some stuff. When we reached the house, papa insisted on going in and looking first. Once sure it was ok, he lets us in. I made my way to Cynthia's room. I took Kathleen's shoes and slipped my little feet in. Kathleen, I need to talk. Please show up. I'm never gone, she said. You know what's going on, right? Yes Kathleen answered. So, is there any way I can become bigger at anytime? I'm sorry, but no. you are too small to get into the other clothes. Hmm I thought. Do you have any ideas? Kathleen looked like she was in deep thought. I think I have an idea, but you’re not doing it and I don't know if anyone else would work.
I'll do it I said. No!!! I'm not risking you. Alright, tell Dawn and Wendy your plan and see if they have an idea. That i will do, Kathleen said. I got both my momma's attention, and Kathleen laid out what she had. Kathleen said. with proper bate, you remember the old septic tank that you still have to fill in. at the back of the house. Well, it has a soft wooden top. I checked it's half full of water from rain and well you can guess the rest. If she was to go over the top of it. she will weigh too much and fall in. The problem is, the only weight it can support would be about 80 pounds. So none of you besides Misty could walk over top of it safely. Misty is not going to do it. NO! Wendy stated. she will never be the bait!! that's what I wanted to hear Kathleen said. Now with that. maybe you could come up with an idea? That's all I wanted to hear.
I knew that lady was bound to be close and be wondering why there was no boom. Now just where? Soon Wendy and Dawn went back to packing stuff, I went back to see if I could yet again talk with Kathleen. Kathleen, I called? Yes, dear she answered. So how close is she? Close and should be driving by soon. With that I headed out the door. What do you have on your mind Kathleen said, following me. I walked out front. Everyone thought I was heading to the car, but I was making myself visible to bystanders. Not like there usually is. Sure enough, a car drove by, and Kathleen headed back inside. it's her! I seen the car stop just up the road and I heard rustling in the bushes headed in my direction. I headed to the side of the house. Kathleen yelled STOP!!! Go back, please. I continued.
once I was where I wanted to be I stopped and turned around. Kathleen was yelling at me, and I was pretty sure where the cps lady was. I knew she would dart across our driveway to the side of the house when she thought she was in the clear. I waited. Once Kathleen noticed, I had no intention to stop she was gone. I knew it was to grab Wendy and Dawn. Sure enough, she darted. Once behind the house and in her voice range. I heard her say you little shit. you cost me so much. When your body is found, it will prove I was right! my life will be back to normal. You will be nobody’s problem anymore. She darted towards me when Wendy, Dawn, grandma, and a now pissed-looking grandpa rounded the corner.
Grandpa was barely out running Wendy and Dawn, and he was in your dead mode. Luckily, the lady was focused on me until well, it did give out and the smell of turning up that water was something else. Papa stopped in his tracks As she was flailing around in shit water. He slowly went round to get to me, but Wendy and Dawn never slowed down and beat him by a mile. She was yelling for help and everyone kind of got a laugh, except Wendy and Dawn. I'm sure that's going to yep. it earned me a spanking for being so reckless. It was worth it. Now back at the house, papa called the Sherriff to fish her out.
None of them wanted her in their patrol car due to the smell. Then the sheriff we knew pulled up. The others still arguing, he grabbed her and said. it's worth the smell as he put her in his car. He read her, her rights and informed her that if he had his way, it would be a long time before she seen the light of day. Papa still made us go to his house and stay for a week before letting us go home. When we got home, to our surprise, we already had the old tank filled in. Can't have my granddaughter in danger papa said. It took another month to get things back to normal. It was becoming the typical childhood again, except for the occasional commercial shooting.
Before I knew it I was celebrating my 4th birthday. At this point, my parents decided I needed to go to preschool. I thought. Wendy said you have to go, just like every other kid. So every weekday I now had preschool, which I was totally bored in. The year flew by, and I was 5. At this point came kindergarten. Wendy and Dawn bought a new computer for me. Once set up I had my own account. Needless to say, I was very disappointed when it was loaded with parental controls. Really, momma. What. You’re not getting on anything else without permission. Your our child and you're old enough you need to have rules and boundaries. The only excellent part is the nursery was being turned into a spare room, and Cynthia's room was now Misty's room. Although a lot of stuff was put up and I was told you don't even get to look till your older.
Life is so unfair. At least I got some freedom, which does include the occasional sweats and soda. I would have had my butt chewed out if they knew I hacked the computer and got full rain of it the first day. The downside was the vaccinations I had to have before school started. Upside, no diapers and I get to watch what I wanted on tv. Unfortunately, it also now has parental controls, and oh no, they couldn't just do that on one tv. it had to be on every tv in the house. I reminded them I was an adult before, only to get a response. Yes, you were an adult male a long time ago, but now you’re a female child. Totally different situation. UGH. I knew I wouldn't win the argument so I decided i would give in. In my room. I hacked it too, but that's just between us. I have to keep the volume down not to get caught. It's just easier than fighting the uphill battle. I was also told no cell phone till I got into 6th grade. Can’t hack what you don't have.
Bummer, my secondary plan was tossed out the window. Well, I kind of expected that, but I had to try. First day of school was all introductions. Boring, but somehow I manage to stay awake. I didn't know how, but I did. Once home, I got on the computer but was bored within 35 to 45 minutes. Then I thought of video games. I haven't played in 5 years. I broke out the now old game console only to find many well, 90% of my games were missing. Only the basic cart racing games and exercising games were left. Anything with any violence was gone. I knew who to blame. If I did have a kid, I would have done the same. I couldn't complain to hard even though I wanted to scream. so you play with what you have. For the first week it was all basic tests. Then there was a parent-teacher conference that I had to sit outside for. That Didn't mean I couldn't ease drop.
Yes, Wendy and Dawn. your child is way above average for kindergarten. I think we need more tests and revaluate in a week because we feel she might be at a middle school level. Wendy jumped in first. You're not bumping my kid several grades ahead. if you do that, she is guaranteed to be an outcast. I want her left where she is. Well, we feel she'll be bored. Let her do something else if she finishes before everyone else. I thought, go mom, and I'm way too small to be in middle school. I’ll get my butt kicked. Wendy stormed out with Dawn in tow. Come on Misty, Wendy said and carried me to the truck. Wow she was like a wolf in a room full of pigs. She ate them up and spit them out. I could tell she was hiding her anger as she drove. Momma, I know your mad at them, you don't have to hide it from me.
It's not your fault, Misty and you shouldn't have to deal with this. besides I'm fine. I let it go at that point. You sometimes learn your best to just let things be. I stayed in kindergarten the whole year. Some weekends I did have a few commercials to do, because evidently they thought I was still cute. Then came first grade. From what I remember from Allen's life. I think it was about the same as his 5th-grade year. It was still a breeze. I blew right through it. In my free time after finishing my work, I would sit and draw. Now first grade brought other problems. I noticed I was getting quite a few boys attention. Not the kind of attention I wanted either. They didn't want to play, only pick. They seem to keep coming back to me. The girls all play with dolls and are talking about how they wanted this or that clothing. or it would be about make-up. I was thinking, geez your only 6. You got a lifetime to figure this out. I don't quite fit, but I do a good job pretending with the girls. Then one Thursday night, grandma picked me up from school and took me to have my ears pierced.
Then I was all the girls at school could talk about. First grade ended with no problems. My drawing was getting better. As Allen, I was a decent artist, but getting my hands and fingers to do what I want as Misty took some time. With first grade over. I have a full summer to pick on my parents and waste time or so I thought. Little did I know mama Wendy and mama Dawn went out and got several computer programs and books for me to study. UGH! There went my free summer, well at least it only takes an hour a day that they made me study. It was 2 weeks into summer when someone called the house. Mama Dawn answered the phone. Within 5 minutes, she turned it over to mama Wendy. I could hear her arguing on the phone while I was playing video games. I could hear her saying, I don't think I want her doing that yet. I know what you are offering. it's not about the money.
Well, I don't know if she wants this kind of career. Yes I understand, but it's a big decision. Hold on. Misty I heard mama Wendy call. Yes momma I said. Ok Hun. I have a question. How do you feel about doing a commercial, like you have done now and then. I can take it or leave it. Why momma? How would you feel if we spent the rest of the summer in Hollywood? I guess I would be ok with it, momma, as long as both of you are there. Ok go play Misty. I went back to playing a game and listening. momma Wendy said what is it your offering again. Throw in an apartment for the summer and since it's the next step we'll do it. I'll see you next Tuesday bye. Now both mommas went to their room to talk. On Tuesday we locked up after loading a lot into the 55 chevy wagon. We set off on our drive to Hollywood. It turns out they wanted me to star as a child in a movie. I guess the pay must have been really good. They must of smoozed my momma's a lot for them to agree, but here we are.
In the movie I'm the daughter of Sam and Angie who bought a new house. The daughter /me is named Cindy. The name of this movie is Cindy's Strange Life. It’s all about a couple buying this old house out in the country and fixing it up while their daughter checks around and befriends a ghost named Kate. Kate and Cindy become good friends, and when Cindy gets in trouble, Kate steps in to help. Of course, this part in this movie was not hard for me to play and when both my momma's read it. I thought they were going to die laughing. The director came over and asked them if this was something they thought I could do.
I thought they were going to lose it. Yes Wendy finally said. our daughter can play this role, hands down.
She shouldn't have any problems. Great the director said. I thought you might back out due to ghost in the story. It frightens some children. Not our daughter Dawn replied. She believes in ghosts. Misty believes most ghosts are friendly. So, it shouldn't be a problem. I was just within earshot to hear this. I thought this is a little too close to real life. I hope my parents don't blow it. The movie took about a month and a half to shoot all the parts with me in it. I have to say it felt natural and was easy to do. I did goof up on several parts of the script because it just flowed and felt like home. Two parts the director seemed to like better than what was written and kept my versions.
In the end I'm sure we got a hefty sum of money for it. It was better than staying at home and doing schoolwork. At least for me. I had no clue on how much it was, because when we got back, they deposited it in my account without me even seeing it. Needless to say, the rest of the summer was almost all spent with grandma and grandpa. They said they had to make up for the time they missed. With summer over and now 7 years old, I started second grade. New class. New faces, same old boring stuff. The school yet again wanted to bump me up, but yet again, my parents squashed that flat. I knew they would. The year flew by other than being picked on by one kid. a kid by the name of Chris. Chris didn't know when enough was enough and taunted me relentlessly.
He was in my class. He would kick my chair, would tease and pick on me at recess. The other girls usually drove him off, but he was a constant pain. My teacher Mr. Wood even moved him to the opposite side of the classroom. Once away from me, he threw wads of paper when the teacher's back was turned. Both momma's got a meeting with the school. They tried to get it to stop. Of course, the school's answer was, well we can just move her up a grade or two and solve it. That threw momma Wendy into a full-blown momma bear mode. I thought she was going to rip their spines out and feed them back to them. Nothing changed. Chris got in trouble a couple of times, but other than that, it was about the same.
Chapter Six
Then one Monday at recess, he went a little too far. Chris decided to come up and take my backpack. He got ahold of one strap, and I had ahold of the other with my left hand. As he tried to run with it, which i still had a firm grip on. He got spun around right in front of me, and I decked him right in the face. Needless to say, a 2-day suspension on my part. I was taken to the office, and he was crying being taken to the nurse's office. I don't know how momma Wendy and momma Dawn took it, but they looked unhappy when they came to get me. Dawn sat with me as Wendy went in to talk with the principal. I could hear the anger in her voice as the principal told her that this wouldn't have been a problem if she had put me in a higher grade.
Dawn was listening to the conversation too. I thought, wrong answer and dawn actually said it. I knew I was correct as momma bear Wendy started. I could hear, How dare you! You can't run your school or control your out-of-control kids, right. So, you blame it on me. Let me tell you something you nitwit. If you had taken the proper steps and took care of the problem like your paid to do, this wouldn't have happened. You need to take a long look at your career choices because you suck at this one. I almost laughed with that. I should and will contact the school board on your lack of ability to do your job. You should be fired. I’m sure her tirade continued on, but at this point, momma Dawn took me out to the truck, and it was over 30 minutes before momma Wendy came out.
Her face was red from anger. Wendy stood outside the truck and made a phone call. Once done, she climbed in. At that point, she started the truck and exited the parking lot. This time instead of heading left, she turned right. A little nervous I slowly said, momma where are we going? Home is a left turn! Momma Wendy said, it's a surprise. I was wondering about a good or bad surprise? 5 minutes later, I had my answer as we pulled up to an ice cream parlor. I was a little confused, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. As we entered, grandma and grandpa were there. We sat down and had ice cream and I talked with papa and grandma while my momma's whispered to each other. This was unusual, as grandma and grandpa were never hardly in the same place. I wasn't complaining.
Once the whispers stopped. papa, grandma, and momma Wendy got up, and momma Wendy handed momma Dawn her keys. She told me it's not good to fight, but you did everything right. I'm surprised you waited so long. you’re not in trouble. Way to go, champ, papa said, and grandma said. bet he doesn't mess with you anymore. She gave me a wink and the 3 walked out together. Momma Dawn said ok just us girls. What would you like to do? I shrugged my shoulder because I hadn't even thought about it. Momma Dawn decided to an impromptu shopping spree. During the trip momma Dawn tried to make a joke. Well Misty, I guess I won't have to worry about boys around you for a while because they'll be too scared. Well, to be an honest momma. I still haven't got any preferences different from what i had before, so I don't think boys will be a problem and as far as girls go. well, they are well to young.
She started laughing. I don't think you'll have anything to even begin to worry about till high school, I stated. Oh, momma Dawn said. I never really thought about it, but I guess it only figures you would be the way you are. Yah I said. I really wanted to avoid this talk and embarrassment. It worked because she dropped the subject. A little later, while we were still shopping, momma got a text and responded. We were in Wal-Mart when momma Wendy, grandma and grandpa showed back up and had smiles on their faces. I couldn't help but feel they were pleased with themselves. That tells me they got their way. An hour later, we said our goodbyes and headed home. Two days later on Thursday, I was back at school. The girls asked if I was alright and asked how much trouble I got into?
All the guys avoided me like the plague, except for one. It seems a boy named Samuel keeps trying to talk to me. He would get close. then act like he was going to say something then, .....nothing. I would go to get lunch and I would find him right behind me. One day he even managed to say hi before running off. I obviously had caught his attention. I had no interest in him, but i also didn't want to break his poor little heart. After all he never treated me bad. He was more like a lost puppy. He kept trying but too shy. I kept trying to figure out how to let him down gently. I had even asked my parents for advice, but nothing seemed right. Their advice happened to be, talk with him and make the first move. Yah no.
He even started hanging around with the girls. I didn't notice anything different about Samuel other than being shy, but obviously, other kids have seen something. It was a Tuesday when I seen him walking out of his class for lunch. He was getting pushed around by four other boys. I felt sorry for him. He doesn't seem to fit in quite right. One of the boys called him a sissy as he pushed him down. Of course, the one to push him down as is Chris. As I headed over, with I'm pretty sure a very mad look on my face. Chris spotted me and ran. As Samuel picked up his bag, he noticed me. Hi, he said still timid like. Ok Samuel, I think we need to talk. He bowed his head and stood up. He was standing there with his head down.
I think we need to go somewhere quiet, but we'll never find it here. Do you live near a park or something? He shook his head yes. Alright, which park do you live near? Sh-Sherwood. OK, I told him how about going to the park tomorrow after school and I'll meet you there. Then we can talk, ok? He nodded yes. The rest of the day went by slowly as I wondered how to approach this situation. When my momma came to pick me up, I explained on the way home that tomorrow night I needed to go to Sherwood park and why. I told them about Samuel being bullied, and how I think I finally figured him out. I also told them I wanted them to be near, in case I needed help. They agreed.
I have to admit, how many parents would just up and agree with so little explanation to help their daughter, help a strange boy. I truly couldn't have chosen better parents. My mind was racing all night long. I had to wonder if I was imagining things. Was this boy what I thought or was he just lovesick. I was still asking myself that same question in the morning. When I got to school, I saw Samuel. Once I looked at the shirt with a giant unicorn on it, I knew I was right. I ran back to the parking lot to find momma Wendy hadn't left yet, and I asked for a big favor. I proceeded to tell her what I wanted. I gave my most enormous eyes and my deepest, please.
Alright she finally said, but I'll have to get several of each, not knowing what size. Oh, and Misty. it's coming out of your money. Fine! Buy hundreds of them, I said, teasing. Oh, and thank you, momma. Yah, I got to hurry now, and you need to get to class. With that, I was off. Before class, I went to the office. May I speak to the principal I asked the receptionist. She almost ran to the office. I thought, guess mom made quite an impression. As the principal came out, I noticed this is not the principal I knew. Hello, my name is Miss Green. how may I help you today.
Well, Miss Green, it's not me today that needs help, but I want you to help someone else. Ok, who and how? Well, Miss Green, I have this friend, well I'm not sure he's a friend, but he's someone who needs help. When you guys moved Chris to another classroom, well, it put him in the same class. Now, I have seen Chris tormenting and pushing him down. Well, the principal started. I cut her off. This boy Samuel is different. I would like him moved from room 4 to my room 13. This way, he can't be tormented for who he is. Now I know it's not my place, but he needs someone to watch out for him. I know it's the right thing to do. If you like I can call my momma.
I told her about........., Miss Green cut me off as she said, I don't think that will be needed as long as Samuel wants to change rooms. He'll be switched by lunch. Thank you, Miss Green. No problem, sweety run along, and I'll get things started. Ok, I said as I walked off. I was thinking and now I know why they all had a smile the other night. I had to giggle. I knew the mention of momma after the way the receptionist acted would get things moving. Yep, have great parents, I thought. I headed to class. Once in the room, I sat down and Jenna went to sit in the seat next to me. I asked her if she could leave that seat empty due to, we might have a new classmate today. Sure, she said and sat on the other side of the reserved chair. It was about 9:00 when the teacher received a call. A minute later, my teacher announced a new classmate would be joining us. Hmmm, awful quick, I thought. About that time, Samuel walked in. Ok class, this is Samuel who will be a new member of our class. Ok Samuel, why don't you find a seat and we'll continue.
Who can tell me about World War 1 the teacher asked? Samuel, of course noticed me and sat in the chair next to me. Samuel seemed less tense once he seen me. I think it's less puppy love, and more he feels safe. We will see I thought. at lunch, he slowly walked to the door as I exited right behind him. I think he expected his tormentor to be there. The moment Chris heard what class he was headed to, I'm sure he decided to keep his distance. Chris didn't even give a second look at Samuel, and he just kept walking. I could see the relief in Samuel. Like an enormous weight he had been lifted. After lunch back in class, Samuel seemed like a new person.
The quiet little puppy even answered a few questions on the board. Ok, I think I did good, I thought. By the end of school that day, I felt I finally did some good. That is until I was in the truck with my mommas and talking about my day. I spotted Samuel walking. Awful young to be walking, I thought, but knowing he is near Sherwood, it’s only about ten blocks. The only reason I can go to this school is that we have a Paso p.o. box from where Allen had lived. It wasn't the walking that bothered me as much as who was quickly walking up behind him. Mommas I said. I need to get out and walk. Can you meet me at Sherwood? Why momma Dawn asked? Ok you see that kid up front walking. That's Samuel. The kid behind, catching up to him is Chris. Oh, oh, Wendy said. Buckle up. I have a better idea.
I buckled up, and soon Wendy was on the move. As we pulled up, I rolled down my window, knowing what my momma's had in mind. Wendy stopped. Hey Samuel, you want a ride? Yes, he shook his head. I could tell he knew who was behind him. Chris saw me, and stopped dead in his tracks. I guess Chris was still a little gun shy, I thought. I let a little snicker go as I got out to let Samuel in. Samuel seemed relieved. Wendy said. well, since our daughter is rude and hasn't introduced us, I'm Wendy, and this one over here is Dawn, and I take it you're Samuel. Yes, he said shyly, but I, I prefer Sam. Nice to meet you Sam, Dawn said. So where am I taking you, Wendy inquired? Well, if you could drop me off at Sherwood Park, I would be thankful Sam replied. Don't you want to go home first, I asked? No, Sam said. My mom won't be home for another hour.
I could see both my momma's heads perk up with that. Sam continued. my mom and I share a rental room because my d-dad is gone. The people who own the house. They don't want me home without my mom. I wait for her at the park. She can't afford to lose her job. We make do. I could see Dawn almost in tears, and I could see the look on Wendy's face wasn't much better as we arrived at the park. As Sam got out, I asked him. Sam can you give me a minute? I need to talk to my mom’s. Yah, I'll be over here he pointed. Once he walked off, I heard Dawn break down. That's so sad. I can't believe he takes it so well. Before Wendy could add-in, I did. Ok mom’s this is serious!!! After hearing that, I intend to help. Either I'll give them money or Wendy broke in. no!! you don't, and we are all helping!!!
Ask Sam what his mom does and tonight we will figure something out. Tomorrow, their new life starts. Yes, that's right! This is a whole family thing Dawn stated. That one-room deal has to go, and those assholes owners!! they should be ashamed Wendy stated. Ok Misty, go talk with Sam and when you’re ready, what you asked for is in the back. You might wait till tomorrow for that, though. Understood. I went to have my talk with Sam. When I reached him, Sam started talking. I think it's cool you have two moms. Yah, I said. It can get confusing though, when you call for mom. He laughed. That was the first time I heard you laugh. I wondered if the shirt was because it was someone's hand me downs or if it was him? Sam, I hope you didn't mind me talking to the principal and having you switched into my class. I hung my head a little. You did that he stated and reached over and grabbed me in a hug. Thank you soo much, he said.
I looked, and my parents were taking pictures. I thought of flipping them off but thought if it was worth the punishment I would get. I did it anyway. I couldn't help it. I could see the look on their faces. Oh, well I thought. I'll get restricted from something, but it is worth it. When Sam finally let go, I could see his tears. What's wrong Sam i said, holding him by his shoulders? Nothing he said, sobbing. It's just, th- this has been the best day I can remember. Sam, I have to ask something. ok, Sam said in a meek voice. So do you get new clothes, hand me downs, or do you pick your own? He squinted his eyes and in almost a whisper. then said, I pick out my mine usually at Goodwill.
He looked like he was ready to bolt. Sam, there's nothing wrong with picking out what you like. I just wanted to make sure it was what you wanted to wear. Are… are you still my friend? Knowing I like pink, unicorns, and stuff, he asked in a shallow voice. Yes Sam, as long as you are yourself. If this is you, then yes I am your friend. Nothing more than a friend, though. I don't do boyfriend's ok. He squealed like a little girl and came to hugging me. Sam!!! cut back on the hugs I yelled, backing up trying not to get smothered. I could see my two so-called parents busting a gut in the truck. Sam got the hint, though. So Sam, is the shirt all you like or is there more? There's more, isn't there? He shook his head yes. How about dresses. he shook yes, shoes, yes. OK Sam. I have a lot of clothes and a lot I don't wear anymore. Would you want them?
His eyes lit up as he shook his head yes and started for me. Sam! You don't need to hug me. He stopped just short of reaching me. Sam, I'm okay with who you are. As long as I'm your friend, everyone else better be too. so you do not need to worry. I could see his smile. One question Sam. does your mom know? Yes, he replied but she says only wear it around our room because she worries about me. She was worried when I wore this shirt this morning. I didn't want to bother her, but well… I get it Sam. you felt you needed to be you? He shook his head yes. OK, Sam. I'll bring you some stuff tomorrow. He was smiling from ear to ear. Tomorrow, I'm sure my mommas will give you a ride, so you just come out to the truck with me. His smile was bigger. I thought his face was going to break. About that time, he seen something and started crying and ran past me. His arms were open. He ran up and hugged this lady.
It must be his mom, I thought. Next thing I know, he's almost dragging her towards me. Misty, Misty, this is my mom. Nice to meet you i said. I'm Misty. I'm Carol she said. Sam was just jumping around like a cat that caught a canary. Mom, Mom, my day was amazing. I'm in a new class and I-i-i. Slow down, handsome there's plenty of time. Mom you don't have to pretend, she's ok with me, he stated. She had a worried look. I waved behind me. Miss Carol, it's ok. I'm okay with Sam being Sam. I would like you to meet my parents. On cue, this is my mom Wendy and my mom Dawn. It took Carol a minute. Nice to meet you. Mommas, this is Carol. Sam's mom. Hi, nice to meet you. I heard in unison. Wendy spoke up next.
Carol have you had dinner yet? Well, we are going to… Dawn cut in. why don't we take you and Sam out, our treat. Then Wendy on cue, I'm not taking no for an answer. Finally, Carol said yes and we all got into the truck as Wendy drove. Sam told his mom about his day. Everything from me talking to the principal about his class change, to offering a ride for today and tomorrow. Then Dawn broke in. Carol, if it's alright with you, it's on our way. we'll just give him a ride from now on. It's no trouble Since the kids seem to get along. I could see between his excitement over the day and her realizing her son was safe, she was about to cry. Wendy seen me in the rear view and got my expression perfectly. Carol, I'm hoping your son's influence might help keep our daughter under control. That statement seemed to help as Carol was able to hold back.
Idle chit chat continued as we reached Denny's and had a nice dinner. The adults chatted, as we ate. Sam looked like he was in heaven eating away. I could see Carol kept looking and smiling, seeing the look on her sons face. Finally, Dawn took it away from idle chat to more serious. So Carol, what is it you do? Oh, I am a house cleaner. Being a single mom with not many skills, I didn't have a wide choice of what to do. What do you know about yard work Wendy asked. Well, I can trim bushes and mow the lawn. I got where my parents were going, and I was waiting for the hook line and sinker. Hmmm, Dawn let out. How attached are you to your current clients and what do you charge? I don't have a car or a license. So you have to be within walking distance for my services.
As for as my cost, I charge $20.00 per room or $100 a whole house and my current clients treat me less than pleasant, so I have no connections with them. In fact, one I do because they rent me a room. Wendy then asked. How many days a week do you clean? Every day, Well… not counting the one we stay at. i clean 3 full houses. It takes a little over a day per house due to the size of each. Wendy and Dawn barely held their faces at that statement. We need help at our place, mommas and I trust them. I figured they knew with that statement I was on board. Wendy then spoke up. Carol, I have a job for you. Here's what we can offer. 2 rooms, one upstairs one downstairs. To clean, Carol asked. Dawn laughed. No, Wendy said. Hold on let me finish. with that, Sam laughed. Ok I am starting again! I, well we have two rooms. one upstairs and one downstairs.
It will take till the weekend to get them ready. You clean the house once a week. mow the yard and trim the bushes. For this, you get two rooms. Plus, we will pay you 1,000 dollars a week. The room and board are free. The downfall is, we live in the country. So shopping is done while the kids are in school. Usually once or twice a week. I do mean way in the country. Like nearest neighbor, Dawn cut in. if you want to meet a neighbor, you better be a 2+ mile walker. they are that far away. I could see Sam light up and start bouncing again. You don't have to answer tonight, Dawn said. Carol was speechless. Take your time Wendy stated, but we will start preparing just in case you’re willing to except. With a quiver in Carol's voice, she asked the big question.
How long do you want me to take the job for? With that, Dawn and Wendy both started giggling. Ok, Carol Wendy said. look, the job is yours for as long as you want or until we are dead, whatever comes first. If the kids or us at some point get on bad terms, don't worry. we would have another place built or a trailer brought in. You see, I guess we should tell you. we don't live or act like it, but we are well off. Even our pain of a daughter. Hey! I said. I resemble that statement, but I’m an angel. dawn said yah a fallen one. Everyone laughed. which lightened the mood. The only thing is, eventually you will have to get a license unless you want to go everywhere with us. Misty does commercials and even did a movie in Hollywood, so we might at times be gone a month during the summer. This will be the most secure job you have ever had. yes, before you ask, we will put it in writing, with a lawyer and everything.
Carol was still in shock, and Sam said, mom could we please. That snapped her out. Besides, Sam can use my clothes. That will save you money, because I have a lot. There’s plenty Sam should like. That got Sam giddy with excitement and Carol said is this, are you sure? Wendy got her wallet grabbed $ 1,000 in hundreds and handed it to Carol. Here, consider this a down, no a bonus, if you say yes. Nothing illegal, Carol asked. No! Dawn and Wendy said, laughing. How can I thank you Carol asked. With that, I could see Dawn and Wendy looking at each other, then they stated. It’s Simple. Take care of your daughter with love and care. she is special, that's all we ask. With that, Carol said thank you, between her tears of course. I had to break in, Hey between you and Sam I don't want to wake up drowned. You two could fill a house with how much your leaking.
That got them laughing again. Carol was silent on the way to her and Sam's room/house. Sam was bouncing when we reached their place. Wendy told Carol to be packed Friday night and we will pick her up Saturday. Well, I told Sam. I guess, I’ll wait on those clothes till you get to the house. He gave a disappointed look. Alright! I don't want waterworks, so I'll give you one new outfit tonight. Would that work. He just about leaped in the air. Carol smiled. I grabbed his hand and had him go to the back of the truck. ok shoe size, dress size, shirt size. I gave Sam a pair of sparkly pink van shoes, a pair of thick white tights with hearts, some frilly socks, a panda and teddy bear skirt that was pink and purple and white, then a care bear shirt light pink. I thought he was going to pass out as he was so giddy and jumping. I could see the smile on Carol's face as a tear was dripped down.
She mouthed thank you to me as she grabbed Sam's shoulder and led him into the house. After getting back into the truck, I said thank you to both moms. No thanking us, Wendy stated. There's no way we would let that cute little boy and his mom continue on that way. Then Dawn said, those people she cleans for, especially where she lives should be ashamed. Next was a shock to me as Wendy asked Dawn to drive. Soon I found out why, as Wendy got on her phone and, from the sounds of it, did a conference call between both papa and grandma. When she was done filling them in, I found out for sure about the conference when momma Wendy put it on speakerphone so both could say how proud they were and to say good night. With all the excitement of today, I fell asleep on the way home.
The following day after breakfast, I packed a little something extra in my bag as a gift. I thought Sam would like it, and I asked momma Dawn for some extra money in case Sam didn't bring lunch which she gladly gave. Feeling good, off to school we went. The drive was full of planning. Momma's were going shopping for extra bedding, paint, brushes, rollers. and a few miscellaneous supplies. I also reminded both mommas to put up, all clothes belonging to Cynthia or baby Misty. I knew anyone trying them on now would be transformed. So if someone accidentally thought they were cute and wore them for 5 hours, they might get a big surprise, if you know what I mean. Already done last night while you slept, momma Dawn said. I giggled. We also already moved the crib and all the baby stuff into the storage upstairs.
That's my parents, on the ball I thought. So big question. What color to do Sam's room. Momma Wendy said, why don't you ask him today. Will do I replied, with a military wave to my head. They both giggled. With most things handled, I felt pretty good when we pulled up to the school. I just opened the door when I seen Sam. I dropped my bag and went running. I heard the truck shut off behind me as doors opened. I knew they had seen him too. He was covered in dirt and looked disheveled. There were on only socks on his feet. As I caught up to him, I could see the tears in his eyes.
Sam I said, come here. What happened Wendy asked me. I don't know. Both mammas had already caught up to me. Sam started to talk while crying. I- I was walking to school and they took my new shoes and threw, he started balling. It's ok Sam, and I pulled him into a hug. Finally, Sam continued. They pushed me down and threw dirt on me. My new shoes, he started balling again. Momma Wendy put her hand on Sam's shoulder and said. Sam don't worry about it. I'll tell you what. by tonight we will have you a brand new pair just like them, ok.
Sam looked up and said, between his tears. Really. Yep, Dawn said, and new socks too. It will be just like it never happened. Ok, Sam said, still sobbing. Sam let's go to the office. No, he started crying again. They'll call my mom, and she can't. Now he was in complete waterworks. He stopped talking and hugged me tight. I looked up, and Wendy cut in. Sam it will be ok, we're here, and I'll talk to the school. It will be ok! With that, we finally headed for the office as the bell rang. When we got inside, the receptionist looked over as she asked what happened. Dawn explained what we knew.
Meanwhile, I could see Wendy was getting so mad as she could burst. I asked her if she could sit with Sam for a minute. I figured mom mode might calm her. As she did, I snuck down the hall to the principal's office and entered. Misty what are you doing here? We need to talk, Miss Green. So what’s on your mind Misty. A friend, Samuel had an issue this morning, and I feel I need to tell you something. You see, I talked to Sam last night after school and Sam is different. I gave him some shoes the previous night, and he is, I'll be blunt! Do you Miss Green know what transgender is? Oh, Oh, she said, is Sam? do you think he is? No, Miss Green, I'm sure he is. he got bullied on his way to school, they threw his shoes in a tree, and if you look at him. you'll see it, he's in the office. He's still not comfortable, so don't say anything. it was Chris and his friends who did it. My momma is mad! Mad! It would help if you dealt with this quickly. You see Sam and his mom Carol are going to move into our spare bedrooms.
They have things hard, so my mommas last night offered to help. Now today, this happens. I was starting to get upset with the way things were going. Ok sweetie let's go out and see if we can handle this. About that time, the intercom went off in the office. Principal Green, can you come to the front office. Principal Green and I headed out. I sat next to Sam. Momma Wendy started to get up in front of the principal and stated, we need to talk. Agreed, Miss Green said. Come into my office. Miss Green spoke to the receptionist, hold any calls. Call Chris Hanson to my office also. Set up an assembly after lunch. With that, Miss Green and Dawn headed for her office. I whispered to Wendy, don't go. you are a little angry. Let dawn handle this. I thought, she’s less likely to knock anyone out. Miss Green did look down at Sam before she headed to her office.
Seeing his frilly socks and no shoes, I could see she knew. On the way out of the office, I looked around. We sat in the waiting area. I held momma Wendy's hand as Chris came through and was directed to the principal's office. Momma Wendy started to get up as I held her hand, she sat back down. Now I heard the receptionist on the phone. Yes, Miss Simson, your son is in the office. with that I saw Sam tense up. Miss Simson, there was an incident before school. some boys evidently bullied your son on the way to school. No miss he's ok, and I have Wendy, Dawn and Misty parson here. They said you are moving to their address. Would you like to come down, or I can update your info and add Wendy and Dawn to your emergency contacts if you would like.
Yes, miss Simson, Miss Wendy Parson is here, hold on. Wendy, miss Simson would like to talk to you. Wendy got up and went to the phone. Yes Carol, he's ok. we found him walking in socks covered in dirt. No, don't worry we will get this handled. You do what you need to. If you give permission, we will handle it. Dawn is talking to the principal and the boy right now. No problem, we will see you at the park when school is over and your off work. With that Momma Wendy handed the phone back and came back around. It's all good Sam, and your mom permitted us to handle it, so don't worry.
Momma, can you get my bag and my extra sweat shirt from the truck, please. Momma Wendy came back with my bag and sweat shirt. Ok, Sam. I was going to give you this after school, but considering what happened, I'll give them to you now. First here I handed Sam a pair of bright pink frilly socks. His eyes lit up, and he stripped his dirty white ones off and put them on. Wendy pocketed the dirty ones. Next, I pulled out a set of white platform city sneaks shoes. He squealed their perfect as he put them on. I figured you might like them. Thank you, your my life saver. He hugged me, dirt and all. It's okay Sam. I love them Sam said, swinging his feet back and forth on the chair. Here is another sweat shirt of mine. It's got My Little Pony on it. Sam spotted it. Can I have it. His eyes were big as saucers. Yes, momma Wendy said before I could answer.
His tarnished blue sweatshirt came off like a streak. Sam had the sweatshirt on and was back to his bubbly self in moments. All I could do is smile. The receptionist walked up, leaned down, and whispered to me. You’re a good friend, and he's in good hands with you. Then she went back to her desk. Momma Dawn, the principal Miss Green and Chris all came out of the office. Well Chris after I talk with your parents. I will make my decision whether to suspend or expel you. Hate crimes are not ok. Definitely not in this school. Dawn walked up. Well you look better, Sam. Yes! Look at what Misty gave me!
It fits you Dawn replied with a smile. A man entered through the door. So I'm called from work, my son is in trouble for picking on some fag. I started to stand, and momma Wendy beat me to it. There's no reason to talk like that Mr. Hanson principal Green, broke in. Your son is already in enough trouble. you know I can charge him with a hate crime. By this time, Sam was clinging to Dawn, almost hiding behind me. Ha! Mr. Hanson said. Where is the one my boy picked on? Then he spotted Sam. He started laughing. good job son. I don't blame you for hitting that fairy. I could tell momma Wendy was sizing him up, and things would go downhill quickly now.
Mr. Hanson. obviously your son takes after you, and neither of you belongs in this or any other school with that attitude. You need to… with that, Miss Green was cut off by Mr. Hanson. How dare you! You are defending this!! This abomination! You want my son to go to school with this. No! I don't Miss Green stated. That's why he's being expelled, and cps is being called due to your views on life and teaching your son to hate. You need to… Mr. Hanson cut her off. you can't expel my kid, especially over that thing. you better watch it!!!!! Wendy broke in. I suppose you have a problem then with my wife and me too. Wendy was starting to boil. I ran back and sat in front of Sam, knowing this was going to go so wrong. Mr. Hanson laughed. Figures a couple of dikes which couldn't find a man, are here to defend that little far...
That was about as far as he made it when Wendy laid him out. You gutter trash, Wendy said. Maybe now you will learn some respect! Sam and I were sent out with Dawn while the others waited for the cops. We were sitting outside on the bench when Paso PD arrived. I leaned over to Dawn and whispered. how much do you think bail will be? Dawn snickered, then said. I wonder if she'll bribe them to put her in the same cell. That got me giggling at that thought. Trying to take a page from my old book? Do you think she would try that too? Dawn shook her head yes. About 15 minutes later, the first cop came out with Mr. Hanson in cuffs. He was yelling at them. you can't do this, you pigs!!! I heard the cop say. hate crimes are serious nowadays. You better get a good lawyer. I don't need one when it comes down to pigs and fairies, he stated.
Next came out Chris in cuffs with a juvenile hall cop. I hadn't even seen them arrive. Next walked out Momma Wendy, surprisingly not in cuffs. She came over to us. Dawn asked, what happened? Well, when Mr. Hanson woke up. he said that was a pretty good hit for a dike. I was about to hit him again when the principal, miss Green stepped in. you know, just you saying that she can have you arrested. Especially considering your son used force and targeted someone for a hate crime. Ha!! that bitch there, I'll kill her just because she laid a hand on me. That's when the cops came in as he was pulling a gun. Wendy said He's going to jail for assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, with a side order of a hate crime towards women, gays, and transgender people. Then to top it off, assault on an officer. Jr there is going to juvenile hall for hate crimes.
Dawn smiled and said. well, at least you didn't bribe an officer to share a cell with him. I tried Wendy replied, but the officer was afraid of what I might do to Mr. Hanson. We all laughed, including Sam. Wendy bent down to Sam and said I'm sorry about all that. Are you ok? Sam reached up and hugged her, then spoke. Thank you. nobody ever stood up for me until Misty did. Well, that principal in there is a very understanding lady. If you have any problems. you tell her, and she will call us. We will help, ok. Don't hide it, have the office call and we will be here. Thanks, Sam replied. but I don't need that. I know all I have to do is find Misty. She will help. Wendy looked at me, and I said. I know mom. if anything should ever happen again, we will go to the office.
Good girl, Wendy replied. HMMM. I wonder what the assembly will be and if we should join. I don't think you need to. it's about tolerance Wendy stated. I started to think about what our classmates would think. Assembly was announced to begin in 10 minutes over the loudspeaker. I wondered what our classmates would believe, but I didn't have to wonder long as our teacher had talked to our classmates. Our class spotted us. They were no longer in an orderly line heading to the assembly but instead, they were running towards us with the teacher trying to catch up. Good to see your both are ok the teacher said. are you going to be in class tomorrow, or do you need a day? All of our classmates were telling Sam how cute he looked today and how they had heard what happened and they were glad to see he was alright.
Sam was so happy I could see the waterworks forming. Don't even think about it I told Sam. I don't want to be drenched again. He started laughing instead of the waterworks. Sam, do you feel up to coming back tomorrow? The rest of the class was almost begging him too. He shook his head yes. Ok, teach tomorrow we will be here. The teacher smiled and managed to get the class under control and headed back to the assembly. Sam was staring into space. Are you ok, Sam? Earth to Sam! Hey Sammy, are you there. That did it, he flinched. I'm ok Sam said. I was just wondering if I was dreaming. Nope you're here, and I am not standing in your dream. Sam laughed. Now what I asked? Wendy got a look on her face and said, ok everyone to the truck. Sam said with his head down, I can't. Momma has to sign for me to get out of school.
Principal Green walked up. no, she permitted us to put Wendy and Dawn on your contact card, so you're free to go with them. Principal Green then went up to Dawn and started to open her wallet and say, take him to. Dawn and Wendy both cut in. thank you Miss Green, but we have this. Then Wendy of all people said. Miss Green, it is us who should be paying you for being an honest and fair principal. No, that's my pleasure, Miss Green stated. Dawn said this is on us. Okay, I'll stop by your class tomorrow and make sure everything is ok for you two. Thanks I said, as we said our goodbyes and headed out. It's about 1:00 Dawn noted, so how about some lunch. We drove to Carl’s Jr and had lunch. Sam looked like he was in heaven, especially when the lady at the counter told Wendy, you have two cute daughters. Which Wendy just said, thanks. We left about 2:00 from Carl’s Jr and went shopping. Sam got a new pair of pink glitter vans, then a white pair and a black sparkly pair.
Sam asked about me getting any, so I got a black glitter pair. From there we went and had ice cream. Afterward, we headed for Sherwood park to wait for Carol. When we reached the parking lot, Carol was already sitting there. We all got out and Sam ran up and hugged his mom and told her all about today's adventure. That's excellent honey, Carol said. Did you thank them? Sam ran over and hugged Wendy then Dawn and said thanks. Then he came over to me and it was a death hug. Thanks sis, and these white shoes are my new favorites. They will always remind me of my best day ever. Best day so far, I replied. He giggled and finally let go. He turned back around to his mom. that's when he noticed her crying. Momma, what's wrong?
It's okay honey, she said. We have to figure out what to do for tonight. Tomorrow we'll rent a motel room. What's going on Dawn asked. Carol told Wendy and Dawn that she informed her employers that she had another job, which would be her last week. They all let her go on the spot. So, she walked home. Knowing she had 2 hours before Sam got home, she figured she would straighten up when her landlord came in and said they had gotten a call and wanted her and Sam out now. She started to gather their clothes, the only thing they owned. they kicked her out on the spot. She wasn't even allowed to take a spare set of clothes. They kept everything for cleaning costs, they said. momma Wendy was mad. Boiling point a second time in one day. Get in the truck, she said!
It's ok, Carol said. Sam and I will get a motel room and go to Goodwill and buy a few clothes. No, you're coming home with us. get in. I don't want to impose, Carol said. Nonsense Dawn said. The rooms are ready, we didn't get to the paint yet, so you will have to help. Are you sure Carol replied. A unison yes from all three of us. Ok, Carl replied. We all got in, but Wendy didn't head home to our house, but theirs. She was out of the truck before Carol could say, I don't want any problems. I heard Wendy ring the bell. The door opened, and Wendy said I'm here to get Carol and Sam's clothes. They didn't have any. I could see Wendy getting a smile on her face. She dialed her phone. Hi dad. You have an employee. I think his name is Dave. The guy's face went expressionless. Well, he is harassing my friend who I told you would be moving in with us. They kicked her out and won't even give their stuff back. Not even clothes.
Thanks Dad. She hung up and said, keep them as a severance package. Oh, by the way. your final paycheck will be waiting at the office tomorrow. With that, Wendy walked back to the truck. Did you just get him fired, Carol asked? My dad does not tolerate that kind of behavior from his employees. So, he got himself fired. Ok, Carol said sheepishly. Next Wendy drove to Walmart, then Kmart, Target, Kohls, Ross, and about any others in between. Once finished, they both had enough clothes to last each day of the year. Each one picked out their clothes. Sam picked out mainly the girl's isles, but his mom didn't seem to care. Once finished, it was after 7:00. Well Wendy said, let us grab pizza for dinner with it being so late. I seen eyes lite up. Dawn quickly placed the order, and we drove and picked up four pizzas.
Once home, I got out and told Carol and Sam to follow me. I showed them the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Then told them momma's rules. We washed our hands first, then we sat down and ate. After dinner, momma showed Carol the upstairs loft and said to her that it was her room and bed. She was astonished at the room. Next, I told Sam sorry we didn't have time to repaint. I get my own room Sam said, bouncing off the walls. Yes, there it is.
Sorry about the baby print. It was my room when I was a baby. Sam entered. it's perfect he yelled, running around the room. I even get my bed. Yes Sam, everything in here is yours. Sam looked at the desk, and you left your computer in here, Sam said. Nope, Wendy stated. That one is yours, and I'll give your mom the code for child protection. Yah, everything including the tv has child locks, so we can't get on anything we're not supposed to. Carol stated this is too much. we can't accept this.
It will take forever to pay you for, What Dawn said. This stuff is gifts from Wendy's dad's company for the trouble their employee put you threw. No this is too much Carol said. I can't. I went up and grabbed her hand and pulled her down to me. Can I talk to you for a minute? Yes, Carol said. Well, Carol. I should tell you, when I was a baby, a nice old lady named Kathleen died, but she left us this. The house. 20 million dollars, and cars and trucks. She was no relation, just thought we deserved it. since then, we still live somewhat ordinary, and I have done some commercials and a movie. Momma's how much money did I make? Alright, momma Wendy said. It's in your saving, and you can't have it till your 18, but I guess I can say. Carol, she has made 2 million dollars. Carol’s mouth was wide open. Everything we do, mostly I looked at Wendy, who tried looking innocent, is a family decision. Now after meeting Sam, well, we decided to pay it forward some.
This is now your home as much as ours. We weren't going to tell you, but we won't let you not expect it. If you do not, we will just open an account for you and Sam, and you will have to accept it. Before Carol could say a word Wendy broke in. she is not lying. we already decided. Carol started crying and grabbing me in a big hug. Not you too. I'm going to have to start packing a towel with me. Carol began laughing between sobs of joy. you should know we do have one secret and after time, well… if Sam likes his choices and wants to be a girl, we might have a way to help. Carol looked funny at me. Has he told you anything?
Carol started to speak. Yes, he wants and wishes he was born a girl. You see how he acts. I hope he could be. Hmm, we will discuss that this weekend. Would you be okay with it? I mean Sam being a Samantha? She started crying again. If I could give my little my perfect little… if I could. yes, I would give my life to make that come true for him. Then I had two sobbing waterwork factories in one room, because Carol and Sam both were hugging and crying. I spoke up. momma, I don't need a bath tonight. I already got one right here. That got the whole house laughing. Ok Sam, Dawn said. You need to get that dirt off, so how about you take a bath. It's getting late, and Misty it's your bedtime. Yes, mom. Sam came over and hugged me again and asked, was this your room? I shook my head yes. Can I leave it as it is, Sam asked?
Of course you can Sam. it's up to you. I thought you would like it more making it yours, painting it differently. No, Sam said. I like it like this. It reminds me of you, and it's perfect. With that, he ran in and took his bath. I went to bed. Friday morning Sam chose the white platform city sneaks, frilly pink socks and a teddy bear with a rainbow skirt and care bear shirt, and of course, the sweatshirt he was given. He's going full out I thought. Once we left for school, my guard was up. Knowing this could be good or bad. As it turned out, everyone from our class was more than expecting it. There’s no way any boys would get near us at lunch because every girl from our class was always around us. The president couldn't get this kind of protection, I thought.
The day went pretty uneventful, but I think this was Sam's new best day. He was bouncy and bubbly all day. He finally wound down a little by the end of class. The bell rang, and we left the classroom to walk to my waiting parents. Today was such a good day, Sam said. I can't believe it's real. Thank you Misty! My life is perfect. Don't thank me, and it's all you. You helped yourself not me. I just helped with some of the clothes. No Sam said. you helped me more than that. It was at that time, and Sam started getting tensed up. I turned around to see why he tensed up. Of course, Chris’s friends were headed in our direction. I looked at the three comings. I figured I could take maybe two, but could Sam take one. Before I had time to finish my thought, they were on top of us. I moved in front of Sam. The first one started to speak. We're not here to talk to you Misty. we're here for Sam. Well then, you are here for me too. You can't always be there, and we need to talk to Sam about our friend Chris. Talk or something more I asked?
The one boy got closer. we'll just say talk. He's right here, and you can talk from there. He huffed. Ok. What is it going to take for you to leave Sam alone? Nothing he told, unless Sam is really a girl. then we will leave her be. He started laughing. Ok, if I can prove by the end of next week to you, Sam is a girl you will leave her be. Never harass her again. Do I have your word? He started laughing along with the other two. Sure, good luck with that. Don't worry about them i told Sam. after next week they won't bother you except to ask you for a date maybe. EWWW he said and started laughing. There's the Sam I've come to know. Oh Sam, one more question for you to answer for your sister here. now that those creations are gone. He stopped in his tracks, with that scared look again. Sam, what do you want to be called by. Samuel, Sam, Sami, Samantha, or what?
He went beet red. I like the name. He stopped a minute. You don't have to be scared, and I just wanted to know what you wanted to be called. I like Samantha. Ok Samantha. at home, that’s all I will refer to you as. At school for now if it's alright with you, I'll call you Sam or Sami. He piled onto me like a ravenous wolf or a bear attacking its pray. Samantha, you’re going put us both on our... to late the force knocked us over. I'm sorry Samantha started to say as I was laughing. Geez girl, you would think we didn't have a whole weekend ahead of us. That caught her attention, and she got up with a bounce. What's the sudden rush, I asked.
She was almost dragging me when she took my hand and beelined for the truck. It will be there when we get there. It must have been a sight this little boy short as me maybe a little faster, Almost dragging me. I'm sure it was because momma Dawn was snapping pictures with her phone. Somebody is in a good mood momma Wendy said while getting the door. Samantha drug me right in the truck with her. She was even more wound than average. Then to see her mom was also in the back seat. Momma he yelled, attacking her with a big hug. I could see the tears of joy running down Carol's face. You had a good day I take it, Sam. Yes! Yes! Momma, and you'll never guess what. Misty likes my name! Oh, Carol said. Yes, she said it was ok and she will use it. I hope it's alright Carol, but I told Samantha that I have no problem with it if that's what she wants to be called.
