Gaby Book 25 ~ Only Five Minutes ~ Chapter *1*

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Book 25
Only Five Minutes

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2019 Madeline Bell

After all the excitement of the last few weeks culminating in the trip to Austria, surely Gaby can get back to some sort of 'normal'?

Well it wouldn't be Gaby if it was that simple would it?



*Chapter 1*
Band Aid

“Help! Anyone, Nen, Con! Mmph!”

I batted uselessly at the enthusiastic hairy hound doing its best to eat my face whilst simultaneously pinning me to the sofa. I'm not exactly a dog person, we've never had pets at home, they just don't fit with our family's lifestyle. Despite that dogs seem to be attracted to me for some reason, maybe its my shampoo and my current predicament is just the latest in a long string of dog 'attacks'.

“Get off Boris,” I tried whilst pushing at the pile of hair and bones.
“Boris! Garden, now!” Nena's voice ordered.

There wasn't an immediate reaction but the follow on, 'leave Gaby alone' had the desired effect, the hound somewhat reluctantly releasing me and sloping out of the lounge. I did my best to regain my seat and composure.

“Sorry Gab, you okay?”
“I'll live.”
“He doesn't do it to anyone else.”
“We are talking Gabs here,” a second voice opined, my BF, Connie.

My name is Gaby Bond, I'm a short arse almost seventeen year old college student with a penchant for cycle racing, a sometimes boyfriend from the local aristocracy. I live with my parents in Dernau, a sleepy village in the Ahr valley on the eastern edge of the Eifel mountains in Germany. If my life was just that simple it would be great but i've ended up with more going on in my world than most people have in a lifetime which brings me to why I'm in the Fischer house on a cold and damp December evening.

“Think you've got some Boris drool in your hair,” Con suggested as she put the tray of coffee on the table.
“Great,” I sighed instinctively reaching up to investigate.
“Here,” Nen offered me a paper napkin just pre-empting me getting a handful of Boris slobber.
“Why me?”
Con chuckled, “you're just so loveable.”
“A regular dog magnet,” my other friend confirmed with a snigger.

De dogged I homed in on the plate bearing a slice of blackcurrant cheesecake with my name on it.

“So what's the news?”
“I've sorted out some more performers,” Nen advised.
“You said on the phone,” Con pointed out.
“Give her a chance,” I interrupted, it must be all those babies, Con's been a bit impatient lately.
“You want to hear or what?” Nen asked.
“We're all ears,” I confirmed.
“So we've got Gab and BlauHase for the first one, then Dad's choir the time after, Jorge and his mates are gonna do the one after that and the last one is gonna be Brunnie.”
“As in the actual one from Freitag Live?” Connie queried.
“Yup, one and the same,” Nena confirmed.
“How did you get her to come?” I enquired.
“She's my Mum's cousin.”
“Nice,” I noted.

Perhaps I should explain a little. Connie and me are sort of partners in a snack kiosk up in Altenahr and as a way of pulling in some business over the quiet winter months, I came up with the idea of some charity concerts. I'm sort of part time singer with BlauHase, a sort of Deutche Rock band – long story, anyhow Nena volunteered to find us some more turns.

“Can't say there's not some variety,” Con noted, “you sure Jorge and his mates are up to it?”

Jorge was in our class at Silverberg Gymnasium, I think Nen's been seeing him on the sly.

“They're quite good actually, well maybe not up to Gab's level but they've done some gigs at college.”
“You got some details? I'll make some posters up,” Con suggested.
“What about fliers?” I put in, “we could put them in the tourist info and stuff.”
“They do that?” Nena queried.
“Course, I'll pop in and see Freddy in the tourist office on my way home tomorrow.”

It's always nice to hang with my friends, we don't really get a chance to just sit and chat much these days what with college stuff, work and our various 'hobbies'. It doesn't help that Con and me have long commutes to our respective colleges, the rest of the Angels, that's Steff, Nen, Pia and Bridget do at least all go to Neunahr College together. Not that I'm complaining, well not really, its not like I don't have other company, Mand lives at Bond Acres and of course there's Bern.

