I have recently reread this story that I last posted a new episode about eight years ago. Over the course of it I had many lovely comments but in the last one there were many asking for me to conclude it. It has some quite powerful chapters and it took me a lot of effort and energy to write, I thought I left it with a reasonable ending but accept some like everything done and dusted. There is a lot of me in the story and I don't want to spend hours and find no one reads a final chapter, plus it will take a while to write and to get in touch with the characters. So I am asking would readers like me to do a concluding chapter or has it been too long since the last episode?
Please let me know.
A challenge!
Ang, you wrote this long before I started haunting the site. So I don’t know whether I would agree with those who didn’t like where you ended the story, and my first instinct is that you should go with your own instincts on whether another chapter is needed. You’re good at this writing stuff. :)
That said, I know how hard it is to get traction for continuation of a story that’s been dormant a while. If you are going to write a new chapter, I promise to read it — after reading all the earlier chapters, of course! I mean, hey — I’ll confess that three thousand chapters of a story can intimidate me, but twenty-one? As Joanne would say, “no wuckin’ furries!”
— Emma
Very nice.
I just read chapter 1 and found it quite engrossing. Those who were so unkind to you were right plonkers in my estimation.
I am just finishing up Anne McCaffery's "Planet Pirates", and already committed to reading "The White Wolf", and then I plan to return to your story.
Yes, please (pretty please)
If you find the motivation and energy to add one or more chapters to this story, rest assured that I will read them. And to get the proper context and continuity I will re-read the story from the start of chapter one.
It's been years since I read it but
I'll read it again and would love to see a wrap-up chapter.
last chapter
Would love last finishing up chapter
Elsie Wilde
i would love it
i went back and read it again and yes i would love to see a new chapter ,actually i would to see more than 1 but you only plan a wrap up then so be it .