I like that name Dawn chimed in. Me too, Wendy said. So Samantha, anywhere we need to go before going home? Nope, Auntie Wendy. Sam stopped in her tracks. Sorry. Dawn started laughing. No Samantha, that's fine. You can call us auntie. It makes things easier. Are you ok with this, Auntie Carol I asked. I would be proud to be your aunt, Carol announced. Sam, I mean Samantha. I think Samantha fits you better than Samuel ever did. I'll tell you what. come Monday, I'll go out and see what I have to do to get your name legally changed to that. How does that sound? Samantha started bouncing off the seat. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, momma.
Best day ever. That got me giggling, and we headed home. Once home, Samantha and I watched TV for about an hour till dinner was ready. After dinner, Samantha headed to her room when I heard a scream. I figured you might like that. I had given her dolls, a dollhouse, doll clothes, and a tea set that belonged to Cynthia. I love them Samantha announced loud enough for the whole place to hear. he was bouncing off the walls so hard I thought Samantha would go right through it. Instead, I seen her dart for me. I knew what was coming, so I darted for my room. I heard Auntie and both mommas laughing as I almost made it before Sam tackled me in a big hug. Thank you, thank you! Thank you! Samantha said still bouncing with excitement. I was now thinking about what did I get myself into this. How can one person be so bubbly and full of energy?
Momma Wendy came up to me when Sam finally released me. That was a lovely thing to do. You know you're his favorite person in the world. I kind of got that. I need to talk to both of you mommas when you have a minute. in private. Ok, Wendy said. Samantha, you ready for your bath? Yes, Auntie. Okay, go get in. With that, Samantha was in a tub. Mommas and I went out by the garage. Okay, Wendy and Dawn. Do you think we can trust them with our secrets? Why Wendy asked? Well, I'm sure Sam would never tell, but what about Carol? Dawn laughed. I think anything you tell Carol will be safe. You're her favorite person besides Sam. That's what I wanted to hear. Again Wendy said, ok why. what do you have planned? Samantha will have a hard time in life the way he or she is. now that I'm stuck, transformed... Oh, oh, I see, Wendy said.
Yah, we have 7-year-old clothes and if we only do pants and a tank top or bra. his face should remain. Remember, I had to do shoes, socks, shirt, pants, undies, bra, and hair clips to fully transform. Wendy and Dawn looked intense at each other, and then Dawn said. I see a problem. birth certificate says, male. Well, momma's. that’s the other thing I want to ask. I called my doctor Ms. Bella and had a little chat. If you can weasel it out of them and get his birth certificate, take me in at 10:00. I think I can get it changed. you scheming little pain. How long have you been planning this Wendy stated. Honest Mom, I just started this morning when I seen the clothing choice. Dawn laughed. She is still quick on her feet, I see. I think I can discretely handle the birth certificate Wendy stated, but Sam probably needs an exam. So the deal is, we all go into town. You see Bella first and Sam right after. You hit her up before she meets Sam.
Ok, momma. but Bella has been good to us. I want to give her $5,000 as a reward. Is that alright? NO, Wendy stated. I think with all the headache you give her, and it needs to be $10,000. I agree, Dawn stated. That was about that time Carol came out. Can you two unlock the storage door when you go in and make sure Sam doesn't get in there while I talk to Carol? Sure Wendy said, and they walked in as I waved Carol over. Hey Auntie Carol. I need to speak to you. Ok, I want you to listen and don't say anything until I finish, but first. I want to ask a question and get an honest answer. If you could make him her or should I say. if I could make Samantha an actual girl… what I mean is all working parts inside and outside female, would you? I'm asking, would you, without any doubt change him? Knowing once it's done, it's permanent? I can't change it back. She might look closer to me in looks also, so keep that in mind. Would you?
Yes, I would give everything I have to do it. I would become a slave for the rest of my life or give up my life if that's what it takes. If you could do it and make her, I mean him a complete girl. I would give you everything I have for the rest of my life. That's what I wanted to know. Hold on one moment, and I'll be right back. I ran to the house. Momma, can I get you to please bring out a pair of tiny shoes, you know, the Velcro ones. With that, I ran back out. Ok, Auntie. I'm going to tell you something, but you can't run away. You have to promise not to tell anyone. My momma's are ok because they know and can fill in the blanks. Auntie looked at me with an intense stare. Then she said. I swear, I won't tell a soul. It's just between us. Good enough, but you can't run away either. She laughed. First I'm going to show you a few things after telling you my tale. You also have a choice. You can keep the gift for yourself. if you do, I don't know if I will forgive you, or you can give it to your son. If you give it to him, his greatest wish to be a girl will happen. Are you messing with me, Carol asked?
No, I'm serious! I will give it to him. Not so fast, let me tell you about some stuff first, just listen. I'm sure by now you have noticed I don't always act like a 7-year-old girl. Sometimes I may seem a little old for my age. She shook her head yes. At this time, Wendy was back with the shoes. She dropped them and went back inside. Thanks, momma. Your welcome Hun Wendy said, returning to the house. Ok Auntie. I'm going to tell you a little about me. I wasn't always a little girl. I was a 40-year-old man with two gay married friends. Auntie started to say something. No Auntie, just listen. So at one time, eight years ago, I was a 40-year-old man who drove a truck out here and stumbled upon this place. I met a ghost and her dead body. She gave me the money and this place and a few other gifts.
One of the gifts she gave me is how I ended up one year old and started my life as a girl. You see, my friends wanted a baby. but being two women, they had limited options to adopt. Now the ghost Kathleen gave me the ability to dress in certain clothes that matched that age, but as a girl. To be honest, to become her granddaughter. I probably would still be a man under normal circumstances, but I decided to become a child. They know who I was and loved me so much more, knowing I'm theirs. They were beyond happy for my choice to be raised by them. It was also my payback to them for everything they had done for me. Other than momma Wendy, momma Dawn and myself. the only ones who know are my doctors, who did the birth certificate after seeing my change in front of her and my grandma.
My grandpa doesn't and won't know. Now you also know. I could see Auntie was stunned and a little doubtful. Now for your part Auntie. This property is the safest place on earth for everyone here, but I want to introduce you to my friend Kathleen. She well… she is a ghost. She doesn't want to stay here, but she watches and appears in times of danger or if I need something. You are here, so you need something to connect you to her. Just no more than 4 hours at a time, or things can change. So are you willing to meet her? I think you should know. I don't believe spirits and ghosts, Carol said. I laughed and replied. I didn't either. here put this on and don't scream or run away. I handed her the shoes. Size 6. sorry Misty, they won't fit. Please just try Ok. Carol pulled off her shoes and stuck her toes in. See, they don't… her face went from annoyed to scared when suddenly her feet slid in like they were a perfect size.
Ok Auntie. fasten them please. This is impossible, she stated. Please Auntie, for me. She slowly attached the Velcro to the Aerobixx shoes. Ok, Auntie. I'm going to try and get Kathleen here. She has a hard time staying here, so we can't keep her long. I grabbed Carol’s hand so she couldn't run away. Kathleen, can I see and talk to you please. I have a friend here, and I hope you don't mind. I don't mind, Kathleen said, appearing in front of us. I have seen what is going on and know what you have planned. I couldn't be happier. I gave you a gift, and you are so selfless you want to help another. You are more than I could have hoped or asked for. He is so cute and will make a beautiful girl if you can pull it off. Oh, where are my manners? Am I Kathleen. It's nice to meet you, Carol. I can't shake your hand. I have to go soon, but I'm glad to meet you and if you or your young son or soon to be young girl need anything. he or should I say she will just have to call me, and you just slip on those shoes and call, and I'll do my best.
Bye for now. I love you, kiddo. With that, Kathleen was gone. Ok, you need to remove those shoes, Carol. She did, I think still in shock. Carol went to put her shoes back on to find they did not fit. I giggled. Don't worry, and it's temporary. Try again. Sure enough, her shoes fit again. I don't know how or what just happened. Auntie, I needed to show you I was telling the truth. I hope you don't think differently of me. No Carol said, regaining her composure. If anything, I believe you are even more special now. You gave so much to help other people. Are you sure you’re not an angel? I laughed. no, I'm way too… well, I have my moments. The only one who thinks that is Samantha. Not true, Dawn said startling me. You will always be our angel.
No, I got just as much as you with all the love and care you give me. Momma, you're hugging the life out of me. Carol started laughing, and Dawn let go. Ok, Carol. I have one more thing to show you in the house. Remember, do not wear those or anything else I show you for more than 4 hours or you can't change back. I'm serious. You will be stuck at the age you turn into. I believe you Misty, and I won't. With that, we went into the house. Once inside, I led Carol up to her room and told Sam I would be down shortly. Ok, he said. Once in Carol's room, I headed past to the storage room. Follow me, Auntie. Earlier in the storage room, I found the box labeled seven years old and grabbed it. Once I had it, I took it to Carol's bed. Ok Auntie. find a complete outfit and put it on. She opened the box and laughed. Auntie just like the shoes they will fit. Carol must have believed because she found a dress, shoes, and socks and got dressed.
Her eyes told me she thought she must be dreaming. Ok Auntie. I can only use this one for you or Samantha once for 4 hours. you can't change back. She quickly undressed, which was a shock to me. Then Carol spoke. I would love to be seven again, but this will make my daughter the happiest person on earth. She grabbed me in a hug. I'll do anything you want. Just let Samantha have this, Please! I will give... Hold it, Auntie. I wasn't asking you for anything but your permission. Other than for you to not tell anyone the secret. That you don't have to worry about. I will keep your and our secret forever. Thank you, Misty.
Don't thank me, and I'm just passing on what I was given. I just want to share. There is one more thing. eventually, you will have to figure out how to explain this to Samantha. Ok, I'll figure out a way, so when does he become a... Hold on, and we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Just pack an outfit in case. We'll talk tomorrow. Thank you, Misty. I have one question. when you were 40, what was your name? Allen Curry, I replied. Thanks again, Misty. You’re giving us everything. More than. No, I haven't. You're getting what you two should have had from the begging. It just arrived late. Now, I think Samantha would like our presence. With that, we headed to the living room. MOMMY, MOMMY, Sam yelled. you look sooo happy.
Happier than you ever have, mommy. I'm delighted too. I like our new family. Carol hugged Sam. Samantha, yes I'm so glad. I'm pleased that you are my happy little girl again. Sam went ballistic, bouncing and running. what's wrong, honey? Mommy, I'm so glad you called me your little girl. Thank you, and he bolted back into her arms. He broke the hug, and I was bowled over with a hug. Thank you, Misty. You made everything perfect. I'm glad you are my sister. When I saw you beat up Chris for picking on you. I knew that you were someone I had to get to know. I can be a little bad sometimes, I stated. I'm not all good, and remember you brought this on yourself. You followed me, almost stalked me. I had to find out what such a shy kid wanted with a bit of devil-like me. You can never be bad Misty. you’re not a devil, your perfect.
I laughed so did Dawn and Wendy. Trust me, I said laughing. I'm nowhere near perfect. It was about that time the power went out. Half an hour later, the sheriff pulled up to inform us a car hit a pole, and power wouldn't be restored until morning. After he left, Wendy went outside. when she came back, I knew her plan. She had a hand full of wood. I ran to the kitchen grabbed the marshmallows, chocolate, and gram crackers. S'mores, I announced. Carol's eyes lit up, but Sam had no idea. Once the fire was going, I showed Sam what to do. After his first bite, he scarfed it down and said I love S'mores!!! He went to hug me, but I was quicker. Although probably not wise running with a marshmallow on fire on a stick in my hands, but it turned out ok. OK sticky fingers!!! I stated.
I'm ok. Samantha. You don't have to hug me. I know Sam said, but I want to. He leaped up and hugged me. The marshmallow, we were both now were wearing it. At least it was out now. Of course, that warranted a slew of cell pictures. After about another hour and a round of candles light baths. It was bedtime. Sam stood and stared into his dark room. I went into mine and found a flashlight and gave it to him. He still looked nervous till Aunt Carol came down. It's ok, Sam. I'll tell you what. I'll stay with you till your asleep. With that, he went into his room, and I went to mine and went to sleep. I awoke to be rolled over on. Great, I thought. Sam beat me getting up and was already hugging me this morning.
As my eyes finally cleared, I looked. yep, it was Sam in a nightgown asleep. I tried to think of or when, but I guess I was sleeping when he came in. I slowly slipped… well tried to drop out of bed, but was grabbed onto by the still sleeping Sam. I heard the door, and it was Wendy. She came over to me. I didn't. I don't know when but he… I can't move without waking him. I tried. Of course, I was whispering. Wendy said in a whisper, I know. He woke up about midnight crying and frightened, and I was going to go to his mom and he asked if I could get you. I let him in and told him he could spend the night in here. He crawled up, and I said he could wake you and he shook his head no. he curled up against you and was out in like 5 minutes. Gee thanks, momma.
You’re welcome, she whispered with a chuckle. oh and Misty, I have some excellent photos. Momma left, and it was another 30 minutes before sleepy head woke up. Sam said I'm sorry. I was scared, so I came in to find you and... It’s alright Sam. Let's have breakfast. Ok, he said and we exited my room. After breakfast, we got dressed and headed to the doctor. Once checked in, I asked Carol. I need Sam’s birth certificate. She didn't hesitate to hand it over. Hi Bella, I said walking into her office. Misty, how is my favorite patient? Wait, what's wrong? Why are you here? Well Bella, it's complicated. With you Misty, it always is. So, lay it on me. Well, we took in some houseguests.
A single mom named Carol made a couple of hundred a week and was renting a room for her and her flaming... Spit it out, Misty. Her son wants to be a daughter. So he's transgender. Yes, his mom's ok with it. He dresses as a girl every day. but he had a bully and some… some bullies I take it, Bella stated. Yah, I fixed most of that, but you know who I used to be, and I have been given away to turn him to her. Oh, Bella said. Yah, but I need help or advice. I pulled out the birth certificate. Oh, Oh, I see the problem, Bella stated. Yah, she goes by Samantha. if he or she becomes a real she, this doesn't work. What do I do?
Bella lit up. Well, it seems someone just made an error. If I'm her doctor and see she is a girl. I can reissue with a new name and gender. You are indeed the best, Bella. Ok well, is he still a he right now. Yes, I replied. Ok, let me see him, and if I decide after an exam that this is what he wants. then I'll do it. Send him in by himself or with his mom, preferably. Ok, I said and exited the room. I took Sam and Carol back to Bella's office. Bella, this is Samantha and Carol. if you need me, I'll be in the waiting room. No, Sam said. I want you to stay. I'll be right outside. Bella is a friend. She won't hurt you.
I exited. 5 minutes later, Sam came out and said. Bella needs to see you, and he sat with Wendy and Dawn. I went into the office with Bella and Carol. Carol had tears in her eyes. What’s wrong I asked. Bella started. Sam has a problem. Oh. Yah he's under-developed down there. Not a problem. He won’t have it for long. That's not the problem, Bella stated. Carol started crying, so I grabbed her arm and she started crying on my shoulder. Misty, Bella continued. Sam has a tumor in one of his testicles. It has already spread out into a few other areas. They have to come off immediately to save his life. If he's lucky, it will be in time. With chemo and radiation, he might survive. Carol was now shaking along with crying. Carol, how much of an outfit did you bring? All she stated, between crying. Even a bra and panties? Yes, why this isn't going to... Yes, it is! I cut in..... What Bella stammered. Ok you two listen. It will change him in the chest, gut, crotch, and legs.
The person that he's getting the parts from was healthy! So those parts will be beneficial. Is Sam going to be ok with this, I stated? Bella broke in, I'll get the birth certificate changed right now, and yes. he or she would be ecstatic. if it saves that cute boy and young man's life, do it right now. Can it! Carol looked at me in the eyes. Yes, it can and will once done. We will x-ray him again and ultrasound to prove it. Thank you Carol said breaking down again, hugging me. Carol I stated. you need to get it together for Sam. This is a significant change, she will probably be bouncing off the walls, but after it’s done. the tests have to be done to prove it's all good. so you need to be in control!
Carol wiped her eyes. Ok Bella, can you get Sam and my parents. have Sam come in first. Inform my parents what happened and then send them in because I'll need their help to keep things calm. Bella didn't respond, almost running for the door. I take it, with her speed he had a limited time. Once Sam was in the room, I asked. hey Sam, I got a question? Shoot, Sam stated. Are you ready to be a real girl? Yes!!!!! He was almost bouncing again. I mean a full girl. All the parts to match, inside and out? Sam, know if I help you with this. once this is done, you can't go back. I don't want to, he said. Ok, Sam. I wasn't going to do this quite this far or so soon, but I don't have a choice. I know this sounds weird. I need you to strip naked.
He was undressed in a close second. Carol broke out the clothes. At that point, Wendy, Dawn, and Bella came in. I could see the worry in both momma's eyes. Will it Wendy asked? Then Kathleen appeared. It will work Misty. I could see the relief in Wendy and Dawn's eyes. Carol! I need those clothes. Sam then said. I have a problem. He peed blood. It's ok, we'll clean it up, but I need you to redress in all these other clothes, including undies and bra. It’s still coming out, Sam said. It's ok, Sam. trust me, put the undies on. These were all mine at one time Sam. He did without question. Within moments the blood stopped, and the bulge in the undies was gone. He peaked under. I'm a girl. He started to bounce. His smile was ear to ear. Not yet Sam. put the bra on. Carol helped with the bra. Ok son, put the tights on. She did. Wow I can feel the difference, Misty! I know Sam. now the skirt and shirt.
She could win a speed dressing contest at his point. I noticed Sam's face didn't change. Kathleen now said. don't worry, his face won't change. Already seen to it, I stated. Thanks. What Sam asked? Oh nothing, Sam. Auntie, can you help her. shoes and socks? Carol put them on Sam without hesitation. Ok Sam. I know the undies right now probably feel gross due to the blood, but I have never done anything but help you. You need to keep all of it on for 5 hours. afterward, it can come off, and you will always be a girl. With that, the bouncing, hugging, and excitement insured. Sam, Sam, Sam, please calm down. Dr. Bella needs to check and make sure everything is good.
Dr. Bella, I'm a girl! I'm so happy, and I'm all good. I believe you are right Samantha, but I still have to check. That blood wasn't good, and I need to make sure you're ok. My sister Misty said I am. you can recheck, but I'll be fine. All of us exited the room except for Bella, Carol, and Sam. You couldn’t have dragged Carol out. An hour later, Carol came running out of the room crying. No, it can’t be I thought. She ran up, picked me up into a full-body hug. She was flat out balling. Thank you! I will never forget this. Thank you, I can’t, I don’t, I, we are so lucky, you are an angel. Shh. Carol, it’s ok. you need to be stable for Sam. I know. I just… my life passed in front of me when I heard the news. then you knew exactly what to do. Bella came out with a boisterous Sam. See !!!! She told Bella. when Misty says it’s ok. It is.
Yah kiddo, I’m just glad you're ok. When finally released, I went to Bella. So when will... It’s right here, Bella stated. Thank you Bella. No thank you Misty, and your big heart just saved her. It just worked out. You’re the one who found the problem, and I just fixed it. So what’s the bill? My momma’s got money. No bill! You gave me the greatest gift already. I was saving her life. No, you did your job too Bella. I didn’t even know there was that problem. Wendy handed an envelope to Bella, who tried handing it back. No Bella, that’s for you. you are an angel I said, walking off. Look who's talking, she replied. Yah yah, I replied, waving her off. We headed for the truck. Samantha kept chanting. I’m a real girl and reaching down her pants. Samantha quit. you have a lifetime to do that, but not in public. Girls don’t do that! With that, she stopped and just smiled. I thought. my God, I don’t think she will even need toys, and I'm guessing there might be some moaning and growing tonight. I almost laughed just with my thoughts.
Here I said. You need to give this to your mom. Samantha looked at it and bolted for her mom. Look, look, it says I’m a girl and it has my name on it. Carol examined it and felt the official seal. I could see a tear in her eyes again, which she wiped. Yes honey, it has your proper sex on it, and it has your valid name. So officially, your my little girl named Samantha. I’m legal Sam yelled, and I could see that I was about to be run down. Sam, don’t you!!! Too late, I was in a Sam wrap. Moments later, I was also in a Carol wrap. I looked towards my mom’s but only got the oh how cute love look back. No help there. Carol whispered to me. I will never forget this. I am in your debt forever. you need anything, I’ll be there.
Finally, I was set free. Once in the truck, I figured we would be headed home. instead, we headed to Carl’s Jr. I think we need a celebration Wendy said as we pulled in. Once inside and orders were placed. I pulled on Auntie’s sleeve. She bent down, and I whispered. pad or tampon? Tampon, she whispered. Wait, you are too young. Not for me Auntie, the pad would give a little distance from the soaked undies of... Oh, oh, she said. good idea, I’ll run… No, I told momma Dawn uses pads.
Ok, I’ll borrow one. I don’t think she’ll want it back, Auntie. That got a giggle. Auntie and momma Dawn had a quick, quiet conversation and I grabbed Sam. Come with me, Samantha. Ok, Samantha replied. I headed for the bathroom with Sam in tow. Once inside, Auntie Carol came in. Do you have to pee, Sam I asked. A headshake told me yes. I’ll hold it though you said five hours. Yes, Sam, but you can pull them down and pee. It will not affect it. Sam looked concerned. If only for a few minutes, you will be okay. You just can’t altogether remove them. Sam ran to the toilet. I could tell earlier she needed to go. It might have been fun to watch her do the pee, pee dance, but I couldn't make her do that.
Momma I have a problem. We opened the stall door, and Sam was standing in front of the toilet. She then said, um, how do I…. I started to giggle as Carol explained to her daughter to sit and how things worked. I seen Carol put the panty liner in Sam’s undies. What’s that for momma? For now, it’s to keep things from rubbing. It has other purposes too, but I’ll explain later. Again, I had the giggles, which brought on my need to go. Once finished, we rejoined our little crew. All better, I announced. We ate then played for about an hour. Sam seemed a lot more comfortable now. Dawn drove, and we went for ice cream. I could tell Sam was in heaven. After we spent two hours at the park, then we headed home. I doubt that Sam even realized four hours had already passed and almost five hours before we even started driving home.
I know my momma’s had it planned out to waste enough time. I can always count on them to be on the ball and figure out what to do. After a full whirlwind day, we finally reached home. Now it's been well over five hours, and I told Sam. congrats, no going back. You’re a female forever now. Sam’s eyes lit up. I could see Carol counting the hours in her head. I looked at her, and she realized all the time at the park, food, games, etc., had snuck the hours away without thinking about it. Carol asked, was that a distraction. was it planned? I gave her a shoulder shrug and pointed at mommas. Momma’s smiles said everything. Carol mouthed a thank you to Dawn and Wendy. We headed into our home. I think finally Samantha ran out of energy because, for once, she was quiet and calm and headed for her room. Five minutes later, I was wrong, as clothes came flying out into a pile outside the door. What’s up, Sam? I’m getting these clothes out of my room, Sam replied. Ok, why?
They are all my boy’s clothes! I never wanted and didn’t ever want to see them again. Ok, Sam. let's put them in a bag, and we can give them to Good Will. After getting the clothes into a bag, I could see the smile on Sam’s face. Carol came in and said. Hey Sam, why don’t you take a bath and get out of those wet clothes? Sam looked worried at me. It’s OK, Sam. It’s been over five hours, no going back. Your all girl now. She lit up like a Christmas tree and ran into the bathroom. Sam hesitated to pull off the clothes. Sam turned to me. Are you sure? I giggled. yes already, yes I'm sure! Ok, Sam replied. Hey Sam. what if I had said only in those clothes would you be a girl? Then I would never remove them. Sam answered with a tone of voice that told me that she was telling the truth. Sam, when you undress. hand out those dirty clothes so they can be washed. Ok, Sam replied. Carol, after washing them, pack them back in the seven boxes and put the box back in storage, please. Carol gave me a strange look.
You don’t want Samantha seven forever, do you. because every time she wears them, she’ll turn back to seven. I could see Carol think about it. Sam can’t be your baby forever I stated. With that, Carol went and washed the soiled clothes. Sam was in the bath for over an hour when I knocked. Sam, did you fall in? No response. Sam, are you ok? I heard no response. Sam? Still no response! I grabbed the key and broke in. I quickly closed the door finding Sam checking her body out. At least answer next time, Sam! I was worried. Is Sam alright Wendy walked up? Yah, she is just checking on her new equipment. Wendy went red and scurried off. I could hear Carol say, I better check on Sam. She’s been in there in a while. Misty already has Wendy replied. So she’s ok, Carol asked? Yah, she’s checking her body right now, according to Misty.
I could see the redness and almost laughs around the room. I didn’t say a word when I sat down in the living room. When Sam finally made her appearance I asked, is it all there? Yep, Sam replied with a grin. That caused a round of laughter. Get used to it because it will be there from now on. Now that is you. you’re a full fledge girl. You know you can raid my closet any time. Thanks sis, Sam replied. Oh Sam, one other thing you should know. I’m going to tell you now. if anything should ever happen, and because when she is here, you will be able to see her. A ghost appears now and then. Her name is Kathleen. She is friendly and will only show up to help. Oh, She is genuine. I have met her. When did you I asked?
At the doctor's, you were busy telling me to get dressed, and she told me I would be fine and listen to you. She was very, very nice. Yes, she is Sam. sorry about that. I didn’t want anything wrong to happen to you. Sorry for being pushy. It’s fine Misty. I know you were just trying to help. You gave me what I wanted. Sam again made me a Sam sandwich. Well, I guess I can’t get rid of you now, I joked. Sam said I’ll hunt you down if you try. We are sisters, and I’ll never let you go. Well, Sam. you need to because the bathroom is calling, and my bladder won’t last long in this hug. Either I go, or you are going to need another bath. Everyone was laughing as Sam said I wouldn’t mind another bath. As Sam let go, I ran for the bathroom.
I cursed myself. I wish my bladder wasn’t so small. That night ended with everyone in a good mood. The following day, I woke with a Sam pillow that I didn’t have the night before when I went to sleep. Breaking free this time, I woke Sam. Good morning sis, she said from my blankets. Nightmare again, Sam? Nope, I just wanted to be close to my favorite sister. I’m thinking. it is way too early to be having this conversation. With that, I got dressed. Sam proceeded to dress from my closet. As we exited from my room and made our way to the breakfast table, I told Sam. You know if you're going to end up in my room every night, we can just put in another bed.
No, I’m fine, Sam said. I could hear the giggles with that from the kitchen. Hey, no comments from the peanut gallery. That got momma Wendy, momma Dawn, and Auntie Carol laughing. After breakfast, it was a free day, being Sunday. So, we all went and enjoyed the country. I got the parent's attention. I need to talk with one of you, mommas and Auntie. One of each. Ok, I’ll speak momma Wendy said. Wait, momma Dawn asked why just one of us? Because Sam needs company too and I have something we need to work out. With that, Carol, Wendy, and I retreated to the front porch. OK, I started. I had no plan of Sam being Samantha this soon, because of the circumstances, there was no choice.
This leaves one problem. That being school. Carol grabbed her mouth. I could see this hadn’t crossed her mind. So my little schemer. I take it you have a plan, Wendy stated. You know me. Yah, that’s what I’m afraid of, Wendy said laughing. Carol didn’t get it. Wendy spoke up. she thinks on her feet and always comes up with a plan. She even planned out and got me, and we’ll say, out of trouble. Ah, Carol stated. So what’s this plan? OK, you two have to go the school tomorrow. Tell them Sam had cancer and had to have an operation. Give them Bella’s number. She will confirm. Tell them Sam will be out a week and will be a girl when she gets back.
Tell them I’m staying with Sam to comfort him during her recovery. If they have a problem with that, remind them that I’m more than two grades ahead of the rest of the students. missing a week of school shouldn’t cause any issues. This will cover the sudden change with Sam. Carol’s mouth was open. Misty, I thought… well, I didn’t know what you had planned once you brought this to my attention. but if I’m ever in trouble. I want you to design the way out. Wow, I don’t even know what to else to say. That’s my devious little daughter for you, and Wendy blurted out. I’m not devious, just creative I said, crossing my arms. I wouldn’t trade you for the world, Wendy replied. Carol broke in. you were a 40-year-old male before, weren’t you?
Yep I replied, see. See what Carol said? I walked over to the garage, then stated. this was my truck from before. I grabbed the door and found out I couldn’t budge it. Wendy, umm, momma, can you help? Wendy laughed, can’t even get the door open, hmmm. If I wanted in, I would go through the man door and drive it through those doors. You wouldn’t really Misty would you, Carol asked. Wendy broke in. she would, trust me. With that, Wendy opened the door for the first time in 6 years to expose my 64 GMC 4x4. Carol gasped, putting her hand over her mouth, then looked at me then the truck again. When she finally spoke. you were a man, weren’t you?
Duh, I told you I was. I met you Carol said. I am sure I looked confused because I can’t remember meeting her before I met her with Sam. Are you sure I asked. If you drove this truck, I’m 100% sure. When did you. Carol started her story. It was seven years ago. I was cleaning houses and my husband had just passed. I was pregnant with Sam. I was walking home in the rain and you… Oh shit. What Wendy asked? I’m sorry Carol. I didn’t recognize you. Someone tell me!! Wendy announced. It was one of those times, and I went to pick up some stuff from town. I was driving along, and here was this pregnant woman walking in the pouring rain. That night, I wasn’t back till after 3 am, and I said I had problems.
You remember you chewed me out for not calling. Anyways I couldn’t let her walk soaking wet and pregnant, so I stopped and told her to get in, and I would take her where she was going. After she got in, she said thank you. she doubled over in pain, and her water broke. I drove her to the hospital, and oh, I um. What did you do Wendy asked? Well… when she had Sam, she passed out. They assumed I was the dad and I held Sam first. Oh shit, Wendy said. Yah, I didn’t know it was you. Carol said that’s not all he did. He paid all the hospital bills in cash and then left an envelope with this note without me knowing. Carol still had the note on her.
Wendy read it out loud. I know things are hard, but you have a beautiful son there, and that’s what’s important. Don’t worry about not having insurance. I paid your bill and a 2 day stay at the hospital in total. Just enjoy your son. Here’s $5,000 to help you get by. have a wonderful life. I hope this helps, Allen. I have wanted to tell you thanks ever since then, Carol said. I giggled. You would of never have found me. besides, it helped me too. That was the night I started planning to become Misty. That's when I became Cynthia full-time. It was because I wanted to give Wendy and Dawn as much of your joy as I could, without having to be reborn physically. Wendy broke in.
Carol this all was meant to be. As far as a bill, it’s paid in full and then some. Without you, we wouldn’t have our buddle of joy. So if anything, Dawn and I owe you. You were a man Sam cut in, startling me. Sam, I didn’t know you where there. Yes Sam, I was. I was a man, well maybe a boy in a man’s body. That sounds closer to the right Wendy stated. you were the one momma told me about, who seen me born. Guilty, I replied. I hope you don’t.. Sam grabbed me in a hug. I knew we were family Sam said, then started crying.
You were a boy and now a girl just like me. You are truly my sister. Also, you are my angel. Wait… nope Sam said. you have watched over me since I was born. You held me and made my life good since. I’m no angel, but I will tell you one thing. Because I changed same as you, I got some of Kathleen’s D.N.A. and so did you, so we are sisters no matter what. We share blood. Sam screamed again with excitement. Humm, Carol said. well, I guess you both have 3 moms. Sam was screaming now. Does that mean you and you both are my momma’s also? Dawn stepped in. yes sweetie, you are really Misty’s sister so we would be happy to have 2 daughters and all of you are family.
That sent Sam reeling as momma C picked me up. You are special. As I said before, I will always be here for you, and neither Sam or I will ever let you get way. Great, I have guards everywhere. Breaking out of jail, is getting more complicated every day. That earned a full round of laughs as Wendy got in the stuff I had left in the back of my truck. she pulled a fuzzy set of handcuffs out. That got another round of laughs as she put them back in the back of the truck. We closed the garage door and headed in for lunch. The rest of the day slowly went by till bedtime. that’s when things finally got back to normal. Kind of, it was just before bed when the phone rang. Wendy picked it up. Hello, Hi dad. Yah, sorry for not calling you. Well, a lot happened. After she was off the phone, she told all of us what it consisted of. She had told grandpa about Sam and how he had to have emergency surgery. now he was a she. the discovery of Allen being the first to hold Sam and about the note he left. Wendy explained before grandpa thought of Misty having a friend was good, but now he asked if Sam would be ok. he also asked if he could meet Sam and Carol.
Wendy also explained that now he felt bad at how his ex-employee had treated them and would bring them something on Wednesday. Sam asked, is he my grandpa too? Well, Wendy said. I think he will be. Give it time, and I’m pretty sure he will. No mention of what happened or about Misty ever being a boy. It’s my secret, with my sis Sam replied. I'm Never going to mention it. Ok, now Sam. I’m sure you have a grandma who will be here Tuesday. Really!!!! Sam was bouncing around. Carol started laughing. Then began the sniffles. What’s wrong, momma C? It was just weeks ago we had no family and a few friends. Now our life so much more complete. I just took Sam’s hand and drugged her along, and we both hugged momma C.
That made her glow again, and soon Sam was bouncy Sam again. OK, momma W and momma D. it’s been a long day. I went and took a bath, then bed. I looked to make sure Sam wasn’t hiding in the closet or something. then I nodded off. When I woke, I half expected to be dragging Sam off me. Nope, I rolled over and completely opened my eyes. That’s when I saw Sam at the corner of my bed standing. Morning sis Sam said, jumping on the bed and me. Morning Sam, you’re up early. Yah, I couldn’t sleep. so I came in and waited for you to wake. We went out to breakfast. Momma D was cooking. I started to ask and remembered momma W and momma C were off to the school. Needless to say, when they got back, I was informed my little white lie went as planned.
They didn’t even call the doctor. With that out of the way, I knew. yes one week, no school. The day was pretty uneventful. Before I knew it, it was Tuesday. By 10, Grandma was at the door. Hi, Grandma, I hugged her. Sam was of course, right behind me. How rude of me, Grandma. This is Samantha, she’s well, and she’s like a sister to me. That’s what I understand Grandma said. Samantha, if your Misty’s sister, then let me say welcome to the family. Come here and hug Grandma. Sam squealed and tackled Grandma. Grandma laughed. Well, you’re full of energy. What would the two of you like to do today? Well, Grandma. we’re not doing anything till Sam decides she’s gotten her fill with Grandma’s hugs she missed out on.
Sam giggled and snuggled in tight. Grandma said, Sam. you don’t have to worry. I come at least once a week. Yep, I can’t resist spending time with my cute grandkids. Sam finally let go. We talked and played games with Grandma. Finally after hours, Sam and I sat down and played video games, and grandma finally had time to sit down, meet and talk to momma C. After about an hour, I turned around to see grandma reading a note. She ran over and picked up Sam. She gave Sam a big hug. I’m sorry Sam. you had such a hard life starting, but it’s all better now. I want you to know. you can call grandma anytime. Your family, so anything you need, just ask. Thanks grandma Sam said with tears in her eyes.
When the tear fest was over, gramma came over to me and hugged me. she whispered. you are something special. Thank you for making my family complete. It was my pleasure. I had no idea, and I was trying to help. Yah, I kind of got that. That’s why it’s so special. The rest of the day flew by, but I could tell grandma fell in love with Sam the same she did with me. She treated Carol just like she does with Dawn. like family. It was better than I could have expected. After dinner, grandma finally said goodbye but also said she would be back. Sam had a hard time winding down that night. Next was grandpa’s visit, which turned out more of a surprise than I thought. Grandpa showed up at the door, and I answered. Hi grandpa. Hi Misty he said, picking me up and walking in. So how is Sam doing today? Bouncy and full of energy. He laughed. About that time, Sam made her appearance. Hello Sam, said sheepishly. Well you my dear, must be Samantha. Yes, Sam said.
You don’t have to be shy, and it looks like our family adopted you and your mother into our happy family. if you feel up to it, hug grandpa. That is, Unless you don’t want to call me… that’s all he got out as Sam yelled I have a grandpa and tackled him in a hug. You are full of energy, Grandpa said laughing. We spent the morning playing with grandpa. Finally, he sat down and talked to momma C. She told a story and about Allen too. He looked like he was going to cry. To say the least, I was shocked. Then Grandpa started to talk again. Carol, I want you to know how sorry I am that my ex-employee treated you so badly. I would have stepped in earlier if I had known.
It wasn’t your fault, Carol stated. Yes, but I still feel bad. I am glad you met Allen. He was something special, just like Misty. Your part of the family now as far as I’m concerned and Sam too. That being said, I got you something. You didn’t have to, Carol stated. It’s not what I have to, and it’s what I want to that's vital to me. It's so you and Sam never feel alone or trapped ever again. Now here’s my number. You need anything just call, but as for the gift, it's outside. Carol, Sam and I walked out and grandpa handed Carol keys to a new Chevy Sedan. I can’t, Carol said. Yes, you can. It’s a gift and is already in your name. But I don’t know how to drive and don’t have a license, carol stated.
Well grandpa said, it’s about time you learn. I… no, yes you can. if Misty drove at 3, you can. Carol looked at me, I shrugged my shoulders and said. see no angel. That caused Sam to laugh. Grandpa spent the rest of the afternoon teaching Carol to drive. Grandpa was still out teaching Carol, when grandma pulled up. What are you doing here, grandma? Of course, spending time with my grandkids. but Grandpa… yes he called me and I’m picking him up. Oh, now let me see, let’s play some games. We spent the rest of the day playing with grandma while grandpa was doing driving lessons. By the time grandma and grandpa left, it was almost bedtime. Momma C had learned how to drive, Sam was finally worn out, and I was drained. It had been a long day, but things had gone better than I could hope for.
Chapter Seven
The next day, Sam and I spent with momma W. Momma Dawn went and drove momma C into town to get her license. which I took was successful because momma C was driving when they got back. The rest of the week was pretty much uneventful. Monday came before we knew it. We arrived at school Monday not knowing what to expect, but we met the principal as we exited momma Wendy’s truck. Good morning girls. Good morning Miss Green. Samantha, how do you feel today? Good Sam replied. Remember to take it easy today, and if you need anything, just come to my office Ok.
Yes, Miss Green Sam replied. Yah, I felt a little weird knowing we have a caring principal who knew us by name, but some things can’t be helped. 5 minutes later, the bell rang, and we headed to class. The moment of truth I thought. Seeing Sam’s nervousness, I took her hand as we entered. Once inside, the teacher stopped by Sam’s desk. If you have any problems today Sam. just come to me or principal Green. I’m glad to see you back. Thank you Sam replied. What was next was more than unexpected as class started. our teacher started with, today is a good day. Our missing students are back and alright. Let us get started with what the course has been doing. with that, all the class besides us got up, to our shock. I looked at Sam who looked petrified. One by one, they all filed by and told Sam they were glad to have her back and each had made her a card. As you can guess, one of the cards from one of the girls I knew, had a card that said. Welcome to the club.
Inside it said, I hope you like being a girl, I know I do. I thought a little corny but funny. Sam was speechless as the last ones finished. I could see the waterworks were close. Sam are you ok the teacher asked. Yes, Sam said whimpering and thank you. I- I wasn’t sure how I would be treated like... Tears where rolling now. Sam it’s ok. The whole class is glad your back and understands. Sam hugged me and said, thanks sis. Once calmed down, the teacher started classwork. She was always looking back to make sure Sam was ok. Now lunch was another subject. It seemed to go ok. Every teacher in this place must have heard about Sam. She didn’t notice, but everywhere we went eyes were watching. Other than that, it was going well.
All of a sudden Sam grabbed my arm. sis come on. As she led me off. I’m thinking what now? That was until Sam said I have a problem? Ok I said what? I got to go she replied. I started laughing. So what’s the problem? Um the bathroom! Come on, scaredy-cat. I led Sam to the women’s restroom. As we entered a few other girls were in there. Looking around nobody seemed to care until Lauren from our class walked in and smiled. welcome to the girl’s lounge. I laughed and told Sam to find a seat. Once in a stall and done with her business, she came out with a look of relief. Now I felt all the complex parts were pasted. The rest of the school day was pretty uneventful and Sam relaxed.
The rest of the week was pretty standard, nothing special. I helped Sam every night with classwork. It was Friday after school that things changed a little. all 3 mommas showed up to pick us up in the wagon. What’s the occasion I asked? Well, someone has a job to do this weekend. So family trip Momma w announced. A Hollywood trip I take it. Yep momma d said. We’re going to Hollywood Sam squealed as she climbed in. It Looks like it. With that, we were on our way. Saturday, I awoke in a hotel room under a Sam sandwich. I figured as much with being in a strange place. Once everyone was up and had breakfast, we were off to the studios. It was a typical commercial. Use the product. tell the camera how much you like there produced with a smile on my face.
Sam somehow managed to stay quiet during filming, but after, it was nothing but babbles. Sis, Sis, Misty. you were great, she said, tackling me. That looked like fun she said. Hold on, I said and went and asked the director if there was another one to be done. One more, he said. Can you let Sam try it first before I do? It would make her day. I don’t know he said. I pulled my trump card and told him Sam’s back story. He was almost in tears at the end. He told me it would be his pleasure. I thought, amazing how knowing someone’s back story could bring even the most cold-hearted person to tears. He set up the set for the next one with Sam and I was out of the way.
Once the set was ready Sam said, sis, you are on. Nope, I announced you are. Sam was in shock. Get going. The director took her hand and proceeded to tell her what to do. she did it flawlessly. They didn’t even have me redo it, and they used Sam’s. She was ecstatic. Sunday on our way home, she was latched to me the whole way. She would not let go for anything. Our parents thought it was cute. I thought my arm would fall off. Finally, after reaching home, I was released. Now Sam was more bubbly than ever. I didn’t think that it was even possible! The next few weeks just flew by. Our family has worked out fine and everything has been good. Momma C had to do a second take on the check from the studios.
She couldn’t believe for the one commercial Sam did, and she got 15,000 dollars. After taxes I think Momma C spent every cent on gifts for Sam and I. Other than that, it was pretty much normal. I talked with Momma w and Momma D. They agreed. Next week our surprise started. What’s going on, Momma C asked? Oh nothing. The construction crew is just adding a storage area, so we have some extra room as we grow. Oh, momma C said. Yah, momma half your space is taken with storage. I don’t mind, momma C said. Well it won’t take long momma, I said. things will be every day again soon. Two weeks later they were cutting a final hole in the wall to connect the new area. we told momma C and Sam the truth. Well, Wendy said. you two have had the small areas, so we fixed that.
The new room with a full bathroom on the right is yours Carol and the new room with the toilet on the left is your Sam. Look, Sam. my bathroom and your bathroom are connected and have a door in between. Sam looked conflicted. What’s wrong Sam I asked? Well, my current room was once yours, and this one is new. It’s not the same. I’m not sure what I want. I thought a moment. OK Sam, if that’s your problem I have an answer. All three mommas listened intensely to see what I had come up with. Ok Sam, if you want a room that was mine, both my room and the new room are exactly the same size, so I’ll take the new one and you can take mine. It won’t take long to change furniture.
Sam said you would do that for me? Yes, Sam, I would do anything to help my sis out. Yes, she screamed. Then I could see her closing in on me. No! Sam. you know I’m not a hugger!! To bad, Sam said and she was in a full run. I tried to dart only to be grabbed in a hug by momma c. Thank you, Misty. No big, I said. Yes it is. look at how big it is for your sister. It’s fine. Changes are good. We spent half the night changing things over. With that out of the way, we all settled back into our routine. It was a week later that Sam, and I were asked a question. What do you want to do in a couple of weeks? The summer break is almost here? Hmm, I thought. Anything you want to do, plans etc. I thought. not really anything I can think of, other than not going to school.
What about you, Sam? Hmm, she said. only one plan. Oh yah, our parents said. what’s that? Spending time with sis. I did a head slap, and I couldn’t help it, I started to laugh. It was contagious. Sam, I announced. that is obvious. If I took off, you would hunt me down. I think your part blood hound. Sam replied, nope. I’m a misty hound. It’s my job. Yah 3 guards and one guard dog ready to pounce. I feel the Sam sandwich already. Sam giggled and shrugged her shoulders. That, of course, got more laughs. Now I could tell our parents have a plan.
who’s going to spill what you have planned. Momma D started, well first. I figured a week at Disneyland, then Momma C stated that you two have work to do a couple of days at Yosemite Park, Momma W said. Ah, now I see. so what, another commercial. No momma Wendy said in a low, kind of searching for an answer kind of tone. It’s another movie, she announced. it’s staring two sisters. They needed two girls, which we have. you’re already sisters, so check number 2. one is boisterous and one is not well at showing their feelings. so check number 3. I get it. You’re doing a movie Sam said, overjoyed. No, Samantha, it looks like we both are. That was the straw that broke it, and Sam was bouncing off the walls.
I’m going to be in a movie. better!! I’m going to be in a movie with my sister. It will be perfect. I already ran, knowing that I was in for a hugging session if I wasn't locked away. Knock, knock, knock at my door. Come on sis I want to see you. I know what’s coming, I said. Please, sis. I just want to talk. You’re setting me up. Not me, Sam said through the door. I heard her walk off. Finally! I won I thought, as I was propped against the door listening. It hit me all of a sudden. The bathroom!!!!! I turned just in time to see Sam tackled, hugging me. Our summer went as planned, including the movie. Sam had a blast at Disneyland, and we did some camping and hiking in Yosemite. Sam enjoyed it all. Momma C was ecstatic that Sam could have a future, being very well off. As the days of summer just clicked away. Soon it was over.
We were eight years old now and in 3rd grade. The principal and teachers put Sam and I in the same class. Principal Green said it was best if we stuck together, knowing what happened in the past. 3rd grade flew right by with no issues. Before we knew it, we were 9 years old and starting 4th grade. I didn’t think anything about it, as we got out for our first day of 4th grade. I watched our parents drive off. Well Sam, yet another school year is starting. Yep! I can’t wait, Sam stated. As we walked to our first class, i noticed there seemed like a lot of kids that were staring and pointing. I looked at Sam. Nope, nothing unusual.
Over the last year, Sam had toned down her color schemes a bit and was dressed more casually. Nothing looked out of place with Sam. she Had on a pair of blue leggings, a lovely skirt, scrunched socks, a light blue shirt, an Oakley sweatshirt and the white city sneaks. Nothing too different from the other kids. I was in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt covered by a grey sweatshirt and a pair of black Vans. Hey Sam, is there something on me I asked? Nope Sam said, but we are getting a lot of attention. Yah I said, scratching my head. Then Jane ran up. O.M.G. she blurted out. I can’t believe you two were in a movie.
Oh shit, I thought. that’s it. We have been spotted. I played it cool. Jane, that was a year ago. It doesn’t matter Jane stated. you’re famous! I shrugged my shoulders, grabbed Samantha, who looked to be in shock and headed on to class. I heard a lot of O.M.G it is them. Look their famous. For the first time, I think it was me dragging Sam along. Sam was overwhelmed. We finally made our way to the class. I was expecting all of this to be gone. Once the bell rang our new teacher, Miss, Pelfrey took attendance. The worst was over I thought, but then she stated. We have a couple of actresses I see in class. Anybody who has seen a movie over the summer probably already knows who I’m talking about.
Even in class I thought. there’s no hole or ditch deep enough to hide from this. Then it happened. Miss Pelfrey called out, so will you two tell us about Hollywood and your experience. I looked at Sam, who looked petrified like a deer in the headlights. I knew I had to jump in. Well, to be honest. we had forgotten about it. You see, it was a year ago we were in it. I can tell you it’s a lot of doing the same thing over and over again. We would do anywhere from 3 to 15 times before the director would move on in each scene. It’s a lot of work and very repetitive, but it was a surprise this morning to be recognized. Well it seems, by the whole school. To us, it was over a year ago when I had done commercials and another movie. I was never recognized. we thought we were safe.
Our new teacher snickered. I sat down with that thinking, well the cat’s out of the bag now. With that the teacher got the hint to let it go and moved on. By the time lunch came around, the rest of our class seemed to have lightened up. there wasn’t a whole lot of head turned in our direction anywhere in class. I figured the worst was over. Everyone else excited for lunch. I waited and Sam was watching me. Well Sam, unless we want to starve I guess we have to go out. She shook her head yes and said, I think we should take our bags. Yah might be smart considering the attention we seemed to be getting. With that Sam was latched to my arm as I opened the door. Flashes went off the moment the door opened. I darted with Sam latched on to me. Shit! I thought, where did a news crew come from? I yelled back, and you need to get a life and find some real news.
I didn’t know where I was heading until I saw principal Green open the office door and ushered us in. Thanks, Miss Green. It was only a movie, Sam stated. Yah, but where did that news crew come from? Miss Green explained. Some parents took pictures this morning, and they were all over the internet. Great I thought. Now, Sam was clinging to me tightly. Ok Sam, let go, and I’ll get us some lunch. If you don’t mind Miss Green. we will eat here. I’m not letting you go hungry! Either of you. Your lunch is in my office. Thanks, Miss Green. After lunch, we ignored the cameras and went straight to class. I was hoping after class that they were gone. No luck. We walked to the parking lot with cameras going off and a film crew following.
I was happy to see our parents brought the 55 wagon. Dawn was driving. Good enough, I thought. run to the car I told Sam! Once inside, I said. momma, lose them please. We need out of here and unless you want them at home, please loose them! Once out of the parking lot she was on it. The film crew tried to follow, but once on the open road, she let it go and we were out of sight in minutes. What happened, she asked? Everyone saw that film and recognized us. Now we can’t get away. We ate lunch with the principal to getaway. We felt relief once we got home.
