Most will be elated with this news and justly so but it is an executive order and may be removed as easily as it was put in place. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. Ttry and keep in mind we (transgender) are a political football to politicians, medical personnel, news commentators. Also the same to anyone who thinks they can bank political points by using us. The smallest minority we have no political clout, no financial clout. We are the Mistress to the Billionaire, good as arm candy and trotted out for show and tell when it suits anyone to use us.
Stay safe, keep in mind one should know and understand his or her own body better than anyone. Live life the best way one knows how and respect others ideas and opinions. I didn't say accept what one disagrees with or doesn't like. Try to respect them as one would wish to be. I pray everyone finds the support they want and need no matter how much or how little support they receive from our government.
Galileo was prosecuted for his support of heliocentrism, the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun.The Catholic Church tried him for heliocentrism and sentenced him to house arrest where he stayed until his death. They also tried Joan de Arc for wearing pants and burned her at the stake. Shall I go on about those they burned at the stake for transcribing the Catholic Latin bible into English?
Don't be a liberal nor conservative, Republican nor Democrat. Weigh knowledge with an open mind. For those who believe I should rot in Hell for my view? Take heart, many times my daughter has roasted me for not raising up in arms against the states and laws passed against trans.
Hugs People
When I knew everything, I understood I knew nothing.
Feels like pre ww2 for the Jews
There are about 7+ months until the 'fun' starts for America. Some are even afraid of a second Civil War, and there is even a movie out about it. Many people I know are very afraid of the blond monkey. Right now, our political alternatives seem really bleak to me.
I just watched a "Ted" talk about that issue by what seemed to be a very knowledgeable woman.
I have deliberately made her talk to be hard to find.
Woulda been nice
It would have been nice if he had done this early in this term of office rather then wait until an election year to pull it out of the had. As much as this is good news it doesn't score Biden any points... as you said we are a political football and we've just been kicked into the game. I think I'm feeling the bruise.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Frankly I'm of the view of having any light is better than no light at all if we allow the Fascists to take over.
The blonde monkey as Gwen said is so apt though he is already Agent Orange as far as I am concern, willing to wilt everything in his path for personal gain.
At least the Dems have been consistent on our rights for the most part as Barb's ability to get proper gendered ID was due to a Democratic president.
As an Asian minority I am used to being buffeted by the majority in the US and can and will celebrate any gains that we can get even if it is a carefully calculated move for political gain. Who F'ing Cares, as long as gains are made.
That light...
I just threw out a very old T-Shirt that said,
"The light at the end of the tunnel might be an oncoming train."
I bought it in 2014 at the Nevada Northern RR depot at Ely, NV.
Just a thought. I'd OJ Trump gets re-elected, I'd expect that red-cloaks for women would soon be mandatory (if they are of the right colour)
Losing bodily autonomy might be the tip of the iceberg. The right to vote will be on the chopping block as all sorts of Civil War (and before) era laws are resurrected.
Get Trump Out.
Please, someone. From someone over the pond. Please Vote and remove all the Republicans out of office.
Especially keep that liar Trump out of the white house.
we are trying
trust me i want nothing more than to see him go to prison .but im afraid if he is convicted that will start another revolution. many of his follower's are dangerous and wouldn't have any problem using violence to get their way .they have already proved that when they attacked the capitol .im sorry but i cant predict whats going to happen but is what i am expecting and preparing for such a situation .i just hope the ladies on here that are in the U.S keep them self safe what ever happens .
Well, we in the US will just have to take that chance. We cannot allow him to be above the law, it will just embolden the rest of them.
If I have to fight them, I will.
It is too clear that those elements know this is their best chance at imposing their crap on the rest of the US and yes they will do bad things.
The old saying of men 'standling idly by' applies so much.
Standing idly by
Exactly. The Republican Party in 2024 is committed to denying the existence of transgender people. They pass anti-trans laws everywhere they get power. People who vote for Republicans at this point are either okay with that, or it doesn't bother them enough to change their vote. Maybe low taxes are more important to them. Or guns. Or abortion. That doesn't surprise me, except when the voters are trans themselves.
Astrid Eriksson
I am lucky enough to live in a state…….
Where transgender health care, or more correctly, any health care procedures related to the treatment of gender dysphoria are guaranteed and protected by law. New York already guarantees treatment under any policy purchased within New York State; if your insurance is purchased out of state, it may not cover your care. However, insurance provided by the government, or purchased within New York State cannot discriminate against anyone based on gender identity, and must cover any required medical procedures, including therapy.
The issue is that it does not necessarily include cosmetic procedures as they can be refused as not medically necessary. This includes FFS and other types of procedures. Some policies do cover this - but not all.
My biggest issues have been due to having a provider mis-gender me - I have had to request that they re-bill under the correct gender as several providers have listed my gender as male, when in fact it is legally female. Even though my ID all have me listed as female, as has all the paperwork I have submitted, it has happened several times that they incorrectly billed my insurance and the insurance company rejects the submission.
I had one dermatologist’s office refuse to rebill and simply charged my credit card for over $600. When I called them about it, I was referred to the office manager - who refused to take my calls. I approached them in person, complaining about it, and the bitch told me they had gotten their payment and it was not her problem. When I explained that I could not submit to my insurance to get paid back, she basically told me that was not her problem. I let her know that I was going to call the state attorney general as she was violating NYS law, and she basically blew me off.
I did in fact complain, and their office was fined significantly by the state. I received an apology from the state attorney general, and my insurance company paid me at the behest of the state. Obviously I am no longer using that doctor, and I have left several scathing reviews regarding them online.
