Never Give Up

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Anyone who has been reading my blogs understands I've been outing myself, hopefully to give encouragement to those who are caught up in the gender blender. Sometimes the hardest part of life is to live it like you own it instead of trying to be what everyone else wants you to be, which isn't really you. It isn't only those you love but sometimes it seems like laws and government is against us if we don't fit into the nice little definition they and society wants the world to be.

Sadly, liberals, conservatives begin to realize there are those who don't fit into the absolute definition of male or female. The push, pull of both conservatives and liberals begins. Those who are the cause of the great divide between male and female is no longer important. What matters to each group is "their own personal agenda" as those whose lives are caught up in the rift means nothing except as a political tool for each group. Liberals know what is best for those lost souls and are determined to make sure everyone gets nothing but the best. Conservatives know what is best for those lost souls and are positive that is exactly what they are, lost souls in need of laws to guide them to understanding there are only male or female. There is no inbetween. Want proof God creates only male or female, bring on the bible thumpers to prove their point if common sense and laws don't work.

In their quest to prove how right each is, both liberals and conservatives destroy the lives of those caught in the great divide of the gender blender. Society loses as those born between male and female shrink back and try to hide in the shadows. Some of the most brilliant minds in society spend their time and efforts hiding instead of helping whether it is in government, politics, inventions, or supporting medical and or research.

On a personal level, Gov Stitt is one of those uninformed bigots who knows better than anyone God made only male or female. There is no one caught up in the gender blender, it's all in my mind. Little does he understand he is right. It is all in the mind. God blessed me with a female brain and the facade of a male. As with most transgender my mind is always working on or around ideas. As I understand the research done on those like myself and how our mind works, we seem to be always engaged mentally.

To the crux of this diatribe I'm positive not that many will be interested in. There was a work around to Gov Stitt's exec order which stopped me from changing my birth certificate and thus a cascading series of legalities which affected my CDL, my insurance, my VA ID, among other things. Everything was dependent on that driver's license which I couldn't change because it depended on that birth certificate.

ODOT accepts only a birth certificate as proof one is who they claim to be and as either male or female. "OR" a passport issued by the Federal Government. Barbie Jean Lee, sex F received her passport yesterday. It unlocks the backdoor to Gov Stitt's exec. order. Next week I'll stop in at ODOT to get a new new CDL, which will open the door to all the other new IDs and legals. Gary will slowly fade from society only remembered by family, friends, and that unchangeable birth certificate. The girl he protected all his life will take over and finish out the life she should have had. She will take care of him from now on. She's registered to vote and it's one vote Gov Stitt is definitely not going to receive.

Please live your life instead of just wearing it out until you get to the end. I know it's tough for so many of you even if you aren't in that gender blender. If it was easy no one would want to give room to the new ones coming onto the scene. So many have helped make a path for all of us to follow whether male, female, or inbetween. They shared the good, the bad, the ugly so we would hopefully miss the pitfalls. Share your knowledge as you will for those who will follow you as your parents or guardians did for you.

Hugs People, life is a gift, don't waste it wishing you had, or looking back regretting what you did or didn't do.
Barbie Jean Lee


Kudos to Barbie

for being able to give governor Stitt the finger. Once again, Federal 'trumps' State when it comes to documents.
Well done girl.

Watch out for that goat!

Hugs Samantha

BarbieLee's picture

The goats have horns as I never docked them when they first started growing. Every now and then they get those horns hung in the fence or other things. Janice Sue (cousin) lives near Ft. Worth and has some goats. We got to talking about "our goats" and I mentioned mine are nothing but big pets always ambushing me when I walk out the door wanting their treats and petting. I usually give them doggy biscuits. Hers aren't that friendly. She said she would try that.
After Annie had her baby she developed a milk bag like a dairy cow. I thought about trying to milk her as I grew up on the dairy farm and milk goat is better than cows. Only thing there is a knack to milking goats and it ain't the way one milks cows. If you come by you can show me how to milk a goat.
Hugs Sam
Make sure no one is close by when walking to one's car. As soon as your butt hits the seat lock the door. Don't open the door even if they have a gun. As long as they can't physically reach you, you're the one in control of the situation. Don't try to flee as you become a moving target they will try to stop. Practice safety, your life may depend on it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Want proof God creates only male or female,

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

ATT: Admins; the following is my interpretation of the Bible: If you think it's disruptive, I'll not be offended if you delete it.

