Tammy: In A Spin Part 2

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In A Spin  

Book 13: In A Spin


"In A Spin"
Part 2


Please note this is a work of fiction and any references to real people, real places or real heavily armed military units are for artistic purposes only!

Monday 19th February 16.45hrs

Having disposed of her unwanted admirers, Tammy found her way to the base stores, easily following the signs.

"I'm looking for Kelly?"

"That's me, you must be Tammy. Did the underwear fit?"

"Yes thanks, what do I owe you?"

"That's been taken care of. I guess you need kit for the duration of your course?"

"Yeah, definitely now: at breakfast time I was totally convinced I would be back at home with my fiancée tonight, that's five hundred miles North! I guess I'll have to take two sets of fatigues, a few pairs of socks and half a dozen T's? Plus a kit bag?"

"Those I can manage, but you'll also need two Nomex Flight Suits. I have all the RAF badges but if you wanted anything with army insignia then that would be a problem."

"It's just a badge to me, sorry if that sounds wrong!"

"No pride in your unit?"

"I was allocated to a unit for their convenience. I arrived at Wattisham last April as a civvie when they press-ganged, I mean inducted, me."

"Wattisham, oh, did you hear about that Colonel who was put on the floor last Spring?"

"Yes, he interrupted my lunch and he ripped my designer suit."

"You pulled a weapon on him?"

"Yes, I didn't appreciate being assaulted and I know how to protect myself. How was I to know he was acting like local royalty?"

"Any chance of that here, I could use a gossip warning?"

"No, I left my weapons behind this morning as I didn't think I'd need them, however there's a Captain here who decided to have a go at me and now has bite marks."

"I heard. Where are you normally based?"

"Nowhere, my unit doesn't have a home. I simply report when I receive orders, well, usually. The rest of the time I'm on my own."

"So not real army?"

"Define: real. I do things, but you won't see me mentioned in dispatches. That's real to me, not marching around and farting to order."

Tammy decided she'd said enough, especially as she wasn't hiding behind an alias.

"If I need anything else, that you don't stock on base, where's the best place?"

"There's a large Tesco store near Didcot that I used for the undies etc. It's about fifteen minutes away by car, so I suggest you take a taxi from the gate. Be aware, the guards like to search any shopping and have been known to confiscate things."

"Is that for real?"

"They refer it to your department head and most of the time you'll get it back."

"Damn, what's the reasoning?"

"Choose: base security, morale, potential abuse. One female airman lost her three month contraceptive supply as it was in a non-branded box and the guard decided it looked fake. It took her five days to get them back as it was over a three day weekend. That delay caused a problem she didn't want."

"Thanks for the warning. I'm on the implant now plus I have a fiancée who would be very upset if anything happened to me."

"Is he in the military?"

"Sergeant, same regiment as me."

"So you give the orders?"

"Sometimes! Sorry, I'd best go get some food."

Tammy called Maisie once she was back in her room.

"Thanks for sorting it out my knickers and bras."

"I had a go at Captain Wade as he didn't see the issue, and I'll take a risk that I'm on a charge for telling him."

"Go on, what was it?"

"By way of an analogy I suggested he went three days without a razor. I explained that genetics meant we have to have clean underwear daily, if not more frequently. Did you get the liners as well?"

"Yes, thanks, from the NAAFI. From what I can gather the schedule has been re-jigged again and I'll finish next Wednesday or Thursday."

"So back before the end of the week, that's good. I had Joey on the phone earlier asking what was going on as she assumed you'd be available during each day to deal with queries?"

"I can't guarantee anything right now, Maisie. Sorry but I fully expect the course to be changed or moved again, given what's happened so far?"

"Understood Tammy, but I spent a few years in the Army before I met you, remember? I just went with the flow as it was easier than complaining!"

"Indeed, I don't think there's many professions that would accept this level of change? Oh, they issued me with a She Wee before the flight here."

"Okay, I've received the packs that I ordered and they're now in our go bags."


Tammy's Monday finished after a few telephone kisses were exchanged. A text message, belatedly, arrived from Marcus Wade asking if everything had been sorted. No apology was offered and there was no acknowledgement that others had done the work for him. Tammy didn't have the energy or desire to respond, it was barely eight in the evening but she was officially knackered.

Captain Goody found her at coffee on the second day.

"Lt Smart, I haven't heard anything bad about you, but I am aware that some of the other guys aren't giving you an easy ride?"

"In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a guy, Captain."

