Gaby Book 25 ~ Only Five Minutes ~ Chapter *38*

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Book 25
Only Five Minutes

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2019 Madeline Bell

After all the excitement of the last few weeks culminating in the trip to Austria, surely Gaby can get back to some sort of 'normal'?

Well it wouldn't be Gaby if it was that simple would it?


*Chapter 38*
Just Five Minutes


"If you're coming I'm leaving in ten minutes,” Mum called up to my eyrie.

Bags of time, bit of lippy and whilst Max might like the ring in my nostril, I prefer the tiny stud Mum got me, its a bit more refined, right? I slipped the ring out before looking for the stud, now where did I put it, handtasche? No I remember seeing the little envelope I keep it in on my dressing table.
Look, I'm not a neat freak, not on any level, one look in my wardrobe can confirm that. If you go to Con's place, well everything on her dresser is in neat rows, all the nail varnish sorted by colour, jewellery in trays – you get the idea, heck, you can actually see the top. Mine looks like a bomb's hit it, potions and lotions rub shoulders with odd earrings, bits of paper – I know where stuff is, sort of.

That doesn't mean I'm proud of the mess, I'll occasionally have a tidy, make an effort – it usually lasts about two days! Then of course theres the parental 'suggested' tidy up, bang the hoover round, sling the odd shoes in the cupboard, make the bed and more often than not, push everything thats on top of the table into the top drawer. Of course its not ideal and I spend the next couple of weeks searching for my favourite lippy and untangling necklaces from earrings, bracelets and finger rings.

One such 'room tidy' took place on Saturday and by a process of deduction, I took the pin out before we left for the race on Saturday, I put the ring in on Monday morning, yep it should be on the top. Except it wasn't, it, along with everything else, had been swept into the drawer to escape the ire of Mater. Bum, with a bit of jiggling I got the tray out and started sifting through the contents.

Expired hair bands, broken chain, I wondered where Gran's earrings went, be logical Gab, its in an envelope just like this one! I retrieved the little folder and tipped the contents into my palm, instead of the expected nasal decoration though, it was a pair of ear studs that rolled into my hand. Huh? Oh mein gott, my Snoopy studs, you now Snoopy right, Charlie Brown's dog in the Peanuts cartoons?

I looked at the little metal dogs, a present from Maddy five years ago? A long time anyhow, I still thought I was a boy then of course....
It was just after that trip to Manchester when the girls – and Mad in particular, made a big thing of me going as Gaby rather than Drew. Yeah it was after one of the Cuckney tens.

"Hey Drew, in case I forget later, I got you something." Mad mentioned with a smirk.
"I don’t think I need anything else after the helmet."
"I won’t give them you then!” she feigned hurt.
"Okay, okay, I accept whatever it is." Anything for a quiet life.
"Here you are then!” a miraculous recovery! Mad passed me a small carrier bag while the others gathered round to see this treasure that was bestowed on me. I opened the bag and plunged my hand inside, retrieving a small box.
"Go on open it." Mad urged.

I did the deed, which revealed three items. A pair of ear studs in the shape of ‘Snoopy’ and a silver neck chain.

"I got it engraved specially." Mad enthused.

I inspected the plate on the chain more carefully, ‘Gaby’ was in script on one side and ‘from all her friends’ on the reverse.

"The chain is from all of us, I got you the earrings ‘cos I thought they were cute!”

Mad insisted I put the studs in straight away, ‘to see what they look like’ and after that we ended up watching a video of ‘Jumanji’.
I wonder what happened to the necklace, I certainly wouldn't have thrown it out. I used to wear it quite a bit when we first moved to Germany but when you're fifteen it starts getting less age appropriate and yeah, thats right, the chain broke. Hmm, have to find it, a new chain's quite cheap, I know, I'll get one up in Bonn today.

"Gaby,” Mum's voice rang out from below, "I'm going.”
I dashed to the door, there is no way I want to miss going and I still need lippy and, oh yeah, my nose pin.
"Be right there, I'll just be five minutes, honest,” I called back.
"I'll be in the car, five minutes.”
Its not that I like being late, I don't, but time, you know, sort of runs away a bit when I'm doing stuff? And anyhow, she won't go without me, I'm supposed to be buying lunch!

I spotted another envelope on the floor by my bed, the missing ornament, of course, I was sat on the bed when I took it out, duh! Returning to my dresser I slipped the stone into place, found the tiny gold ring and slipped that into the envelope, dropping said receptacle into my purse. On an impulse I slipped the Snoopy studs into my upper holes, there's usually small hoops in the bottom holes and as I don't usually wear anything in them so they'd closed up a bit and the Snoopy posts are quite thick so they didn't want to go through, a bit of jiggling sorted that.

