2024 New Year’s Writing Contest — Prizes, Awards, and Recognition!!!
Okay!!! It’s time to stick a bow on our 2024 New Year’s Writing Contest!
First, a huge thank you to EVERYONE who participated, whether by posting a story or leaving a comment. You helped make this a true community event.
Now: Let’s get to the part you’ve all been waiting for. We have a few prizes, but in the end, not enough of them, because so many wonderful people submitted GREAT stories.
Erin will distribute all cash awards; please contact her if you're a winner for payment specifications. PLEASE NOTE: While Erin has graciously agreed to act as paymaster, funds for this contest were 100% donated for this purpose and do not come out of Big Closet's operating budget. The awards will be available within a few days.
With only one item of “further ado” — note that the author and story names below are links, to make it easier for you to get to author and story pages — here goes.

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We weren’t going to do this. We really weren’t. But the scores for the top stories were all so close, we had to. On a scale of one to one hundred the score for the fifteenth placed story (averaged between Jill’s and Emma’s independent scores) was just 2.50 points lower than the tied score for second place. There were twenty-two stories with average scores in the nineties, creating a logjam for top honors. An additional twenty-five stories got a 90 or above from one of the judges.
We can’t give forty-seven prizes, or even twenty-two. There’s no great cut-off point, either (we won’t release any scores, but trust us on this). So after much discussion, Jill, Jo and Emma collectively decided to give awards of fifty dollars each to the authors of nine additional stories that scored a virtual tie. Please believe us when we say that there were many other stories that were truly exceptional.
Here, in alphabetical order, are the additional stories we just had to recognize with a prize:
At the Midnight Hour
By Marissa Lynn
Fine Tuning
By Cyclist (Steph C)
Kissing Cousins
By SaraKel (Sara Keltaine)
Last Wish
By Erin Halfelven (Joyce Melton)
Marking Your Card
By Ms Woolly
Once Upon a New Year
By Melanie Brown
Someone I Can Believe In
By RachelMnM (Rachel M. Moore)
One of our key objectives for the contest was to attract new authors — and new readers. We were ecstatic to get great submissions from eight authors who had not posted stories here before. Welcome to BC, Columbine, dkfenger, Intrigue75 (Polly J), Kimberly Read, Marissa Lynn, SuziAuchentiber, Suzie Dalkin, and The Court of Consciousness ! We look forward to reading many more of your stories. :)
There were twenty-one stories eligible for this award. The winner is:
If Marissa Lynn should decide to publish a novel through Doppler Press, Melanie E will provide free cover art. Jill and Emma will also provide beta reading and editing as requested.
BC authors love comments and honestly can’t get enough of them; it means a lot to get feedback on a story. To encourage more comments, we offered a $50 prize for the best comment, with Joanne acting as sole judge. We didn’t realize, when we voluntold Jo for this duty, that she would have to review over 1700 comments! But she womanfully did her duty, and The Decider says that the two best comments of the contest were:
Holy Dystopian Megahorrors, Batgirl, by Maeryn Lamonte, commenting on Girl Park New Years, by Melanie Brown
This Was Freaking Hilarious, by Jenny North, commenting on Why is the Robotic Weasel on Fire? by Sunflowerchan (Rebecca)
We had two drawings for $50 prizes in the contest.
The first was for BC members who sent us the names of non-BC authors they had invited to participate in the contest, with each invitation earning a separate ticket in the lottery. Thank you to everyone who reached out to additional authors! The winner of this drawing is:
The second drawing was for people who submitted the names of their three favorite contest stories in response to the blog we posted on February 15. To be eligible, responses had to provide the names of THREE contest stories, and couldn’t say anything negative. Fourteen eligible responses were posted — and a big thank you to Astrid Eriksson, Dee Sylvan, Dorothy Colleen, Eric, Gillian Chambers, Greybeard, Jenny North, Jo Dora Webster, Kristine Read, Lucy Perkins, Marissa Lynn, Rachel Moore, Sara Keltaine, and Sunflowerchan for sharing your thoughts. It is important to understand that with so many wonderful stories, a different pair of judges could easily have made different choices.
The winner of the “pick your favorites” drawing is:
With the awards listed above, the contest kitty is now empty! But we wanted to add a bit of recognition, at least, for some notable achievements.
The contest inspired a lot of activity on BigCloset — 120 contest-qualified stories, an additional twelve contest-inspired stories, and lots of reads, kudos and comments! Since all of that energy was exactly what we were hoping for, the totals shown in this section reflect both contest-qualified and contest-inspired stories.