The business of the evening over we settled down to some serious catching up.

“Good evening?” Mum enquired when I flopped onto the sofa, "whats up with your hair?”
“Dog drool, I got Boris'd but apart from that yeah.”
“So you got your concert programme sorted then?”
“Pretty much, what's with the card?”
“Card? Oh its an invite,” she passed the very posh embossed card over.

You are cordially invited to join us for our New Year celebrations at Schloss Harburg
Ludwig & Marianne

Yep, another bit of weird in my life, somehow we've become family friends of the Duke and Duchess of Thun and Taxis, well I'm friends with their daughter Sophia – another long story. We went last year which was quite an adventure what with one thing and another.

“So we going?”
“I take it you want to?”
“Well i've not seen Soph for a while.”
“You're Dad was talking about us spending Christmas in England,” she dropped in.
“With Gran?”
“Well thats the idea, we could see the Peters too.”
“Cool!” I enthused, “guess that rules out New Year then?”
“Not neccesarily, let me talk with your Dad, nothings booked yet.”

Yep, thats right, the Bond clan, thats me, Mum, Dad and my sister Jules actually come from England, although its a bit more complicated than that, I'm now officially German. We actually moved here when I was fourteen for Mum's job, she's a pro bike rider for a team based in the valley. The Peters are cousins on my Mum's side of the family, we used to live near them in Warsop in Robin Hood country, Gran lives across in Cheshire.

“You're quiet this morning,” Max observed.

I looked across the back seat of Olaf's Polo to where my sort of boyfriend, Maximilian Maria von Strechau, sat watching me.

“Just thinking, looks like we're going to do Weihnachts in England.”

He's a man of few words, I can never tell what he's thinking.

I went on, “Mum says we can't expect Gran to come to us every year.”
“Guess not, you'll be back for New Year though?”
“Possibly, we got an invite from the Taxis again.”
His face dropped a bit, “oh.”
“Not sure whether we're going or not, if we're going to England,” I added.
“I was hoping we'd get some 'us' time.”
“Me too,” I allowed, “just have to fit it in around, I thought your family had a big do?”
“At my aunt's in Rothenburg, we don't usually go, Dad's not exactly party central is he?”
“Ih I don't know,” i've seen the Baron cutting a rug a few times but maybe its the company. “anyway, Nena's got the concert programme sorted for the kiosk.”
“Concerts?” Freddy chipped in from the front seat.

Freddy is Max's mate, Olaf is his brother which is how me and Max have our daily taxi ride to Koblenz.

“At the Kiosk, to raise money for the Kinderhaus,” I told him.
“Who you got?”
“There's a choir one week, Jorge's band another, Brunnie and BlauHase.”
“As in Brunhilde Forcheim?” Olaf queried.
“Uh huh, she's some sort of cousin of Nena.”
“And BlauHase?” Freddy followed on.
“Yeah, you'll have to put up with me screeching, have you heard Jorge's lot play Freddy, what are they like?”
“A couple of times, they mostly do covers, sort of American Western stuff.”
“You'll have to let us have some details,” Olaf requested, “wouldn't mind seeing Brunnie, she's quite a fox.”
“What about Gab, she'll be on with BlauHase?” Max put in.
“Goes without saying,” our chauffeur noted.


I'm doing business studies, majoring in the hospitality trade – you know, hotels, restaurants and stuff. I never set out to follow this course, with my school grades I could do pretty much anything I wanted, in reality I really want to be a pro rider like Mum but you need a fall back career right? Anyway, thats why I'm listening to Lisbet Olafsdottir, my course tutor, droning on about keeping ledgers up to date.

Don't get me wrong, its not that she's boring or that the subject matter isn't important, she's not and it is, but Therese, that's Con's mum, my 'boss' at the kiosk, hasn't minced her words on stuff like this. So whilst Con does most of the paperwork, I'm well aware of the importance of doing stuff in a timely manner.
“Coffee?” Lisbet enquired.

