not a good day !

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A bit of a shock for me the other day. My friend has passed , too dam young at 21 too dam young . those out there please yell scream grab some one call some one we are here we will listen . my friend i will miss you . i hope you are talking to your creator and at a final peace i am feeling old now as a lot i know are gone we grieve for ourselves not for those who have passed there is sorrow for those who are still here for we bear the pain of friends not here .




Is not a gender issue. 58 reads and only 11 loves. Even if you lurk here, please leave a shadow.

I'm sorry for your loss, rues. We are all less for not knowing your friend.


What can we say, when Death comes ... ?

We have, or will, lose someone ... and without fail, all too soon it will be our 'turn' ...
So we >Know< ...
May All Beings be healthy
May All Beings be happy
May All Beings be free of pain

May All Beings have Joy
May All Beings be Loved, in This World, and in the Next.
=== ===
Every one of my days, there are countless things I am grateful for, and I just want to hug the people who provided them.

Most of the time, hugging them is impossible ...
And these hugs accumulate, so many so that often leak out of my eyes ...

All I can do is dump them out into the "Aether".

Grab as many hugs as you want, I'll always have more. Delivery is at the speed of thought ...
Let Grief come as it will. No "timetables", no "shoulds", no "oughts" ...

Do something to remember/commemorate your friend.

(If appropriate) comfort their family.