I wrote about bees as possibly having self-awareness, now these tiny marvels, featured in research by an American scientist, seem to show this in spades leading them to reconsider how the laws in America don't protect these intelligent insects (they don't protect mammals much either compared to the UK) and how they need changing. I read Chittka's book last year, it was fascinating and now this American scientist, Stephen Bucchman, feels the same towards them. The article is interesting and easy to read.
Aren't you a day late for April Fools Day? ;-) *giggle* =-D
- Leona
Some of us take biodiversity and learning about it seriously
Only people who read Bike will know what I'm talking about and if the article amuses you, you obviously need someone to explain it to you, because funny it is not.
Self awareness might well be questioned…
… of any species destroying its own habitat.
Thanks for the link.
According to some reseach
Bees can recognize individual human faces.
Lars Chittka
did experiments with them recognising photographs not actual faces, bees actually have poor sight and have to fly close to flowers before they see them.
Are definitely under threat from us and need protection if WE are to survive.
... It's All Pollinators ...
All pollinators are under threat, In 'just' North America, there are some 600 species, doing much (*) of the 'heavy lifting' for Plant World.
Minus pollinators, and our grocery shelves would be much barer. (**)
How to tell if you are under threat:
1) Are you alive?
2) Are there humans anywhere in your world?
If you answered 'Yes' to either question, you are under
'Knock out' one 'key', or too many, pollinators and we get Ecosystem Collapse.
This Climate Destruction thing: My 'best guess', from general reading over the last 50+ years, is that we have >Minus< 15 years to slow and reverse it. (***)
(*) Some plants >can't< have children without their pollinator.
(**) A Google or Wikipedia search will show how how 'no pollinators' would strip y/our grocery shelves.
(***) Climate Destruction: https://drawdown.org/ For a max 2 degees Celsius rise: The top three are within y/our easy >personal< reach. We can start Right Now, and just keep going. Top Three:
= Reduced Food Waste
= Plant-Rich Diets
= Family Planning and Education
Another 15 methods or so are within our own, personal, everyday reach to slow, then reverse Climate Destruction.
Personal note: Those 'top three' - I started them 15+ years ago.
Join me. It's your world also.
Are you waiting for Governments ... ? For Treaties ...? For Laws ...?
Are you waiting for 'Somebody Else ... ?
Are you waiting for "Super Science" ... ?
Then we all just die sooner.