I've learnt that such invites mean she wants to talk, refusal without good reason doesn't go down well.

“Er sure, just need to pay a visit.”

“So, how was Austria?”
“Pretty good apart from this,” I waved my arm with its wrist brace.
“I noticed you favouring it the other day, should I ask how?”
“We got caught in a snow storm and I fell on some ice.”
“No, just a bad sprain, still hurts mind.”
“You can't rush these things, so I guess that put a dent in the skiing?”
“Well I managed some light stuff, its not like I'm an expert anyhow.” I spotted the latest Stern on the coffee table, bum, “but you knew that.”
“Its not every day one of my students makes an appearance in the gossip mags.”
“It doesn't say its me.”
“Anyone who knows you would recognise you Gaby, so how do you know this English Prince?”
“Would you believe we met at a wedding last year?”
“A wedding with Royalty in attendance, you certainly mix in high circles.”
“I was the plus one for a distant relative of the bride.”

I sipped at my coffee, at least Lisbet uses decent beans.

“And what about your Weihnachts kiosk, how is that going?”
“Pretty good, after expenses I think we cleared five hundred last weekend, we should have about two thousand for the Kinderhaus when we're done.”
“Is that a good return do you think?”
“Well if we were commercial, it would be more like half that, we are quite well staffed and we get the kiosk for free so probably not brilliant.”
“For what its worth I doubt any one makes a fortune on the smaller markets, it sounds like you are doing okay. How's your own kiosk doing?”
“We decided to close weekends for December, business has been slack and what with the Weihnachts it helps balancing the books.”
“Sometimes you have to make hard decisions, what if things don't pick up when you re-open?”
“We're putting on some charity concerts in the garden, hopefully we'll raise more for the Kinderhaus and remind people we're there.”
“Sounds interesting, what sort of concerts?”
“A couple of local bands, there's a choir and we've got Brunnie from Freitag Live doing a session.”
“Impressive, top marks for effort, you aren't singing with your band?”
“Hardly mine, yeah, BlauHase are opening the season.”
“You are advertising?”
“We'll put some posters up and do some fliers through the Tourist office.”
“Hmm, maybe you should advertise a bit further afield, you could put something up in the student lounge here for example.”
“I can do that?”
“For sure.”
I slumped a little, “we're a bit out in the sticks.”
“If people want to hear the music they will travel, you went to Moselfest I seem to recall.”
“I guess.”
“I'm not suggesting you do a national campaign or anything but just spread a little from the immediate locale, I think you'll be surprised at the response.”

Thursday I travel back up the Rhein alone, Max has classes later than me and then goes to play some sort of mini football, so its just me on the Rheinbahn Express. I found a seat on the upper deck, its only a thirty minute journey up to Remagen but I might as well be comfortable. When we first moved here this was a bit of a novelty, the two deck trains that is, but i've lost count of the journeys i've done since, I still prefer to ride upstairs though!

My chat with Lisbet, apart from scoring a decent cup of Java, had given me some good ideas for promoting the kiosk concert season. I pulled out my A4 note pad and started sketching out what we needed on the fliers, who and when of course, hmm, what are we doing about entry, heck we haven't even thought about tickets. By the time I changed trains at Remagen I had a list of the essentials, with luck I can pick Freddy Bayermann's brain to make sure i've not missed anything.

I got off the Express at Stadtmitte and hurried into the centre arriving at the tourist office just as the heavens opened.

“Abend,” I greeted the girl manning the desk, “is Herr Bayermann available?”
“I'll find out.”

She picked up her phone and in low tones she had a conversation with someone, I wasn't listening, instead I was checking out the 'What's On' board. A lot of this stuff is aimed at locals rather than visitors to our valley, over thirties parties, Weihnachts concerts, the gig list for that flea pit in Mayschoß, keep fit classes, yep, we'll fit right in.

“Can I help?”
I turned to the voice and turned on a smile, “I hope so.”
“Ah, our Weltmeisterin, what can we do for you Fraulein Bond?”