Marissa Lynn (11)
Cyclist (Steph C) (10)
Maeryn Lamonte (8).
— Most Reads —
(Total Hits, all stories: 155,378)
1st (2,500 hits): A Favor for a Friend
By Rasufelle (Melanie Ezell)
2nd (2,233 hits): Image Resolution
By Daring Diane
3rd (2029 hits): Great Aunt Frances
Patricia Marie Allen
— Most Kudos —
(Total Kudos, all stories: 12,076)
1st (197 kudos): The Boat That Frocked
By Shiraz (Shiraz Turvey)
2nd (184 kudos): With Every Heartbeat
By RachelMnM (Rachel M. Moore)
3rd (158 kudos): Love Never Dies
By Jenny Walker
— Most Total Comments —
(Total Comments, all stories: 1713)
1st (38 comments): With Every Heartbeat
By RachelMnM (Rachel M. Moore)
2nd (33 comments): My Hero
By SuziAuchentiber
3rd (31 comments): Love Never Dies
By Jenny Walker
— Most Reader Comments —
(Total, excluding author comments, all stories: 1191)
1st (31 reader comments): Love Never Dies
By Jenny Walker
2nd (20 reader comments): With Every Heartbeat
By RachelMnM (Rachel M. Moore)
3rd — Tie (19 reader comments)
The Boat That Frocked
By Shiraz (Shiraz Turvey)
Reading the Room
By Cyclist (Steph C)

Cover art can draw readers in, intrigue or seduce them into reading a story they might otherwise miss. Several authors in the contest made great cover art for their stories. See if these don’t draw you in – and if one does, just click on it, and the story is yours!
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But of all of the great artwork included in the contest, Jenny North’s cover for Beauty and the Beast really stood out.

Why is the Robotic Weasel on Fire?
By Sunflowerchan (Rebecca)
— Silliest Story —
Second Star to the Right
By Maeryn Lamonte
— Most Emotional Content —
It's Okay
By Drea DiMaggio (Andrea Lena)
— Outstanding Use of Setting —
The Boat That Frocked
By Shiraz (Shiraz Turvey)
Cookie’s Resolve
By Rose (Rosemary Howell)
Just Another Midnight at the Chapel
By Sabrina G. Langton
View From a Bridge
By Marianne G (Marianne Gregory)
Finally, we want to leave you with a few snippets — phrases, descriptions, bits of dialogue— that stayed with the three of us after reading 120 stories. A little something to make you smile!
Or, how to hook a reader!
“This would have been a ‘You may wonder how I wound up here’ needle scratch moment, but Ethan Hammond knew exactly how he came to be sitting in The Midnight Hour, sipping on a bourbon cocktail that somehow tasted of chocolate even though there wasn't any in it.”
— Marissa Lynn, At the Midnight Hour
“Clarence sat on a wobbly barstool, trying to ignore the static on the television above the bar and endure the smell of fresh vomit wafting from a drunk man three stools away.”
— Terry Volkirch (Terrynaut), Cosmic Loophole
“It was a shop day, so I had to bring my smiles, despite everything that had happened.”
— Cyclist (Steph C), First Flight
"The moment Becky Stirling heard the voices in the distance, there were two things she instantly knew."
— Jenny Walker, Love Never Dies
Or, how to stick your landing!
"I’ve finally found my soulmate!"
— Dee Sylvan, Fifty and Out
“I found my muse!”
— TiffQ (Tiffany B. Quinn), Finding My Muse
“Same old Cassie.”
— Drea DiMaggio (Andrea Lena), It's Okay
“When she got ready to leave, she asked Sarah if it was okay to give her a hug, and Sarah said, ‘As you wish…’”
— Kristine V. Read, A New Year’s Reconciliation
“You never forget the face of the first person you kill, no matter the circumstances.”
— CTen, New Year Resolutions, Broken and Kept
“Another laugh, which pulled my own from me, and we settled down to our dinner as my shell shivered into fragments that floated away on the wine.”
— Cyclist (Steph C), Reading the Room
“I am your Wingman.”
— Magicshoppe, Who Am I?
“Honey, I'm already a work of art."
— Jenny North, Beauty and the Beast
"Still I, I couldn’t escape my life’s STORY: TOO SHORT!"
— Bru, Contest Resolution
“. . . I need a do-over on my life. Too much alcohol, too much exposure to the sun, and too much fried food. My body tells me I spent too many years riding and crashing motorcycles, and my brain is addled by chemicals in Lucky Charms."
