I am so sick of the stupidity being spouted by Donald Trump and his cult of morons - it just gets worse and worse.
Their latest claim is that the Transgender community purposely scheduled Transgender Day of Visibility on the same day as Easter in order to mock Christians. That is total bullshit, and what’s more it is intended solely to stir up hate against the LGBT community.
TDOV (Transgender Day of Visibility) was started in 2010 as a way to raise awareness about transgender people. It is a day to celebrate the lives and contributions of trans people, while also drawing attention to the poverty, discrimination, and violence the community faces. It has ALWAYS been celebrated on March 31 - the day has never been changed since it’s inception.
Easter on the other hand changes every year as it is based on the phases of the moon. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Which for those who don’t know, can fall any time between March 22 and April 25. Yeah, that’s real definitive! This year Easter falls on March 31; next year it will fall on April 20. Not exactly the same date huh?
And guess what? TDOV will STILL BE ON MARCH 31 NEXT YEAR.
So what will the Republican asshats claim next year? That the LGBT community made Christians move Easter later in the year?
Only morons follow Trump, and this is just another example of just how stupid they can be.
I have purposely not changed my voter registration as I have always believed that it is better to fight from within an organization rather than outside of it; that by opposing Trump from within the party I could accomplish something.
Perhaps it is time to change my registration. Perhaps it is past time………
So There Are Sane Republicans!
We've got a live one in Dallas (our lady here, not the city in Texas!). Yes, I know there are others, like Liz Cheney. My Republican friends in Singapore and Hong Kong are all choking over their beer about who they are going to vote for. None of them like tRump.
Trump As Shaitun...(Satan)
There are all sorts of manifestations of who he could be. Lots of people of diversity will be driven to suicide according to certain statisticians. With my own very dire health issues, perhaps I won't need to worry about any of it.
Dear Ms. Eden
Whatever the Republican Party was when you joined it, it is Trump’s party now. Republican voters favored him in primaries 75-25. They want more Trump. They also overwhelmingly want to eliminate what they see as a threat from transgendered people.
The battle for the soul of the Republican Party is over. Now the only question is whether the party as it exists is worthy of your support.
Astrid Eriksson
One can be a member……
Yet not support the leadership or the candidates. The sad truth is that outside of local politics, I haven’t voted for a Republican in two decades.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
The only change in the Republican Party post-Nixon
The only change in the Republican Party post-Nixon is that they are getting more and more comfortable saying the quite part out loud.
Liz Cheney is not one of the sane Republicans. I doubt that there is one sane Repiublican in Congress. The bar is way too low if she can be considered one because she was honest about what happened on January 6th. She voted in line with Trump’s position 93% of the time. One of the issues she had with Trump was pulling the Troops out of Afghanistan. She is anti-marriage equality, anti-choice, for lowering taxes on the rich to continue the the wealth gap to continue to grow. She would not say that Obama was born in America. She does not believe in the separation of Church and State.
People talk about being against what Trump is doing to the Republican Party and how that is not the true party yet look at how often the Republican members of Congress vote for Trump's policies. The Republican party is far far away from the Ike and Rockefeller branches of the party.
All political parties have factions…….
And all political parties go through changes. Realistically, I am a Jeffersonian - or perhaps you would consider me closer to the Libertarian party.
Thomas Jefferson said it best when he said, “One man’s rights end when they infringe on those of another.”
I am a fiscal conservative - hence why I joined the Republican Party some 45 years ago. However, I have always been much more liberal from a social perspective. I have always been pro-choice on pretty much everything. I believe that we are all entitled to our own path, to be who we want to be, to do what we want to do - as long as we are not hurting anyone else.
There are things about any political group that one can find abhorrent. There will always be fringe groups that each of us will disagree with no matter what party. The simple fact is that the Republican Party has allowed them to take over, with the Orange Asshole at the front. The Democrats have their own demons to contend with - they simply haven’t allowed them to take over yet. Which makes them the more desirable group at this time.
Trump is a despicable human being, but he isn’t the total problem. Trump has simply made it acceptable for those elements to take action. Trump is feeding off of the lunatic fringe of our society and has turned the Republican Party into an asylum for reprehensible people. But the bigger problem is the lack of honor and courage that many in the party have demonstrated by refusing to stand up and say NO!
It is time to draw a line in the sand and say out loud, “This point you shall not pass!“
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
One man's rights end when they infringe on those of another
That is something I have been trying to express in many of my recent comments.
And sadly I believe that we as a minority have ignored that principle for too long, and as a consequence have unleashed the current societal backlash on ourselves. Instead of being content with tolerance and acceptance we gained after many years of quiet advocacy, some of the more outspoken advocates/protesters/lobbyists just had to try and ram the whole equality doctrine down peoples throats. Of course people will gag on that and become violent to defend themselves.
There is another very old proverb that is applicable here:
Just think about that. Imagine you have 100 liters of water. How will you get the deepest hole in a stone? By dripping one drop of water every two seconds onto the same spot on the stone? Or by pouring all 100 liters of water in 30 seconds?
Going with the pharmacists standard of one drop being equal to 0.05 milliliters, we get 2'000'000 drops for the 100 liters of water. And 2'000'000 drops with an interval of two seconds, results in a dripping duration of just over 1'111 hours; or 46,3 days.
Just think about that! Pour 100 liters of water over a stone in 30 seconds or in 46 days. Which one will show a visible divot in the stone?
Another thought to bear in mind, is that those that screech the loudest demanding tolerance are more often than not the most intolerant. The designation TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) comes to mind.
I'm with you on this
One of the ways a multiparty system works is differing ways to work on a common goal. Personally I am an independent and a never Trumper.. From the time, fifty years ago, that he c!aimed to be too smart to serve in the military right up to today he has served as the poster boy for contrarion thought. As a veteran I found his service as commander in chief as a personal affront.
I'm praying that republicans can pull their heads out of the nether regions and get to work for us instead of personal attacks against anybody they consider to be "not them".
I'm registered Republican but
i don't vote a strait ticket. Since 2000, I've not voted for candidate, I select the one who would do the least amount of damage.to our already broken system.
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
I consider myself a
I consider myself a Republican but I hate Trump so much that I voted against him in the last election, and I will again this election. Not that my vote actually matters, Washington state almost always goes towards the Democratic president, but I will still vote against Trump. Trump only uses the presidency to stir up trouble and cause drama. I hope the guy loses again, though I am sure if he does it will be another 3 years of BS saying that he actually won the election even though there will be ample evidence he lost.
Photo of Him Behind Bars
I'd hate to buy one that has been Photoshoped.
$60 Bibles?
Tell 'im he's dreamin'! Just another huckster.