It was a matter of seconds to apply lipstick – well i've had years of almost daily practice right. Now then, hat, gloves, coat – handbag, think thats everything, oh Handy. A quick search located my phone, of course it was already in my bag, and I was ready to go. I got as far as the the main stairs before it dawned on me that I didn't have my boots on.

"Funny five minutes,” Mum gave me a pointed look as I pulled my seat belt into place.
"Sorry, I couldn't find my nose stud and then I lost my Handy and I left my boots in my room so I had to go back up.”
Even parents can do the eye rolling thing, "You've got everything now?”
"Yup, no hang on, where's my purse?” I opened my bag and fished inside.
"Gaby,” she sighed.
"Just kidding, knew it was there all the time.”

Mum's driving doesn't get any better – or slower for that matter, I'm sure i've told you before, its always an 'exciting' journey, not that i've had to press my spare knickers into action too often. I don't travel with her that often and mostly I'm in the camper, Dad's Saab or Olaf's Polo and with four in that, speed isn't an option! No, travelling with Mum at the wheel can be quite an experience and this new car doesn't help.

Oh I haven't told you about Mum's new car have I? The old one, the A Klasse, she had back when we lived in England so thats what, four, five years ago so the garage that handles the team's Mercedes sponsorship down in Bad Neuenahr have swapped it for a new SLK – its only the base 200 model but its still a two seat sports car. Its a wonder she hasn't got the roof down, mind you it is only five degrees and threatening some wet.

Its not the most practical car, you can get a bike in it – just, but I guess that isn't the point. Of course, its silver and the sponsorship details are much more restrained than on the A, yup, its a nice car. Add Mum though and every journey is like qualifying on the Nurburgring!
Well back to todays trip up to Bonn, you know my birthday is coming up? Well Mum'll be away then so we're doing the whole mother / daughter birthday shop today, yes I know I should be at college but with everyone else on their work placements , Lisbet suggested I do some reading and stuff from home. Works for me and after last weeks commute from hell I couldn't agree more that my travelling down to Koblenz each day was rather pointless. Not that I really need anything of course, i've got clothes, shoes and jewellery till it comes out of my ears – well you know what I mean.
No, today was as much about doing stuff together as present buying although I'm sure I can wangle something out of ma Mere.

"Where do you want to go?”
"I thought we were going to Bonn?”
"We are, but I don't want to park at the opposite end to where you want to go.”

Okay, I can see her point, I usually come up by train so car parking is not exactly an issue.

"We could use the underground parking at Dom Platz,” I suggested, I only know its there because there are entries in front of the Post Office.
"I like your thinking,” Mum chuckled, "Dry and close to the shops.”

By this time we were close to the Bonn Zentrum turn off, Mum being Mum did one of those kamikaze lane crossing manouvres and somehow the SLK remained untouched although I'm pretty sure that most of the horn blowing was aimed at us. There were more 'interesting' lane changes and turns as we made our way to the Bahnhof, heads were shaken, more horns sounded – well two blondes in a sports car, what can you expect. I smiled and waved each time, what else can you do?

I was pretty glad when we got to the entrance of the subterranean parking facility, at least most of the other autos are parked once we get inside. It was pretty full but as luck would have it a big Volvo pulled out of a slot near one of the pedestrian exits, Mum was straight in there! To be honest, I was ever so slightly glad to get out of the car, maybe I can string things out so we get caught in the rush hour traffic going back?
"Right then,” Mum started once the car was secured, "Where first?”
"Coffee and toilet,” I replied, "But not neccesarily in that order.”
"Well your in charge, lead on Macduff.”

I shook my head, she does come out with some weird stuff at times.

"Whatever,” I allowed pushing through the exit door.

I was a little bit disorientated when we got to ground level but seasoned shopper that I am, we were soon inside the Karstadt and targetting the top floor where both toilets and Dinea reside. Okay, not exactly the Ritz but for coffee and cake as good as anywhere and unlike the bakery around the corner, you are pretty much guaranteed a seat. We rode the escalators up to 3G, the lifts are always full of seniors and young mothers with far too many kinder.

"Who's getting this?” I queried stepping off the top of the last escalator.
"I thought you were treating?”

Damn hoisted by my own petard.

"Coffee?” I sighed.
"Milchkaffee, I feel like a bit of decadence.”

Geez Mum, push the boat out why don't you.

"I'll go find a table.”
Instead of going directly to get our drinks I did a quick pitstop, wetting your knickers isn't a good look for someone my age after all. There was one good thing with me pulling the purchase, I can choose the kuchen which I just noticed was being put out in all its high calorie wonderfulness. You can't beat a good ol' Schwarzwalder gateaux but the blueberry cream torte I got for myself looks like it might run Mum's close.

Oh I know we're doing lunch later but you can't just have coffee can you? I mean, it would go against everything thats right about the world.

"Thought you'd got lost,” Mum opined when I found her.
"I can take your gateaux back.”
"But then who'd drive you home?”

Damn, she has a point. I distributed the commestibles then made myself comfortable.

"So where do you want to look first?”
"Well I want to get a new neck chain, the one Maddy got me has snapped and I need some new undies.”
"There's a jeweelery place in here isn't there? Or did you have somewhere else in mind?”
I finished the first forkful of torte, "Its nothing special, here will be fine, hmm this is to die for.”
"Call me old fashioned but I'll stick to this.”
"Old fashioned!”

Okay, so I'm a child, well not strictly speaking with my seventeenth birthday looming. We didn't linger too long in Dinea, stuff to do, places to go and all that.
"So where do you want to go for knickers?” Mum asked in a voice that advised everyone in central Bonn what we were doing.
"Mu-um, do you have to tell everyone?”
"What happened to the brash young woman who wasn't afraid of what anyone thought?”
"Wrong daughter?” I suggested.
"You might be right, talking of which, have you heard from her lately?” Mater queried as we made our way to one of the exits.

To say things have been frosty between Jules and Mum since the New Year's revelation would be putting things mildly, I think Arctic would be more like it. She might be my sister, well okay, she is my sister, but sometimes she does stuff that is so off the wall its not funny. That said, I think she enjoys thumbing her nose at the Rents just to get a reaction but maybe getting Schwanger is a level beyond hair dyeing, tongue piercing and living with her boyfriend.

"Not for a bit.”
"I thought you two talked?”
"We do,” I agreed, "Just not all the time.”
"So, Cunda?”
"They're okay for everyday stuff,” I allowed.
"Used to be Marks when I was your age.”
"Aargh, granny pants!”
"I do not wear granny pants,” she huffed.
"You will do in October,” I pointed out with a smirk.
"Why you!”

I escaped her grasp and skipped outside.
"Should I be concerned that my sixteen year old daughter wants to buy her underwear in Victoria's?”
"I'm nearly seventeen,” I pouted.
"Seventeen then.”
"Hmmph, can't a girl like sexy underwear?”
"That's an open debate, this is the same young woman that wears a sports bra all the time?”
"They're comfy!”
"So exactly who's going to benefit from this sexy lingerie?”
"Erm, no one.”
"Gabrielle Bond, remember that I was your age once, we'd best make sure you get something that Max will appreciate you in.”
Well that was enough to set me off on a blush fest of epic proportions, "Mu-um!”

"So where is Jezobel taking me for lunch then?”

She might embarrass me at times but she has just spent almost a hundred Euros on some slightly risque lingerie for me, well and some that I'm pretty sure Dad will appreciate for herself.

"Die Altes Rathaus?”
"Very powsh.”
Well I guess it is several steps up from Maccy D's. We only looked in a couple of shops on the way, as the name suggests our destination is in the cellar of the old town hall at the top of Markt. It was after one when we arrived, most of the lunchtime patrons having already been and gone.

"For two?” the maitre d' enquired.
"Please,” I agreed.

He grabbed a brace of menu's and led the way to a table that was just being re-set by the table staff.

"We on a budget?” Mum asked, "The Filet Mignon looks interesting.”

Ot oh, sounds like its gonna cost me, I quickly scanned the listing to see how much it was – how much?

"Er not especially,” I allowed.
"The look on your face Gaby, don't worry, I won't bankrupt you.”
"You can have it if you like.”
"Think I'll give it a miss kiddo.”

We were interrupted by the arrival of our drinks, a bottle of the house white and a carafe of water – well Mum is driving.

"Are you ready to order ladies?” our waiter enquired.
"I think so,” Mum supplied, "Gaby?”
"Er sure, I'll have the Schweinhaxe with roasted vegetables and boiled potatoes.”
"And for you Madam?” he addressed my parental unit.
"The Strogonoff please.”

Talk about a wind up merchant, that's cheaper than my hock!
We haven't done this Mother Daughter thing very often but there was a small but subtle change today. Yeah, instead of talking to me like a little kid, Mum was talking to me like I'm her equal in womanhood. Don't get me wrong, she's far from shy talking about 'womens' issues, to the point of being too frank at times but today its like my opinion really does matter to her which I think is a good thing, right?
© Maddy Bell, March 2020

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