"Just an expression, but I thought you might have reacted to them?"

"I'm tempted, but I didn't want to break any of my nails."

"I see."

"The way it looks to me, Captain, is that you could lead by example? Barrack-banter is one thing, sexual harassment is entirely something else."

That afternoon some of the egos on the expanded course cohort were busted and one charge of insubordination was slapped on one particular know-all ass. Tammy did her best to keep her thoughts to herself as the guards collected the offender. Then it was back to the safety videos and the imminent doom lectures.

On Wednesday the training moved into the Puma simulators and theory started to turn into practice. Naturally some of the students adapted easily and some found issues. Tammy was firmly in the middle, she knew it was difficult, but achieved it a little better than she imagined. That helped her confidence.

By the afternoon, once familiarisation had concluded, various scenarios were programmed into the simulators and Tammy took her first simulator mission flight. They were back in the classroom by five but the debrief took a considerable time. The main lesson Tammy learned was to expected the unexpected.

Between Thursday and Friday all the course participants were tested in the simulator in a forty five minute exercise. The task was to pilot the craft from the simulated base into a forest clearing to deliver personnel, returning them to the start before setting off a second time to collect different personnel from an urban setting.

At ten thirty on Friday morning Tammy had been the last to go into the test and had already heard some of the Male Chauvinists proclaim their superiority. "Yes, you wouldn't believe how narrow the gap was, but I squeezed in and got out!"

The first half of the exercise, into the wooded area, Tammy found fairly straightforward and wondered if this was a proper test of her skills. When Tammy had reached the urban pick up zone, however, she decided that the obvious area was too dangerous so scanned the area for something more suitable. A hundred metres further on, obscured by a tall building, was a public park area. She easily set down there and was safely away without any danger to her craft or passengers. Despite her caution she had one of the lowest exercise times.

The exercise debrief was brutal, those who were deemed safe could move into the real helos. Those who failed the exercise left the course. Captain Goody had something to say before they left.

"Before the exercise you will all have heard me remind you that your primary aim is to get the aircraft in and out safely, that was it. It doesn't matter how often I say this, there's always two or three potential pilots who feel they need to show off, to put themselves, their helos, their passengers, their MISSION at risk. If they can't follow a simple instruction to fly safely, and can't follow instructions without keeping their egos in check, then we don't need them."

The classroom exercise finished early, much earlier than Tammy had anticipated. She grabbed a lunch in the mess and went back to her room to shower and change. She'd heard from Maisie that more snow had arrived in Thurso, but it was almost t-shirt weather outside in her Southerly location.

Tammy repacked her shoulder bag but left her phone out for a moment.

"Can I book a taxi from the gate at RAF Benson to the large Tesco on the outskirts of Didcot? Anytime now please?"

The gate personnel barely gave her a glance as she went through the pedestrian exit to wait for her ride. Her taxi left her waiting for ten minutes but Tammy had received a text confirming the cab's plate number and the ETA so knew she wouldn't be waiting for long. The driver, a lady, dropped her fifteen minutes later outside the store entrance. "Can you pick me up in an hour please?"

Tammy had gained a kit bag from the base stores but once again had to buy something for the clothing she was picking up. She chose a duffle bag since nothing needed to be carefully packed, especially if it was to be tossed around in a Hercules or another aircraft. Tammy tried to remember how often she'd been placed in this situation and how many surplus suitcases she now owned as a result? It wasn't always her fault either, but this one would go on expenses and Captain Marcus Wade would have to sign it off, of that she was certain.

She had pushed a large trolley around the store so she had room for the duffel and her multiple purchases. She restricted the clothing to an absolute minimum but decided she needed one co-ordinated outfit to travel in if she wasn't flying military, for that she went for the utilitarian black look; black trainers, chinos, long sleeved top and a rain proof jacket. A black winter hat from a surplus shelf completed the look. On a whim she picked up a yellow rain proof jacket, just in case she needed to be seen!

Once she was through the checkout there was twenty minutes before her cab was due so Tammy took her trolley into the Costa coffee shop and ordered a small latte. Next she opened the duffle and started to stow the clothing in it.

Tammy felt a hand grab her shoulder and immediately spun up onto her feet. The offending person was wearing an ill-fitting uniform that bore the word 'Security' above the left breast. An ID card said he was called Dave. "What is your problem?"

"You were seen hiding the clothing."

"It's all paid for and you just assaulted me."

"The police are on their way, I'm sure you can explain that to them?"