Long day momma W said. You have no idea. Momma C asked what happened? I filled them all in. I could see their faces sink with the news. Momma D outran them. That’s why they're not here and could not find us. But it won't work twice. Well, we’ll come up with something. Ok, momma’s, I just want to unwind. The next day momma W said, I have an idea. But it might take a day or so. Ok, momma. Until then, we’ll have to outrun them, she said. We were dropped off by momma D and picked up by momma D. The news crew were relentless. You would think they would get bored and give up. No!, that would be to easy. That night at home, momma W brought out her idea. I bought you a new generic car as you said momma C said. Ugh, I thought. Ok, let’s see it, momma C. I walked outside. OH NO! Momma W. you approved this? Well, I told Carol to get something that there is a lot of and a silver hybrid, there are millions of.
Really!!!! A hybrid. a four-wheel wiener mobile. Wendy laughed, language young lady. Those things do 0-40 in about a year. We might as well ride a goat. Well, Wendy stated. you can’t find a car that blends in better. Ok, momma I have an idea. Momma C and D, you're going shopping. For what they said. A fast four-cylinder turbo-charged car. The more power the better. Not going to work Wendy stated. We are not driving it momma, wait. how long before the hybrid needs smog. 6 years on new vehicles in California except for types of diesel. Yah, it will work. We are making our hybrid wiener mobile with power!!! Also, momma C and D need mufflers. Several of them. Quite ones. I had a round of ok’s. Oh momma’s, see if you can get Sam and I out till Monday. Tell the principal we need a break. They hesitantly agreed.
The next day, the shopping started, and momma C found a Honda Civic turbo charged, aftermarket fuel rail, shaved cylinder head, aftermarket pistons, and nitro equipment. Bored and stroked. It was a 10-second car. It took all of us till Saturday night to strip the hybrid and put the Honda power train and computer in. To loud, momma Wendy said. Won’t be, I informed her. We cut the mufflers and catalytic converter off and installed three standard mufflers in place of them. Sunday night, Dawn took it out for a run. She came back laughing. I outran a Camaro and 2 Mustangs in a hybrid looking car. I was Imaging the looks on their faces. it made me giggle. I was a little sad too. If I was still Allen, this car would have been done, and just with me working on it, I would have driven it in one day. Ok, so now we have one fast dork mobile.
We snuck in Monday morning by passing the people hanging around to see if we would show. We made it to class just before the word was out that we were there. Lunch, we ditched the crowd. we were sneaking out with the other students. Now the challenge! When we climbed in the hybrid, the camera crews looked happy. That was until we got to the freeway and momma D let it rip. Dodging in and out and on the straight a ways, she was over 100 mph in moments. They didn’t stand a chance. I was laughing. For that fact, neither did the cop that thought it was going to ticket a speeding hybrid, but it was no match. I laughed at the people with their mouths open being passed and ditched by a hybrid. The next day I decided this has to end. After being dropped off in the morning, I walked right up to the film crew. Ok what is it going to take to get you people to leave? An interview one said.
Then you’ll leave I stated. They said they agreed. They asked how it felt to be a star. It was fine I stated. Until the point a couple of 9 year old girls were unrelentingly harassed and followed by the camera crews. you are interrupting our education, interrupting our ability to go anywhere. Do you have any other questions? Yes, why is it you two disappear after school? That’s easy. You tv people harass us at school. All our parent's vehicles are registered to a p.o. box. we need time away from your harassment, so you will not find where we live. Come on, one tv crew guy said. Give us something we can use? I turned around grabbed Sam. You can use all of it. Not my fault it makes you look like the vultures you are. Oh, one last thing. I suggest you use it how it is because if you didn’t notice, I’m sure it’s on YouTube by now, I said with a smile. Looking around, they could see all the cell phones out. realizing they had lost, I hoped that maybe now they would leave.
Lunch was a lot more peaceful, with half of the crew gone and nobody seems to want anything more than pictures. By the end of the school day, only one reporter with a camera was still left. The reporter came up. one question, please? Fine, I stated. Are you the two girls from the movie, correct? Yes, I replied. Do you live in this area? Yes, by the way. that was two questions, not one? My principal is right over there if you want to sign up for a math class. With that, we walked off with the stunned reporter still standing there. To my surprise, it was momma W in the 55. Problems with the junkier, I said. No momma W replied. except it’s better to keep it off the roads for a few days. Dawn cannot afford another speeding ticket. I started giggling. I didn’t know she had gotten any. Only 2 in 1-day momma Wendy replied. The word is out. Now I was laughing. Yah well, I think it’s safer if I drive for a bit. After that day, things seem to die down and disappear. 4th grade flew by after that.
I guess we were glutting for punishment because that summer we stared in yet another movie. 5th grade was going well. Ten years old, nothing special. it was halfway through the year when a little surprise happened. that time of the month snuck right up on me and showed it’s signs. A month later, Sam had her first. of course, everyone in the house seemed to sync on time. Imagine 5 of us, all crabby and on the time of the month at the same time. Any man in our general area would have ran for their lives. Once you reside to yourself it’s from now on, then I guess it’s a little easier to take. Not much, but a little easier. Life moved on and before we knew it, it was the end of the year. Each class did a play for the parents. a week later we were graduating from grade school. Next year would be a new school and new set of problems. now being 11, I was finally big enough to start again working on my car, trucks and could reach the pedals again. I could run the tractors to clean up the property.
After so many years, Allen and his life just seem like a dream. Momma’s were getting older. They were several years younger than Allen would have been, but Allen would have been over 50 now. Here I am 11 years old. Wow, how a little time can change your whole outlook. I was planning on spending the summer working on my toys. Samantha came to me saying I had, no we had another offer. I didn’t think twice about it. We had pushed our luck enough and I had no intention of wasting my summer on another movie. Samantha asked pretty please! she gave me those eyes. I almost gave in. I woke the next day wrapped in Sam sandwich. when I stirred she asked again. Please sis? I really like doing it. Why don’t you just do it then, I replied. I don’t want to without my sis. They told me it could be just me if you weren’t interested, but I want my sis with me.
Don’t you want some time away, something of your own? I do things now by myself. I have no intention of leaving my sister alone the whole summer. With Sam still holding me tight I said alright I get it. If it means that much to you, fine I’ll do it. Thank you, thank you, thank you she said as she ran out. I heard her say, I told you sis would come. I could hear our parents giggling. Moments later momma W came in. So she wore you down, didn’t she? It’s ok. she just cares is all. I’m just wondering after high school, if she will be willing to have her own life or will she still want every waking moment to be with me? Momma laughed. you bring her comfort, but I think she gets a little more independent every day. Yah I just worry that she’ll have trouble moving on with her life.
If she chooses to stay it’s fine, but I want her to have her freedom and not to think I’m it in her life. Don’t worry Misty she’ll be fine. After our little talk, I got dressed and packed knowing that we would be leaving again within a day or two. I headed to breakfast. Once breakfast was over all 3 Momma’s threw a surprise our way. You two are old enough that you get a little more freedom. So here you go. Samantha got a Samsung phone with a unicorn case. I got a bright pink Samsung phone case with sparkles. As I turned mine on I thought freedom finally. Parent-free freedom. This was dashed soon with finding that a Family link program was on it, with the restriction set for the age 7. I could have guessed. Of course, I wouldn’t get out. I had to go through and see how many restrictions there was.
To download an app I had to ask for it. Internet same thing. You tube was blocked. Only you tube kids was allowed. Worst of all, daily limit of 6 hours and a bed and wake up time that I soon found out 6 till 6 was blocked ugh. Geez, it’s more locked than the computer. I tried everything to bypass it, only to find it’s account is locked as the main account. So, no avoiding. That wasn’t what took the cake, though. We now had to give a reason even to get a dollar. The reason being, they said we were old enough to get into more trouble, so we needed more supervision. Life is unfair sometimes. I found out we leave in a day. I figured I would see what they did allow. I tried putting e-bay and Craig’s list on only to be denied. Worst part, I didn’t know if one had control, or all had power or if they traded out.
I tried different web sites right down to payless shoes with none being allowed. I tried different games and found I had only approval on most basic games, like Solitaire. some games like beach runner, only non-violent were allowed. I knew I was stuck, and then I had an idea. I may not be able to get on anything even remotely kinky, but maybe images—nope another program to block that. I couldn’t even restore it to get past. I went to momma W. ok you have me blocked. Can I at least have my toys from before, back from Cynthia? She laughed. That was different. How I stammered?
You weren’t my daughter then. now you're my angel. Ok momma, if not now then when? When you are 18. My mouth fell open. Oh, and all 3 of us discussed it, so it’s useless to hit up another one of us. Fine, I can manage without. Well, without my toys, that is! Good, she said because we cleaned out all the vehicles too. I felt set up. Oh, she said. we did leave one thing in your closet that you might well… it won't improve your situation, but you played before and it might help. Great I thought. I have full-blown female organs and hormones and nothing to help. With that I retired to my room. I figured OK, I’ll fire up the trusty old computer. So I did. Only to find it has 2 new programs on it. It’s no better than my phone. Ugh. Well, I have to say when momma’s make their decision, they do it right.
I figured out I was wrong on what games I got. 7 and below non-violent, I was allowed 1 game at a time. Other than that educational games, I was allowed up to 4 of those. I felt helpless and out of control, which I was. I think this was the first time it sunk in that I had no choice. My parents had all the decision-making powers. I thought carefully if this was true. I took a walk on the property to get my head straight. I figured I would go to the garage for a couple of hours to wind down. I found at some point it had been locked up solid. I went to the Pontiac, it was locked. I popped the hood to find the battery missing. It was the same with each vehicle outside the garage. That is except for Wendy’s truck and the 55. Ugh, Figures. I headed to the barn. I figured a little time on the tractor would solve my frustration. Yep, chains locked the controls, and batteries were gone. They thought this out, I thought.
Well, time will tell, so I gave up and resigned myself to my current fate for the time being. Besides, tomorrow we will be gone again anyway. The rest of the day, I was a couch potato sitting in front of the tv... We’ll just say a lot of cartoons were watched. We left for Hollywood early the following day. funny thing was. this was the first time I hadn’t even seen the script. It was more for my sister this time anyway. When we arrived, we were handed the script. Wait I told the director? What’s wrong he asked a little nervous. Why does it say staring myself and Sam. number 1! I only agreed yesterday. Number 2, I thought you would have bigger names than Misty Parsons and Samantha Simson as your stars. What he said. don’t you realized, you two are huge stars. They love you two and we sell a lot with just your names on the cover.
We were ready and started filming in September, but we knew our only chances of getting one or both of you was to wait till summer to finish. Your parents made that clear. So we held the movie with hopes we could get you 2 to do it. Good gamble on our part. So you held off to get us. Yes, he replied. I quietly entered the set and started. It took 2 weeks to do our part. That is the first part. They reset the set and another 2 weeks the second was done. Now done, we had time for a break. Evidently the 3rd part of our script momma’s didn’t read because it was a car scene. Hmm, I thought sitting with the car in neutral, shifting and hitting the throttle on cue for Hollywood magic. Momma’s all looked worried, even though the Chevelle they had me in was off. That was good acting, the director said. It was as if you were driving. Yah, I can drive. Well, I wish we could use you instead of the of stunt double on a couple of scenes.
Let me check? Momma, big favor? No! Wendy spoke up. I haven’t said anything! Big favor, and you just don’t go together Wendy said. At least hear me out. I see the I don’t know look on her face. OK. I’ve been good, haven’t gotten in trouble, haven’t been harassing you about the phones, computer or anything. I haven’t complained over anything. They asked if I could do the driving part! Nothing more than driving on the set with firetrucks, ambulances, and safety crews. It’s safer than on any road. I can get it out, without you worrying. Please, I’m even asking for it, as a favor. At least think about it. It’s a lot safer than if I decide to take a drive on my own. I'm feeling the itch, you know.
I waited in silence as they discussed it. They seemed deadlocked till Samantha said, sis has been good. she even agreed to come even though she didn’t want to. I think that broke it. 10 minutes later they all walked over. This is it. just on set and just this one time. Yes. I need a release form signed. Reluctantly Wendy and Dawn both signed. I took it back to the director. Great! he said. I didn’t think you would ever get this. almost didn’t. Tell me what you want and let’s get rolling before they change their minds. Most of the scenes were just driving, but they left the best for last. The chase scene. With a jump in the end. I knew mommas are going to freak. It made me smile. We started out with two trucks trying to run me off the road.
I went down an embankment and before I started, the director said there would be a final skid, then a jump, from there up on two wheels, That would probably have to be done by a stunt man, but I convinced him to give me a shot. He agreed. I pulled it off the first time perfectly. He was ecstatic, and my parents were pissed! I knew I was grounded, but I didn’t care. It was fun. Sure enough, I was grounded, and I didn’t mind. I got to an ass chewing. I didn’t care. To me, it was still worth it. My smile told everyone no matter what, it was worth it. I was a happy 11-year-old. I was grounded until school started.
Of course, they took Sam all over while I was stuck at home, but it was still worth it. I just stayed home, grounded to the indoors. I drew out new design’s for the vehicles I have. Custom paint and to the engine changes. You name it. It was apparent that one or all three had been peeking at night to see what I was doing after going to sleep. The first day of school, I could tell something was on their minds, but they weren’t ready to talk. After school started, it was more than evident from now on, and we were stars. Everyone asked questions, took pictures, and tried to be Sam’s and my friends. Fake friends, we don’t need.
At least there were only a few cameras, not wanting a repeat of what happened before when I outed the others. They just took pictures from a distance. This we could deal with. The school year slowly went by. by the end of the year, some managed to become cheer leaders. Which neither of us asked or wanted but got talked into. Oh well, I guess. Before I knew it, we were 12 years old. Another adventure movie awaited, over the summer. This one involved two teen girls driving a VW. They ended up breaking down in the country. Attacked by a Hillbilly, they get a ride to town in a 40 Ford Coupe until the hillbilly shoots the driver, and I get the chase scene. I was surprised. I didn’t even ask. I figured mommas wouldn’t have let me, but they already had the papers signed, and I was having the time of my life.
I could tell they were worried, but they just let me do it. No punishment attached. I was pondering why the sudden change of heart. After it was over and we were headed home, I had to ask. OK, so what changed. You didn’t say anything and let me drive. I only got a(we will discuss it later) response. that night, once home and settled in, 3 mothers visited me. Altogether, I thought. Great, what did I do wrong this time? Wendy started in first. So, the change of heart you mentioned, well you know we were upset and mad the first time. Yah, being tricked like that doesn’t go over well Dawn added in. Not being told the truth and going beyond what was discussed is well, you knew it was wrong, Carol said.
I was over excited and just went for it. I’m sorry, I didn’t think of anyone but myself. Wendy broke in. well we are guilty of that too. You didn’t think twice about changing what you were and not having the freedom you used to have. Being parent’s, we have just seen what we thought was right for you. Yah Dawn stated, but we also need to consider what you want for yourself and where your passion lies. We missed that Carol said. It’s obvious you still love cars, and Wendy started in again. When we thought you were busy, we kind of went through your diary during your incarceration and found designs instead. We all felt terrible, Dawn stated, for not thinking of you.
No matter what we do. You still love it. We were wrong for denying you, so on set. we decided with different emergency vehicles, it’s probably the best place for you to get it out. Now I was giddy with excitement. So a movie I’m free to drive? Yes, Yes, Yes. They started laughing, and then Wendy went total heavy momma. Only and I mean only on a movie set, till you have your license. One mess up, and it’s all gone. No problem I stated, bouncing off the walls. Before I knew it, school started again. Twelve years old and in the 7th grade. This year we still had paparazzi, but it seemed they were all in the shadows. Fellow students took pictures. Every day there was cheerleading practice. The coach said we had bigger crowds this year. I couldn’t tell because I never paid attention. Cheer practice seems to last forever. Friday, after cheering at the game, I was bushed. We won, but it was after eight by the time we were done.
I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I went home and straight to bed. The following day, I figured it would just be a relaxing Saturday. Nothing special going on. I had breakfast and went outside to enjoy the day. It was around noon that things went sour. A vehicle pulled up. 2 people got out. I recognized them right away. I thought to myself, figured they would eventually show up. They got out and walked around taking pictures. They took pictures of my old Pontiac, the garage, and the house. Not once, even paying any attention to me until I started to talk. Hello, what are you doing here? This is private property. First, the man spoke. I was going to ask you the same thing! I responded with, you are on my and my family's property, so do you have something you want or are you leaving now.
It was about this time momma Wendy walked out and said. Can I help you? Yes, the woman said. You are on my brother’s property, and Abler and I are here to claim his property. Who are you Wendy asked? I’m Marie Allen’s sister, and this house is in his name. I cut in... This house is in my daddy Allen’s name and mine. She looked at me and back at Wendy. Then stated, because we are Allen’s only living relatives we are here to collect his inheritance, including his share of this house. I could see Wendy start to panic. I announced. well actually, before daddy died. he left you something in his truck.
Momma, can you unlock the garage, please. Wendy went into the house she came back out with Carol and Dawn. They unlocked the garage. I was amazed at the number of spiders and webs that had formed. The moment the garage opened, both Marie and Abler were taking pictures. I thought vultures, and I’ll fix your wagon. I waited through the spider webs and opened the door and climb in and opened the glovebox. I pulled a metal box and brought it out. I opened it and took out a paper and read it out loud. This is in case my family or any of my family arrives here. Please hand each the envelopes with their names on them. Put the rest away, just in case. I figured they would show up sometime after I’m dead.
There's letters explaining everything along with a copy of my will. With that, I grabbed the two envelopes out and put the note back, closed the box, and put it back in the truck. Momma’s looked less nervous, knowing I had some plan already in place. Once back out of the garage, I closed and relocked the door of the garage. Then read the envelopes. Abler, I handed him his and the Marie I gave her her’s. They opened and read them. I could see the anger in their faces once they read them and pulled the dollar out of the envelopes. This isn’t over Marie said. They got in the car and drove off. Once out of site I started laughing. What’s so funny, momma Dawn asked? I handed her a copy of the notes and will. Actually, it was Aber’s. He threw it on the ground before leaving. Momma Dawn read it out loud.
Dear Family well, I shouldn’t say dear. I was dying for over a year, and not one of you even called or checked on me. None of you cared enough about your brother, so I don’t care especially after dying if you like this or not. First, I have a baby girl named Misty. By now, you probably already know her name and my name is on my house. In my will, I’m leaving it to her and her parents. This will get your goat. Her parents are on the birth certificate, says, Wendy and Dawn Parson. DNA from them and I make up Misty’s DNA, So she is legitimately mine. They have full parental rights, so your shit out of luck on getting the house. Vehicles are all left to Misty. All my money minus $ 1.00 for each of you. I split all the rest of the money and gave it to Misty and her parents. In short, you each get $1.00 from me when you show up.
It's because that’s how much care you have shown to me. Enclosed is an official copy of my will and the company who’s lawyer wrote it up. Also is my lawyer's number, who I prepaid to defend my choice. So if you arrived, as money grabbers, you're out of luck. if you wish to visit my daughter, then ask. If not, you can go home and forget you ever knew me like you have until you realized I was rich and had a house and decided you wanted a piece of it. So BYE Bye. With that, all three momma’s started laughing. Dawn said, you already knew. Their probably fuming right now. Yah I said. Their headed to their lawyer to see if they can break it, but attached to the will is a DNA sheet showing Allen, Wendy, and Dawn make up the closest DNA match to Misty.
Curtesy of Bella. Momma Wendy was laughing now. So all angles are covered. They will stand but they'll still try. With that, we all went back to relaxing and going through our Saturday. Sunday was just another day. A week went by and sure enough, Friday afternoon a lawyer was at school with a police officer. Marie was claiming she had parental rights. I sent out a text to my or Allen’s lawyers. By the time I had ran out of stalls on why i had to wait, there were 4 lawyers and a judge’s order along with a set of criminal investigators to find out how she got someone to sign off on this wild goose chase. Also was an order for her to appear in court for fraud. Marie refused to talk to them and was mad about the court appearance.
I knew all she wanted was money and did not care about me. As far as the other, a court date was set to decide my wellbeing and who had legal guardianship. The 2 months until the trial flew by. I knew my paperwork was legal and binding and a mother’s right outweighed any other relatives inquiry. Every document and 20 lawyers were present for our side. Marie and Abler each had one. In the bag I thought in the beginning until I seen the look on Marie’s face. She had an ace up her sleeve. Each side laid out their case, and we had the law on our side. Once the initial hearing was over, the judge stated. Before we continue, I am ordering Misty to be released into Marie and Aber’s care until we conclude who should have custody. I was shocked as were my parents and grandparents. Someone had bought a judge. With the judge's orders, they grabbed me and pretty much dragged me out of the courtroom.
The temporary custody in one hand and me in the other. They led me to the car. I knew they did not care about me, but there had to be a reason they wanted me. Sure enough, first stop was my bank. I almost giggled, knowing now what their plan is. Good luck, I thought. Once this started at the school, I had set up a little something with the lawyers. We entered and went right to the banking counter. They showed the temporary custody paperwork and demanded being my legal guardians to have access to my account. Debbie, the bank clerk told them sorry, but those accounts cannot be accessed. what Marie stated. I could tell she was mad. Sorry, Debbie said. as of 1 month ago, there was a request including the child’s approval to lock any access to those accounts for one year regardless of the circumstance. It would help if you did not try to take my money, I stated.
Don’t worry. any account or item I own that you could have claimed, including vehicles, have a backup on them. I had names added to the cars, and everything else as a 1-year old, so good luck. I am not your cash queen, so you might as well give it up. I heard Marie say to Abler. maybe her mom will pay to end this. I laughed. You have no idea, but yes, you are right. I guarantee right now. your judge is in hot water. By now, the bar has been called. I'm sure there's a full inquiry and a refile with another court. I figure within an hour the police will be looking for you to return me to my parents. You have only seen my lawyers, papa and momma’s lawyers weren’t even there. By now, over 30 lawyers are figuring out what you did. Oh, and if you didn’t realize that banker back there. she's informing the lawyers, you tried to access my bank accounts. Good luck getting anything now.
I had a big grin on my face. Fine, get in the car. Marie ordered. I did. as we were driving, I could see there’s a lot of cops out and about today. My phone started ringing with my parent Dawn’s number. I went to answer it, and just as I turned it on, Abler got it and tossed it out the window. Hmm, a little irritated, I thought. Well, you can let me out anytime you want, and I’ll walk home. Marie said it’s not over yet. Oh, it looks like you turn off every time you see a cop. I would say it is. Nope, a year from now we will have full custody of you, so sit back and enjoy the ride. I thought, they really think I’m going to stay that long? I also know different states have different laws. Ok I thought, it’s 8 hours to get out of California so I have 8 hours to find a way out. It was 4 hours later we finally stopped for gas, and I said had to use the bathroom. Sure enough, I was escorted by Maire as Abler pumped gas.
As I sat on the toilet figuring my situation out. I was peaking around under stalls trying to figure it out. Having a guard essentially outside, I could see feet under the next stall. A quick toilet paper note using an eye pencil in my purse. I passed it under the booth hoping for help. I heard her gasp as she read it. Shh, I whispered. The note read. My Aunt has taken me. My phone was tossed out the window. Please call my parents and let them know the current location, and the Aunt and uncle plan to take me out of state. Phone number Dawn … Wendy… Carol……. My name is Misty Parsons, and please help. I heard the stall open and a quick exit out the door.
Hopefully, that worked. I waited about a minute, then flushed the toilet and exited. As we went to the bathroom, I was dragging my feet, and Marie pushed and pulled me along. From the stares, I take it my message got out. As we got back onto the freeway, I noticed a woman following, talking on her phone. I was hoping it’s the lady from the stall. I didn’t see her face, so I don’t know. The car stayed behind us, and she never put her phone down. It looked like an older white Ford Taurus. My Aunt and Uncle weren’t saying a word. It was about 4 to 5 miles down the road traffic came almost to a stop.
I figured road construction. An exit was coming up, but it took about 30 minutes to reach it. Of course, they took it, so did the Taurus. She looked more panicked now. I realize that the slowdown was probably a roadblock. We were cutting over on the side road from the 101 to the offramp to connect to I-5. Bummer, I thought it a lot harder to stop four lanes than two, so now what? I started thinking of other ways out. I looked at everything from the gas gauge to cars around us. I was trying to think of an escape before state lines. I know we are over 5 hours in now and one detour but directly headed for the 5. I was losing time. I-5 has a 70 mph speed limit, so people cruise 80 mph rather than the 65 mph speed limit on the 101. So what to do? Time was ticking away, and I knew the further out, the harder I would have to work to get home.
I wasn’t panicked. I knew even if they took me to New York, I would run and get home. Luckily their car got terrible gas mileage and also had problems. Sure enough, another 1 hour in, and it started overheating. They pulled into a station. It was after dark now, but I could swear that the Taurus pulled into the parking lot next door. I asked if I could get out and stretch my legs while they fixed the car. Abler watched me as Marie popped the hood and took a look. I walked in big circles, slowly going further out of the parking lot. One round, I got close to the other lot. sure enough, same Taurus. She was still on the phone. I mouthed thank you, so no one else could tell. I could see her wave me over. a slight head nod told her no. She understood. By this time, Abler was walking up on me.
I’m hungry, I announced. Not yet, Abler said. we’ll stop in Vegas. We need to head back he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I huffed and walked around. They had me sit near the tire while they finished up with the car. What they didn’t see was me shoving a stick in the valve core of the tire and put the cap loosely on. Get in was the command. I got in, and we headed back out on the freeway. It took about an hour for that tire to go flat. It took ½ an hour to change it. Reminded me of Laurel and Hardy. Tire fixed and back underway. Next exit, we picked back up our tail, getting back on the freeway. Now four cars behind. She’s persistent, and I’m sure mommas are going to give her a bonus.
It was only about another 5 minutes when I heard and seen a white familiar 55 streak fly by and slammed on the brakes once realizing somehow they passed their target. You’re In trouble now I said, as they came upon the 55 Chevy now blocking half the road. How did they find us. It was about then I could see another vehicle coming up fast if I knew that one well. a 1973 Pontiac Firebird. With Dawn in the Pontiac and Wendy in the 55, I knew it was less than 10 minutes to the finish. As the 55 slowed down to be on one side and the Pontiac on the other, I held on. I figured they would ram the car, but no. In front was now a little wiener mobile. I figured Carol. Behind now was the Taurus.
We were edged to the side of the road. I knew if Wendy made it out first, it would be a fistfight. Now under five mph, I leaped into the back of the 55 through the rear window. Wendy slammed on the brakes, which gave them an exit which they took. Are you ok? Yah, I said as we pulled over. Soon, four vehicles parked along the side I-5. we need to thank the lady who went out of her way to follow. I agree Wendy stated as she pulled $1,000 in 100 dollars bills out of her purse. We got out, and I hugged momma Wendy and walked back to the Taurus. Thank you miss, I said. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know how I would have gotten away.
You’re ok. She said that’s thanks enough. No! It’s not, Wendy said and handed her a wad of cash and hugged her. Thank you for getting my daughter back. Dawn came up, giving more cash to her and hugged her. Sam ran up and hugged the lady. Thanks for saving my sister. I could see her crying! Sam put her over the edge. Then Carol came over the same routine. I bet it was well over 3,000 dollars. She tried handing it back. no way. She finally left after the cops showed up. I spent half the night telling my story. After me telling what happened, the cops let me go home with my parents. As it turns out, the judge they had was in trouble. He was retiring in a month and was heavily against gay or lez couples. Come to find out, the next day, there was a hearing scheduled for custody, but temporary custody was given back. I slept in the 55 on the way home with a Sam pillow, who again wouldn’t let me out of her sight.
We arrived home around 3 in the morning. Sam and I got out and went to bed. I don’t know if any of our three parents ever went to sleep. Sam and I were woken at 9:00 am to go back to court. At the courthouse, I was surprised to see the familiar judge. Once started, the judge read off the docket number. Marie Curry and Abler Curry v.s. Wendy and Dawn Parsons over custody of Misty. he looked up to see me. Hi judge, I said. Long time and this is not my fault. I’ve been good. He smiled and started to chuckle. Alright, Misty, what’s this about? I gave him the low down the best I could. Well, the judge said once I finished. Two ways we can solve this. first I know your parents love you, so I’m awarding full custody back. It seems, I’m going to send this to a higher court to get to the bottom of why custody would even be considered to take you away.
Now the rest, it’s up to you and your parents. Now that they are your guardians again. since you do have enough to support yourself, I’m going to suggest that you get emancipated. Then nobody can take you away. I looked at Wendy and Dawn. The Lawyers came up and explained, and it didn’t mean anything other than legally, I was responsible for myself. Ok judge, what do we have to do? Well, you have to prove you are smart enough and can support yourself. Your IQ should prove that. next a shrink has to state that you are capable of taking care of making decisions. 3rd is a doctor stating you are in good health. I will put you on the docket for next week.
Seven days from today, if you think you want this. Wendy then said. If we do this, she will have control over her own decisions, and no one can ever force her to stay or leave, right? Not even to another state? Nope. she will legally be free. Unless she is in a coma or injured in a way she cannot make a rational decision, it reverts to the parents. Ok judge, see you in a week. Thank you again. Nice to see the justice system work right. My pleasure, he said. With that, we left. Over the next week after school, I went and seen Bella and had a complete exam. Yep, healthy has a horse. next to the shrink. After talking with me for an hour, he declared that out of all the patients he had. I was well-grounded, understood finances, and was capable of making my own decisions and being on my own. 2 down one to go. the IQ tests. Now I hadn’t taken one in probably 20 years, so I was a little worried.
When the results came back two days later, I had scored 278. I had to have over 100 for the emancipation, so all things covered. Now everything was out of the way. All I had now was the hearing. To my surprise, my aunt and uncle were there. I didn’t say a word. I walked in with my parents and my paperwork. I handed it to the bailiff and sat down. Ten minutes later, there was the call for all rise. The judge settled in and looked over his stack of papers. The bailiff handed him mine. I could see the smile on his face as he signed a document with instructions to file it immediately. The bailiff left the room and returned in 2 minutes. The first case, the bailiff announced. emancipation of one Misty Parsons. The judge grabbed some papers, arranged them then said Misty Parsons come to the front.
I stood and headed up. I noticed I had two followers with papers in their hands. Hmm, who are you and why are you not following the procedure in my courtroom? Your Honor, Marie started in. This involves your hearing. I have signed forms from doctors and Scientologist that state a 12-year-old should not be emancipated and a document from a court in Colorado showing the legal guardianship of Misty. I got mad. The judge looked to me, then turned to them. Alright, are any of those from Misty’s doctors or Scientologists? They looked at each other and said no, but they are professionals in their chosen field. Is this Colorado? No, Your Honor but we are legal residents there, and so is Misty. The judge looked at me. Misty, have you been to Colorado? No, Your Honor. They tried to kidnap me and take me there. well, I escaped before leaving California, so I have not been out of California. Well, the judge said you have a problem.
Number 1, you have to be a resident or have to have been to a state to be a resident. Those documents on residency and jurisdiction are worthless. Number 2. Marie broke in. you can’t. You don’t know her, and you never met her before. She’s only 12 and a liar! You believe her over two adults who say she lives there. Enough the judge said, banging his gavel. One more outburst, and you two will be held in contempt of court. First off, I had had the pleasure once before when she was 3. At that time, a corrupt cps woman tried to take Misty. Very similar to what you’re doing. Number 2. yes, I would believe her over some fake out-of-state documents and you two any day. If you think you have any legal rights to her, let me ask you this.
When is her birthday? The room was silent as they sifted through their paperwork. Either Miss Parsons, when is Misty’s birthday? Dawn blurted it out. That says a lot, the judge exclaimed. As far as the legal end goes, even if those documents are true. they are only good in Colorado. Secondly, when was your documents cleared? Abler spoke up. a day and a half ago. Well, you’re out of luck the judge said. Seven days ago, I signed Misty’s emancipation order. It only could have been revoked if she didn’t turn in the proper documents by today, which she did. They have already been filed. So as of 7 days ago, she has had full control of her own life and finances. I couldn’t help but smile. You see, the judge continued. this was not a hearing to get her emancipated but to ensure she did the proper diligence and followed through with the stipulation set forth.
anything filed after that is automatically fraudulent. The dumbfounded, Marie and Abler exited the courtroom. They were realizing they had lost. As for you, young lady. I mean it this time. I don’t want to see you back in my courtroom. I giggled. I’ll try Your Honor. Oh, one more thing. Misty, I loved your last movie, he said with a wink. I blushed and said thanks, Your Honor. With that, we left. Momma Wendy drove us home. I didn’t say a word. I was thinking, geez how many people recognize Sam and me. Then I thought, when we are together anyone who watches commercials or movies knows who we are. The next few weeks seem to fly by in a blur. When cheering at games, I started wondering how many came to catch pictures of Sam and me. The thought made me want to crawl into a hole. Good news, momma’s bought me a new phone. Bad news, same parental controls, ugh. The good news last weekend, they finally unlocked the garages. I spent a whole weekend cleaning spiders out and checking essential fluids.
I felt relieved with a bit of essential maintenance done. I decided I needed a little more. I pulled the engine on the Chevelle and started cleaning the car up. I know it would be years before I can drive it again, but I wanted it ready. Every day after school and after practice, I worked on the Chevelle and the 64 GMC. I figured both could be in tip-top shape by the time I could drive again. I couldn’t do everything by myself anymore. I had to get help with pulling the front clip on the 64. Even with the tractor, I couldn’t do it alone. Time flew by as I was entertained. Before I knew it, the school year was over. The school was ending in a week when Dawn came to me and asked. Samantha is going to do a few movies over the summer. They want you on some too if you’re interested. Hmm, any driving? Dawn laughed. Yes, one has you driving. the others I don’t know.
One’s enough, I’ll go. She laughed. Momma Wendy and Carol walked in. Dawn handed each $100. What was that? They bet you would disagree unless there were driving. I shrugged my shoulders, turned back around as they all started to laugh. Over the summer we stared in several movies and had a lot of fun. The money was getting better with every film, with the more our names were known. The problem being more money, more attention from the paparazzi. We seem to be the latest fad because wherever we went the more of them seemed to pop up. Once all the movies were over, we headed home. We had been gone for the summer, except for a couple of weeks. We were becoming more prosperous every day. It didn’t matter much to any of us, though. We were just a happy family. With my adrenalin rush filled, I was glad to be headed home. I think we all were. Now 13 and starting 8th grade, something felt off. I couldn’t put my finger on it just felt different. We were 13 again. it just felt strange.
Maybe just déjà vu who knows. All I know is on top of math, science, history, English, and art, and I also had a woodshop. Finally, something I could completely dive into. I knew it was only days left until school started again. to be honest, I couldn’t wait for once. Then it happened. After dinner, I took my bath, and once I was out and in my room, I had a visitor. Not my usual visitor either. It was like looking in a mirror. Hello, she said. I suppose you know who I am. I, I never thought I would see you again, Cynthia. Her response. just look in the mirror. I think I blushed then. I, yah, sorry. I hope I haven’t offended you. It’s been a wild ride, but I will accept my life back now, I guess. I’m sorry if I did something wrong, and I never meant to steal your identity. She started laughing. no Allen or Misty. I’m not here as a punishment to you. You know who I was. Now I was sure that I was ten shades of red. Yes, how could I forget the boy who was so persistent in getting my attention. If I were going to go with a boy back then, it would have been you. shocked by the fact that she remembered me, and she was here talking to me. I was speechless.
I came because grandma told me about what she had done, who you were, and I had to see for myself. Gee, thanks I think. She laughed. well as much as a ghost could. Now what I said, finally finding my words. Well, now you have my whole life ahead of you. Have fun and don’t worry. I’m having a ball watching you and can’t wait to see what trouble you get into next. I hope none. Too late for that, she replied. I raised an eyebrow as to say, what are you talking about. Woodshop should be interesting. Why. Do you remember my friend I was always with? Kind of, I replied. It was Zada, wasn’t it? Yah she giggled. Guess who is your woodshop teacher. OH shit!! I said out loud. Yah Cynthia said between laughs. No way she won’t recognize you. I sat there thinking. There is no way I could ever change enough to get by. She knew Cynthia like the back of her hand. They were inseparable since 3rd grade.
With no way to hide. well, I’ll convince her I'm a doppelganger type of thing. Good luck with that, Cynthia said. Instead, I have an idea that would make me happy and get you out of this situation. Ok, let’s hear it, I announced. She laid out her plan in order. I had to agree. it should work. With that, we would have to wait and see what happens. Thankfully woodshop was my final class of the day. Time flew by, and before I knew it, it was the first day of school. I don’t think I had been this nervous since the day I decided to become Misty. I went through the first day in almost a daze. That was until the last period. Woodshop. a little nervous, I entered. I sat in the back, not to gain any extra attention. The teacher hadn’t looked up from her desk yet. The bell rang, and class started. First role call. She went down the list, looking up and saying names. I guess, to put a face to each character.
She called out my name as I said here, and we made eye contact. She just stared for a moment. I could see the recognition in her eyes, then she continued. I knew at this point, or some point a confrontation was necessary. My name is Miss Zent. I’m your woodshop teacher. You will be learning the basics of the tools and safety. First, as the class moves on, you will have a few projects. No one is exempted from this. I could see her taking little hidden peaks in my direction during her speech. I knew there would be no avoidance. The first day was all speech, with a quick safety test at the end. Easy, no big deal, but when I looked up after finishing my test, I could see I had a solid stare from the teacher. She gave instructions next. Once finished with the test, you may hand it in and leave for the day. It was still 5 minutes before the bell rang. Students were rushing to the front and exiting. I slowly put my stuff away in my backpack, gathered my test, and wouldn’t you know it, and I was the last one to exit to the front.
Hmm, almost like I had planned it. Here you go, Miss Zent, and I handed her my test. Wait Cynthia, she said. I’m sorry Misty, you look exactly like someone I used to know. No problem Miss Zent. I understand. I have a question, Miss Zent said. Do you or did you have a relative who was named Cynthia around this area. Right to the point, I thought. Well, Miss Zent, or should I call you Zada. I could see the puzzlement yet excitement on her face. First, I’m not Cynthia. Well actually, not the one you know. It’s a long story, so how about this. Do you remember where her grandma lived? Out in the sticks, Yes Zada said. I know exactly where. Ok, that’s where I live. To get the whole story, you will have to come out and visit. Yes, there will be a good surprise. your choice of when you come out and have this talk. would it help if you had a lift home. She popped up before I could say a word.
No, my Momma will be waiting, but you're more than welcome to follow. With that, I headed out the door. I swear Zada beat me to the parking lot. I gave a quick explanation to my parents, and we headed home. Momma’s I also need a set of Cynthia’s clothes when we get home. Thankfully Samantha was buried in her earbuds, so no two explanations yet. AS we arrived at home, Zada pulled in right behind. Everyone got out and went inside. I went to Zada. Welcome to my house. Was that Cynthia’s grandma’s 55 Chevy? Yep, it’s all fixed up now and runs great. She was looking a bit confused. Come inside, and we’ll get to it. I led her in and down the hall to my room. She looked confused till I said. we had a complete renovation, but yes, the same house. We entered my room to find my parents had set out Cynthia’s clothes on the bed, which Zada ran to. These were… Yes, they were Cynthia’s. how do you feel, Zada, about ghosts? I don’t know, she replied. Would you like to talk with Cynthia even if she was a ghost? Zada didn’t hesitate. yes, no matter what!
Alright, put on any piece of clothing you see there even if you think there’s no way it would fit. Then wait. She put on Cynthia’s shirt and started to say something when Cynthia popped in. It’s been a long time, Zada. I missed you. I’ve watched you become a strong woman but couldn’t talk to you. I could see Zada’s tears as I started to exit. Thanks, Allen or Misty, or should I say Cynthia. No problem. I went out to my family and gave them a little… well, a lot more info on what was going on. Another exciting twist Dawn announced. It was after 8:00 pm when Zada finally exited my room. She had tears and appeared happy, though. I got out some food and told Zada to sit and eat. No, I must be getting back. No, you would go home and think about what you learned, so sit and eat. She finally sat down and said thanks, Allen.
Chapter Eight
Oh, so you know now. Yah and don’t worry, your secret is safe. I’m happy to know what I know now, Allen. Umm, you’re going to have to call me Misty now. Ok Misty, I want you also to know. I won't treat you any differently in class. But, do you mind if I keep this shirt? You are more than welcome to, but do not forget. It cannot remain on over 5 hours, so set a 4-hour limit. I heard, and I agree. Cynthia would kill me if I didn’t. I chuckled, you would have to be already dead, or I don’t think she could ever scare you to death so that I wouldn’t worry there. We laughed as Cynthia popped in, saying Hey! no, laughing at my expense.
Well, Zada said. it really is time I go home, so thank you and have a good night. That hurdle out of the way school was going to good. Me, I spent time after school working on the Chevelle and the 64 GMC. I decided and ordered a new high-performance ls6 Chevy engine for the Chevelle and put the old Chevelle engine, after rebuilding it into the 64 GMC. I had time on my hands because Sam had gotten a boyfriend. His name is Matt. He is a nice guy, and the two looked good together. This meant Sam was not clinging to my every move. I needed the space, so it was good for me. Before Christmas, I had the 64 GMC up and running.
It sounded great. My Momma’s said it was a little loud. I explained it has duel exhaust with two two-foot-long Cherry bomb mufflers, so it had a rumble, but it's not too loud. I told her to call it the rumble truck then. I put it to her as it’s healthy. As it was, it rained heavy Friday night. Saturday, I finished the final minor things on the 64 and pulled it just outside the garage. Sam came running out. Are you not taking it out of the yard, right? No, I’m staying within our fence line. Hop in, Sam. Sam climbed in and buckled up on the passenger side. Hey Sam, do you remember me discussing our 40+ acres last week?
Yah, she said. Well, let's get muddy. I fired up the truck and took off just in time to see Momma’s run out of the house. Wendy started laughing when she seen my direction. Yep, mud was flying everywhere. Sam was having a blast. I had to stop three times because we couldn’t see through the window anymore. One of the times, I told Sam to roll her window down so I could see. Once she did, I let it rip, covering her and the inside of the truck with mud. I was laughing so hard. I was coated, too, so it wasn’t unfair. After 3 ½ hours, I finally headed back to the house.
We got out. from the front to the rear of the truck, and it looked brown instead of the teal color it was. Don’t you two look pretty Dawn said, and she threw a chunk of mud from the truck at us? I threw some at her and got her on the shirt. Before it was over, the whole family was covered in mud. It was a race to see who got baths first and how long the hot water would last. I have to say it was a fun and relaxing day. I spent the next day cleaning the truck. Inside and out. I put it away as Samantha came out. Aww, I was hoping we would play again. Well, you should have caught me before I cleaned it. True Sam said I don’t want to make you clean it again. Don’t worry, that urge hits me quite often. maybe next time, I’ll let you drive.
She went bubbly. thanks, sis. Ok, I thought. I found something to remember. With that, I went back to work on the Chevelle. The engine was in, but this time I was doing a custom fuel injection system. I welded up my intake. I made eight little throttles essentially, like a set of 8 duces. on the intake I had eight injectors. I installed a programable computer on the fuel amount and set it to 10:1 instead of 14.7 to 1. I wanted it a little rich. It turned out perfect. Now a high-performance system that looks like it’s from the ’70s. It took two weeks of tinkering to get it set right. During that time, I had a second set of mufflers on not to panic my parents.
They had no clue I even had it running. Once set up, I took the second muffler back off. school was going well, but my favorite class was woodshop. I have seen Cynthia also hanging out a lot. She was sticking close to Zada. Like a long-lost friend. Which was the truth. One day I asked Cynthia if she had seen her grandmother Kathleen lately? All the time, she replied. That, more than anything, made me feel good. It was now rolling into the middle of march. It was a Thursday, and school just let out. We headed home like normal, except when we got there, a Mercedes was sitting in the drive.
Momma Wendy got out first. The Mercedes car door opened, and I recognize who it was. I can’t think of his name, but it was one of the directors. Momma Wendy told him to come in. Once in the living room, he asked. I have a part that is perfect for Misty. It’s a documentary of sorts. Momma Dawn said, don’t ask us. If it’s during the summer, hit up Misty. Ok, Al said. I finally remembered his first name, last name, not a clue. Anyway, Al asked if we could talk. We went and sat on the front porch. Ok Misty. I have a part you were made for. It involves a Chevelle, a racer, and the best part she looks from the photos just like you. Ok, I said. It’s about the woman who still holds the record at the Salt Flats for naturally aspirated vehicles. My heart dropped. It also had a big wreck in it, so it’s perfect for a documentary of sorts.
It will have a little Hollywood magic story before that, but the actual part about the race will be real. Now the only reason for Hollywood magic is she hasn’t been seen before or since. what they have for her info is fake. A borrowed driver’s license. We have a picture of the car that we are replicating, and a suit designed to be an exact fire suit replica. Ok, I said. This one. my parents might not want me to be involved with. You see, they were there that day. I have that original suit from the driver and the car that was used. I have it all here. well, actually, my parents do. They were in the pits. Momma Wendy’s Dodge was one of the vehicles that burnt up in the pits.
Al was shocked. Ok, before I ask them, you have the Chevelle here. I took him to the garage and opened the door. His mouth dropped. It’s, It’s really, that is the car? The actual vehicle that holds the record. Yep. he walked right past me to talk to my parents. As he explained what he wanted to my parents, he also asked for the use of the car and the suit if possible. I don’t know. That was tough on me, Wendy Dawn stated. We almost died and almost lost a relative. Wendy said you know what. It’s a documentary of sorts with a story added. First, the person who did it has no intention of being found. So let’s hear the story leading up and how it ends. After a play-by-play, Wendy and Dawn seemed relieved. Al said I could change the beginning or the end of it if you want. No, Dawn said that’s perfect. Wendy said the car and the suit would only be on loan with Misty behind the wheel, so it’s up to her.
Ok, but I travel with the car and the suit. They were left to me and mean a lot. Does it run Al asked. Nope it doesn’t run. it’s race-ready and could go to the track tomorrow if I wanted. You mean it’s ready? Yep, it even has new tires. I could see the look on dawn and Wendy’s face knowing I had it ready. Ok, the first day of summer, we will be here with a trailer and a second trailer for you and your family to stay in. Wait, Carol said. Sam and I have another movie. Dawn said, no worries. I’ll let Wendy go with Misty this time, and I will go with you too. just because I don’t want to be there at the Salt Flats.
With that, plans had been set. Al left, and life went back to normal. The school year continued, and I never gave a second thought. The school year dwindled along with my age. I know as summer came, I was soon going to be older than Cynthia ever was. Soon the last day of school was here. It was a significant event. 8th grade graduation. Next year would be high school. That night grandma and grandpa both stayed over, and we had a huge family party. I didn’t get into bed till after 1:00 am. As I started to drift off, my thoughts were another chapter of my life over. I woke after 10 in the morning. I decided a bright day, time for a shirt, half pants with pink cuffs, and pink and white checkered lace-up vans shoes. I was feeling a little cheery for some reason.
It didn’t matter as long as I felt good. I walked into the living room only to be asked. Are you ready to go? I thought, then said. go where? Momma Wendy asked. you aren’t packed. It hit me. Where’s Sam. Oh, Wendy said. they already left. I ran to my room to do a quick packing. Record time packing a bag, and Al was here with a dually truck and a semi to pick up the Chevelle. I was a little nervous but also excited. Although I didn’t plan on traveling looking so pink, Too late. we were off. It was a long drive to the Salt Flats. The closer we got, the more nervous I got. When we finally arrived, I was tired, and due to how late in the day it was, we didn’t even unload the car. Sure enough, a large travel trailer with three popouts was there just for us to stay in.
The next day filming started. When I rose in the morning and went outside, everything was set up, and if I didn’t know better. I would say the day so long ago was happening again. It took all day to go through the scene of sign up and getting my suit. Once filming was over for the day, I heard from behind me. if I didn’t know better, I would say you were the young lady I gave the suit to. I laughed and said, that’s the idea. I introduced myself. She told me this has to be the closest job she has ever seen to be completely realistic. Al broke in. well, that’s the idea.
Thanks to Misty’s parents approval. that suit is the actual suit you gave her, and that car is the exact car that holds the record. Her mouth dropped open. Yes, she is related to me. No, she won't come out to identify herself and before you ask, she gave it all to me. I. I, oh my god, I searched and couldn’t even find the car. Well, that’s history. This is a movie, and I’m turning 14 years old, so it will be a couple of years before seeing me on the track. Well, she said. if you pass the safety here and have an I.D. the race is in a month, I could sponsor you. You can run it for real with an official license. You would need your mom’s permission, though. I looked at momma Wendy and could tell that wasn’t going to happen.
Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think my parents are ready for that day. But, when I turn 18, beware. I’ll be back. She laughed. With that, we went to the trailer for the night. I knew I had trials to pass, even for the film. They require it before I could get out on the flats. Officials would be in early tomorrow. I turned in early. The morning started with a complete physical, then time trials, getting in and out of the Chevelle in case of an emergency, checking of safety equipment location, and where all the safety shut-offs are. It took all day. From what the director Al said. I thought I would only have to go through half of that. It didn’t matter, and I was approved. The next day I would be out on the track, I thought.
Nope! I spent all day sitting in the Chevelle in slow-motion they had one car leaving after another. Once we reached 30, the director said cut. I only got to start the car. The funny part. this was the first time without the secondary mufflers, and it caused Momma Wendy to jump. OK, so tomorrow I get to drive. The director said the other cars would be passed at low speed and then return. So no actual racing, just slow-speed acting. The next day, that’s all I did about 20 times. I was getting bored. I didn’t even bother about asking at the end of the day about tomorrow’s events because I was sure it would be more of the same. Sure enough, next day was different shots of me taking off from the line. Then slow-speed drive beside the car shots, ugh. The following two weeks, I was off due to it was scenes that didn’t involve me. I sat in the trailer and watched tv and texted Sam, and she was having fun. Finally, back to my part.
today, I was going as fast as I wanted from one end to the other to get high-speed shots. I thought, hmm… they want high-speed shots. Alright, I had them fill the tank with aviation fuel. Now I sat at the line idling, prepping myself. I hit the throttle a couple of times to clear out the engine, and it smoothed right out. There had been So much idling, and it was starting to foul the plugs. Now I had the go-ahead. it was all on me. No more waiting, I slammed the throttle. 1st gear, 2nd gear, 3rd gear I was already over 150 mph and not even in 4th gear yet. Not even halfway through 3rd gear. Over the radio, I heard you are flying. We’re getting some great shots. I smiled as I slammed 4th gear and buried the throttle. I had no clue how fast I was going, but the tack told me… well it topped out, so it only told me I was going fast. It was no time, and I was slowing down because I was at the other end. A quick Brody and I was headed back. I buried it again.
