Some Fiction Isn't

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Remember the story of the little boy who received his wish and became a girl? Her own parents didn't believe him. She was kinda taken in by her best friend and her friends mother until Child Protection Services, FBI and others got into the act. Only her best friend and her friends mother believed her and yet CPS glomed onto the girl. The women in charge of the CPS was trafficking the children who came into her clutches.
Sadly, not that far into fiction.

The stories our amazing authors write sometimes have a whole lot of truth and real life embedded in them. I could start naming names but there are many great authors on this site who have written stories that could have been real life instead of fiction.

Children are the hope of the future of any nation. And yet the most vulnerable to exploitation as they have yet to gain experience and age to be protected as individuals instead of pawns of crooks and government. I need a story where an old woman or man with a lifetime of hard knocks experience and about to die is returned as a young child with all the knowledge how to navigate the system, as she destroys financially, all those who exploit all the children who come into their care.
Hugs People
In time I will leave this world and all the evil rotting it. May I be forgiven for not doing more.


Don't Understand... the Fox article relates to the fictional story you mentioned. In the story as you describe it, there are authorities who want to take a kid away from a stable situation and a corrupt agent who is using her position to traffic the children she "rescues". Are you seeing any indication of that in the Fox story? If so, I'm missing it completely. Do you think these government stings are corrupt and entrapping innocent people?


Common Theme

BarbieLee's picture

Exploitation of children. Bad people doing horrible things with children because they can "and" they make money from what they do. Is everything wrong with the Child Protection Services tied to bad people? Their jobs, their lively hood is tied directly into how many children are in their system. CPS is like fly paper. Once the child is in the system it's hell for the parents to get their child back in their care.
Texas CPS. Texas CPS is going after any transgender child and prosecuting the parents. Until they were stopped by a judicial court order, the parents who could were fleeing the state with their children.
Suicide isn't always the answer. The Romans wanted all the Jews as slaves. When the Roman's finally breached the fort all the Jews had committed suicide as a choice rather than spending the rest of their lives as Roman slaves. It was a Pyrrhic Victory for the Romans. This is one of the few times I agree suicide was the answer.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

FOX News

Fox news is malicious and cruel minded. Never ever believe a thing they say. Worse yet, until 20 years ago I thought they were the definitive authority. Onion news is better.

Fox News

is not a 'News' cable service. They said so under oath in a trial.
I prefer to call them Pox Spews. All they do is 'spew out lies' that sooner or later will infect you with the Pox.
IMHO, Tuckums should be tried for sedition.