Tammy had her phone out and quickly used it to get a pic of 'Dave' whilst feigning checking it. Her receipt was in her bag just under her phone.

"I have a receipt, but before you even think of walking away with it; I'm going to photograph it. Then I'll ensure the local newspaper has a copy of that receipt and your name, Dave? My bet is that if I check out the local social media pages then one of the locals will provide me your surname? If you read that as a threat, then good as my solicitor will be naming you in his writ. One thing worth knowing is that this is the first time I've been in this store, I just spent nearly two hundred pounds and all I wanted was a coffee! GET ME THE MANAGER!"

Tammy had firmly raised her voice and there was silence when she stopped talking. Outside a blue flashing light indicated the arrival of the local constabulary. The security idiot retreated to intercept the boys in blue and managed to point at Tammy several times.

"Good afternoon, Miss, would you like to go somewhere quieter?"

"Good afternoon officer, no, I wouldn't. Here's my ID, can I suggest you run it through your database so I can get into my taxi?" Tammy had just seen her driver pull up next to the police vehicle.

She had handed her NATO ID and a copy of her 'Get Out Of Jail Free' letter.

"Stay here."

"For now, I will, but don't be long as my driver won't wait for long."

The officer's female companion took over. "Apparently you have a receipt?"

"I do, and the stupid .... Dave could have simply asked for it. Instead he walked up behind me and grabbed my shoulder. I've been a victim of assault and I've put people in prison for it."

Tammy handed the receipt over, the PC checked the first few items off the receipt and was satisfied. Her oppo returned.

"Sorry Miss Smart, all is in order. One question, are you armed right now?"

"No. If I had been; Dave would have been on the floor with one of my weapons in his neck. Why did you ask?"

"Your police record is locked but there's a note which asks to check if you're armed, that's all."

"Curious, thanks for telling me. Hopefully my cab hasn't gone."

"Did you want to file a complaint?"

"I will, but right now I want to get back to base."

As she spoke the cab pulled away. "Bugger. I don't suppose you can drop me at RAF Benson?"

"Sure, but it'll look like we're taking you away?"

"Let them think that, it'll make the complaint more fun."

The female officer took her bag whilst Tammy transferred the few food items into her shoulder bag. Tammy made a point of grinning malevolently towards Dave and a management type who was stood silently behind him. Tammy's bag was placed in the boot and the door was held open for her to slide onto the rear seat. The male officer got behind the wheel.

"Excuse me Miss Smart, but why wasn't that sorted out before we arrived?"

"To be honest I don't know, but it might relate back to a problem I had in Wick a year ago when someone made an accusation against me, totally malicious like today. My solicitor obtained an apology."

"Perhaps the quiet approach works best?"

"Sometimes, yes, but a big stick works better."

The car moved off and Tammy was dropped at the gate fifteen minutes later, she found her pass in her bag before she reached the security guard.

"Ah, Lieutenant, where have you just been?"


"Then why the police?"

"They offered to run me back here after my taxi driver quit, that's all."

"What do you have in there?"

"Clothes, nothing that will fit you."

There was a harrumph and Tammy was allowed past. She went straight to her room but stopped inside the door, someone had been in there. The note from Monday had been left face down on the chest of drawers but was now face up.

She put it down to a room inspection, but felt vindicated for having all of her documentation in her shoulder bag.

She sent her solicitor Jeremiah Smith an email and asked him to check with the Tesco at Wick whether they had passed on her name or image to other stores after her incident there? Her phone rang.

"I understand Wiltshire Police accessed your record this afternoon?"

"Hello Marcus, yes I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Well, what did you do?"

"A jumped up Tesco security idiot interrupted my coffee when I was packing my shopping away. He had already summonsed the police before he even asked to see the receipt. Oh, and he grabbed me."


"It was an assault, the same as when Cooper interrupted me in the canteen."

"Jeez, Tammy, you didn't pull a weapon in Tesco did you?"

"No, I wasn't armed. Believe it or not, I restrained myself. I didn't even touch him."

"Where're your weapons?"

"In the safe at home, I wasn't meant to be away, remember? I figure I'm safe enough inside the base."

"Okay, try to avoid any trips off base?"

"I think I will. Tell me, have you heard anything about Cooper lodging an appeal?"

"No, why?"

"My office assistant is Cooper's daughter. A family member is visiting and it doesn't sound friendly."

"We don't provide close protection officers for admin staff."