I was having fun slamming through the gears. I heard them yelling over the radio, especially Wendy. you can slow down whenever you’re ready. They have the shots. I smiled as I yet again slammed 4th and let her rip. I must have laughed loud enough to hear over the radio because I heard Wendy say. Yah, very funny. you’re not winning any brownie points. I might have to take back some freedoms. With that, I let off the throttle and took it down to 90mph for the cruise back. I take it you got my point, Wendy said over the intercom. Yes, mom. I brought the car in front of the trailer and shut it off and got out. Did you have fun I heard an irritated Momma Wendy ask. Yes, momma. I got lost in the moment. I'm sorry if I went overboard. Overboard! I heard a voice come from one of the officials that I didn’t even know was there.
I could hear Amy, who first gave me the suit way back then, say. It must be a family thing. She is as quick as her predecessor. I rolled my eyes. The official spoke up. She is faster in the same class, and yes, the car still qualifies for that class. Oops! I said in a low tone. Yah oops, Wendy said. You know this is for a movie, not a race. Yah but they said high-speed shots. With that, I heard Al laugh at what I said. Yeah, high speed, not insane. I’m not insane, I stated. Anything over 200mph, you go by too fast for us to get a shot, but we got all we needed before you took off. Wendy stated, well, whether you are insane or not is a matter of opinion. Then she started laughing, of course. I gave a raspberry. I grabbed my phone, and there were several texts.
First from Sam. Seen the pictures from momma Wendy and the video. That was fast. Please be careful. Next was Dawn. Hmm, stretching your legs? Hmm, don’t take it too far or that far again. be careful, and I love you. Next was Carol’s text. That’s too fast! It would help if you were careful. I don’t know what we would do without you. Please take it easy and remember people love you. I turned to Wendy and said, you ratted me out already! I’m never going to live this down now. She laughed. With that, filming was finished for the day. The following three days were again low-speed shots. I never even noticed how much time had flown by, but the next day the entire set was coming down.
I thought, what about the other end of the pits. We never did those shots! I was walking over to talk to Al, and I spotted one booth was still set up. It was the Fast lines booth, and I continued to walk to Al. He was swamped, telling everyone where to put everything. He spotted me and said, in 3 days, we will be setting up for the pit scenes, but then have fun and be safe. Ok, I said, confused as I was walking back to the trailer. Amy waved me over. Here sign this. I didn’t even look at it, just signed. Ok, here she handed me a new fire suit with Fast Line all over it. Also a hat, jacket and a bunch of other stuff. I was definitely confused. also, I must not have been paying attention.
Momma Wendy walked up on me without me even noticing. Then Amy topped it all off. Here you go, she sat a badge on top of the pile. a racing license and the starting number in the next race. I told you Amy, and I wouldn’t be able to for several more years. It was at that point Wendy spoke and spooked me. I dropped everything. well, some of it went flying. Dawn and I gave permission. Fastlane is your sponsor, and your first race is tomorrow. I stood there with my mouth open. It was at that time I was tackled by Sam. I was still at a loss for words. I laid there on the ground with Sam saying, Sis, sis. sis, are you okay. I didn’t hurt you, did I, sis?
I finally found my words as I looked around. No, I’m fine, just in shock. With that, Sam helped me up and into a full bear hug by her. Momma Wendy, Dawn, and Carol were trying not to laugh. I thought you had filming, I said. There’s no way I’m missing your first race, Samantha announced. After, we have to go back, but I’m, we are not missing this. One rule I told, none of you will be in the pits at the other end. I won't race if you are! I crossed my arms. I understand, and no problem, Momma Dawn stated. I picked up my stuff, and we all went to the trailer. I had trouble sleeping that night. You would think it was because of 3 adults and me and Sam being in one trailer, but it had three beds, so Carol took one, Dawn and Wendy had one, and Sam and I shared the double bed. Sam didn’t even lay on me.
I was suffering from excitement, I guess. It had to be around midnight before I finally nodded off. I was woken at 8:00 am and told to get dressed. The race starts in an hour. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes, tied up my hair in a ponytail, and headed out to get some breakfast. I could skip a lot of the check-in, considering the same officials had checked it before. This time I was #10 with a change. The officials set a 10-minute delay between cars instead of the new standard 5 minutes delay. This got a lot of flak from drivers until they changed it back and did a roster change. Alright, the official said. Since your refusing the 10-minute delay insisting on the standard 5 minutes, you are forcing us to run the fastest car first to keep you all separated. They announced #10 would go first and that the race will start in 30 minutes.
I felt every eye on me. I was glad my helmet was down so they couldn’t see me blushing. I got a lot of evil looks as I headed to my car. A couple of drivers said, not that car again! She’s going to try to make us look bad. There was a couple. if I were her, I’d quit. Going first, I knew that put a price essentially on my head. Everyone would be pushing it to surpass me. My nerves were so bad now, and I was almost in a full shake. Call it anticipation or excitement, and I don’t know which, but when the flag dropped. I took off like I was on fire slamming gears. 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th. I maxed out the rpm in each and never let off. I was flying. I could hear over the radio. Be careful don’t push yourself too far, Misty. I was surprised when halfway through Cynthia joined me. What brings you here, I asked? Oh, just wanted to see what the big deal was.
I didn’t know grams old car could ever go this fast. I snickered. well, it took a little to get it to this. What did you say Wendy came over the intercom. Oh, private conversation, I told her. Oh, your usual visitor? Remember do what she says. Nope I said. an on looker much younger. one year younger than me. Oh, is everything ok Wendy asked. I could hear the worry in her voice. All good here, I announced. There was no way I was going to tell her, and I had a good-sized tire pull. She would have freaked out. Before I knew it, I was at the pits. It was announced a new track record of 325 mph, and they told the time. I laughed. No way anyone today would take me. I sat in the pit area as car after car came in. no one else was over 300 mph, and most didn’t hold that speed long. I won by a long shot.
After there were dozens of photos and surprisingly a lot of job offers, and sponsor offers. I felt obligated to Amy and Fastline. I gently declined for now. I had to take all kinds of sponsor pictures and got a full family Fastline gear. I felt it was a great day. I was on cloud 9 with a new trophy and a happy demeanor as I went to sleep. When I woke, Sam was firmly wrapped around me. I didn’t even care. I was still on the high from the previous day. By noon Sam, Dawn and Carol said their goodbyes, and it was just me and momma Wendy again. As all the booths were broken down, I watched the film crew start setting up the stage pit at the other end. That day we did the fire scene and continued. It went on for two days. Once finished, there were a few scenes about the future and before race life. It took another two weeks for filming to complete. After we headed home. I felt a new sense of accomplishment as we arrived home.
It was two days later that the rest of the family rolled in. It was a good summer. I spent the rest of the summer cleaning up the Chevelle and putting it away. Fourteen years old and just a few days high school will start. My schedule consisted of P.E, math algebra 2, history, English, life skills, and finally art. Some I’d rather just skip, like life skills and P.E., but they have required, so no choice. It was the second day when I somehow got volunteered to cheer again. Now, as far as a cheer went, to be honest, I have no interest in it. Somehow I keep getting drug back in. The funny part Sam ended up getting suckered into doing it too. Before practice, I asked Sam. Hey, do you remember back when this all started? Did you ever dream of being a cheerleader or that your life would turn out this way? No, I could have never hoped it would be this good.
I can’t even imagine the way it used to be anymore. Good, I replied. You have a bright future. The one you have always deserved. With that, cheer started. After cheer I caught Sam kissing her newest boyfriend, Rob. I just snickered as I walked to the parking lot. Once in the car, Carol asked where Sam was. Oh, she ran into a friend. She’ll be along shortly. I thought it’s not a lie. She’s close enough to him she might as well have run into him. Their so buried into that lip lock, you can’t see where one ends, and the other begins. At that point, I could see Sam skipping to the car. Yeah, ran into a friend Misty, Carol said sarcastically. More like swapping spit I’d say, Carol replied. I just sat there, not saying a word. This was becoming normal through most of the year. It was around February 22nd, to be exact, that things went sideways. That was the day that Sam broke up with Rob.
He handled her rough when he was mad, and Sam called it quits. Sam was okay with it, except Rob kept hounding her to take him back. Sam didn’t bring up the issue with me until a week later. I knew there was something wrong, but I wasn’t going to say anything unless she came to me. When she did, I found Rob and told him that we needed to talk. Once in a quiet spot I laid into him. Rob, I’m not stupid!!! I know you didn’t treat her nice when you got mad. Now Sam has called it quits. Now I’m telling you to drop it, or you will have our whole family down your throat over this. So just back off. It’s over! His response. You bitch. You think I’ll listen to you. She’s my girl, and you best stay out of it, or you’ll be sorry. Oh, you think so. watch your back because if I catch you within 10 feet of her. I’ll bury you in a shallow grave. You’ll be just another bad seed run away.
We’ll see, he said and walked off. Ok, I know he’s trouble. I was well… angry, and outraged. Angry enough that both Kathleen and Cynthia both appeared. Calm down, Misty. We will keep an eye on him. Misty, just let us keep an eye on things and if they start going south, we’ll contact you. Alright, I finally relented. I was ready to go after him right then, but they calmed me enough that I finally got a bit of a calmer head under me. I finally headed to our, sure to be waiting for parents. That next week was problem-free. Things seemed to be returning to normal. I knew it was too good to be true. It was a Tuesday that Rob went to Sam again. From what Sam said, he insisted for Sam to be his girlfriend. Sam denied him and came and found me. The day ended without another word from him. I was mad again before we made it home. I went up and got one item from storage.
Angry and getting more devious by the moment, I had a plan. In the morning, I put my plan in action. It was noon before I seen Sam. She was all banged up, and I ran to her. Sam, tell me right now what happened. It was me, she said. I just hurt myself. I ran into, cut the crap, Sam! what happened? I well… I didn’t listen to him, and he pushed, and I fell. It was an accident and… No Sam. Did he say sorry or help you up. What did he say? He, he laughed. That’s no accident, Sam. Here I took her to the nurse's office, and I went to find Rob. I found him bragging to his buddies. Hey, you dirty piece of shit. I’m interfering. all the girls at this school will know what a dirtbag you are hurting my sister when she refused to date your abusive ass. A crowd formed while I was yelling at him.
You douche bag! you should be in jail, not free to be the soon-to-be rapist you are. If you could find a big enough magnifying glass to see the pitiful little thing you call a dick, you probably would be a rapist. You stay away from my sister, or you will be sorry. She’s in the with the nurse right now, and I hope they send you to jail. I started walking off. Another dyke is trying to assert her manliness He replied. Oh, really, I stated. Alright, I’ll tell you what. Since you are in pants and you're pitiful little, no, it’s too small to call it a dick that can’t be seen. You think you’re a man and have the balls. A true man wouldn’t be afraid to do or show anything. Oh, really he yelled. Alright, I’ll prove you are lying, dickless prick.
I grabbed my bag and pulled out my cheer outfit, and I reached under my skirt and pulled off a pair of undies. I’ll tell you what, you sick little bastard. if you have the guts. go put this on and come out and bend over so we can see what you have. That is, if you’re not the chicken we know you are. Hook line and sinker. I know he would never live today down as he headed off to the bathroom. We all crowded outside. Somebody get his clothes so he can’t back out. I knew even if he came out, it would be bad for him. After all those panties I threw were Cynthia’s, and I knew if he came out dressed normal, he would be labeled as a chicken, or he would come out dickless. either way, I figured this would solve the problem. Moments later, a guy named Dan came out with Rob’s clothes, including his undies.
I smiled, knowing he’s sunk. I yelled through the door. I didn’t send any makeup. What’s taking so long. Are you trying to stuff those panties or something? What did you do to me he yell back? Come out, I yelled! I asked two guys to go in. make sure he’s dressed and drag him out. They gladly agreed. Moments later, they were dragging him, kicking, and yelling. Hmm, other than your face, you would make a decent cheerleader, I announced. The two boys were still holding him. I said. your such a big man let’s see what you have, and I pulled up the front of the outfit up to show his flat front. As I heard, a small dick. The two guys let go while laughing, and the crowd slowly disappeared with a lot of laughing and pointing. He tried to say it was me, I had done something, but everyone was too busy laughing to hear.
Well, well. I do need my cheer outfit back. What about me, he asked? Do you mean you want your little stick back? Yes, he said, almost crying. I’ll tell you what, and I’ll give it back. It will be smaller, but it will come back. That’s on two agreements. 1st you leave Sam alone. You go near her, and you’ll have tits to go with it. Number 2. you respect women from now on. Ok, whatever he said. You go back. you know I’ll make it worse. I’ll give you so small of a stick you’ll be laughed at the rest of your life. You can tell everyone that they were padded panties, and people in the locker room will confirm it, so your life isn’t over. but you go back on it, your manhood will be gone. Ok, ok, he replied. now, please! I like that, I said. Fine. I handed him his clothes. Cynthia and I had made a deal on those panties. each time he or anyone else had them on, their manhood would shrink by 2 percent permanently.
A little lesson, I figured. He ran into the bathroom and changed. It was two minutes later I heard a yes being yelled. He came out with his head bowed. It won't happen again, he said. Better not, I replied, or next time, it won't be that little embarrassment. it will be permanent. The size, he softly said. That’s permanent. Punishment for bad behavior. Understood, he announced. You better. With that, we parted ways. He headed off, and I ran to check on my sister. At the nurse’s office, I seen Sam sitting with a bandage on her leg. Nothing broke, Sam announced. just bruised. She looked uneasy. I took care of the problem, I told her.
It won’t happen again. you didn’t kill him She asked with a worried look. No, just spooked him. He’s ok, but he won’t do it again. I could see a smile form on her face. With that over, I went to class and finished my day. When we got home, momma Wendy was mad. What did he do? I took care of it. How momma Wendy asked? Yeah, I want to know too, Sam said. Now I explained everything. By the time I finished, they both laughed. you didn’t, Sam said between laughing. Oh yes, I did. here. She brought up her text to show a picture that says 1,000 words. Oh my god she said, rolling on the floor laughing. Nobody messes with my family. With that, the problem was solved. From that point, the school year just floated by, no real issues. First-year of high school wasn’t that much of an issue.
On a couple of weekends, I got sponsored to do a couple of runs but just straight drags. Things were going well as the school year ended. I was getting much closer to getting a driver’s license, and during the next year, I knew I would be old enough for a learner's permit. Sam and I had tons of movie offers for the summer and had to go through and pick which ones we wanted to do. Now, well recognized in Hollywood, the world had opened up. I was still unsure if I would do any movies as the last two weeks of school were winding down. Sam had a whole bunch she had signed on for. I, on the other hand was content and didn’t really like all the attention. One week left of school, and I hadn’t given a single yes yet.
That being said, I asked if there were any duel parts Sam took or driving ones. I ended up with three movies. Knowing less than one week left, I didn’t think I would get them. Figuring positions were taken. I hadn’t realized they knew me so well and waited to have backups in place in case I declined. I felt a little used. They had played me, knowing I would wait until the last minute. Last day of school before summer, I got a call from Al. He almost begged me to do a movie he was offering more money. It was a horror film. Not my thing but considering I kind of got my big break through him, and he had let Sam into the biz, I agreed. Now I had 4 to do. I knew it was going to be another busy summer. The first three were almost finished as my part in his horror movie was starting. I didn’t know that the cast for this movie was huge and had 10 of the biggest stars in Hollywood on it.
I felt a little overwhelmed. The other movies I did were decent, but this one was like doing a significant movie, steps above the others. It took the rest of the summer just to finish my parts. Throughout the summer, I only seen Sam at dinner, but I heard a lot of gossip. Some low-end star named Gorge Boon had been trying to win her favor. I had to giggle to myself how things had turned out. I got hit on a few times, but it wasn’t my type. I was well, still not straight. Forty years as a male, I had no interest in dating one.
On the other hand, rumors are one of the 18-year-old girls on the set was not straight either and seemed to hang out with me quite a bit. I in no way wanted Hollywood's attention, but I didn’t mind her attention. Her name was Jeanie Halford. She was a little over 5 ft 6 inches, dark curly hair with bangs, and wore a lot of pastel colors. One day she walked on set with pink Vans, half pants, and a pastel teddy bear shirt on with pastel bracelets and one gold anklet, and I felt my breath flow away. I’m sure certain things perked up at the site. Needless to say, if I wasn’t shocked and frozen. I’m sure I would have been drooling all over. Next thing I knew, Dawn was bumping my arm, nagging me. I turned my attention to her. Misty, I thought you were going to start drooling there. I began to turn red as I said no, it was… Dawn broke in and said lust. I slapped her arm, and she started giggling. Then said, you couldn’t hide it. I know because that’s how I get with Wendy. I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide forever and never come out.
I was about to bolt, I almost had my words for a response when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find Jeanie standing there. I’m glad she started to talk, because I was utterly at a loss for words. I couldn’t even get a hi out. Well Misty. I hope you're ready for today. I raised my eyebrow. Yeah, I’m ready. Good Jeanie said. from what I heard around the bush. I can’t wait for our little scene huddling in fear hugging each other. I think I might enjoy it. Jeanie started to walk off as I found a few words. Wait, what did you hear. Jeanie, what did you hear about me? Jeanie turned around and looked a little red. Oh, I heard you might be like me. I guess I’ll find out in the scene. Certain things just can’t be hidden. With that, she walked off, with me speechless watching her butt as she walked off.
Dawn was trying not to laugh. What’s so funny, I asked? Now she was laughing as she said that girl has you pegged and is going to have her way with you. Again, red and at a loss for words, Dawn was now almost rolling on the floor as momma Wendy walked up. Ok, what did I miss Wendy asked? Nothing I stated, then Dawn started whispering to Wendy. Now Wendy said, Dawn’s right, that girl has your number. good luck. We won't wait up. I crossed my arms in a flustered look. That just got them laughing again. So with that, the director came over, and filming started. I ran down the hall to the bedroom, slammed the door, and hid beside the bed. Moments later, Jeanie came running in closed the door looking for a place to hide. As we crouched down, it was evident that, I will just say, I perked up. The scene ended. Jeanie had a look of a tiger ready to pounce. I started to get up and found she was holding me down. Hmm, she said. I just want to hold you a litter longer. I know if I stayed, it would be moments before I would be where I couldn’t resist. What’s the hurry? there’s plenty of time. With that, she released me with a look of this isn’t over.
I figured I bought a little time, while they prepped the next scene. Time for me to get my head on straight. I could see my parent watching and pointing and snickering at me. It also looked like they are betting. Yep, they are betting on how long. Now I see there looking through the script. I bet they're wondering how many scenes I'll make it through before she gets me. That got me thinking! What is in the script that they possibly could be betting on? This was the only cuddling kind of scene, wasn’t it? I franticly now started flipping through to see what they could be looking at. It didn’t take long. Next scene, I got caught by the killer and chained to the basement wall. Jeanie is supposed to tug at the chains then look for a key before he comes back. The next scene is for her to rescue me after hitting him with a box that breaks over his head, and we run out together. Okay, not good. that means I’ll be chained for the first scene. By ¼ way through it I'm stuck chained, then half threw the next.
No fending off Jeanie when my hands are not free. As I looked up, my expression must have given away what I know because my parents were almost in full laughter when the director called for places. I didn’t know if I was happy, sad, scared, excited, or what. I just knew certain emotions were running wild. Sure enough, half way through the first scene, I was cuffed to the wall and had the chain attached to one leg. Jeanie came in and showed reasonable effort to pull up the chain and check the locks on the cuffs, holding my hands up. She doesn’t even try to stay back. Well her boobs were pressed hard against my face. I was trying not to get a red look or too excited on camera. I could tell she was enjoying it. Next, she said her lines. I can’t get them to budge. Let me go and try to find the keys. With that, she darted off, and the director said cut. Now that part was done. I knew it would be a good 10 minutes before the next scene started, so I began fidgeting with the locks to release them. Onset, the ones are just a push-up, and they pop loose. I knew the only real ones were the handcuffs.
I got the first lock loose when the director called for the lunch break, and I was getting my hands down as Jeanie came back into sight, strolling right over towards me with a mischievous look on her face. I figured you would already be heading for lunch. I’m looking at lunch, she replied. Now I was quickly running for my leg chain. I had it off in record time. I caught a glimpse of Wendy paying out to Dawn. Before I could get back upright, Jeanie had her arms around me, pinning me from much further movement. Still being cuffed, I was trying to reach my pocket for the spare set of cuff keys. That’s when Jeanie grabbed my arms, raised them and slid herself between me and my arms. So essentially, my arms around her with the cuffs keeping me from releasing her. I looked at my parents for help, only seeing Dawn paying Wendy this time and them waving and walking off. A lot of help they are, I thought.
Before I could turn my attention back, I felt a hand in my rear pocket, and Jeanie had relieved me of the handcuff keys saying, I think I should hold onto these for you. Realizing there was nothing more I could do, I figured I might as well play along. So Jeanie, now what do you want me to, shh she said. I like you just how you are. Are you hungry? I could eat, I answered. Okay, we have an hour. I’ll fix you some lunch at my trailer. She slipped under the cuffs and led me by them back to her trailer. As soon as I stepped in, I knew I was in trouble. This place looked more like a dungeon than a trailer. I figured I might get free and turn the tides while she fixed lunch, but as soon as I was set at the table (which looked like it was a stretcher table), she bent down, and I heard then felt leg irons around my legs. Before she came up, she grabbed my cuffs and fastened them to something under the table. I felt even more helpless now.
Truth be told, I was feeling I should wear jeans instead of this skirt they had made me put on for the movie. Of course, she made a soup and gave me the most giant straw I have ever seen to eat with. That didn’t bother me until I lost sight of her. A little worried, I looked around. Although it didn’t take long to find her as she sure found me. Either she has a talented dog that I didn’t see, or she’s under the table. Needless to say, between my panting and moaning, eating for me just wasn’t happening. There was nothing I could do, and I knew if I had even one hand to touch my breast, I would be there. It only took only moments more and I was. Except she didn’t stop and all I could do was beg between pants and peaks to voice anything. It seemed like 10 minutes later before she decided to give me a break. When she emerged from under the table, she said, okay. I finished my lunch. it was good. How about you?
Sorry, I got a little lost in thought! That’s alright, Jeanie said. If you're up to it, I have dessert here if you would like. I looked ashamed and said yes I would, but to be honest. Well, I never she cut me off. Don’t worry, I know you’re a virgin, and I would love to be your guinea pig. Hmm, then we get to switch the roles? She looked at me funny and agreed. She undid everything but the cuffs and said you're not going to run off, are you? No. With that, I was free. I immediately figured it out and had her stuck as bad as me, with one exception. I had her remove her pants. Once entirely stuck with me having all the keys, I came up and sat down. saying, besides, if I was going to bolt, I would have waited till I had you stuck like this anyway. Jeanie’s eyes got big, but they got even more significant as I tied a scarf that I found over her eyes. I knew she would have it off in under a minute, so I went and opened and closed the door, then quietly tucked under the table.
I heard her struggle and started to panic, not seeing me, and then she was pulling hard on her bonds. I heard her say, oh my god, what did I do? She began to stutter and was wet. She was in full panic, As I began. I heard her say, oh my g-g- god!!!!! I thought that was it. I know, because she’s a screamer! I kept going till I got tired. she almost passed out. I started releasing her. the moment I did, she nailed me with the most passionate kiss I had ever seen, let alone felt. We cleaned up and headed back to the set. It must have been obvious because as soon as Jeanie was out of earshot, Dawn said, hmm, somebody got some! Now I was red or pink again. Wendy asked, did you at least get her number or what bus number she knocked you over with? Dawn was in full laughter now.
Mamma was all I could get out before I had to walk away. We finished the rest of the filming for the day, and I wasn’t sure how to ask or even what was going on at this point. Jeanie said. I think we need a rest, but don’t be a stranger. I want a repeat. I’ll work it in, I said as she brushed against me and walked out. The first question Wendy had was, so what trailer do I knock at in the morning. Of course, that set Dawn off again. My answer was, you're my parents. You are not supposed to be okay if I choose to spend the night in another’s trailer. Dawn stated. well, it’s not like you can get pregnant from that, so free game. Just a sleepover with benefits. That started both of them laughing. Ugh, I need my sleep. We headed to our trailer. That night I didn’t sleep very well. The day's antics kept getting in my way.
I would get a little sleep and wake up well, horny as hell in a few hours. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get it out of my head. At around 3 am I got up, dressed, and went for a walk. I couldn’t sleep anyway, so fresh air might help. I was careful not to wake anyone else. As I started walking a bit, my mind was still racing. It wasn’t freezing out, about 50 degrees at 3 am, and I figured everyone was asleep, so I was pretty safe. Somehow I managed to walk by Jeanie’s trailer. I just thought. she was asleep anyways. no big deal, and I was wrong there. I wasn’t even within 40 feet of it, and the door swung open. What are you doing, Misty She exclaimed. Walking. It’s a free country, and I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t either, she said. Why don’t you come in and we can talk? I raised my eyebrow. Talk to you, I said? Well, everything starts with talking, she said in an almost giggle. Yeah, I said in a playful voice. Who me, I’m innocent. Yeah, that's my line. with that, we were both laughing. Just a minute she told, heading back into her trailer. A minute later, she came out in a pink skirt, care bear shirt, and pink vans with ruffled socks.
I bit my tongue. Now, will you come in she asked, Knowing what she was doing to me. I hesitated for a moment then headed over. We played around a bit then fell asleep together. When I woke, Jeanie was already awake, searching for the keys. The Ones to the handcuffs that joined our wrists and the keys to the shackles we both seemed to have on our legs. I had to laugh. We fell asleep right after we… well, finished playing. Neither of us knew exactly where the keys went in our excitement. It took about 30 minutes to find them. Afterward, I headed to my trailer to clean up before continuing with the movie. I entered two snickering momma’s. I don’t want to hear it. We would never, Wendy said. then they both started laughing. Yeah, Yeah, I said, heading for the bathroom. The movie filming lasted another ten days to the end. Once over, Jeanie and I exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.
Of course, once home, I was quizzed every which way by Sam and our mommas. School started again, and things just kind of fell into place. This year I was also able to take Auto 1. Of course, it was a breeze. The days seemed to pass by slowly, and Jeanie and I texted almost every night. One day after school, I was looking through a online classified ad, and I found two things that piqued my attention. Once home, I cornered Momma Wendy and asked her for a couple of favors. Once I told her what I wanted, she agreed. At lunch the next day, she texted me saying that the job was done. I patiently waited till the weekend when I could sneak away to the garage to do some wrenching. I spent all weekend working on my new projects and had both just about stripped down by Monday. Monday night, I hit my parents up again for a favor. A little online time for paint shopping and some needed parts.
I was allowed, but they supervised and placed all the orders saying that money was their part of the gift. It was the middle of the school year before I finished. One week before Samantha’s birthday. I knew she was turning 16 because I was now 15 1/2. I wasn’t patient, but I waited till her birthday, which this year fell on a Saturday. The party was at the park at noon. All kinds of people showed up with it being a sweet 16. Sam looked over all her presents before opening any and looked disappointed. After all her gifts were over, I could tell she was upset. I went up to her and told her that if you're waiting for mine and momma Wendy and momma Dawn’s. you have to wait until we get home. Sam grabbed and hugged me. I was… no. We didn’t abandon or forget you. just too big to bring along. The rest of the party lasted for hours with even a surprise visit from an actor we all knew who gave her the pendant heart necklace.
This time it was my turn to comment and tease. It was 4 in the afternoon before it ended, and we headed home. Once we pulled up, Sam darted from the car to the house, and I’m guessing, to try and find her present. she came out a minute later looking depressed. Hold your horses I said and close your eyes. One of you, mommas. Can you make sure she doesn’t peak? Once done, I ran to the garage. Fired up the car and pulled it out. I left it quiet, knowing this would fit her personality. Sam opened her eyes and went bouncing around. Is this mine? I own a car! Momma, momma, momma look. I got it fixed up and painted. I got her a bright pink VW Bug.
I should say a new style bug (for reliability.) Sam was ecstatic and loved it. I quickly ran before I was in hug range and grabbed the second. It roared to life, which I’m sure the neighbors heard, and Sam was beside herself. A truck to. I could hear her yell over the exhaust. Yep! a Midnight blue with metal flake. 69 Chevy step-side short bed 4x4 with full roll bar and push bar. Now you can play whenever you want, I said. I just shut off the engine before I was pulled out of the truck and almost hugged to death. I can’t believe you did this, Sam said. Happy Birthday. Hey Sam, can you let me go? I need to breathe now! Of course, that statement got our parents laughing.
After everything calmed down, Carol told me thank you. I figured you had another project for yourself. I never dreamed it was for Sam. Yes, now she will treasure those forever. I might have been blushing at the compliment, but I was definitely at a loss for words. In the following weeks, Sam and I both got our learner's permits. It was good, and I let Sam drive whenever Our parents were taking us anywhere to learn. I wanted to drive, but I felt it was more critical Sam got as much experience as possible.
On the other hand, I wasn’t too happy. Showing up to school each day in a pink bug. I knew what she liked, but I wish I had considered myself a little more. The days flew by, and before we knew it, we were coming back up on summer. It was the end of May, and Sam went down and took her driving test. Passed it the first time. I was proud of her. Of course, she insisted on driving home. I think I created a monster. Meanwhile, I was prepping my vehicles to be ready to go, realizing I would be back on the road this summer. I couldn’t wait. Although I also realized I would be taking my test in Hollywood. This time I agreed to do a few movies before midyear was up. Partially thanks to Jeanie telling me what she was going to be in. Sam had one she wanted me to do also. Sam was doing good. Her name was out there.
She wasn’t quite as popular, but popular enough, and she could have almost any movie she wanted. I could care less about being a star, and I was just along for the fun and friends. The movie itself didn’t mean a thing to me. I still haven’t seen my bank account, but I have a feeling it’s huge. As summer rolled up, the thought went through my head. two more years at high school, and I’m out of it for the second time. If I could go back, I would relive high school as a track star, basketball player, football player, or cheerleading girl. The funny thing is, I didn’t want any my second time around. It all looked like work. I already was a straight-A student, and it all looked like just another thing to do. I guess everyone is different. At least the school had gotten used to Sam and me. Even with all the movies, our attention was gone.
The only ones who made a big deal were new students. For the most part, we were left alone and had just regular friends. Before I knew it, summer was here, and we headed back to Hollywood. Sam took her pink VW, and I convinced my parents to bring the wagon and the Pontiac. I knew I would be driving before we headed home. The first movie was, I hate to say it, but it was a musical. I didn’t know why I agreed because I don’t like musicals, but I did. It was probably because I knew Jeanie was doing it too. after filming, it was more what I was after. The musical was almost done when my birthday came around. I didn’t know it, but my momma’s and sister had arranged for the day off. I got up to a surprise. Jeanie was in my trailer talking with momma Wendy. It was a Tuesday. By 9:00, momma Dawn said time to go, and she headed to D.M.V. Even being a strange area, I still passed the first time.
Now having my license, to be honest, I wanted to get in trouble, but I knew if I did my license would be useless. I would be grounded threw high school. Instead, we headed back to the trailer in Hollywood, or so I thought. Dawn was driving, and I notice immediately we were headed in a different direction. In 10 minutes, we were pulling up to a house in Hollywood Hills. As we pulled in, I could see a banner that said, Happy Birthday Misty. Ah. momma Dawn, you're my distraction, hmm. Dawn started laughing, yep. Well, a good distraction, we parked and went in. Now I never expected a family there, but many Hollywood stars were there too. So many, when we opened the door there was a loud Happy Birthday, there were so many people I couldn’t even see my family. To say I was in shock was an understatement.
Until Jeanie made her way through and planted a kiss right on the lips, and there was a round of clapping. I didn’t even notice that I was handcuffed to her until she started to move, and I was led through the crowd. I found my parents waiting with a cake and a stack of presents. It wasn’t for another 2 hours, that it was time to open presents. Hollywood gives everything from necklaces to clothing to gift certificates. On the other hand, Jeanie’s present was a card that said my present would be given tonight. By the way, you know how hard it is to open presents when you’re handcuffed. It’s not easy, especially when it is to your right arm and you right-handed.
Then it came time for my family's gift there was a big box. I opened it to find a smaller box. Then another and another. I think I opened ten boxes before it came to a card, before opening the envelope. I asked, now am I going to find another envelope or a folded box. Everyone laughed, and finally, Wendy said no. It was a lovely sweet 16 card, and I read the inscription. Dear Misty, our darling daughter. We have come so far, and so much has happened. We just wanted your Birthday to be perfect. So here is our gift. You and Sam spend all summer in a trailer, and our gift is this house. The whole family bought it for you, including Grandma and Grandpa. You own this four-bedroom outright, and Sam paid for a year of gardening services to keep up the lawn and stuff. Happy birthday from all of us. I was speechless.
Finally finding my words, I said thanks. Another couple of hours, and the party was finally winding down. I nudged Jeanie. hey, how about releasing me for a few? I got to go. Jeanie started laughing, which caught my parent's and Sam’s attention. She finally said. well, I guess I got to the loo with you. A key would be less embarrassing, I announced. Yah probably, but the key is in my trailer, and your mom’s got my trailer key. I’m spending the night with you. Sam was the first to start laughing. Wendy broke in with a comment of you not supposed to get hitched or be joined by the hip, and I mean arms, this early. Alright, I said, but if I stink you out, remember it’s your fault.
Sam went running and was back within a minute and tossed Jeanie a clothes pin. Now it was full-blown laughing on the ground, as I drug Jeanie into the bathroom with me. The night slowly wound down, and at around 10, Jeanie and I went into my room for the night. True to her word she gave me a birthday present I would never forget. The next day we rose and took well all, but one arm took a shower considering shirts do not come off with handcuffs, so with us both having our shirts on, one arm we bathed off the night before. Being all our clothes, but the ones from gifts last night were at our trailers, we dressed in a couple of my new skirts and our shirts from the night before. Tying shoes well was a struggle. Finally dressed, we exited the house to go back to the studio for filming. Of course, the paparazzi were outside taking pictures. I turned and dropped my drawers.
How about getting my good side I said, giving them the full moon. It didn’t have the expected desire as I heard the flashes going off as Jeanie started laughing. Well, I guess they got both sides of this star I said, pulling my panties up. I opened the driver’s side door of the Pontiac. i let Jeanie climb across and fired it up. I drove us back to the studio. Before we even made it out of the car, my parents stood there with a mad look on their faces. What did I say? Oh, you gave them both ends of a star hmm Wendy announced. Damn, they're quick, I said as Jeanie tried to hide behind me. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Just irritated with them constantly interrupting. I just lost my head, and Jeanie, you can’t hide behind me. I’m too small!
With that, Wendy got an unusual look on her face, and she went into the trailer. A moment later, she and Dawn were both outside the trailer looking at me. I checked over my clothes even lifted the front. Nope not showing anything. Now I’m confused. A moment later, Wendy went back in and grabbed Sam. A moment later, Sam was standing next to me, looking at me. Finally, I said, what do I have a booger hanging out or what? Look, I’m sorry, isn’t that enough. That’s not it, Wendy said. Look at Sam, tell me what you see. I see my 16-year-old sister. Ok, look at yourself. Tell me what you see? Jeanie moved around front and looked, then covered her mouth. what I said.
Yah can’t get away. We’re still cuffed, so spill it now. I was getting angry now. Spit it out, I stomped! I never noticed it Jeanie said. Notice what? Spill it now. You look a few years younger than your sister. I stopped dead in my tracks. Shit, I thought, Cynthia died at 13. Am I going to be 13 forever? Dred set in. What did I do? I could tell the same thought was going through my parent’s minds. It’s OK. I’m just a late bloomer. Come on Jeanie. we need to get ready, and I can’t still be cuffed. It was awkward, and I had to get out of there. With that, we headed to Jeanie’s trailer. From there, we headed straight to filming. I couldn’t tell you a single thing that happened because my mind was wandering too much. After the day was over, I headed to the trailer without thinking. Only to find it empty as I remembered we had a house now. I hopped in the Pontiac and headed home.
I didn’t bother with the conversation as I headed into the house. I went straight to my room. The question is. am I 13 forever or is it something else. As I sat there wondering what it was, who could I ask? The questions going over in my mind were playing over and over. Out of choices, I called Cynthia and Kathleen. I need help? If you could find the time, I would like to talk with you. We always have time for you, Misty Kathleen said. With her and Cynthia both at my attention, I wasted no time. Am I 13 forever, I asked. Please tell me. No, Cynthia said laughing. Well, I don’t seem to be getting older I said, stammering a little. You are, Kathleen said. I should have told you, but I wasn’t sure if you were going to do it. Here’s the deal. since Cynthia died at 13. from that age on, you age at half the rate. In other words, two years at 13. So when you were 14, you were 13, and at 15, you were 14 at 16, you are 14. At 18, so on and so forth. Ok, I get it. I said thanks. I was worried.
If you have any questions, we will always be here for you, but yes, you will have a very long life. See you sweetie and remember, just call. Thanks I said, and they were gone. With that, I exited my room and headed for the living room. As I entered, the room went silent. Finally, momma Wendy asked. Are you hungry? Yes, but I want to talk to you all first. I had their full attention. I told them all what I found out, and there was a sigh of relief around the room. In that case, Wendy stated. then I should give you an early bedtime. Very funny, I noted as she headed for the kitchen. I grabbed my phone, and Jeanie left a message saying she knew I was upset and if I wanted to talk, just call. She didn’t care if I never grow up. She would like me just the same. I was just about to respond as my phone came up and said bedtime.
Momma, I called out!!! I could hear laughing coming from the kitchen. Very funny, I yelled! With that, they released the bedtime. We all sat down and had dinner. They were all worried about me and hadn’t eaten either. The dinner was good and I just finished when the doorbell rang. Momma Dawn went to the door. Moments later, she walked in with Jeanie. I’m sorry she said, I just. Well, you looked like you were lost, and I just wanted to check on you. sorry for the… I went over and hugged her. Thanks. She latched onto me with a big hug. I was scared, she said. You always are so you and today you were...., well I was worried about you. I know. I’m fine. I just have a minor medical issue, and I just age slower.
So, if we’re together for a long time, everyone will think your robbing the cradle. I started to laugh. Nope she said, I’ll just tell them you are my daughter. I huffed, and my parents laughed. Very funny. We will play it one day at a time she said. with that, my parents said, well, it’s too late for you to go home, so why don’t you stay with Misty. So with that, we all resided to our rooms. We talked for a bit in my room, and I asked. During the winter, do you go to school, or does… Jeanie cut me off? I do filming year-round. No school, just acting. If I keep getting more parts, I’ll need to rent a place. I laughed. well, we only stay here during the summer. why don’t you stay here? I couldn’t, she said. It’s my house. Either you’re here, or it sets empty. I can’t afford it. I cut her off. Pay the electricity and water and clean once in a while, and that’s all I’m charging, fair enough? Are you sure she asked? Yes, yes, I am. So you stay, or do I have to cuff you here? How can I say no She replied. You can’t, I replied.
With that, we called it a night. The first movie finished shortly after and the next one was a comedy. It was a lot more fun than the musical, but it went by quickly. In the meantime, Jeanie moved into my room. After that, the summer and movies just seemed to fly by. Within no time, we were headed home. I thought I would get a little guff for having Jeanie move into my new house, but my parents thought it was a good idea. No paying electricity or water, and everything would be on and working when we got there. We arrived home and started the yearly clean-up of a house that had been sitting for months. Within the next week, school was starting. After the cleaning was finished, I pulled out the 64 GMC. Dawn came out, so that’s what you will be driving to school.
Your kind of latched onto my Pontiac and have been for more than 16 years, so yes. I could see the grin on her face. I went in and took the longest bath of my life. After I started going through some of my closet. yep, I will need to do some shopping soon, I thought. I figured I’d go tomorrow. As I was going through, I spotted a box in the back. It’s the one I never opened. Back when I asked my parents for the play toys back. Hmm I thought. wonder what’s in it? I just wasn’t ready to look, so I continued going through my closet. I put some stuff up. I figured if I felt childish in the future, I would have clothes to match. I emptied about half my wardrobe. What I took out I labeled and put in the attic storage room. The next day I took the 64 to town and did some shopping. More than I had planned.
The closet was now complete. I was ready for school. I bought everyday teen items and mainly sneakers, but I also bought a pair of black Mary Janes. I filled my closet, ready to start my junior year. On the first day of school, I drove the 64. First-period history, 2nd algebra, 3rd English, 4th auto, 5th art, 6th science. The first couple of days, yet again were introductions and normal bs. Mondays and Tuesdays were ½ hour classes. Wednesday is 1,3,5 for an hour because of their half days. Thursday is 2nd,4thand 6th with 90 minutes each Friday is 1, 3 and 5 were 90 minutes each. I guess it works, but kind of strange. At the end of 4th period Auto on Thursday, the teacher had all the safety stuff out of the way and laid out a schedule. Including permission forms. The teacher also asked if next Thursday. if there was a volunteer to bring in a vehicle or 2 to have essential maintenance done. I raised my hand to volunteer.
One other student and I volunteered our vehicles as guinea pigs. It seemed like no time till it was Wednesday night again. I had a plan, but I knew that it would have to change if I was caught before school. On Thursday, after breakfast, I took my backpack as usual. I opened the garage, and my parents went back in. The thing is, they didn’t know I put all the windows back in the Chevelle along with door panels to make it street legal. If I mentioned taking it to school, I would get a no. no way, but if I didn’t ask.
It was just a miss communication. This might get me in trouble, but it will be fun, I thought. I hopped in, buckled up, checked gages, and I knew the moment I fired it. I would have to be underway. Prep done. I hoped I would have a quick enough exit. I started it and was on the road before they cleared the door. Yep, got away with it. I felt a vibration in my pocket. Okay, can’t answer while driving, so it works. An excuse, but it works. I was at school before checking my phone. Three messages. First Wendy, What are you thinking? I texted it’s for Auto. You never said I couldn’t. Next was Dawn. Are you looking to get grounded? I text you never said I couldn’t, and I didn’t answer my phone till I stopped, wanted to be legal. Next Carol. You can’t drive a racecar on the streets! I texted. it has all the windows, lights, and door panels back in, so it is street legal. Then I did a group text.
Dear momma, sorry I didn’t realize it would be a problem. sorry school is starting. I’ll be careful coming home, sorry. Dawn was the only one to text back laughing faces, then stated, good story, I know it’s bs. How fast you were gone proves that, but no from now on. Your inventiveness is keeping you out of trouble this one time. Don’t try it again. I sent it back okay, thank you. The day started boring, and then we were asked to drive our vehicles up at the auto shop. When I pulled the Chevelle up, the teacher’s jaw dropped. Ready teach, I said? His response. This is the car that holds… wait? You have the record at the Salt Flats. I didn’t realize. The rest of the class was staring at me. Shit, I thought. who would guess anyone at this school would know about that. This is that car! You hold the record. In defeat, I said yes. This is the car that holds the last two records, and yes, I have sponsorship and was the one to win the previous title.
With that, he proceeded to give the class a play-by-play. They all checked out my car, and I know I wouldn’t live this down. That was for sure, due to it took up the whole class period and seemed to get a lot of interest. I drove home that night and got a chew out. Also, don’t do it again. You don’t have to worry about that, I said. I got a confused look, so I told of my day. Momma Wendy said. well, that sounds like an excellent payback to me. Ugh, I said and went in and did homework. At least things should get back to normal, I thought. Nope! Friday went fine, but by Monday, there was talk all over the school. I hoped it would end there, but no. So much talk, Thursday the auto teacher brought in a film of the race. He told the whole class about the 90-minute documentary I did on the previous win. I just sank in my seat and tried to become as invisible as possible. It didn’t work. It was like wildfire across the school.
By lunch, Sam found me. You are so the talk of the school. Yah, I wish I could silence it. Sam just laughed and said good luck. They even spotted me in the video, and everyone is asking about you. My sis the instastar again. We both are and have been. why can’t we go back to being Hollywood stars? It seemed easier. Sam laughed. One thing led to another, and then. Before I knew it, it seemed things were getting more back to normal, then gone. Finally, after two weeks, things settled down, back to semi-normal. That lasted till after Thanksgiving. Then a new movie came out. Staring no less Jeanie and myself, Then people, I should say students started doing internet searches, and before long, somebody got a hold of my 16th birthday footage.
Chapter Nine
Now I was the Bi girl who has a kinky Hollywood girlfriend. I thought so much for normal. It just kept stacking up. Sam was getting some movie attention, but I was watched in every class. Several asking questions of. is it true I have a Hollywood girlfriend and what are my plans? Whatever I choose, I responded. Yah, I can be an ass sometimes. I was tired of the attention I never wanted and was happy when Christmas vacation came around. I needed the break and was hoping as school restarted, it would all be behind us. It didn’t go away as much as I expected, but at least it cut way down as the news wore off. I was glad it started dying down. I have had my fill. Then the musical was released. I wouldn't say I like musicals, especially hearing all the songs being sung around the school. It wasn’t as bad, but worse, because I wasn’t sure I would survive. It could be worse, but I wasn’t sure how yet. Then it happened. Sure enough, the paparazzi found their voice. Now is it true Jeanie is your girlfriend, and is it true your bi or gay? No sense in avoiding it, I answered yes. Figured we would just get it out of the way.
By morning it was all over the papers, and that night grandpa was calling. Yes, grandpa. Let me say something. Momma and momma love each other, and no. it has nothing to do with them. I have had boyfriends. We care about each other. After a long conversation, he was mainly okay with it. finally, after I told him, Allen left a video saying that however I turned out as long as I’m happy he was good with it. That cinched it. Now all ends were tied. Either people accept me, or they don’t. I don’t care. It finally settled down just before summer. With that behind, I was so ready for the school year to end. I was going through my closet with weeks left to pack what I would be taking to Hollywood and trying to decide what all I would need. that’s when I came across the box again in the closet. Finally, having time and a little curiosity, I opened the box. I started laughing. I heard a knock on the door and a call. Is everything alright? I opened the door and went into the living room. I was still laughing. What’s up Asked Dawn? I finally got it out. I finally opened the box in my closet you said I could have.
They looked funny at me. They didn’t remember. Okay, you two. the box you gave me years ago. The chastity belt. They remembered now because they were laughing. Wendy then said, hmmm, you might have fun with that with Jeanie. I couldn’t help but laugh, but then I started to think. HMMMM, if it still fits, it might be interesting. With that, I went back to packing. The thought kept flowing around, and I decided to check it out before the end of the night. There was a discretion page in the box. Contents 1) CB (reinforce titanium with diamond.) 2 Installed round tubular lock X2. (titanium and alloy reinforced with diamond chip) # 3click over protector. 4 Front shield(reinforced with added rubber finger protector) 5( secondary inner silicone liner. 6) silicone cover liner. 7) GPS unit tracking number 5273. 8) secondary keys. 9) unlock keys. 10) Charger with an anti-dead shocker. Sounds secure, I thought, so I checked the website. The first thing to pop up lifetime warranty.
It cannot be cut, broke, or drilled. Money-back guaranteed! That sounds a bit overkill, I thought. With that, I decided better try the keys. I closed the belt without it being around anything and noticed you could tighten it without unlocking, but you can’t loosen it. The keys worked. I found myself a little aroused. I checked for anything else in the box. I found an attachment I was sure would make you more than horny. It might just make you horny. Now I had to think about what my parents were thinking. It comes to my mind knowing which momma was the kinky one. Now I was just feeling a little bit of missing Jeanie’s games. I missed her little things. With that, I decided to take it with me.
I just about had it in the suitcase when I decided to see how it feels before I put Jeanie in it. With that, I decided to add the attachments. I slid it up and latched it to the loosest setting. Once on, I tried the keys again. They worked like clockwork. I reattached it and walked a little. Yep turns you on by walking, not enough, just enough to work you up. With that, I decided I should see if there was any way to go further. First, I tried rubbing. Then accessing threw the back and the sides. Every time I moved, I felt it click a little tighter. It was still loose but was getting less and less access. IT was about two clicks from being tight, so I got up and tried rubbing again. No luck. I unlocked one side and checked access.
Even unlocked on one side, it was almost impossible. I rolled on the bed, and one side clicked one more. The other side still loose I didn’t even think about it. I tried accessing again. No luck! With that, I threw my hands out in fists of frustration. without thinking, I rolled over, and the second side clicked tight. The feeling of being scared kicked in full bore, which drove me nuts. I reached all around. No way to get even close now. I got up to unlock the belt again, tired of the frustration. The moment my belly put pressure on the belt, I heard a different click, and my heart sank. I grabbed the key and stuck it in the lock only to have it spin-free in the lock. I started to panic. I pushed a little tighter to take the pressure off to no avail other than to make the belt tighter.
Frustrated and at a loss, I swallowed my pride, got dressed, and went out to momma Dawn. Momma, I said I have a problem. Oh, what she asked? I’ll try and help. I planned to take the belt and use it on Jeanie with the attachment, but my key is no longer working. She started laughing. You have it on? I didn’t say, and you have to have pressure, for that key not to work. Show me. I lifted my shirt she laughed. OK, oh, it’s been years. I’ll have to find the keys. I’ll find them. Hang tight. Thirty minutes later, she came back out. We’ll find them, and it might take a little time though. Great I thought. It was three days for them to find them.
It was tough to concentrate at school wearing that device. With it finally off, I realized the added attachment was just there as torcher. I thought the good thing I hadn’t tried that a while ago because it would have been unlikely, I would have had such a short stay. School ended for the year, three days later. Summer starts. I was packing and ready to go. This time I had the 64 gassed up and ready. I couldn’t help but think, within months, I would be 17, and the following year of school would be my last. With that thought, I headed for Hollywood. Of course, it was a convoy. Me in my truck, momma’s all in the 55, and Sam in her VW. I couldn’t get out and stretch my legs, so to say, because I was being followed. Until halfway through the trip, I had to stop for fuel and told everyone I would catch up and continue.