If you read the first and second chapter of Genesis carefully, you’ll find that’s not exactly true. Adam was created intersexed.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 NIV

This is the verse that folks get hung up on and interrupt wrong. To understand the verse, you need to consult the account in chapter two.

“Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.” Genesis 2:8 NIV (Notice. ‘the man’ not man and woman or even mankind, but ‘the Man’, singular as in one person.)

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.’ (Again, ‘the man’)
18 The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’ (Again, ‘the man’)
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. (Again, ‘the man’)

But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

(Eve, the woman, was taken out of ‘the man’ (evidence that Adam was created intersexed. Before that he was 'male and female' Genesis 1:27).

23 The man said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called "woman," for she was taken out of man.’” Genesis 2:15-23

Even Adam recognized that Eve, the woman, was part of him before God took her out of him.

Mankind (Adam) was created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). Therefore, God must be both male and female. That’s not just my opinion. My wife was raised Catholic and for a time we attended both the Catholic early mass and my protestant church. I asked her priest once if God was male or female. Without hesitation, he said, “Both.”

Those of us who have a feminine gender and a male body and those who are intersexed are more closely in God’s image than the rest of the world. IMNSHO. (That’s In My Not So Humble Opinion.)


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Intersex and trans are closer to God's Image

Not just a reasonable conclusion from Jewish/Christian scriptures, but many other cultures and religions felt intersex and trans people were "closer to the gods". Some even made them their religious leaders, shaman, etc.

What a great point

There are some politicians in the USA whose collective brains (if they ever had one in the first place) would explode if they were presented with that POV. For them, it is Gilead or nothing.


No such critter.

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive


It is painfully obvious that conservative politicians have chosen to war against trans. Even Kevin McCarthy took time to assure "female" athletes that they will only have to play against "females" in his wonderful future if he becomes majority leader of the senate.

What you don't point out -- and what I'm not aware of -- is the transgressions against trans originating from Dem politicians. At least none since Barney Frank.

Where are they?

I wouldn't bother but you seem to be giving the Republicans a pass and they don't deserve it.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


She seems to imply that both sides are equally bad, she even mentioned the democrats first and THEN the republicans but however omits how far this imbalance of bigotry between the two parties is like.

Numbers, I want numbers, not whataboutism, or just that she assumes that is the case.

BTW, her 'back door that comes from federal help I believe was instituted probably during the Obama era. I will have to double check on that but can you imagine Orange Face's administration pushing out such a ruling? /and where was the criticism for his anti-trans stance during his administration, like towards the trans members of the military?

Oh and starting in 2023 the State Department will allow you to self select your gender marker on Passports. Again, it is a democrat who pushes it forward. So where is the anticipatory celebratory mention of that, huh, hmmmm?

It will not happen. Barbie is proudly conservative and while I will credit her for pointing out the bigotry of her home state governor I have yet to see giving praise for positive things done by the 'libs' that has been of benefit.

Hoping it Wouldn't Come to This

BarbieLee's picture

Why do so many want to make it personal instead of informative? I've mentioned this many times on this site. There are ways to debate without attacking the person one disagrees with. But without a solid bases for debate and with a difference of opinion the only option is to kill the messenger.

Ladies read the second paragraph in my post again. Nowhere in my post did I mention Democrats or Republicans. Instead of filing my personal struggles and success stories as informative. Hopefully helpful to any who have yet to get caught up in the nightmare of politics and male-female only web of lies. Many want to take it personally as trash talking Democrats.

Back in the dark ages before many of you were born, I registered as Independent. There were so few chances to vote on anyone until the final vote who would be President or Governor I switched to Democrat so I could cast my opinion at the beginning of the races. Eventually with a better opinion of those who had a more common sense approach to politics, I once again changed and registered Republican. I don't go into a preconceived opinion of a person, or politician because they are Democrat, Republican, black, Spanish, white, male, female, or none of the aforementioned.

When Kelly took me into ER I didn't ask if those who were looking after me if they were Democrat or Republican. I didn't ask for a second opinion from a "conservative" when I heard them mention I wasn't going to live through the night. Nor did I ask the Medi Flight team what political affiliation they were. Integris ICU medical team could have all been wearing "vote for socialist, communist" tee shirts and I wouldn't have cared.

