hell – that concept fits me to a 'T' – to most of you but I could use a reader for something I am attempting. It isn't exactly Trans... but it isn't exactly NOT Trans. (How's that for a convoluted statement?)
Said reader must have some military background, a bit of science, and ( I presume ) everyone here has the Trans knowledge if not the experience.
My older sister was Trans. Originally my older brother she became my sister when she was around twelve. She was evicted to Europe shortly thereafter but she and I kept in touch.
The reason I am aware of this site is I now have (had) her computer and copied everything on it to an external drive which I have in my possession. Bing, bong... not applicable to this situation. But she wrote part of a story and all of several others which were placed on this site, hence my knowledge of the existence of BCTS.
Back to my present need... I would like to ask if you know of someone who could read the few chapters of a story I am writing and who needs a trans, military, and slightly scientific background to fully understand (and likely laugh through) it.
What I looking for is a little input from one and only one reader as to whether the story is interesting enough to continue writing. I am not a frequent viewer of this site so am not knowledgeable of the backgrounds of those who spend time here. The story is military & science based while treading (lightly I hope) on several universes both trans and not, which are found in other stories both here, on the web, and in dead-tree print. The principal character is NOT transgender but has, through no fault of his/ her own, been forced to accept the abrupt transition. Not out of malice but out of necessity.
I have a number of chapters written, a small number of which I am willing to allow to be read by whomever convinces me that they are someone who can offer a valid viewpoint as to whether they find the chapters I offer for evaluation suitable for continuation.
A more than equal number of chapters, either written or outlined, plus the sum of all those still fluttering around in what is left of my brain in an effort to find a connection to the rest of the material, have yet to be finalised and written to my satisfaction. ( It ain't easy - let me tell you ).
I am NOT looking for a proof reader but simply for someone who is capable of discerning whether they would be (very, moderately, marginally) interested in reading more. That will aid me in deciding if the story is worth continuing. Story writing is NOT my thing.
At any rate, thank you for your time reading this and for any answers or suggestions for a potential reader you might drop in my direction. I cannot guarantee the story will be completed this year as I have spent some... more than six month writing six complete chapters, three partials and outlining a dozen more; with the attempted formulation of possibly a dozen beyond that. Anywho -- I'm not a writer so much as I am a scientist (who found it necessary to write more than I ever wished to do so). Presently I am 80 and hope against hope that I might complete this....... uh, whatever it is... before I follow my sister into the yonder worlds.
Background n stuff
Well i could help with the military background and a some what shaky science knowledge.
Love from me
Bouncy of Denmark
Very best of luck!
I’m afraid I don’t have the background you are looking for, or I would offer to help. But, love what you are trying to do; it’s a wonderful tribute to your sister. I wish you all the best!
— Emma
Welcome Aboard
There are military and unbelievably several physicists on this site. Name any trade, any profession and I believe you'll find them actively busy or lurking here. Use your own judgement but it might help if you would put a name to some of the stories your sister wrote to give a feel of her style of writing. Every single writer has their own way of expressing their way of writing. Some of the contests where writers were invited to write about a certain theme no two alike.
Open up your request for military, science from different authors and you'll get a more balanced perspective of how others think and write.
Hugs Pooka,
When we finally learn everything is when we realize we know nothing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Sounds like you & your Sister have ...
... (more than) enough "ingredients on the counter" to make a really tasty stew -er- story.
I know we have many (ex-) military people here. Emma Anne Tate - https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/author/emma-anne-tate comes to mind as a 'maybe'.
Thanks for asking - it's good to get help when we know we can't do/write/say something.
Heck, Larry Niven (Tales of Known Space, Ringworld, multiple published books) announced he "can't" write an important section, "The Human-Kzinti Wars", as he lacks military experience.
Now if he, and you, can get a collaborator/adviser ...
I think continuing/completing your Sister's story would be a Great Thing for you, and a Happy Way to remember her.
PS: Back up that hard drive, now, and at least two copies. They do fail. "Big" (100's of Gigabytes to 1+ Terrabytes) Hard and USB drives are getting cheaper by the month. Also back up all your other "goodies", at least weekly.
PPS: "Mechanics". Dorothy Colleen https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/author/dorothy-colleen and I found a simple way to "trade" a story-in-progress and comments is using BCTS "messaging".
Regretfully . . .
. . . I actually don't have any military experience. I hadn't heard that about Larry Niven -- it makes me respect him as an author even more!
— Emma
I've had
I've had the luck to have two extended conversations with Mr. Niven, thirty years apart. His military expert collaborator, Jerry Pournelle, was there for one of them, but the room was noisy, and Mr. Pournelle was hard of hearing, so I can't really say I had a talk with him. :)
I do have a military background of sorts and a lot of science education, but I'm sorry, the peanut butter spread on this slice of toast is already a bit thin. :(
Good luck.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
That's cool you got to meet two of my hero authors. Pournelle is the inspiration for much of the military parts of my stories, including stealing "CoDom" from him for the names of the villians (later changed to Ergon.)
looking for a reader
Actually, I'm not looking for a collaborator. I simply would like to find a reader who could understand some of what I am placing into the story.
Perhaps someone who likes Science fiction???
I'm looking for a little feedback as to the enjoyability ( is that a word?) of the story as I intend to present it.
The first four chapters are what I have for the initial viewing with others nearing completion. close behind.
Unfortunately, the first four chapters basically introduce some of the players and set the stage. Beyond those four... too much begins to be given away and I
am holding those portions of the story close to my chest.
Sorry, but this is NOT a continuation of anything my sister wrote. I did not intend to get anyone's hopes up in that respect.
Thanks to those who answered. I guess I'll just continue writing the way I have been ( blind leading the blind - me, myself, and I)
I have knowledge of things military and scientific, and I do write science fiction and humor (you might like to check out my short story "Visited" https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/91514/visited. But your words "The principal character is NOT transgender but has, through no fault of his/ her own, been forced to accept the abrupt transition ... out of necessity" describe the majority of my stories, so I would love to see what you have and comment on it.
I am still a little unsure what you want. It seemed like a "should I finish it or not?" but it seems you are going to anyway.
Certainly it seems right that something that your sister might contribute to this body of work in this big closet, should not be lost.
Hi... It isn't exactly a should I finish it or not.... it's more of a oops, did I go off into left field when I should have gone right.
Thanks for playing. Got go. Mr. Dowd is exiting his house and I... drat. I hate opening doors on my own because it usually bothers people and then I find it necessary to 'adjust' their memory. such a pain in the.....