It wasn’t a big stretch because I laid into it, and within 20 minutes, I accidentally passed them. Oops! I slowed once I seen the convoy but knew I would hear about my speeding. The rest of the drive was uneventful. We pulled up to my house. It still looked the same as we left it outside. We opened the door and found everything clean and looking good. No sign of Jeanie though, until I reached my room. There she was, napping. I couldn’t help it. I went and got a bowl of warm water. Hmm, will it work? I have to say, and it worked better than I thought it would. Of course, she woke up embarrassed and needed a bath. Very funny, I heard her yell from the bathroom. I’m innocent, I said. Jeanie also was not buying it. While she was in the shower, I removed the sheets, cleaned and flipped the mattress over, and put new sheets and blankets on the bed.
I expected a tiger on fire when the bathroom door opened, but instead, I found a very calm Jeanie. It is evident that she wanted only one thing as she backed me up to the bed. We were not seen again until morning. The morning seemed to be expected. I proceeded in unpacking and adding my clothes on the opposite side of the closest from Jeanie’s clothes. After a quick breakfast, it was time to head to the studio. Jeanie had to check-in too, so we took my truck. It was undeniable she loved my truck. We did our check-in, got schedules and basic info, then for today, we both had the rest of the day off. From the studio, we went to lunch. while eating, and I browsed some of the classifieds. Not looking for anything in particular. Then I spotted it. A 1974 Chevy Luv. They have great body lines, I stated. No engine or transmission is asking $ 300. It was ½ an hour away, so I asked Jeanie if she was up for a side trip.
As I pulled into the area, I saw a U-Haul rental yard, so I stopped in and rented a trailer but ended up buying one instead. I was sure by the pictures, and I would probably buy it. When Jeanie has seen it, her first words were, it’s a pile! Why would you even want that junkier? Potential, I replied. After thoroughly checking it, I bought it on the spot. Back at the house, I got the same response all around. You would have said the same thing about the Pontiac or the 55 or even my 64 if you had seen them begin with. That shut everyone up. With that said and done, I offloaded it into the garage and parked the trailer around the side of the house. Everyone was unsure of what I had planned for the so-called junkier. They all just let it go and continued with their day. It was two days later after being at the studio all day before I even looked at it again.
I ordered all kinds of stuff to be delivered to the house, and I took the tailgate and hood off. I sent them out to a company. It took another week to strip the truck down to just a bare body. Being limited on tools, I sent the body, frame, and template to the sandblaster and welder. From there, I had it shipped to an under coater and an auto shop. It was set back in the garage in basic primer three weeks later, except the bottom side and engine compartment. It had an Ls 4 engine with a 6-speed transmission sitting under the… well, I would say hood, but it was still in the box so in the engine compartment. When the truck came back, and Jeanie came out to look at it, she said it still looked like a piece of junk.
I shooed her out of the garage. For the next week, I didn’t have much time to work on it due to the filming schedule, but I knew once this one movie was done, I had a two-week break where I would have the house to myself during the day. Finally, after the final day of shooting on the first film, I headed home and started working. Jeanie came out. Her words. I don’t get it. If you wanted a truck like this, you have money. I’m not as famous as an actor like you, but I now make enough. I could even buy my place outright. so why don’t you just pay and have one made? It’s not the same, I replied. She knew I had dumped a lot of money in this 300 dollar truck. I probably had 15,000 dollars into it now, but what she didn’t realize was I still had no access until 18 to any of the money I made acting.
All the money I have spent up to this point was allowance paid out 2,000 a month from Allen’s account. My parents controlled all other money. Granted, I could get more from Allen’s account, but that too required parents’ consent. There was no way I was going to tell her that. Even though it was the truth. With my simple explanation, I let it be. I knew Jeanie and Sam had another two more weeks of filming. So I had two weeks’ worth of days to do my project. I connected all the external components and built a complete wiring harness for it. Then I painted the inside. Next fuel and coolant lines. Slowly getting everything set.
Next, I installed the spoiler kit on the front and added drop spindles with disc brakes. Next, I lowered the rear. All this blew about a week’s worth of time. I installed the hood, which I had louvered along with the tailgate. Next, I laid out blankets, paper, and cardboard on the floor and painted the truck. I should have covered the walls too because now the garage needs a paint job. After all, it has multi-colored paint sparkled everywhere inside it. Looks like an abstract painting. I locked the garage solid. Not wanting anyone to see the truck yet. The next day while I was home alone, I put the interior together. Carpet, seats, dash panel, all black with a wooden spoke steering wheel. I upgraded the gauges and a complete radio, amplifier, and cd changer. Next windows.
Now I only had one day left of peace. I put the new slot mag rims with 245/60 R-15 tires. Almost done. Unfortunately, a few final touches were out of alone time and only two days till the next filming. I went to D.M.V and registered it to the Hollywood address and paid the license. Now I was almost ready. Only how to do it? Early morning I snuck out to the garage, threw a blanket over the open hood, put blankets over the fenders, and tarped the rest, only leaving the driver’s door exposed. Sure enough, when everyone woke, they all made their way to the garage. I was moments away from starting it. Final check and I hit the key, and it fired right off with a rumble. Sounds good, Jeanie said, trying to lift the blanket off the hood to peek as I swatted her hand. Everyone meet out front in 5 minutes, then I’ll show you.
With that, I bought 5 minutes of freedom. Quickly I uncovered it and shut the hood. Knowing in moments, they would judge my truck with less than a minute to spare, and I backed it out. The look on their faces told me, home run. I shut it off and got out. What do you think? It’s beautiful, Jeanie stated! A work of art was Wendy’s description. Dawn and Carol were still, at a loss of words. Wow! That was all I got from Sam. Teal with black and blue at the body lines and bright orange to yellow to blue to purple to black flame and smoke. Then the back of the truck slowly faded to an almost white with raindrops. It was different, but a nice-looking truck. With the lower spoilers and flares, it looked mean. Jeanie popped back. wow, I would drive that. You wish, I said with a laugh. You called it junk!
I could see her bow her head in shame and I said, get in. I have to test drive it and might as well have a passenger. Before I got it out, she was in the truck. I climbed into the driver’s seat. Hmm, this could be fun. Jeanie looked at me funny as I started the engine. Buckle up, I announced as I backed out onto the street. 1st,2nd,3rd,4th, 5th. Finally, I got traction and left two solid smoking lines to show my path. Jeanie was already grabbing the dash as I was laughing. It was fast and a head-turner. My Hollywood truck, as I could see all kinds of onlookers taking pictures as we cruised the Boulevard.
It fits Hollywood, I thought. Jeanie finally relaxed and said it fits perfectly for her short partner. I smacked her on the leg for that comment. Within 30 minutes, I was pulled over. Figures I thought, but the officer pulled me over to check the truck out. That made me laugh. As we got home, I was sure it was right. Jeanie said sorry, I see your point. Personal is better, she said. You have talent, and I’m glad you did it. Of course, I got the standard chew out for burning rubber. The next movie would start filming tomorrow. I parked the 64 in the garage, knowing I would be driving the Luv back and forth to the studio.
With the day done, I went and took a long bath. I exited and had dinner with the family, then went to my bedroom. So Jeanie, you like my new truck. Yes, she replied as I climbed into bed. Hmm, I snuggled up to Jeanie and started playing with her breasts. She immediately went down and started her end. I was in ecstasy. Once done, I figured I would return the favor, but she kind of shrugged me off. Every time I got close, she backed off. Fine, I thought, a little upset. I’ll just play up top. I could tell she was more than ready, but she turned me away when I got lower. Now I had to know what was going on. I distracted her up top and grabbed her sweat pants and headed for the foot of the bed. No, NO, Noooo, she yelled, trying to hold on to the sweats. what I said! Releasing her now stretched pants.
Whatever it is, we can work it out. Spit it out. I, I can’t, she said. Fine, I said grabbing scissors. I cut my way up as she kept saying no. You have to show me sometime. I didn’t stop until I cut the waistband. Once done, I started laughing. I couldn’t help it. You don’t understand, she said panting. I can’t, I cut her off. Yah, I know the keys no longer work, right? She looked at me and said timidly, yeah. Did you use the added equipment? Yah, she replied. I’m so… yeah, I know you're horny. Yes, and I can’t get out. I started laughing again. Not funny, she stated. How long, I asked. two weeks.
I thought, had it been two weeks? I lost track. I tried not to laugh, but I asked, why didn’t you tell me while giggling? I thought I broke it, but now. It sounds like you already knew it was broken. Jeanie got huffy. It’s not broken. Then how do I get it off? It takes another set of keys, I replied. Where are they Jeanie demanded. Now I was laughing again. Hidden, I got out between laughs. I want out, Jeanie stated. Hmm, I guess I was insane within three days, so I can imagine how you feel. I teased a little more. Here let me see if I brought them.
I could see her panic. I reached in my pants pocket on the keyring with the Luv keys sat two other keys. she recognized them, almost knocking me over grabbing the keys from my hands. The belt no more than hit the floor, and Jeanie tackled me into round 2,3,4. By the time we were finished, I couldn’t do anything but fall asleep. The following day Jeanie said it was worth it. What do you mean, I asked? The wait, she said with a smile on her face. It was worth it, and last night was ecstasy. Does that mean I get you back in it? No, she started! I couldn't help but laugh. I figured I had best get dressed. I grabbed my keys to find the two keys missing off the ring. You already stole the keys. Yep. I figured I would let it go for now as I headed to the living room. I caught a quick breakfast then out to the truck.
Jeanie was waiting at the passenger door. At the gate to the studio, the guards commented and loved the Luv truck. As soon as we made it into the studio, the director said filming might be put off for a day or two because evidently, a van backed into one of the vehicles used in the movie. I was okay with it. It’s supposed to be an 80’s movie, and I wasn’t into it. I was about to leave when the assistant director came in. Who’s little pickup is in the parking lot? You didn’t hit it, did you I questioned? No, I didn’t, but would you mind? We’ll pay. it is perfect for the movie. Jeanie started laughing. It’s kind of the ’70s, 80’s style. Let me guess, ideal fit to replace the backed into the vehicle? He shook his head yes. Is it going to get hurt? I just painted it. It is the second day I have had it going. No, it’s perfectly safe, he replied.
It’s just in 3 scenes. No action scenes. Okay I said, tossing him the keys. Not a scratch. With that, the shooting started. One to maybe 3 scenes, my butt. They changed who drove what, and it was the primary character's vehicle. Filming lasted over the next month and a half. Little did I know loaning my truck earned me an extra 50k. I thought, hmm, it paid for itself. So basically, free truck. Jeanie and I were having fun. Here’s the funny part. Now the ranch truck for the movie broke down before they could film it. The director came to me. You don’t happen to have a ranch truck laying around also, do you? Jeanie was laughing! The director wasn’t getting it. Are you done with the Luv truck? Yes, he said. I hopped in and left while they were doing other scenes. When I got back, they were still trying to get the one truck started. Once they seen my 64, the director just shook his head. You asked, I said. Ok, I’m not going to ask what else you have Misty, because I feel we could rent most of them from you.
I giggled and shrugged my shoulders. Jeanie just shook her head. What. So I like vehicles. Leave me alone. I buy them myself so (I gave her a raspberry). Filming lasted another week. I was only there for the use of my truck for the rest. I thought, yeah, so much for hiding. Now my vehicles are going to stick out like a sore thumb. The money was good, though. Summer was almost over. I knew soon I would be heading back for my senior year. One small part of a movie left. The last I knew, I only had around a week's worth of filming. Jeanie was finished and would be starting a new film in a week. Since you have a week off Jeanie, does that mean you will be playing with the belt again? I was laughing as I said it. She replied. I plan on spending most of the time with you. Ok, but I plan on taking the belt home with me. Fine, she said huffing.
You're dangerous. Leaving it here with you, you might lose the keys and be stuck a long time. She reached into my pockets, grabbed my keys, put the 2 keys back on my ring and said unfair! I laughed. The next thing I knew, it was our last night together before I was to head home. Of course, Jeanie made it special. I couldn’t stay up late due to I needed to head out by 8:00 am. I gave the spare keys to the Luv to Jeanie since I was leaving it there. By 11 pm, we were cuddled up and nodding off to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, Jeanie already had my bags out to the 64, and breakfast was waiting for me. I hadn’t even crawled out from under the blankets yet. You trying to get rid of me, I asked? No, your parents and sister already left, so I figured I would do the mundane things so you didn’t have to. She reached down and kissed me. Still groggy, I dragged myself out of bed to find a pair of vans and a skirt laid out. As I stood, I knew something wasn’t right. I looked down.
Hey!!! Jeanie started laughing, a going-away present. I already gave you the keys, she replied. I gave her the yeah right look, so she handed me the other 2. Just wait until you get home before removing it for me, please. Fine I stated. Knowing it would drive me nuts the whole way home. We kissed. I ate breakfast then headed home. Traffic was terrible. Almost seven and a half hours before I pulled up at home. All cleaning and home prep had already been done. My parents had a very guilty look on their faces. I stated. I feel like I’ve been set up, but too early to tell yet. They scattered like they have been busted. I was sure now. I figured first stop, remove the belt. Second, check to see what else might have changed, and three questions???? If the first two are fine. I headed to my room grabbed my keys on the keyring. sure enough, they just spun free. I knew she gave me the wrong keys. Good thing I insisted on the others. I bet my parents didn’t think I got them from her.
I grabbed the other set feeling good and stuck them in the locks. They wouldn’t turn. Panic set in. I immediately texted Jeanie. No keys work. The first set is the one-way set. The second set won’t turn the locks. Her response, I know, with smiley emojis. What did you do I text back? Her response, I bought several locks, trying to find a key that worked, and gave you those keys. HA HA. I could have strangled her through the phone. Instead, I texted back, so how are you going to get the keys to me? A few minutes later, she texted back. I no longer have them, so your problem, not mine. Did I send as a response. mailed or with family? I waited for an answer. Not mailed, and as I understood, it’s not currently in your family’s possession either. Ugh, this is getting me nowhere except irritated. I called Dawn. Alright, what has been done with my keys? Oh, you wanted those, Dawn replied. Well, yes. I would like them.
Well, I’ll retrieve them in a few days; till then, hang in there. Great I thought. Oh, Dawn said. I forgot to… wait here and take off your shirt and bra. I have something for you. It’s from Jeanie. Not on your life, I thought. Sure enough, she had a second part. A bra to go with metal undies. You already have metal undies, no way a metal bra. Ok, Dawn said. Jeanie said no keys, until at least a day in the bra. I’m going to kill the 2 of them. Reluctantly I took the bra and put it on. Now more irritated and frustrated than ever before, I know all I could do was wait. 2 days went by with no release. In a couple of days, I knew my senior year would start, and I would be little more than irritable. Starting off the year this way.
Then I heard it. Unmistakable. I built it. I know it’s sounds like the back of my hand. I came out of my room and made my way to the front porch. Sure enough, there was Jeanie in my Luv truck. As she climbed out, I said, I think someone fibbed to me. Who me never, Jeanie replied with a giggle. She was right. Being pinned away, then freed, is a build-up like no other. She stayed until my first day of school. Before I left to go to school, Jeanie said, give me your keys to the 64 4x4. Why. It’s your senior year. you should be driving something a little better. She’s right, Wendy said. Drive the Luv and it fits you, replied Dawn. Yeah, replied Carol and Sam. Okay I said, tossing my keys. Don’t wreck my truck. She gave me a raspberry.
We kissed, and I headed to school. First day as a senior. Seventeen years old and last year of school. I still looked like and have the body of a 14 to 15-year-old. Luckily I got almost all the important classes out of the way before this year. All I have to do is. pass three electives, and I’ll graduate. The day went slow, due to my mind was in other places. When I got home, Jeanie was already gone. She had a movie to do and headed back to Hollywood. I went to my room. I put my stuff up and giggled. She took the box with her. Hmm, she’ll be mad if she puts it on, considering I have the correct keys to open it. I had to giggle. The next day started the same as the first until lunch. Then it happened. A fellow student was on their phone, and they were watching a movie advertisement. I recognized the scenes coming to the theater near you in December. Then it showed the movie cover. Oh shit!! I thought. I felt set up. Yeah, I’m in a few scenes, but no getting away from the movie cover with the Luv on it, behind the main character.
Anyone not blind is going to recognize my truck. I barely stopped from slapping my head. Now with the 64 in Hollywood and the Luv here. There’s no way I’m not going to be recognized. At the end of school, I beelined for my truck and was one of the first out of the high school parking lot. Didn’t help much waiting at the light seeing cell’s being drawn and pictures were taken. I bet… wait, I know Jeanie knew it would be on the cover. I bet my parents knew also. Yep, set up. Either drive it or beg Sam for the use of her truck. I’ll rebel. I’ll go take the Chevelle. Nope forgot. Just as much attention. My mind was racing by the time I got home. As I entered, I declared I’ve been set up. What now Wendy asked? You two probably knew! Knew what Dawn asked? That the Luv is on the movie cover for the last movie I did. It’s all over the school!
About that time, Sam entered. guess what she said. what Wendy asked. The school has everyone in an uproar because Misty’s truck is on the cover. Everyone is talking about it. I’m going to repaint it I exclaimed as I headed for my room. It wouldn’t help, Wendy stated. Besides, it’s a work of art. please don’t. I huffed as I entered my room. I never wanted the attention. I don’t like to be this much of the center of attention. I want people to like me, for me. This was all running through my mind. Wendy sat at the door. Please Misty, we didn’t know. We know how you feel about the attention. We would never do that to you. I was lying on the bed when she asked. Can I come in? Yes, I relented. Wendy started running her fingers through my hair and grabbed me in a hug. You know we would never do that to you.
Honestly, we didn’t know. Why don’t you take the Pontiac or the 55? I’m sorry, she said. Sam came in. sis just take my truck. Thanks, but I guess I should just get it over with. If I don’t drive it, it’s going to get more pictures when I do. I am better off to just get it over with. It’s just well… I just was upset at the thought that you guys might have had something to do with it. I’m sorry. Sam, Carol, Dawn, and Wendy all team hugged me. That night I got an apology from Jeanie in a text. I take it one of my family had contacted her because I hadn’t. Before bed, Wendy came in to check on me. I’m a fine, mom. Yeah, your more like me and Jeanie reminds me of Dawn, so I know what you are going through. Mom, this isn’t a discussion I want to be having with a mother, I stated. She laughed. Funny thing though, as Allen, I always wondered how two women made it work. I even thought. what do they use a stick. Wendy started laughing. Yeah, I found out, man or woman, there are ways to make it work. She just snickered and said, you’ll be just fine. She twirled my hair and kissed me and left the room.
In the morning, I had missed several texts from Jeanie. Afraid of how she upset me. First, she apologized. Then it was. I just wanted to check on you. Please respond. Next was, please answer, and I’m sorry. I don’t want to lose you! Then call me anytime, I’ll give you space. I texted back. It will pass. I was sleeping. Everything will be fine, and I just don’t like the attention. I hit the send button, and the response was within 1 minute. I’m sorry, please forgive me. I texted back. It’s fine. I’m over it. She texted back. I don’t want to lose you. I got tired of texting and called her. 1 hour later, and I finally got her off the phone, almost late for school. Everything was ok, but she was genuinely sorry and sounded scared that things went too far. I don’t think Jeanie slept last night. Of course, my day was full of many thoughts. When I got to the parking lot, the Luv was surrounded by students and parents with cameras, cell phones, anything to take a picture.
I just stood back and let them get their fill. Sam found me watching the action and asked if I wanted her to drive the Luv home after school? No, but thanks. I could break this up at any time, but I figured I would just let them get their fill. The school day went by like a blur, and Once the crowd died down, I made my way through and hopped in, and headed home. Things started settling down. Until one day, Sam came home from school and stated, I want a baby. I think we were all floored. Momma Wendy stated, you know how much work it is diapers, crying, feeding, and lack of sleep. I can handle it, Sam said. You think you can, hmm. Yes, Sam stated! Alright, this weekend, you better be ready. I can’t get pregnant and have a child that quick. Just be glad, I said and walked off. Later I called all three parents to my room and told them my plan.
The four of us will take turns all weekend being one year old, so Sam could learn about taking care of us. Of course, they laughed and agreed. Ok, buy diapers, bottles, pacifiers, baby food, baby powder, destine, and anything else you can think of. I’ll go First. You all can figure out who goes next. remember four hours each. So plan your sleep schedule correctly. After all, you don’t want her to have a calm, sleepy baby. That got another round of laughs. Saturday morning came, and Sam asked, how are you going to get a baby? I laughed and took my turn first. By 4 hours, Sam said I give. I don’t want a kid yet. Wendy went next. Then Carol, then Dawn. Sam was begging to have a baby taken over by someone else. I already realized this isn’t for me, yet she said. Be thankful you only agreed to a weekend, I stated.
By Sunday night, Sam looked like the living dead. It’s over Sam I said. now tell your sis why all of a sudden you wanted a baby? Well, my boyfriend said he wants one and then he’ll marry me. A bad sign, I thought. Ok Sam, tell him your pregnant see what he says. Give it two weeks, please. I’ve never led you wrong, have I? She agreed. Within one week, he started acting like he owned her and telling Sam what to do. Within two weeks, they were over. Sorry, Sam. I just had a feeling. At least I know Sam said. You saved me from making a big mistake. That’s what sisters are for, I stated. It took a few weeks then things were pretty much back to normal. At the end of November, I got a call from a movie producer. It seems they want Jeanie and me at the premiere of the latest movie in Hollywood.
It’s two days before Christmas break. Of course, I only agreed if I could take my family. They were sending a Lincoln with a driver for me and one parent to ride in. Sam, Carol, and Wendy were taking the 55. The high school gave us extra credit and would let us out a week early for the premier. On the day of the premier, we all had to be up at 3 am, so we could there on time. So we got up at 2 am and had breakfast and got dressed. In dresses, the whole enchilada. Me I was in a blue with pink highlights dress with stockings and dress sandals. We were all in similar outfits, just different colors. It was 3:30 when the car arrived, and we left.
By 5:30, we were just getting on the I-5. We were about 5-10 minutes in, and we were about two car lengths ahead of the 55, and I was in the back seat. Dawn was in the front passenger seat right in front of me. All of a sudden, I heard a loud noise and looked forward. I could see a sideways semi heading in the wrong direction. It had impacted the divider and jumped it. I watched our driver swerve to miss it. No such luck. It was probably seconds, but it felt like 5 minutes. I watched as the semi hit the driver's front. It crumpled back, took the roof off with it. The driver disappeared along with the door and that whole front side. I remember trying to yell something, and Dawn ducked.
For that fact, so did I as the trailer took the rest of the roof off. I remember seeing something coming at me. The next thing I heard was Kathleen yelling at me. You can’t die!! Wake up. Then, Cynthia, it isn’t your time! Open your eyes. I did, for a second, to see someone on top of me pressing on my chest. That’s all I could hold my eyes open for. The next thing I knew, which felt like moments later, I tried opening my eyes again. I did, but everything was blurry. I heard a few voices screaming in the background. I thought, did someone say get a nurse? Next thing I knew, a bright light in my eyes. I closed my eyes only to have one forced open at a time. I tried to say leave me alone, but nothing came out. As my eyes finally started to focus after being blinded, I could make out Sam, Carol, Dawn, and Wendy also Jeanie. They all were near the bed. The doctor, I take it, is trying to get my attention as I tried again to speak. Misty! I turned my attention to him. Do you know where you are? I tried to answer my best guess. Again, nothing but air. He rechecked my vitals. Then said, we have an airway tube in you. Your stable, so I’m going to pull it out.
I’m not going to lie, and it will hurt. I cringed as I felt something being pulled out. It was kind of like I was throwing up, but worse. My throat was raw, but I got out weak. why is everyone here? Wendy was crying. You were in an accident. We thought we lost you. I thought back, and I remembered the accident. Makes sense, the hospital now. Ok, I said. Christmas is going to suck this year. Dawn broke in. Christmas was two days ago. Oh shit! I thought. Means at least a week in the hospital. Sorry, I said. Wendy, I thought, hugged me and said, not your fault. I could see Sam crying and ran out.
Someone get Sam, she ran off. Tell her I’m ok. I could see tears welling up in Dawn and Wendy’s eyes. Jeanie broke in. I want you to know I love you, and that’s all that matters. I’ll be here for you no matter what. I’m alive, so what’s the problem I asked, now irritated. It was more than Jeanie could take, and she ran off crying. I tried to get up but couldn't. It was then Wendy tried finding the words. Hun. I don’t know how to say this. I, it's not that simple. Spit it out. You were hurt in the accident. Dawn managed a few bumps, bruises, and so on, but when the piece of the truck hit you. She stopped again. What did my face get smashed, is my crotch gone, what?
I was irritated. They didn’t spit it out. No, Wendy said your spine is hurt. You will never use your arms or legs again. That was all I got as she was balling and running off. Dawn came back in and started crying. It’s all my fault. I’m your parent, and I should of ... No, I said in a huff. There’s nothing more you could have done. She ran up and gave me a soggy wet hug. I’m so sorry she kept saying. Shit happens, I replied. It shocked her because she stopped crying and stood looking at me. It’s ok, mom. Well, the good news is if Jeanie sticks me in a belt, it won't matter. The joke would be on her. With that, Dawn finally laughed a little. I tried moving again. no avail.
Everyone was in shock I was taking it so well. The doctors said I was doing well, being strong for my family, but I need to face my new life. Me, I had a plan. How soon do I get out of here I questioned Dawn? She instantly ran off to check. Kathleen and Cynthia? Without uttering a single word, just calling in my mind. They appeared. Sorry dear, Kathleen stated. Cynthia huffed. This sucks!! I snickered. Question? Kathleen had what seemed to be a tear in her eye. Hard to tell with a see threw ghost. Finally, Kathleen said, ask anything. Alright, if I put on clothes from Cynthia’s age 13, it will turn me 13 again. Yeah, Kathleen said. Shit, it would work!!! You are clever Misty, Cynthia exclaimed. Kathleen looked up, and it hit her like a ton of bricks. I could see her smile forming. Smart girl.
Kathleen stated that I was questioning whether getting you to wake for the paramedics to continue working on you was a good move with knowing you're paralyzed, but I’m glad I did. You always have a plan. I heard her sniffles fade. With that, I listened to the laughing fading away as they did. Moments later, Dawn came back in with Wendy. If your tests come back stable, we can take you home tonight. Good. I’m tired of being paralyzed. They gave me a funny look, and Wendy stated. you’ll still be paralyzed sweetie, when you get home. We will see. Let me do some planning and see what happens. I teased. maybe a robot body. That got some slight giggles as the thought crossed their minds. I figured not the place to announce my plans so that I could alleviate some of their worrying. Hun, I hate to say but chances are slight.
You need to realize this might be your life. You might not be able to fix this, Hun. The whimper was already in her voice again. Before they could start crying over my denial, I said only 17-year-old Cynthia or Misty is paralyzed. 13 year old, still is fine. Dawn went from tears to a full-blown laugh. Wendy sat there stunned for a minute. Look, I only look 14 anyways. Nobody will know the difference. I get a physical afterward, and it’s called a miracle. life moves on. You are an ass, Wendy stated. All this time, we are crying our eyes out, and you keep this solution silent. She turned around, let me see what I can do to hurry things along. If I kick your butt right now, you won’t feel it, but you deserve it. Dawn, you best grab Sam and Carol and tell them my plan. Send Jeanie in so I can tell her to come along, and everything will be ok. I don’t know what Wendy said to those doctors, but ½ an hour later, we were leaving Bakersfield headed for home. This sucks I stated as Jeanie held me upright. I had enough diapers when I was young, but now, temporarily, I’m back in them, she laughed.
Then said, I don’t know what you have planned to fix this, Misty. but I hope it works. Oh, it will Jeanie, but I’ll be dressed in the 1990’s attire for at least a day, so be forewarned and nothing kinky or undressing me during that time. She laughed. I could see her hiding her genuine fears. I knew she was waiting to comfort me, thinking this was my life from now on. Misty know if things don't work out, I'll still be here for you, Jeanie stated. When we got home, I wasn’t sure how they planned on getting me in the house. That was soon answered as Wendy picked me up like I was nothing and took me straight to my room. Before I could say anything, she had me stripped. Just as the last piece of my undies was being removed, Dawn came in with some clothes. Cynthia popped in and said, I needed an exact outfit that she wore. Due to the damage. Great, I thought, what did she have put together. I have to remember and put together an exact outfit to fix this. This might take some trial and error. Then it hit me.
Wendy can you get me my year book I asked? Which one she asked? I thought, I think it was black with pink and blue 91,92 or 93 I don’t remember. Moments later she came back with my 1992 yearbook. I had her flip through. Sure enough, Cynthia was in there on a picture there with friends fully dressed. I said ok, that outfit. Wendy and Dawn dug through all the clothes and finally come up with it. from pants, to shirt, to sweatshirt, to socks, to shoes. It took 15 minutes before I was dressed and about another 3 minutes before I could fully function. I could see the relief in their faces as I could move around. Well, yet another long while before I am 21. At least my driver’s license and Id don’t change with it. Final year of high school. They just gave me that figures look. I asked Dawn to distract Jeanie which she did. I came up from behind wrapped my arms around her and said surprise.
She bolted around, her face lit up and literally jumped over the couch to tackle me to the ground. I could see her tears of joy. Gentle I said, geez. You would think i died and came back to life. I could see the waterworks, Sorry she said checking me over. I laughed. I’m healed. you cannot hurt me as long as I stay dressed. Her face once she continued and finished checking me over went to a sigh of relief. Next was the look of confusion. Ok, I have to know Jeanie said. How? You were paralyzed and now your good as new and I think you might be even a little younger looking. Tell her Misty Dawn yelled out. Yah, sis. I don’t think you have to worry Sam said. Wendy and Carol both told me, she deserves an answer. Fine! I laid it all out the whole thing, even the Allen part. She told me, don’t lie tell me the truth! Once I had her put shoes on and she met Cynthia and Kathleen finally she believed me. Next I had to ask. now that you know, are you ok with me. or is this too much?
I’ll under the....., that was as far as I made it before being hugged and kissed almost to death. I told Kathleen the worst problem I can think of is, I’m now a lot younger than Jeanie and I hope it won’t cause any issues. 15 minutes later Kathleen came back with, I have a solution. Ok I said. As soon as your good Misty, then have Jeanie wear the shirt and pants for 5 hours. That part will be more like you, but no one will notice. it will take 2 years off of her. Slowly over the next year do it several times so she slowly looks younger. You could both say it’s a new treatment. Within a year you both will be physically the same age and will age the same. So you two will have a very long happy life, but she will retain her looks and stature so nothing noticeable will change. I almost cried with joy as I said thank you. You know if you were still alive, we could really plan some stuff out and make heaps of trouble. Kathleen giggled. ok got to go she stated with a poof.
Needless to say, I didn’t undress until the next day and told Jeanie my plan. which she agreed hands down. Now as for the next couple of days it was the doctor visits and inquires and finally I was cleared, convinced that i was ok. As far as Bella, she just laughed. the other doctors were harder, cat scans, ultra sounds, x rays, the works. Come to find out, when the accident happened Jeanie was told right before the première and the actual director drove her to the hospital. They both missed the premiere, and it was all over the news about the accident. I phoned the director and told him thank you for bringing Jeanie and that I was ok. He of course, didn’t believe it. with all of the rumors that I was paralyzed and that i would no longer be acting.
I still had three days before school started back, so I had him set up a press conference. He knew he would make money, I could clear the air and set everyone straight. Besides, I wasn’t letting Jeanie ride the bus home. Needless to say, my parents were not overly thrilled with the idea of me driving. finally, they agreed. We were due to be at the studio at 3pm, so we didn’t have to leave until 6am at the latest. By 5am we were on the road in the Luv truck. We arrived at the studio at 2:20 only to find a crowd. I was 2 blocks from the studio and traffic was bumper to bumper. Man, wrong time to visit I said. Jeanie laughed. I think this crowd is because of you. Oh shit, this can’t all be for me. Look she pointed and I seen other stars from movies I had done, walking towards the studio.
If they can’t park any closer, where are we going to park? 10 minutes later I seen the studio gates and evidently they seen us, because they moved cars by in a hurry to get us to the gate. I thought great, but still where to park. 3 cars still ahead of us a familiar guard ran up, follow me. I have your spot reserved. Ok I thought, guess we have a spot. Yep, our spot was right on the stage. Figures I pointed out to Jeanie’s laughing. As I stepped out of the truck onto the stage, the crowd went wild. It was so loud it was deafening. Jeanie got out and came around and put her arm on my shoulder. The director came out. as I told all you fans direct from Hollywood my star actor is ok and would be joining us. There was so many camera’s flashing I could barley see. Finally, I made it to the announcers/filming area. How was your trip here the host asked? Good a little traffic, till maybe the last 3 blocks. You could hear the laughter in the crowd. There were rumors that you were paralyzed. Yeah even the doctors told me those rumors, but once the swelling was down and a little home remedies done, as you can see, I’m fine.
Although after I see the hospital bill I might be paralyzed again. That got everyone laughing. So are you going to take a little time off to recover? I already took over a week so no, back to school, to finish my senior year then decide what’s next after that. Jeanie, I see your with Misty. how do you feel about all this? I’m glad to have her back, is how I feel. Can’t wait till her school year is over. That too got laughs. Well, it seems things are in high spirits. Not quite I said. If you all want to do something nice. then i want you to know. It wasn’t my chuffer’s fault. I would like to get people to please maybe give donations. I don’t know if he had family, but I feel bad that he lost his life. Tragedy is never a nice thing. but it feels like it has been all about me.
I’m still here and he’s not. I asked the director right there. did he have a family? Yes 2 kids and a wife. Do you have the information? Yep, he replied. Ok can everyone here spare a buck or two and give it at the gate on your way out to go to his family? Here, I got in my truck and pulled out $1,000 dollars in hundreds. I’ll be the first to show, no hard feelings and also as a statement that he did nothing wrong. He did everything he could. I thought everyone would wait till the interview was over, but people headed for the gate and gave donations.
I got the camera crew to turn around and get shots. Then Darrel one of the big actors I worked with, said something to a woman right near him. she handed him her bag/purse and took the stuff out and put it in her jacket pocket and he headed to the gate. I was confused at first, but then I seen he was getting donations from outside the gate. He went through the whole crowd and took the bag full of money to the gate guard house. 2 guards soon came from the studio with a prop box. I said to the camera. I guess it’s going well if they went in for a strongbox. I’m glad to see so many people care. We got back to the interview after about another ½ hour. I finally said. I would love to keep going, but to be honest, I’m not quite up to full strength yet. To be honest, I’m getting a little tired.
No problem, the host said. I’m glad you spent the time with us you did. I think we all agree we would rather have you back full strength, so go home and get better. Thank you I said, and Jeanie and I got in the Luv. I was surprised, but the crowd made a hole, and we drove out without any slowdown. We headed to the Hollywood home. Jeanie hit my arm. your such a liar. what I said. I was tired, tired of talking, that is. She laughed. Once home to our Hollywood house, my phone was ringing. Already. It was my mom’s. Jeanie snickered. Yes, mom, I answered. You know what type of interview that was, don’t you?
No, I replied. now on speaker phone also on my end. That was live tv. Oh shit, Jeanie said, laughing! Oops!! so you watched the whole thing? Yep. I, we think it was really good of you though raising money for the driver’s family. Yeah, without my racing experience, he couldn’t have done better. So I don’t think his family should feel regret. Another 15 minutes, and I finally got off the phone. With that, Jeanie and I went to bed. The next morning, I headed back home to the rest of my family. I got home just in time for dinner. So dinner, then bed. Knowing school tomorrow starts back.
Monday normal day of school, but instead, it was assembly. Originally meant for me, but with a vote during the assembly, money raised was sent to the chauffer's family. With that done and embarrassment gone. again, things started to settle back down to normal. It was two weeks later on Saturday, that things got interesting again. It was a knock on the door. I answered it. A woman and a girl about 10 or 11 and a boy about 7 or 8, I would say. How can I help you I asked? The woman spoke up. I wanted to thank you. Ok, but what did I do? I was Stephen’s wife, your driver the night of the accident. I, I. It’s fine. who do we have here? I’m Delanie the girl replied. I’m a big fan. Thank you for sticking up for my daddy.
No problem, your daddy was a good man. I’m Dan, the boy said. Nice to meet you, I said. I looked in the house. Hey, would you two like some snacks? Yes, yes, yes, Dan said. Ok, momma can you please get some snacks and sodas for our guests? Go in, I told them. Wendy, without hesitation went into full momma mode. Come, let’s wash our hands and have you two had lunch? I turned back to the woman. I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name? It’s Fran, she said. Why don’t we sit and talk. Sitting on the porch swing, She started. I was about to move. I was Afraid of them getting picked on at school, and my kids are all I have left with Stephen gone. I figured it would be hard for them to get past the fact their dad almost killed a celebrity now. Then you got on tv and said what you did. Oh, on top of that, donations of over half a million dollars, so I could afford to keep our house. I don’t even know what to say.
It was a tragedy. There was nothing he could do. It wouldn’t be fair for you and your kids to suffer from an accident, and it would be worse than death for me to think that my death would have caused that to happened. I do have one question, though? Anything she stated. Fran, my only question is. how did you find me? I kept this place hidden. Sorry, Fran said. I used my late husband's last GPS signals and address to find it. OK, don’t worry about it. I’m not upset or mad, and I just wanted to know if my secret was out. I won't tell anyone, she stated. I owe you so much more. You don’t owe me anything. I’m glad things have straightened up a little, but I still feel sorry for what you and your kids have been through. Yeah, my daughter Delaine was heartbroken because you truly are and have been one of her favorite actors. Then to think you got hurt because her dad was tearing her apart. Fran was almost in tears now.
We talked for another 30 minutes before the kids came back out. Did you get snacks, I asked? Yep, that was the response. About that time, Wendy and Dawn came out. These are my momma’s, I said. This is Wendy, and this is Dawn. Dawn, Fran said. Oh, momma’s. this is Fran and her kids Delanie and Dan. They’re Stephen, the driver’s family. Fran said, nice to meet you and said sorry to Dawn. I understand you were in the car too, I hope… Dawn cut her off. no hard feelings. it was an accident. Did everyone get enough to eat? Yep, the kids replied. Would you like something to eat, Fran Wendy asked? No, I’m not hungry, Fran said. Well, the kids need you. It gave me an idea, and I ran into the house, packed a lunchbox, and brought it out a few minutes later.
Here take this in case you or the kids get hungry on the way home. I went to the girl Delanie. Hey, do you have a phone? Yes, she said. Here let me see it. She did, and I input my number and sent a text, then inputted Jeanie’s number. Ok I said, here see. this is my number, and this is my friend Jeanie’s number. If you have any problems with the kids at school or someone picking on you or you need to talk, just call or text Jeanie or me and we’ll try to help. You mean, I get your personal number Delanie asked? Yep. She went full-blown dance mode. Oh hold on, I forgot one. I took her phone, and I added Sam’s number. Have you seen my sister Samantha in the movies? Yes, she said. That’s her number. She was ecstatic. Do you have a phone yet I asked Dan? Not yet, he said. Well, if you need something, have your sister call, ok.
Ok, he said and gave a little hug. With that, Fran said, thanks so much, and they left. Once out of sight, Dawn asked. so what did you pack? Hmm, let me think. Cookies, crackers, sodas, sandwiches, and a card with all the funds I had out of the bank, which was about 200,000 dollars. Figures Dawn said, laughing. It was 2 hours later that an unknown number was calling on my phone. I had a feeling about who it was, so I answered. Hello, Misty said the voice on the line. Yes, Fran and before you ask, no, I won’t take it back. use it for your darling kids. Other questions. No, No, I heard her say thank you, you have been so good to us. I only help the deserving. Now I hope that helps. Yes, it will. No more thanks, I said. You use it however you need to and raise your kids right. That’s the best thanks I could get. She said goodbye. I felt good about what I had done. The next half week went by uneventful, back to the normal rat race.
Thursday at 2nd period, my phone started going off in class. I grabbed it out of my bag. I was of course, caught by the teacher. He said, is there something more important than my lesson. I thought it's an elective. everything is more important. this class is just stuffing. I looked at the number and name and said yes as I answered. Hello Delaine, what’s wrong. Hold on. Well, I’m waiting the teacher said. Delanie, in a moment, I want you to put your phone on speaker so those kids can hear me, ok. One minute I’ll tell you when. Ok, teach, this is Delanie, the daughter of the chauffeur that died in the accident. She’s being bullied at school because of her dad. I’m going to put her on speaker, and if any of the class wants to speak, they can, but yes, this is more important. He shut right up. I turned it on the speaker phone. Ok, Delanie put it on speaker. When I heard the name name-calling, I knew I was on speaker. I boomed my voice as much as possible.
This is Misty, and I’m the one you guys are picking on Delanie about. I’m her friend and very upset with you. They made a few more comments, and Doug from my class spoke up. My name is Doug. I’m a varsity football player, and you're talking to a whole class of high school seniors who are getting very mad with you right now. Then I broke in again. You pick on her anymore, and I’ll bring down several buses of my high school fellow students, and we’ll solve this problem. Do I make myself clear? Send a picture then, one student on her end of the line said. Fine, what's your number? I asked. Our teacher sent a class picture to him, along almost every student sent a selfie. I sent one to delaine due to I didn’t want him to have my number. All of a sudden, you hear a whole lot of I’m sorry in the background. After hanging up, the teacher said. Ok, yes, that was more important, and that is allowed at any time. Thanks, teach, I said.
The entire class was buzzed about helping such a good cause. Everyone felt good about it before the end of the day. An announcement was given the next morning authorizing that being the only good reason to be on the phone during class is if it’s to help out a troubled kid or student. That is approved to use your phone. I got a text two days later from Fran saying thank you. Delanie hasn’t been picked on even once since she called me. She also asked for me to say thanks to my class. So next time in the class, I shared the text. Of course, that made the class ecstatic. Things began to settle down and got back down to normal routine again.
Several months went by in what seemed to be a blink of an eye. I still talked with Jeanie every night. I had an itch to build another vehicle, though. As days seemed to fly by, nothing had caught my interest. Then in a local publication, I seen it. A 1962 GMC ½ ton long bed truck. I instantly could see the potential. I ended up paying $2,000 for it knowing it needed everything. Months went by with me working on it after school and on the weekends. It was getting close, though. I had a few other things on my mind too. #1 graduation was only a month away, #2 grandma and grandpa were really old now. would they be able to make it. # 3 How were my parents going to handle me being out on my own? #4 This is the big one. Would I have enough money left from Allen’s account to finish the truck, or would I have to wait till I’m 18 and get access to the other two accounts?
This account isn’t controlled by Wendy or Dawn. The one non-savings account I had set up with only a 2,000 dollars a month limit except with parent approval only had 1 million in it. that was over 18 years ago. All the big amounts I pulled to help with this or that came from this account, except for that time or two that were pulled out, large amounts from the original savings account for Misty that I had set up. That’s the only time Wendy or dawn had pulled money out for me. I’m down to the last $5,000 left in this account. After I pull $2,000 for this month, only $3,000 is left. I need half that for the paint I plan on doing. With hesitation, I decided to go to Wendy. Momma, here’s my situation. I laid out what was left in the account and that I needed money to finish my truck. She laughed. I’m surprised with all the things you do to help others that you have any left. She went to town the next day while I was at school and transfer $100,000 from saving to a checking account.
To my surprise, she also pulled the limit off of it. When I found out, I was ecstatic and ordered the final things I needed. Wendy’s answer was. all three accounts you have full access to within half a year, so she couldn’t see the harm. For that, my parents got the biggest hug ever. The funny thing is, one week before graduation, I finished the paint and put the 62 the rest of the way together. I knew this was going to be a head-turner, and I wanted to drive it to graduation. It was midnight blue with pearl. Then I layered it in ghost flames going from white to yellow, to orange to brown to blue to purple tips, then gray ghost smoke trailing it. In the sun, the flames looked like they move. It actually looked like it was on fire.
In the dark, it just looked like a dark blue truck. I lowered it a little, put a 572 cubic inch big block with duel exhaust and 5-speed transmission, Posi rear end, and did a Cherrywood in the bed. Old school oval slot mags with 295/60 R15 tires. I went five lug and disc brakes, custom blue interior to set off the silver interior color. 2 days before graduation, I finally had it finished. I was excited and worn out all at the same time. I held off driving it till the morning of graduation. Fired it up and headed to school. Yep, defiantly a head-turner. I had two people come out with fire extinguishers who thought they were going to extinguish the flames. The final day was half-day with graduation at 4:00 pm. 2 hours before, and I had to be at the stadium for rehearsal. Ugh, going to be a long day. Once school was out, I went and bought lunch, then headed for the stadium so I could find a parking spot. It was crowded already.
I found the closest parking spot I could within a block of walking distance to the stadium. It took forever sitting out in the direct sun before we were lined up to graduate. Of course, as we walked out for graduation to start, they really were not thinking. The sun was directly in our eyes, and we couldn’t see anything. First speeches from the teachers, then by the principal, seemed like every school administrator was speaking. An hour later, by this time, I was barely awake, and finally, names were being announced. It took another 30 minutes before my name was called. With the sun in our eyes, I couldn’t see any of my family members in the crowd. Another half an hour, and it was over. I was free! The parents charged the field. I figured it best to find Sam and find a way out. I just spotted her, and she spotted me and pointed. just as I was tackle hugged by Jeanie. Your free she said. now I’m going to give you the biggest graduation present ever. Really I said, with an eyebrow raised?
Yes, well, if you have the keys to something, I will. I couldn’t help but start to laugh. Hmm, I guess you found those keys didn’t work. Not funny, she stated. Well, you took it from my closet. How long, I asked? Over two weeks. Now I was laughing so hard I almost fell as all three parents arrived. Congrats. Now, your adult life begins, Wendy said. Grams and grandpa wanted to be here, but crowds are too much with their age. I know, I said. Sam said if they had come, they would have gotten hurt in the stampede. well, let us go home and have a party. I’ll grab a pizza, I said. Everyone agreed. Alright, I said who all drove here? Sam raised her hand, and Wendy raised hers. I raised mine. So who brought Jeanie? Wendy raised her hand. Alright, now who gets stuck taking her home? They all pointed to me. Jeanie said, where is the Luv?
I’ll grab it and pull it up. I smiled. I didn’t drive the Luv. a small giggle escaped at the thought. I moved my 62 GMC. She put her hands on her hips. Did you build yet another truck? I giggled yep, but you’ll like it, come on. With that, we parted ways to head to our vehicles. When Jeanie spotted the truck, she said, that’s got to be it. It’s breathtaking! Yeah, I like it. Once in and I started it up, I could see the look of she loved it. The look, the sound. I wouldn’t have to say anymore. We headed down, and I bought five pizzas and 10 2 liter bottles of sodas. Time to head home, I said. I cruised slowly through town. I got on the freeway at the farthest edge of Paso. I waited and started on the on-ramp at five mph, then stood on it. I was sideways at over 65, getting onto the freeway. I was laughing. We arrived only 5 minutes after the others were home. Jeanie and I laughed, and I could tell my parents were sure I wasn’t doing the speed limit.
I tried acting innocent as possible. Of course, as usual, it didn’t work. We stayed up and wasted time till way after midnight. As we headed off to bed, Jeanie climbed on top of me. Ok, she said, where're the keys? What keys, I said innocently. Don’t give me that. Hmm, I’ll have to think. You know I may have had them on me at the time of the accident. You know, just in case you had put it on. hmm, Let me think. What I said. that was a while ago. You know, stuff like that causes, umm, partial amnesia. I managed to say that without cracking a smile. Somehow I have to think of where they might be. Jeanie almost pouted and climbed off me. Oh yeah, I said I remember where they are. I seen her perk right up. Where Jeanie asked? Well, I wanted to keep them safe because I know you. I could see the anticipation as I got up.
I put them, and now I was almost to the bedroom door, and I seen her keeping a close eye on where I might be heading. Now at the door, I finished my statement. They are right here. I grabbed my necklace around my neck and showed her the keys before bolting out the door. Jeanie was hot on my tail, saying. Why you little. I laughed so hard I didn’t hear the rest, and she caught me before I made it to the front door. Wendy and Dawn and Carol, and Sam were all laughing as she carried me over her shoulder back to my room. I exclaimed. I’ve been caught. Help, she’s taking advantage of me. Wendy, this time spoke up. well then, have fun.
Your no help, I said as we entered my room. I could hear another round of laughs. Jeanie was laughing so hard we both fell on my bed which, in turn, didn’t hold up. I managed before laughing to say, I know it’s been a while, but, damn girl, you're supposed to blow me over, not the bed and me. Now everyone was on the floor laughing. What made it funnier was Sam laughed so hard she peed herself. Now we were all beyond laughing. We laughed so much it hurt. Well, Wendy said. I guess you two will have to sleep upstairs in the loft. No, we will be fine on the bed on the floor. besides, you won’t hear the bed creaking this way.
Of course, everyone was laughing again as they exited. Of course, Jeanie was reaching down my shirt, fishing for the keys. Dawn said you two can at least wait for us to leave. Jeanie whispered, no I can’t. I laughed. I didn’t fall asleep until 5 am, and it was way late in the afternoon before I was up. Jeanie rose several hours later. We spent the day relaxing or what was left of it. By 8 pm, we were in bed because Jeanie had to leave for Hollywood. I had nothing going for another two weeks, so we said our goodbyes. She went out to her 2000 Honda and turned it over. Then tried again and again, and it wouldn’t start.
I was trying not to laugh when she got out and kicked it and said piece of junk. She was upset. I stated it’s only a car. No! It’s much more, she noted. Ok, it’s a Honda, I said, now tell me the story. It’s simple. I have been screwed again. After all, what’s family for. I could see her tears. Ok be a little more detailed. It’s like this, Jeanie stated. you know I was struggling. It was because I was making money for my family. My cousin and her husband, well, they had financial problems. So I helped them out a little so that they could get back on their feet.
