This *ISN'T* a bad thing!
We're prepping an upcoming Doppler release that contains all my previous books, PLUS a handful of other stories, so I unpublished the other versions to make sure there weren't any issues with it.
Special Someones, by Melanie E., out soon on Kindle!
If you have previously bought my books on either Smashwords or Kindle then you *should* still be able to download them and read them: if not, contact me with an email address and the book you purchased and can no longer access, and I'll see what I can do about getting you a readable copy.
Having SAID that, there are lots of good things to look forward to in the new release!
1. TWO extra editing passes!
2. Better formatting!
3. A bonus never-before-seen story!
4. It helps support BCTS!
That last one is an important bit: my releases that come out on Doppler are going to be entirely for BCTS, so every dime goes directly to keeping our home here alive.
I hope people like it when it comes out! I did some schmancy cover art for it and everything!
(Oh, but on the off chance you DO want to toss me a dime or two directly, I have a Ko-Fi now! I'll be posting art and non-TG writing stuff there on occasion, no donation necessary to check out, so give it a look!)
Melanie E.
Two extra editing passes, eh?
“‘Done’ is never ‘done,’ right?
Editing ...
One time at work, our "grandpa" supervisor had so many, and a seemingly endless string of changes, edits, corrections and such on one of my documents.
By the time the final edit came along, I had to hand it to my "dad" supervisor, and ask him "Could you please do the final proof on this? My brain won't let me see it anymore."
It was like the document just turned into a fog or a blur in my hands ...