May 2024 25th Anniversary Contest: The Results Are In!

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You hear that? That's the chiming of the bell signifying the end of voting for the contest! So without further ado...


We had over 160 votes cast in our poll, and I am incredibly proud to see how much love our community showed to our contestants.

The Chosen, by Amethyst



Full Force Gale, by Emma Anne Tate


A Mother's Love, by Alyssa Plant

Congratulations to all three authors! You wrote some great stories!

But wait! What about prizes?

Amethyst, coming in first, has won a 100 USD cash prize (well, digital.) Emma Anne Tate and Alyssa Plant have, in turn, each won a 50 USD prize. AND, because we passed the goal point, all 3 authors get either a formatting run of their story for release as an ebook (formatted to fit the standards we use for ebooks released through Kindle,) or a custom piece of artwork for their story.

Winners, PM me (@ rasufelle) and we can get your prizes sorted out.

Thanks again for everyone who entered, and read, and commented, and voted in the poll. It means a lot to us when we see people participate in these community events. And, if you still haven't caught up on all of our entries, you can find them all right here.

So, what's next for contests and challenges on BCTS?

Well, we have an upcoming contest from a long-time member of our community that might help cool off some of the summer heat for our northern hemisphere members, and we may soon be announcing a bit of a crossover competition that could be interesting too! Keep your eyes peeled, and your hearts open, and we'll see you then.

Melanie E.



Erisian's picture

Congratulations to the winners...and to huzzah to all who entered! :)

Can we see a...

full list of the results? You know... just out of interest.



bryony marsh's picture

I just see "You may vote for as many stories as you wish..." and a checkbox for each entry.

Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh

Here's The List...

Ties are shown in alphabetical order of the title, "a" and "the" excluded).

The Chosen (Amethyst) - 20
A Mother’s Love (Alyssa Plant) - 14
Full Force Gayle (Emma Anne Tate) - 14
Mars Shot (Marianne G) - 11
Doppelganger (Gillian Chambers) - 9
Faith in Oneself (Noname1) - 9
Nadir to Zenith (Marianne G) - 9
The Carer (Gillian Chambers) - 8
From The Top (Bryony Marsh) - 8
Saharan Heat (Melanie Brown) - 7
There Is Light at the End… (Samantha MD) - 7
When the Night Meets…(Drea DiMaggio) - 7
Belinda Was Mine (Joanne Barbarella) - 6
Morale Support (SaraKel) - 6
Smoked Out (Ricky) - 6
The Grandmother (Dorothy Colleen) - 4
Meeting Chloe (Nearly Anna) - 4
Atarashi Gakko (Aylesea) - 3
Barefoot in the Park )Suzi Auchentiber) - 3
The Star Tower (Dorothy Colleen) - 3
Aurichalcum (Malady) - 2
A Little Bit of History (Dorothy Colleen) - 2
Raising the Bar (Astrid Erikssen) - 2
Wish I Had Your Life (Rachel M. Moore) - 2

- Eric

I was intentionally not bringing this over

as I didn't feel that it was helpful or friendly to the people who worked so hard on their stories and -- simply through chance, I believe in some cases -- didn't get as many votes as others did.

All the stories were appreciated, and all of our authors are incredibly special and talented. The only thing these numbers determined were prizes: nothing else.

Melanie E.

oh wow!

Kit's picture

Thank you to everyone that read and voted! oh wow! I never expected to do well, but to be in the same rare air as Emma and Amethyst, I don't feel worthy.

Thank you everyone! and I loved so many of these stories I read! all of them were fantastic!

I like Turtles.

Thanks, Melanie!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Thanks for putting together a fun contest — it generated some really great stories! Congratulations to Amethyst and Alyssa, and happy birthday, BC!

P.S. — In it’s original form, a character from a few other stories appeared in a supporting role in Gayle. I changed that to ensure that the story didn’t tread close to the contest’s prohibition on serials, but now I’ve changed it back. The names were the only things I changed. :)


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

SuziAuchentiber's picture

all three stories were on my list of potential winners and its great to see my tastes match the Patrons of this wonderful platform for story writing !
I hope the competition encourages more readers to take the plunge and join the ranks of writers like I did earlier this year - its a great thrill putting your thoughts onto a page and having others read them and enjoy them !
I also hope the exoisting authors will continue to find their muse and bring us new delights from their talented minds !!! Nothing better than reading entertaining stories !!
Hugs&Kudos to all who participated - Love you all !!!!


All The Stories Were Good

joannebarbarella's picture

Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who participated. Here's to the next ones being a success. Thanks, Melanie, for organizing this one.


Amethyst's picture

This was a great contest for Big Closet's 25th anniversary, we had a lot of great stories. and it was nice to see so much participation. I almost didn't but I managed to write The Chosen at the last minute. I felt that I rushed it a bit to finish in time, but I tried to make it engaging and I'm glad that people enjoyed it enough to vote for it. Thanks to everyone who voted for it, and for the other authors in the contest for the great stories.

Emma and Alyssa, great work on raising the bar for this contest :)

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

If You Don't Win

joannebarbarella's picture

A race in the Olympics it doesn't mean you lost. You already beat all those who would liked to have been there and didn't make it. I'm in your very good company, Dot. We competed!