If one has some information or data they believe will help others for better or possibly keep someone from making a serious mistake, share it. I'm positive there are those on this channel who will appreciate the knowledge. We come from all over the world and all walks of life. Sure one may change the gender marker on a new passport without any question. BUT a name change is not going to happen without a change in birth certificate and or a court order. Was what I posted going to help anyone here? Maybe, maybe not, but if they share the info it might help someone else who isn't on this channel.

Some of the greatest ladies who got caught up in the gender blender shared their lives with all of us after they were outed. Caroline Cossey, a James Bond girl and successful actress, certainly had no desire to become a public figure. Neither was April Ashley, nor Lynn Conway until all three ladies were exposed as having M on their birth certificate. There have been others and these are the ladies I wish to emulate. I understand this is a subject that becomes deeply personal to many of you. It certainly does for me. Until one can detach themselves from the politics and their own personal agenda, our whole class as the smallest minority is going to be our own worse enemy.

As Pogo a creation of Walt Kelly wrote, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

I don't care if someone calls me democrat, republican, liberal, conservative, or Hey You. I've been called a lot of things some of you probably never heard before. What I like to read on this channel is informative helpful opinions and great stories from some of the best writers in the world. Writers who will never headline NYT Best Seller List but beat those writers hands down.

A month back, gave six dollars for a lined, black knit, skirt with a back zipper. The same feeling as if I included a half slip.If one hasn't worn a slip under their dress or skirt they are missing some of the best parts of being a female. Length is just below my knees. Paired it with a black knit shell I paid three dollars for. As I mentioned to someone on this channel..., it is yummy. I've received a lot of compliments and second, third, forth, looks. I own some really nice timeless dresses purchased over forty fifty years ago I seldom wore in the daytime. I mentioned before I love cocktail dresses and it seems they have never gone out of style. (mini skirts are only for the garden) Even though slips seemed to go out of style, I still have full and half slips. Ladies, they are hard to find now days but it's worth your time to feel what it's like to wear one under your skirt or your dress.

Since I received the court order, legal name and gender marker, I am totally out as female. Even though I was out before, it was usually only away from home such as Amarillo or OKC and yes I would go shopping there. At the VA I was always female. I was extremely cautious, I honestly worried what would happen if I got caught in a traffic inspection or some other legal situation where I only had M identity? Thus I usually used the men's restroom. Them I could handle. A female in the men's was a lot easier to explain than a male in the female restroom. Now most of my identity is F and next week my CDL will be the last piece. That passport is going to unlock a lot of government legal roadblocks. At that point I could care less about the birth certificate. I don't expect I will ever have need for it again. I'll never apply for top secret security jobs again either private contractor or government. That was the only purpose for the BC before. I didn't need one to get a driver's license way back then. I guess back in the dark ages everyone assumed everyone was honest. Basically in my part of the world everyone was honest until the oil field moved in.

I pray each and everyone of those who are transvestite, intersex, transsexual, or happily male or female find their own niche in life and the happiness that comes with. If you're ever in my part of the world and you wish for support that won't cost you a single penny. I'm gender fluid and can be whatever you want. Yes I always have that damn gun on my hip or in my purse, whatever. It's legal, Barbie Jean Lee has the license for the gun and license to carry it. If one has any problems with that they can ask the sheriff. He carries one too and he's my cousin although he wishes he wasn't..., my cousin that is.
LOL, have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously.
Hugs people, life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Well said Barbie

Who I vote for is a matter between me and the man upstairs.
I try to treat people equally unless they turn out to be scumbags of the first order.


Barbie: How Did I Attack You Personally?

Since when aren't the terms conservative and liberal -- and Democrat and Republican virtually interchangeable?

The Republican party has introduced and passed anti-trans bills across the nation. One of the leaders of the Republican party has introduced a platform with an anti-trans plank.

When Republicans term working with a child to reduce her gender dysphoria "child abuse" it attacks our right to exist and opens the door for bigots to violently attack us. When legislation restricts the rights of trans athletes it gives rise to violence against trans. When actions are taken to reduce the role of trans in the military it gives rise to violence against trans. Any action by government to single out trans by restricting OUR rights gives notice to the bigots of the world to take violent action against us. When a conservative SCOTUS judge (Republican appointee) states he's coming after trans rights, it gives notice to the bigots that we're fair targets for hate and violence.