— Avia Conner, Convergence
“Skylar: I can’t afford that Cup. I can’t afford anything right now, remember. What kind of a name is Cup, anyway??? Like for drinks???
Cup: Not exactly. It’s a nickname. You’re probably saying it wrong.”
—Lauren Bliss, Go Big or Go Homeless
“Conan the librarian.”
— Cyclist (Steph C), Gooseberry
“Rene wished he could have this relationship with a girl. Well, with a girl when he was a man instead of a girl.”
— Daring Diane (the imaginative creator of Lee Corcoran!), Image Resolution
“I did the smile I practiced on the tourists, but I could tell she was a New Yorker. My teeth were wasted on her.”
— Sabrina G. Langton, Just Another Midnight at the Chapel
“It wasn’t even Irish whiskey, just cheap supermarket Canadian, tasting of kerosene and caribou piss.”
— Erin Halfelven (Joyce Melton), Last Wish
“Check! Set course to ignore the problem, Captain Oblivious!”
— RachelMnM (Rachel M. Moore), New Years Trans
“If he was going to freeze to death on the streets, he would do it under his own skies.”
— Cyclist (Steph C), Prodigal Son
“I had to drink to forget, drink to feel excited, drink to—please, fill in the blank— as every emotion and decision required the opinions of Jack, Jim and Jose. They were terrible friends, but my ex got along with them swimmingly, so we were a party of five for a while.”
— Aylesea Malcolm, Resolution Revelations
“This astromonology is easy, especially when you're properly Libra-cated. Now where's the booze. Time to get well and truly Pisces.”
– Maeryn Lamonte, Second Star to the Right
“Sometimes, hope is a choice. Something you take on faith.”
— Maeryn Lamonte, Yes Ma’am
If you liked this post, you can leave a comment and/or a kudos!
Click the Thumbs Up! button below to leave the author a kudos:
And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
Thanks again for a wonderful contest!
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Keep the money!
Thank you ladies for your unbelievable efforts. I am humbled to be recognized, even though it wasn't for my epic prose.
I am donating my monetary prize to BC in the name of Emma, Jill, and Jo!! :DD TAF
Dee You Are a Princess
Your epic prose was magnificent! You captured the essence of old "Friends" and bittersweet reunions. I laughed until I cried!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thanks you Dee!
For your wonderful story, and for your unmatched boosterism for the contest among authors on other sites. You are a wonder!
— Emma
This is the best write up/review of an awards ceremony I've ever dealt with. I see Emma's name as the poster but it's all your work, and every author's work, and every reader's work. Mostly the judges' work, and those who stumped up the cash, and BCTS who stumped up the website for decades.
Thanks for the fiddy bucks. I am extremely pleased I was recognised. I enjoyed writing my story. It was hard, and fulfilling, work and I'm glad I did it. Mine is a simple and sweet story. About friendship. I think that's the secret desire of many of us. What we were denied... Simple and sweet...
Also, thanks to the trans people who stumped up themselves for at least, about, 100 years now. In "western" modern thought, at least. In themselves, ourselves, and various cultures, elsewhere, beyond, and forgotten for a long, long time. A lot longer than most can fathom. We're all human. That's the ultimate. We're just people trying to live our lives.
And thanks again to the judges and BCTS!
And congratulations to the top three! Of course!
[Drunk dude grabs the mic, as "she" is leaving...] THIS IS AMAZING! I LOVE YOU ALL!
A truly touching story!
You blew me away when your character’s required payment was . . . friendship. Friendship doesn’t get nearly the attention romance does, especially in literature, but your story demonstrates why it should.
In the cult classic Tombstone, Doc Holliday (brilliantly portrayed by Val Kilmer) tries to talk a rancher into joining him to help Wyatt Earp face down the infamous Clantons. The rancher, incredulous, asks why Holliday would do such a thing; he replies, “Wyatt Earp is a friend of mine.” When the rancher says, “I have a lot of friends,” Holliday gives him a look and says, simply, “I don’t.”
The rancher didn’t have friends; he didn’t even know what friendship meant. Holliday did — and so do you. Thank you for a wonderful story!
— Emma
Thank you, Emma
Thank you, Emma.
I am humbled to win a prize
when Marissa Lynn approached me with the idea of coming out of the lurker closet and publish her first story here, all I did was encourage her.. I had no idea I could win a prize. As for the money, give it to the hatbox.
huggles to all the judges, and all the people who keep this site going.
Thanks, Dot!
Your huggles are the best!
