I'm wondering: anyone who keeps a diary -- a physical diary, a book made of paper -- do they have the expectation that it will be found?
Or a fear that it will be found?
In my own case, when I actually had something significant to write about, the idea that someone else might come upon it prevented me from writing it.
Of course, being able to write online, or to keep files on one's computer, has changed that.
Then, inevitably, it occurs to me that this could easily be a premise for a story -- it must already be one, I'm sure. Situations such as:
- After someone's death, their diary is found -- surprising revelations
- A teen writes a diary to test their nosy mother
- A rather shocking diary seems to explain some local history and relationships
- The above, but we then discover that the diary is a complete fiction, which means the explaining and understanding need to start at zero once again, with the added difficulty of having to push off the ideas and conclusions given by the fake diary
Any thoughts? Either about your own life, someone else's, or a story that struck you?
Quite a lot scope
for stories based on diaries.
I have used them at least twice. Once with a central role in the very short "Serious Trouble" and once in a supporting role in ""Comed" Out". In the latter case the diary is fake.
Of course soooo much could be done.
Back in the Dark Ages
I drew a lot of my wishes, desires, hopes and dreams. In my drawings I was a beautiful girl who grew up into a beautiful woman. No Cinderella story but just a life not mine. Had a safe place to keep them away from everyone. When I was in the military, my brother came home and cleaned out everything, clothes, toys, gun, books, dresses, heels, a beautiful fringed all leather jacket. All my personal items and he must have known or he found my drawings. They were gone also.
I'm going to do a little rant here. My brother and sister are egotistical, self centered, and each one was a user of everyone they got close to. They had no problem taking what they didn't own if they wanted it and even if they didn't. If it was mine, it was going to be theirs. Neither one liked me until they needed something only I could provide. They used and abused our parents to the extent both were left out of the will.
So happy what he took wasn't a personal diary. Drawings can be..., simply drawings nothing more. I never drew anything after that. In college one semester hour of art was a requirement. I never drew what I felt, only what was necessary to complete the course.
Hugs Iolanthe, you're right, a diary is a great idea for a story line. I've read some in the context but I'm anxiously waiting what you will tease us with.
Life is a gift, don't waste it wishing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Violation of privacy
Back in high school in psychology class we were asked to write an autobiographical essay with an honest self assessment, that our teacher pledged would remain completely confidential as nobody else would ever see these essays. Turns out that his wife, my mom's cousin and a compulsive gossip, had read at least a few of those essays and has been mobbing me with those “revelations” ever since until she died a few years back.
Then some years later my therapist asked me to keep a diary as part of my therapy. Then he published it together with my complete medical file to be used and abused by ex-spouse in the custody lawsuits. And the judge even cited from both in the public order to justify the denial of my constitutional right to privacy and confidentiality regarding my health and personality. (This is not the USA!)
Since then it is almost impossible for me to write about my feelings and struggles. Basically any kind of text writing is a huge struggle, even professional writing. And it is psychologically very draining to write, and often also triggering in the worst way.
Nothing but abuse
That's horrible. It's nothing but abuse. I'm sorry to hear that they did such things to you.
- iolanthe
Past is Past
Jessica, there is no "do over" for the things in our past. Sadly, there are those who take anything we have done, good or bad, and use it for their own selfish interests. If it's for no other reason than to belittle us in their own demented mind and make themselves better than us. My English teacher, an exceptionally beautiful woman, said, those who say bad things about us are only trying to bring us down to their level.
Hon, you've been beat up, rolled around in the mental muck several times now and it's a struggle for you to accept life as something other than waiting to bite you in the ass again. God knows, everything we believed in the system that is supposed to protect us isn't there. Been there, done that enough times myself as the law is specific and no wiggle room until we find it all depends on who is interpreting the laws.
Hon, the one thing that has kept me going is the simple idea, even if the law says they can't eat me and they try anyway? I'm not going to taste good. When things are in the crapper and it looks like they will never straighten up. "They can't eat me. It's against the law." And I'll wait to see what tomorrow brings. They want everything I have or own? Ha, joke is on them, I don't own anything. Everything in and on this world belongs to God. I'm only a steward working in trust with what He allows. The Ten Commandments are the only real laws. The Ninth was broken by your antagonist. Put your shattered faith back together and take your life back again.
Hugs Jessica
Those who hate me without reason..., Psalms 69
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Of course, you would select option D - for Diary
You're right, a found diary is one of the most utilized tropes in almost every literary genre one can imagine. Knowing your skill as a storyteller and your affinity for mysteries, the last option - uncovering the truth behind a fake diary promises the most Iolanthean epic possible.
I look forward to reading another one of your special offerings.
What is a diary anyway?
Ok, it is a series of entries with a timestamp.
Note that I say nothing about content or frequency.
My reason for writing this post is that I was reading a report about one of TFG's former lawyers (there are dozens of them) who made a series of annotized voice recordings about his meetings with No 45. That is a diary. Therefore, diaries do not have to be written documents. Audio and Video are just as acceptable in the 21st century. Why not use a video diary rather than a written one?
Even time based backups of your computer are in effect a diary. The differences between each backup shows what you worked on that day. Crude? Yes but... worth exploring for the more adventure minded writer.
Wow! Now THAT's an exotic idea!
You've really blown my mind with that one!
- iolanthe
For what it's worth
Here's my take on it:
Love, Andrea Lena
My Stories ARE My Diaries
No need for paper. Will they remain when I'm gone? Who knows.
There are many "Diary" stories here ...
/tissue alert/
One story, where I can remember enough details, is told in the Diary's 'voice', with the Diary itself feeling lonely. No entries for what seems a long time.
The diarist's Mom finds it (classically hidden under the mattress) and begins to read.
Mom learns that it was not her son, but her >daughter< who committed suicide, and, of course, why.
The last diary entry is the Mom's letter to her Daughter.
I think this is it: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/5670/final-entry
I kept a diary for years and still do
It contains all my appointments and I used to have up to a dozen a day. Nowadays the appointments are for me as the patient, except my conservation activities, some of which I have to report to Natural England etc.
I also used to keep a journal, which I think is what you really mean in which I poured out all sorts of feelings. I may destroy those one day as they are very personal and I doubt would benefit anyone to read, but it was better than kicking the cat.
When a diary moves across the pond...
Yes, it's one of those transpondian differences of vocabulary.
I was careful enough to not write "dairy" when I meant "diary" but I quite forgot that in other parts of the world a diary is a planner. You don't get to use the evocative phrase "Dear Diary..."
... but didn't Bridget Jones keep a diary in the sense that I meant?
- iolanthe
So 'Mericans could read it.
In high school (about 50 years ago), I studied a ...
... foreign language.
In those feudal times, it was an all-boys' school.
Our next language lesson in our text-book came up, "The Diary of a Young Girl". A number of us (male, remember) students were quite puzzled, as there was never a mention of her taking care of the cows ...
Diary, not Dairy ...