Chapter Ten
It seemed like it was something new every week. Problem after problem. I gave more and more till, when you had your accident I cut them off. I needed the money for myself and well… because I didn’t know what would happen. So last month they came to me again. We need money for diapers and food. So, I went and bought both. Considering I figured you would be ok with me driving your truck to the store. Yeah, it’s okay. Well, two days later they said they had hospital bills and needed money. I told them I couldn’t because I was saving to buy a vehicle. So they offered to sell me this. I knew I was paying more than it was worth, but I figured that it was helping them out.
The next day I took it to a shop, and they gave me a list of another 3,000 dollars worth of stuff it needed and said the shop told me they knew this car and had already told my cousin it required all of this work. I was upset but let it go figuring I would drive it for a year, then buy something else. only it already gave out now. Less than a month down the road. Jeanie was now in tears. I hugged her. give me the keys, which she did. Ok, what kind of vehicle do you want. I don’t know, she said. Ok. do you want something like my 4x4, or the Luv, or the 62, or like Sam’s truck, or the 55, or the Pontiac? What is your dream vehicle? I haven’t thought about it, she stated.
I was just happy with something that ran. I guess.... no, you would laugh. No! tell me. Well, honestly, I had no favorites. I never thought about it until I saw what you did with the luv and now the 62. This is where you’ll laugh. I fell in love with the Luv. after seeing it, I felt terrible about calling it junk. So you want a truck like it. Yes, she replied. Can I tell you something I asked? Before she could answer, I held up a finger and ran into the house. Within a minute, I was back out. You can tell me anything she stated. Alright, then listen. Yes, I like the body style of the luv, but that’s not why I bought it. Now I had Jeanie and my entire family listening to my tale. I bought it because its style fits, just like Sam’s style fits her truck and car. I could see it, and I knew what it needed to be perfect. You know, when you called it a piece of junk, I thought, she’ll change her mind when she sees it as I do.
Then when you brought it for me to drive, I gave up and thought I missed my mark. I built that truck for you. It fits your personality, from the hidden things like the engine and flames to your bubbly rain drop personality on the tailgate. it’s always been for you. I handed her the keys and the pink slip. She couldn’t speak. Instead, she started to cry. No matter what, you will always have a piece of me with you, I said. She grabbed me in a hug and refused to let go. I couldn’t love you more, Jeanie said. Hey, don’t you have a long drive ahead of you?
She giggled, yeah. Ok, now I know you’ll take as good care of that truck as I would. I could tell she had more to say, but her tears started. With nothing more she could say or get out, she left. Wendy said, good luck getting rid of her now. Dawn just laughed. That night, I got a text telling me how much Jeanie loved me and the truck. She must have taken 1,000 pictures of it because every detail was on her media account. No more than 15 minutes later, I had a friend request from 2 people. One Christine and then Court. From their pictures and their little boy, I take it as a couple and listed in Jeanie’s family section. I knew these two, one of them had to be her cousin. Of course, I had to friend them to see if they would try and weasel something out of me over time. I got nothing but a greeting the first night. Sure enough, they are the relatives I thought they were. That made me laugh, but I figured if they homed in on me being Jeanie’s rich girlfriend, she might be off the hook.
The next day Jeanie called me. Do you realize who you just friended? Yeah, and I have this under control. Jeanie sounded kind of worried but let it go. We talked for another 30 minutes. she had to be on set. I thought long and hard and went out and checked over the 62. Wendy came out. Hun? Yes, I replied. You're grown now, and we can survive on our own. You made sure of that. so if you want to visit Jeanie or stay a while, we will understand. Thanks mom I said and hugged her. I thought a little. after all, what did I want.
I was torn. Which home did I currently want to spend time in? Ugh, it’s terrible not knowing what you want. Dawn came out next. Misty, you look confused. Yeah, I said. being honest, I don’t know what I want right now. I have the stuff to do here, but I also want to be with Jeanie. So I don’t know. We will always be here for you, and if you choose to spend more time there, we are ok with that. You can always come home anytime you want. For that fact, it’s not like we don’t know where you are or how to find you. You do whatever makes you happy. I gave Dawn a big hug. Hey mom, can you believe it’s been 18 years. She laughed and said, it seems like yesterday. The day That you agreed to be the best part of our lives. Although you also gave us our most significant panic attacks too. We both laughed. Yea, I guess I was a little rotten, but I couldn’t let you two off too easy. Dawn laughed and said, don’t think you’ll stay away forever because you know if you are gone too long, we’ll hunt you down.
Besides, we’ll have to visit a lot, to see you and to see Sam. Speaking of Sam. where is she, I asked? Oh, she’s already in Hollywood with her boyfriend, Carol commented. Sorry, momma Carol. I didn’t see or hear you back there. It’s okay, and they are right. You have your whole life ahead of you. Do what makes you happy. I laughed and said, I don’t know about acting, but sex makes me happy. That got around of laughs. Well, you're not doing that with us, Dawn said. So either dawn the chastity belt or go to Hollywood. I laughed can’t. I put it back on Jeanie, and I’m pretty sure I still have the keys. That got laughs all around. Well, I guess you’ll be going for a bit then, Dawn said. Do me a favor, though. wait until tomorrow morning when you will be traveling in the light of day, please. Fine, I said sarcastically. The following day I had the 62 packed and headed out at 5 am. Best part is, Jeanie had no idea I would be there. I made it to Hollywood around 1pm and texted my parents. I also texted Jeanie and asked what she was doing today? She texted back I’m on set until 5 tonight.
I’ll text you at my break. Ok was the reply I sent. Now I headed for the studio. The good thing about being known. Gate guards don’t question why you are there. I ran to set 5. where I knew Jeanie was on set. I snuck in through the doors and made my way behind the director. It was Al. Hey Al, I whispered. Your star will ruin your scene when she sees me. Oh, a surprise visit, he whispered. Yeah, a surprise moving in for a while. He chuckled. We have to do this one over again. So make yourself seen while the camera is still running. I want this on film. I snickered, moved into camera range behind Jeanie to the left. Then said long time no see. Jeanie turned, spotted me, and darted my direction. You’re here. Both arms out wide. She scooped me up like a love scene from famous movies and gave me the most extended and intensive kiss of my life. A few minutes later, after Jeanie released the lip lock director, Al said cut.
Jeanie went blank and turned to Al. I’m so sorry she stated. I just laughed. Jeanie his only request was to get it on film. What on film? Your reaction, dummy. She went red, you mean… Yes, I talked to him first. You dirty little, at that point I was laughing so hard she stopped talking. Ok, I’ll wait in the audience by Al as you finish up for the day. Ok, she kissed me, regained her composer, and got reset for the scene. That was worth every penny of film, Al said. Yeah, but what will you use it on? Well, I have another movie. it’s about a bisexual couple and you two just completed one of the most harrowing scenes without a thought.
Ok, so I guess we are both hired for the next movie. Al laughed. I decided to do it with you two in mind. I couldn’t help but giggle. So see you then, I take it that’s the one I was supposed to have been here in a week for? Yep! With that, filming continued. After 5 pm, filming ended for the day, and Jeanie was on me before I even knew it. What she didn’t know, which I seen, was Al still filming. After our embrace and we started leaving, I have seen the silent cut from Al. Ok, some of the following movies were done. It was interesting. might be especially interesting after Jeanie knew I was staying a while. This wasn’t just a visit. The next week flew by.
Needless to say, if we were a man and woman, someone would be having twins or more by now. Before we knew it, the Bi movie filming was starting. The first real movie I have been in since the accident. Filming was going well within four weeks. I guess the word got out where we lived because constantly there were strangers on our lawn and paparazzi outside. Finally, I had enough. Jeanie, this is ridiculous! We have to close the curtains before we even take a shit, or it will be on film. Life of a star, Jeanie said. Let me see what I can do. With that, I called Momma Wendy. Hey, sweetie, she said. Mom, I have a problem? How attached to this house are you? With that, I explained the situation. I’m not, but anything either of you buys will be instant news. That’s why I want the 3 of you to put it in your names so it doesn’t catch on so quickly. That’s what my girl Wendy said and I, we’ll be happy too.
See you in a week. Ok, I said. Thanks, momma, and I hung up. Ok, we need some ideas on where and what type of house we want, I said to Jeanie. It won't work! People have tried, Jeanie replied. I’ll make it work. I have an idea. Oh lord, I’ll call the hospital and have them on standby. She started laughing. I punched her in the shoulder. Very funny, just look ok. Ok, I will, she replied. The following week we looked on the internet and all the ads we could get our hands-on.
We came up with a handful of places. None were cheap. This house will probably sell for over 1 million, I thought. We were ride-sharing because we both were on the same movie, so I was driving, and we were taking the Luv each day to the studio. Today as we pulled in, Terry, the normal gate guard, seemed a little off. He just opened the gate with no conversation. What’s wrong Terry? Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just thinking, sorry. Spill it, Terry. Oh, he said, my landlord is selling his place, so I will need to find a new place to live probably. He gave me a great rate. It's going to be hard to find another place.
A great rate in Hollywood? I don’t believe it. Well, there’s a catch. Alright Terry. we have a few minutes yet so, unload already. Well, you see. I live at the bottom of a hill. Not so great of a view, and you have to get used to cars coming in and out, so I get a reasonable rate. Ok, why are cars coming in and out? Ok Terry said. he owns the house on top of the hill. It has excellent views and a big gate, to a gated community, lots of privacy, but it has a second entrance. That’s below using a car elevator that ends behind my house. The back fence is a gate that opens, and he exits through my driveway, so the paparazzi get pictures of my place, and he gets his privacy. Has he sold it yet, I asked? No, but it's on the market for 10 million dollars, and it will probably go fast. Then I have to find a new place to live. How many beds and baths does his home have? 7 beds, five baths on 14 acres.
Why Misty, are you thinking of buying. Yep! If I do, you get to stay put. Terry perked up. I’ll bring the information tomorrow, and thanks Misty. Once we got into the studio, Jeanie asked. do you have that much. I’ll check. I called on speaker. Hey mom. I possibly found a place, but it’s expensive. Can I afford 10 million. It’s a lot I know, but Dawn cut me off. No, it’s not. It was 2 million for the current house, and yeah, and you could buy two at that price. Jeanie’s mouth dropped open. Ok, thanks mom. I’ll have the information tomorrow. Good because we’ll be there by noon. Ok, come to the studio. The gate guard Terry will have the information. I backed up. Hey Terry. Have the information tomorrow. Tell your current landlord you are pretty sure his house is sold. My parents will look at it tomorrow. They should be here with the money around noon.
Yes, mam! he said and called his landlord as we drove off again. Today we filmed on and offset. It seemed cameras even followed us during lunch break. It was kind of eerie knowing someone’s watching you eat. I guess Al wanted some more real-life to add to the scenes. It made it seem like a light day, though. No changing clothes, and a lot of what we did was real-life stuff. So not hard to act. Al even filmed when we were horse playing and our little playful antics we did to each other all the time. The day was over before we knew it, and when we got home, there was just…we will say, a small crowd and paparazzi everywhere. Asking questions and taking pictures etc. We ignored them and went through the crowd. The Hardest part was pushing 3 of them out who entered the garage before we got the door closed.
It’s terrible when the most stressful part of your day is after work is over. Jeanie said you're not kidding. Well, I guess we’re not eating out unless you want to brave the crowd. I’ll eat dog food first, Jeanie replied. I checked the cupboards. Sorry, no dog food. She threw a cup of water at me as I laughed. We had mac and cheese before we retired to the living room. we mellowed out watching the boob tube. Then it hit me. Oh, I have a good idea, I exclaimed headed for the door. This is going to be bad, Jeanie said. I opened the door. Hey, since you hide in the bushes all day and night and then try to follow us. I’m going to do the safe thing, so you dummy’s don’t hurt anyone. First, we are going to the studio at 8 am then at 11 am we’re going to lunch at Alfonzo’s. At 1, we will be back at the studio till 5 pm. There you know where to find us tomorrow.
I closed the door and sat back down. Why in the world did you give them our schedule, Jeanie asked. If they're right on us, they will never see my parents and come by the house, thoroughly check it out without anyone getting wise. Besides tomorrow Al said he needed a crowd for a few scenes, and he would hire people. So now he gets it for free. Jeanie started laughing then pulled me close. We watched tv till 11 then went to bed. Right at 8 am, we headed to the studio with a line of vehicles. Once there, I told Al I had his crowd at the gate. He checked and laughed. You told those vultures where you would be to get me, my crowd. Yep, but I have other reasons too. Al laughed, always a girl with a plan. I shrugged my shoulders. Al filmed lunch, and sure enough, he had the crowd he wanted.
Around 2 pm, I got a text. Hun the house is perfect escrow closes in 30 days. You will love it. see you at home. When I showed Jeanie the text, she just snickered. You’re something else, and you know that right. I’m innocent, I stated. The day passed pretty quickly, and filming went well. At five, we headed for the gate. Terry had all the paparazzi, a ways away from the entrance with the guards out keeping them at bay. Thank you, my landlord called. He said you bought the place. Yep, I told you it sounded perfect. So now you will have to deal with my antics. Jeanie broke in. you have no idea what you just got yourself into. We all laughed at that, so boss or landlord, how much is rent going to be to set my finances up correctly.
Hmmm, What do you pay now? I don’t expect that good of a rate, Terry stated. He gave me a reasonable rate because I’m a security guard, and it gave him comfort in having me so close on call. Is that what I asked? How much do you pay now and how many live there? Terry hesitated then said, he only charges $1,500 a month, and there’s me, my wife, son, and daughter. Hmm, four of you. I looked at Jeanie, who mouthed to me. I whispered to her. He would never go for that. She nodded in agreement. Well, I said. I think it will be $200 per person. That seems fair, I guess. what do you think, Jeanie. She smiled at me. Hmm, it might be a little high after all kids are small. Ok, I said $200 per adult, $100 per kid, so $600 a month. That’s too low, Terry said. If you don’t want it, I am sure I can find someone else to rent it.
He huffed. Well, I take it you’ll rent it then. You know I will, Terry stated. Good, problem solved, but I expect a little help when we move in. He laughed. that won’t be a problem. With that, we headed home. Of course, when we arrived, I could smell a home-cooked meal before closing the garage. Well, if the vehicle wasn’t a hint, then the smell gives it away. I could tell Jeanie was happy over the smell. Wendy stated, we know it’s still a few weeks before your birthday, but due to the purchase of the new house, we decided to release all of your accounts to you. Thanks mommas, I said and gave around of hugs. With that, I got handed three checkbooks. All with current tallies, set to each. You do realize Misty. This means you’ll have to do your deposits and taxes. You can wait, I said sarcastically and got around of laughs.
I scanned and wrote tallies on a piece of paper. Holy shit mom. You never said there was this much in there. Well, Wendy said. It’s been adding up since you were a baby. The savings account from the money I kept from Kathleen had, over time with interest, built way up. It’s over 20 million dollars. That’s because you haven’t drawn a dime from it, Wendy stated. How much do you have left of yours, I questioned? We have only been drawing out on the interest, so we still have the full amount, Dawn replied. I opened the second. This was my regular account with $100,000 left in there. No surprise there, and I added it to the tally. Next was the savings account for Misty’s movie money. I seen a large withdraw for the new house. I scanned down. Shit I said, covering my mouth. I didn’t realize after buying the new home, there was still this much. Wendy laughed. Well, you have done a lot of movies.
Yah, but I didn’t expect that there would still be 50 million in the account after buying the house. With that Jeanie choked on her meat. Jeanie looked up with wide eyes. You mean your worth over 70 million dollars. I shrugged my shoulders. Yeah, but it doesn’t mean anything. Friends and family are the true riches. She just shook her head. See, I could just have bought you, but what fun would that be. Of course, I got slapped for that and we started laughing. Momma’s were in a good mood too. Oh, Dawn said. now what are you going to do with this place? I don’t know. I guess I’ll sign it over to you guys and make it your problem. No, sell it and recover the money, Wendy said. No, it’s your problem now I stated. If you sell it, then buy something nice for yourselves with it. They could tell they weren’t going to win.
If you don’t want it momma’s, give it to Sam. I haven’t seen her since high school. I hope she is ok. She’s good, Carol stated. We just visited her earlier. She’s well… in love. It's the only thing on her mind right now. Been there done that I stated, which again got a lot of laughs. Wendy stated that Sam would be unhappy with this place due to the publicity, but I think I have an idea. Oh, I stated do tell! Well, her boyfriend Craig is planning on asking Sam to marry him next month. Good, I said. I hope we didn’t scare her too much about having kids. Carol laughed, not a problem. What is she pregnant? Carol put her finger on her nose.
Carol shook her head yes. Oh, I owe Sam such a chew out for not telling me. She’s going to get it so bad. Carol said Misty, and it’s a secret. She wants to surprise you. I huffed. Alright. Jeanie laughed. We did family time till around 10 pm when we called it a night. I never expected time to fly by so fast, but my parents stayed until the new house had closed escrow and it was time to move. Moving the day we had work, but we were all packed up. Jeanie and I headed to the studio and said tonight, with the 62 loaded and the 64 and the trailer already loaded, most of the stuff would be moved within a couple of hours once we got home. Just as we pulled out and driving off, I spotted Sam headed to the house in her truck. Damn. I wish we didn’t have to work. I missed Sam yet again.
Maybe she’ll stay till tonight. Jeanie grabbed me in a hug. We pulled up at the studio gate. Just my luck, no Terry today, just Joel greeted us. I asked where’s Terry. Oh, he called in sick today, Joel said. It was a long day of filming. Part of today’s scenes was high school scenes. I commented, I just got out of school, but here I am back in. Jeanie laughed. At least no tests, I announced, which got Jeanie laughing more. Lunch was a high school lunch scene, so we never left the studio all day. By 5:00, I was beat. It’s going to be a long night I thought, and Jeanie had a smile on her face as we walked to the truck. What’s up with you, I asked? Oh nothing, she replied, but I’m driving home. I was too tired to argue, fine. We left the studio, and after a little quick driving maneuver, she spent the time ditching the paparazzi.
Oh well, they’ll be waiting at home, I thought. Within minutes I noticed we were heading in the wrong direction. Hey! house, remember I said. We will, and it’s just we need to stop by the new place first. You’re the driver. We headed to the new house and took the secret entrance. I didn’t spot Terry as we went past the bottom place. I didn’t even see any of his family. As we pulled up to the house, I seen the 62 in the garage along with the 64 and the 55 and Sam’s truck. Ok, what do I not know, I stated. What Jeanie said. You know something. Who me, Jeanie noted with a bit of giggle. Yeah, we both know you know something, and I’m sure I’ll find out in a few minutes.
As we entered the front door, There was a big happy birthday, Misty! Oh shit, I thought. with everything going on, I forgot. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. There was Terry and who I assume to be his wife and kids. Then Sam and Craig (who I only met once). then of course, all three mommas. I looked around. I take it you had a moving party without me. Yeah, Terry said. It was a happy birthday party. Thanks, everyone. The party lasted till after 11 pm. Of course, I got to save the good presents, and Sam’s main gift informed Jeanie and me that we would soon be aunts. I asked if she needed anything. of course, nope, we’re under control. The next day was unusual, leaving with no significant crowd of paparazzi.
The kids who I learned were Rebecca, and Burt, waved as we pulled out. The wife’s name was Cindy. They appeared to be a lovely family. It was a lot more pleasant drive to work. A few days later, Wendy informed us that the old house had sold. I guess the fact that we had lived there improved the value dramatically. A few days later, right after getting home, there was a knock at the front door. I was the closest, so I answered the door. It was Craig, and I told him to come in. I was surprised to see him without Sam. My parents had decided to stay for the summer, so they went into the living room to see who the visitor was. How can I help you Craig. how's Sam? He looked down. I, I want to ask you something, Misty?
Sam has told me all about how good you are with coming up with plans. That piqued my interest. Ok, what do you need a plan for? I want to propose to her romantically with everyone here, but without her knowledge that it’s coming. Is that all I asked, with a bit of chuckle? OK first. How soon? I want to do it tomorrow. Do you know of Anyo’s downtown? Yah, he said. I grabbed my phone and called. Yeah, this is Misty. I want two tables reserved for tomorrow? One table only two seats. The second table is set for 7. The two will be at one table for half an hour. I want them close, but far enough apart, maybe a table in between so one doesn’t notice the main table immediately. It’s a surprise proposal. Great, I hung up. Ok, reservations are set. His mouth dropped. He said that the place is popular and expensive. Nobody gets reservations like that. I do.
I don’t…. don’t worry, I said. Dinner is on me. You show up with Sam at 7:00. Do you have the ring yet I asked? It’s what I can afford right now, he stated. It’s perfect. Sam doesn’t care about size or expense. It’s the thought. I could see him let out a sigh of relief. When’s the wedding, I asked? It will have to wait six months, and I know she wants a church wedding. I haven’t found a reasonable priced church yet, and with Sam not working, we do alright, but... Carol broke in. we have the wedding handled. It's our gift to you and Sam. All three of us are paying for the wedding of her dreams as our present to you and Sam. Now I know what that money was set aside for I stated. I could see the three smiling, and I knew I was right.
Wendy said. it would be within two months though, if it’s alright. So, it’s out of the way, long before the baby gets here. I could see a tear in his eyes before he said thank you. Oh, one thing I said. Before you get to the restaurant, seat her so she’s looking away from our table and meet me at the bathroom. I have one thing I want to go over before you propose. He didn’t hesitate to say, ok. He said I have to be going, and I walked him out. As we reached his car, I told him. You know Sam was more than poor until she was 10. She had a hard childhood before they moved in. She is my sister, and I love her to death, but money has no effect on her. As long as you love each other, that’s all she’ll ever ask of you. If you two are having a hard time with it, ask and I’ll help. Thanks, he said.
Oh, I said and don’t be a stranger. I miss not seeing my sister. Craig got into his car, and I handed him an envelope. He looked at me funny. This is between us. He opened it to find 10,000 dollars. I can’t, he said. Yes, you can. Nobody knows I gave you that, and I’m not telling. Not even Sam will know. Use it for you, her, and the baby. I could see his tears. Thank you, he said, then drove off. I entered the house. Momma Wendy said. I bet her wallet is lighter. Why would you say that, I asked? You walked him out, which means you wanted to help, but save his pride. therefore, you helped him and your sister without showing to your satisfaction. We all know you.
I shrugged my shoulders. The following day I told Jeanie we were taking separate vehicles today as I had errands to run. Yeah no she stated as she climbed into the 62. I know you you're going to get another ring, only because Craig feels embarrassed over his. You and I both know Sam won’t care, but he does. That also means you’re going by the bank. Other than that, I suspect you might have one or two other things you have planned. You know me so well I said, kissing her on the cheek. With that, we started our day. I’m glad Jeanie came along because she had a lot of good ideas. Sure enough, an engagement and a wedding ring, along with a trip by the bank. Then Bella’s wedding apparel, where I set up an unlimited account and gave Sam and Craig’s information so they could get a tux and Sam a dress. They wouldn’t know how much they were, but they would get whatever they wanted on me.
Also, it would be without a word of who was paying. I set it up for Bella’s to call Sam and set up an appointment. Yeah, they probably will figure it out, but I’ll just deny it. We arrived at the restaurant at six, and mommas were already there. At 6:30, I headed to my position by the restrooms. Just before 7, I seen Sam and Craig walk in. I was almost spotted. Sam got the seat pointed towards the counter. Sam looked a little uncomfortable, and from my position, I could barely hear Sam. Craig, are you sure we should be spending money eating here? I know it’s expensive. Even if it is Craig told her. you deserve it, and I’ll always find a way to treat my special lady somehow. With that, he took his leave to use the bathroom and told Sam he wouldn’t be more than a minute. Craig walked up. Let me see the ring again, I told Craig. also do you have the wedding ring yet? Not yet, he said. Don’t I’ll get it as a present from Jeanie and me. I seen him sigh a sigh of relief as he said thank you. I handed him back his ring box and told him. ok, now go back and when I sneak past, do your thing. He shook his head and walked back to take his seat across from Sam.
He looked nervous. What’s the special occasion Sam asked? I thought he was going to lose his nerve, but he finally started to speak. Carol and Wendy both had their camera on their phones. Well, I know things are tough right now, and it’s not much, but… Just spit it out, Sam said grabbing his hand. He got out of his chair and down on one knee. Sam’s hands went to her mouth. He brought out the ring box. Oh my god, she said. He opened the lid, and he was surprised as she was. He quickly looked towards me and smiled. Will you marry me? Did he ask? Yes, yes, of course, she said, jumping into a full enormous hug. I thought some things never change, and I giggled a little. She instantly recognized the giggle and spun around.
Oops, I said with a laugh. Sam was in shock for about 10 seconds before the tears came. You are all here. You think we would miss my only sister’s proposal for marriage. Not in this lifetime. Sam wrapped me in a hug and stated, this has you written all over it. You and my soon-to-be hubby set me up! I stated, what can I say? He’s a fast learner who knows how to plan stuff out. Sam started laughing. Then she turned back to Craig. She grabbed him. Thank you. I can’t imagine a more perfect way to propose to me, but tonight I’m going to pay you back for the surprise. Well, in the meantime. why don’t you two join us for dinner. It’s on me. As they headed over to our table, Craig whispered to me thanks for the ring upgrade. I smiled. I whispered back. Sam would have loved it either way, but I knew you felt terrible, so it only seemed right to make both of you feel good. He smiled again.
It was a very talkative dinner. Our parents told Sam, Their wedding gift was going to be the wedding. I told Sam I have a 2 part gift. Both not until the wedding. First is, I’m going to get both of your wedding rings, second, you’ll have to wait and see. Now for the other thing, do you know if you are having a boy or a girl? Sam said it’s a girl. My 3rd present is going shopping with me, and my gift is to my unborn niece. Jeanie and I are buying a full nursery for her. Sam started teared up. Hey, we both took tomorrow off, so you both better be ready. Sam shook her head yes and said, I still have the best sister ever. Yeah Yeah, I said. Dinner ended at nine, and they even gave me a discount because of the proposal.
I gave it back to them back in tips. It was a heartwarming night. The next day Sam and Craig were ready when we arrived. I borrowed the 55 due to needing the room. Before noon there was a complete nursery and enough baby clothes. they won't have to worry about clothes till after my niece was a year old. Yeah, a little overboard, but I didn’t care. My first niece, so yeah, going to spoil a bit. It’s my job. Then Sam’s phone rang. I heard. ok, yah, we can be there. I don’t know the theme. Yeah, ok, we’ll be there. Who was that, Craig asked? That was Bella’s wedding supplies. We have appointments to pick out and sizing for our wedding clothes. She looked at me. I said what. I’ve been right here, so has Jeanie, and we never once pulled out our phones. We went and picked out the wedding dress and tux and set up the outfits they wanted for the bride’s maids and they made Jeanie and I get measured right there. Hmm, I said who is going to give both of you away?
Craig informed us that his mom passed away years ago, so his dad would be up with him, and Carol would be giving Sam away. I told Sam. hey, I’ll give you both away for free. The problem being last time I gave you away, they insisted on a disposal fee. hey, she smacked me. I laughed. I could see a look in Jeanie’s eye’s as she looked through all the clothing. Yeah, I can see what she wants. Yes so can anyone, Sam said. You best marry that girl before I smack you again. Yah. Yah, I will do it one of these days. You better, Sam stated. Look, we both still look young. About 14 years old, we have time. Sam gave me a look of soon, or you're dead. As we walked out, Sam asked. Are the wedding supplies setting you back, considering they wouldn’t give me any prices. I have no clue what you are talking about.
Yah, I have seen your signature on the clipboard the lady was holding. Jeanie said, busted and laughed. I gave her a raspberry and said, that’s not our second gift, and I don’t know. Didn’t ask. Sam just shook her head. You're my only sister. We went to Sam’s house and set up the nursery. The following month went by in the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, Sam was walking down the isle. It was perfect. Our parents went all out. After the wedding the reception was nice. They opened gifts, and then they got the card me and Jeanie gave them. They opened it. to my favorite sister and brother in law so to speak. We wish you a life full of love and enjoyment. As for Craig, you seem to be an innovative and great guy who loves my sister. We wish you both a long and happy life filled with love and joy. They looked and seen first the two first class tickets to Hawaii along with week-long hotel reservations. Then a 1 million dollar check. They looked at each other, then at me and said in unison, this is too much.
No, it helps but it is not. It’s only paper. love and family are worth 800 times that. She started crying as she wrapped me in a hug and said thank you. Then she did the same to Jeanie. Then Sam stood back and said. Jeanie, if she doesn’t ask you to marry her in the next year. come to me, and I’ll beat it out of her. Hey I said, and Jeanie laughed. Of course, our mothers were on Sam’s side. I crossed my arms and said. I’ve been overruled again. Everyone started laughing. Then as a shocker, I reached under my dress. Sam said, it’s not the time to adjust. Being on one knee to supposedly re-adjust, I came up with a ring and said, so is it a yes? The camera’s flashed, and Jeanie couldn’t speak, just shook her head yes. Sam stated, that’s my best wedding gift ever. Then she started crying. It was a great evening, and I knew in 2 hours they would be at the airport heading for Hawaii.
It was the Perfect ending to a perfect day. Jeanie couldn’t quit looking at her ring on her hand. Yeah, a good day I thought as we hopped in the 62 and headed home. The next day we’ll say I had a hangover. Yeah, I got a little drunk and probably shouldn’t drive home, but my parents didn’t notice, and I didn’t think about it with all that happened. I would have to think more about the future. Life continued, and I got a few texts every day that Sam was in Hawaii. A lot of pictures. They were having a good time. Every day, the funniest thing was the director would fight with Jeanie because she didn’t want to remove her ring for shooting movie scenes. I thought it was funny, but I knew it was more to her.
Finally, I had to ask her a question. One night I ask Jeanie. alright, you know my family, but I’ve never met yours over all this. She was hesitant and then finally started to speak. There’s not much to tell. My mom died more than ten years ago, and my dad is in jail. No grandparents, no brothers, no sisters. I already told you about my cousin. So that is it. Now I know why she helped her cousin. I let it go. Speaking of cousins. I haven’t heard from them since they hit Jeanie up for $ 10,000. They said they needed something. I figured it was probably for drugs or something, knowing they were using her.
Behind Jeanie’s back, I hired an investigator, who told me to put it nicely. They owed everyone money and were no good. I left it at that. After she told them no, we haven’t heard from them since. I figured by now they might have sold their kid if someone offered them the right price. I thought no family to come on her side. I did ask Jeanie who from her side she wanted to invite when the day comes? I got a solid, no one. So I only have to arrange my side. That night, Court and Christine contacted me and asked if Jeanie had talked to me about borrowing some money for them. I responded nope, but I’ll tell you what. You give me a price, but with this money. I’ll have you sign a contract that you never contact Jeanie asking for money again. I told them to think carefully because it will be a legally binding contract and have stiff penalties if broken.
I figured I would get a no-deal. They were figuring their cash cow would be gone, or they would give me some ridiculous amount. A day later, they sent me a message saying $20,000 and they would sign. I agreed to meet and provide them with the money. When Court and Christine showed up, I knew they were more giant dirt bags than I thought. They both had on new high-end clothes. That didn’t bother me, but their son was almost in rags and was as thin as a bean pole. I held my tongue and had them sign. Handed them the money, then hopped in my truck so I wouldn’t be tempted to beat the living out of them. I left before I changed my mind. Deed done, I thought. Now more pressing business. I had a prank to set up.
Jeanie’s birthday was arriving quickly, and I felt the need to do something different. I visited and called over 35 glass-blowing places before I found a place to import what I wanted. Then I went to every quilt and fabric place along with tons of mattress makers. Finally, I got everything ordered. I ended up renting a small place for the day at the studio, which was good because it would be easier to lure her into my little trap. All planed out. I just had to wait. I contacted my parents and had them help with a few details. This would be a birthday Jeanie would never forget. Finally, the day came. I acted like it was just another day. Like she did on my birthday, we went through the day. once off work, I told her I wanted to show her a set that I might be fun. She agreed to go.
We went up a flight of stairs and to a room almost dark. I told her it’s like a chutes and ladders set. In front of her was a big slide. I said, come on be a kid once. Jeanie hopped on the slide, and before she could get positioned, I gave her a push. away she went. She had to of seen my surprise coming up as the slide ended, and she shot right into a way oversized bottle. I hit the crane and tipped it up, then laughed and said. now I have a Jeanie in a bottle. She did a facepalm which made me laugh. Even better, three helpers strapped the bottle to the trailer. Wait, she said. Nope. I hopped in the truck. I now had a bottled Jeanie on a trailer with all kinds of fluffy oversize pillows in the bottom. She was yelling, let me out as I drove her the three blocks to the park.
I said here, put these on as I threw a dress and shoes down the neck. What are you doing she asked? Just do it or be underdressed. Now it was no regular dress. A combo between a wedding dress and a Genie outfit. I changed in the truck. then drove through the park (yes, I got a permit and rented the whole park.) We pulled up, and my parents and a pregnant Sam were giggling. I announced I caught my Jeanie. Now there were quite a few laughs. Craig and 3 of his friends came over. ok, if you wouldn’t mind. They rotated the bottle up to the front. I climbed the ladder and dropped in. Jeanie said I’m going to kill you. Nope I replied as another person dropped in. Now the bottle was full. Jeanie said, level with me. What’s up?
You're not getting out of this bottle till your stuck with me for life. Then the other started. Love is magical. we are brought here today to join Misty Parsons and Jeanie Halford in holy matrimony. Jeanie looked at me and said, is this real? I whispered. look, family, friends, a reverend, I stuck my hand up, and Craig lowered a box down to me and two rings. Jeanie grabbed my arm tight, kissed my cheek, and told the reverend to continue. Of course, at the part, we both said I do and put on the wedding rings. Then the reverend said the bride may now kiss the… too late Jeanie knocked me over on a pillow and kissed almost the life out of me.
The reverend didn’t hesitate as he continued I now pronounce you wife and wife. Moments later, a ladder was sent into the bottle, and we all climbed out as I exited, first before Jeanie. That was not a good idea, as she was under my dress, messing with my concentration. I almost slipped once at the top. I said, now I don’t need the bottle to hold my Jeanie. She’s bonded to me. As I said that, her tongue reached a susceptible spot, and she knew it. I already arranged a week-long vacation with sun and sand and a very plush hotel room. We didn’t see much of the sun and sand, but the room service and hotel room were excellent.
When we got home, there were pictures everywhere. When we went back to work at the studio, the funniest part was they had a screen ad projector set up and showed me getting Jeanie in the bottle. I thought I would get slapped, but instead Jeanie just said. you made the most memorable wedding ever. No matter what, I will never forget it. Neither will I, I stated. Our life continues, and every day, we still felt as much in love as the first. In one week, my parents were heading home. They left, and it seemed the whole house became our play area. Every day a new adventure. Days seem to fly by. We were constantly in a middle of a movie. Sometimes on the same, often on different movies, but it didn’t matter.
We spent each lunch and every night together in between life. It seemed like weeks had gone by, not months, and before we knew it, my parents were back in Hollywood. The reason being Sam's due date was getting close. One Sunday, they visited. Man, she was an absolute beach ball at this point. We were talking when Sam’s water broke. That hospital was not prepared for our family. Wendy was a tiger when it came to family, and the difference was that Dawn wasn’t the calm one. she was a tiger! Carol was even giving orders. She told one nurse, you get my daughter a bed and a doctor, or you’re going to need one!
I was the only traffic control. I went to the nurses station and said. mine and Sam’s parents are very protective. I’m going to let you know if you don’t find a bed for Sam and a doctor. I’m not going to be able to hold them back. They’ll level all your nurses. The nurse at the station cleared a bed and had a doctor within a minute, seeing the ensuing danger. An hour later, a new baby girl joined the family. What’s her name, I asked Sam? Cynthia Sam stated. I looked up, and both Cynthia and Kathleen were admiring the new baby. It was another couple of months before my parents headed home. This time I went with to pick up a few things. I left the Pontiac for Dawn. The 55 for Wendy and the Prius. I loaded up the Chevelle with the stuff from my room. I knew I would be back, but I figured things I might use soon. I might as well take.
Wendy wasn’t happy knowing I was driving the Chevelle so far, but let it go saying you’re a big girl. A week later, I kissed my parents goodbye and headed back to my Hollywood home and life. I pulled up to the lower house and realized I didn’t have my gate clicker. Of course, the Chevelle is loud. Terry came out along with his children, and I shut the car off. Sorry, Terry. I forgot my gate clicker. Terry laughed. No worries, I have a button in the house. I’ll open it. The girl ran into the house. Thanks Terry, I said as the gate opened. I startled him when I started the Chevelle back up. Goodnight, I said. I drove up to the house. Of course, figures Jeanie wasn’t home. I looked at my phone at 2:30. Hmm, she must be at work, I thought. I searched my purse and found my keys.
I always entered through the garage, so I had to find the key. After in, I opened the garage and put the Chevelle inside. The Luv was gone, so I figured since Jeanie was out, I checked the cupboards for food. Not much. I made a list of what we needed and hopped in the 62 and went shopping. I was back by 4:30 and started dinner. 5:30, I heard the Luv pull up. Seconds later, I heard the hurricane going through the doors, and I knew hide or get tackled. Jeanie hit the kitchen, and I listened to a… where is she? I peeked from behind the counter to see her with her back to me, so I tackled instead. A good reunion. Things got back to the new normal. It was months later, we sat down to tally our checkbooks and do our taxes.
Holy smokes, we owed 1 million in taxes, but when we checked our accounts, even with all the spending. we were still up 8 million from last year. We both laughed. Guess we don’t spend enough. Yeah, I thought we spent a lot more. We finished our taxes. That done, we decided to take Christmas off. A 2-week vacation. We planned a surprise visit to my parents. We arrived two days before Christmas and had a wonderful traditional Christmas. We dropped off presents for Sam, Craig, and Cynthia. We did a full-out Christmas with my parents. It went well, and we returned home. Regularly I knew Jeanie was visiting Sam, and sometimes I went with them. I have seen the look in her eyes. It was the same look Wendy and Dawn had so many years ago. The months and years flew by. Cynthia was now moving up in age. I knew what Jeanie wanted, but I didn’t say. One day I asked. Jeanie, do you want kids?
She hesitated, and kind of did a run around past it. She was feeling out my opinion. Jeanie, I want an honest and truthful answer. Not what you think I want. Well we can’t, she said. Not the question. If we could adopt or something. Do you want kids? She blurted out yes and ran off. I had my answer. Ok so she wants kids, I thought. First, we have no cars. Well, no family cars, so I decided time to car shop. Next free day, I went to a local lot. Once on the lot checking out new vehicles, I realized, wow!! I’m a little out of touch. Almost all are self-driving. over half are electric cars. I test drove, well actually 4 test drove for me because all electric cars are self-driving, and all the rest of the ones I would consider were self-driving. Still, I wouldn’t say I liked that idea.
All were plastic, fiberglass and the closest thing to metal was aluminum. Ugh, I thought. I wouldn't say I like these. on to the want ads, I guess. All the vehicles seemed to be over 300,000 miles or were plastic. Now I was getting irritated with the thought, or we may have to drive a plastic beater. I came across a 2018 Chevy Tahoe supercharged. Being so old, the price wasn’t so bad. It had been garaged and parked for ten years. It only had 90,000 miles on it. Blue in color and ask $15,000 for it. I bought it. When I brought it home, Jeanie asked what that thing is for? It is a project, I told her. Ok, she said and let it go. I thought of a way to plan for us. New rims, and I had the entire thing sanded. In a typical fashion, I did a custom paint job, a pearl blue with raindrops. It turned out nice. Once done, Jeanie took a look at it and drove it. Not bad, but I like the truck better. I said, but if we wanted to take Cynthia for a day or my parents, we need a bigger vehicle. I don’t think Sam would be happy if I took the Chevelle.
Jeanie laughed. Yeah, that wouldn’t go over well. Time kept slowly going by. Next, I started checking on possible adoption. Same problem after all these years my parents had. No adoption agencies would put us on the top of the list due to our sexuality. We were rich, had a big house, clean records, but there were too many normal couples out there, so we’d be bottom rung. Next, I checked sperm banks. Most were still against gay couples. I had a few choices, but one of us would have to get pregnant, and the stock was well… not the best. I had no intention of having a goofy kid with problems. From pics, they were only offering us the duds, who came in and donated for drug money. Well, I shouldn’t say that because I could love pretty unconditionally. I would just like to avoid problems.
Another year had passed in the meantime. During all this, grandma had passed six months ago and grandpa two years previous. The only ones I had to discuss with was my parents and sister. Knowing if I discussed it with Jeanie, she would be in a full-out push to do it. I wasn’t ready for that. Sam offered Craigs, um well… his sperm, but I said I would have to think about that. A little personal there. At least an option. I talked to momma Dawn quite often, but since grandma passed. momma Wendy, was pretty closed off. Dawn said she’d been acting weird. I had a talk with Jeanie about what momma Dawn had said, and I thought we should take some time off to clear our schedules and visit. Jeanie agreed. We both checked our commitments made, and it would be a month before we could get away. We both set free time away. Not knowing what was going on. We both had a free schedule after this month was up.
Not sure how long we would be gone. We just left it open. I talked to Terry and told him we would be gone for an unknown amount of time. Also, if Sam came over, she could be there with full access as long as they wanted. Terry, one more thing I said. I figured at least a month, so instead of rent till we get back, can you or your kids cut the lawn, water, and keep the place up till we’re back. I’ll do it for free, and still pay rent. No, I’m hiring you for the rent money. Finally, he agreed. Still, weeks to go before our visit, I had one other thing to find out. First, I talked to Sam and Carol. They had no clue but were worried too. I told them I would call as soon as I knew something. Then a blast from the past. Kathleen and Cynthia, I need to talk. Please tell me you’re still here. Yes Cynthia said, popping in first. Me too, Kathleen replied. I have a couple of questions you may be able to help me with. Shoot, Cynthia said.
First, can I talk to grandma, you know Wendy’s mom? Kathleen looked at Cynthia and said no. what if I wear… No, Kathleen cut me off. It won't work. I’m sure I looked confused because Kathleen started explaining. You see Misty. what we did is kind of taboo. Most ghosts move on and become just dust or a spirit that can roam the earth or universe with no restrictions, no limitations. Once you transcend to that, not even other ghosts can be with you, and from what I was told. Once you’re tired of roaming, you can enter a womb and be reborn, person, animal-plant, whatever you have to enter. What Cynthia and I did prohibits us from moving on for 100's of years. Kind of a limbo. What if I died and destroyed the clothes? Will that… cut off again by a no.
That would ensure we’re stuck at the property out in Hesperia for the next 950 some years without being able to leave at all. You being here gives us freedom, along with Sam and Jeanie. No please don’t. you're helping us as much as we are helping you. That’s why extending your life is also beneficial to us. Now both your grandma and grandpa, they both moved on. I did talk with your grandma, and I do know what the problem is. It’s just not right for me to discuss it with you. I’ve talked to Wendy and tried to get her to speak with Dawn or with you, but she refuses.
I’m not going to lie to you, and she needs you all right now. In a huff, I asked, what’s wrong? She hesitated then said in a low voice, there is some issues. Do we need to be there right now, or is a month still ok? Kathleen said, even a year is okay, but she needs to open up and talk to someone. That’s all I can tell, and Kathleen was gone. Cynthia said sorry, I hope things go well, and she was gone. It all went through my head seriously, but I can wait. Make sure she talks. What is going on? I was more confused than ever. I just couldn’t wrap my head around what could be going on. Second, why wouldn’t you be talking to Dawn about it. They are so close, I mean, look at how much time, how many years were spent together. Now I was at a loss.
The coming weeks, I was a bit distant trying to figure it out. Finally, the last day of filming came and went. We packed up the 62 for the trip back to our second home, or at least mine. I was more nervous than ever. I even let Jeanie drive. As we arrived, it was obvious things were terrible. I have never had seen empty boxes sitting out front. The bushes were up to the roof, and the vegetation had overtaken the fields and the back half of the driveway. Almost like the first time I came here. As we shut the truck off, I could hear Dawn yelling. What do you want? Do you want me to leave? I seen Wendy exit the door and say no and walked into the field. Dawn came out next. Hey mom, I said. Dawn ran over. I’m glad to see you. Is this a bad time, I asked? No, this is normal lately. She will be back in a few hours Dawn replied.
Come in, Dawn stated. I whispered to Jeanie. please keep Dawn company while I see what’s going on. She shook her head yes, and I headed to the field. I found Wendy sitting, looking out at the sky. Hi mom, what’s up? Nothing! I just needed to be alone a bit, she answered. Alright, I said switching modes. Cut the shit! I know you better! I haven’t seen you this way since before Dawn now spill! It’s not something I want to talk about! You always spoke to Allen about everything, so spill. That’s just it and I don’t see you as Allen anymore. Just my precious daughter. Fine then talk to Dawn about it, I said in a huff. I can’t, not yet she replied. Okay, well you need to speak to someone. I’m trying, Wendy said as I saw a tear forming. Okay, mom. I know from your outfit and the empty boxes you're trying to talk to your mom in front of the house.
It won't work. I talked to Kathleen about what she and Cynthia did was taboo. They're stuck for still over 100 years before they can move on. Grandma, your mom, talked to Kathleen before moving on. So she and your dad moved on. You can’t speak to them! No matter how hard you try! I could see her start to sob. I got close and wrapped my arms around her. Listen, mom. you can’t talk to your mom, but she spoke to Kathleen and knows everything. So you know then Wendy stated. No, I have no clue. She wouldn’t tell me. If you talk to her, it would be between you and her.
So if you won't talk to me, speak to Jeanie, Sam, Craig, or Cynthia. If not, talk to Kathleen. She’ll hold your secret, but you need to get it out. Your right Misty. I will, I promise. Okay, I’ll give you space, but you better talk. Please don’t make me come back out here. She snickered, and I walked to the house. When I reached the door, I turned and I could see Wendy talking with Kathleen. As I walked inside, Dawn immediately asked for any news. No, but I got her talking right now and Kathleen talked to grandma before moving on. so she knows what’s up already. She won't say. Well, any help might be good, can’t be worse Dawn stated. With that, Jeanie and I went to work cleaning up the house. You don’t need to, Dawn said.
I’ll… I cut her off. we’re doing it, and that’s final. We cleaned for around an hour. Okay, I’ll fix something to eat, then we’ll see if momma Wendy is done. Sit down, Dawn stated! I’m the mother, and I’ll cook. I’m a grown woman, and technically, I’m older than you. so you sit I’m cooking. Jeanie was laughing over the argument. When I was finished, I made a plate for Dawn, Wendy, Jeanie, and myself. After eating, I handed Wendy’s plate to Dawn. Alright, it’s been long enough. You take this to Wendy and tell her I made it for her. Also, tell her you still love her, but you made a point to say you will move if she wants you to leave.
Then wait for her to respond. Wait 2 minutes, then walk off if she doesn’t answer. I could see the tears at the thought roll up in Dawn’s eyes. I grabbed her in a hug. Don’t worry, trust me. She nodded, wiped the tears, and walked out of the house. Jeanie and I watched as Dawn walked up and said hi to Kathleen and told Wendy what I told her to say. A minute later, Dawn started to step back, and Wendy ran up to Dawn, tears in her eyes, and pulled her into a hug/cry fest. Jeanie said, you know you just manipulated Wendy’s feelings. They both needed it, I stated. Dawn is hurt and needs the sorry, and Wendy needs to see she’s pushing Dawn away. This is the only way they will get past whatever this problem is.
We need to make ourselves scarce and give them time. Let’s go to town. I’ll tell the parents. I walked out. Hey, we’re going to town. we’ll be back later. You better be Dawn, stated. Wendy asked, why are you going to town? Well, we figured we would check out the bed store. Time before last, when we were here, the bed didn’t hold up well. I want to have a spare, at least just in case. That did it. They both were laughing. I turned around and waved be back later. Jeanie and I got in the truck. I drove as we headed for town. Wow Jeanie, it’s populated out here. Before, every place had at least 40+ acres. Now it seems like at least half the places are on an acre or less. Yeah, things change, Jeanie stated. We arrived in Paso 45 minutes later. Man, this place has changed. Yeah, Jeanie said. I thought I never thought I would see skyscrapers in Paso.
It looked almost as big as L.A. We looked around. to be honest, I was kind of lost. Finally, we walked into a midsize store. Kind of a little bit of everything store. It was called Rob’s miscellaneous stuff. It looked like a nice store. We browsed a bit, then out of nowhere, was a blast from the past. Hi Misty, he said. You can imagine my shock. Rob, I said. It’s been a while. Yes, it has, he replied. I spotted you, and you look just like you did so long ago. Yeah, I’ve aged well. This is my wife Jeanie figuring he would go away. Yeah, I have seen your marriage on tv. I thought back. I didn’t remember it being televised, I thought. Rob started talking again. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that you changed my life. You gave me the wake-up call I needed, and you helped make me who I am today, so thank you.
I’m sure my wife would thank you too if she were here right now. I’m glad you turned things around, and I didn’t have anything to go any further. So am I, he said. Anything you want in my store is wholesale price for you. Oh, here’s my son, I mean my daughter. Sorry, Hun, he said. I’m Courtney she said. Nice to meet you, I replied. Dad, I need some money. me and my friends what to see a movie. Sure dear, he said and handed her 100 dollar bill. She turned back to me, then Jeanie. You look familiar, she said. Rob didn’t say anything for a minute then said. You’re going to be late. let's leave these nice customers to their shopping. It was then Courtney put two and two together. She spun around. your Misty and Jeanie !!! I’ve seen both of your movies, your stars. I couldn’t help but giggle.
You got me, I said to Courtney. She replied. you're my idols. You are married and opened up new possibilities. She came up to me and whispered. I was a boy, but I wanted to be a girl, and you gave me the courage to be what I want to be. I whispered back. just be yourself. Man or woman, and you’ll be fine. She nodded and said, good to meet you and walked off. We bought a few things and went to a few other stores. A few more people recognized us. By the time we were done, we had ended up buying more food than anything else. God, we must be cheap, I said. Look how little we purchased. All this money and nothing we are willing to spend it on. Jeanie laughed. I did end up buying four pairs of sneakers and several shirts. Jeanie looked through the bags, more shoes! Okay, okay, I said. You know I have a bit of a shoe fetish. A bit, she said. I held my two fingers together, yes, a little bit.
