Mockreet Pocket Guide

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Okay, so here's the breakdown of The Mockreet. I can't believe I have to type this out, but here we go:

Timeline 1(Faedrye): Lyra appears in the body of Micah Lavoric, she lives in Auglire with her sister Sheena Rossi. She's been abducted due to Calliope's idiocy and now Sheena is searching for her. Lyra is now hiding amongst a group of would-be revolutionaries led by Quinn Mallory in their fight against both the High Landy and a smuggler named Old Jaf.

What is this Important? Because we're at the midway point in the story and I'm introducing characters that will be present for the finale.

Timeline 2(Liminality): This has been established as a sort of afterlife; it serves as a limbo where souls are trapped while they wait to pass on. This is where the two Mockreets, the Boy and Parsifal exist as they act out two very different agendas.

Timeline 3(Earth): Lyra exists here as a young intersex girl who lives in a trailer park with her mother's abusive boyfriend.

Lyra's Super Healing(TM)

Lyra posesses the same healing abilities that were given to Micah Lavoric by Parsifal(Mockreet 2) when he was thrown from the cliff by Balthasar. You can take this as one of the reasons she would have chosen to inhabit his body.

Mockreet 2

He's got a mustache, what's not to like?

The Stormveil

It was created by Mockreet 2 when he established the city of Hybra to mine the Arctesonite on the other side of the Stormveil. It's not just a barrier, it's a doorway to Liminality - it's just super unfortunate that the doorway is a fucking storm wall the size of Australia.

The Mah'Kur

Shadowy figures that serve Mockreet 2, presumably some form of fallen angel. They can't travel very far from the Stormveil because their ethereal bodies won't support it. So far, Parsifal and the Boy are the only ones who are able to leave the Stormveil for any length of time, and we can see that the Boy isn't handling it well. You can assume that Parsifal survives because he's close to a source of Arctesonite. It is also noteworthy that Arctesonite in its refined form becomes unstable when an Arctesonite based creature is nearby.

That's all I've got.


Thank you

I confess that things got a bit confusing when Parcifal came on to the scene. We have not seen anything of Parcifal except for when he appeared to Micah, but I assume that is about to change. I think that it is interesting that Lyra and the Boy appear to be friends and Micah and Parcifal are friends or allies. I could see that leading to a confrontation of some magnitude at some point.

Well I mean...we've seen him

Well I mean...we've seen him in the maintenance area in Auglire when Lyra and Kayla took that shortcut. We also know that Lyra took a package to him in the chapter where she first encountered Lord Radon. Other than that, no, no Parsifal :P

Thanks Very Much...

So Mockreet 2 didn't directly cause the Fall of Hybra; he and the Mah'Kur seem to have had the same goal. But his potential arrangement with the Lavorics turns our first exposure to the story, in Chapter 1, completely around: the complaint among the High Lady's allies that the Mockreet's fall has cost them access to what they need (or can survive without, if Lady Jemwise is right) on the other side of the Stormvell. Sounds to me as though their arrangement was with Mockreet 2, not the Boy.

(Unless there's a Mockreet 3 that we're unaware of, or there was a Mockreet Zero who somehow got divided up into the Boy and Parsifal and that's what caused the "corruption" that the Lady wants to overcome.)

Depending on when the Interludes actually took place relative to the Faedrye timeline, the Boy's activities, starting with the freeing of the slave kids, might eventually have succeeded in taking Mockreet 2 down as Hybra burned.

But at some point in the past few years, the Mah'Kur refused to allow the Lavoric clan access to Hybra through the Stormveil, which suggests that a double-cross occurred (by either the Lavorics or Mockreet 2) or that the original Micah didn't survive to communicate the offer to his father, despite his healing abilities and M2's help.

Can we dispose of my theory that there's still a Lyra in Liminality while her Auglire timeline is happening? Or -- now that you've introduced her internal voice into the Springfield timeline as well -- does her Liminality presence transcend time completely and develop access to both her past and future? When the voice was limited to her time after "landing" in Auglire, the natural conclusion was that the Boy had something to do with it. But even though we've now seen her enter and exit Liminality while unconscious on Earth -- and if there really was a lightning bolt that put her in Liminality for the next forty years, as she apparently claimed, we haven't reached that point yet -- I have trouble crediting the Boy with anything before she arrived there.

I'm not asking for spoilers, just throwing the questions out there. But if I've reconstructed the situation incorrectly, you might tell me what I got wrong.

Thanks again for the post.
