Slowing Down on The Mockreet

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Hey everyone! So far I've been posting a chapter of The Mockreet every day (at the expense of my own personal reading time), but as we near the end of Part 2, I'll be slowing down and we may only see a chapter once per week. Why? Well, at this point in the story it is becoming more and more complicated as we start to uncover Lyra's origin and the nature of the Stormveil. The coming chapters cannot be rushed, and they cannot be as simplistic as the previous chapters. We are about 1/4 of the way through the story and Lyra's story is about to become a whole lot more complicated. Now, don't fret! This is going to mean longer chapters and more detail as I have more time to work on them. In the coming weeks we're going to answer some important questions! Who is Lyra, where does she come from? What is the true nature of the Mah'Kur? Most importantly, what the hell is the Mockreet? Stay tuned because I've got some big things planned!


Thanks for the heads up

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Thank you for warning us about the slow down. Up to now, my only complaint was the chapters were too short. I could buzz through them in about 10-12 minutes and was always wanting more.

It's been a great story up to now and getting into chapters with more meat in them will be great.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Tuned in

Podracer's picture

And fine with a more measured schedule, thank you for letting us know.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

Thanks for the Heads up

Christina H's picture

Go at your own speed a story this complex and good deserves the time it takes to give birth to each chapter.
Just keep on going please don't burn out.

Just what is the Mockreet!!!!