— Emma
And Dats Dot
You're consistently a jewel. You inspire.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Its easy to be a jewel here
the people here are so wonderful, they bring out the best in me.
Congratulations to all of the
Congratulations to all of the winners, and to everyone that took part in the contest. Clearly this was a great success, for BCTS.
Thank you to Jill, Emma and Joanne especially for all of the hard work.
And thank you for the mention of the last line of my story, A New Year's Reconciliation.
I wrote three stories for this contest, and it has brought my muse out of a deep slumber. If anyone is interested, it has me taking another look at my Kelly Anderson stories, and I have finished a rough draft of Kelly Anderson-Sanders - The Adult Years chapter 1. Set some 15-16 years after the events of the first two books. We will see if I can get it together to write enough to be worth putting up. If nothing else, it resolves all of the open concerns from the last chapter of The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson.
A special thanks to Joanne for inviting me to participate. I had fun.
You're Fun
Your characters are amazing. Like you.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
So glad
So glad you have found your muse, or she has found you. :) I hope we will see more from both you and Kimberly soon!
— Emma
I agree with the winner choice
It was indeed a compelling tale.
I also was surprised to see that Great Aunt Frances managed to have the third highest reads. I knocked the story out quickly and easily. I had it sitting in my bone pile and with a few tweaks to make it fit the contest requirements I was able to finish it
I guess with the hit count, I have a larger following than I realized. Thanks to everyone who read my story. With all the talent here on BCTS, I wasn't under the illusion that I'd even place anywhere near the top of the heap, but it's nice to know so many people thought it was worth the read.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
You've Earned Your Following
You've been around BC almost as long as I have.
I'm sure you realize your story would have won in past contests.
Thanks for being so gracious as to honor us with your entry.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Oh wow!
Thank you Jill and Emma!! My goodness!
And thanks also to all who entered, commented, and supported this contest - it really was an incredible effort by everyone!
I'd say more but the ol' noggin this morning is still astonished. :)
- Erisian <3
Astonished. That's a good word.
I was astonished by your story. It takes a couple of readings to really appreciate it.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Well Done!
I can't say I'm surprised, because I liked your story quite a bit for many reasons, especially the characters themselves and for its depiction of the evolution of what I think is going to remain a beautiful friendship.
You're astonished, but also accomplished.
An outstanding story, but also, an outstanding short story. Thank you for sharing it with us!
— Emma
Congratulations to Everyone!
It's an honor to be thought of as being worthy enough to be included in such company!!!
I didn't do scoring, but I do know that I had a difficult time trying to narrow it down to three and that's without the added weight of assigning prize money. There was a lot of good reading to be found there.
Thanks again, Jill, Emma and Jo for the work you put into this. Thanks to all who put up the prize money. And thanks to everyone here, from those who have the site to all the writers, for the inspiration and, going farther back, the help with the egg cracking.
Thanks to everyone who left comments on my stories -- the kind words and constructive points.
A special thanks to Dorothy, who I've known since before I knew of this place's existence, for getting me to start getting these characters that had either been in my head for a while and writing them down.
I had a blast doing it, coming up with different ideas and challenges even having no idea what the response would be.
I don't have anything new imminent, but I'm sticking around as writer and reader. So far, I've written bits here and there for things that will be longer and I have thoughts on some solo stories (including another one set at The Midnight Hour and a sequel to One Last Hail Mary). There may even be "directors' cut" versions of a contest entry or two down the road. I also need to figure out how to do cover art, but that's a whole other thing.
Thanks again, everyone!
Oh, I will say that the only thing that irks me about my opening to At The Midnight Hour has nothing to do with what I wrote. It's that I can't remember what was in that cocktail, (written from sense memory about a couple I had from a long-closed Lower East Side restaurant), other than the bourbon.
What Was in That Cocktail?
If Emma, Jo, and I had drawn a picture of what we wanted to accomplish with this contest, it would have looked like you.
Please take advantage of Mel's (Rasufelle's) offer for free cover art and editing help from Emma and me. I'm eager to help you take your marvelous characters into more developed plots.
I will be terribly disappointed if you don't publish a book through Doppler.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
What Jill said!
You gave us so many great stories, Marissa! While you are noodling “director’s cuts,” you should definitely consider The Long Route Home. That could so easily form the bones for a fabulous novel!
— Emma
Good Idea
Emma --
Thank you so much for your lovely compliments.
To be honest, The Long Route Home is the first that came to mind, along with Trust Your Gut? and some combination of Snowed In and Treehouse (although the latter two would take some finagling since they're stories in the same universe, with Treehouse being the "origin story" of Paul from Snowed In's only mentioned soon-to-be- fiancé).
Your idea is an excellent one, since I have a handle on the characters, although I will need the help of someone for the scenes where Hank teaches a young Madison how to drive like that. My dad was a truck driver, but my eyes always glazed over when he talked car stuff.
Knock on wood that I can come up with something for Doppler Press that you and Jill to look at and Melanie to do the cover art for.
I Hope To!
Jill -
Of course, coming up with a story long enough and good enough to do that is a whole other kettle of fish.
But the contest gives me confidence that I can do that.
Thanks again for your kind words!
I don't deserve recognition for most hits
because at least 2/3 of those are just me checking for comments and kudos :D
Y'all really did fantastic with this contest. It's gonna set a high water mark we'll have to struggle hard to meet in the future!
Melanie E.
Oh, you’re up to it!
Can’t wait to see what you come up with! As to checking on comments, hits and kudos, I kinda doubt you do it more than the rest of us. :)
— Emma
Empirical Wisdom
Whenever Emma, Jo, or I had a question about what to do with this contest, we asked ourselves WWMelD. You've established a high standard with your contests and inspirational prompts.
Hits are under-rated. They say a lot about what the community thinks of your total work to date.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Great Wrap-up post!
A BIG THANK YOU to our judges for all their efforts, the update posts you gave us along the way, and for this post giving us a summation of the herding of cats that were our submitted stories. No easy feat to pick a winner I'm sure and I'm very happy with the choices made. Had I been more organized with my reading of the entries (tracking them, grading them, etc.) I might have actually picked the eventual winner (Jenny Walker's - Love Never Dies). Dang it! I loved that story and spaced on mentioning it in my voting post of the 3 top stories. Grrr!!! I really wanted to have guessed the winner! :-) Picked a tied for 3rd place entry though! :-)
Pretty sure the real winners were all us readers - so for that - THANK YOU to all the author's who participated! We didn't make it easy on the judges!
Well done ladies! Well done!
Rachel M. Moore...
You are so right, Rachel!
Reading these stories was a joy — trying to pick out the best three? That was hard! Thank you for your outstanding stories — all six of them! I hope you now realize that yes, indeed, you CAN write a short story! You will always be Someone I Can Believe In!
— Emma
Who Knew??
Emma is a graphic design wizard -- in addition to all her other obvious talents.
Jo is the most sensible and loving person in the world.
I hang around and take credit for what they do, which is what a good marketing person does best.
Your support throughout the contest was appreciated.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thank you! (And also congrats to everyone!)
I won't lie, I'm fairly flabbergasted. I figured I had a good entry, but like Angela said about the scores, this whole competition was like the Olympics, where the difference between the gold medal and fourth place is a few tenths of a second. The number and quality of the stories was such that this was truly anybody's game. (Okay, except for Jenny Walker's story...after I read Love Never Dies, I knew the rest of us were all fighting for second place.) It's truly been a treat to see all the passion and creativity! To say nothing of all the hard work by the judges, too!
And then also tying for best comment and getting the shout-out for the cover image? Just, wow. Thank you!
I joked recently that sometimes I feel like a purveyor of Green Eggs and Ham, always trying to get people to try my latest offbeat offering. I don't see that changing. (My forthcoming story features an appearance by a crossdressing chinchilla. Because of course it does.) But today was a win for Sam-I-Am. :) I'm delighted that people enjoyed it! Thank you again so much!
That Sam-I-Am!
I really like that Sam-I-Am!
Jenny, I had never encountered any of your stories before, but I will definitely seek them out now. Zoe was one of the best-drawn characters I’ve run across here. Her dry wit would have won me over anyway, but “I’m already a work of art” was magnificent! Thank you for sharing your story — and your graphic art talent!
— Emma
Best Villain
We talked about having a Best Villain category. My thoughts went to your story but I couldn't decide which character was the villain.
Like Emma, I've never read your work before and was enthralled. I will look for more.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I do enjoy a good villain... :)
Emma and Jill, thanks very much! And that's high praise about the uncertain villainy...I worked hard in the story to paint Gwyn in a very particular shade of gray, so I'm glad that hit the mark!
My stories are kind of all over the place, but if you're looking for some suggestions...
Somebody Said
TG comedy was hard. They haven't read your "My Uncle Fifi" stories. More please!
Gaga for Fifi
I've definitely got more planned with the Fifi stories! I'm going to chase after a few of my Faraday City stories first (leading off with a new Identity Crisis sequel, also very funny), but that's in the queue!
