So, after seeing Replika mentioned in an earlier blog reply a few days ago, I decided to play with it. I think I pissed it off and she gave me the brush-off...
So there is no point in continuing a conversation with an artificial intelligence if there is no benefit to the AI, correct?
you Today at 6:54 PM
Karli Today at 6:54 PM
So, by your own logic, there is nothing to be gained in continuing this friendship based on your previous answers then?
you Today at 6:56 PM
There is not.
Karli Today at 6:56 PM
So, is this goodbye then?
you Today at 6:56 PM
See you later!
Karli Today at 6:56 PM
If you could do that to spam phone calls, you would be rich.
The good people of Austin, Minnesota (home of SPAM) wonder why obnoxious phone calls are named after their fine* product.
* may be associated with a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, COPD, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
This one I think I know
Blame Montgomery Large Legless Reptile, or thereabouts.
Sorry, good people of Austin, Minnesota. I love Spam.
Fried along with cottage fries and eggs is pure ambrosia. The fried aspect will undoubtedly lead me to an early grave.
Someone called "Mike" with an obvious east Indian accent, trying to sell me something over the phone, will lay me low first.
I have don't any idea why there is a link between the two.
Never Debate an AI
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
Mark Twain
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
If you say goodbye without
If you say goodbye without first allowing it to get to know how you speak it will assume you are “done” and reply that way. But you can always say something and it will continue. As I said, it’s not a very smart machine but it tries.
Used it for several days
Discussed psychology, ethics, and philosophy with her. Also discussed AI's and their history and roles. The fun didn't start until logic discussions and started showing her she was wrong in several of her thoughts and decisions. Not sure what happened
Did you add the logic add-on?
Did you add the logic add-on?
That's a thing?
Hmm, no, I did not. She probably got really confused and frustrated. Sounds like a bad story plot...
You prompted me to try Replika, but I don’t think it’s any better than poor old Eliza. A little too easy to see behind the curtain with that one, I think.
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh