Today was my 70th birthday and I admit waking up remembering what day it was and then thinking that being 70 was a new experience and wasn't I supposed to feel old? I didn't I I felt the same, despite my stroke back in May. My daughter was visiting with her hubby and I had arranged three roast beef dinners, 'Denis dinners', which those who have visited me in Dorchester for things like a Gabyfest will have experienced and named from the owner of the cafe where we ate.
I went there feeling good as I have been communicating about the renewal or my driving licence, which we have to do here at 70 and I rather foolishly told them of my stroke. I was worried about my insurance cover but when I had explained to my insurers, as soon as I told them the hospital had cleared me to drive, they were quite happy to continue my cover.
I had surrendered my old licence and officially it ended last night at midnight but because there was a backlog of 80,000 I wasn't expecting anything for sometime and what with postal strikes and backlog with Royal Mail, I hoped I might receive it in the New Year. It is assumed that you can carry on driving unless a doctor or DVLA( Driver and Vehicle Licencing Authority) tell you otherwise, I just hoped if the police stopped me they would accept my story.
However, amongst my cards were two pieces from DVLA, one telling me that I met the medical criteria to drive and the other containing my new licence. So the best birthday card I have ever received was one from DVLA in Swansea and My daughter, my son-in-law had a lovely day and a good meal. Apart from my fatigue on exercising from the stroke, I really don't feel old and I wonder is 70 the new 40? or am deluding myself again?
You’re aging well
I don’t know that I’ve ever wanted to use that phrase before, but it seems so appropriate for you. Thank you for sharing a bit of your birthday celebration.
If you are deluding anyone, it’s not just yourself!
Congratulations! I would have guessed much younger from your writing.
The zeroes tend to be a bit of a shock aren't they?
These milestones remind of one birthday when, after making myself breakfast, I spilled it all -- scrambled eggs, orange juice, butter and toast, tea, into a shag carpet (back when such things existed!) on a staircase.
I started to clean the mess and almost began to cry, picturing the orange juice seeping through the rug into the stairs and the delight it might give to God's tiny creatures there below.
My wife asked what was the matter, and I said, "What a way to begin my fortieth birthday!"
She cleared her throat and said, "Um, you turned forty last year. This is your forty-first birthday."
I did a quick calculation, realized she was right, and it was as if the sun had come out. Everything was instantly better.
hugs and happy birthday,
- iolanthe
Can Only Say "Happy Birthday"
Enjoy yourself.
And I'm really looking forward to reading Episode 5000 of The Weekly Dormouse (if I'm still here!).
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Love
Nope, would have guessed much younger :)
Nice present!
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Happy Seventieth
Take some time to rest today and for the next while. OF COURSE, you must be tired after experiencing ‘69’, EVERY day for the past year???????
With love, (Tongue-in-cheek)(Because it can not reach anywhere else.)
A Friend
i add my best wishes for your anniversary.
It won't be a full 'Dennis' next week as there will be 'pudding' of some sort to follow!
To paraphrase A.A.Milne's title's, 'now we are getting old', keep warm and look after yourself.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Happy B'Day Ang
I'll be doing the same with my driving license next Aug. I hope that you remain in good health.
Keep on Trucking!
Renewing your licence
I hold a class A CDL (Commercial Drivers License). Here, in the USA, you have to pass a physical every 2 years to maintain your CDL. That is unless you're over 60 when they shorten that time span to 1 year. (I'm 77) So every year, I visit a doctor whose specialty is Occupational Medicine and get re-certified as physically fit to drive big rigs. Or in my case, since I've retired from truck driving, school buses.
It's a part time job, all summer off and lots of days through the school year. You wouldn't believe the number of holidays and other days there is no school. But it's a nice diversion and keeps me from getting bored and provides about $1,000 discretionary funds nine months out of the year.
Happy Birthday Kid. (I was 17 going on 18 when you were born.)
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
What a milestone. Here is to the next decade or so.
Welcome to the older generation. Where anything can happen.
Keep writing your. Awesome stories.
Polly J
Thank you
For all the lovely comments, I'll try not to have any more birthdays until next December.
Joyous Natal Day!
- Leona
Were all those
seen in your garden?
I wish I had such diversity in my garden. :-)
(For those who haven't gotten it, just think of the tune to the birthday song as you look at each picture.)
- Leona
Happy Birthday, Ang.
Those zero ones are always a bit of a shock in my experience. I got a joke dose of Phylosan (fortifies the over 40s) from my colleagues on my 40th - but my partner and I had won the EW dept Bridge tournament the evening before so I didn't care :)
There's a few miles left in your legs, so don't worry!
R (83 next month!)
Happy birthday Angharad. I
Happy birthday Angharad. I turned 60 a few weeks ago. I thought there was nothing good about it
Then while shopping in ASDA I saw this offer for £1,
Customers aged 60 and over can get a bowl of soup, a roll, and unlimited tea and coffee. It will be running from November 1 to January 31, 2023.
I still have a full time job, but what the hell. On the plus side, I was asked if I was really 60 last week.
Well, they say you're only as
Well, they say you're only as old as you feel so hopefully you'll remain feeling young for a long time.
Seventy Is As Seventy Does
Only you can decide your age.
This morning I decided to run my second marathon. My first was thirty-seven years ago.
I'll be seventy-five in January and haven't felt as good as I do now since the 80's.
Retirement has given me the time to devote to physical fitness.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)