There’s no contest this time but I’m still going to try and finish this before December 23rd. The continuation of “A Cracker Barrel Christmas” has Nicole and her family going to see her older brother in Texas. While there, she meets a homeless couple who sleep in a car across the street from a “Whataburger”. Nicole tries to find a way tgo help them and all of the homeless in the sub-freezing weather of a Texas suburb.
There is a snippet on the site…and as someone commented, it’s not a “page turner” at the moment I’ll work on it and the next chapter.
Features chapter titles from songs by Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Still thinking of Christmas
It is a blessing to know that Christmas is not forgotten.
Ah Aylesea!
There is a contest! You just haven't entered it yet, but I'm hoping that you will. I'm talking about the New Year's Contest (details here on BC Blogs). I think it's right up your street and ask you to share your skills and talent with us to make this contest a real success. It's only 2500-5000 words so it shouldn't take too much of your time, and you can make your story a real page-turner. Tell me, how do you turn an electronic page? You can show us how,