My name is Joanne Askew
I am an Aussie girl
A glass of wine with you sir
And the ladies I will swirl
All New South Wales and Queensland
Is measured up by my own hand
It was my fate from birth
To make my mark upon the earth
Apologies to Mark Knopfler for mangling his beautiful
“Sailing To Philadelphia”
And apologies to Andrea Lena for giving me the idea which I have stolen.
You've made your mark, sis
And I for one, am a better woman for knowing you. With a nod to Mark Knoffler's song playing in the background, and to Drea for her instigation, what a beautiful way to wake up and have breakfast with you Joanne! :DD TAF
(now to finish this pesky story rolling around in my head)
May be better than swirl. Waking up with an Aussie girl would provide an opportunity to practice their renowned foreplay - (Nudge) You awake?
Love it, Jo!!!
Maybe you're a girl Askew, but if you Askme, you are Aright and the world is Askew!!!
— Emma
Love me a bit of Knopfler
Uniquely his with that guitar, but also reminded me a bit of some of John Williamson's.