Dawn Natelle Passes On

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"I am the niece of prolific writer Dawn Natelle who passed away earlier this week after suffering a stroke. Dawn wrote such stories as River, A Second Chance and The House among other stories that are incomplete. Dawn allows me to let any writer interested in completing any of her stories to do so as long as they attribute it. I may even attempt to do so myself. (See what I did, now you have to do it) Dawn apologizes for the long gap between stories. Dawn wishes she hadn’t ignored her diabetes so that she could have written them herself."

The above was dictated to me by Dawn, who didn't want to leave this world without letting you all know what had happened. She had so much love for the kind people she met through this site and I know how happy she would be if anyone were to write their own endings to her stories. Dawns last few months were hard and often when she could do nothing else she would craft stories in her head to tell her sisters and I. Storytelling was always one of her greatest passions in life and I believe it helped make her transition to whatever comes next much easier. She passed peacefully, free of pain and surrounded by the people she loved most in the world. Though I wish she were still here with us I know she was ready to start the next chapter and find out what lies beyond death.
In her last days I spent a lot of time with her writing down some of her story ideas. I hope that once I've had some time to grieve I will be able to turn some of them into fully fleshed out stories and post them here in her memory.


Thank you so much for letting us know

WillowD's picture

Thank you so much for letting us know. It really hurts when a favorite author we have chatted with over the years disappears abruptly and we don't know what happened.

Dawn has written several of my favorite stories on BCTS. I have read A Second Chance so many times over the years. It's one of my comfort reading stories. I don't re-read Interesting Times as often as it is such a short story and ends abruptly but it is still one of my favorite stories. I would dearly love it if someone were to write more chapters to this story.


Thank you for letting us know

erin's picture

Here's a link to Dawn's story page: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book-page/66608/dawn-natelle

We are diminished by the passing of one of us, however much they may have enriched us in life. We may grieve but let us not forget to appreciate the gift we had of knowing Dawn and her stories.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Not Possible to let the Cup Pass

BarbieLee's picture

As new life blesses some woman who has become a mother, also a life is exchanged for a higher one. The cycle of life is one of the things we accepted when we were born. Dawn left her legacy behind with the stories she wrote giving a time out to all those who have read them. I know it's hard to have faith and believe in these times. I don't speak for God however rest at peace Dawn is with Him. It's one of the many promises He made to all of us.
Hugs AmaraNatelle, thank you for sharing.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

so sad

Condolonces to all Dawns significant others. I was enthralled by "River", the last one I remember reading, a subject base not often thought of in the UK and a wondeful insight into Obijwe culture. I must have read others on the same lines I think. rest in peace Dawn

So very sorry

To read this. Dawn was a very talented writer, she will be missed. My deepest sympathies on your loss.

Requiescat In Pace, Dawn Natelle

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

All Deaths are a Loss ...

May All Beings be free of pain.
May All Beings be healthy.
May All Beings be happy.

And may All Beings be Loved, in this World, and in the Next.

Dawn was a treasure

Dee Sylvan's picture

Sometimes certain stories just grab ahold of you and affect you differently. Second Chance was one of those and will remain one of my all time favorites. When I read Second Chance I felt that Dawn had given us a very dear part of herself and I felt a strong connection with her for that. Dawn will certainly be missed and I agree with Erin, that collectively we are less without her. My thoughts and prayers are with you Amara and your family. RIP Dawn. Dee



Sorry for your loss, which is also ours. Dawn lives on through some touching and inspiring stories here. That we remember her with love speaks well of her life.

My condolences

Beoca's picture

My condolences to you - as much of a loss as it to us, it is far more so for you. Her stories will always stick out on this site for their upbeat positivity and refusal to accept that things cannot be better, even in the face of adversity. Whether it was River and the Ojibwe, Rachel and sleepy Ingersoll, or William and Abigail Currie in mid-17th century England, the perpetual optimism of Dawn's protagonists always made her stories some of the most memorable around. At least for me.