I hope that their business dies, and I hope that bitch rots in hell.
Other than that instance, all of the medical professionals I work with have been very accommodating. I did have an issue explaining why I have to have a PSA test annually, but after speaking with a supervisor at my insurance company, he added a notation to my file that I am transgender and that took care of that issue. They also had several of their people sent to special training regarding dealing with transgender people based on a complaint I registered after being treated poorly by one woman on the phone. She insisted that my gender should be listed as female as I was not a real woman. Boy did I give an earful to the supervisor about that comment.
Personally, if you live somewhere that doesn’t recognize your right to proper healthcare, or even your right to exist, MOVE!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
New York State
The part of the state that you live in is important.
Upstate tends to be more conservative and they will not be deterred from acting like d**ks, law or no law. Women who want abortions there find that out the hard way .
Luckily the vast majority of the state is around NYC. However, even NYC took their time in finally being willing to change the gender marker on ones BC and initially only took off your gender marker on your BC only later doing the right thing.
Baby steps.
I live in a state that is now even more progressive than NY when it comes to trans issues. I am very fortunate.
I hate to question your judgement……
But in all actuality the “vast majority” of the state is not right around NYC. The city and surrounding area represents less than 1% of the state by area, and less than 40% of the state population lives anywhere near NYC.
Also, I live upstate, so don’t try to tell me about my own state. I live over 150 miles from NYC.
Yes, there are parts of the state that are decidedly red - but the state as a whole is very blue. Any time you drive into a rural area, in any state, you will run into red thinkers.
I live in the Capital-Saratoga region, which has access to great healthcare, has an active LGBT population, and the general population is very LGBT friendly.
Yes, like anywhere their are assholes, but I have no problem with acceptance wherever I go. Vermont, another very progressive state is less than 30 minutes drive - we routinely spend days in Bennington or Arlington. Massachusetts is less than an hour drive - but much like New York, Western Mass has a tendency toward it’s share of assholes as well. So no matter how progressive or LGBT friendly the state, we always have to deal with assholes.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Two Lovely People
You really don't need to fight over the demographics of New York State. Please shake metaphoric hands and concentrate on the main bout, which is keeping that poisonous orange snake out of the White House.
Until Trump got elected and
Until Trump got elected and started stirring up hate and trouble I did consider myself a republican. I hate the guy so much that I actively voted against him in the last election. Not that it matters too much, my state is a blue state, and only the rural areas are Republican, which I live in. This election I plan to also vote against Trump, the guy is an a-hole, and I swear the guy is playing right from the Nazi handbook. It isn't the rich, the powerful, or the people in power that have screwed up this county so badly, it is the immigrants, the gays, and anyone who isn't "Normal" that are to blame. My biggest fear is that if Trump gets back in power again, he will find a way to stay in power no matter how illegal it will be, he will make some BS up and stay in power. Legally the guy has one term left and that is it, but knowing Trump I fear he will try and go more.
I am very upset at the republican party because Trump isn't good for the Republicans. Because it isn't a Republican party it is Trump's party.
Staying in power
If Orange Jesus otherwise known as Trump gets elected in November, he'll probably have a SCOTUS ruling behind him that will allow him to eliminate his political rivals and have complete immunity. Watch out for anyone critical of Trump suddenly falling out of windows... If Putin can do it then so can Trump.
He'll throw Obama, the Clintons and the 'Crooked Joe Biden' crime family in GITMO and throw away the key. They'll be joined by most of the democrat politicians in DC and Dem appointed judges from all over the country.
That SCOTUS ruling would give him the powers to truly become the dictator he wants to be.
The one upside will be that the Caravans heading for the border will be made up of Americans trying to leave by the million.
Watch out for SCOTUS telling him that it is perfectly fine to be another Putin.
The Court’s not the problem
The Supreme Court won’t ratify the absolute immunity nonsense. Even the crazy twins, Sam and Clarence, are unlikely to buy into that. Some limited form of qualified immunity wouldn’t surprise or worry me.
The real problem is that Trump, if reelected, will simply ignore the court if it does not accede to his position on issues — like staying in power — that matter most to him. At the end of the day, the court can’t enforce its decrees. That’s in the hands of the executive, of the states, and ultimately, of the people. Trump’s people would control the levers of power and would follow his lead.
I’m not saying that this will absolutely happen. I’m not even going to say it’s “more likely than not.” But it’s impossible, with Trump, to say he won’t try. That fact alone should disqualify him in the eyes of every American voter. Sadly, though, for his superfans it’s actually a plus.
— Emma
I hope that you are right
on this
"The Supreme Court won’t ratify the absolute immunity nonsense"
Some very well respected lawyers are saying that he'll get a 5:4 or 6:3 decision in his favour. That's the best SCOTUS that money can buy at work. I'm afraid that if OJ Trump gets elected then Nov 2024 will go down as the last presidential election in history. POTUS 47 will become president for life with DJT jnr as his successor and Barron to follow that. Project 2025 will be the blueprint for the next 20 years.
He'll rename the USA as Trumponia and make women of childbearing age wear red cloaks. At least that will be a change from red hats (made in china).
just my $0.02 worth.
Of course, with unrestricted presidential immunity
Biden could kill Trump before installation.
Would at least 34 senators support him?
Those Who Fail to Study History
I believe most of the people on this channel are some of the most intelligent in the world and yet.
Matthew 27:20-23 They chose the crook, the thief, the murderer over the Savior.
Looking at the Sand left in my Hour Glass of Life, at times I wish it had run out years earlier
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl