I check my stories listing several times a day, when I can, to see if there are any comments that need to be replied to. I had noted of late that the hits on all of my stories (there are only four) had basically dropped to zero on all chapters with just one or two hits here and there. Suddenly,over the last two days, all four novels are getting four to a half dozen or more daily hits for most of the chapters. "Who is Sylvia" is getting quite a few hits and it's not even a TG oriented story, although one character who makes a brief appearance is. The story was not nominated for a Terry Award and didn't belong among those that were. I'm pleased that interest seems to be picking up. I was just curious, why?
Thanks to Holly H. Hart for doing some excellent proofing and editing. I may post the edited chapters later on. I certainly have proved that I can't edit worth a darn on my own.
:) Portia
The reason is probably because of FM's ...
... continuing unavailability. Erin's been commenting on the increased accesses here for last couple of months and her (and Bob's) difficulties in keeping the site on line.
I only have 2 stories here now and they're both 3 years old but they continue to get hits. There are 8 new hits today on episode 1 of 'Lola', for example, bringing it up to 3375. Strangely (or not?) they never generate either votes or comments. Perhaps they aren't enjoyed :)
Meanwhile, enjoy being appreciated.
The reason
FM has been down for quite a while and I have just noticed this phenomenom over the last two days. I have noticed the same thing you have. No votes, no comments. Oh well. :) Portia
Hits are hits
Anybody clicking on the story generates a hit. To vote or comment, the person has to be logged in. Many of the readers since FM went down stop by and read, but don't bother to register or even log in as a Guest Reader.
They know they can survive
Althought your stories are long ...
They are very good so the latest hits are well earned.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Me Too
I noticed the same thing with a few of my stories (but not all of them). They suddenly started getting a lot more hits than they have been averaging over the past couple months. I think there's been a recent influx of readers from somewhere.
- Terry
Story counts not resetting?
Oh. I think the story counts might not be resetting to zero after 24 hours. I think that's happened before once or twice. That would explain things if I'm right.
- Terry
You could well be right.
The daily count on Lola episode 1 is currently 13, which is unheard of. It's 1322 GMT here but I'm not sure when BCTS's day starts officially.
I think it is midnight
I think it is midnight PST.
I've noticed it seems to be pretty late, here in NJ (EST) when the numbers reset.
I've also noticed that votes that come after the intial week, do not stay in the weekly totals for a week, they only seem to stay for a day or so.
But I do think the hit rates for stories that have not updated in a while are being effected by the influx of people from FM.