You suggested that both conservative and liberals are anti-trans. I suppose in an extremely general sense that's true. But let's not split hairs. Once again, please show me evidence of how liberals have been negative towards us. I know about Barney Frank excluding us from discrimination laws, but other than that I'm not aware of any other recent anti-trans actions coming from the left.

You recommend being apolitical. When someone is pouring gasoline on my house and has a book of matches ready for use, I don't mind my own business.

I believe we're about the same age -- so don't patronize me. Also . . . I've voted for and financially supported many, many Republicans. One of my business partners was a Republican governor. Don't try to brand me as someone who blindly follows the Democrat's flag. I readily recognize political garbage from either side.

At the moment I see Democrats as guarding my trans rights. and Republicans as attacking them. Where am I wrong?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

marie antoinette logic

BarbieLee's picture

Basic Civics which I understand a lot of schools no longer teach.
Government is not an entity, nor does government own anything except what it has taken from others. We speak of government as if it was alive. The only life it has is what is bequeathed to it either voluntarily or taken by force from those in power.

Government has no material value of it’s own. In order to give to one it must take from another. Taxes are levied taken from those who labor for their wages and or taken from businesses which in turn raise their prices as taxes are an expense or overhead that must be adjusted for.

It began back in the fifties when someone in a position of power in government decided equal rights must be allocated by those in government and not by the free markets. Thus some classes of people had to be more equal than others. If one owned a business they must hire a certain minority. If one rented a home they must rent to a certain minority.

From that honorable and Christian sounding beginning things really started changing. There were many groups, classes, of people who demanded laws be passed giving them equal rights also. It kept growing as those in government kept passing out more laws for every group of people who demanded equal rights.

It didn’t cost government to be so magnanimous as government owns nothing. Individuals and businesses had to give up those rights so they could be passed on to the other classes of people. Don’t want to rent a house to someone of color, government will step in and possibly levy enough fines that house no longer belongs to the original owner.

Don’t want to bake a cake for anyone of GLBT persuasion? More than likely that bakery will be fighting in court for years if they survive.

Are we getting there yet? If “government wants to make sure that gay or lesbian couple receive a cake, why doesn’t government open up it’s own bakery and bake the cake?

Now we get to one of my personal pet peeves. Males getting into women’s sports by declaring themselves female. There are girls, young women who trained for years and dreamed of winning a ribbon, a medal and when their time comes they aren’t competing against women but competing against males. And losing because those young women didn’t grow up with years of testosterone surging though their bodies.

Cry all one wants about equal rights and transsexual discrimination but what about the genetic females who are losing everything they worked for? What about their rights? Oh right, they aren’t a minority so their emotions, their feelings, don’t count and they have no equal rights. It isn’t only the ribbons or the metals so many of those girls worked all their life to win but the monetary awards, the endorsements they lose.

Esther Jane Williams was an American competitive swimmer and actress. She set regional and national records in her late teens. We wouldn’t be reading about Esther if equal rights had been around then. I can not begin to imagine Lia Thomas as a pin up in men’s lockers or above their bunks reminding them that is what they are fighting Germany and Japan for.

Liberals keep giving away what they don’t have but are willing to take it from others to give to those who think government is Santa Clause. Conservatives keep passing laws to rein in the out of control freebies their counterparts in government is handing out. Both liberals and conservatives are wrong but who is paying attention? The power struggle between each is on as those caught in the crossfire lose but haven’t a clue.

Transsexuals, and all other minorities are used as pawns as they are used as political fodder for liberals and conservatives alike. I don’t see change coming because the masses don’t realize where all those government handouts and special rights are coming from. They keep voting for more goodies and those who are passing out those goodies which were taken from those who worked for them.

I see government as nothing but thieves, a nest of crooks and liars. I see the public as brain washed pawns soaking up the propaganda fed them as our schools and colleges are dumbed down so they won’t learn our nation is a Republic not a Democracy. Millions are crossing our boarders and liberals are handing them free housing, free medical, free food stamps so they will vote for more freebies to those giving them all that. Thus it isn’t only equal rights liberals are taking from one class of people and giving to another class but they are taking the labors of those who have and giving it to the haven not. Because it doesn’t cost them a single penny and earns them more votes, more power, more members of their party.