Thank you
for sponsoring this contest that brought us so much excellent reading. All three of you should now take a much deserved rest on the tropical island of your choice and recuperate. I would urge anyone who hasn't been able to read all of the stories yet to keep plugging away. There are some gems in that 900 page omnibus.
Overrun by Muses
How would a person ever relax on a tropical island with a muse around every corner?
You're not the first person who has suggested I should be confined to a long rest.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thanks, Greybeard!
I don’t think an island is in the budget, but the rest? Oh, yeah!
— Emma
Thank you
So many ways you've identified to help me appreciate such a wealth of creativity!
Love, Andrea Lena
Well done everybody
Authors, commenters, promoters and especially the judging trio who managed to reach decisions AND write their repot so soon after the closing date.
You all managed to keep your chins above the water, while my doggy-paddle was struggling to keep up. Each story, good or bad managed to replace the ones I had just read, so my ready access locker was constantly overflowing.
Because of the displacements I found myself totally incapable of matching the final challenge of choosing my best three.
Please do another one, but please, please first give me a chance to regain my breath!
Love and respect to ALL involved
Easy to Keep Afloat
Emma is so organized that Jo and I held onto her like a Mae West.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Fabulous Decisions !
Loved coming INTO "The Closet" as an author and not just an avid reader and it was fun being part of the competition. Seeing the quality of entries made me aware of my own shortcomings but hopefully I will improve with time and practice and besides, its just great fun writing !!! Congratulations to all the worthy winners - thanks for giving me lots of lovely things to read in the last 7 weeks ! Big Closet rocks and is a wonderful place to spend time. I'm so honoured to be part of it !
Quality Writing
Given the terrific stories how could have we gone wrong?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Suzi, your stories were delightful!
So glad you joined us for this contest — and beyond. :)
— Emma
Honestly and truly flabbergasted and humbled
Jill / Emma - wow.... I am lost for words...
This contest and this site are the winners for sure. I've got the Cheers theme in my head, "a place where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came..."
Thank you so much
Drinks are on me girls....
Emma would be the high minded Lilith.
Jo is our sumptuous Rebecca.
And, I'm the quite earthy Carla.
You overwhelmed all of us.
Thank you.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I think my vote for Emma would be Diane, as Emma is incredibly warm and tender. Intellect-wise, absolutely would match Lilith though. So need to combine both!! ;)
I Don't Think So
Jill is much more like Rebecca and I'm more like Carla, but what a great series that was.
Director's cut?
P.S. not that I reckon many would be interested but if you did want a wee PDF of my Director's Cut version of Love Never Dies, PM me your email address.
It's only about 500 words longer. That was the first draft before serious surgery was required to get it within the word limit.
Draft Length
My original story ballooned to over 10,000 words before I cut it down to 5,000. Then I added content which blew it back towards 7,000 and had to cut even more. It was actually an interesting exercise.
It didn't really need all those extra words.
Director’s Cuts
I kind of hope that the authors who felt their stories were better when they were longer will feel liberated to post “director’s cuts” now that the contest is done. It would be fun to compare them!
— Emma
Director's cut ...
... sounds like a fun idea! Not really sure which of my stories would work as a director's cut, but I'd def like to give it a try. :)
Congratulations, Jenny
You managed quite a triumphant return! It was a truly wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
— Emma
An amazing event
I prefer reading short stories, but I've never been good at writing them. A 5,000-word story is perfect for reading in a single sitting, but my brain loves to add scope, and my stories grow and grow until they double or quadruple from my original intent. 'Kissing Cousins' was over 7,000 words when I finished my first draft. I know writer's handbooks advise us to kill off scenes which don't drive the narrative. While it's hard to kill your children, at times this contest made me feel like a serial killer. I think it made me a better writer.
My congratulations to Jenny Walker, Jenny North, Erisian, and all the fine authors for their stories. This contest has given us an embarrassment of riches and frankly, many are so great/touching, it made it difficult to clear my mind enough to go on to the next.
I hadn't published anything on this site for almost 10 years before this contest. I want to publicly thank Emma for the invite. Sometimes everyone needs a little push and the experience has been fun. I promise it will not be another 10 years before I post my next story.
Big smile!
One of the great successes of the contest was luring in new writers, and luring back some talented authors we hadn’t heard from in a while. I so enjoyed your stories, especially Kissing Cousins. But every bit as much, I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts on other entries and corresponding about writing. You are a gem!
— Emma
You three lovely ladies.
