I was about to start writing this weeks and need to read the previous episode to maintain continuity and lo and behold it's no longer on the front page although other stories posted before or on Saturday are, no wonder my hit numbers are low these days. Is it worth it when I could be doing something like cleaning up after the flood in my lab?
I think I may know the reason
and that is the story contest. There are a lot more posts so stories will get pushed off the front page quicker. That is one of the reasons that I decided not to post until the contest is over.
OTOH, there is a lot of excellent new work to read so why not take a short break and read some of this work.
Ang, You're One Of Our Anchors
This place would not be the same without you. Now, Bike has not been your only contribution, and I KNOW you've got lots of other stories in you, so, pretty please, give us a story for the New Year's Contest.
Do I have to get down on my knees? Don't make me do that, 'cos getting up is so hard to do,