Did I answer your questions?
God gave us all the opportunity to work for equality. He had to know how greedy and selfish mankind could be.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Not a Bit

You did not answer my question.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I have been twice blessed during my transition…..

D. Eden's picture

First by living in New York State, which allowed me to change my documentation with just a letter from my doctor that I was under treatment, an second, by being born in California, which allowed me to change my birth certificate with the same letter.

Once I had done that, I started on the Federal paperwork - including my passport, social security, etc.

What I have more difficult than anything else, is not the documentation but rather the people. I still have issues with certain medical professionals trying to submit to my insurance with the gender listed as male. Which of course gets rejected because it doesn’t match my records. In fact, the business manager at my former dermatologist even refused to resubmit the paperwork to my insurance company, and charged some $600 against my credit card they had on file for the doctor’s services. I reported them to the state as what she did is against the law in NY. I actually got my money back along with a written apology from the doctor - but I also gave his practice a scathing review on every site I could find. Hell hath no fury and all that, lol.

I also had fun explaining to my insurance company why I had to have a PSA test annually, even though my gender is listed as female. The woman I was speaking with from the insurance company gave me a ration of shit about my gender being wrong as well - so I had to go to her supervisor and complain that perhaps they should train their people better and threaten to go to the state again. I got a nice letter from them apologizing and telling me they were instituting new training for their people.

The point is that even though I am lucky enough to have protections under the law in NY, there are still ignorant assholes who will disagree with my very existence. Including the Hispanic family who laughed at me last night in my local Walmart where I happened to be buying a few new belts because I lost weight.

You can’t fix stupid - but you can fight back against it.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Hugs D. Eden

BarbieLee's picture

Hon, life is a challenge no matter who we are. Months back one of the stockers, (lady) in Walmart laughed (cackled) as she looked at me. I'm guessing it was because I was in more or less male mode and had a high ponytail? Not sure what happened but I never saw her in Walmart again. A couple years back I gave a letter to the then Walmart manager explaining I was transgender and if any of his help had any questions I'd be happy to talk to them or possibly all his employees if he wanted. Never heard anything back although I've walked by him many many times in both male and female mode. The only thing that seems to annoy him is that ever present gun on my hip if I'm not in female mode. Then it's in my purse. Besides a couple of the store employees who really seemed to not like me, everyone talks to me, laughs as we share jokes, and I even get hugs and compliments from a few of the ladies. Like the lady who laughed at me, I'm not sure what has happened to those who seemed offended I was even allowed in the store. Four of them gone and I haven't seen them in months.

The assistant manager in Walgreen seem to have a special dislike toward me when I wanted a passport photo. "Take off your earrings."
"It's regulations."
"Take off your necklace."
"Remove your lipstick and pull your hair back behind your head."

I was hot! I finally figured it out. He was guessing I was male and was trying to "butch" me up for the photo. Looked up the regulations for photos on the net, fired off a letter to corporate HQ in Chicago with a full explanation of what went on when I tried to get a passport photo. Two weeks later I never saw him in Walgreen's again.

Walmart takes passport photos. Same jewelry, makeup, red dress, etc. I walked back to the electronic dept and asked the girl there for a passport photo.
"Stand over there in front of the screen." Was her response.
I stepped over in front of the screen and she held up a camera.
"Don't smile."
That brought on what she told me not to do as I was smiling. "You mean don't show teeth."
She nodded in agreement as she pointed the camera. "That's it."

And that's the picture on my passport now. There is a memo on the official gov site about not smiling for the photo. The reason is it's hard for the facial recognition software to recognize if a person's facial features if the change is too much from normal to big toothy smiles. There is a lot of "don't" on that site such as large earrings, wide and or expansive necklace, hair covering a large portion of the face, etc.
I was well within the "do's" when I was in Walgreens and he knew it. The same attire in Walmart and the lady didn't even hesitate.

D. Eden life is going to have some of those people in it like the manager in Walgreens and some of the people in Walmart but the good ones outnumber the bad ones. It's so nice to visit and talk to the good ones like the lady with the fascinating purple hair i talked to in Walmart yesterday. On her it honestly looked attractive. It's the first and only PUNK hair color I've ever seen that looked pretty. We got to tlaking and I mentioned how I loved her hair color. She was nice and it was easy to visit with her.

Hugs Hon,
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

You can't fix stupid

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

But duct tape will quiet it down considerably.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann