Which story should I write first

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Ok, I am loving all the comments for my stories and I am enjoying writing. My question to you dear readers is which story sequel would you like to see first.

I have the first two sentences started on four more story ideas. Just to bring you up to date I am planning on sequels for "My Life in A Dress", "Matt's Dilemma", and "A Prayer Answered". I also have another story titled "Adams Fishing Trip" in the works. What I am asking you is which would you like to see first?

Thanks for Reading



Write Them Both or All Three

I am in the middle of writing several stories. Two of them are "on the front burner" at this time. I mention this because when you finish an idea for one you need to work on the idea that is in your mind with another. Eventually most of the stories will be complete, even if it takes months or years. It is more important to get the story right than to get it done by a certain time.


Me, I Say

Let your Muse decide. I have several stories going all the time. My muse chooses which one gets attention.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Hi Sara, um, maybe you don't want any of my advice, giggle...

...giggle. I let my muse direct my writing and that is why I have so many stories posted with only about half of them, if that, completed. I find that if I force myself to write, the story sucks, compared to when I just let the stories flow as they come to me.

I guess it is how you go about writing? Can you concentrate and make yourself write a certain story or chapter follow on? If so do it!

You could end up with a reputation like mine where people say I start a lot of stories and finish few. Giggle, giggle.

What they don't know is how much I have written and there will be a surprise soon enough.

Write what you want when you want! Just be you!

Huggles Sara

"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"