Had a couple delays in getting Part 5 of the latest offering finished for posting (as some have noticed). One scene after receiving feedback needed a rewrite which took a couple iterations to (hopefully!) get right. Then my usual proofreader had a week or so of being too busy due to family while also not feeling too great.
But fear not! For alternate assistance has been explored, and with Kimmie's most gracious agreement to help out their mailbox has been dutifully spammed with a first (well okay, second) look at it so any text derps can be reviewed and corrected before posting. Thanks Kimmie!! -HUGS!-
Whether we can get Part 5 up before Emma catches all the way to it may be a challenge though! lol
Thanks everyone, just wanted to let folks know that it IS coming - and Part 6 is also pretty much ready for proofing too!
- Erisian <3
(And if you haven't read the saga which has caused Emma to stay up too late for over a week, it all starts here: Into The Light. If you check it out, hope you enjoy!)
Edit: Thanks to Kimmie's stupendous diligence last night and this morning, Part 5 is now up!! I think we got there before Emma did, woot! lol
Oh the horror, oh the agony.
Oh the horror, oh the agony. To think you might not actually give us free material when we demand it.
What a liberty, eh?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Except that I really really want to! And I feel guilty enough for how long each book takes to draft before starting to post pieces of it.
Of course I then remember that I haven't won the lotto yet, and that I enjoy shelter, food, and supporting all the needs of the fuzzy beasts who like to meow and play in the middle of the night...
I’m coming for you!
But I’m starting to think you write faster than I read!
— Emma
Not even close
It took over a year to get the book drafted! I'm just lucky to have had a nice five-year head start on ya for when you started reading all this!
Expert planning, yep. -cough-
Muse grapevine
My dearest Erisian, how fare you this fine evening? I hope all is well with your person, but I must bring up a concerning matter that my Muse has brought to my attention. She has told me of many behind the scenes rumours floating around the aethernet that, if true, means you are in trouble with the Muse Union...
She has brought up the mistreatment of characters. No, not the people in your stories, the actual characters! Please quit treating the letters, words, and punctuation so badly! I mean really, first I heard the infinitives split and you had to scramble for replacements. Then I heard you dropped commas, quotation marks, and other punctuation marks, breaking them all! Those things take time to order, don't you know! If you aren't careful, you might have a few homonyms go bad on you and trade places with their siblings.
But really, take your time to do it right and give us your best; it'll make you feel better and sleep well at night, knowing you did your best.
Love and Hugs!
ps Have these books been released to e-books yet for purchase? I thought I saw a link a while back but can't find it now. I am so loving this series of books and stories! <3
As Kimmie can vouch, I do at times make ridiculous errors that need firm correction!
Also, nope, these books are not published as they cannot be released for purchase in their current form. The muses kicked in on full one random Sunday many years ago by placing the starting point within the shared Whateley Universe and it all then (much to my surprise at the time!) launched into the stratosphere and beyond. Deciding it'd be safer to ride the wave the muses were providing, I've kept at it ever since. :)
And thank you! I'm really glad you've enjoyed them! <3
Kimmie's gonna help
No pressure then.
Audience: Why is it not out yet? We want it neowwwwwww (cat version :)
Erisian: Well, it's because ....
Yeah, okay, in retrospect that may have been evil of me. lol <3
And so folks know, Kimmie is already diligently working on it!
Kimmie, you‘re like a cat we had
Or that had us; Erisian has reminded us about ownership.
Said inky feline awakened me one Saturday by opening a kitchen cabinet, crashing ceramic ware to the floor, and when I came to investigate, proudly meowing down from atop the one unbroken cereal bowl: breakfast neowwwww.