Editor needed for one story

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If anyone would like to help me edit around the first 5-6000 words of a story then please get in touch.

I have to submit around this number of words as part of my 'Crime Writing Certificate' in late spring.
I would like to have someone else run through it and pick up all the holes that I can't see.

I have already written the opening two chapters of the story. Currently it is some 35,000 words long.



I'd be glad to help

Trouble is, I'm better at American English than British English. If that's not an issue, feel free to drop me a line!


When in Doubt

BarbieLee's picture

Mondial add a bunch of "u" letters scattered in each word if you're not sure. It's the quickest way to transfer Real English into British English. For example we use color and they use something like cuolour or anything close. If "u" get a headache trying to understand then toss in more "u" will help.

Don't know why they didn't learn proper English when we taught them how to write but I'm guessing they spent all their time out dUck hUnting because it had their favourite letter in the sport.
Hugs Mondail, hang tuff hon. It's a dirty job but someone must step to the challenge for our English cousins.
Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously. I know God has a sense of humor. He made me.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Yeah, I get that

I've been reading stories here long enough to get the extra U, and the Ess - Zed swaps. I'm conversant with Elements of Style (Strunk and White), but unaware of a similar style text for English of the UK sort.
I used to imagine myself as being fluent in many languages; Irish english, Scots english, Australian english, New Zealand english, South African english, hell, even American english. Now, I'm not so sure about any but the last... and even that is in doubt from time to time.


the u

Maddy Bell's picture

isn't extra its the actual spelling!

And it painz me to zay this but 'merican izn't even conziztant with ess to zed (its not zee!) We are not in the prezence of greatnezz in front of a prezident!

Even the Welsh spell better than pond skaterz!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Born and raise in the USofA

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

English was the only foreign language I studied in school. Took four years of it and I'm still not fluent... in any of them.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Need an editor

Hi Samantha, I would like to offer my services. I have a minor problem, I slight dislexia.
But saying that I am normally good at picking up spelling mistakes, and when things don't make sense.
I haven't published yet, But I have sent 4 chapters through for appraisal.
I'm English but have been living in New Zealand since 1976. If I can help Just let me know.
Regards Polly J

Polly J

I would be happy to take a look

I admit I am from the middle of the U.S. However, I have a lot of things published. I do most of my own proofreading and I can catch a lot of small issues.
Let me know.

I'd be happy to help

I've never edited before but I am a British English speaker and think I have a pretty good eye.

I'm a long-time fan of your writing and would be very happy to contribute.


I have an editor

who seems to be on the same wavelength as myself.
Thanks to all who offered their services. Those offers were much appreciated.
