A while back I was contacted by someone named Alicia Radford to say that her girlfriend had read my two novels, which make up The Kelly Anderson Chronicles as a teenager, and that it had helped her to come to terms with her own transgender identity.
That in itself was incredibly rewarding to hear.
She said that her girlfriend loved the story so much that she had decided to give her a bound copy for Christmas, and she wanted to know if she could send me a copy as well. I was in the process of setting up a PO box, in any case, and of course was very happy to give her that address.
Today I picked up my copy. I am simply blown away. Seeing my book in an actual hard bound form, with cover art, and authors bio, etc. is an amazing feeling.
But knowing that something I wrote, touched someone enough for them to do this for me, is the most amazing gift of all.
Thank you to Alicia Radford for all the work she put into it, and for thinking to find me and give me this boost!
Walking on sunshine!
The attachment is a single PDF page with pictures of the book, I did not know how to get them embedded.
Kristy Read
A truly wonderful gift…….
And a very thoughtful thing to do - not just for you, the author, but as a gift for her girlfriend as well.
I have not read either story, but this has given me the incentive to do so!
I am sure that I will be just as enchanted by them as Ms. Radford and her friend.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Just to be honest, the second
Just to be honest, the second one was never really finished, though it is not a horrible stopping point. Maybe this will give me the incentive to put a nice ending to it.
Some of it is outdated, written before even Jazz Jennings famous Barbara Walters interview, so I was working from the earliest days of kids going to school as transgender. Some of the things that became issues, I got wrong on how it should be handled.
But for its time I was very pleased with the reception here.
The old saying is that yesterday’s fiction……
Is today’s fact. Authors try to predict, or perhaps project, the future in their writing. Sometimes they get it right - and sometimes they don’t. But the important thing is that they try.
When it comes to politically and socially charged issues such as gender dysphoria and how it is dealt with by the greater world, we are all subject to the ignorance and fear of the minority. Those groups who fear any change as they see it taking something away from them, they are the ones we must all deal with. The MAGA morons and their ilk - the ones who see themselves losing their self-perceived superiority. They are the ones we all must work to overcome.
Birth is quite often an act of violence and pain. Let us hope that our brave new world has a peaceful birth.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
To know that something you wrote made that big an impact on someone’s life — that’s wonderful, Kristine! Walking on sunshine? Dancing, more like!
— Emma