For any readers who may have missed it due to the one week allocated to the home page for multi-part stories, the fifth book of the Light series, The Light Between is indeed fully published! From the hit counts it looks like a number of folks who were enjoying it may not have seen that the last couple chapters indeed got posted. Thanks again to Kimmie for all her help! :)
In other news, work at the office remains crazy busy and stressful, which is likely going to last through the summer. Ugh. Meanwhile my house is in chaos as while the plumbing is done, the drywall/paint/repair work isn't yet. One more week supposedly. Then we will need to deep clean all the danged drywall dust off EVERYTHING, and use nylon brushes, sponges, and prayer to get it out of the textured laminate flooring. Work stress is usually manageable, but coming home to chaos and a mess has not been helping. And the poor kitties are getting tired of being locked up in bedrooms while strangers come and go to make loud thumping noises and run powered equipment.
But, to quote one of the saga's comment threads, "This too shall pass." I just hope that work doesn't go totally stupid and ruin the planned vacation time at the end of May I've already scheduled and had approved. Keeping fingers crossed on that one, as I really could use the time off to decompress. Hope springs eternal...
- Erisian <3
Textured laminate flooring
You might try a carpet cleaner or one of the other Bissell cleaning alternatives. I would think their "Steam and Hard Floor cleaners would be perfect for the job. A little moisture to mix the dust into a slurry and a vacuum to suck it out of the textures.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Part of the challenge is that the drywall crew tried to mop the floors...without vacuuming thoroughly first, even though I'd asked them to not mop and just vacuum so I could take care of it. The dust therefore smeared into the texture and dried, so now there's a white tinge to entire sections of the flooring. To get it up takes elbow grease with the nylon brush, then vacuum, and after that use a wet sponge with paper towels to get the rest up - I'm not sure how well a steam/wet floor cleaner would manage at this point. :/
I probably should have waxed the floors before they started, but didn't think of it. Oops.
Best Binge-Read EVER!
Anyone who’s gotten into this series already knows. But for anyone who hasn’t, do yourself a favor and binge read it, starting with the very beginning. It is amazing, beautifully written, fantastic characters and a crazy-good story arc. I can’t recommend it highly enough! The only caution I’d give is that Erisian is the Seraph of Cliffhangers, so it’s nearly impossible to put it down once she’s sucked you in. But . . . do pause long enough to give a kudo and a comment! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this story!
— Emma
definitely one of the better stories I have ever read here.
Anne Margarete
Thank you!
Thank you, Anne!! <3
Thanks Emma! <3
And what can I say, my visits to the Grand Canyon were inspiring! And I even have heard that particularly nice fjords can win awards on Magrathea...