'At least 32 transgender and non-binary people have been killed in the US this year, the Human Rights Campaign said yesterday in its annual report.
America's largest LGBT political lobbying organisation found that transgender people of colour made up 81% of known victims, with more than half (59%) of victims being black. Trans women accounted for 81% of the deaths.
The report said the number of fatalities was likely to be an underestimate because deaths of trans people often go unreported or victims are misgendered.' (Associated Press)
A verbatim report in today's i newspaper.
it's terrible
And let me be the first to say that people being killed because of their race, color, religion, sexual preference or orientation is unconscionable!
But lets put this data into perspective.
In Chicago alone, 66 people died from violent crimes just in the month of August this year and the total of deaths due to violent crime in that city for the year is 448 so far, and Chicago reports that death due to violent crime is down this year.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Well that makes it okay then!
I'm so relieved you put things in perspective Nuuan, I was starting to worry.
It just goes to show that there's no crime, tragedy or intrinsic societal flaw
that can't be whitewashed away by some carefully applied whataboutism...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I think you misunderstood
What I was trying to say. Any death by violence is terrible!
32 people died in a year according to the original post, that is terrible no matter what and why! But to point out these poor souls were trans, or black, or anything else minimizes the fact that people were killed by other people when you put a label on them.
If the above number of 32 is correct (Sorry I don't have the ambition to go determine if that number is correct and will assume it is) then I could write,
"Of the almost 23,000 people that died by violent crime last year in the US, 32 of them were transgendered."
You see how in that statement, (while true according to the facts i used,) I labeled part of that group, set that specific part outside the original group and thus minimized the horror that occurred to them.
Personally I read that number and thought about how many homophobic men are out there, men who think it goes against God to be gay, trans or Bi and you deserve to be punished or killed for it, and I thank God that number isn't higher.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
"Tuckered" Out
I remember Tucker Carlson making all the above points about four years ago. He said the to-do about trans violence was woke nonsense.
The article doesn't state how many are killed simply because they're trans. That is the missing fact.
See this article to fill in that blank. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-pres...
Four times likely. Four times!!!! 400%
Got it?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
not trying to minimize this dastardly deed, but
how many people have been killed in the general population? Then what is the ratio of those killed to the general population vs the LGBT population? You may be safer in a minority group.
From a quick Google search, 2021 US population of 333 million and murder count of 21500 gives a rate of about 65 per million. So only if there are half a million trans people in the US then 32, tragic though it is, would be typical.
2021 Was a Deadly Year Also
This site has a lot of suggestions on staying safe.
2021 is the deadliest year on record for transgender people in the United States.
So far in 2021, at least 48 trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people have been killed
If one must date for god's sake do some research on your date. If one goes clubbing, buddy up and don't leave with strangers. In the parking lot, make sure no one is close when you reach your car. When your but hits the seat lock the doors. I've lost too many I had known via the internet.
I've tried to get my psychiatrist to go to the gun range with me. She's an exceptionally beautiful woman with beautiful long brown hair. A damn male magnet if there ever was one. I gave her a lot of precautions. All the advice in the world is worthless if it isn't practiced. Ladies, there is no do over if one psycho gets his or their chance.
Believe someone wants to kill you and practice staying guarded and safe. Because there really are people who wish you were dead.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Why is the question
I think it's important to remember why those 32 (plus uncounted others) were killed. They were killed, not for wealth, or gang-related warfare*, or other more common reasons, but simply for being who they were. They didn't hurt anyone. They were killed for being transgender. Just like others are killed for being gay, lesbian, bi, ace, asian, black, hispanic, or whatever. Just for being, existing; nothing more.
What is an acceptable level? How do we define collateral damage? 1, 10 , 25, 32, 100? More? Less? Please tell me. Where do we draw the line? What is an acceptable level of bigotry? Hatred? Intolerance?
* Gang: any race, any color, any creed.
They know they can survive
Past Investigations
Years ago, the issue came up and as I investigated the cases, it seemed to me that all too often the individual was doing unwise things at the time. As one example, a T woman that lived near me was walking down a secluded road at past 1:00 AM after being at a local pub drinking.
I think that all of the back and forth here……
Shows several things:
1) violence in the US is up - and our former President and his ilk did much to contribute to that. The fact that he encouraged violent responses to those who disagreed with him, as well as making incivility common place and apparently acceptable, went a long way in contributing to the current problem.
2) The Covid pandemic and the actions taken to fight it also contributed.
3) Gang violence is a huge contributor to violent deaths in this country.
4) The uncontrolled access to firearms that were designed for no other purpose that maiming and killing other humans has also been a huge contributing factor. And I say that as a gun owner. No one needs dozens or more firearms, and no one needs an AR15 - and don’t tell me you need it to protect your home (a shotgun works better) or for hunting (it’s a terrible weapon for hunting).
5) Violence against the LGBT population is and always has been higher than the overall average.
I don’t think we need to quibble over the exact percentages - especially since no one can really quantify how many transgender people there are.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
pushing back against erasure
The reason we specifically mention the number and names of trans people murdered is that as a rule they get erased -- either their death is ignored completely as if they were trash, or they get deadnamed and misgendered, thus erasing who they were.
FWIW, this is the first year that I recall seeing any mention of trans murders in the mainstream press.
I've participated in a number of TDoR observances and looked at the list of murders that we know about, and the sad part is that all we know about them is their date and location of death and sometimes their name. Who they were in life is not mentioned, and when I go down the list of names and try to find more about them, all I find is mention of their death.
Of all days
We expected tears today but had hoped for fewer outrageously fresh ones.