Jeanie held her arms completely apart and said, more like this big. Fine, I said. How long I want to know, Jeanie asked? How long what I replied? Be honest Misty, how long have you had a women’s sneaker fetish? I’m sure I was turning red by now. since I was five years old. The first time as Allen or five as Misty, she asked? Now I’m sure I was bright red and would be caught if I lied, so I said five as Allen. are you happy. Yes, and you can have a whole room full if it makes you happy. I raspberry her. She laughed it off. With that, we headed back to the house in the country.
When we arrived, Wendy and Dawn were in the house and appeared happy. So how are things, I asked? Better Wendy said. Good, so still a secret or… Not tonight, Wendy stated. Dawn and I talked about things, and we need time to figure things out before involving our kids. Okay, I said. Now you two get cleaned up for dinner. Yes mom, I said in my youngest voice. She ignored it and had her back to me. I reached into one of the bags and opened a container of melted chocolate. Jeanie was shaking her head no, and I was shaking my head yes. I got a hand full. Very melted chocolate. Jeanie mouthed no, and my smile got bigger as I came up behind my cooking mothers and wiped chocolate on their faces.
Yeah, your pretty dirty better clean up. I ran for the bathroom. Wendy yelled, this better be chocolate. I was laughing so hard I almost tripped. When I came out after cleaning up, I spotted Jeanie first, covered in chocolate. Hmm, delicious, I said. Then my parents came around the corner, both with hands full of chocolate. Uh oh, I took off running with them hot on my tail. Moments later, I was covered in chocolate. Turn about the fair play, they said. It’s ok, I said. i ran out to Jeanie. hopped on her and licked her. Jeanie was laughing. Hey, your tasty, I said. Now all 3 of them were laughing. After cleaning up, we all had a nice supper. Things seemed better. The following day, I got up early. I got the old Massey Ferguson tractor started and cleared the field.
After it was almost 7 when I started trimming the bushes. 8 am Wendy came out and told me to get my butt in the house and have breakfast. At ten, we all went outside and by noon, the property looked good again. When we stopped for lunch, Wendy said thanks. that was more than needed. Dawn pulled me to the side to talk. Thank you, things are better, and Wendy opened up to me last night. I know the issue, and we will work it out. Okay, but if you two need anything, say so and we will be here. I know, Dawn said, giving a hug. How long are you going to be here? However long you need, I replied. Right now, I hate to say we need time to work a few things out. Not a problem. We can leave as early as tomorrow if it would help. No Dawn stated. How about the end of the week?
Okay, three days then. We need time with our daughter too, and our problems will wait, Dawn said giving a hug. When I got Jeanie alone, I told her the plan. She was okay with it. That night back in my old room, we were kind of going through a few things. I had to laugh, so did Jeanie. Oh, some of the things that had been left behind. We were goofing around, then Jeanie found the old outfit in the back of the closet with sneakers to match. Hmm, she said. I wonder how you looked in this. I was my old cheerleading outfit. It wasn’t me, I said. Oh, we're going to see how you look, Jeanie exclaimed. No, you’re not I said, bolting for the door. I hate to say it sucks somedays being smaller than Jeanie because she overtakes me every time, but it is kind of fun.
Tonight it sucks. Within 10 minutes, I was dressed as a cheerleader. Happy, I said. Yep, she said with a giggle. She not only got me dressed as a cheerleader from uniform to socks and shoes, but before I could get out, she had two pigtails in my hair to go with it. I thought at least it’s a phase, but nope evidently, it turned her on because it was an exciting night. For what I got, I would have gladly cheered. To say it was just another night would have been a tragic understatement. The next day, back in regular attire, we had a kind of relaxing day. All four of us lounged around, talking, and did nothing important, just enjoyed the day. Not to say it wasn’t a good day. it was great. Just a couch potato day. We all needed it. Now I figured the last day of our stay would be the same, but instead, it turned out to be a beach day.
We spent most of the day at the beach. Sun, sand, and a minor horse play, but mostly relaxing. I can’t tell you how good it felt, but I felt more relaxed than I had been in years. When we got home to the house in the country, Jeanie and I packed, knowing we would be leaving tomorrow. In the morning, we all said our goodbyes, and we were on our way back to Hollywood. Kind of a whirled wind trip, but sometimes you have to do whatever is needed to make things right. Things seemed to be alright now, so all good. Once back in Hollywood, we unloaded the truck. Jeanie I said, pulling out clothes and finding the old cheerleading outfit. She just laughed, and that’s for my pleasure. Of course, I threw it at her. At home and nothing scheduled, we visited Sam and just kicked back for a couple of days. Al called and said he had an actress bail, is there any chance he could get one of us to do the movie. Back to the grind we go. I shouldn’t say that.
We get a lot of time off, and to be honest, we both make a lot of money for the little work we do. The good part I would say is we have a lot of money for gifts. We seemed to spend the most money on gifts for Sam, Craig, and Cynthia. After all, we already have about everything we ever wanted. The exception being, Jeanie still wants kids, and to be honest, I wouldn’t mind. Even as Allen, I never had kids. It was months before Momma Dawn finally came clean about Wendy’s problem. Wendy was feeling the pressure of getting older and the things she had never done. She only came clean do to they were on their way overseas to see the world. Seems like a simple fix. As long as they're happy. It was six months later when I got a surprise.
Dawn called in the middle of the night. Sorry to bother you. I know it’s late, but we have a problem. It seems they were in Mexico at a resort, drinking on the beach, and Wendy was mistaken for some drug dealer's wife. They did not believe them. Wendy was in a Mexican prison. By this time, Dawn was panicking about what to do. First, I got on the phone and called the embassy. No help. I called the federally. No help. Called all the lawyers I could. All said the same thing. No one had any answers. Finally, I reached out to the Mexican prison to find out visitation times. Yes, visitation was allowed once a week. I discussed this all with Jeanie.
She was researching what she could do to help. It took another day for me to come up with a plan. Meanwhile, Dawn was still in Mexico, probably crying her eyes out. Alright Jeanie let's bail on upcoming movies. Call the studio tell them we have an emergency. Already did Jeanie replied. You know me so well, I told her. We need to go to Paso, and I need to make one more call. I called Bella and told her my predicament. She told me she was retiring, but for her favorite client she would do this for me. With that, Jeanie and I packed a small bag and were leaving for Paso in the morning.
It would be three days before we could visit anyways. In the morning, we got in the Tahoe. Realizing if things went well, we would have passengers on the way back. If it didn’t, I still plan on having passengers. I ordered online a programmer to be delivered to the country before we left for Paso. In the morning, bright and early, we were on the road. Once on our way to Paso, I headed to Bella’s office. Once there, I went up and hugged Bella. We talked for about 30 minutes. Just me and her, so I could let her in on my plan and what was going on. Bella did more than what I expected and went out of her way to help. Of course, I compensated her well.
Bella told me she wasn’t worried about any backlash because the office was closing within the month. With that, we left. Jeanie asked if I got from her what I needed. Yep, I said. we need to go to the social security office in Slo now. The social security office was packed. It took 2 hours before they could see me. Jeanie went and got some lunch while I waited. Food was almost cold by the time I finally got out of there. The following 2 blocks down was where the passport office was. I renewed mine and Jeanie’s passports and got 2 more. Being after 3, we headed to the house in the country. Almost done, I thought. I knew years ago both Wendy and Dawn added me to their checking accounts. When we got to Paso, I added 2 more names. Now 30 minutes later, we were pulling up. With Wendy and Dawn taking a vacation as they did, there was no food in the fridge. There was a lot of dust. Luckily we had brought sodas, bottled water, and snacks. otherwise, we would have gone hungry. Not really because there was still canned food, but nothing that tastes good.
Emergency food only. I didn’t sleep much that night, but I did pack three more bags. The following day we went to Rob’s store and bought some essentials along with some car seats. By now, Jeanie had picked up on my backup plan. She giggled. I’m assuming at the thought of what was going down. I leaned into her and said, one way or another, they're coming home. That got a laugh. I stopped by the bank and pulled $200,000 cash out. Bribe money if needed. Now we’re ready, I stated. With that, we headed back to the house in the country to see if we had forgotten anything. Good thing, because my package came in. I programmed the Tahoe. Now it had 100 more horsepower and 50 more foot-pounds of torque. I was nervous but ready. We left even though it was now late in the day. By early morning we were approaching the Mexican border.
We passed through without any problems. They barely looked at the Tahoe or us. They didn’t even check the back for kids. Kind of lazy but good for us. Now it’s a little way to the part of Mexico the prison is in, and if I understood correctly, where Dawn is should be about an hour away. I’m glad they flew instead of driving. Less work on my end. Three hours later, we were at Dawn’s hotel room. We went to the room. Hi mom. Dawn was crying. I’m sorry, Dawn said. Not your or momma Wendy’s fault. Yeah, but I don’t know what we can do to get her out. Oh, I have a plan. Money won't work, I’ve tried, Dawn stated. Well, that’s only one of 3 plans. Dawn gave me a strange look. You're not going to blow up the prison or anything outrageous, are you misty? Trust me. That's what I'm worried about, dawn stated. I’ve been driving all day and night, I’ll explain after I get some rest. I laid down on the couch and crashed.
Meanwhile, Dawn and Jeanie I assume we're talking because when I awoke Dawn said that I looked at my phone. Well, in another 3 hours, visitation day starts. So in 2 hours, we’ll check out and head to the prison. Your dangerous Dawn stated. Only if you are on my wrong side, I replied. Dawn just snickered. I knew it was because she was worried. I went out to the Tahoe and prepared my plan, then went back in and ate with Dawn and Jeanie. Right after we checked out. With everything loaded, including Wendy’s stuff, we headed for the prison. Dawn seemed overly nervous. Me, I was getting into my element.
To me, it was like a careful acting job. As we pulled up, I told Dawn that I didn’t know if she should do this with being nervous. With the thought of not being helpful, she straightened right up. I’m stable and willing to put it all on the line, Dawn stated. Okay, on with the show. I went and grabbed my buddle out of the back, along with mine, Jeanie, and Dawn’s passports, along with one more. I didn’t know you two. wait, you two don’t have a kid, and you would have never left a kid alone in a vehicle. Well, documents say otherwise. go with it. Dawn gave me a strange look. Just go with what I say. Ok, Dawn stated. That goes for you too, Jeanie. Jeanie snickered. Fine, but I’m the momma, Jeanie said. Duh!!!! Do I look like the typical mother? It goes without saying.
So we walked in. The visitor section was to the right. It took 2 minutes to get across who we were here to visit. They took the passports and recorded the information. Counted the number of people, made a note and sent us to the waiting area. Unlike American prisons, they have you sit at a table, and the prisoners are led-in on chains. You sit right with your family. Wendy was shocked to see me holding a bundle. Is that? Can I? No, not just yet. I seen her face droop. I thought she’d understand later, but she looked like she was about to cry for now. I had read up, they allow an hour visit, so I talked for about 10 minutes then called a guard over. Sorry sir, but I need a bathroom I said, patting the buddle.
The guard said it's in the prison area and told Wendy to show me. Perfect! I thought, even though I already knew that. We need a stall, I told Wendy. As she showed me the booth, I told her. you are coming in also. She perked up at the thought of seeing the baby. After the door was closed, I said this would be a little difficult. Wendy gave me a strange look. Just listen and do what I say okay, we don’t have time. I opened the buddle and threw the doll head into the toilet. Wendy looked confused. Then she seen the buddle of clothes. Oh no, no, no. Either this or live your life in prison, your choice. She gave me your dead look. Then said. you would need a passport. I got one, Wendy, or should I say Kelly. She huffed, OK, let's get it over with.
First, I put little mittens on her. Sure enough, her hands shrunk to baby size. The cuffs fell off. Next little socks, the shackles fell to the floor. Luckily Wendy was sitting. Okay, undress, I said. She blushed red. Just do it! Come on. I pulled the mittens off, and she undressed. It took 5 minutes to get her dressed. I had to laugh. Okay Kelly. let’s go home I said. I got back to Dawn and Jeanie. Jeanie, my arms are getting tired. you to want to carry Kelly for a few? Jeanie lit up. I know that look, and that look was dangerous. I could see Wendy or Kelly’s expression. If I let her back to normal, I was dead. We walked out without any problems. From the looks of things. 4 came in, and four went out.
When we got to the Tahoe, I said buckle up. Jeanie was in slow motion putting Kelly into the baby seat. We have limited time. Let us get moving. Minutes later, we were on the road. 2 hours later, I stopped and let Wendy be Wendy in the back for an hour. I know it was risky, but I thought it’s worth it. Besides, Dawn needed it as much as Wendy did. I swear Dawn smothered her the whole time. When the time was up, I stated. okay, 1 hour passed, you have to change back. Wendy grunted. Well, it’s easier to cross if both of you change. Dawn gave me a look.
Hey, I have a passport for one Kelly Parsons and one Cheyenne Parson. Twin sisters, besides the moment they discover Wendy missing, they will be looking to talk to Dawn. so you both need to disappear. Wendy laughed. yah, you thought it out, and my guess, Bella helped. Yep, Jeanie and I have twin girls, one-year-old girls. Jeanie lit up. You mean we officially have kids. I showed them the birth certificates, and she screamed. Hey, enjoy it for now, we don’t know if it’s temporary. So get it all out of your system now. Jeanie was almost bouncing.
We dressed our girls then headed for the border. We passed inspection with no problems. Little did the border guards know Wendy’s and Dawn’s passports were tucked in their diapers. I know they wouldn’t check. Fifteen minutes later, I announced home free. We pulled in a gas station, changed them back, then headed across the road and had dinner. There wasn’t a serious conversation. We blew an hour, then changed them back and drove to our Hollywood home. Once the Tahoe was parked and we got out, Jeanie carried one baby in at a time telling me, she would get them. I knew my plan would land me in trouble in one way or another. Both Dawn and Wendy were out like a lite. I also knew it wasn’t fair just to let them sleep. Jeanie didn’t watch as I undressed them on the bedroom floor. I grabbed Dawn and Wendy’s bags and quietly put them in the room. When I got back to the living room, I knew I was in trouble.
Jeanie stood their arms crossed and said I want kids! She had no uncertain terms in her voice. I already know, I said and sat down with her. Look, I’ve been to every adoption agency, sperm bank, you name it, and got a lot of no’s. You have been where!!!!! She announced. I knew you wanted kids. any fool could see that, even me. I know today was hard, well… I mean tonight, and unfair, but it’s not our place to make that decision. It’s theirs. It would turn out bad if we did it without consent. Do you want a kid that would resent you? She bowed her head and softly said no. Okay, then there’s still hope. I’ve been checking, and I’m not giving up, okay. You Jeanie replied in almost a pout.
An hour later, the sleeping beauties were up. They stumbled out of the room. Where are we, Wendy asked? Hollywood, I replied. The safest place I could think of. You Dawn said. Probably safer than going home. Well, I have a lawyer working on that, I said. In the meantime, I’m calling Sam to come over so I can tell her about mine and Jeanie’s trip to Mexico. When I called Sam and told her we were back. Five minutes later, Sam, Craig, and Cynthia were at the house. Jeanie was playing with Cynthia as I told Sam and Craig I needed to talk to them. As we entered the room, I put my hand over Sam’s mouth just in time. Shh Wendy mouthed.
She shot right up and gave hugs. I told Sam what I had done while Craig went and got drinks. What now Sam asked? I scratched my head and said, I’m waiting to see what the lawyers say now that Wendy’s reported escape. Well, if you need anything, call. I will, Sam. I didn’t have Cynthia come down because she’s young, and if the police question her. Yah, Sam said best not. Craig told Wendy. I don’t believe you did anything wrong. Your secret is safe. He even gave a list of countries without extraditions. He got a very loving kiss from Sam for that. I looked at Sam. so Sam, when are you due? She gave a funny look. I’m your sister, I can tell. Spill it.
Craig turned to Sam, are you, are we? Sam burst, yes. I was waiting to tell you, but yes. Craig darn near fell over with joy. Wendy and Dawn were overjoyed and doing their best to stay quiet. How did you know, Sam asked? Hmm, you didn’t notice the little birdie in the room who just spilt it. Sam spotted Kathleen and said, sisters always know, don’t they. Yep, I said. My guardians tell me. we will always look over our family. Sam smiled and said, we have to go. I’m sure Craig has questions now. Nope, Craig said. The only question is how soon and when do we tell Cynthia. Sam just smiled and escorted her overwhelmed hubby out. They told Cynthia right there on the spot, and Jeanie perked up and had more questions than anyone.
In the end, Sam asked Jeanie, are you two going to have kids. We are trying, Jeanie replied. Sam said, when your done hiding the twins, bring them over for a play date. Craig looked confused as they walked out. I watched them go out and get in the car and start driving down the driveway. I began to head back in when I seen the blue lights. Moments later, Kathleen appeared. Sam is stalling them. They're here with a search warrant to search and ask questions. She told them, you have twin girls that you're just putting down for a nap. It would help if you changed them now. I opened the door and yelled to Jeanie, cops. Cynthia was talking to her as she darted for the room. Passports and id are in the diapers, and I told Kathleen before she vanished to deliver my message. I stood at the door to not raise suspension.
Soon enough, the cops were at my door. Craig turned the car around and headed back up the drive. Can I help you I asked the cop and said I also wanted to know why you stopped my family on my property. You have zero rights here. He handed me a warrant. Alright, so what are you looking for? Wendy and Dawn Parsons. They’re in Mexico. No Wendy escaped, he answered. Oh, so you want to rip my house apart looking for them. He just indicated. mam, we have a warrant. I stated, that’s fine, but my wife will rip your heads off if you upset my twin babies. Enter at your own risk. It’s illegal to threaten a cop. No, not true. it is unlawful to threaten a cop, but it’s not forbidden to forewarn you of the danger. With telling you ahead of time, if you enter and she rips your head off. it’s legal, the same as a beware of dog sign and that dog takes your hand off.
He got nervous with that statement and quietly entered the house and looked around. Craig and Sam stood outside the car. Craig holding Sam from running in. I waved her back. It was 30 minutes later when the cop or detective, as he wanted to be addressed, came out. He handed me his card. If you hear from them, give me a call. That will be hard, I said, reaching down my pants in the back and wiping my ass with them. Numbers are smudged. Here you want it back. He shook his head and walked to his car and left. Sam was laughing now. Craig and Sam walked up after getting Cynthia back out of the car.
Craig asked how did he not find them, a secret room or something? Something I said. Sit down, and I’ll explain in a minute. I grabbed Sam. I’m going to tell him about me, but don’t worry, your secret is safe. I’ll leave you out of it. No, Sam said. It’s time I came clean. I’ll help to make him understand. Now I was worried. They're a perfect couple, and I don’t want to ruin that. With no choice, we headed inside. I got Jeanie aside. We’re spilling the beans to Craig. Can you please entertain Cynthia again while this disaster unfolds? I would love to, Jeanie declared skipping over to play some games with Cynthia. Alright, Craig. we need to have a little talk. He followed behind a little squeamish until Sam came up beside him. It’s essential, and I need to explain a little.
Still tense, he followed. When we got to the room and spotted the twins, he went to a complete confused look. where, how? Craig this is Kelly and Cheyenne. you know them as Wendy and Dawn. I could see the don’t! Look on their faces. I purposely didn’t change them back yet, knowing I would be getting chewed out right now for telling. Not possible, Craig stated. It is and is accurate, but I’m not changing them back yet, because I’m getting my ass chewed when I do for spilling the beans. Their expression told him it might be true. At that point, I started my story.
I told up to the point of the lost Samuel following me around at school. Sam broke in and said Misty, you need to tell the rest. I bowed my head and continued. so now in school, and I had a boy who picked on me and beat him up. I gained a friend who followed me everywhere by the name Samuel. I proceeded through to the point where I changed him to save his life. Craig looked in disbelief. Alright, I said. I grabbed a blanket and undressed both twins, then threw the blanket over them except for their heads. Sam, Craig, and I watched as they changed back. As they became big enough to talk, why would you Misty. how could you do that to Sam. Sam spoke up. Misty wasn’t going to tell about me, but it’s only fitting.
I love him, and he deserves the truth. I made her. Sam turned to Craig. honey, I love you and am sorry for lying to you and keeping this from you. I hope someday you can forgive me. He still looked stunned. I spoke again. Every record shows Sam has always been Samantha, and she always dressed and was a girl inside. Sam just had a congenital disability that I… Craig cut me off. I understand, he said. He turned to Sam. Is this true? Yes, Sam said with her head down. So even I could be turned? Here let me show you what Sam said. I handed Sam some of Cynthia’s 13-year-old clothes. Put these on, Sam said. Craig laughed. there’s no way these will come close to fitting. Just try, Sam said.
Fine, he started with a shirt, then pants, shoes, and socks. Sam led him to a mirror. Holy shit, I’m Misty!! No Cynthia, but yes. He stripped quickly and made sure everything returned. I looked away. Sam giggled at that. I’m sorry, Sam stated, and I understand if you don’t want to be with me. Craig replied. You told me the truth. You told me a secret you didn’t have to. You could have just lied or left it out. I would have never been the wiser. I understand why you didn’t say anything. you’re still the woman I fell in love with. Sam started crying. Craig pulled her in a hug. It’s okay honey and the way I see it, you’re the woman you were always meant to be.
Do you forgive me? Sam asked between sobs. Nothing to forgive, Craig stated. As for you Misty. Yes, I said. I don’t blame you if you want to keep Sam and Cynthia away craig. How could I do that Craig stated. If you hadn’t saved Sam, I wouldn’t have her. I do have a question though. Anything I said. When I transferred, and I mean, everywhere. I thought I saw someone. I giggled. Yah, you have witnessed Kathleen. Is she still here, Craig asked? Yep, she’s well… she and Cynthia are mine and your family's friendly guardians. She loves us and is here in times of need. I could make it where you see her when she’s around, but either you’ll have tiny feet, Breasts, or.... no thank you Craig cut in, which caused Sam to giggle. With that behind us, I have to fix this jailbird problem.
Hey Wendy said, which caused Dawn to laugh. Then Dawn said. you are, but I still love my little jailbird. Craig just snickered and told me if there's any way we can help, call. No. I will not risk your family! I will figure it out. You don’t need to break up your family or do anything to jeopardize Cynthia or either of you. Sam started to say something, and I cut her off. If you want to argue the point. go try to convince Jeanie. If you get by her, then I’ll discuss it. That shut them up. Hours later, we finally said our goodbyes. Now we just have to figure out what to do. I told Wendy and Dawn to wait, not to worry until I hear back from the lawyers. I also asked if there was anything they wanted right now from the house in the country.
Wendy wanted some photos, and Dawn wanted her favorite teacup and some books. I knew I needed to make the trip before too long. The cops would break in to look. with that, I headed out in the morning. I knew it was a good 6-hour trip, and it was 50/50 whether or not I was being followed, so no way I could take the two home. Chances are, they would end up locked up if I tried. With that thought, I headed out in the 62. I was 2 hours in when I was sure I was being tailed. Now I could have let it go. After all, they have nothing. instead, I pulled in a gas station and topped off the tank. Sure enough, the Sedan pulled up to a different pump, almost out of my sight. I filled the tank and debated on what I would do. Now certain roads I knew well. Roads only locals would know to take. So I took the slower route.
When I got to Bakersfield. I took the 99 to 7th standard, then to Buttonwillow and cut over to the 33. Sure enough. yep, I had a tail. It's an old highway. Empty except for the occasional trucker. I thought this would be fun if I had brought the Chevelle. Then again, it probably would have been every 5 minutes being called to see if everything was good. Now, if I ditch my tail. I’ll be more of a suspect. if I don’t, I’m not going to be happy. Decisions, decisions. I know this road like the back of my hand. It may have been a little while, but I still remember it well. One of the few turns came into sight.
Once started in. they were far enough back, I can be out of sight before they knew what hit them. I couldn’t help it, well I could, but wouldn’t. I hit the turn. I down shifted and laid into it. Sure enough, even a reasonably flat road you only see so far, and I was gone. I knew unless anything had changed in a few miles, there would be a few houses and some cover. Those few miles came up quick, and I pulled behind a big tank. They had to be doing 90 when they passed trying to catch me. I just laughed and pulled back on the road. Feeling the joy, I figured I would push my luck and hit the throttle. Within I would say 4 miles, I was right behind them. They slowed back down. Yep, defiantly a tail. By now, they had to know I had their number.
Sure enough, they pulled over, and I pulled over right behind them. I got out and walked up to the Sedan. So why am I being followed? Ah, detective, so you're my tail. Yeah, he knew squashing down in the seat, he had been caught. Listen, I said. I have nothing to hide. You want to know. I’ll tell you where I’m going. I have figured by now. The police have ransacked the house off of Bryson/Hesperia. So I’m on my way there to straighten up and make sure the place is locked up. As far as my parents, still no word.
So you can either follow me or meet me there. Oh, and I should tell you I’m going to stop to have lunch when I reach Paso, so you can eat with me or watch. your choice. If you choose to eat with me, I’ll buy and wait for you to reach your car to follow me. If not, you know where to find me after I ditch you again. Without him saying a word, I walked back to the 62, fired it up and slowly took off. He pulled in the right behind me. He knew I had him. We stopped for lunch in Paso, and true to my word, I paid. After using the restroom, we continued. I was only a few miles from the house when Kathleen popped in. Someone is at home.
They broke in through a window. I stopped in the center of the road. Hey detective, my alarm on the house just went off. Someone is breaking in. do you mind going in first. Here’s the key to the house. We tore out down the last few miles. I got out of my truck. I could hear noise in the house. The detective pushed me behind him and said, stay here. No chance I thought, grabbing a lug wrench out of my truck. I headed around the side to the broken window. I saw our possessions being thrown through the broken window. As I heard the front door being unlocked and the detective say this is the police. I caught a leg come through the window. which of course, I nailed as hard as I could with the lug wrench.
The leg went back inside with a thud. Next, I heard freeze, and I peeked inside to see a guy grabbing his leg. The detective wasted no time cuffing him and calling in about the break-in. Me, I walked back around and stashed the lug wrench. Thirty minutes later, two sheriff cars pulled up. An hour later, they were finally done and gone. The detective looked around and saw the dust. Yah, nobody but the robber has been here. Good thing you had an alarm system. otherwise, it could have been really bad. Yah, for him, I stated. The detective shook his head and said, somehow I do believe it. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of you. By the way, what did you hit him with?
Who me, I didn’t do anything, I said trying to be coy. Doesn’t matter. The detective stated. I left that out of the report. I just put. I entered the residence. found the thief in the room on the floor yelling. Suspect that he hurt himself trying to exit. Not that it hasn’t been a fun detective, but I have to find some wood to board up the window. Call a glass place and check over everything and haul back what I consider valuable. Okay, Misty. for now, I have to believe you do not know where your parents are. Detective, I am busy with lawyers trying to get a fair trial and get the extradition revoked if they come back. We talked and I explained what she was convicted of and that, of course, Wendy was married to Dawn, so it’s false imprisonment.
Also, I was trying to get the conviction overturned. He informed me, it’s worse than that. They want her for drug smuggling, breaking out of prison, committing a crime on foreign soil, and treason. Treason I said. she’s an American citizen. Well, when she went to court, they gave her dual citizenship. That was the only way they could try her. So, by leaving the country it’s treason. That is so B.S.. so they threw everything they could at her, but why? With her in prison, they can take whatever money she may have as payment for her time or rent. But all the accounts have three plus names on them. Mine, Wendy’s, Dawn, and my two children’s names.
They can take any money that is hers without any consultation. So, it’s all about the money, I stated. I’d give them money if they dropped this B.S. they have against her. They can’t, The detective said. If they do, then they have to admit to false imprisonment. At that point, the U.S would stop extraditing prisoners. Catch 22, I stated in a huff. Yah, he replied. I have the money. You tell me who this crooked person is, and I don’t know how yet, but I’ll find a way to take care of this problem. No one messes with my family. This person, you say is embedded in the government of Mexico. You would have to have missionaries or would have to blow the place off the face of the earth. Someone has to have some nukes out there up for sale. Maybe North Korea.
Misty!! don’t make me arrest you. Fine, I stated. Just tell me who they are, and I’ll dig up dirt on them. I’m not privy to that information, the detective said. There’s nothing I can do. Your mom will turn up, and when she does, she will be arrested. Good luck, I said. With that, he took his leave. I cleaned up the place and called a window repair place. also, a security company. Tomorrow the window will be replaced, and the security system, bars for the windows and security doors were set up to be installed. I locked the garage up tight. For now, the Pontiac, Wendy’s truck, and the 55 are in storage in the garage, with doors screwed closed besides being locked. With that, the day was pretty much over. I spent half the night gathering things they may want.
I locked any of Cynthia’s stuff not being taken into the big safe in the loft storage. I locked and screwed the storage room closed. The next day a custom window place showed up and replaced the broken window. By noon the security company arrived. The camera’s went in. then bars on the windows and security doors. Now feeling the house was secured, I started loading the 62. Of course, like clockwork, the detective showed back up. Just checking, he said. I’ll tell you what detective. I don’t want this place, the home I grew up in, broken into. So since I am sure you will be back here. I will give you a key and the alarm code. If you can check by here, make sure to lock back up, okay. Alright, that seems more than fair, he said. Did you find who set my mom up? I don’t know, and even if I did, I couldn’t tell you he said.
Alright, our business is done, I stated. With that, he got into his Sedan and left. I headed back to the Hollywood home with nothing left to say or do and a little disappointed. I was a little upset with all the bars on the windows and how it made the place look, but I felt I had no other choice. I arrived back in Hollywood at 2:00 in the morning. I pulled into the garage, walked in and was too tired to deal with the complaints. Within an hour, I went to bed. When I woke, I informed the whole family of what had happened and what I now knew. Wendy said she was putting us all in danger, and she would turn herself in.
In her mind, I would still have Dawn, so it was better than nothing. Me, of course, I came back with some alternatives. Number 1 wait for the lawyers to do their job. Number 2, I already hired a private investigator to find the corrupt people and set them up, which I planned to do either way, then file a new trial. Number 3 I said to change to Cynthia, age 13. She would then pass for me, and we could share ids. Number 4 change to 13-year-old Cynthia, but both her and Dawn. Share my id for the next 13 years, then use the new birth certificates to start a new life. Finally, number 5. they both her and Dawn become our one-year-old kids and start life over, be raised by two loving parents I told Wendy. Hey, it also solves the mid-life crisis. In turn, I got a couch pillow thrown at me. Well, if you turn yourself in. that means I have to break you out again. That's with or without your permission.
I also said no decision has to be made right now. If they wanted to go out, dress as Cynthia and be back in four hours. After all, everyone would think either of them was me. The options got Wendy to calm down and thinking. In turn, that would buy me time. Within a week, the lawyers called and confirmed the bad news. Right now, no way to reopen or get Wendy off. Dawn was on a watch list as a possible accomplice. Dawn said gee, I get the fame, and I’m just a bystander. With those words, it sent Wendy into a, I’m turning myself in mode. Luckily three against 1. someone was now 1-year old, which would buy another 4 hours. I went in and talked to Wendy, hoping that she would listen and calm down. I knew from personal experience she could hear me even though she couldn’t respond.
All she did was tug at her clothes. I still had no answer. Finally, 2 hours burnt away, I called Sam and asked if she could come over? 5 minutes later, Sam, along with Craig and Cynthia, were at our doorsteps. Once the adults were out of Cynthia’s reach, I explained the situation and poor choice of words and asked for suggestions. Craig said I’m on the outside. Let me try. With that, we left Craig alone with Wendy. Half an hour later, he came out, and I could see a familiar hand waving us in. You let her out, I whispered? With a twinge. I’m going to be in so much trouble…
Chapter Eleven
I cowardly went to the door. Not knowing if Wendy would be calm or if I was on for an ass chewing of a lifetime. As I entered, I was followed by Dawn and Sam. Wendy was surprisingly still. I thought the calm before the storm. if so, it would be a hurricane. I’m sorry I said. I just wanted to hold you long enough that I could, I know Wendy stated. I don’t blame you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have any options besides dying in prison. I do need to ask my wife a question? Alright, we’ll leave. No Wendy announced. We are all family, and it involves all of us. I stood there along with everyone else. I’m sure we were all in shock. Okay, Dawn Wendy started. You are my love. I want to know right now. if I was gone, what would you do? I can’t answer what Dawn stated.
If you leave this world, you are my world, and I’ll go too. That brought a tear to my eyes. Alright, Wendy stated. Then what is it would you like to do? I would be happy at 13 or 1 or anything else as long as it is with you. You realize we would look like Misty. Looks don’t matter as long as it’s you inside, Dawn said. Wait, I stated. you know I can talk with Kathleen, but same as Sam, I think you can retain your looks just the rest of your body will be… in a low voice I said, like mine. That’s a good thing Jeanie stated, because you have a cute ass. Now how can you not help but laugh which we all did, including Wendy. Alright Wendy said. before I can change my mind, you can turn us into one-year-olds. Before Jeanie could go ballistic I said no, not yet. Wendy gave me the strangest look. Listen, I need to talk to Kathleen first, and I want to wait one week. Will we do it then, deal? Fine, Wendy said. Dawn just said, fine with me.
With that, I walked out of the room, and Jeanie grabbed my arm. Why? Simple. number 1, I need to talk to Kathleen. Number 2, the investigators are due back in 2 days. Wendy needs to know. You have waited a few years. 1 week will not kill you. No, but I’m going shopping tomorrow to buy stuff. Sam said, I’ll go too. I’m in trouble now, I stated. Leave at least $100 for gas in the bank, okay. Sam and Jeanie both laughed. Once out of sight, out of mind. I went to the garage and locked the doors. Kathleen, Cynthia, please talk. Yes, Kathleen said, your plan will work. They can retain their looks, and yes, you have to start them 5 hours apart to make it permanent because two at once isn’t permanent. Do you know the rest? No, Kathleen said. you weren’t projecting the rest to me. In three days, I’ll have the private investigator's information. I’ll know the ones who hurt our family. You're going to do something stupid, aren’t you Misty?
Yep, you know I am. Just get to the border Kathleen said, and we’ll handle it. I want to bankrupt them before taking their life. Utterly ruin them. That’s my devilish sister Cynthia said. I’m proud we have the same genes. You two are the trouble that I’m going to help keep out of trouble, Kathleen stated. You love it, Cynthia said. I wonder if I take the Chevelle. How far between me and it could you get? Close enough to solve the problem, Kathleen replied. Alright, not a word. They're going to be pissed when I leave. I have to make a quick escape and get payback for what they did. With that, I went back into the house. The following two days went by quickly.
I even managed to snag my passport without anyone noticing. I called Sam. Hi, Sam don’t tell, but I’m going to do something stupid tomorrow. I need you here as a distraction and make sure Wendy doesn’t try to turn herself in again. I want you, Carol, Cynthia, and Craig here at 8 am. At 9 am, the investigators should be here. I’m going to meet them first. The clothes are laid out in the other room. Only put what I lay out there on Wendy first. Five hours later, then put Dawn in hers. I need you to ensure this happens. What about you, Sam asked? I need to go and get Kathleen close enough to punish the guilty. Alright, Sam said. but if you get into trouble, I’m going to kill you if Jeanie doesn’t first. I won't, I replied.
Before I knew it, it was 10 pm and everyone was in bed, and Jeanie being up in anticipation for two days. She was finally out like a light. I made my way to the garage. Put the Chevelle in neutral and let it coast down the drive. It only took a little push. I hit the remote for the main gate and coasted right through backwards. I turned the ass end uphill and had enough momentum to get it straight on the road and coasted three blocks down the street before turning the key and popping the clutch. I just idled through the neighborhood out to the main street. Trying not to wake up the neighbors. I headed to the airport to buy fuel and then headed for San Diego to meet with the investigators. At 1:00 am, I met them at a small coffee shop.
Turns out two men were responsible. One Juan Diego and Jose Meda. Both lived in mansions and not only get money from prisoners but use that money to finance their drug trade. Now I was madder than ever as I headed for Mexico. Both Kathleen and Cynthia appeared. Kathleen said we’re close enough. I can reach them. Find out where their drug shipment is and when it’s coming through. Moments later, Kathleen said. there are two significant shipments. I pulled up to the border. I got out and told the border guards that I had information about drug shipments. I have seen two vehicles loaded up with drugs. They were headed in this direction.
I was asked how, and I replied. my mom Wendy Parsons got word of the info to me after breaking out. They held or are still holding her prisoner, and she wanted to repay the favor. She’s still in Mexico, the guard asked? From what she told me, yes. Just then, a semi pulled up to enter the US. Kathleen said that’s the first. I told the guard, if you don’t believe me search that truck thoroughly. You have nothing but time to lose. They stopped it, and they dug through it. Once they opened the crates labeled toilets and opened the bowl of the first one, they arrested the driver and impounded the truck. Kathleen told me of the second as it pulled up. This time the guards didn’t hesitate. They arrested the driver then searched the truck.
The border guard said between the two trucks, over 1 billion in drugs were confiscated. I thought first hurt done. I slept with permission from the border guards at the border. Now when I woke, it was about 10 in the morning. Kathleen popped in. you they are pissed at, and they need to make up the loss. Two more shipments will be here before 2. I told the second shift that by 2:00, I’d have them two more loads. I sat and had some snacks till Kathleen said one was approaching. I went to the guards and told them to be ready. I pointed each one out. I figured this would be another huge loss. What I didn’t know was there was a switch at the border. Cynthia came in, in a hurry. Please get in the Chevelle and make tracks. They’re on their way loaded with guns. I said Hmm. I got on my phone. detective bring a squad of cars.
I covered the phone. How many vehicles? 2 Cynthia said. What is going on The detective asked? The two who set up my mom. I just ruined four semi trucks full of drugs for them due to a snitch I hired. They paid off border guards and are going to be coming after me. They even have a description of my car. You're not in your truck, the detective said. Nope, I’m in a very noticeable Chevelle that makes my truck look like a Pinto. Now their names are Juan Diego and Jose Meda. The detective said those are 2 of the biggest drug dealers in Mexico. Yep, and in 10 minutes they will be trying to catch me. Where are you and the other officers, I asked? We’re leaving la right now. You should catch us in between then. The black Chevelle with flames is mine. I’ll try not to ditch them before I catch up with you.
Leave now! he yelled over the phone. This isn’t a game! If they're crossing the border, they plan on…. yes, I know kill me. If they get away, they will come after my family. Are You going to take them out? If not, I will. You can catch me on CB channel 11. Come and get them. With that, I hung up. This wasn’t the plan Kathleen said, now leave! Not your plan I stated, but I told you nobody hurts my family. Cynthia broke in. There they are. I fired up the Chevelle. Go Kathleen was yelling. Not close enough, I said. Idling slowly away. As soon as they cleared the border, they laid on the gas heading for me. As soon as they got close and started drawing guns out the window, I laid on the throttle. Staying just outside their firing range. It was almost an hour of them trying to catch me, and I noticed instead of 2 cars, there were 4.
Kathleen was yelling at me. get going. One mistake or one problem, and they will kill you. Yah, yah, I replied. The radio came to life. Misty, I think we’re close. Are you okay? I hit the button. Yah, they're still behind me, and I’m heading towards you. Can you get away the detective asked? As soon as you have them or are after them, yes. I popped over the next hill, and I seen the detective’s car. I flew right past it. He was parked on the side of the road. Lining the side of the road on both sides was also what looked like 20 police cars. Up ahead in a rolling roadblock formation, it looked like another 5. I smiled. They popped over the hill, and I could hear brakes and then squealing. All the cars except two were t-boned, hit, etc., put out of commission.
The first Two cars were the only ones to make it. Are they in one of those two cars, I asked? Yes, Kathleen stated. Now I was a good mile or two ahead. I fastened the 5 point harness on. Kathleen said Misty! what are you thinking. Suppose that roadblock doesn’t get them. they’re not getting away. I passed the roadblock and hit the gas. Kathleen breathed a sigh of relief. I popped the clutch shoved a lower gear, let the backside slide around and slowed down. I was now on the brake, rolling backwards, waiting in 1st gear to see what happened. Half a mile to the roadblock, and sure enough, they made it through. I stomped on it 1,2,3rd gear.
I was headed at over 150 back at them head-on. Kathleen was yelling no!!!!!! Turn this car around. They won't get past me!!! No way they're getting to my family!!!. I hit the next gear. I didn’t check, but I’m pretty sure I was pulling up on 200 mph now. I never turned, but the other car did last minute. Of course, they overcorrected and flipped it at a high rate of speed. I stomped on the brakes, barely missing the second car. It was making a run for it now. Still sliding full on my brakes, I barely missed the vehicles in the roadblock. I stopped inches before their cars. Smoke filled the air due to the amount of rubber I was leaving. i was back around on the throttle again, chasing down the one that got threw. i was well over 120mph when I caught up to that slow assed car. It was weaving back and forth, trying to keep me from getting by. It swerved right, then a quick left. I hit the throttle and tapped the right back corner of the car, sending it flying. When it hit the curb on the right bank, Air born it went. Six rolls later, it came to a stop. I knew no one survived. Blood was everywhere. The police cars chasing them. they got there and reached the bodies before I did. No one in the car was wearing their seat belts. They were scattered a crossed the hill, and defiantly looked dead. I stopped at the turned-over car, unbuckled, and shut off the car. As I stepped out, two cops looked at me in disbelief.
You were driving. I shook my head yes. You look just like an actress I saw in a movie, one cop said. About that time, the detective pulled up. You know she looks like an actress, the one cop said. That’s because she is, and if I were you, I would not get on her bad side. With that, the detective said, go home Misty. I know where you’re at if I need questions answered. Oh, and obey the speed limit. Party pooper I said, as I went up to see if I had damaged my car. Only a bent bumper. All the reinforcement kept it from having further damage. I got in the Chevelle. He came up and asked before you go. How fast is this car? I laughed. I hold the naturally aspirated title at the Salt Flats in this car. He just shook his head and said, leave now.
I looked at my phone, 15 missed calls and ten missed messages. Oops, I thought. I connected my phone to the earpiece for my radio. I quickly glanced. Jeanie, Sam, Jeanie, Sam, so on and so forth. I’m in trouble, I thought. Alright, who snitched? I asked Kathleen. Not me, she said. I should have, but I was too busy trying to bring you to your senses. I looked at Cynthia. Don’t look my direction she stated. I dialed Jeanie’s number. Yes, Hun. What are you doing, she asked? Oh, nothing. just out for a drive to clear my head. Jeanie’s statement echoed in my head. Most people out for a drive are not on the news!!! All local channels!! And have live helicopter coverage. Shit!!! Busted, I said in a much lower voice.
I heard in the background Wendy saying. you are so dead Misty! Jeanie stated, they started live coverage of several drug busts at the border. I was hoping Wendy would have been transformed by now, so I only got half the chew out. Jeanie said, dear you’re on speakerphone. I stumbled for a moment. Sorry everyone, I stated. Man, I should have just kept driving. Not a chance, Wendy stated. Then Dawn said. you do, and we will personally hunt you down. I knew I was in deep doo-doo, up to my neck. Alright, well… I’m still driving. I looked up to check if a helicopter was still overhead, and I didn’t see one in sight. I will talk to everyone, tell them everything when I get home.
I could tell the chew out I would get, but I knew they wanted to start now. Glad I had an excuse to get them off the phone so that it could come later. Kathleen, do you think maybe you could talk to them first and maybe calm things down a bit. I’ll talk to them, Kathleen stated. but I’m with them on this. You even ignored my warning. wait she stated and was gone. Cynthia said, well, it’s going to be a long day and night. You’re not kidding. I wonder how far I’d make it before they found me. Not far, Cynthia said.
Kathleen is still locked on you like a homing beacon and would lead them to you like a moth to a flame. Ugh, I best just get it over with then. Cynthia said I’ll see if I can help calm the situation, but don’t expect much. You know how parents get. With that, I was alone with my thoughts, just tooling along. In a non-populated area a little more than tooling, I kept calm in the city streets. The next thing I knew, I’m was in sight of the home stretch. As I pulled up to the gate, there were two guards. That’s new, I thought. I recognized them and stopped. What are you doing here, I asked? Terry hired all the studio crew for extra security. We rotate out and around the perimeter. When I asked. Steve jumped in. when we all seen you on the morning news.
Don’t worry, we all gave an excellent rate to him. I’m fine, I’ll pay you your regular rate, and I’ll be fine. You can go home. Not a chance, they both said. There’s no way Al will let us live it down. If we let anything happen to you or Jeanie, Steve leaned in and whispered. There’s more security here than at the studio right now. anyone not working the gate currently Al is sending this way. With that, I headed up to the house figuring, best to get it over with. As I walked in, I could see the angry looks. Even Sam was staring me down. I asked did you see the extra security around this place trying to play it off, and then I spotted Terry in the crowd. I take it that’s a yes. Fine, I’ll come clean. Everyone get a drink and sit down, and I’ll tell my tale. By the way, I didn’t plan it this way. None grabbed a glass, but a few, including Sam, who is pregnant, sat down. Ok, yes. I purposely snuck out. But it was to take a drive, and it did clear my head.
So I didn’t lie. Now Wendy and Dawn both had their arms crossed and staring me down. I drove to San Diego and met with the investigators. They told me Juan and Jose were responsible for our little problem. I now also had license numbers of drug semi-trucks coming in, so I went to the border and informed the border control. They lost four shipments of over 3 billion dollars, so I made it hurt. Unexpectedly, I got a little more attention than I expected. The investigators said they would never leave Mexico, so you could guess it was unusual to see them coming after me.
So a car chase ensued. I did the smart thing and called the detective, and he knew who the two were and set up a sting/bust whatever. I know you and that car. Why did you not just outrun them? I thought about it, but if I did, they would be on the loose and coming here, so I caused them to come out of Mexico because of my vengeance. I couldn’t let any of you pay the price. No excuse, Wendy stated. how do you think that flies when we see you turn around and play chicken with them. Mom! they made it through the roadblock. There was no way I was going to let them make it here!
If you were a little younger, I would take you over my knee, spank you, and take away your keys. Of course, I fibbed for Terry’s sake. not knowing about Kathleen, so basic version. I’m so cross with you right now Misty. I can’t see straight. Wendy stomped off to a room. Ten minutes later, there was an announcement over Terry’s radio that the police were on their way up with a detective. Dawn went in with Wendy, and Sam and Jeanie went along to dress Wendy and Dawn. The knock on the door was ominous. I opened the door. Hi, detective is your backup for me. I figured I might be going to jail for the game of chicken. The detective started. no, that was very stupid what you did today.
They could have killed you. We recovered over 50 handguns and rifles. The two suspects you mentioned to me are dead. What I’m here about is another search. You told border patrol you spoke to Wendy, and she gave you the license numbers of the drug shipments after she broke free from them. Yes officer, I replied. So now I’m assuming they broke her out of prison to probably kill her due to the fact, if she turned up with all the stink you were making. it would lead back to them. I also heard you hired private investigators to see who set her up. Was that also to find her location. No, I stated. That was to find out who set her up.
I had no clue about her whereabouts at that time. What about now He asked. Right now, she could be in the next room, and I wouldn’t know it. I just got home and was chewed out by my sister, her husband, my wife, and Terry the guard here, was mad at me. They searched the house and found nothing. Alright, the detective said, don’t leave the country, in case we have more questions. With that, he left. Minutes later, after the gate guards announced their leaving, Terry asked, I know this is your house. How and where did you just hide them, so they didn’t find them? I patted Terry on the shoulder and said my secret. Ten minutes later, Terry said his goodnights and headed to his house.
Sam, Cynthia, and Craig decided to stay for a day to make sure everything was good. Wendy and Dawn were still very angry with me and, of course, we're not going to become our children until they were sure I was done with, as they put it. Stupidity. It was four days later that the detective showed up at my door again. What did I do this time? I asked as I moved him through the house. Nothing, he replied. Now that Juan and Jose are dead, their drug deals exposed, along with their corruption. Your mom has been granted non-exile and freed in the eyes of the US. So if you can get her access to the border, I’m here to give you this.
He handed me some papers. I briefly looked them over. They were stamped by the State Department, declaring both Wendy and Dawn innocent and free. So, I said. I guess no more visits from you. He replied, yes. I don’t think I could handle dealing with you much longer anyway. I think my life span shortens every time I hear from you. Hey, I said. Now Jeanie came out of the back. I told you, honey. you are dangerous for other people. You still look good and healthy, I told her. Yah, I’m inside the bubble she stated. anyone on the outside is the problem. The detective nodded in agreement.
Alright Misty. if I’m lucky this is the last time at your door, I’ll say goodbye and take care. Thanks, detective. With that, he was gone. I was immediately on the phone with my lawyers. I sent copies of all the documents he gave. It’s not that I didn’t trust him, well, not him, just the government after all. in Allen and Misty’s day. I had seen a lot of bad presidents and other government officials. Dirtbags are everywhere. after all, and this could just be another ploy. I showed and gave the documents to Wendy and Dawn. I also said give it a day for the lawyers to make sure they are real.
Jeanie was pouting that night. No kids again, she stated. Just wait, I said. if they're real, then I’ll buy some if I have to. We’ll adopt somehow, so don’t worry, and I can see how much you want this. With that, she settled down, and we went to sleep. I was glad Wendy and Dawn were four doors down so they couldn’t hear our conversation. They might be getting their lives back, and I don’t want them feeling bad. With those final thoughts, I nodded off for the night. At around 6 in the morning, I was awoken by my phone. Hello, I mumbled. It was the lawyers saying the documents are real. I got up, still half-dressed, and knocked on my parent's door.
After 5 minutes, I finally got a response. Once they were up, I told them what I just found out. You're free. Now you're on your own on what to do. I then went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I woke Jeanie when I got up. I take it that was the lawyers, she said. Yah, I replied. So they're free, right. Yep, I replied. It’s good, and I know you and things will work out. That shocked me. I hugged Jeanie and said it would. Things will work out. About that time, Wendy and Dawn came out. No hanky panky in the kitchen, Dawn said with a laugh. I wouldn’t do that. I’m not you. Instead, we did it everywhere else. Jeanie almost spit coffee everywhere.
