Fourteen years...Holy F***!

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Fourteen Years and a few days.

Woof! That's over 98 dog years at BCTS! And I am very grateful to be here! Or as to paraphrase George Burns, "At 72 I'm happy to be anywhere." Big thanks and much love to everybody! A special shout-out to You Who Are Such Girls!



Emma Anne Tate's picture

Happy BC Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. :D




I just checked

Angharad's picture

I've been a member here for sixteen years and four months, which is a longer sentence than yours and I'd count mine in cat years not a hair of the dog. Congrats, it's good to know you're there with a listening ear and an empathetic tone. Take care.


So Much Creativity

You're an inspiration to all of us.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

My how time flies when you're having dysphoria!

laika's picture

You've been bringing joy to my life since that first PM.
Having you for a friend is one of the best things in-
Oh fer God's sake! Are you crying again?!

It's OK here. And I do so love your loving, tender heart.
Your humor, your talent; You're the top!
~S'wonderful; Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Great job hanging in here!

17 and a half in my case apparently.

What is sobering is seeing so many user names I've seen in rhe deep past no longer being present now.

Given our demographics, it is likely they have passed. Some are memorialized on the site but unfortunately many more are just no longer with us.


is been 11 years 10 months fer me and eye still cant wright happy 14

Yay! Congrats!

Rose's picture

I've been reading on BCTS for a lot longer than I've been writing for it. Probably a good 3/4 of your 14 years. LOL. Glad to have read your stuff, and happy to count you as one of my friends!



Seems a long time

Maddy Bell's picture

I’ve been here for 18 years and change - so much has happened in that time!

The fact that any of us are still here on the planet amazes me let alone participating in such a vibrant community.


Madeline Anafrid Bell