“Well you youngsters can't be faulted for ambition,” Freddy allowed after i'd finished my pitch.
“You have to try right?”
“Well we can certainly do the fliers but can I make some suggestions?”
“I was hoping you would,” I admitted.
“Talk to Kommisar Brandt, I'll give you his number, he looks after permits and so on, he'll look after you, don't forget to mention its all for charity.”
“'kay,” to be honest we hadn't even thought of stuff like that.
“Its just my opinion you understand but i'd make it ticket only, a low price perhaps but it's a way to control numbers.”
“We don't want to put people off.”
“So make it just a nominal charge, a euro say, call it a donation if you like but in my experience free events are either over subscribed or poorly attended as there is no commitment. Just my experience you understand.”

I can see where he's coming from, I'll run that past Connie later.

“Oh and make sure the location is clear on the fliers, suggest people arrive via the Express, you don't want to annoy the neighbours with hundreds of cars filling the streets, oh and let the neighbours know what's going on.”
I'd been busily making notes as he spoke, “cool, thanks for all that Freddy.”
“You're taxes pay my salary, we might not have the resources to get directly involved but advice we can do.”
“Well its appreciated anyway it comes, i'd best not take up anymore of your time.”
“It was a quiet afternoon anyhow, oh just a thought, you might want to give the event a kickstart, maybe play on your fame a little?”
“Infamy maybe, what were you thinking?”
“Oh I don't know, maybe a headline something like, 'Weltmeisterin Gaby Bond in conjunction with Connies Kiosk present...”
“Sounds a bit like self promotion.”
“You could say that but believe it or not a lot of people know you from your exploits and you are a trusted 'brand', put your name to it and people won't think its a scam or such. Think about it.”

Not sure how that'll go down with Thesing.

“I will, anyhow I need to get on too, thanks for your help, I'll get the fliers for next week.”
“We do the restock on Fridays so if they are here by Thursday they can go out then otherwise you'll lose a week.”
I gathered my stuff and stood to leave, “will do, wiedersehn.”
“See you next week Gaby.”

There are two other things about Thursdays, first its a training day, which today means an hour on the rollers and second, I get to cook dinner. I was running a bit late what with my stop in Ahrweiler so decided on a very English stew for dinner, a bit of chopping, brown the meat and put it all at a low simmer. Food on it was a quick change into bike gear before heading to the bike cave for the training session – an hour steady listening to music.

Anything with a strong beat works, I slipped a CD of BlauHase into the music system – its not like I'm on it or anything, and got myself into a steady rhythm. Unlike a static system, rollers require some skill and concentration to use, they might not have the same training resistance dynamic but in my opinion its actually closer to real riding. I was soon lost to the music and the drone of the rollers beneath my tyres.

“Good session kiddo?” Dad enquired when I emerged from the garage.
I gave a shrug, “okay I guess, dinner can be anytime.”
“Your mother has put dumplings in.”
“In that case, I'll be like fifteen minutes.”

Yes! I'm rubbish at dumplings, well English suet dumplings, I always manage to get them either slimy or dry. I pounded up the stairs to my eyrie, stripping damp stuff off on the way – Dad's downstairs and the rest of the current household are female and bike riders, who's gonna care? I have my own 'ensuite', with a last peel of my bibshorts I was straight into the shower.

I made good time, I descended with my pongy bike kit and todays worn stuff almost exactly fifteen minutes after seeing Dad, I dropped the dirties in the laundry basket and joined everyone else in the kitchen.

“Hut hmm,” Dad coughed.
“Forgotten something kiddo?” Mum suggested.

Manda nearly choked on her stew.

“Do you always come to dinner in just bra and knickers?” Mum proposed.

Oh sugar, I'm sure I got that knitted frock out to wear. It wouldn't've been quite so bad if I hadn't chosen some, er skimpy skimpies, I blushed all over I think before chasing back upstairs. One of these days Gaby Bond.
© Maddy Bell 06.05.2019

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