Dawn crossed her arms, and Wendy giggled. So now that you both are free, you two have to decide what to do next. If your still on your 50+ years old itch, I hear Tahiti is an excellent place. Wendy got a pillow off the couch and threw it at me, mumbling, not 50+ years old. I couldn’t help but laugh. A few minutes later, as we all sat sipping our coffee. Wendy spoke up. Dawn and I wanted to talk to you two. So speak, I stated or let me guess. It’s one of two things. One. You and Dawn are leaving, might need a lift, want to take a vehicle, or you two decided to stay awhile. Either way, it’s okay. Not it, Dawn said. Well, you're visiting or going? I’m pretty sure I hit it either way. Yes and no, Wendy stated. Alright, I told you to spit it out.
We have been talking Wendy started, and we have decided a few things. well thinking is dangerous, I stated. I keep getting in trouble for that. Well, if it is ok with you... You know whatever you decide, it will be okay with us. No! Dawn said. For this, we have to ask. I don’t get it, but ask, I stated. Well, we... kind of have to ask both of you and I, well we're not sure we can yet, Dawn said. I’m easy to talk to. You two have known me for a lifetime. So ask. Not that simple, Wendy said. It will affect your life for the next 18 years.
My eyes popped. You should ask, I stated. I’m okay with it, and you will be shocked by Jeanie’s response. What is it, Jeanie asked? Not my place, I said. now you two ask before she pops!!! Oh, before you ask. is it now, soon, or what. She will be impossible to live with between. Dawn stated within a few days. I laughed. good luck waiting that long. what Wendy said. A little too much of a hint. yes, I’m okay with it. Jeanie, since little miss smart-ass already knows what we will ask, I guess I’ll ask the responsible one. So we have decided what we want to do if it’s alright with you. We decided we want to, well… we want to be the closest sister’s ever. we wish to start life over again.
If you two are willing to be our parents? Yes, yes, I wanted kids forever, and I was dying inside when I found out you weren’t going to be our kids. Sorry, Jeanie said. You, try being on my end of it. it fills up her dreams. she was heartbroken by me trying so hard to free you. Wendy and Dawn got a laugh. You got in trouble. Yes, I stated. I got chewed out for my actions on more than one end, but you know me. I always do what I feel is right. Why didn’t you say anything Wendy asked. Not right to force. I wanted it to be whatever you decided. Well, we decided. Jeanie, now bouncing, only had one question. how soon. Over and over and over again. I couldn’t help but laugh.
Okay, the tough time I said, who’s is Kelly and who’s Cheyne. I’ll be Kelly Wendy said. Good with me, baby Kelly Dawn said With a laugh. Still, how soon Jeanie asked? I told you I said. She’s your problem now. Don't sleep until you're ready, because I guarantee she’ll have clothes in hand. With that, I walked off laughing. Well, that was an easy solution I thought. waiting for the anvil to fall on my head and plans. An hour later, Jeanie was following them like a puppy. So did anything change. Dawn was snickering. Wow, we have limited time, don’t we. Welcome to my world, I said with a laugh. Wendy crossed her arms and stated, we weren’t that bad. My eye roll said it all. Well, we should get it over with, Dawn stated. Jeanie grabbed her and headed for the room. I laughed. Enjoy the next 5 hours, then your turn.
Wendy dead armed me. After that, I called Sam to let her in on the turn of events. Sam laughed and insisted on coming over. So quiet, I told Wendy. Now Sam is on her way. She insisted on being here. No way out now. Exciting day and the day I became a parent. When the five hours were up, Sam and Jeanie dragged Wendy almost into the room and got her dressed. I yelled too late now. I figured I would rub it in as much as possible before it was too late. Feeling good, I decided I pressed my luck enough. If I went too far, I would be the target for the next 18+ years. I went into the twin’s room. Just remember, if you pee on me. I will redress you and start your time over. I know Jeanie wouldn’t mind. Within a half-hour of them permanently changed from Wendy and Dawn to Kelly and Cheyenne, Jeanie was in full mom mode.
Anything sharp or not, baby proof invaded the garage. I tried telling her it was overboard as the kids sat in the play pin, but she and Sam, who was still here, we're on a mission. I decided to hang with Craig and Cynthia and stay out of it. That is the smartest, best move, Craig said. You will just get chewed out if you give an opinion in this phase. I finally headed to the garage. Hey, you two buried the Chevelle. So you’re not taking our kids in that car, so it’s okay. Both trucks are free to drive along with the Tahoe, so you have plenty. I knew I would lose an argument, so I shut up. Dawn and Wendy were giggling. I’m confident it was at Jeanie’s statement. Funny huh, I stated. Then raspberried them. Then Wendy or I should say Kelly either farted or needed a diaper change.
Hun, do you want me to do the honors of a first diaper change or you? Me, me, me, Jeanie said, running over. HA I said, knowing Kelly, she probably loaded it on purpose as a response to me. Sure enough, when Jeanie checked, she was full. The first couple of weeks took some getting used to, but things seem to fall into place. One big happy family. Two and a half months later, Sam gave birth to number 2. A little boy who they named Allen. Geez, I wonder where she got that name from. My sister is so inventive. As for me, I was getting the nothing to do jitters. It was okay though, two girls were more than a handful, and they were not even trying to let us off easy. A month later, Al, the director called. He had a movie either Jeanie or I could play in. He was trying to convince one of us to come back to work.
Jeanie said I should do it. After pressure from both sides, I finally agreed. For the next month and a half, I went to work every weekday, and the movie turned out good. At the end of the film, I was hit up for a sequel to one movie Jeanie, and I did a while ago. Due to Jeanie and I are not aging much, they're offering an insane amount of money to get both of us to do the remake. Jeanie told me we have no babysitter. Kelly and Cheyenne were looking at each other with a sad look on their faces. Then I commented. we need a babysitter because they need to be sat on. That got giggles all around and also involuntary toots from the little two. That made me laugh. I called Sam. Hey, Sam. are you interested in making some money babysitting? Let me talk to Craig, but yes. Okay, I said and hung up. Babysitter check.
Next excuse. She didn’t have one, so I figured I would ask Sam to come over so we could get a few hours alone. Sam and the whole crew showed up. Anytime you need a babysitter, Sam stated. just call. This will help us catch up on some bills. Some bills I said, what accounts and how much. We have it under control, Sam stated. Just ask Sam. money means nothing to us. Family is everything. how much do you need. We’re fine, Sam stated. What bills and how far are you behind? We’re fine, Sam stated again, and Craig said it’s under control. Fine, I stated. Jeanie, I need your help. Jeanie came running. what’s up?
Our family here is behind on bills, hasn’t asked for help and won't tell me how far behind and how much. I walked off. Jeanie did her thing. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, I found out. Car 3 months behind 3,000 owed to get it out of hawk. House lost already sold, moving into an apartment next week. You think you could sort of hide this after next week, hmm. A flat? All you had to do is ask. We have it under control, Sam stated. Things are okay, Craig said. besides making it, we had to downsize to afford things just with the new baby. We’re okay, though. Alright, I said.
But you can't lose your car, so here’s $3,000 for babysitting. for real, Sam said. for that you could rent three nannies for the day and night. Well, the next month you have to be able to get here. Either that or forgo the apartment and stay here. I got a solid no from Sam. Fine, I stated. we would be back in a few hours. Jeanie reshowed Sam where everything was. After that, we decided to take the Luv truck. once on the road, Jeanie said we couldn’t have them in an apartment barely scrapping by. That’s my niece and nephew there. I won’t have them, having a hard time when we can help. We made it three blocks away when Jeanie yelled STOP. I slammed on the brakes. Mainly because it stunned me. pull in that drive, she stated.
I spotted it. A for sale sign. Five bedrooms, three baths, large kitchen. Jeanie called the number. Yes, I want to see the house listing 154273. Not tonight right now! If I like it, I’m buying it tonight. I knew then, and she was in this mood. No, since arguing and the person on the other end of the phone will live longer if they get their ass in gear. A car pulled up 10 minutes later. A lady got out, and then so did Jeanie and me. Let me show you the house, she said. It’s not occupied, so it will only take a 30 day closing. She let us in. Jeanie took off looking all over and then checked the backyard. Meanwhile, the real estate agent said. are you Misty and is that Jeanie.
I cut her off with a yes. This house will be for my sister if it passes my wife’s inspection. I spotted her eyes light up, realizing we would have no problem affording it. I watched her watch Jeanie inspect the house. It will do, Jeanie stated but needs a new fence out back so the kids can’t get hurt. How soon after the purchase can they move in? Thirty days she said. Call the owners to see what extra it will take for them to be within a week. I, it’s not…. Jeanie said, if you don’t. Give me the number, and I will. If you refuse, we will take our business elsewhere. I want them in, in less than a week. She got on the phone told the owners what we asked.
They told her if you get the asking price, they can move in tomorrow. Jeanie wrote a check for the asking price, plus the closing cost and transfer fees, and taxes. When it closes tomorrow, call me at this number, and I’ll meet you to give you the keys. Put the house in both those names. The real estate lady looked at the check and said, yes mam. With that, we left. I couldn’t help but laugh. Get what you wanted? Yes, Jeanie said. She was now busy on her phone. What are you doing? 3:00 tomorrow a new fence goes in, she stated. 4:00 cleaners will be there along with painters. Talk about someone with a plan, I said. Yah well, I told you my niece and nephew and their parents would have a safe place to live. Hey, I’m not going to argue with you over it.
Better not, she said. At that, we headed back home. So much for a few hours alone together, I thought. When we got home, Sam was busy feeding Kelly and Cheyenne. You already back, Sam said. Yah, we just had a few things to do. An hour later, Sam and her family left. Once gone, I talked to Jeanie. You know Sam is going to be mad over what you did. tough and too late, Jeanie stated. Kelly’s eyebrow raised. Knowing she couldn’t talk, I decided to explain. Jeanie just bought them a house and paid for everything and is even having it painted and a new fence installed tomorrow. Kelly and Cheyenne both giggled. It wasn’t my decision this time at least. I’ll get half the argument. The next day was busy. Jeanie was out and about almost all day. It was okay because I was more than able to take care of 2 kids.
I had fun during most, and of course, I had to tickle both girls at times, knowing they couldn’t fight back. It was 8:00 pm before Jeanie got home. How was your day, I asked. Busy was the only answer I got. How soon will the house be ready, I questioned? Tomorrow afternoon, so the following day, they can move in. we went to bed early. The next day was more of the same. Jeanie was in a good mood when she got home. She was saying all done and ready for the family. She looked at me and stated. so how are you going to get their stuff moved? Me, I said. Yes, you. You better come up with a way! UGH Fine.
Jeanie just giggled as I grabbed my phone. Hey sis, can you babysit for a few hours tomorrow? No problem, thanks sis. So Jeanie asked as I hung up. Craig will be at work, but the rest will be over. I only need a 5-minute distraction from you so that I can grab keys. Jeanie just laughed. If they're already moved in, they can’t exactly do anything about it, can they? She just laughed as I called the movers. All set for tomorrow now I stated. by the way, you have to… never mind. if I don’t give back her keys, Craig will have to come here instead. Your cruel Jeanie said. What? I’ll leave them in the new house. Oh, and how did I get dragged into your plan? Easy Jeanie stated. Simply I asked. I heard two little giggles.
No comment from the peanut gallery, I said. With that, I heard a toot. I whispered to Jeanie, that’s scary. I think Kelly has control over her toots! I’m sure they're on purpose, Jeanie started laughing. I made sure everything was set up before the day was over. I whispered to Kelly and Cheyenne. I may need your assistance to distract tomorrow. We put the girls to bed. I was getting a good grip on this parenting thing, or at least I think I am. The following day came fast, and I was a little nervous, knowing I was fooling my sister. Sam, Cynthia, and Allen were entering the house around 8:00 am. Like usual, Sam put her stuff down near the door. The only thing she ever carries all the way in with her is the diaper bag and her phone.
Jeanie, Cynthia, and the girls were busy playing within minutes. Sam was consistently talking to me. I couldn’t say about what because, to be honest, I was busy figuring out how to steal the keys from my sister’s purse. Jeanie had everyone distracted except for Sam. Great I thought, now what. I sat trying to develop a solution, then Kelly, dear Kelly, seeing my need, let it rip. Who was that Sam asked? I think that was Kelly I replied, trying not to crack up. Jesus Sam stated, did she blow the diaper off. I couldn’t help it now, I was laughing. Kelly started crying and Sam went into mom mode. I didn’t know if Kelly was crying because my laughing or because the first atomic disaster didn’t have the intended effect, but either way, it gave me a chance to grab the keys and pocket them. I walked over to Sam and said, you got this sis? Yah, I got it. See I told you, that you would earn that 3,000.
Sam couldn’t help but laugh, which Kelly, I guess, didn’t like because with diaper down she peed right on Sam then started giggling. I couldn’t help it, I was on the ground laughing. Hazard pay paid I said between laughs. Not funny, Sam said, but now I’m borrowing a change of clothes from you. That’s fine. just nothing leather. Now Kelly and Cheyenne were both giggling. Although if you do, Craig might like it. Just go already, Sam said. with that Jeanie and I headed for the door. Did you get the keys Jeanie asked as I headed for the 62. Yep, do you want to go to their house and direct the movers or the new home? I’ll lead and ride back with the movers. You go to the new place and get it ready, here’s the keys. I stayed with Jeanie till the movers showed up. After that, I headed to Sam’s new house, well I did stop by a party supply store first. I couldn’t help myself.
I knew Cynthia would get a kick out of it if nothing else. You set everything up for the movers. All they had to do was move the stuff in and set it up. I set up my surprise, and I was just finishing when Jeanie called. Hun, they have 1 42 inch tv in the living room. They said they sold off all the others that used to be here. Your just now telling me this! Okay, so what I’m hearing is lock up and go tv shopping. Yes, she replied. TVs, video games, that new iPad video type thing they have out. The full works. Okay, any preferences on the tv size? Living room get no smaller than 70 inches to help fill the space. Also, buy dolls and toys to help fill Cynthia’s room. Also, little toys for Allen. Oh, and a new crib for him.
Why don’t I buy a store and have it delivered? Very funny, Jeanie stated. Now you don’t have much time to get it. Alright, I said. Beep, beep, beep, hold on. I have to another call, oh shit, it’s Sam. Hold up? I switched over to Sam. Hi Sam, what’s up? Have you seen my keys? No, hold on let me ask Jeanie. No haven’t seen them. Is there a problem. we can come home if there’s a problem. No, Sam said, I was just going to get something out of the car. Did you need us to pick something up for you I asked or come help look for them. No, Sam said, you two need a little time to yourselves, and the extra money will help us move. Have you guys paid for an apartment yet? No, Sam replied. We have an appointment tomorrow and hopefully we get it because we have to be out in 5 days. Well, if you don’t get it, don’t worry about it. you all have a place to go. Thanks, sis she said.
Oh, do you think we can maybe use one of your trucks? We only have my 4x4 and… No problem Sam, you need one. Just ask, and it’s yours. I was trying not to laugh. Well, just call if you need anything. I will Sam said, now go and enjoy yourselves. Will do bye, Sam. With that, I hung up. I could hear laughing. Oh, sorry I was on so long. You are an idiot, Jeanie stated. You conferenced called us I could listen to everything. One of these days, electronics are going to get you in trouble. Yah, Yah I said.
I better get underway. I’ll call you if I have any questions. I just hope it will all fit in the truck. Very funny Jeanie said, now get to it. Yes mom, I said before hanging up. I thought that would get her goat. I went shopping. Sure enough, it barely fit. 4 big TVs, the largest being for the living room at 82 inches. Then the master bedroom at 72 inches, Carol’s room 65 inches, kids’ room’s 55 inches. I figured their current tv, would go into the last guest bedroom. Then the toys. I got a buttload of girl toys for Cynthia. Then Allen. I went all out mobiles, blocks, big balls, a walker, crib, changing table, diaper genie, the works.
I even had to stick some of it in the cab. There were 3 employees of the store helping me out. The Funny thing is I turned on the street right before the moving van. Ha, ha, I thought. I pulled into the garage, and the van backed in behind me. Jeanie got out and directed the stuff unloaded out of the back of my truck first. Then the moving van. When Jeanie entered the house, she started laughing. really a welcome home banner and balloons. I couldn’t help it, and I was bored, I stated. Yah, and you just happened to have a welcome home banner in your truck. No, it was stashed at a store between the old house and here. I just happen to hang it up. I gave a raspberry.
She just shook her head and went back to traffic control. About 30 minutes in, the real estate lady showed up. Since there was no contest, the waiting time the city waived, so she already processed the deed. Thanks, I said. Do you mind if I check out what you have done? I’ve seen several crews in and out of here, she asked. Go ahead, I stated. just don’t get in the way of the movers or Jeanie. They will run you over. Ten minutes later, the movers had everything inside. Busy, unpacking. Hold this, I have to go to the store. Jeanie accepted the envelope, and I was off. Try buying a picture frame in Hollywood. You would think it was easy. NOT!!! Finally, 3rd place I went. I found one and then headed back. Jeanie gave me a strange look when she spotted me walking in with a single picture frame.
I unwrapped it and asked for the envelope back. Now she was on the same page as I framed the deed and put it right on the kitchen counter. Now I realized that time was running out on our little adventure. Soon Craig would be off work, and Carol should be heading home tomorrow. My stunt to get her away was brilliant. I asked her to please check on the family homestead. After all, it had been a while since anyone had checked on it. So as long as no hiccups happen, we should be just about on time. Of course, then my phone rang. Jeanie looked up, and I headed for the door. Hi Sam, anything wrong? No, it’s okay. Still, haven’t found my keys, but Craig is getting off work, and he will come here, so even if we don’t see them, we can just use his car tonight. Well, you all could spend the night too, you know. Yah, but we have packing to do. Well, you say when and we’ll help pack. Jeanie was now holding her mouth trying not to laugh. No, you don’t need to waste your time with that.
Alright, we will babysit while you pack then. At this point, Jeanie is rolling on the floor, holding her mouth. If we need help or someone to watch the kids, we have your number. You better, I said. Oh, so is Craig leaving work now? Yah, he got off work a little early so we could get some of the packing done. Alright, well, what does he like for dinner. since you have been babysitting, let us pick up something for you guys. Pizza would be great, Sam said. Alright, so does he like combo like you or… A combo will be fine. Okay, we should be home. I looked at Jeanie 15 no 20 minutes. Craig should just be 5 minutes behind you, then Sam said. Okay, seen you then. I got on the phone and ordered pizza 5 large pizzas. Delivery, I said and gave them the new address. Alright, now how to get them here? Jeanie gave me a shoulder shrug. Hmmm, I thought. First thing first. 20 minutes. Covering all my bases I called Carol. Hi, mom. Hi Misty. So is everything good?
Yeah, I did a little cleaning, but yah all is good, she replied. Have you talked to Sam this afternoon? Not yet, She stated. Well, can you wait at least 45 minutes before you do. why Carol asked? Well, I think I found a place for you guys, so it’s only three blocks away from our house. So is Sam looking at it tonight. Yep, in about 20 minutes. so can you keep it on the down low, I think they can afford it. Well Carol said. I wasn’t going to tell Sam and it was going to be a surprise, but I’ll be back in 45 minutes. I asked? Instead of going to Sam’s old house if you head for the main entrance to mine 3 blocks before my house you will see the vehicles, just pull up. Call if you can’t find it. Call me. What did you do now Misty? Me? I can honestly can say this time, and I have nothing to do with it. Alright, Carol said. What did Jeanie do? Not my place to say, I replied.
So can you keep my or more like Jeanie’s secret? Yes, but I have a feeling that you two have already got the apartment for them. an apartment I said. I can say, we did not get them an apartment. You rented them a house, Carol stated. I didn’t rent or buy anything. Misty, did you guys buy another house for us to live in? We didn’t buy ourselves a home. Well, I guess I’ll find out in less than 45 minutes. Yah mom, I'll see you then. Drive safe. Alright, she said and hung up. Barley avoided that I thought, now for the set up. An idea popped into my head, and I grinned. The moving truck just left, and I only had 5 minutes, well possibly 10 to get it set up. Okay, Jeanie. wait in here I got an idea, actually come with me. We closed the garage, and I moved the truck to the end of the drive. Almost on the street. I opened the hood and told Jeanie after Craig picks me up and we are out of sight close the hood and go in the house.
Alright she said. I stood at the back of the truck and flagged Craig down. What’s up Misty? You have jumper cables? No Craig said. Okay can you give me a lift to the house, and I’ll come back for Jeanie and the truck? I got in with Craig and he drove up to my house. Misty, why are you hitching a ride with my hubby? Long story I said. Jeanie and I talked to a real estate friend of ours and a house down the street was for sale. then pulled off the market and fixed up and hasn’t been relisted yet. she said he might be willing to rent it. So we stopped to see it and I left the lights on. My battery is dead. Sam just shook her head. Well, I have cables in the Tahoe, so I just needed to jump it.
Why don’t we load the kids since I have to go back anyway, and why don’t you guys look at it too and see if you like it? Sam looked at Craig then stated. this area is a little, blah, blah I said. As it turns out, I know the owner and if you agree to clean it up, then the owner is willing to give a smoking rent deal. Fine, Sam said. I loaded the twins and Sam into the Tahoe and Cynthia and Allen went with Craig. As we got on the street, Sam said. you're not kidding it’s close. Duh, I said. We pulled right up to the house. Hold on I told Sam. Can you get the girls out. I need to see if Jeanie found the hideaway key. I walked up, Jeanie unlocked the door. Yah she did, I yelled back. she’s checking it out right now. I walked back and grabbed my twins. Allen ended up in Sam’s arms, and Craig was bringing Cynthia up. Oh shit, Sam said. the pizza. They deliver to Terry’s house, I stated.
They bring it up so it’s all good. I went to the door. hmm, Craig or Sam you’ll have to get the door. My hands are full. Sam laughed. She opened the door and stopped dead in her tracks. What did you do Misty? I pushed her in, I didn’t. Who’s house is this. Yours and Craigs sis. I kissed her cheek, bypassing her and set the twins on the floor in the living room. You can’t Sam stated. Craig walked in seen the banner. Well, I guess we know where we are living now, he said with a chuckle. Now we just have to pack and move. Sam turned and told Craig we can’t accept this. It’s too much. Jeanie stepped in. No, it’s not. Listen there’s no way my niece and nephew are going to worry about where to live.
You two never ask for anything. You could have asked, you could have borrowed the money. We would have given it to you. Instead, if you wanted a loan, I stated. you would have had zero down and what you could afford a month. As for the interest, it would have cost you a lot. A lot of sisterly love and niece and nephew and brother-in-law love. That’s more valuable than any other payment. Sam was now crying. She handed Allen to Craig and wrapped me in a hug. Thank you, she said. This one, don’t thank me, this was all Jeanie. She suggested or told me, then she paid for it and bought whatever she thought you might need, although the banner was me. Sam giggled then went over and hugged Jeanie in a Sam sandwich. I could see a tear in Craig’s eye too. Why don’t you sit the kids in the living room, I said next to your couch. Wait, what Sam said. She looked around. how did you. Craig, our stuff is already here mixed in with new things.
Sorry sis here’s your keys. you know if it wasn’t for Kelly’s rocket, I never would have made it out with your keys. Sam started laughing. Yah mother and daughter. a thief team. Craig just laughed. Then the doorbell rang. Pizza is here. Sam just shook her head. I headed for the door. Paid for the pizza guy and handed off the pizzas. I seen Carol pull in. I waved her in. one last surprise, I said, as I held the door open. Sam said. mom you were in on it? No, I just got suckered in half an hour ago. So, care to explain, Carol said. Not my deal, ask Jeanie. so now we all sat down and ate. During dinner, Jeanie laid the whole thing out. That’s when Craig noticed the frame standing on the counter. How long ago did you… wait, you already have it in our names. We only told you a couple of days ago that we lost the house? Jeanie stated a couple of days ago. Money talks, bullshit walks. When you tell someone you’ll buy something full price if you can have it today, people don’t want to lose a sale. they make it happen. Well, you have fun and we should go home. Oh, here’s the keys. Have fun.
By the time we got home Sam had texted, Craig had texted a long with Carol. All saying thank you. Another hurdle over. Still, in a very short time we had a movie to do. With that thought over and being at home and the girls asleep, we had just me and Jeanie time. The following days just seem to fly by, in routine of course. being so close, Sam and Carol were here a lot. before we knew it, it was time to do the movie. It lasted 2 months and of course when we were seen at the studio, job offers were rolling in. Hmm, I thought. one now and then by one of us would just keep funds up, so why not. Jeanie and I worked it out. she did one and then a month break then I would do one, then a break, so on and so forth.
This gave Sam extra money, kept our accounts gaining, not as we needed it. Slowly, time also few by. In a blink of an eye, Kelly and Cheyenne were up and walking. Yah, they were a hand full now. even more now as they started talking. The two were always close and holding hands almost all the time. The days just seem to fly by more and more. They were 3 years old before something hit me. I was lying in bed staring at Jeanie, watching her sleep. I could tell every inch of her body. I know it up and down. Then it hit me. Yah, I can say to you every inch. Not one change. Wait, I got up looked in the mirror. I hadn’t paid attention. Too much of the same. I thought of Sam. She looked about 30 even though she was middle to late 30’s I’m thinking. I looked in the mirror and thought maybe 14 to 16. I should look at least look 18 by now, I thought. I looked at Jeanie.
No more than 15 or 16, I thought. Something I’ll have to bring up when everyone is awake. The more I thought about it, the more I thought, this is going to be weird. Especially when our kids get to 13, now I really couldn’t sleep. So I went to the kitchen, fixed some coffee and decided to watch a little tv in the living room. When Jeanie and the girls got up, they could all see something was bothering me. what’s wrong, honey Jeanie asked? That’s kind of what I’m trying to figure out, I said. Kathleen, Cynthia, I called out. What’s wrong, Kathleen asked? I have a question or a problem, not really a problem, but yeah a problem. Look, Jeanie and I should look about well, at least 17 or 18 and we still look 14 or 15. I told you already, Kathleen stated. You said double it’s not double I stated. You misunderstood, Kathleen said. yes doubled so you turn 13 and would look 13 until you were 15 then 14 from 15 to 18 yes then 15 from 18 to 20. no Kathleen stated. that’s not doubled. You were 15 from 18-22 then, when you had the accident and started over, so yah you two are probably just turning 15.
Okay, so a very long life I guess but we will eventually age. Well Jeanie. be ready to be a 70-year-old teenager with 2 teenage kids. We should be glad we have a lot over 50 million in the savings account, because we will probably need it. Jeanie said, just remember you said you would love me for a life time sucker!!!!! she started laughing. Well, if I went with anyone else it would end up like screwing grandma. That gave Jeanie the shakes at the thought of it. Me, I couldn’t help but laugh. Well between our kids and us at least both Kathleen and Cynthia will have company for a long time and won’t be stuck in one place.
Hmm Kelly and Cheyenne, just think you will be in the year 3000 and something before you die. HA, HA. They Both gave me a raspberry. With that explained, now we just had to swallow the truth. Of course, we called Sam, Carol, and Craig to talk and tell them what to expect. Sam said I wondered if you were ever going to age. Thanks, sis. You try being carted for everything till way over 80. Oh, I can make that happen if you want. No, I’m happy living and dying when the time comes so it’s all you but keep an eye on my kids when I go through. You don’t have to worry there Sam, I stated. Their kids might have a problem though, because I’m sure by then Jeanie is going to be itching for more kids, so she might not let them be.
Of course, a pillow or two were thrown at me. Of course, life continued. Before we knew it both Kelly and Cheyenne were going to start school within a month. Okay, girls, I have a serious question for you. Do you want to go to school in Hollywood or go back to Paso? Kelly said, I don’t want to go at all. I had to and so do you so make up your minds. It took a full day to get an answer. So, for now they would go here in Hollywood and could always go in Paso later. I figured this turn of events was probably because Allen was going to school here and Cynthia seemed to be doing well and went to the same school. The first day was nerve-racking.
Jeanie insisted on waiting outside for almost half the school day. Hun, you have to let them have their time too, I said. Those two are more than capable. It was the 3rd day before she didn’t get out of the car and wait. Finally, I thought looking back now, kindergarten was a distant memory of being Allen. I have been Misty for almost as long as I was Allen now and some things are were a complete blank. Allen’s relatives, I hadn’t thought about them in ages. Probably dead by now. Funny the turns that happen in life. Important things. As time goes on, you just forget about some things altogether. Things continued on and before we knew it, the first year of school was almost over. That being said. Kelly and Cheyenne were acting more like normal kids.
Things were moving right along. At the end of the school year, we decided to spend the summer at the country house. The girls had a blast and Sam’s family came and stayed a week. I guess Craig had vacation time and they all felt like getting away. Summer was fun. A change of pace. The next few years passed by more of the same. A few acting jobs in movies, kids in school and summers spent in our country home. It wasn’t until the girls 4th-grade year that things changed. Mid-year, one morning, Jeanie took the girls to school then had to go to the studio and get her script, meet actors ect, for a upcoming movie. This left me with a day to me. Rare commodity.
It was about 9 in the morning when there was a knock at the door. It was 2 probation officers. Yes, we are looking for Jeanie Parsons. She’s not home right now. I’m her wife, is there anything I can help you with. They radioed in the situation and got approval to talk with me instead. We are from the Hollywood juvenile center for troubled youths. Do you know a boy named Pat. His parents are Court and Cristine… before they could say anything else, I got out yes they are my wife’s cousins, why. A year ago Pat was caught stealing from a Walmart and sent to juvenile hall. He’s due to be released and we have not been able to locate his parents. Also, from their criminal history. They are not a good placement for him. We questioned him about relatives, the only one he said was Jeanie who he hadn’t seen since he was little. It took a little bit to track you, well her down. He was due to be released yesterday, but without family to be release to, he will stay in our custody till he is 18. Okay, if I understand right, you’re asking us to be his legal guardians till he is 18. how old is he now, 17. He will be 17 next month and is a junior in high school, the probation officer stated. One more question I have to ask. Is there a county restriction because we spend our summers in Paso Robles. By summer if there’s no issues between now and then, he should be free and clear from probation.
Alright, as I told you, Jeanie’s at work right now, so can I go and get him released to me being married to Jeanie. Yes, we had to get clearance before discussing it with you, the probation officer said. He gave me the address and info I would have to have to get him released. With that, they left. I grabbed the paperwork required. Copy of the marriage certificate, two forms of id, and I grabbed my phone and dialed.... Hi hun. I got a few things to do and when I get home, I’ll have a surprise for you. Jeanie of course asked what, a new kink store open or something. No, it’s a huge surprise, I think you will like it. It will change our lives, so you’ll just have to wait till I’m home and no peeking.
Peeking at what she said. you haven’t told me anything. I know my wife and I know this is the right thing to do. It should be interesting having a 17 year old boy at our house. No time to think of anything else I got into the 62 and fired it up and headed for juvenile center. Once there it was a half an hour of paperwork before it was time to release him. Pat came out. I said hi I didn’t know if you remember me, but I’m Misty your cousin’s wife. Where is my cousin, he asked? She is currently is at work, then she will be picking up our kids. I haven’t had a chance to talk her yet about you, so this should be a surprise. Well, you might as well just leave me here then he stated. She will just send me back. I giggled. You don’t know your cousin very well.
Trust me, you will have to mess up, for that to happen. Now grab your stuff and we will head home. What I have on is all I got, he said. Hmm I thought. I guess we’ll have to fix that. Do I remember what boys wear? I looked down. I had on pink glitter vans, short socks, half pants and a devil’s in the detail’s t-shirt. Not exactly boyish. As he walked beside me I thought well, this night will be interesting. Alright I said. the clothes you have on barley classify as clothes, so before going home I guess we are going shopping. You can’t wear the same clothes every day anyway. There’s one problem I stated, you need to give me the names of a couple of stores to shop at because, well… I don’t think you want to spend the rest of high school in girl clothes. it’s been many years since me or Jeanie shopped for adult males. He just shrugged his shoulders.
I thought, this night might be harder than I thought. Then I had an idea. I got out my cell. Hmm yet another thing we’ll have to get him. I dialed Craig, Sam’s hubby. Hey Craig, got a question. where do I go shopping for a high school aged male and what’s the style? He laughed. What is this about Misty? A new house guest related to Jeanie, and she doesn’t know yet, so again any answers. He laughed and said alright, best way is if I help. your style isn’t exactly male. It’s a slow day at the office, so I was going to leave anyways. I’ll meet you at the mall. Thanks, I said and hung up. As we walked into the garage I walked towards the truck. We going to walk home, he asked. Nope. Where’s your car? I don’t have a car per say.
He looked at me confused and was staring at me when I turned around. I leaned back against the hood of the truck. This is my truck so are you coming? His eye’s lit up. that's yours? Yes, I built it and my name is on the registration. Now let’s go or we’re going to be late. I opened his door then mine. He climbed in looked around, felt the dash. I watched him as I pushed in the clutch and hit the key. Once it started and he heard the exhaust, I knew that if he could behave himself long enough, I could teach him a little and get him on the right path. Now we left and headed to for the mall. I parked beside Craigs car. Yah a few minutes behind.
Craig got out and I introduced him to Pat. Pat this is my sister’s husband. You didn’t give me any hints and as I said, unless you want to go to school in pink and half pants, Then what we need his help. Craig just laughed. An hour later the shopping cart was full 15 pairs jeans, 3 pair of sneakers, a pair of boots, 20 shirts, 2 hats, 30 pair of socks and underwear, deodorant, razors, a couple of belts and a watch. I looked down at Pat’s pockets. What is in your pockets Pat, I asked? Nothing he replied. Fine pull your pockets out then. He did with his head held down. He had a pair of stud earrings in his pocket. I stood in front of him. Look at me Pat!
If you want or need something, just ask. It’s simple, either yes or no on having it. Do you have pierced ears? I looked up to see, as he said yes. Alright, then all you had to do was say something. I would have gladly bought them for you. Let me see them. I looked behind, and security was approaching. I walked past him and talked to them. I explained this young man came from a broken family. He just got out of juvey and lived on the streets a year before. I have money, and I spotted the bulge in his pocket. I just talked with him, and please, he hasn’t been out an hour. please don’t file a report. They looked at me and saw the sincerity.
This one time, we will let it go, he said. Alright, thank you. With that I went back to Pat and Craig. Just as I got into ear range, I heard Craig talking to him. They’re good people and if you ask on something most of the time you will get it. I don’t know the story on your life yet, but you will devastate your cousin if you are caught stealing. Misty and Jeanie are nice and good-hearted people. Pat had his head down the whole time. I announced alright handled, but no more of that. Now you can have these, but if I ever catch you stealing again, privileges will all be taken away and no more new stuff. Okay he said. we finished up looking at a few more things. I said to Craig. I have to stop in one more store really quick, can you and Pat take the cart and head to the truck, please. They did and I ran into the cell phone store that provided the service for Jeanie and I. I picked up Pat a new phone and had it added to our account.
After that I made a quick be line in and out of the jewelry store. A quick mad dash for the truck knowing I had left them alone for over 5 minutes. Okay back I announced. The bags were all loaded in the truck along with Pat and Craig handed me my keys back. Thank you so much Craig. I would be lost without you and probably making another 5 trips. He laughed, anything you guys need just call. Sam would have killed me if I didn’t help. Now I laughed.
A wave goodbye and I was sitting in the truck. Pat I have one more thing for you, but do not use it to get in trouble. if you are in trouble then call okay? Yes, he said and I tossed him the phone. It’s got mine and Jeanie’s numbers programmed in. along with Craig and my sister Sam. Your giving this to me Pat asked? Yes Pat. that along with all that stuff is yours even if you goof up and end up back In juvey, that’s all still yours. He just sat there dumbfounded as I started the truck. I could tell he didn’t know what to say. As we got to our neighborhood, I said Pat that’s Craig and Sam’s house there, you’ll meet their kids. Cynthia is a few years younger than you and Allen is in the same grade as our daughters. Pat said their house is huge. they must be rich!
No I said, but they make due and they’re really good people. If you need or have a male issue that Jeanie and I can’t help with, Craig will. all you have to do is call and ask. By the time we were done talking I was pulling up to the gate. Wow! he said. is this another relatives place? Nope, this is our gate. I hit the gate control and proceeded to drive up to the house. You own this, Pat stated. Jeanie and I. I opened the garage door and he seen the Luv truck and the 64. Wow, those are sure nice vehicles. Yah my other vehicle, your cousin still has buried under boxes right now, because she doesn’t want me driving it. He looked at the stack of boxes. Enough for now, let’s grab your stuff and I’ll show you to your room. I put him into the room on the far side of us knowing, he would wake us up if he tried to sneak out.
Besides it has its own bath. This is your room I stated. Closet is there. The bathroom is there. This room is your responsibility to keep clean. He put his new clothes up. I said how about some lunch? I made some sandwiches and gave him some chips and a soda. Then tomorrow we will have to get you registered in school. After cleaning up after lunch, I said why don’t you go and take a bath and we’ll put those clothes in the laundry. It was pulling up on 3:00 by the time he brought out the dirty clothes. You ready to see your cousin and our kids? Yes, he said nervously. 15 minutes later I heard the Tahoe pull up. Well, they’re here. too late for you to run away. Pat still looked nervous. Listen, your cousin is a nice person and your great cousins are friendly. you have nothing to worry about. About that time the door opened, first Kelly and Cheyenne came running in and stopped dead in their tracks at seeing a stranger in the house.
They stopped right in front of Jeanie who almost rammed into them. Hey, Hun I said. we have a house guest. This is your cousin's kid Pat. He will be staying with us for a bit. Your Court and Christina’s kid right Jeanie asked? Yes, Pat replied. Alright, this is Kelly, and this is Cheyenne, your great cousins. Welcome to our house. Make yourself at home and we’ll catch up in a few after I get the girls settled. I had dinner started right about the time they walked in. Jeanie came into the kitchen, so long story short I said. just got out of juvey, junior in high school. Not sure where his parents are, it was either we take him or he stayed in juvey. I figured family, and you would kill me if I left him, good call Jeanie stated. Oh, the only thing he owned was the clothes on his back which are in the laundry, and I bought him all new clothes.
Oh no, Jeanie said. how much pink? I giggled. he picked out clothes, with Craig’s help. I’m not dumb. I knew I was lost. Jeanie just laughed. Anyways, gave him the room on the other side of us. I think I got everything. razors, deodorant, socks, undies, shoes, boots, pants, shirts, hats. Oh, and unexpectedly, a set of stud earrings. Okay, Jeanie said, sounds like you got it under control. I hope I do. With that Jeanie went to the laundry in the garage lifted up the shirt pointed to it. I shook my head yes and she threw the whole bunch into the trash. I tried not to laugh. When she came in, she stated. that was what he was in. Yah all he had, I guess. They said he’d been living on the streets before he got busted for shoplifting and spent a year in Juvey.
They searched for relatives, and you were all they found. Jeanie left the kitchen and went and sat with Pat. I could overhear her ask about what happened and where his parents were. It seems they told him he was old enough and they couldn’t take care of him anymore about two years ago. I could see Jeanie hug him and say. well, you have a home here, just try to remember to ask if you need something. Pat bowed his head and said Misty told you.
No, told me what Jeanie replied? He told Jeanie what happened at the mall. It’s forgiven this time Pat, but don’t let it happen again. Are you registered for school yet? No, Misty said we would have to do that tomorrow. I’ll take you Jeanie said. It’s about time to eat. Go to the table because if you’re not careful, your cousin’s will eat yours. Would not Kelly said, then hit a raspberry. Cheyenne said hmm I might with a laugh. Pat laughed too. We all sat down and had dinner, the girls did homework with my help while Jeanie spent time with Pat. At 8:00 I called bedtime and Pat and the girls all headed off to bed. Jeanie sat beside me on the couch in the living room.
She set her head on my shoulder and said. Are you going to be okay with this dear? Yeah I went and picked him up, bought him clothes didn’t I? Yeah, but you did that for my feelings. Well duh, but after seeing his condition, I couldn’t leave him there. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have gone to bat for him with mall security. True she said, with that we called it a night. The next day, I figured I would go and get the school registration done, but Jeanie said she had to go to the school next door to drop the girls off anyways. Alright I said and let her do her thing. It was 9:00 when I got a call from Jeanie. Hey, Hun I’m going to be most of the day. I have to find a school that will take him.
What, I said? Well, they’re using his Juvey records not to let him in and I talked with 3 other schools who won't let him attend. Tell me Hun. Which school do you and Pat, want Pat to go to? I could hear Pat in the background saying sorry cousin. I didn’t know it would be this hard. Jeanie stated the nicest one is next to the girl’s school. Alright, give me 10 minutes and I’ll be there. Hun it takes 20 minutes to get here. Okay give me 15 minutes then. Misty keep it under control. I’ll be there, head for the office and tell them I’ll be there shortly. I knew one of the lawyers I have used before Jack Classen. His Office was near the school, so I called the office as I headed to the truck. Yes, is Jack Classen in the office today. Can we tell him who is asking? Tell him it’s Misty Parsons is on online and wants him to meet her at the South B Sherwood high school.
Give me a minute ma’am and I’ll see if I can locate him. Just tell him I’ll be there in 15 minutes. He’s on the clock starting now and I hung up. I got into the 62 and fired it up hitting the garage remote and seconds later the gate. With some throttle and a clutch popping I was off. It took 13 minutes till I was passing Jack’s office. a block later I passed Jack like he was setting still. Of course, he sped up seeing me pass. We arrived at the school. Jack moments after me and as he sped up his walking to catch me. he asked, Okay what is it you need? High school and you are obviously mad to have called me, give me the run down. He was almost caught up as we reached the reception. The lady asked may I help you? Yes, where is the principal’s office?
Do you have an appointment she asked? Nope, but my wife should be talking to the principal right now waiting for me, this is my lawyer and I suggest you get the principal or lead the way. After all this school discriminated against my wife’s cousin as she was trying to get him enrolled and unless you want more ISSUES get in gear. I could see I startled her a little and she obviously took me serious as she got up and led the way. She towered over me like I was a midget. She knocked on and opened the door a little to announce us. I spotted Jeanie and pushed my way in. I looked at this late 40’s early 50’s male and said. you must be the principal discriminating against my family. This here is my lawyer. he’s here to show you the error of your way.
He stood dumbfounded as Jack introduced himself. The principal turned his attention right back to me, like he was searching for something. Jack looked irritated at his lack of attention. Whatever it was must of just clicked I thought, as his expression changed to a worried look. We have no problem. he can start as soon as tomorrow the principal said with a half shaken look. Alright I said. Now are you going to fill out the paperwork or do you need my lawyer to help you do that? Okay, so I’m a little annoyed. I looked at Jeanie and Pat who obviously were surprised at the events that just happened. No, no I’ll get it started right now. I do have a question if you, well if you don’t mind. Spit it out. You’re the one who was on the news, who went head on against drug dealers. Yes, I said with a little huff.
We don’t want any problems here. I give you my guarantee he will have no issues at this school. Sorry, you had to come down here. There is no hard feelings, as long as you don’t go back on your word and treat Pat fairly and give him a chance to prove what kind of student he is. The next question, I think got me more irate than anything else he could have said. as he added, I will not go back on it, and if you decide to transfer here we will give you the classes you want. We don’t want any problems and if one arises, you come to see me before handling it yourself. I thought, doesn’t this idiot watch tv. how old does this jerk think I am? I tried to hold my anger in as I looked at Jeanie who was holding her mouth and I’m guessing trying not to laugh. Alright he’ll be here tomorrow. With that I turned to my lawyer and asked how much? $1,000 he said. I handed him $2,000 and said the extra was for being on call and handy. I walked out to the truck and tried to compose myself. 5 minutes later Jeanie and Pat walked out with a handful of books.
I seen the blinds on the office being peaked through as they walked up. So Jeanie said. I guess he seen your little stunt. What did Misty do Pat asked? Later Jeanie said. It’s way in the past. Misty, are you going to go to school with Pat. she started laughing. I stated, fat chance as I fired up the truck. Jeanie moved back knowing I was irritated. As soon as she did, I left black streaks leaving the parking lot. Hmm I thought and headed to dmv. When I got home, Pat was in the living room along with the girls. Jeanie was in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen, I’ll take Pat tomorrow. I have an idea for that rude principal. I think you have scared him enough Jeanie stated. Close, but no I responded. The next morning Jeanie got everyone ready for school. I felt especially pink today. I had pink and white socks, pink shirt, and nail polish. a pink and white skirt and white keds. Jeanie commented, you look youthful or dangerous, I’m not sure which this morning. Both I said with a smile. I think I should take Pat, she stated. No, I have this, I won’t even break the speed limit going to the school. Jeanie gave me that lowered brow, yah right as she called for the time to go. Pat and I walked out to the 62 as we waved goodbye.
As soon as she was down the street I told Pat. help me with the boxes up front. Jeanie didn’t know that I rearranged and kept up the Chevelle up, even replacing the battery every 2 years. Once the boxes were in the back of the 62. I could see Pat liked the Chevelle as I crawled through the window and popped it in neutral. I had 2x4 ramps under the back tires, so I knew it would roll. Once outside the garage I told Pat get in. Once buckled in. I fired it up and Pat jumped in his seat. As I drove through town to the school, I have to say we got a lot of attention. not as much as when I pulled into the school parking lot. The principal was glued to the office window, especially when I rapped it a little. Pat spotted the principal in the window and said, I take your stunt was in this car. I just smiled. Pat you won’t have any problems.
I shut the car off and got out. Okay time for your first day. He got out and I went around seeing several students, well I take it students, were looking. I gave a hug and whispered you should be very popular here. I let him go and smiled. have a good day. Then I got back in, as Pat walked over towards the other students. I fired the car up and headed out of the parking lot, just to spot Jeanie and the girls at the grade school. Both girls pointing. Oh, busted I thought better go over. First word from Jeanie, that car isn’t even licensed. Yes it is, I stated. I did it yesterday. Kelly and Cheyenne had their arms at their sides with your dead mommy look. I kept cool, under the speed limit. I drove calm as could be. I haven’t driven this car in a long time. I haven’t raced it since that day/night. Jeanie hunched down and the girls dropped their arms, yes you have been exceptionally good, so we’ll leave it at that Jeanie stated, but if you mess up, I’m going to bury it so deep you won’t see it again. Yes, mom I said and took off before she could comment.
It was a peaceful rest of the day. Jeanie picked up all three kids from school. I had dinner going by the time they got home. From that day on, it was a whoever wasn’t working took the kids to school and picked them up while the other went to work. We had worked it out so everything could be done between myself and Jeanie. We shared all the duties, for all three. The year just seemed to fly by. Kelly and Cheyenne had a fair amount of friends and were close with their cousins, Sam’s son Allen and Cynthia. Pat was like a big brother to them. That summer, we returned to our house in the country. Although Now, it wasn’t really in the country. Every place was less than 5 acres except ours, we had the only property still 40+ acres, and we were being offered a tremendous amount of money to buy our place. I turned it down flat along with Jeanie.
This is our 2nd home and the girl's home. No way are we selling it. The summer blew by in what seemed like a heartbeat. Before we knew it, we were on our way back to Hollywood. This year Terry was retiring, and his kids were almost grown. Man, I thought has it been this long. Looking back, certain things seemed nostalgic. It’s Pat’s senior year. The kids are growing up so fast. Jeanie had been teaching Pat to drive. She said it’s safer if he learned from her. That made me laugh. This year started it’s me who's doing a movie. It was another horror film, and I figured audiences would tire of seeing my mug on TV by now. Things moved right along, and I had my break, and Jeanie went back to work. I had time to think as I took the kids to school. I looked at the new vehicles. clothes people wore, all the different things I usually don’t pay attention to. Yah, I must be getting old, I thought because I don’t fit in this world well anymore. Guess just too old-fashioned. Kelly and Cheyenne seemed to fit in OK, and Jeanie seems to like she fits in okay.
Before I realized it, Pat was graduating and moving on. He found a girlfriend and ended up moving out. It was a little odd when the girls were 16 and looked 13, and we looked more like sisters than parents and children. Time was blowing by now. They decided to move back to the country to raise ranch horses, plant crops to become actual farmers. We stayed in Hollywood most of the time. Ten more years come and went in a blink of an eye. The next thing I knew, there was a colony on Mars, and you could now book passages and visit other planets on starships. Things seemed to speed up. Before we knew it, another 15 years had passed, and Craig had passed away. I hit up Sam asked if she wanted another go around? She flat denied.
Two years later, she passed at home. Having lived a whole happy life. Sometimes we visited Kelly and Cheyenne, and they came and visited us. One thing obvious was none of us fit in now. The more time that past, the more we stuck out. None of us happy anymore. The question was what to do. One day the ultimate opportunity came over the TV. They found a new system with four fully livable planets in it. One was sold. With all 4 of our money pulled, we could just afford it. So we bought it and sold both properties to buy a ship to put our vehicles, animals, and everything else in. With that, we left earth and never looked back.
Kathleen, Cynthia, you still there. Yep, we're here. Our purgatory to speak is almost up, but now we can travel the universe with you living so far away. Well, have fun, Kathleen and Cynthia. I was just checking, and thanks for everything. You welcome sweaty, bye for now.
The 4 of us were perfect and happy on our planet and said our goodbyes in the end.
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...with some interesting concepts and ideas. The rules for our two ghosts (and the reason there aren't any others) are solidly done. Most of the action scenes work pretty well.
Sadly (at least as originally posted) it's not easy to read, with no quotation marks (let alone separate paragraphs when the speaker changes), and literally dozens of wrong words, a few of them unintentionally hilarious, like "Scientologist" for "psychologist". ("Sweaty" for "sweetie" in the next-to-last sentence is kind of cute.) Makes me wonder how many people who started this actually made it to the end.
It Could Have Been
So much better with some editing and breaks for speech and proper paragraphs. The lack of those made it hard to read.
The concept was excellent. The ghosts were great and the stretching of lifetimes was neat