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Home in both senses of the word. Back to BC, that's the main thing.

The op went exactly as expected. I won't give out gory details. What didn't go as expected was my reaction to said op, which meant I didn't eat or drink much for two days, and some of the meds had poor reactions. I should have been discharged Monday but ended up coming out Tuesday after the traditional interminable wait for discharge papers.

...Which we then forgot to take to the doctor's when we went! Double trip, but it was only a mile or so.

I have a drain in my leg which is weeping so both legs have been bandaged. My calves look like Zeppelins because of all the excess water. I'm moving around slowly but don't plan on doing much (except reading) until that all gets fixed.

I am amazed that so many stories got posted in the few days I was in! I don't know how you all do it but it shows BC is still being of use to a great number of people.

Keep up the good work.


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