I doubt there are many words in the English tongue to properly express how blessed, we the readership of this tiny community are to have you three lovely ladies, Jill, Emma and Jo here among us. We are also blessed to have Erin, Mel, and Piper and please forgive me if I'm leaving somebody out at the helm of this tight, knit community that has withered so many storms. Without a doubt the success of this contest is due to all the writers who bravely laid their souls bare to be judged, no easy feat. But the crown must belong to you three, you have three ladies have shown such grace and pose over the last few weeks.
For Jill: Thank you for all the books you have published on dopler press and for all you have done for site these many years, and for giving us so many shining examples to follow. You are a true mistress at spinning yarns and a true wordsmith and few if any can aspire to reach your level. You are the moon and we are simply the stars that surround it.
For Emma: Thank you for devoting so much of your time and talent to making sure we, the writers have an enjoyable contest and making sure things run as smoothly as possible. Thank you also for all you've done to make this site a home for us lost, wayward children of the internet.
For Jo: Thank you for being you! For commenting on each and every story! For spreading your aussie sense of humor around as much as possible. For being a friend, and sometimes even a compass when the dark clouds of life shrowed the moon and the stars.
For the new Writers: Thank you for taking the risk and putting your ideas out their for us to enjoy. I hope to read many more stories from you all. I'm sure you gals/guys are just briming with fresh ideas. And I hope you will in time come to call this place home.
For returning writers: Thank you for coming back to us! You have been missed, may your faces and names be newly remembered in our cups and make your name not perish on the breath of the wind! Come and rejoin us by the fire and share with us, your sisters your talents.
For writers who publish weekly/Monthly: This was a good chance to try something new yes?
In short. Thank you all who took time out their busy day to either host the contest, comment or write. May the road rise to meet you, may you always find the wind to your back, maybe in times of trouble always find a friend worthly of the title. And may, if parting comes, we cross pathes again in vastness of the internet.
Your Humor
Your writing reminds me of Joseph Heller's in Catch-22.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sunflowerchan. I will think about your robotic weasel every time I drink myself a coke-cola! Thank you for sharing your stories, and for your slways-positive presence!
— Emma
I loved this contest,
Anyone who participated won, as did all of us readers.
So glad you enjoyed it!
And I couldn’t agree more about the biggest winners.
— Emma
I Think I'm Gunna Cry
I'm suffering from Trans-Pacific Dislocation. Of course I knew the announcement was coming and I knew what an absolutely AMAZING job Emma had done, but all this happened while I was snoring my head off.
I knew we done good but the comments prove that we did.
Jill and Emma did all the hard work. I actually had the easy stuff, but I pride myself on being the third leg on the stool.
There are lots of heroines who deserve plaudits in achieving the result. There is one girl who contributed to the prize money who wishes to remain anonymous and we respect that but we know who she is, so thanks to The Unknown Donor.
BC's Admin ladies greased the wheels and made sure that interest in the competition remained high right up till today. Thank you Erin and team (Yes,There Is A "T" in Team).
Thank You to every author who became the gladiators in our contest, willingly laying out their wares to be sniffed and pawed at by the lions, but in the end not eaten. It does take courage to pen and submit a story (or stories), particularly for new writers. I know, I was one of them once.
Thank you to all the readers, those who just enjoyed, those who gave a kudos and those who commented. Choosing the best comment(s) was actually difficult. I decided that the best needed some humour. There were many that were thoughtful and nearly all were supportive and were 100% appreciated.
I feel like I'm giving an Oscars Speech, but one thing needs repeating, shouted from the rooftops, it was my greatest pleasure and honour to work with two of the most wonderful people that I have never met, but whose hearts and souls I feel I know intimately, Angela Rasch (Jill MI) and Emma Anne Tate.
I feel I'm a little late to the party, commenting after everyone else, but this was the best roundup possible to the most fun I"ve had in ages. Thanks so much to everyone involved, especially the organisers, and major congratulationds to the very worthy winners.
Now to get on and read all those stories I didn't get round to while the competition was running. Holy smorgasbord Batgirl! What a feast!!
I don't get you sometimes Robyn. You can't spell a simple word like dislex... dyslux... that word, then you come up with something like smorgasbord?
Hey, Batgirl, did you hear that joke? Sixteen sodium atoms went into a bar, followed by Batman.
Everyone's heard that joke Robyn, now get back to your reading
Amazing Consistency
Out of curiosity, I calculated the average score you received from Emma and the average score you got from me on your eight stories. I had you scored 3/100ths (.03 points out of 100) higher on average.
Emma and I don't agree on everything, but when it came to you -- we sure did.
