My Writing Process

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So the deal with my writing, generally is that I'm very, very good at it. Unfortunately the price of that is that I start to slowly channel the characters and their emotions in order to get them on paper. I've already got a rather...lot going on in my head, and this is a form of maladaptive daydreaming. That being said, in this lucid moment I'm going to ask you to ignore any bullshit I post between now and the last 72 chapters of The Mockreet. I will try to refrain from posting bullshit, and fourth wall breaks and I will give you a good story. I just can't promise I won't start making strange noises during the process. At the end of the story I'll be fine, and then we'll start this process again.

For anyone who is concerned, yes, I have a therapist, and a psychiatrist, and both of them are very worried about me. Fortunately, whatever happens, the story will be good.


Your talent is a blessing to all your readers

BarbieLee's picture

Aidra, a writer, any writer, can not write a compelling story without joining the story along with their characters. Whether it be fiction or non fiction a story is only as good as the author is able to bring it to life. I've been on this channel long enough to know when our hosts are fighting with the demons of the ether dominion. The stories I wanted to sample weren't loading and I have more on my plate than allowed by law. I skated off after several of the stories failed to load knowing Erin and the ladies were once more tilting at windmills hoping to push the electronic demons back into their cages and make them obey once again.
It's a given, in the electronic world, things will break lose spreading chaos when one is the busiest. We still call it Murphy's Law. When this happens outside our own control, break out the chocolate chip cookies, a glass of milk and try and not remember this is going to add a few more ounces to our figure in the most unpleasant places.
Hugs Aidra
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I ain't sure ...

... how good I'm at writing, but I think I can kinda relate to how you channel your character's emotions. Usually, when I'm writin', It feels like I'm experiencing what's happening in the story. It's why haven't gotten past chapter 5 of "Ian & Brice/Bryce". While I haven't completely given up on that story, I've sorta put it on the back burner, while working on other ideas.