Tammy killed the call, Captain Wade hadn't told her anything new. She unpacked the bag and wished she could run the clothing through a wash and dry cycle before putting them away, but that wasn't an option right now.

Saturday 24th February 2018

It had been another early night for Tammy but she was awake shortly after six and made her way to breakfast soon after. The next table over were on the same course and Tammy learned that she might get airborne later. A lighter breakfast was chosen, and she kept herself to one mug of coffee. Muster was at eight, although everyone was there early.

"Good morning everyone. This weekend you're going to get to play in the real thing, but first we need to put that theory about fuel loading, tank balancing and how much extra is being carried into practice."

One of the junior RAF officers asked, "But we have ground crew for much of that?"

"Really? You've flown into jungle clearing just before dark and you need to take off in the morning? Oh, shall we fly a whole team out so you can play at just being a pilot?"

"No, Sir."

"Good, no more stupid questions please."

Behind the classroom, a suitable distance from the building, were a pair of SA330 Pumas. Tammy noticed the anchors.

"Right, these are the real things. It's one thing to go through paper exercises or simulator sessions and quite another to get one of these airborne from cold. Over the next two days that is what you are going to do, initially one of the instructors will be your co-pilot. Lt Smart, you're first up!"

She'd been expecting to be called near last so with a little trepidation went towards the Puma that Captain Goody had indicated.

"I'll be your co-pilot."


"Just relax and follow the instructions."

Tammy pulled on a headset, more out of instinct than training and went through the start-up sequence.

"Stop, you missed something."

Tammy panicked a little and shut everything off.

"You didn't need to do that?"

"Yes, I did."

Second time around she completed the start-up and had the rotors spinning, although not enough for any lift.

"Okay, we have enough chain to lift two metres off, try getting to one metre."

Tammy did as asked and hovered just off the ground but a wobble, caused by the draught from another chained helo. Tammy went to correct the pitch of the aircraft, but hadn't noticed that she'd gained altitude and was now pulling on one chain, whilst a second was slack.

"Okay, ease back on the collective, Lieutenant."

Tammy calmed and complied, focussing on the instruments. The aircraft drifted and she corrected, this went on for another ten minutes.

"Okay, take us back down and go through the closedown sequence. In that order, please."

It had only been twenty minutes from start to finish, but Tammy felt like she'd spent the whole morning in the Puma. She found a coffee and returned to the classroom to revise the startup procedure, by midday everyone had returned.

"That was a good start, over lunch the chains will be extended and we'll have another go."

She found an email from Jeremiah confirming that he would follow up her request on Monday but asked for a detailed report on the new incident, before Tammy had forgotten the detail. That would have to wait until she was free, and wouldn't be easy using a phone.

After lunch they were back in the air, albeit at the end of a four metre anchor. Tammy found this easier, although she hadn't gone anywhere yet.

"Well done Lieutenant, are you sure you hadn't done this before?"

"No, Sir. Is there an issue?"

"With me, not at all, but an officer called to check on your progress and seemed surprised that I had no problems with you. I asked if he knew if you had prior experience with helicopters and he suggested you might have whilst with another agency?"

"I'll be certain to thank the Captain next time I speak to him."

"Which other agency does he refer to?"

"One that is outside the limits of this conversation, Sir, for operational reasons."

"I see, thank you Lieutenant."

On Sunday the tethers were gone, but the students were driven to a remote end of the airbase.

"Pair up, you'll swap around in an hour."

Tammy hadn't been surprised when a young lad had walked over to her. Everything about him screamed girl, to Tammy at least. He was also regularly shunned by the egotistic pilots but sat across the room from her and they'd never spoken before.

"I'm Aircraftman Harrison." The writing on his flightsuit included his name so the introduction was unnecessary. Tammy's flightsuit was missing this embellishment but she didn't feel the need to state something he definitely already knew.


Captain Goody handed out a written plan, it was a low level course with multiple set down points. "Go around twice then swap places and repeat."

That took barely fifteen minutes per pass.

There was a debrief and then they went again. This was the longest Tammy had spent in one day in the front seats of a helicopter.

On Monday the training moved up a notch, although one of the group had been recalled to his unit so they were down to nine, eight from the RAF plus Tammy. The course took them off base and into rural areas. Now it was important, more so than before, to check where other aircraft were operating. The trainees were told they had the advantage of a dedicated ATC in the Benson tower that day, that luxury was to be short-lived as at lunchtime they had to switch to the standard channel.

It was intensive now, by Tuesday Tammy was flying to the Bristol Channel and back, setting down under instruction at Boscombe Down to refuel. At least Tammy didn't have to do the fuelling herself, that was a specialist position, but it gave her a moment to relax.

"Lieutenant Smart?"


"You have been requested."

"What about Harrison?" She pointed at her co-pilot.

"Just you, Lieutenant, come with me."


Tammy was still wearing her helmet, a personal issue now that she wasn't far from accreditation. Her visor was however in the up position as she followed the junior officer into an office building then up a flight of stairs. He tapped on a door and received a quiet "enter" immediately.

"They are ready for you, Lieutenant."

"Thank you." She pushed the door open.


Sean coughed.

"My apologies, Colonel MacTaggart, and ... ?"

"Captain Yarrow, Army Intelligence."

"Good afternoon Captain Yarrow, is this a courtesy call as I have an aircraft and a co-pilot outside?"

"I'd like to debrief you in respect of your activities over the Christmas to New Year period."

"In which case, I respectively decline as I am not operationally free right now."

"I can hold you here until you comply with an order."

Tammy laughed and turned, "Uncle, did Marcus set this up? Promise that I would be available then makes himself scarce?"

"No, Lieutenant, I did, but I did make a promise to another uncle of yours that I would protect you. Captain Yarrow, this goes beyond the briefing I received?"

"Yes, Colonel, I received a specific request that the Lieutenant be investigated for conspiring with foreign nationals in extra-judicial extractions."

"That's a serious charge, Captain, what evidence do you have?"

"This is an evidence gathering exercise, Colonel, and that is best achieved with Lieutenant Smart in our protective custody."

Tammy had retrieved her phone from a pocket and was now pondering what to do.

"Tammy, put it away."

"Yes, Sir." It slipped into a deep pocket, which she secured.

"Good, because you are going to return to your aircraft and safely return it to base, do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I meanwhile will try to work out who is pulling strings. My apologies for interrupting your training, Lieutenant."

"Not at all, a pleasure as always Colonel." Tammy nodded towards the Captain and left the room, retracing her steps to the fresh air.

The officer was waiting by the bottom door.


"Let me see, you're surprised I'm leaving? Well, don't be."

Tammy saw him rushing inside as she walked back over the the fuelling point.

"What was all that about, Smart?"

"A misunderstanding, Harrison. Shall we get back?"

Tammy was upset that she'd been set up, even if Sean had also been got at? She tried to put it to one side as any lack of concentration could be fatally disastrous!

When the recruits gathered for their post-flight debrief Captain Goody noted that Tammy was distracted.

"Out with it?"

"I had an odd occurrence on the ground at Boscombe Down, Sir, and it's something that I need to resolve quickly."

"Will it affect your flying?"

"I hope not, Sir, er, no, it will not affect my flying."

"Good, as you all have an evaluation tomorrow."

He turned to the group as a whole. "Reconvene at oh-eight-hundred. Dismissed. Lt Smart, hold a moment?"

Tammy did as asked. "Sir?"

"What happened?"

She explained, whilst not elaborating.

"That still doesn't explain why Army Intelligence would want to interview you?"

"I was involved in an operation two months ago that seemed to upset a few people even though it was sanctioned by the highest relevant authority."

"Let me guess, that authority is written on a Top Secret file that's locked in a filing cabinet in an unmarked building?"

"Something like that."

"I hate off the books operations!"

"Quite, Sir, I'm just a little concerned that if they can't go for me, they'll go for my colonel? I need to kick this upstairs."

"How far up?"


"That seems to be a little odd for a Lieutenant, in fact it's a breach of protocol if you go outside of your immediate chain of command."

"Under normal circumstances, yes, but the potential fallout is great. We, I, need to know who prompted Army Intelligence to get involved and to sit on that quickly. It's for the best that this Secret Operation remains Secret."

"I'll do my best to prevent any interruption to your final assessment tomorrow but I cannot refuse a direct command from my superior, understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, go get some food and then a good night's rest."

Tammy stepped into the shower quickly, having dropped her flightsuit on the floor in the bathroom. It would remain there, she decided, until her immediate needs were dealt with.

Once washed Tammy pulled on fresh fatigues for a walk over to the mess. She needed food but was struggling to finish her plate due to tiredness. She ignored the desserts on offer and went back to her room, crashing onto her bunk and ignoring any outstanding tasks.

Worry and fatigue worked together so Tammy drifted in and out of sleep.

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