Fictionmania, An Obituary

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Just found this Wikipedia article on Fictionmania:

For anyone who doesn't know the history of the site, it's quite informative. One can't help noticing, though, that in its current form, it reads rather like the obituary of a well-loved senior statesman or other notable person.

Let's hope it needs amending soon, and because Fictionmania rises from the ashes.


Rumors of it's Death.....

Piper's picture

It's been like that for a while... Supposedly Steffen or someone else from the FM TaskForce tried to update it to not be past-tense, but all the changes were backed out by a Wikipedia Editor :)


(I love spreading rumors I have no proof of, so make sure you TAKE that information as just that a rumor... I just find it funny and want to relay it.)

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

I seem to remember ...

... that Stefan said as much in a post to Crystal's Cyberboard a week or two ago so there could be some support for the rumour. I'm guessing (with no evidence whatsoever) that FM will be back by the end of February but not sufficiently sure to be prepared to bet on it with real money :)


I know someone posted

Piper's picture

I know someone posted something somewhere to that affect... That's where I got the rumor from... But I couldn't remember Whom/What/Where and I never verified it, so I wanted to make sure I said it was just a wild rumor :)

As to FM Return... We'll see...


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

Once Fictionmaina makes it back online...

...and can prove they really do STILL exist, I bet then wikipedia will amend its article.

I bet wikipedia checked to see if Fictionmania was actually online after Stephen tried to have them amend the article.

When wikipedia found that Fictionamia was nowhere to be found, they declined to change it.

Just my take on it.

Huggles All

"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"

This was posted to the list Sunday. Cross your fingers, gang.

As was stated last Sunday, the old files from the defunct server were salvaged and were transferred to the new machine. Since the old server was in another country and no Task Force member could go to extract the files personally, retreving the files was no small endeavor.

Now, the several different software packages installed on the new machine have to be massaged to make them work together seamlessly. Talea has put in many hours over the last week to debug the system.

Mindy has put in the request to have the url point to the new server. If everything went through properly, you should be able to access the opening test page within a couple of days. If it does not get moved to the new server by the end of the week, we will have to wait a couple of weeks for Mindy to return from a business trip to straigthen out that problem.

Moving slower than anyone likes (especially the Task Force members), but, we are making progress.

Carol Collins

FM needs a name change!


When they do get FM back up and running they need to change the name to "Fictionmania, Phoenix" Sense it has risen from the "DEAD."

Hang on Baby Friday's coming!
