I was thinking this morning (definitely cause for concern) and was wondering if I had anything in my arsenal that could maybe be converted to a contest entry.
Originally, I was thinking about my unposted things, but then, on review of the rules, I didn't see any prohibition on previously posted works. Turning my attention to those works, I discovered that I do in fact have a wonderful story for the contest!
The only problems which may cause its disqualification, is that it's a bit of fanfiction, so does this count as part of a larger work? Well it's not a part of a larger work of mine so I fail to see a big problem in that respect.
The other potential problem is the length of the post. It is, in fact, a bit shorter than the required length for a contest entry, but I leave it to you, the wonderful unparalleled readers (am I laying it on a bit thick, or do I need a bit more praise?) of BCTS, to decide. Are we going for quantity or quality? (or in the case of this particular story, neither?)
I leave it to you, dear readers, to decide.
Did Lassie make a new year resolution to do what she did?
If not, it should definitely be disqualified.
Too short? Naah, not in MY opinion.
Dog years
It was a new years resolution in Dog Years.
Yeah! Yeah! That works!
Love, Andrea Lena
It's overwhelming, Doc!
It's overwhelming, Doc! I mean, I turn away for not even a millisecond and somehow he finds another well! I must have aged seven years in the last 12 months!
I have always loved that cartoon!
Don’t remember the first time I saw it, but it cracks me up every time. :)
— Emma
I must be the bearer of bad tidings. For lo, in the flurry of rules, regulations, stipulations and sundry red tape in the contest announcement, there appears a sentence somewhat fatal to your appeal: “Submissions must be new stories that have not been previously published anywhere.”
Of course, people should still read the story. It’s got Lassie! ;-)
— Emma
Well, shoot. prepare for incoming raspberry...
Sigh. Oh well. It was a try.
And a transgender element
"All the Lassies were actually male dogs because female collies tend to "blow coat" (go through a massive hormone-induced shedding process) with each heat cycle."
Love, Andrea Lena
Yes, they were. :-D
Yes, they were. :-D
Rules Are Made. . .
...Bru, want to take it from there?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
There, see?
There, see? I just published it a bit early, that's all.
Hey, I only gave my personal opinion
The actual application is entirely up to Your Honors. (Grovel, grovel)
I know that you aren't located in the UK but I can't help imagining you in shoulder length English High Court judge wigs.
Ooh! Ooh!
Can I wear the shiny red robes, too? Can I?
— Emma
Now I'm confused.
Oh no! Now I'm confused... Do I need an attorney or a solicitor?
Or a therapist?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Nice Try, Rose
But no cigar!
Oh well...
I gave it my best shot.