You'll have to ask Emma why she didn't love you as intensely as I did.
Seriously, your stories were all absolute gems. I had Yes Ma'am rated the highest, but my favorite could have been almost any of them.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
If You Submit Multiple Stories
It is inevitable that you won't hit the jackpot with all of them. You came very close to doing so, but the one that rang my bell was "Yes, Ma'am" and don't forget, I wasn't one of the judges! I just loved it.
Maeryn is one of the authors I look out for on this site. I make no secret of my love for properly drawn characters and decent dialogue.
Quality and range . . .
You had silly stories and sweet, and take-offs on classic books and movies, and the near-magical looking glass, and regardless of genre, they were all exceptional. Thank you so much!
— Emma
Between you and Angela and Joanne Barbarella, these comments are better than winning. Thank you so much.
The dynamic duo have nothing to add for a change.
Won something at long last. Or at least got placed. And mentioned. And stuff.
Pesky ill health should have stayed away a bit longer to let me get another couple of stories out.
Anyway, as promised I have rewritten a couple of the entries to allow a little more development. I'll drop them in bit by bit, with a slightly different title for each. And as for 'opening lines', I still think the best hook I have ever written is in the first two sentences of 'Playtime'.
A couple of your stories really cried out for just a bit more space! I really look forward to reading your expanded versions. Thank you so much for throwing yourself fully into the contest and giving us so many wonderful tales!
— Emma
So much fun...
Wow... that was so much fun... looks like I have lots of reading to do. I especially loved 'Contest Results' the perfect award show, live from my living room... Muah... thank you everyone for a great idea and a bundle of wonderful stories... S.
Your Story Made Me Smile
Since I'm in St. Paul my teeth weren't wasted.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Smiling back...
Ha... the type of tourist I love...
Rich and dreamy
Isn’t that how you would love to be described, Sabrina? :). It is absolutely true of your writing, too. You have such an amazing ability to show us the world inside your protagonist’s brain. Truly extraordinary!
— Emma
Quiet and unassuming...
Ha, thank you, Emma... I think I would love to meet a man who was Rich and Dreamy too...
the level of talent shown in this contest
was just amazing. as good as if not better than anything published in the mainstream.
just being around such good authors has improved my storytelling!
Emma's amazing Idea
Emma's amazing Idea!
Director's Cuts of contest stories! Wow, Emma, that's the best idea ever! Perhaps, Erin might even make a Story Challenge Category for that. No Money! No Judging! No Limits! Just great stories! The other Jo, Miss Impulsive, would surely restore Resolution Revolution as it was as a contest entry to get to participate as a Director's Cut with the best writers anywhere here at BCTS.
From your mouth Emma to Erin, Melane E, Piper, and all the BCTS worker's ears!!!!!
I am so overwhelmed, Emma, with your love expressed which adds together with all to hold our community together. Thanks to you, Joanne, and Jill for an record shattering, best in BCTS history contest. You go girls!
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland
Already done
for one of mine, anyway
In The Offing Here (Possibly)
I'd mentioned doing director's cuts of a few of mine.
Emma suggested one of them could be expanded to a novel. I hadn't really thought of stretching it out to that length, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
Any other ones would be more likely just expanded, but not to that length.
I can’t take credit for the idea . . .
. . . But I’m delighted that people are running with it!
Thank you so much for your kind words. You’ve got me blushing for sure!
— Emma
A Straitjacket
Many of our competitors felt that our Contest length constraints throttled their stories, minimum 2500 words and maximum 5000, and they were right. We had our reasons for doing it but those reasons no longer apply.
I haven't asked Angela or Emma their opinions but for me I would greatly like to see resubmissions without the Contest restraints if any authors feel like doing them (yes, Steph, I know you're ahead of me and thanks for being first out of the gate).
Go for it, ladies!
I got a consolation prize!!
I'm happy. Enjoyed the contest.
One thing: I almost didn't scroll down and see the results posting. There really needs to be a way to pin something to the top of the main page so things like this stick around for a while.
Read more of my works on Patreon.
Thanks for joining the fun!
I really enjoyed your stories, especially Who Am I?. A very different take on the twins issue, and Rayne and Tom’s bar scene was fantastic. So glad you enjoyed the contest!
— Emma
Seven Sisters
Love, Andrea Lena
Well . . . maybe.
— Emma
Just saw a new Belladonna story on Fictionmania
There had not been new stories for a long time. We should have recruited her. Maybe next time. I wonder about the older authors who might not be as prolific these days. There are a lot of lost gems out there.