This only affects a small select few here on this channel with most of this info. Some may be informative to most trans. I still wish to share. If the VA you are going to doesn't full fill your needs then check with another one. Three years ago Amarillo informed me I had aged out of TG care. They would treat me as a vet but not trans. Switched to OKC and received more support than I knew what to do with. Keep in mind I was supplying them with forty years of knowledge about the mental and medical knowledge of trans in return. Most my doctors knew, some they didn't. I also gave all my doctors a notarized informed consent document. It covered everything known about the pros and cons of hormones and the negative and positive possible results. I take full responsibility of anything having to do with trans which may or may not happen injecting hormones or any trans inducing drugs into my body. Live or die, my responsibility. Thus my doctors both with the VA and private physicians agreed to some things they and WPATH were against.
Moving on, there are VA Government official documents for use of preferred name and gender. Fill out the forms, submit them to Admin and all one's medical files will reflect preferred name and gender along with a notation of one's legal name and gender registered with the VA. Thus medical staff, all support personnel will used vets preferred name and gender. Or NOT! More than two years ago I submitted the VA form and nothing changed. Checked with patient advocate and was informed such things weren't in the scope of what they handled. Keep in mind, I'm in female attire which may be dresses, skirts, blouses, jewelry, etc. when I check into the VA. From the beginning all my doctors and staff are extra nice and asked me how I wish to be addressed. They pretty well used Barbie unless they forgot between visits. Admin ignored the VA directive.
Let's move onto the court legal name and gender change in June. Gov Stitt and OK Vital Records isn't moving off center. Can't change birth certificate. SS and Medicare changed name and gender the first week. Passport took two months and opened the gate to a work around Gov Stitt's exec order. Could care less about the birth certificate, driver's lic, concealed carry I could change now. I handed OKCVA eight licenses, legal IDs, documents with my legal name and gender. Was told it would take six to eight weeks. Nothing changed. The first of last month I tried again, was told it would take six to eight weeks.
I'll be damned if I'm going to die with that one ID not showing my picture and Barbie Lee on it. Official gov site claims it takes two to four weeks and listed three IDs that needed to be presented for change.
I get the feeling OKCVA Admin has a hate for trans no matter how well all the doctors and staff treat me. Called Amarillo, remember them? I had aged out of trans care. Jim in the business office assured me if I had all the lic. documents, court papers I claimed he would walk it through for the new ID.
Yesterday I placed three gov licenses, gov IDs, documents, notarized court paper, passport on the lady's desk.
She was super sweet and helpful. "Goodness, you came prepared didn't you? I'm move all this forward and turn it in today. They should have it approved and back to us in four to ten days. I'll call you to come in for a new ID."
Talked to Cynthia LBGT support staff while there. They have come a long way since I was there three years ago. Back then I was the only trans they had.
What I wish for everyone to understand is if you aren't getting the support you need or desire, search for more help. Everyone has read or heard, "get a second opinion". It applies in all walks of life, all jobs, all medical support, in virtually everything in life if what you want or desire isn't working. The one infallible truth in life is, if you don't try, you failed before you began.
Hugs People
If life isn't a challenge you must be doing it wrong.
You have got enough moxie for dozens of us! Way to go!
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Hugs Sarah
My desire is to lead those who are trans into not waiting for everything to be done for them. We are human after all, not some grotesque monster to be shunned or put back in the cage and hid from the rest of society. The problem is most of the girls have been abused or traumatized to the point they stopped living. They fall into despair and think that is their lot in life. They gave up afraid to try and live any longer. The one thing I have found is most of the girls desire one thing, they want someone to care about them. I care, my psychiatrist cares. When she and I discuss the girls, I remind her I have one advantage over her, I'm one of "them".
Hugs Sarah, I love your pic. At the VA I handed the lady a pic. I was wearing a white leather ensemble, skirt, jacket. "Pretty" was her response. It was taken sixteen years earlier. I've aged forty years in that time. We must go with the understanding, age and beauty might not last. I've seen very few women who can hold that ageless beauty up until the end.
Love you Sarah, take care.
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Nevertheless, She Persisted
Your stick-to-it-ness is amazing.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Hugs Angela
Love you hon, stay warm, only three more months and we can watch tornadoes, golf ball size hail, and eighty mph winds again. Don't you just love the ever changing seasons?
The speed bumps in life are there to make us stronger, not break us.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl