There is at least one balanced view on the recent hysteria of transwomen invading women-only spaces, this is well written article quoting evidence to support her view that trans women are likely to be more vulnerable and to have received more abuse than cis gendered women and that instead of being exclusive we should all be supporting each other to protect ourselves from predatory men, which isn't a diatribe against men, just those who abuse and murder all types of women and vulnerable groups.
Do read it, it's really good stuff.
Thank you
I'll wander over there after dinner!
Love, Andrea Lena
Women spaces
Well, the reality is that it is more likely it is another cisgendered women who abuses another woman in those spaces by pure statistics alone.
The whole impersonation thing is BS and is just an excuse to air ones bigotry and hate towards transwomen.
My brother for example is a self-admitted homophobe who does not like that I have a partner. He has absolutely no say in my life of course as I do not need anything from him and thus he has absolutely no leverage.
The point though is that he feels he is entitled to be a bigot as well as part of that whol right wing cabal in this country. Strangely he has no problem with me being trans, just that I am in a same sex relationship. However, it is hard to say whether the fact I am extremely passable has an influence on his outlook about me. Transphobes typically attack passable and non-passable alike (for mostly the same reasons but the differences could blunt or exacerbate I suspect.)
People are strange mixtures of things and one never knows.
Transphobic people share the same outlook as homophobes in that they are justified in turning a jaundiced eyes to these 'weirdoes' without any true understanding of what we are. And assumes all people should feel the same so they don't feel any shame about it.
Might have been useful
If you'd read the article instead of just complaining even though I realise your complaint has some relevance, but it really is a very good article