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A lot of years back, a driver's license cost four dollars and allowed one to drive any thing on the public roads as long as it didn't have steel wheels. I doubt any of you saw the signs along the highways "no steel wheels allowed". Society was changing from wagons to vehicles with tires. Moving on, a few years after that one had to have a chauffeurs driver's license to drive anything for hire or anything more than a half ton pickup or family car and that cost six dollars. I kept upgrading as the laws changed. I don't remember what I paid for a Commercial Driver's License, around twenty four dollars I think. Took all the written tests to upgrade and had a full endorsement to drive anything legal on the highway along with hazmat materials. Looking back I was fortunate to be upgrading as the laws changed as I was basically given approval without question because I was already driving and hauling darn near everything before each new law went into effect.

What brought all this to mind was I spent six and one half hours at the DMV (ODOT) yesterday to change over my CDL. Unlike a lot of horror stories I've read about and the long wait lines at the DMV, I wasn't waiting in line. Ten minutes after I walked in the lady was looking at all the paperwork I handed her to get a new CDL. They were extra nice about it but obviously never run into someone like me before. The lady spent three hours working though the system. Called the main office in OKC and spent a couple more hours faxing all the data back and forth. More time trying to make the system understand the data input and more time coordinating with the main office. Finally after paying a hundred and fourteen dollars she handed me a sheet of paper supposedly good until they mail out a new CDL in two to four weeks. Gov Stitt and his exec order was probably bogging everything down. They were having to work around it even though Oklahoma Law agrees a passport is legal proof. And that was when I remembered the four dollars for my first license. The officer handed me my license when I gave him the money.

Besides driver's ed, documented hours with instruction behind the wheel, minimum age 16 and half unless special circumstances, there is a ton of restrictions before one can get a driver's license. I was so fortunate to be born ahead of all that in a state where cowboys still came to town wearing chaps and spurs. (really) Farm kids, ranch kids were driving by they time they were five or six. Child Protection Services would have had a cow if they had been around back then. Two boys who started out in the same grade as me never graduated as they were killed in farm accidents. The percentages were probably better for us though than those who grew up in big cities and gang infested neighborhoods.

I dressed up, added jewelry, makeup, etc before I went. I have decided those gov cameras hate me. Just like my passport photo, I've seen road kill that looked better. Hope I never have to pull out my driver's license nor my passport to prove who I am. Next challenge is the VA and insurance. They already turned me down twice. Now I have everything they said I had to have to change my name and gender marker. We'll see.

Never give up. Might not ever achieve what one desired but then if we never try we failed before we started. I pray I have encouraged those of you who desired something in your life, such as someplace you wanted to see but kept putting it off. Maybe reconnect with family or friends you left behind in life. Maybe write that story you kept going to but couldn't find the time or the will to put the effort into it.

Life marches on and it isn't going to make us do any more than go into survival mode. If we put off wishing we had instead of doing, one day we will realize there is no more time to make that wish come true. On August 1, 2022 a couple of medical people told Kelly I wasn't going to live through the night. Maybe it was because I was in too much pain to care, there weren't any regrets. It certainly wasn't the name or gender marker change as the court had already granted me that one.

Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.


They treated you as never having had a CDL

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Just looked up the costs in Oregon for a CDL. I don't remember the cost for a CDL when I got mine. It's been a while, but I'm sure it was well under $100. Current for an original is $135 and a replacement is $26. To upgrade from Class C (any vehicle up to 6000 lbs) is $75. Sounds like the treated you as never having had a CDL before. Did you retain the same driver license number?


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Same CDL Number

BarbieLee's picture

Patty, the number is the same. I'm positive they treated it like a new CDL with the name and gender marker change. (not the same person on the original lic.) Endorsed with a B,C,D and a motorcycle license.They added a "Real ID" the federal gov requires or is going to require if not already on one's lic. Although adding that ID to a lic. at my age it is supposed to be free. Can't go onto a military base or get on a commercial airplane if one doesn't have that on their lic. next year. The lic is good for ten years. Probably the last one I will ever have.
Honestly I was laughing when she told me how long it was good for. My imagination kicked in. Ten years from now I get pulled over for a vehicle inspection. The officer is looking up at me in the cab.

"Ma'am would you step down here please."
"Certainly officer, how much time do you have?"
"If you knew how long it took me to climb up into this truck you wouldn't be asking me to climb back down again unless you have the rest of the day to wait."

I need to be put out to pasture for everyone's peace of mind.
Hugs Patty,
Life is a gift, don't waste it wishing you had.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

all this talk about drivers licenses

reminds me that I have to get mine renewed soon. You have to do that here before your 70th birthday. A sobering thought.
Still, I was out on the Triumph today in the autumn sunshine. Cool? Yep. I was glad to have put the liner back into my jacket. Did a nice ride of just under 100miles and managed to find some roads that were not clogged with traffic.
You most certainly do not need to be put out to pasture. If you were, what would your goats eat? :) :)
btw, that put down of a police officer is brilliant.

Real ID

AFAIK, a passport is sufficient to enter a government facility or fly on a commercial aircraft. It's just that here in the USA, most people don't have passports.

Safety Feature

Those ID photos are part of the anticounterfiting protection features. If when presenting your DL or passport the photo looks like you they know the ID is a fake.

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Learning to drive at a young age!

It's funny you posted about this. My youngest, who is 14, has become interested in learning to drive. Strange thing, she isn't interested in driving the Taurus or the Fusion or any car for that matter, but mention one of my 4x4's and she gets excited about it. I swear she has her eye on my Full sized 1994 Eddie Bauer Bronco.

So I have been teaching her in the yard using my F150 4x4 pick up. She can't wait till I finally let her drive it truly off road. I've told her that if she keeps her grades up, I'll see if I can locate an older CJ5, S10 Blazer or Bronco II she can help me rebuild for her first car.

It seems many of us did that back then. While my childhood was spent on Navy bases, Each summer and Christmas we always took a trip back to visit relatives in the Appalachian mountains. It was on one of those trip I drove for the first time.

Too small to pick up a bale of hay and toss it on the wagon, I got a crash course on how to drive the tractor that was pulling the wagon. By the end of the day I was a master at jumping out of the seat, (I was too small to reach the clutch and brake pedals), shift gears, etc. then climb back into the seat to steer.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

So glad to see you post on the channel

BarbieLee's picture

Hon, I honestly worry about you since you took your fall last winter. Been a long time recouping and getting your legs back under you again. The nice thing about your own child, she won't let you fluff off. I'm in love with that girl as long as she keeps prodding you to keep moving.
Hugs Nuuan
Your Oklahoma Connection

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl