Secret Identities

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One thing masking for COVID has taught me is that a half mask - at least of the lower face - alone is not enough to conceal a person's identity, at least from from someone who knows them.

Or maybe I just have a very distinctive upper head. :-)


Eyes only

From my exposure to Conservative Muslim culture, if the nose and eyes of a woman are visible you can identify most women that you know.


Facial recognition

And the reverse is also true.

It is very difficult to recognize a person from a photograph where the eyes, ears, and nose have been obscured by a large black bar painted (or these days photoshopped) over the face.

Gov Buildings wear a mask

BarbieLee's picture

I haven't been a fan of the cloth mask from the beginning. After a couple months only half the people here were still wearing. Six months later it was odd to see anyone wear a mask. But I kept a box of them in the car and always one in my purse. Any trip out of town to the city and every business required one.
A cloth mask is not a true defense against bacteria and especially a virus. For that one needs a contained contamination suit. Wear a cloth mask if around a crowd. It's better than nothing.
Still read and hear stories of people getting sick from covid. Sadly Kelly picked it up yesterday. Sandy had gone to church, a traveling group of gospel singers staged there that day. They had it, the preacher and a whole bunch of the congregation caught it. Sandy and Kelly both already had a turn at it before so it was is one of the mutated virus.
Take your zinc, vitamin C, D3, magnesium, wear a mask if going out where there are a bunch of people from all over. And pass on the second and third time around on that dang covid. The gift that keeps on giving.
Hugs Stickmaker
All those on this channel are super smart. Taking a chance with Covid isn't smart. I have the HEPA mask but it scares people. I wear the cloth mask if I think that covid is spreading around here again. Use hand wipes if touching a shopping cart or a public door handle (bathroom) Toilet flush handle.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

The point of a cloth mask, or

The point of a cloth mask, or surgical mask, isn't to keep _YOU_ from being infected. It's to significantly reduce your chance of infecting someone ELSE. There is a reduction in the chance of being infected, but that's not the main purpose.

A sneeze or cough can send huge viral laden particles into the air, where they can move a rather long distance. A mask catches the large particles immediately (thus why they get soggy, which people complain about). What that means is that anyone who does come in contact with what you produce is given a much smaller 'dose', which will lead to a milder case of whatever. (flu, coronavirus, rhinovirus, etc) It could be mild enough that the other party doesn't even know they contracted anything.

I keep masks around. I wear them frequently because I am constantly around new groupings of people, and I don't want to be the infection vector between them. By masking, being sensible, and vaccination, most of my family has avoided any infections during the pandemic.

Think you might be sick, or just around lots of people? Be polite, wear a mask. Going to be out in the open, exercising, or just taking a walk? You're good without one.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Ouch! It only takes one

Stickmaker's picture

Ouch! It only takes one person with the bug in the wrong circumstance to pass it along.

Like many people with persistent allergies I am very prone to respiratory illnesses. (That's the main reason I dropped out of martial arts; we taught kids as young as five and I was catching everything which went through the schools.) So I get every vaccine booster and wear KN-95 masks at Krogers and the doctors' office. Took an at-home test last night and am still negative. Yay!

Just passing through...

Just as an FYI - most 'KN-95'

Just as an FYI - most 'KN-95' masks are not N95 rated. You can tell the difference (mostly) by how they're worn. N95 have straps that go around the back of the head and clamp it firmly in place. KN-95, mostly have ear loops. FDA and FTC have never rated an ear loop mask as N95, and they both went heavily after importers who brought in fake N95 rated masks.

It doesn't make them _bad_. Just not N95. I have N95 masks for use for woodworking with exotic woods that can be toxic in quantities. (or even sassafras)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.