I don’t remember all of it, though I know the kindle add is or had at one point been here.
The kid has a backpack on.
A I believe a teenager is either kicked out or runs away. Due to sexual abuse by father/stepdad.
Lives nearby secretly in the woods/forest in a treehouse
Rescues sister from same fate
Reunion with I believe mother only for her to be killed moments later.
Neighbour/s help the child/ren.
That’s about all I remember, it’s really bugging me.
Like I thought Jennifer sues’ one about the orphan but I don’t think so. I thought about “accidental mommy” I know that’s not it. It’s on kindle I know that & the child had on a backpack. For love of sister or rescue something I dunno.
I think the kid went by starr when they donned a female persona.
If u can help please, I’d appreciate it.
Have you looked at
Star: Protecting my sister by Savannah Maun?
That's the one
and it's on kindle too
Thank you Lesley, this is indeed the novel I was looking for.
Hopefully a continuation is in the works, giving that in the finale it said “end of book 1” definitely has me certain & hopeful.
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher